Beispiel #1
        // These methods are not static, as they need the DbContext to pull in data for mapping.

        public Survey ConvertToEntity(SurveyModel model)
            Survey survey = _db.Surveys.Where(s => s.Description == model.Description).SingleOrDefault();

            if (survey == null)
                survey = new Survey()
                    SurveyQuestions = new List <SurveyQuestion>()


            // For now, ignore ID - assume is new. We can delete existing if re-importing.
            survey.Name        = model.Name;
            survey.Description = model.Description;
            survey.IntroText   = model.IntroText;

            survey.LastUpdated = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            survey.Version    += 1;

            // Map the provided IDs to the existing or db-generated questions, to preserve navigation mapping
            Dictionary <int, Question>     questionsByModelID     = new Dictionary <int, Question>();
            Dictionary <int, AnswerChoice> answerChoicesByModelID = new Dictionary <int, AnswerChoice>();

            // Process all questions and answer choices first, so we have them in the db and indexed by model ID.

            foreach (SurveyQuestionModel qm in model.Questions)
                // See if question already exists. Remember, questions are reusable, and can be shared across surveys.

                Question q = _db.Questions.WhereEx(eq => eq.QuestionText == qm.QuestionText).SingleOrDefault();

                if (q == null)
                    q = new Question();


                    Trace.WriteLine($"+ Q {q.QuestionText}");
                    Trace.WriteLine($"- Q {q.QuestionText}");

                q.QuestionText         = qm.QuestionText;
                q.ClarificationText    = qm.QuestionHelpText;         // Move to SurveyQuestion?
                q.AllowMultipleAnswers = qm.AllowMultipleAnswers;     // Move to SurveyQuestion?
                q.WellKnownQuestion    = qm.WellKnownQuestion;

                questionsByModelID.Add(qm.QuestionID, q);

                foreach (SurveyQuestionAnswerChoiceModel acm in qm.AnswerChoices)
                    // See if answer choice already exists. Remember, answer choices are reusable, and can be shared across questions and surveys.

                    AnswerChoice a = _db.AnswerChoices.WhereEx(ac => ac.AnswerText == acm.AnswerChoiceText && ac.AdditionalAnswerDataFormat == acm.AdditionalAnswerDataFormat).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (a == null)
                        a = new AnswerChoice();


                        Trace.WriteLine($"    + AC {a.AnswerText}");
                        Trace.WriteLine($"    - AC {a.AnswerText}");

                    a.AnswerText = acm.AnswerChoiceText;
                    a.AdditionalAnswerDataFormat = acm.AdditionalAnswerDataFormat;

                    if (!answerChoicesByModelID.ContainsKey(acm.AnswerChoiceID))
                        answerChoicesByModelID.Add(acm.AnswerChoiceID, a);

            // Now we can process the model into the survey-specific entities.
            // TODO: This block can now be moved into previous
            foreach (SurveyQuestionModel qm in model.Questions)
                Question q = questionsByModelID[qm.QuestionID];

                SurveyQuestion sq = survey.SurveyQuestions.Where(sq2 => sq2.Question == q).SingleOrDefault();

                if (sq == null)
                    sq = new SurveyQuestion
                        Question      = q,
                        AnswerChoices = new List <SurveyAnswerChoice>()



                sq.QuestionNum = qm.QuestionNum;

            // Finally, with the SurveyQuestions all added and mapped, we can process AnswerChoices with forward-referenced NextQuestionID nav property

            foreach (SurveyQuestionModel qm in model.Questions)
                Question q = questionsByModelID[qm.QuestionID];

                SurveyQuestion sq = survey.SurveyQuestions.Where(sq2 => sq2.Question == q).SingleOrDefault();

                foreach (SurveyQuestionAnswerChoiceModel acm in qm.AnswerChoices)
                    // See if survey answer choice already exists.

                    SurveyAnswerChoice sac = sq.AnswerChoices.Where(c => c.AnswerChoice == answerChoicesByModelID[acm.AnswerChoiceID]).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (sac == null)
                        sac = new SurveyAnswerChoice
                            AnswerChoice = answerChoicesByModelID[acm.AnswerChoiceID],



                    sac.AnswerChoiceNum = acm.AnswerChoiceNum;

                    if (acm.NextQuestionID.HasValue && acm.NextQuestionID.Value != -1)
                            sac.NextSurveyQuestion = survey.SurveyQuestions.Where(ssq => ssq.Question == questionsByModelID[acm.NextQuestionID.Value]).Single();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Couldn't find NSQ {acm.NextQuestionID} (Q='{q.QuestionText}', AC='{acm.AnswerChoiceText}')", ex);
                    else if (acm.NextQuestionID.HasValue && acm.NextQuestionID.Value == -1)
                        sac.EndSurvey = true;

Beispiel #2
        public static SurveyResponseModel GenerateRandomResponseForSurvey(Survey Survey)
            var Addr = Generator.GenerateAddress();

            SurveyResponseModel Responses = new SurveyResponseModel()
                StartTime   = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-7),
                EndTime     = DateTime.Now,
                GPSLocation = new PITCSurveyLib.GPSLocation()
                    Lat = 47.6419587, Lon = -122.1327818, Accuracy = 0
                NearestAddress = new PITCSurveyLib.Address()
                    Street  = Addr.AddressLine,
                    City    = Addr.City,
                    State   = Addr.StateAbbreviation,
                    ZipCode = Addr.ZipCode
                LocationNotes      = "",
                SurveyID           = 1,
                Survey_Version     = Survey.Version,
                ResponseIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid(),

            foreach (var Question in Survey.SurveyQuestions)
                var Response = new SurveyQuestionResponseModel()
                    QuestionID = Question.ID

                int AnswersToSelect = Question.Question.AllowMultipleAnswers ? Rnd.Next(1, Question.AnswerChoices.Count() / 4) : 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < AnswersToSelect; i++)
                    SurveyAnswerChoice Choice = Question.AnswerChoices[i];

                    SurveyQuestionAnswerChoiceResponseModel Answer = new SurveyQuestionAnswerChoiceResponseModel()
                        QuestionID     = Question.Question.ID,
                        AnswerChoiceID = Choice.AnswerChoice.ID

                    switch (Choice.AnswerChoice.AdditionalAnswerDataFormat)
                    case PITCSurveyLib.AnswerFormat.Int:
                        Answer.AdditionalAnswerData = Ints().ToString();

                    case PITCSurveyLib.AnswerFormat.Date:
                        Answer.AdditionalAnswerData = Dates().ToShortDateString();

                    case PITCSurveyLib.AnswerFormat.String:
                        if (Question.Question.WellKnownQuestion == PITCSurveyLib.WellKnownQuestion.NameOrInitials)
                            Answer.AdditionalAnswerData = Names();
                            Answer.AdditionalAnswerData = Words();



