private void DoBatchDelete()
            IList <object> idList = RequestData.GetList <object>("IdList");

            if (idList != null && idList.Count > 0)
                // SurveyQuestion.DoBatchDelete(idList.ToArray());
                for (var v = 0; v < idList.Count; v++)
                    // 人员 问卷
                    QuestionItem[]       Qent = QuestionItem.FindAllByProperties(QuestionItem.Prop_SurveyId, idList[v].ToString());
                    QuestionAnswerItem[] Aent = QuestionAnswerItem.FindAllByProperties(QuestionAnswerItem.Prop_SurveyId, idList[v].ToString());

                    SurveyFinallyUsr[]   FuEnt = SurveyFinallyUsr.FindAllByProperties(SurveyFinallyUsr.Prop_SurveyId, idList[v].ToString());
                    SurveyCanReaderUsr[] Ruent = SurveyCanReaderUsr.FindAllByProperties(SurveyCanReaderUsr.Prop_SurveyId, idList[v].ToString());

                    SurveyedObj[]     SoEnt = SurveyedObj.FindAllByProperties(SurveyedObj.Prop_SurveyId, idList[v].ToString());
                    SurveyReaderObj[] RoEnt = SurveyReaderObj.FindAllByProperties(SurveyReaderObj.Prop_SurveyId, idList[v].ToString());

                    foreach (var ent in Qent)
                    foreach (var ent in Aent)
                    foreach (var ent in FuEnt)
                    foreach (var ent in Ruent)
                    foreach (var ent in SoEnt)
                    foreach (var ent in RoEnt)
Beispiel #2
        //string sql = @" select * from FL_Culture..QuestionAnswerItem where SurveyId='{0}' and QuestionItemId='{1}' order by SortIndex ";
        //      sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId, QuestionItemId);
        //      this.PageState.Add("DataList", DataHelper.QueryDictList(sql));

        /// <summary>
        /// 问卷保存
        /// </summary>
        private void SurveyOneSave()
            string SurveyId       = RequestData.Get("SurveyId") + "";
            string SurveyTypeId   = RequestData.Get("SurveyTypeId") + "";
            string SurveyTypeName = RequestData.Get("SurveyTypeName") + "";
            string NoticeWay      = RequestData.Get("NoticeWay") + "";
            string TypeCode       = RequestData.Get("TypeCode") + "";
            string SurveyTitile   = RequestData.Get("SurveyTitile") + "";
            string Description    = RequestData.Get("Description") + "";
            string StartTime      = RequestData.Get("StartTime") + "";
            string EndTime        = RequestData.Get("EndTime") + "";
            string CompanyName    = RequestData.Get("CompanyName") + "";
            string CompanyId      = RequestData.Get("CompanyId") + "";
            string DeptName       = RequestData.Get("DeptName") + "";
            string DeptId         = RequestData.Get("DeptId") + "";
            string AddFilesName   = RequestData.Get("AddFilesName") + "";
            string Score          = RequestData.Get("Score") + "";
            string SetTimeout     = RequestData.Get("SetTimeout") + "";
            string ReaderObj      = RequestData.Get("ReaderObj") + "";

            string RemindWay = RequestData.Get("RemindWay") + "";   //提醒方式
            string RecyleDay = RequestData.Get("RecyleDay") + "";   //提醒天数
            string TimePoint = RequestData.Get("TimePoint") + "";   //提醒时间点

            SurveyQuestion ent = SurveyQuestion.Find(SurveyId);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ent.State))
                ent.State = "0";                                   //"0" 表示创建
            ent.SurveyTypeId   = SurveyTypeId;
            ent.SurveyTypeName = SurveyTypeName;
            ent.NoticeWay      = NoticeWay;
            ent.TypeCode       = TypeCode;
            ent.SurveyTitile   = SurveyTitile;
            ent.Description    = Description;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartTime))
                ent.StartTime = DateTime.Parse(StartTime);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime))
                ent.EndTime = DateTime.Parse(EndTime);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TimePoint))
                ent.TimePoint = TimePoint;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecyleDay))
                ent.RecyleDay = int.Parse(RecyleDay);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyName))
                ent.CompanyName = CompanyName;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyId))
                ent.CompanyId = CompanyId;

            ent.DeptName     = DeptName;
            ent.DeptId       = DeptId;
            ent.AddFilesName = AddFilesName;
            ent.RemindWay    = RemindWay;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Score))
                ent.Score = int.Parse(Score);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SetTimeout))
                ent.SetTimeout = DateTime.Parse(SetTimeout);
            ent.ReaderObj = ReaderObj;


            string sql = " delete from  FL_Culture..SurveyReaderObj where SurveyId='{0}' ;";

            sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId);

            string ReadObj = ent.ReaderObj;

            if (ReadObj.Contains("joiner"))
                ReadObj = "joiner";
                ReadObj = "sender";

            SurveyReaderObj ReadEnt = new SurveyReaderObj();

            ReadEnt.SurveyId  = SurveyId;
            ReadEnt.ReaderWay = ReadObj;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        ///  移除关系错误的人员
        /// </summary>
        private void RemoveEnableUsr(string surveyId)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(surveyId))
                var Ent = SurveyedObj.FindFirstByProperties(SurveyedObj.Prop_SurveyId, surveyId);
                if (Ent == null)
                var Arr = Ent.OrgIds.ToString().Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (Arr.Length <= 0)

                string OrgIds = "(";
                for (int i = 0; i < Arr.Length; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        OrgIds += ",";
                    OrgIds += "'" + Arr[i] + "'";
                OrgIds += ")";

                string sql = @" With GetTree As
	                                select * from  sysgroup  where type=2 and GroupID  in {0}  
	                                union All
	                                select A.* from  sysgroup AS A
	                                  join GetTree AS B 
	                                on B.ParentID=A.GroupID
                               select GroupID from  GetTree where Name like  '%公司%'";
                sql = string.Format(sql, OrgIds);

                DataTable tmpDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);
                if (tmpDt.Rows.Count <= 0)

                string CorpIds = " (";
                for (int i = 0; i < tmpDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        CorpIds += ",";
                    CorpIds += "'" + tmpDt.Rows[i][0] + "'";
                CorpIds += " ) ";
                //CreateWay='1' 系统生成 0 导入方式
                sql = @"delete from FL_Culture..SurveyFinallyUsr where SurveyId='{1}' and CreateWay='1' and  WorkNo not in 
	                        select psncode from  HR_OA_MiddleDB..fld_ryxx where pk_corp in {0}
                sql = string.Format(sql, CorpIds, surveyId);
                sql = sql.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB);

                SurveyReaderObj Ent1 = SurveyReaderObj.FindFirstByProperties(SurveyReaderObj.Prop_SurveyId, surveyId);
                //if (Ent1 == null) return;
                if (Ent1 == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Ent1.OrgIds))
                    return;                                                      //Change By WGM 9-30
                var Arr1 = Ent1.OrgIds.ToString().Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (Arr1.Length <= 0)

                OrgIds = "(";
                for (int i = 0; i < Arr1.Length; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        OrgIds += ",";
                    OrgIds += "'" + Arr1[i] + "'";
                OrgIds += ")";

                sql = @" With GetTree As
	                                select * from  sysgroup  where type=2 and GroupID  in {0}  
	                                union All
	                                select A.* from  sysgroup AS A
	                                  join GetTree AS B 
	                                on B.ParentID=A.GroupID
                               select GroupID from  GetTree where Name like  '%公司%'";
                sql = string.Format(sql, OrgIds);

                DataTable tmpDt1 = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);
                CorpIds = " (";
                for (int i = 0; i < tmpDt1.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        CorpIds += ",";
                    CorpIds += "'" + tmpDt1.Rows[i][0] + "'";
                CorpIds += " ) ";

                sql = @"delete from FL_Culture..SurveyCanReaderUsr where SurveyId='{1}' and  WorkNo not in 
	                        select psncode from  HR_OA_MiddleDB..fld_ryxx where pk_corp in {0}
                sql = string.Format(sql, CorpIds, surveyId);
                sql = sql.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// SaveSurveyedObj
        /// </summary>
        private void SaveSurveyedObj()
            string SurveyId = RequestData.Get("SurveyId") + "";
            //first delete
            string sql = " delete from  FL_Culture..SurveyedObj where SurveyId='{0}' ;";

            sql += " delete from  FL_Culture..SurveyReaderObj where SurveyId='{0}' ;";
            sql  = string.Format(sql, SurveyId);

            string OrgIds          = RequestData.Get("OrgIds") + "";
            string OrgNames        = RequestData.Get("OrgNames") + "";
            string PostionIds      = RequestData.Get("PostionIds") + "";
            string PostionNames    = RequestData.Get("PostionNames") + "";
            string BornAddr        = RequestData.Get("BornAddr") + "";
            string StartWorkTime   = RequestData.Get("StartWorkTime") + "";
            string UntileWorkTime  = RequestData.Get("UntileWorkTime") + "";
            string Sex             = RequestData.Get("Sex") + "";
            string StartAge        = RequestData.Get("StartAge") + "";
            string EndAge          = RequestData.Get("EndAge") + "";
            string WorkAge         = RequestData.Get("WorkAge") + "";
            string Major           = RequestData.Get("Major") + "";
            string PersonType      = RequestData.Get("PersonType") + "";
            string PositionDegree1 = RequestData.Get("PositionDegree1") + "";
            string PositionDegree0 = RequestData.Get("PositionDegree0") + "";
            string CruxPositon     = RequestData.Get("CruxPositon") + ""; //关键岗位
            string PositionSeq     = RequestData.Get("PositionSeq") + ""; //岗位序列

            SurveyedObj Ent = new SurveyedObj();

            Ent.SurveyId     = SurveyId;        //*
            Ent.OrgIds       = OrgIds;
            Ent.OrgNames     = OrgNames;
            Ent.PostionIds   = PostionIds;
            Ent.PostionNames = PostionNames;
            Ent.Sex          = Sex;
            Ent.WorkAge      = WorkAge;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartWorkTime))
                Ent.StartWorkTime = DateTime.Parse(StartWorkTime);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UntileWorkTime))
                Ent.UntileWorkTime = DateTime.Parse(UntileWorkTime);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CruxPositon))
                Ent.CruxPositon = CruxPositon;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PositionSeq))
                Ent.PositionSeq = PositionSeq; //岗位序列
            Ent.Major      = Major;            //学历
            Ent.PersonType = PersonType;
            Ent.BornAddr   = BornAddr;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartAge))
                Ent.StartAge = DateTime.Parse(StartAge);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndAge))
                Ent.EndAge = DateTime.Parse(EndAge);

            //StartAge EndAge(年龄范围) BornAddr 籍贯
            Ent.PositionDegree0 = PositionDegree0;
            Ent.PositionDegree1 = PositionDegree1;

            SurveyQuestion SEnt    = SurveyQuestion.Find(SurveyId);
            string         ReadObj = SEnt.ReaderObj;

            if (ReadObj.Contains("joiner"))
                ReadObj = "joiner";
                ReadObj = "sender";

            SurveyReaderObj ReadEnt = new SurveyReaderObj();

            ReadEnt.SurveyId  = SurveyId;
            ReadEnt.ReaderWay = ReadObj;

            this.PageState.Add("State", "1");
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成查看人员
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SurveyId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CreateReadUser(string SurveyId)
            SurveyReaderObj SrEnt = SurveyReaderObj.FindFirstByProperties(SurveyReaderObj.Prop_SurveyId, SurveyId);
            string RdSQL = this.ReadSQL;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SrEnt.OrgIds) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(SrEnt.OrgNames))
                RdSQL = RdSQL.Replace("##Query##", " and 1<>1 ");   //组织为空情况
                RdSQL = string.Format(RdSQL, SurveyId);
                RdSQL = RdSQL.Replace("##Query##", " ");
                RdSQL = string.Format(RdSQL, SurveyId);

            DataTable FilterUsrDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(RdSQL);

            // 添加的人员
            string SQL = @"with SurObjUsr As 
                                 select CA.* from
                                 FL_Culture..SurveyReaderObj As A 
                                 cross apply(
                                      select Filed As UsrID from FL_Culture..GetTblByJson(A.AllowUser,'Id')
                                 ) As CA
                                 where SurveyId='{0}'
                             UserInfo As (
                               select T.UserID,T.Name, T.WorkNo from SurObjUsr As A 
                                 left join FL_PortalHR..Sysuser As T 
                                 on A.UsrID=T.UserID 

                          select distinct * from UserInfo ";

            SQL = "select '' where  1<>1  ";  //Change BY WGM 9-30

            SQL = SQL.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
            SQL = string.Format(SQL, SurveyId);
            DataTable AddUsrDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(SQL);

            string ReMoveSQL = @" select CA.* from
                        FL_Culture..SurveyReaderObj As A 
                        cross apply(
                             select Filed As UserID from FL_Culture..GetTblByJson(A.NoAllowUser,'Id')
                        ) As CA
                        where SurveyId='{0}'";

            ReMoveSQL = string.Format(ReMoveSQL, SurveyId);

            ReMoveSQL = "select '' where  1<>1  ";  //Change BY WGM 9-30
            DataTable RemoveDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(ReMoveSQL);

            if (RemoveDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < FilterUsrDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < RemoveDt.Rows.Count; j++)
                        if (FilterUsrDt.Rows[i]["UserID"].ToString() == RemoveDt.Rows[j]["UserID"].ToString())

            // 合并

            DataTable  FinalDt     = new DataTable();
            DataColumn Dc_UserId   = new DataColumn("UserId"); FinalDt.Columns.Add(Dc_UserId);
            DataColumn Dc_UserName = new DataColumn("UserName"); FinalDt.Columns.Add(Dc_UserName);
            DataColumn Dc_DeptId   = new DataColumn("DeptId"); FinalDt.Columns.Add(Dc_DeptId);
            DataColumn Dc_DeptName = new DataColumn("DeptName"); FinalDt.Columns.Add(Dc_DeptName);
            DataColumn Dc_WorkNo   = new DataColumn("WorkNo"); FinalDt.Columns.Add(Dc_WorkNo);

            for (int i = 0; i < FilterUsrDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                DataRow dr = FinalDt.NewRow();
                //dr["DeptId"] = FilterUsrDt.Rows[i]["GroupId"];
                //dr["DeptName"] = FilterUsrDt.Rows[i]["GroupName"];
                string FullDept = WFHelper.getZzjg(FilterUsrDt.Rows[i]["UserID"].ToString(), true);
                dr["DeptName"] = FullDept;
                dr["WorkNo"]   = FilterUsrDt.Rows[i]["WorkNo"];
                dr["UserId"]   = FilterUsrDt.Rows[i]["UserID"];   //*
                dr["UserName"] = FilterUsrDt.Rows[i]["UserName"]; //*

            for (int i = 0; i < AddUsrDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                DataRow dr = FinalDt.NewRow();
                //dr["DeptId"] = AddUsrDt.Rows[i]["GroupID"];
                //dr["DeptName"] = AddUsrDt.Rows[i]["GroupName"];
                string FullDept = WFHelper.getZzjg(AddUsrDt.Rows[i]["UserID"].ToString(), true);
                dr["DeptName"] = FullDept;
                dr["WorkNo"]   = AddUsrDt.Rows[i]["WorkNo"];
                dr["UserId"]   = AddUsrDt.Rows[i]["UserID"]; //*
                dr["UserName"] = AddUsrDt.Rows[i]["Name"];   //*


            SurveyQuestion Ent = SurveyQuestion.Find(SurveyId);

            if (Ent != null)
                DataRow CreateRow = FinalDt.NewRow();
                CreateRow["UserId"]   = Ent.CreateId;
                CreateRow["UserName"] = Ent.CreateName;
            for (int i = 0; i < FinalDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                SurveyCanReaderUsr UserEnt = new SurveyCanReaderUsr();
                UserEnt.CreateWay = "1";      //1 表示生成的用户而非创建
                UserEnt.SurveyId  = SurveyId;
                UserEnt.DeptName  = FinalDt.Rows[i]["DeptName"].ToString();
                //UserEnt.DeptId = FinalDt.Rows[i]["DeptId"].ToString();
                UserEnt.UserId   = FinalDt.Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString();
                UserEnt.UserName = FinalDt.Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();
                UserEnt.WorkNo   = FinalDt.Rows[i]["WorkNo"].ToString();

        string type     = String.Empty;     // 对象类型
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            op       = RequestData.Get <string>("op");
            SurveyId = RequestData.Get <string>("SurveyId");
            type     = RequestData.Get <string>("type");

            string AllowUser   = RequestData.Get("AllowUser") + "";     // 允许人员
            string NoAllowUser = RequestData.Get("NoAllowUser") + "";   // 排除人员

            SurveyReaderObj ent = null;

            switch (this.RequestAction)
            case RequestActionEnum.Update:
                ent = this.GetMergedData <SurveyReaderObj>();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AllowUser))
                    ent.AllowUser = AllowUser;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NoAllowUser))
                    ent.NoAllowUser = NoAllowUser;

            case RequestActionEnum.Insert:
            case RequestActionEnum.Create:
                ent = this.GetPostedData <SurveyReaderObj>();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AllowUser))
                    ent.AllowUser = AllowUser;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NoAllowUser))
                    ent.NoAllowUser = NoAllowUser;
                this.PageState.Add("Id", ent.Id);    //回写ID

            case RequestActionEnum.Delete:
                ent = this.GetTargetData <SurveyReaderObj>();

            if (op != "c" && op != "cs")
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SurveyId))
                    ent = SurveyReaderObj.FindFirstByProperties(SurveyedObj.Prop_SurveyId, SurveyId);
                    if (ent != null)
                        this.PageState.Add("DataList", ent.AllowUser);
                        this.PageState.Add("DataList1", ent.NoAllowUser);
