Contains conversion support elements such as classes, interfaces and static methods.
		public virtual void  propertyChange(System.Object event_sender, SupportClass.PropertyChangingEventArgs ev)
			bool update = false;
			System.String prop = ev.PropertyName;
			if ("directoryChanged".Equals(prop))
			// changed directory, do nothing much
				file = null;
				update = true;
			else if ("SelectedFilesChangedProperty".Equals(prop))
			// file just got selected
				file = (System.IO.FileInfo) ev.NewValue;
				update = true;
			if (update)
				thumbnail = null;
				Molecule mol = null;
				if (file != null && System.IO.File.Exists(file.FullName))
						//UPGRADE_TODO: Constructor '' was converted to 'System.IO.FileStream.FileStream' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javaioFileInputStreamFileInputStream_javaioFile'"
						System.IO.FileStream istr = new System.IO.FileStream(file.FullName, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read);
						mol = MoleculeStream.ReadUnknown(istr);
                    catch (System.IO.IOException) 
						mol = null;
				if (mol == null)
					mol = new Molecule();
				if (Visible)
					//UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.awt.Component.repaint' was converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.Control.Refresh' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javaawtComponentrepaint'"
Beispiel #2
 public static int binarySearch(sbyte[] a, sbyte key)
     return(System.Array.BinarySearch(SupportClass.ToByteArray(a), (byte)key));
Beispiel #3
        //-------- MemoryBank I/O methods

        /// <summary> Read  memory in the current bank with no CRC checking (device or
        /// data). The resulting data from this API may or may not be what is on
        /// the 1-Wire device.  It is recommends that the data contain some kind
        /// of checking (CRC) like in the readPagePacket() method or have
        /// the 1-Wire device provide the CRC as in readPageCRC().  readPageCRC()
        /// however is not supported on all memory types, see 'hasPageAutoCRC()'.
        /// If neither is an option then this method could be called more
        /// then once to at least verify that the same thing is read consistantly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startAddr">    starting physical address
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="readContinue"> if 'true' then device read is continued without
        /// re-selecting.  This can only be used if the new
        /// read() continious where the last one led off
        /// and it is inside a 'beginExclusive/endExclusive'
        /// block.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="readBuf">      byte array to place read data into
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="offset">       offset into readBuf to place data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="len">          length in bytes to read
        /// </param>
        /// <throws>  OneWireIOException </throws>
        /// <throws>  OneWireException </throws>
        public virtual void  read(int startAddr, bool readContinue, byte[] readBuf, int offset, int len)
            int i, cnt = 0;

            byte[] raw_buf = new byte[2];

            // attempt to put device at max desired speed
            if (!readContinue)

            // check if read exceeds memory
            if ((startAddr + len) > PAGE_LENGTH)
                throw new OneWireException("Read exceeds memory bank end");

            // loop until get a non-0xFF value, or max 6 reads
                // select the device
                if (!

                    throw new OneWireIOException("Device select failed");

                // build start reading memory block
                raw_buf[0] = READ_MEMORY_COMMAND;
                raw_buf[1] = (byte)(startAddr & 0xFF);

                // do the first block for command, address
                ib.adapter.dataBlock(raw_buf, 0, 2);

                // pre-fill readBuf with 0xFF
                Array.Copy(ffBlock, 0, readBuf, offset, len);

                // send the block
                ib.adapter.dataBlock(readBuf, offset, len);

                // see if result is non-0xFF
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    if (readBuf[offset + i] != (byte)SupportClass.Identity((0xFF)))

                    //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.lang.Thread.sleep' was converted to 'System.Threading.Thread.Sleep' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javalangThreadsleep_long'"
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(new System.TimeSpan((System.Int64) 10000 * 10));                     // !!! should work
                catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException e)
                    // stuff the exception

                if (!ib.Present)

                    throw new OneWireIOException("Device not present on 1-Wire");
            }while (++cnt < 6);

            // still present, assume data really is 0xFF's
        public override Result decodeRow(int rowNumber, BitArray row, IDictionary <DecodeHintType, object> hints)
            for (var index = 0; index < counters.Length; index++)
                counters[index] = 0;

            if (!setCounters(row))

            int startOffset = findStartPattern();

            if (startOffset < 0)

            int nextStart = startOffset;

            decodeRowResult.Length = 0;
                int charOffset = toNarrowWidePattern(nextStart);
                if (charOffset == -1)
                // Hack: We store the position in the alphabet table into a
                // StringBuilder, so that we can access the decoded patterns in
                // validatePattern. We'll translate to the actual characters later.
                nextStart += 8;
                // Stop as soon as we see the end character.
                if (decodeRowResult.Length > 1 &&
                    arrayContains(STARTEND_ENCODING, ALPHABET[charOffset]))
            } while (nextStart < counterLength); // no fixed end pattern so keep on reading while data is available

            // Look for whitespace after pattern:
            int trailingWhitespace = counters[nextStart - 1];
            int lastPatternSize    = 0;

            for (int i = -8; i < -1; i++)
                lastPatternSize += counters[nextStart + i];

            // We need to see whitespace equal to 50% of the last pattern size,
            // otherwise this is probably a false positive. The exception is if we are
            // at the end of the row. (I.e. the barcode barely fits.)
            if (nextStart < counterLength && trailingWhitespace < lastPatternSize / 2)

            if (!validatePattern(startOffset))

            // Translate character table offsets to actual characters.
            for (int i = 0; i < decodeRowResult.Length; i++)
                decodeRowResult[i] = ALPHABET[decodeRowResult[i]];
            // Ensure a valid start and end character
            char startchar = decodeRowResult[0];

            if (!arrayContains(STARTEND_ENCODING, startchar))
            char endchar = decodeRowResult[decodeRowResult.Length - 1];

            if (!arrayContains(STARTEND_ENCODING, endchar))

            // remove stop/start characters character and check if a long enough string is contained
            if (decodeRowResult.Length <= MIN_CHARACTER_LENGTH)
                // Almost surely a false positive ( start + stop + at least 1 character)

            if (!SupportClass.GetValue(hints, DecodeHintType.RETURN_CODABAR_START_END, false))
                decodeRowResult.Remove(decodeRowResult.Length - 1, 1);
                decodeRowResult.Remove(0, 1);

            int runningCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < startOffset; i++)
                runningCount += counters[i];
            float left = runningCount;

            for (int i = startOffset; i < nextStart - 1; i++)
                runningCount += counters[i];
            float right = runningCount;

            var resultPointCallback = SupportClass.GetValue(hints, DecodeHintType.NEED_RESULT_POINT_CALLBACK, (ResultPointCallback)null);

            if (resultPointCallback != null)
                resultPointCallback(new ResultPoint(left, rowNumber));
                resultPointCallback(new ResultPoint(right, rowNumber));

            return(new Result(
                new ResultPoint(left, rowNumber),
                new ResultPoint(right, rowNumber)
Beispiel #5
		//UPGRADE_ISSUE: Class hierarchy differences between ''java.util.Collection'' and ''SupportClass.CollectionSupport'' may cause compilation errors. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1186"'
		public virtual Channel startChannel(SupportClass.CollectionSupport profiles, MessageListener listener)
			return startChannelRequest(profiles, listener, false);
Beispiel #6
		public virtual void print(SupportClass.TextNumberFormat format, int width)
			this.print(new StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput(), Encoding.Default)
				AutoFlush = true
			}, format, width);
        public TCL.CompletionCode cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
            int arg;                      // Index of next argument to consume.

            char[] format = null;         // User specified format string.
            char   cmd;                   // Current format character.
            int    cursor;                // Current position within result buffer.
            int    maxPos;                // Greatest position within result buffer that
            // cursor has visited.
            int value = 0;                // Current integer value to be packed.
            // Initialized to avoid compiler warning.
            int offset, size = 0, length; //, index;

            if (argv.Length < 2)
                throw new TclNumArgsException(interp, 1, argv, "option ?arg arg ...?");
            int cmdIndex = TclIndex.get(interp, argv[1], validCmds, "option", 0);

            switch (cmdIndex)
            case CMD_FORMAT:
                if (argv.Length < 3)
                    throw new TclNumArgsException(interp, 2, argv, "formatString ?arg arg ...?");

                // To avoid copying the data, we format the string in two passes.
                // The first pass computes the size of the output buffer.  The
                // second pass places the formatted data into the buffer.

                format = argv[2].ToString().ToCharArray();
                arg    = 3;
                length = 0;
                offset = 0;
                System.Int32 parsePos = 0;

                while ((cmd = GetFormatSpec(format, ref parsePos)) != FORMAT_END)
                    int count = GetFormatCount(format, ref parsePos);

                    switch (cmd)
                    case 'a':
                    case 'A':
                    case 'b':
                    case 'B':
                    case 'h':
                    case 'H':
                        // For string-type specifiers, the count corresponds
                        // to the number of bytes in a single argument.

                        if (arg >= argv.Length)
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                            count = TclByteArray.getLength(interp, argv[arg]);
                        else if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            count = 1;
                        switch (cmd)
                        case 'a':
                        case 'A': offset += count; break;

                        case 'b':
                        case 'B': offset += (count + 7) / 8; break;

                        case 'h':
                        case 'H': offset += (count + 1) / 2; break;

                    case 'c':
                    case 's':
                    case 'S':
                    case 'i':
                    case 'I':
                    case 'f':
                    case 'd':
                        if (arg >= argv.Length)
                        switch (cmd)
                        case 'c': size = 1; break;

                        case 's':
                        case 'S': size = 2; break;

                        case 'i':
                        case 'I': size = 4; break;

                        case 'f': size = 4; break;

                        case 'd': size = 8; break;

                        // For number-type specifiers, the count corresponds
                        // to the number of elements in the list stored in
                        // a single argument.  If no count is specified, then
                        // the argument is taken as a single non-list value.

                        if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            count = 1;
                            int listc = TclList.getLength(interp, argv[arg++]);
                            if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                                count = listc;
                            else if (count > listc)
                                throw new TclException(interp, "number of elements in list" + " does not match count");
                        offset += count * size;

                    case 'x':
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                            throw new TclException(interp, "cannot use \"*\"" + " in format string with \"x\"");
                        if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            count = 1;
                        offset += count;

                    case 'X':
                        if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            count = 1;
                        if ((count > offset) || (count == BINARY_ALL))
                            count = offset;
                        if (offset > length)
                            length = offset;
                        offset -= count;

                    case '@':
                        if (offset > length)
                            length = offset;
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                            offset = length;
                        else if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            offset = count;

                        badField(interp, cmd);
                if (offset > length)
                    length = offset;
                if (length == 0)

                // Prepare the result object by preallocating the calculated
                // number of bytes and filling with nulls.

                TclObject resultObj = TclByteArray.newInstance();
                resultObj._typePtr = "bytearray";
                byte[] resultBytes = TclByteArray.setLength(interp, resultObj, length);

                // Pack the data into the result object.  Note that we can skip
                // the error checking during this pass, since we have already
                // parsed the string once.

                arg      = 3;
                cursor   = 0;
                maxPos   = cursor;
                parsePos = 0;

                while ((cmd = GetFormatSpec(format, ref parsePos)) != FORMAT_END)
                    int count = GetFormatCount(format, ref parsePos);

                    if ((count == 0) && (cmd != '@'))

                    switch (cmd)
                    case 'a':
                    case 'A':
                        byte   pad   = (cmd == 'a') ? (byte)0 : (byte)SupportClass.Identity(' ');
                        byte[] bytes = TclByteArray.getBytes(interp, argv[arg++]);
                        length = bytes.Length;

                        if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                            count = length;
                        else if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            count = 1;
                        if (length >= count)
                            Array.Copy(bytes, 0, resultBytes, cursor, count);
                            Array.Copy(bytes, 0, resultBytes, cursor, length);
                            for (int ix = 0; ix < count - length; ix++)
                                resultBytes[cursor + length + ix] = pad;
                        cursor += count;

                    case 'b':
                    case 'B':
                        char[] str = argv[arg++].ToString().ToCharArray();
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                            count = str.Length;
                        else if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            count = 1;
                        int last = cursor + ((count + 7) / 8);
                        if (count > str.Length)
                            count = str.Length;
                        if (cmd == 'B')
                            for (offset = 0; offset < count; offset++)
                                value <<= 1;
                                if (str[offset] == '1')
                                    value |= 1;
                                else if (str[offset] != '0')
                                    expectedButGot(interp, "binary", new string( str ));
                                if (((offset + 1) % 8) == 0)
                                    resultBytes[cursor++] = (byte)value;
                                    value = 0;
                            for (offset = 0; offset < count; offset++)
                                value >>= 1;
                                if (str[offset] == '1')
                                    value |= 128;
                                else if (str[offset] != '0')
                                    expectedButGot(interp, "binary", new string( str ));
                                if (((offset + 1) % 8) == 0)
                                    resultBytes[cursor++] = (byte)value;
                                    value = 0;
                        if ((offset % 8) != 0)
                            if (cmd == 'B')
                                value <<= 8 - (offset % 8);
                                value >>= 8 - (offset % 8);
                            resultBytes[cursor++] = (byte)value;
                        while (cursor < last)
                            resultBytes[cursor++] = 0;

                    case 'h':
                    case 'H':
                        char[] str = argv[arg++].ToString().ToCharArray();
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                            count = str.Length;
                        else if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            count = 1;
                        int last = cursor + ((count + 1) / 2);
                        if (count > str.Length)
                            count = str.Length;
                        if (cmd == 'H')
                            for (offset = 0; offset < count; offset++)
                                value <<= 4;
                                int c = HEXDIGITS.IndexOf(Char.ToLower(str[offset]));
                                if (c < 0)
                                    expectedButGot(interp, "hexadecimal", new string( str ));
                                value |= (c & 0xf);
                                if ((offset % 2) != 0)
                                    resultBytes[cursor++] = (byte)value;
                                    value = 0;
                            for (offset = 0; offset < count; offset++)
                                value >>= 4;
                                int c = HEXDIGITS.IndexOf(Char.ToLower(str[offset]));
                                if (c < 0)
                                    expectedButGot(interp, "hexadecimal", new string( str ));
                                value |= ((c << 4) & 0xf0);
                                if ((offset % 2) != 0)
                                    resultBytes[cursor++] = (byte)value;
                                    value = 0;
                        if ((offset % 2) != 0)
                            if (cmd == 'H')
                                value <<= 4;
                                value >>= 4;
                            resultBytes[cursor++] = (byte)value;
                        while (cursor < last)
                            resultBytes[cursor++] = 0;

                    case 'c':
                    case 's':
                    case 'S':
                    case 'i':
                    case 'I':
                    case 'f':
                    case 'd':
                        TclObject[] listv;

                        if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            listv    = new TclObject[1];
                            listv[0] = argv[arg++];
                            count    = 1;
                            listv = TclList.getElements(interp, argv[arg++]);
                            if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                                count = listv.Length;
                        for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
                            cursor = FormatNumber(interp, cmd, listv[ix], resultBytes, cursor);

                    case 'x':
                        if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            count = 1;
                        for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
                            resultBytes[cursor++] = 0;

                    case 'X':
                        if (cursor > maxPos)
                            maxPos = cursor;
                        if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            count = 1;
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL || count > cursor)
                            cursor = 0;
                            cursor -= count;

                    case '@':
                        if (cursor > maxPos)
                            maxPos = cursor;
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                            cursor = maxPos;
                            cursor = count;

            case CMD_SCAN:
                if (argv.Length < 4)
                    throw new TclNumArgsException(interp, 2, argv, "value formatString ?varName varName ...?");
                byte[] src = TclByteArray.getBytes(interp, argv[2]);
                length = src.Length;
                format = argv[3].ToString().ToCharArray();
                arg    = 4;
                cursor = 0;
                offset = 0;
                System.Int32 parsePos = 0;

                while ((cmd = GetFormatSpec(format, ref parsePos)) != FORMAT_END)
                    int count = GetFormatCount(format, ref parsePos);

                    switch (cmd)
                    case 'a':
                    case 'A':
                        if (arg >= argv.Length)
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                            count = length - offset;
                            if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                                count = 1;
                            if (count > length - offset)

                        size = count;

                        // Trim trailing nulls and spaces, if necessary.

                        if (cmd == 'A')
                            while (size > 0)
                                if (src[offset + size - 1] != '\x0000' && src[offset + size - 1] != ' ')

                        interp.setVar(argv[arg++], TclByteArray.newInstance(src, offset, size), 0);

                        offset += count;

                    case 'b':
                    case 'B':
                        if (arg >= argv.Length)
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                            count = (length - offset) * 8;
                            if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                                count = 1;
                            if (count > (length - offset) * 8)
                        System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder(count);
                        int thisOffset = offset;

                        if (cmd == 'b')
                            for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
                                if ((ix % 8) != 0)
                                    value >>= 1;
                                    value = src[thisOffset++];
                                s.Append((value & 1) != 0 ? '1' : '0');
                            for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
                                if ((ix % 8) != 0)
                                    value <<= 1;
                                    value = src[thisOffset++];
                                s.Append((value & 0x80) != 0 ? '1' : '0');

                        interp.setVar(argv[arg++], TclString.newInstance(s.ToString()), 0);

                        offset += (count + 7) / 8;

                    case 'h':
                    case 'H':
                        if (arg >= argv.Length)
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                            count = (length - offset) * 2;
                            if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                                count = 1;
                            if (count > (length - offset) * 2)
                        System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder(count);
                        int thisOffset = offset;

                        if (cmd == 'h')
                            for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
                                if ((ix % 2) != 0)
                                    value >>= 4;
                                    value = src[thisOffset++];
                                s.Append(HEXDIGITS[value & 0xf]);
                            for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
                                if ((ix % 2) != 0)
                                    value <<= 4;
                                    value = src[thisOffset++];
                                s.Append(HEXDIGITS[value >> 4 & 0xf]);

                        interp.setVar(argv[arg++], TclString.newInstance(s.ToString()), 0);

                        offset += (count + 1) / 2;

                    case 'c':
                    case 's':
                    case 'S':
                    case 'i':
                    case 'I':
                    case 'f':
                    case 'd':
                        if (arg >= argv.Length)
                        switch (cmd)
                        case 'c': size = 1; break;

                        case 's':
                        case 'S': size = 2; break;

                        case 'i':
                        case 'I': size = 4; break;

                        case 'f': size = 4; break;

                        case 'd': size = 8; break;
                        TclObject valueObj;
                        if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            if (length - offset < size)
                            valueObj = ScanNumber(src, offset, cmd);
                            offset  += size;
                            if (count == BINARY_ALL)
                                count = (length - offset) / size;
                            if (length - offset < count * size)
                            valueObj = TclList.newInstance();
                            int thisOffset = offset;
                            for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
                                TclList.append(null, valueObj, ScanNumber(src, thisOffset, cmd));
                                thisOffset += size;
                            offset += count * size;

                        interp.setVar(argv[arg++], valueObj, 0);


                    case 'x':
                        if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            count = 1;
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL || count > length - offset)
                            offset = length;
                            offset += count;

                    case 'X':
                        if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                            count = 1;
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL || count > offset)
                            offset = 0;
                            offset -= count;

                    case '@':
                        if (count == BINARY_NOCOUNT)
                        if (count == BINARY_ALL || count > length)
                            offset = length;
                            offset = count;

                        badField(interp, cmd);

                // Set the result to the last position of the cursor.

                interp.setResult(arg - 4);
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary> Adds a VM definition to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether everything went okay.
        /// </returns>
        public bool addVM(String vmName, String macroBody, String[] argArray, String namespace_Renamed)
            MacroEntry me = new MacroEntry(this, this, vmName, macroBody, argArray, namespace_Renamed);

            me.FromLibrary = registerFromLib;

             *  the client (VMFactory) will signal to us via
             *  registerFromLib that we are in startup mode registering
             *  new VMs from libraries.  Therefore, we want to
             *  addto the library map for subsequent auto reloads

            bool isLib = true;

            if (registerFromLib)
                SupportClass.PutElement(libraryMap, namespace_Renamed, namespace_Renamed);
                 *  now, we first want to check to see if this namespace (template)
                 *  is actually a library - if so, we need to use the global namespace
                 *  we don't have to do this when registering, as namespaces should
                 *  be shut off. If not, the default value is true, so we still go
                 *  global

                isLib = libraryMap.ContainsKey(namespace_Renamed);

            if (!isLib && usingNamespaces(namespace_Renamed))
                 *  first, do we have a namespace hash already for this namespace?
                 *  if not, add it to the namespaces, and add the VM

                Hashtable local = getNamespace(namespace_Renamed, true);
                SupportClass.PutElement(local, (String)vmName, me);

                 *  otherwise, add to global template.  First, check if we
                 *  already have it to preserve some of the autoload information

                MacroEntry exist = (MacroEntry)getNamespace(GLOBAL_NAMESPACE)[vmName];

                if (exist != null)
                    me.FromLibrary = exist.FromLibrary;

                 *  now add it

                SupportClass.PutElement(getNamespace(GLOBAL_NAMESPACE), vmName, me);

Beispiel #9
		/// <summary> Returns the MsgLogger registered with the thread 't' (the
		/// thread that calls this method). If the thread 't' has no
		/// registered MsgLogger then the default message logger is
		/// returned.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="t">The thread for which to return the MsgLogger
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> The MsgLogger registerd for the current thread, or the
		/// default one if there is none registered for it.
		/// </returns>
		internal static MsgLogger getMsgLogger(SupportClass.ThreadClass t)
			MsgLogger ml = (MsgLogger) loggerList[t];
			return (ml == null)?defMsgLogger:ml;
Beispiel #10
		/// <summary> Registers the MsgLogger 'ml' as the logging facility of the
		/// thread 't'. If any other logging facility was registered with
		/// the thread 't' it is overriden by 'ml'. If 't' is null then
		/// 'ml' is taken as the default message logger that is used for
		/// threads that have no MsgLogger registered.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="t">The thread to associate with 'ml'
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ml">The MsgLogger to associate with therad ml
		/// </param>
		internal static void  registerMsgLogger(SupportClass.ThreadClass t, MsgLogger ml)
			if (ml == null)
				throw new System.NullReferenceException();
			if (t == null)
				defMsgLogger = ml;
				loggerList[t] = ml;
Beispiel #11
		internal static void  registerProgressWatch(SupportClass.ThreadClass t, ProgressWatch pw)
			if (pw == null)
				throw new System.NullReferenceException();
			if (t == null)
				defWatchProg = pw;
				watchProgList[t] = pw;
		/// <summary> Creates a new directed subgraph.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="base">the base (backing) graph on which the subgraph will be
		/// based.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="vertexSubset">vertices to include in the subgraph. If
		/// <code>null</code> then all vertices are included.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="edgeSubset">edges to in include in the subgraph. If
		/// <code>null</code> then all the edges whose vertices found in the
		/// graph are included.
		/// </param>
		public DirectedSubgraph(DirectedGraph base_Renamed, SupportClass.SetSupport vertexSubset, SupportClass.SetSupport edgeSubset):base(base_Renamed, vertexSubset, edgeSubset)
		private void  parse(SupportClass.Tokenizer tok, Message message, StructRef root, NuGenEncodingCharacters ec)
			Terser t = new Terser(message);
			lock (root)
				StructRef ref_Renamed = root.getSuccessor("MSH");
				int field = 0;
				Segment segment = null;
				int[] fields = new int[0];
				while (tok.HasMoreTokens())
					System.String token = tok.NextToken();
					if (token[0] == ec.FieldSeparator)
					else if (token[0] == ourSegmentSeparator)
						field = 0;
					else if (field == 0)
						StructRef newref = drill(ref_Renamed, token);
						if (newref == null)
							segment = null;
							fields = new int[0];
							ref_Renamed = newref;
							segment = t.getSegment(ref_Renamed.FullPath);
							fields = ref_Renamed.Fields;
					else if (segment != null && System.Array.BinarySearch(fields, (System.Object) field) >= 0)
						parse(token, segment, field, ec);
		private System.String[] getMSHFields(SupportClass.Tokenizer tok, char fieldSep)
			System.String[] result = new System.String[21];
			result[0] = System.Convert.ToString(fieldSep);
			System.String token = null;
			int field = 1;
			while (tok.HasMoreTokens() && (token = tok.NextToken())[0] != ourSegmentSeparator)
				if (token[0] == fieldSep)
					result[field] = token;
			return result;
Beispiel #15
		//UPGRADE_ISSUE: Class hierarchy differences between ''java.util.Collection'' and ''SupportClass.CollectionSupport'' may cause compilation errors. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1186"'
		public virtual Channel startChannel(SupportClass.CollectionSupport profiles, RequestHandler handler)
			return startChannelRequest(profiles, handler, false);
Beispiel #16
 public static void fill(sbyte[] a, sbyte val)
     SupportClass.ArraySupport.Fill(SupportClass.ToByteArray(a), (byte)val);
Beispiel #17
 public static void sort(sbyte[] a)
Beispiel #18
		private TextNumberFormat(SupportClass.TextNumberFormat.formatTypes theType, CultureInfo cultureNumberFormat, int digits)
			this.numberFormat = cultureNumberFormat.NumberFormat;
			this.numberFormatType = (int)theType;
			this.groupingActivated = true;
			this.separator = this.GetSeparator((int)theType);
			this.maxIntDigits = 127;
			this.minIntDigits = 1;
			this.maxFractionDigits = 3;
			this.minFractionDigits = 0;
Beispiel #19
        internal const int BMAX = 15; // maximum bit length of any code

        internal static int huft_build(int[] b, int bindex, int n, int s, int[] d, int[] e, int[] t, int[] m, int[] hp, int[] hn, int[] v)
            // Given a list of code lengths and a maximum table size, make a set of
            // tables to decode that set of codes.  Return Z_OK on success, Z_BUF_ERROR
            // if the given code set is incomplete (the tables are still built in this
            // case), Z_DATA_ERROR if the input is invalid (an over-subscribed set of
            // lengths), or Z_MEM_ERROR if not enough memory.

            int a;                       // counter for codes of length k

            int[] c = new int[BMAX + 1]; // bit length count table
            int   f;                     // i repeats in table every f entries
            int   g;                     // maximum code length
            int   h;                     // table level
            int   i;                     // counter, current code
            int   j;                     // counter
            int   k;                     // number of bits in current code
            int   l;                     // bits per table (returned in m)
            int   mask;                  // (1 << w) - 1, to avoid cc -O bug on HP
            int   p;                     // pointer into c[], b[], or v[]
            int   q;                     // points to current table

            int[] r = new int[3];        // table entry for structure assignment
            int[] u = new int[BMAX];     // table stack
            int   w;                     // bits before this table == (l * h)

            int[] x = new int[BMAX + 1]; // bit offsets, then code stack
            int   xp;                    // pointer into x
            int   y;                     // number of dummy codes added
            int   z;                     // number of entries in current table

            // Generate counts for each bit length

            p = 0; i = n;
                c[b[bindex + p]]++; p++; i--; // assume all entries <= BMAX
            }while (i != 0);

            if (c[0] == n)
                // null input--all zero length codes
                t[0] = -1;
                m[0] = 0;

            // Find minimum and maximum length, bound *m by those
            l = m[0];
            for (j = 1; j <= BMAX; j++)
                if (c[j] != 0)
            k = j; // minimum code length
            if (l < j)
                l = j;
            for (i = BMAX; i != 0; i--)
                if (c[i] != 0)
            g = i; // maximum code length
            if (l > i)
                l = i;
            m[0] = l;

            // Adjust last length count to fill out codes, if needed
            for (y = 1 << j; j < i; j++, y <<= 1)
                if ((y -= c[j]) < 0)
            if ((y -= c[i]) < 0)
            c[i] += y;

            // Generate starting offsets into the value table for each length
            x[1] = j = 0;
            p    = 1; xp = 2;
            while (--i != 0)
                // note that i == g from above
                x[xp] = (j += c[p]);

            // Make a table of values in order of bit lengths
            i = 0; p = 0;
                if ((j = b[bindex + p]) != 0)
                    v[x[j]++] = i;
            }while (++i < n);
            n = x[g]; // set n to length of v

            // Generate the Huffman codes and for each, make the table entries
            x[0] = i = 0; // first Huffman code is zero
            p    = 0;     // grab values in bit order
            h    = -1;    // no tables yet--level -1
            w    = -l;    // bits decoded == (l * h)
            u[0] = 0;     // just to keep compilers happy
            q    = 0;     // ditto
            z    = 0;     // ditto

            // go through the bit lengths (k already is bits in shortest code)
            for (; k <= g; k++)
                a = c[k];
                while (a-- != 0)
                    // here i is the Huffman code of length k bits for value *p
                    // make tables up to required level
                    while (k > w + l)
                        w += l; // previous table always l bits
                        // compute minimum size table less than or equal to l bits
                        z = g - w;
                        z = (z > l)?l:z; // table size upper limit
                        if ((f = 1 << (j = k - w)) > a + 1)
                            // try a k-w bit table
                            // too few codes for k-w bit table
                            f -= (a + 1); // deduct codes from patterns left
                            xp = k;
                            if (j < z)
                                while (++j < z)
                                    // try smaller tables up to z bits
                                    if ((f <<= 1) <= c[++xp])
                                        break;  // enough codes to use up j bits
                                    f -= c[xp]; // else deduct codes from patterns
                        z = 1 << j; // table entries for j-bit table

                        // allocate new table
                        if (hn[0] + z > MANY)
                            // (note: doesn't matter for fixed)
                            return(Z_DATA_ERROR); // overflow of MANY
                        u[h]   = q = hn[0];       // DEBUG
                        hn[0] += z;

                        // connect to last table, if there is one
                        if (h != 0)
                            x[h] = i;                                           // save pattern for backing up
                            r[0] = (byte)j;                                     // bits in this table
                            r[1] = (byte)l;                                     // bits to dump before this table
                            j    = SupportClass.URShift(i, (w - l));
                            r[2] = (int)(q - u[h - 1] - j);                     // offset to this table
                            System.Array.Copy(r, 0, hp, (u[h - 1] + j) * 3, 3); // connect to last table
                            t[0] = q; // first table is returned result

                    // set up table entry in r
                    r[1] = (byte)(k - w);
                    if (p >= n)
                        r[0] = 128 + 64; // out of values--invalid code
                    else if (v[p] < s)
                        r[0] = (byte)(v[p] < 256?0:32 + 64); // 256 is end-of-block
                        r[2] = v[p++];                       // simple code is just the value
                        r[0] = (byte)(e[v[p] - s] + 16 + 64);  // non-simple--look up in lists
                        r[2] = d[v[p++] - s];

                    // fill code-like entries with r
                    f = 1 << (k - w);
                    for (j = SupportClass.URShift(i, w); j < z; j += f)
                        System.Array.Copy(r, 0, hp, (q + j) * 3, 3);

                    // backwards increment the k-bit code i
                    for (j = 1 << (k - 1); (i & j) != 0; j = SupportClass.URShift(j, 1))
                        i ^= j;
                    i ^= j;

                    // backup over finished tables
                    mask = (1 << w) - 1; // needed on HP, cc -O bug
                    while ((i & mask) != x[h])
                        h--; // don't need to update q
                        w   -= l;
                        mask = (1 << w) - 1;
            // Return Z_BUF_ERROR if we were given an incomplete table
            return(y != 0 && g != 1?Z_BUF_ERROR:Z_OK);
Beispiel #20
		private SupportClass.TextNumberFormat setToCurrencyNumberFormatDefaults(SupportClass.TextNumberFormat format)
			format.maxFractionDigits = 2;
			format.minFractionDigits = 2;
			return format;
Beispiel #21
		private SupportClass.TextNumberFormat setToPercentNumberFormatDefaults(SupportClass.TextNumberFormat format)
			format.maxFractionDigits = 0;
			format.minFractionDigits = 0;
			return format;
Beispiel #22
        private static string GuessEncoding(sbyte[] bytes)
            if (ASSUME_SHIFT_JIS)
            // Does it start with the UTF-8 byte order mark? then guess it's UTF-8
            if (bytes.Length > 3 && bytes[0] == (sbyte)SupportClass.Identity(0xEF) && bytes[1] == (sbyte)SupportClass.Identity(0xBB) && bytes[2] == (sbyte)SupportClass.Identity(0xBF))
            // For now, merely tries to distinguish ISO-8859-1, UTF-8 and Shift_JIS,
            // which should be by far the most common encodings. ISO-8859-1
            // should not have bytes in the 0x80 - 0x9F range, while Shift_JIS
            // uses this as a first byte of a two-byte character. If we see this
            // followed by a valid second byte in Shift_JIS, assume it is Shift_JIS.
            // If we see something else in that second byte, we'll make the risky guess
            // that it's UTF-8.
            int  length                         = bytes.Length;
            bool canBeISO88591                  = true;
            bool canBeShiftJIS                  = true;
            int  maybeDoubleByteCount           = 0;
            int  maybeSingleByteKatakanaCount   = 0;
            bool sawLatin1Supplement            = false;
            bool lastWasPossibleDoubleByteStart = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < length && (canBeISO88591 || canBeShiftJIS); i++)
                int value_Renamed = bytes[i] & 0xFF;
                if ((value_Renamed == 0xC2 || value_Renamed == 0xC3) && i < length - 1)
                    // This is really a poor hack. The slightly more exotic characters people might want to put in
                    // a QR Code, by which I mean the Latin-1 supplement characters (e.g. u-umlaut) have encodings
                    // that start with 0xC2 followed by [0xA0,0xBF], or start with 0xC3 followed by [0x80,0xBF].
                    int nextValue = bytes[i + 1] & 0xFF;
                    if (nextValue <= 0xBF && ((value_Renamed == 0xC2 && nextValue >= 0xA0) || (value_Renamed == 0xC3 && nextValue >= 0x80)))
                        sawLatin1Supplement = true;
                if (value_Renamed >= 0x7F && value_Renamed <= 0x9F)
                    canBeISO88591 = false;
                if (value_Renamed >= 0xA1 && value_Renamed <= 0xDF)
                    // count the number of characters that might be a Shift_JIS single-byte Katakana character
                    if (!lastWasPossibleDoubleByteStart)
                if (!lastWasPossibleDoubleByteStart && ((value_Renamed >= 0xF0 && value_Renamed <= 0xFF) || value_Renamed == 0x80 || value_Renamed == 0xA0))
                    canBeShiftJIS = false;
                if ((value_Renamed >= 0x81 && value_Renamed <= 0x9F) || (value_Renamed >= 0xE0 && value_Renamed <= 0xEF))
                    // These start double-byte characters in Shift_JIS. Let's see if it's followed by a valid
                    // second byte.
                    if (lastWasPossibleDoubleByteStart)
                        // If we just checked this and the last byte for being a valid double-byte
                        // char, don't check starting on this byte. If this and the last byte
                        // formed a valid pair, then this shouldn't be checked to see if it starts
                        // a double byte pair of course.
                        lastWasPossibleDoubleByteStart = false;
                        // ... otherwise do check to see if this plus the next byte form a valid
                        // double byte pair encoding a character.
                        lastWasPossibleDoubleByteStart = true;
                        if (i >= bytes.Length - 1)
                            canBeShiftJIS = false;
                            int nextValue = bytes[i + 1] & 0xFF;
                            if (nextValue < 0x40 || nextValue > 0xFC)
                                canBeShiftJIS = false;
                            // There is some conflicting information out there about which bytes can follow which in
                            // double-byte Shift_JIS characters. The rule above seems to be the one that matches practice.
                    lastWasPossibleDoubleByteStart = false;
            // Distinguishing Shift_JIS and ISO-8859-1 can be a little tough. The crude heuristic is:
            // - If we saw
            //   - at least three byte that starts a double-byte value (bytes that are rare in ISO-8859-1), or
            //   - over 5% of bytes that could be single-byte Katakana (also rare in ISO-8859-1),
            // - and, saw no sequences that are invalid in Shift_JIS, then we conclude Shift_JIS
            if (canBeShiftJIS && (maybeDoubleByteCount >= 3 || 20 * maybeSingleByteKatakanaCount > length))
            // Otherwise, we default to ISO-8859-1 unless we know it can't be
            if (!sawLatin1Supplement && canBeISO88591)
            // Otherwise, we take a wild guess with UTF-8
		/// <summary> Creates a new undirected weighted subgraph.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="base">the base (backing) graph on which the subgraph will be
		/// based.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="vertexSubset">vertices to include in the subgraph. If
		/// <code>null</code> then all vertices are included.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="edgeSubset">edges to in include in the subgraph. If
		/// <code>null</code> then all the edges whose vertices found in the
		/// graph are included.
		/// </param>
		public UndirectedWeightedSubgraph(WeightedGraph base_Renamed, SupportClass.SetSupport vertexSubset, SupportClass.SetSupport edgeSubset):base((UndirectedGraph) base_Renamed, vertexSubset, edgeSubset)
Beispiel #24
        // *** constructors *******************************************************

        /// <summary> Constructs a <tt>Grib1ProductDefinitionSection</tt> object from a raf.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="raf">with PDS content
        /// </param>
        /// <throws>  NotSupportedException  if raf contains no valid GRIB file </throws>
        //UPGRADE_TODO: Class '' was converted to 'System.IO.FileStream' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javaioRandomAccessFile'"
        public Grib1ProductDefinitionSection(System.IO.FileStream raf)
            // octets 1-3 PDS length
            length = (int)GribNumbers.uint3(raf);
            //System.out.println( "PDS length = " + length );

            // Paramter table octet 4
            table_version = raf.ReadByte();

            // Center  octet 5
            center_id = raf.ReadByte();

            // octet 6 Generating Process - See Table A
            process_id = raf.ReadByte();

            // octet 7 (id of grid type) - not supported yet
            grid_id = raf.ReadByte();

            //octet 8 (flag for presence of GDS and BMS)
            int exists = raf.ReadByte();

            //BKSystem.IO.BitStream s = new BKSystem.IO.BitStream(8);
//            s.WriteByte((byte)raf.ReadByte());
//            s.Position = 0;
//            sbyte exists;
//            s.Read(out exists);
//            bms_exists = (exists & 64) == 64;

            gds_exists = (exists & 128) == 128;
            bms_exists = (exists & 64) == 64;

            // octet 9 (parameter and unit)
            parameterNumber = raf.ReadByte();

            // octets 10-12 (level)
            int levelType   = raf.ReadByte();
            int levelValue1 = raf.ReadByte();
            int levelValue2 = raf.ReadByte();

            level = new GribPDSLevel(levelType, levelValue1, levelValue2);

            // octets 13-17 (base time for reference time)
            int year   = raf.ReadByte();
            int month  = raf.ReadByte();
            int day    = raf.ReadByte();
            int hour   = raf.ReadByte();
            int minute = raf.ReadByte();

            // get info for forecast time
            // octet 18 Forecast time unit
            timeUnit = raf.ReadByte();

            switch (timeUnit)
            case 0:                      // minute
                tUnit = "minute";

            case 1:                      // hours
                tUnit = "hour";

            case 2:                      // day
                tUnit = "day";

            case 3:                      // month
                tUnit = "month";

            case 4:                      //1 year
                tUnit = "1year";

            case 5:                      // decade
                tUnit = "decade";

            case 6:                      // normal
                tUnit = "day";

            case 7:                      // century
                tUnit = "century";

            case 10:                      //3 hours
                tUnit = "3hours";

            case 11:                      // 6 hours
                tUnit = "6hours";

            case 12:                      // 12 hours
                tUnit = "12hours";

            case 254:                      // second
                tUnit = "second";

                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("PDS: Time Unit " + timeUnit + " is not yet supported");

            // octet 19 & 20 used to create Forecast time
            p1 = raf.ReadByte();
            p2 = raf.ReadByte();

            // octet 21 (time range indicator)
            timeRangeValue = raf.ReadByte();
            // forecast time is always at the end of the range
            //System.out.println( "PDS timeRangeValue =" + timeRangeValue );
            switch (timeRangeValue)
            case 0:
                timeRange    = "product valid at RT + P1";
                forecastTime = p1;

            case 1:
                timeRange    = "product valid for RT, P1=0";
                forecastTime = 0;

            case 2:
                timeRange    = "product valid from (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)";
                forecastTime = p2;

            case 3:
                timeRange    = "product is an average between (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)";
                forecastTime = p2;

            case 4:
                timeRange    = "product is an accumulation between (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)";
                forecastTime = p2;

            case 5:
                timeRange    = "product is the difference (RT + P2) - (RT + P1)";
                forecastTime = p2;

            case 6:
                timeRange    = "product is an average from (RT - P1) to (RT - P2)";
                forecastTime = -p2;

            case 7:
                timeRange    = "product is an average from (RT - P1) to (RT + P2)";
                forecastTime = p2;

            case 10:
                timeRange = "product valid at RT + P1";
                // p1 really consists of 2 bytes p1 and p2
                forecastTime = p1 = GribNumbers.int2(p1, p2);
                p2           = 0;

            case 51:
                timeRange    = "mean value from RT to (RT + P2)";
                forecastTime = p2;

                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("PDS: Time Range Indicator " + timeRangeValue + " is not yet supported");

            // octet 22 & 23
            int avgInclude = GribNumbers.int2(raf);

            // octet 24
            int avgMissing = raf.ReadByte();

            // octet 25
            int century = raf.ReadByte() - 1;

            // octet 26, sub center
            subcenter_id = raf.ReadByte();

            // octets 27-28 (decimal scale factor)
            decscale = GribNumbers.int2(raf);

            refTime       = new DateTime(century * 100 + year, month, day, hour, minute, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            baseTime      = refTime;
            referenceTime = refTime.ToString(dateFormat);

            //System.out.println( "PDS referenceTime raw = " +
            //(century * 100 + year) +"-" +
            //month + "-" + day + "T" + hour +":" + minute +":00Z" );
            //System.out.println( "PDS referenceTime     = " + referenceTime );

            // TODO

             *          parameter_table = GribPDSParamTable.getParameterTable(center_id, subcenter_id, table_version);
             *          parameter = parameter_table.getParameter(parameterNumber);
            parameter = new Parameter();

            if (center_id == 7 && subcenter_id == 2)
                // ensemble product
                epds = new Grib1Ensemble(raf, parameterNumber);
            // Special handling of 2D Wave Spectra (single)
            else if (table_version == 140 && parameterNumber == 251)
                SupportClass.Skip(raf, 12);
                int extDef = raf.ReadByte(); // Extension definition

                // Read ECMWF extension for 2D wave spectra single
                if (extDef == 13)
                    waveSpectra2DDirFreq = new Grib1WaveSpectra2DDirFreq(raf);
            else if (length != 28)
                // check if all bytes read in section
                //lengthErr = true;
                int extra;
                for (int i = 29; i <= length; i++)
                    extra = raf.ReadByte();
        }         // end Grib1ProductDefinitionSection
        /// <summary>
        ///   Writes this binary table with data first going
        ///   to a temp file (and heap file if necessary),
        ///   then with header going to destination stream,
        ///   then merging heap with table data if necessary
        ///   and copying these to destination stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The destination stream.</param>
        /// steps:
        /// 1) write the table to a tempfile
        ///    byterenderers write data to the heap if necessary
        ///    byterenderers return heap positions and lengths if necessary
        ///    these are returned as a byte sequence like any other data
        ///    and are written to the table like any other data
        /// 2) fix the header
        ///    write the header to the main stream
        /// 3) write the table tempfile to the main stream, merging heap if necessary
        /// what a pain
        protected void WritePadOutput(ArrayDataIO s)
            String tempFilename = CreateTempFilename() + "temp.tmp";
            String heapFilename = CreateTempFilename() + "heap.tmp";
            Stream tempS        = new ActualBufferedStream(new FileStream(tempFilename, FileMode.Create));
            Stream heapS        = null;

            //Stream tempS = new BufferedStream(new FileStream(tempFilename, FileMode.Create), 4096);
            int[] maxColWidths  = null;
            int[] stringIndices = GetStringIndices(_rs.ModelRow);
            int[] byteWidths    = ComputeByteWidths(CopyModelRowStripUnknowns(ReplaceTroolean(_rs.ModelRow), new byte[1]));
            int   nRows         = 0;
            int   maxColWidth   = 0;

            if (_hasStrings)
                maxColWidths = new int[_byteRenderers.Length];
                heapS        = new HeapStream(new FileStream(heapFilename, FileMode.Create));
                //heapS = new BufferedStream(new FileStream(heapFilename, FileMode.Create));
                for (int col = 0; col < _byteRenderers.Length; ++col)
                    _byteRenderers[col].Heap = heapS;
                    maxColWidths[col]        = -1;

            #region 1) write the table
            for (Array[] els = _rs.GetNextRow(ref _row); els != null;)
                for (int col = 0; col < _byteRenderers.Length; ++col)
                    _byteRenderers[col].Write(els[col], tempS);
                    if (els[col] is String[] && maxColWidths[col] < ((String[])els[col])[0].Length)
                        maxColWidths[col] = ((String[])els[col])[0].Length;

                        if (maxColWidth < maxColWidths[col])
                            maxColWidth = maxColWidths[col];

                els = _rs.GetNextRow(ref _row);

            #region 2) fix the header and write it to the main stream
            if (_hasStrings)
                // fix NAXIS1, NAXIS2
                Array[] modelRow2 = CopyModelRowReplaceStrings(ReplaceTroolean(_rs.ModelRow), null);
                //modelRow2 = CopyModelRowStripUnknowns(modelRow2, new byte[1]);
                for (int i = 0; i < modelRow2.Length; ++i)
                    if (modelRow2[i] == null)
                        modelRow2[i] = new String[] { new String(' ', maxColWidths[i]) };
                        myHeader.RemoveCard("TFORM" + (i + 1));
                        myHeader.InsertValue("TFORM" + (i + 1), maxColWidths[i] + "A", null, "TDIM" + (i + 1));
                modelRow2 = CopyModelRowStripUnknowns(modelRow2, new byte[1]);
                myHeader.InsertValue("NAXIS1", ArrayFuncs.ComputeSize(modelRow2), "row width in bytes", "NAXIS2");
                myHeader.InsertValue("NAXIS2", nRows, "number of rows", "PCOUNT");

            #region 3) write the table tempfile to the main stream
            tempS.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            heapS.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            // man, if you can't even fit a row into memory, I give up
            byte[] row    = new byte[_rowSizeInBytes]; // this is the old size
            byte[] padBuf = SupportClass.ToByteArray(new String(_padChar, maxColWidth));
            int    len    = 0;
            int    off    = 0;
            for (int nRead = tempS.Read(row, 0, row.Length), rowOffset = 0; nRead > 0; rowOffset = 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < byteWidths.Length; ++i)
                    if (stringIndices[i] != -1)
                        Array.Reverse(row, stringIndices[i], 4);     // fix the length bytes
                        Array.Reverse(row, stringIndices[i] + 4, 4); // fix the pos bytes
                        len = BitConverter.ToInt32(row, stringIndices[i]);
                        off = BitConverter.ToInt32(row, stringIndices[i] + 4);
                        if (_padLeft)
                            s.Write(padBuf, 0, maxColWidths[i] - len);
                            heapS.Seek(off, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            int bufread = heapS.Read(_buf, 0, len);
                            s.Write(_buf, 0, len);
                            heapS.Seek(off, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            heapS.Read(_buf, 0, len);
                            s.Write(_buf, 0, len);
                            s.Write(padBuf, 0, maxColWidths[i] - len);
                        rowOffset += 8; // advance 2 ints into the row
                        // s better be buffered, or this is going to be slow.  But since s is ArrayDataIO,
                        // and the only current concrete ArrayDataIO implementations are buffered,
                        // I think we're good.
                        s.Write(row, rowOffset, byteWidths[i]);
                        rowOffset += byteWidths[i];
                nRead = tempS.Read(row, 0, row.Length);

            // pad the table
            int tableWidth = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < byteWidths.Length; ++i)
                if (stringIndices[i] != -1)
                    tableWidth += maxColWidths[i];
                    tableWidth += byteWidths[i];
            int pad = FitsUtil.Padding((long)nRows * (long)tableWidth);
            s.Write(new byte[pad], 0, pad);
Beispiel #26
        public override bool[] encode(String contents)
            if (contents.Length < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Codabar should start/end with start/stop symbols");
            // Verify input and calculate decoded length.
            char firstChar        = Char.ToUpper(contents[0]);
            char lastChar         = Char.ToUpper(contents[contents.Length - 1]);
            bool startsEndsNormal =
                CodaBarReader.arrayContains(START_END_CHARS, firstChar) &&
                CodaBarReader.arrayContains(START_END_CHARS, lastChar);
            bool startsEndsAlt =
                CodaBarReader.arrayContains(ALT_START_END_CHARS, firstChar) &&
                CodaBarReader.arrayContains(ALT_START_END_CHARS, lastChar);

            if (!(startsEndsNormal || startsEndsAlt))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Codabar should start/end with " + SupportClass.Join(", ", START_END_CHARS) +
                          ", or start/end with " + SupportClass.Join(", ", ALT_START_END_CHARS));

            // The start character and the end character are decoded to 10 length each.
            int resultLength = 20;

            char[] charsWhichAreTenLengthEachAfterDecoded = { '/', ':', '+', '.' };
            for (int i = 1; i < contents.Length - 1; i++)
                if (Char.IsDigit(contents[i]) || contents[i] == '-' ||
                    contents[i] == '$')
                    resultLength += 9;
                else if (CodaBarReader.arrayContains(
                             charsWhichAreTenLengthEachAfterDecoded, contents[i]))
                    resultLength += 10;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cannot encode : '" + contents[i] + '\'');
            // A blank is placed between each character.
            resultLength += contents.Length - 1;

            var result   = new bool[resultLength];
            int position = 0;

            for (int index = 0; index < contents.Length; index++)
                char c = Char.ToUpper(contents[index]);
                if (index == contents.Length - 1)
                    // The end chars are not in the CodaBarReader.ALPHABET.
                    switch (c)
                    case 'T':
                        c = 'A';

                    case 'N':
                        c = 'B';

                    case '*':
                        c = 'C';

                    case 'E':
                        c = 'D';
                int code = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < CodaBarReader.ALPHABET.Length; i++)
                    // Found any, because I checked above.
                    if (c == CodaBarReader.ALPHABET[i])
                        code = CodaBarReader.CHARACTER_ENCODINGS[i];
                bool color   = true;
                int  counter = 0;
                int  bit     = 0;
                while (bit < 7)
                    // A character consists of 7 digit.
                    result[position] = color;
                    if (((code >> (6 - bit)) & 1) == 0 || counter == 1)
                        color = !color; // Flip the color.
                        counter = 0;
                if (index < contents.Length - 1)
                    result[position] = false;
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        ///Performs RS error correction on an array of bits.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawbits">The rawbits.</param>
        /// <returns>the corrected array</returns>
        private bool[] correctBits(bool[] rawbits)
            GenericGF gf;
            int       codewordSize;

            if (ddata.NbLayers <= 2)
                codewordSize = 6;
                gf           = GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_6;
            else if (ddata.NbLayers <= 8)
                codewordSize = 8;
                gf           = GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_8;
            else if (ddata.NbLayers <= 22)
                codewordSize = 10;
                gf           = GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_10;
                codewordSize = 12;
                gf           = GenericGF.AZTEC_DATA_12;

            int numDataCodewords = ddata.NbDatablocks;
            int numCodewords     = rawbits.Length / codewordSize;

            if (numCodewords < numDataCodewords)

            int offset         = rawbits.Length % codewordSize;
            int numECCodewords = numCodewords - numDataCodewords;

            int[] dataWords = new int[numCodewords];
            for (int i = 0; i < numCodewords; i++, offset += codewordSize)
                dataWords[i] = readCode(rawbits, offset, codewordSize);

            var rsDecoder = new ReedSolomonDecoder(gf);

            if (!rsDecoder.decode(dataWords, numECCodewords))

            // Now perform the unstuffing operation.
            // First, count how many bits are going to be thrown out as stuffing
            int mask        = (1 << codewordSize) - 1;
            int stuffedBits = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numDataCodewords; i++)
                int dataWord = dataWords[i];
                if (dataWord == 0 || dataWord == mask)
                else if (dataWord == 1 || dataWord == mask - 1)
            // Now, actually unpack the bits and remove the stuffing
            bool[] correctedBits = new bool[numDataCodewords * codewordSize - stuffedBits];
            int    index         = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numDataCodewords; i++)
                int dataWord = dataWords[i];
                if (dataWord == 1 || dataWord == mask - 1)
                    // next codewordSize-1 bits are all zeros or all ones
                    SupportClass.Fill(correctedBits, index, index + codewordSize - 1, dataWord > 1);
                    index += codewordSize - 1;
                    for (int bit = codewordSize - 1; bit >= 0; --bit)
                        correctedBits[index++] = (dataWord & (1 << bit)) != 0;

            if (index != correctedBits.Length)

Beispiel #28
        public static DataSet calcDataSet(Env env, DataSetConfig dsc, CellExt1 ecs)
            DataSet   set;
            Hashtable hashtable2;

            if (dsc == null)
            switch (dsc.SQLType)
            case 7:

            case 8:
                goto Label_0179;

                Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();
                hashtable["dsc"] = dsc;
                hashtable["ecs"] = ecs;
                SQLDataSetFactory factory = new SQLDataSetFactory {
                    Properties = hashtable
                catch (ReportError error)
                    throw error;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    throw new ReportError(exception.Message, exception);
            UnitSet        set5       = new UnitSet(dsc.SQL, ';');
            string         s          = Escape.removeEscAndQuote(set5["args"]);
            string         str5       = Escape.removeEscAndQuote(set5["class"]);
            DataSetFactory factory3   = new XMLDataSetFactory();
            ArgToken       token      = new ArgToken(s, ';');
            Hashtable      collection = new Hashtable();

            while (token.hasMoreTokens())
                string str   = token.nextToken();
                int    index = str.IndexOf(",");
                if (index > 0)
                    string   expStr = Escape.unescape(str.Substring(index + 1, str.Length - (index + 1)));
                    ExpParse parse  = new ExpParse(ecs, expStr);
                    SupportClass.PutElement(collection, str.Substring(0, index), ConvertTool.getValue(parse.calculate()));
            factory3.Properties = collection;
            catch (Exception exception3)
                throw new ReportError(exception3.Message, exception3);
            hashtable2 = new Hashtable();
            hashtable2.Add("dsc", dsc);
            BuildinDataSetFactory factory2 = new BuildinDataSetFactory {
                Properties = hashtable2

                set = factory2.getDataSet(env);
            catch (Exception exception2)
                throw new ReportError(exception2.Message, exception2);
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary> Writes the data of the specified area to the file, coordinates are
        /// relative to the current tile of the source. Before writing, the
        /// coefficients are limited to the nominal range.
        /// <p>This method may not be called concurrently from different
        /// threads.</p>
        /// <p>If the data returned from the BlkImgDataSrc source is progressive,
        /// then it is requested over and over until it is not progressive
        /// anymore.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ulx">The horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the
        /// area to write, relative to the current tile.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="uly">The vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the area
        /// to write, relative to the current tile.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="width">The width of the area to write.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the area to write.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">If an I/O error occurs.
        /// </exception>
        public override void  write(int ulx, int uly, int w, int h)
            int k, j, i, c;
            // In local variables for faster access
            int fracbits;
            // variables used during coeff saturation
            int shift, tmp, maxVal;
            int tOffx, tOffy;             // Active tile offset in the X and Y direction

            // Active tiles in all components have same offset since they are at
            // same resolution (PPM does not support anything else)
            //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
            tOffx = src.getCompULX(cps[0]) - (int)System.Math.Ceiling(src.ImgULX / (double)src.getCompSubsX(cps[0]));
            //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
            tOffy = src.getCompULY(cps[0]) - (int)System.Math.Ceiling(src.ImgULY / (double)src.getCompSubsY(cps[0]));

            // Check the array size
            if (db.data_array != null && db.data_array.Length < w)
                // A new one will be allocated by getInternCompData()
                db.data_array = null;

            // Check the line buffer
            if (buf == null || buf.Length < 3 * w)
                buf = new byte[3 * w];

            // Write the data to the file
            // Write line by line
            for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
                // Write into buffer first loop over the three components and
                // write for each
                for (c = 0; c < 3; c++)
                    maxVal = (1 << src.getNomRangeBits(cps[c])) - 1;
                    shift  = levShift[c];

                    // Initialize db
                    db.ulx = ulx;
                    db.uly = uly + i;
                    db.w   = w;
                    db.h   = 1;

                    // Request the data and make sure it is not progressive
                        db = (DataBlkInt)src.getInternCompData(db, cps[c]);
                    }while (;
                    // Get the fracbits value
                    fracbits = fb[c];
                    // Write all bytes in the line
                    if (fracbits == 0)
                        for (k = db.offset + w - 1, j = 3 * w - 1 + c - 2; j >= 0; k--)
                            tmp    = db.data_array[k] + shift;
                            buf[j] = (byte)((tmp < 0)?0:((tmp > maxVal)?maxVal:tmp));
                            j     -= 3;
                        for (k = db.offset + w - 1, j = 3 * w - 1 + c - 2; j >= 0; k--)
                            tmp    = (SupportClass.URShift(db.data_array[k], fracbits)) + shift;
                            buf[j] = (byte)((tmp < 0)?0:((tmp > maxVal)?maxVal:tmp));
                            j     -= 3;
                // Write buffer into file
                out_Renamed.Seek(offset + 3 * (this.w * (uly + tOffy + i) + ulx + tOffx), System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                out_Renamed.Write(buf, 0, 3 * w);
Beispiel #30
        internal int proc(InfBlocks s, ZStream z, int r)
            int j;      // temporary storage
            //int[] t; // temporary pointer
            int tindex; // temporary pointer
            int e;      // extra bits or operation
            int b = 0;  // bit buffer
            int k = 0;  // bits in bit buffer
            int p = 0;  // input data pointer
            int n;      // bytes available there
            int q;      // output window write pointer
            int m;      // bytes to end of window or read pointer
            int f;      // pointer to copy strings from

            // copy input/output information to locals (UPDATE macro restores)
            p = z.next_in_index; n = z.avail_in; b = s.bitb; k = s.bitk;
            q = s.write; m = q < - q - 1:s.end - q;

            // process input and output based on current state
            while (true)
                switch (mode)
                // waiting for "i:"=input, "o:"=output, "x:"=nothing
                case START:      // x: set up for LEN
                    if (m >= 258 && n >= 10)
                        s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                        z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                        s.write    = q;
                        r          = inflate_fast(lbits, dbits, ltree, ltree_index, dtree, dtree_index, s, z);

                        p = z.next_in_index; n = z.avail_in; b = s.bitb; k = s.bitk;
                        q = s.write; m = q < - q - 1:s.end - q;

                        if (r != Z_OK)
                            mode = r == Z_STREAM_END?WASH:BADCODE;
                    need       = lbits;
                    tree       = ltree;
                    tree_index = ltree_index;

                    mode = LEN;
                    goto case LEN;

                case LEN:      // i: get length/literal/eob next
                    j = need;

                    while (k < (j))
                        if (n != 0)
                            r = Z_OK;
                            s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                            z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                            s.write    = q;
                            return(s.inflate_flush(z, r));
                        b |= (z.next_in[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                        k += 8;

                    tindex = (tree_index + (b & inflate_mask[j])) * 3;

                    b  = SupportClass.URShift(b, (tree[tindex + 1]));
                    k -= (tree[tindex + 1]);

                    e = tree[tindex];

                    if (e == 0)
                        // literal
                        lit  = tree[tindex + 2];
                        mode = LIT;
                    if ((e & 16) != 0)
                        // length
                        get_Renamed = e & 15;
                        len         = tree[tindex + 2];
                        mode        = LENEXT;
                    if ((e & 64) == 0)
                        // next table
                        need       = e;
                        tree_index = tindex / 3 + tree[tindex + 2];
                    if ((e & 32) != 0)
                        // end of block
                        mode = WASH;
                    mode  = BADCODE;    // invalid code
                    z.msg = "invalid literal/length code";
                    r     = Z_DATA_ERROR;

                    s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                    z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                    s.write    = q;
                    return(s.inflate_flush(z, r));

                case LENEXT:      // i: getting length extra (have base)
                    j = get_Renamed;

                    while (k < (j))
                        if (n != 0)
                            r = Z_OK;
                            s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                            z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                            s.write    = q;
                            return(s.inflate_flush(z, r));
                        n--; b |= (z.next_in[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                        k      += 8;

                    len += (b & inflate_mask[j]);

                    b >>= j;
                    k  -= j;

                    need       = dbits;
                    tree       = dtree;
                    tree_index = dtree_index;
                    mode       = DIST;
                    goto case DIST;

                case DIST:      // i: get distance next
                    j = need;

                    while (k < (j))
                        if (n != 0)
                            r = Z_OK;
                            s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                            z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                            s.write    = q;
                            return(s.inflate_flush(z, r));
                        n--; b |= (z.next_in[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                        k      += 8;

                    tindex = (tree_index + (b & inflate_mask[j])) * 3;

                    b >>= tree[tindex + 1];
                    k  -= tree[tindex + 1];

                    e = (tree[tindex]);
                    if ((e & 16) != 0)
                        // distance
                        get_Renamed = e & 15;
                        dist        = tree[tindex + 2];
                        mode        = DISTEXT;
                    if ((e & 64) == 0)
                        // next table
                        need       = e;
                        tree_index = tindex / 3 + tree[tindex + 2];
                    mode  = BADCODE;    // invalid code
                    z.msg = "invalid distance code";
                    r     = Z_DATA_ERROR;

                    s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                    z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                    s.write    = q;
                    return(s.inflate_flush(z, r));

                case DISTEXT:      // i: getting distance extra
                    j = get_Renamed;

                    while (k < (j))
                        if (n != 0)
                            r = Z_OK;
                            s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                            z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                            s.write    = q;
                            return(s.inflate_flush(z, r));
                        n--; b |= (z.next_in[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                        k      += 8;

                    dist += (b & inflate_mask[j]);

                    b >>= j;
                    k  -= j;

                    mode = COPY;
                    goto case COPY;

                case COPY:      // o: copying bytes in window, waiting for space
                    f = q - dist;
                    while (f < 0)
                        // modulo window size-"while" instead
                        f += s.end;     // of "if" handles invalid distances
                    while (len != 0)
                        if (m == 0)
                            if (q == s.end && != 0)
                                q = 0; m = q < - q - 1:s.end - q;
                            if (m == 0)
                                s.write = q; r = s.inflate_flush(z, r);
                                q       = s.write; m = q < - q - 1:s.end - q;

                                if (q == s.end && != 0)
                                    q = 0; m = q < - q - 1:s.end - q;

                                if (m == 0)
                                    s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                                    z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                                    s.write    = q;
                                    return(s.inflate_flush(z, r));

                        s.window[q++] = s.window[f++]; m--;

                        if (f == s.end)
                            f = 0;
                    mode = START;

                case LIT:      // o: got literal, waiting for output space
                    if (m == 0)
                        if (q == s.end && != 0)
                            q = 0; m = q < - q - 1:s.end - q;
                        if (m == 0)
                            s.write = q; r = s.inflate_flush(z, r);
                            q       = s.write; m = q < - q - 1:s.end - q;

                            if (q == s.end && != 0)
                                q = 0; m = q < - q - 1:s.end - q;
                            if (m == 0)
                                s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                                z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                                s.write    = q;
                                return(s.inflate_flush(z, r));
                    r = Z_OK;

                    s.window[q++] = (byte)lit; m--;

                    mode = START;

                case WASH:      // o: got eob, possibly more output
                    if (k > 7)
                        // return unused byte, if any
                        k -= 8;
                        p--;     // can always return one

                    s.write = q; r = s.inflate_flush(z, r);
                    q       = s.write; m = q < - q - 1:s.end - q;

                    if ( != s.write)
                        s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                        z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                        s.write    = q;
                        return(s.inflate_flush(z, r));
                    mode = END;
                    goto case END;

                case END:
                    r          = Z_STREAM_END;
                    s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                    z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                    s.write    = q;
                    return(s.inflate_flush(z, r));

                case BADCODE:      // x: got error

                    r = Z_DATA_ERROR;

                    s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                    z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                    s.write    = q;
                    return(s.inflate_flush(z, r));

                    r = Z_STREAM_ERROR;

                    s.bitb     = b; s.bitk = k;
                    z.avail_in = n; z.total_in += p - z.next_in_index; z.next_in_index = p;
                    s.write    = q;
                    return(s.inflate_flush(z, r));
Beispiel #31
 public static bool equals(sbyte[] a, sbyte[] a2)
     return(SupportClass.ArraySupport.Equals(SupportClass.ToByteArray(a), SupportClass.ToByteArray(a2)));
Beispiel #32
 static Crc16()
     Polynomial = (short)SupportClass.Identity(0x8005);
Beispiel #33
 public static void fill(sbyte[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, sbyte val)
     SupportClass.ArraySupport.Fill(SupportClass.ToByteArray(a), fromIndex, toIndex, (byte)val);
Beispiel #34
 /// <summary>
 ///     Dummy Constructor
 /// </summary>
 public Crc16()
     m_Crc = (short)SupportClass.Identity(0xFFFF);
Beispiel #35
 public static void sort(sbyte[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
     System.Array.Sort(SupportClass.ToByteArray(a), fromIndex, toIndex - fromIndex);
        /// <summary>*
        /// *
        /// public int OpenForRead (String Filename)
        /// {
        /// // Verify filename parameter as best we can...
        /// if (Filename == null)
        /// {
        /// return DDC_INVALID_CALL;
        /// }
        /// int retcode = Open ( Filename, RFM_READ );
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>if ( retcode == DDC_SUCCESS )
        /// {
        /// retcode = Expect ( "WAVE", 4 );
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>if ( retcode == DDC_SUCCESS )
        /// {
        /// retcode = Read(wave_format,24);
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>if ( retcode == DDC_SUCCESS && !wave_format.VerifyValidity() )
        /// {
        /// // This isn't standard PCM, so we don't know what it is!
        /// retcode = DDC_FILE_ERROR;
        /// }
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>if ( retcode == DDC_SUCCESS )
        /// {
        /// pcm_data_offset = CurrentFilePosition();
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>// Figure out number of samples from
        /// // file size, current file position, and
        /// // WAVE header.
        /// retcode = Read (pcm_data, 8 );
        /// num_samples = filelength(fileno(file)) - CurrentFilePosition();
        /// num_samples /= NumChannels();
        /// num_samples /= (BitsPerSample() / 8);
        /// }
        /// }
        /// }
        /// return retcode;
        /// }
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Pass in either a FileName or a Stream.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual int OpenForWrite(System.String Filename, System.IO.Stream stream, int SamplingRate, short BitsPerSample, short NumChannels)
            // Verify parameters...
            if ((BitsPerSample != 8 && BitsPerSample != 16) || NumChannels < 1 || NumChannels > 2)

  , BitsPerSample, NumChannels);

            int retcode = 0;

            if (stream != null)
                Open(stream, RFM_WRITE);
                Open(Filename, RFM_WRITE);

            if (retcode == DDC_SUCCESS)
                sbyte[] theWave = new sbyte[] { (sbyte)SupportClass.Identity('W'), (sbyte)SupportClass.Identity('A'), (sbyte)SupportClass.Identity('V'), (sbyte)SupportClass.Identity('E') };
                retcode = Write(theWave, 4);

                if (retcode == DDC_SUCCESS)
                    // Ecriture de wave_format
                    retcode = Write(wave_format.header, 8);
                    retcode = Write(, 2);
                    retcode = Write(, 2);
                    retcode = Write(, 4);
                    retcode = Write(, 4);
                    retcode = Write(, 2);
                    retcode = Write(, 2);

                    if (retcode == DDC_SUCCESS)
                        pcm_data_offset = CurrentFilePosition();
                        retcode         = Write(pcm_data, 8);

Beispiel #37
 public static string ToStringFull(this IDictionary origin)
     return(SupportClass.DictionaryToString(origin, false));
Beispiel #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Process an XML file using Velocity
        /// </summary>
        private void Process(String basedir, String xmlFile, FileInfo destdir, AnakiaXmlDocument projectDocument)
            FileInfo     outFile = null;
            FileInfo     inFile  = null;
            StreamWriter writer  = null;

            try {
                // the current input file relative to the baseDir
                inFile = new System.IO.FileInfo(basedir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString() + xmlFile);
                // the output file relative to basedir
                outFile = new System.IO.FileInfo(destdir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString() + xmlFile.Substring(0, (xmlFile.LastIndexOf((System.Char) '.')) - (0)) + extension);

                // only process files that have changed
                if (lastModifiedCheck == false || (inFile.LastWriteTime.Ticks > outFile.LastWriteTime.Ticks || styleFile.LastWriteTime.Ticks > outFile.LastWriteTime.Ticks || projectFile.LastWriteTime.Ticks > outFile.LastWriteTime.Ticks))

                    //-- command line status
                    Log.WriteLine(LogPrefix + "Input:  " + inFile);

                    // Build the Anakia Document
                    AnakiaXmlDocument root = new AnakiaXmlDocument();

                    // Shove things into the Context
                    VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();

                     *  get the property TEMPLATE_ENCODING
                     *  we know it's a string...
                    String encoding = (String)ve.GetProperty(RuntimeConstants_Fields.OUTPUT_ENCODING);
                    if (encoding == null || encoding.Length == 0 || encoding.Equals("8859-1") || encoding.Equals("8859_1"))
                        encoding = "ISO-8859-1";

                    context.Put("root", root.DocumentElement);
                    context.Put("relativePath", getRelativePath(xmlFile));
                    context.Put("escape", new Escape());
                    context.Put("date", System.DateTime.Now);

                    // only put this into the context if it exists.
                    if (projectDocument != null)
                        context.Put("project", projectDocument.DocumentElement);

                    // Process the VSL template with the context and write out
                    // the result as the outFile.
                    writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(new System.IO.FileStream(outFile.FullName, System.IO.FileMode.Create));
                    // get the template to process

                    Template template = ve.GetTemplate(styleFile.Name)
                    template.Merge(context, writer);

                    Log.WriteLine(LogPrefix + "Output: " + outFile);
            } catch (System.Exception e) {
                Log.WriteLine(LogPrefix + "Failed to process " + inFile);
                if (outFile != null)
                    bool tmpBool2;
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(outFile.FullName))
                        tmpBool2 = true;
                    else if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(outFile.FullName))
                        tmpBool2 = true;
                        tmpBool2 = false;
                    bool generatedAux3 = tmpBool2;
                SupportClass.WriteStackTrace(e, Console.Error);
            } finally {
                if (writer != null)
                    try {
                    } catch (System.Exception e) {
                        // closing down, just ignore
        // Note that the input matrix uses 0 == white, 1 == black, while the output matrix uses
        // 0 == black, 255 == white (i.e. an 8 bit greyscale bitmap).
        private static ByteMatrix renderResult(QRCode code, int width, int height)
            ByteMatrix input        = code.Matrix;
            int        inputWidth   = input.Width;
            int        inputHeight  = input.Height;
            int        qrWidth      = inputWidth + (QUIET_ZONE_SIZE << 1);
            int        qrHeight     = inputHeight + (QUIET_ZONE_SIZE << 1);
            int        outputWidth  = System.Math.Max(width, qrWidth);
            int        outputHeight = System.Math.Max(height, qrHeight);

            int multiple = System.Math.Min(outputWidth / qrWidth, outputHeight / qrHeight);
            // Padding includes both the quiet zone and the extra white pixels to accommodate the requested
            // dimensions. For example, if input is 25x25 the QR will be 33x33 including the quiet zone.
            // If the requested size is 200x160, the multiple will be 4, for a QR of 132x132. These will
            // handle all the padding from 100x100 (the actual QR) up to 200x160.
            int leftPadding = (outputWidth - (inputWidth * multiple)) / 2;
            int topPadding  = (outputHeight - (inputHeight * multiple)) / 2;

            ByteMatrix output = new ByteMatrix(outputWidth, outputHeight);

            sbyte[][] outputArray = output.Array;

            // We could be tricky and use the first row in each set of multiple as the temporary storage,
            // instead of allocating this separate array.
            sbyte[] row = new sbyte[outputWidth];

            // 1. Write the white lines at the top
            for (int y = 0; y < topPadding; y++)
                setRowColor(outputArray[y], (sbyte)SupportClass.Identity(255));

            // 2. Expand the QR image to the multiple
            sbyte[][] inputArray = input.Array;
            for (int y = 0; y < inputHeight; y++)
                // a. Write the white pixels at the left of each row
                for (int x = 0; x < leftPadding; x++)
                    row[x] = (sbyte)SupportClass.Identity(255);

                // b. Write the contents of this row of the barcode
                int offset = leftPadding;
                for (int x = 0; x < inputWidth; x++)
                    // Java to c# Porting update - Type cased sbyte
                    // 30/01/2010
                    // sbyte value_Renamed = (inputArray[y][x] == 1)?0:(sbyte) SupportClass.Identity(255);
                    sbyte value_Renamed = (sbyte)((inputArray[y][x] == 1) ? 0 : SupportClass.Identity(255));
                    for (int z = 0; z < multiple; z++)
                        row[offset + z] = value_Renamed;
                    offset += multiple;

                // c. Write the white pixels at the right of each row
                offset = leftPadding + (inputWidth * multiple);
                for (int x = offset; x < outputWidth; x++)
                    row[x] = (sbyte)SupportClass.Identity(255);

                // d. Write the completed row multiple times
                offset = topPadding + (y * multiple);
                for (int z = 0; z < multiple; z++)
                    Array.Copy(row, 0, outputArray[offset + z], 0, outputWidth);

            // 3. Write the white lines at the bottom
            int offset2 = topPadding + (inputHeight * multiple);

            for (int y = offset2; y < outputHeight; y++)
                setRowColor(outputArray[y], (sbyte)SupportClass.Identity(255));

Beispiel #40
        public static void Main(String[] args)
            if (args.Length != 1)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Usage: XMLParser pipe_encoded_file");

            //read and parse message from file
                PipeParser   parser      = new PipeParser();
                FileInfo     messageFile = new FileInfo(args[0]);
                long         fileLength  = SupportClass.FileLength(messageFile);
                StreamReader r           = new StreamReader(messageFile.FullName, Encoding.Default);
                char[]       cbuf        = new char[(int)fileLength];
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Reading message file ... " + r.Read((Char[])cbuf, 0, cbuf.Length) + " of " + fileLength +
                                      " chars");
                String   messString = Convert.ToString(cbuf);
                IMessage mess       = parser.Parse(messString);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Got message of type " + mess.GetType().FullName);

                XMLParser xp = new AnonymousClassXMLParser();

                //loop through segment children of message, encode, print to console
                String[] structNames = mess.Names;
                for (int i = 0; i < structNames.Length; i++)
                    IStructure[] reps = mess.GetAll(structNames[i]);
                    for (int j = 0; j < reps.Length; j++)
                        if (typeof(ISegment).IsAssignableFrom(reps[j].GetType()))
                            //ignore groups
                            XmlDocument docBuilder = new XmlDocument();
                            XmlDocument doc        = new XmlDocument();                      //new doc for each segment
                            XmlElement  root       = doc.CreateElement(reps[j].GetType().FullName);
                            xp.Encode((ISegment)reps[j], root);
                            StringWriter out_Renamed = new StringWriter();
                            Console.Out.WriteLine("Segment " + reps[j].GetType().FullName + ": \r\n" + doc.OuterXml);

                            Type[]   segmentConstructTypes = new Type[] { typeof(IMessage) };
                            Object[] segmentConstructArgs  = new Object[] { null };
                            ISegment s = (ISegment)reps[j].GetType().GetConstructor(segmentConstructTypes).Invoke(segmentConstructArgs);
                            xp.Parse(s, root);
                            XmlDocument doc2  = new XmlDocument();
                            XmlElement  root2 = doc2.CreateElement(s.GetType().FullName);
                            xp.Encode(s, root2);
                            StringWriter out2 = new StringWriter();
                            XmlWriter    ser  = XmlWriter.Create(out2);
                            if (out2.ToString().Equals(out_Renamed.ToString()))
                                Console.Out.WriteLine("Re-encode OK");
                                Console.Out.WriteLine("Warning: XML different after parse and re-encode: \r\n" + out2.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                SupportClass.WriteStackTrace(e, Console.Error);
 // Mapping from a distance to a distance code. dist is the distance - 1 and
 // must not have side effects. _dist_code[256] and _dist_code[257] are never
 // used.
 internal static int d_code(int dist)
     return((dist) < 256?_dist_code[dist]:_dist_code[256 + (SupportClass.URShift((dist), 7))]);
Beispiel #42
 internal static int NumBitsDiffering(int a, int b)
     a ^= b; // a now has a 1 bit exactly where its bit differs with b's
     // Count bits set quickly with a series of lookups:
     return(BITS_SET_IN_HALF_BYTE[a & 0x0F] + BITS_SET_IN_HALF_BYTE[SupportClass.URShift(a, 4) & 0x0F] + BITS_SET_IN_HALF_BYTE[SupportClass.URShift(a, 8) & 0x0F] + BITS_SET_IN_HALF_BYTE[SupportClass.URShift(a, 12) & 0x0F] + BITS_SET_IN_HALF_BYTE[SupportClass.URShift(a, 16) & 0x0F] + BITS_SET_IN_HALF_BYTE[SupportClass.URShift(a, 20) & 0x0F] + BITS_SET_IN_HALF_BYTE[SupportClass.URShift(a, 24) & 0x0F] + BITS_SET_IN_HALF_BYTE[SupportClass.URShift(a, 28) & 0x0F]);
		* Wait until the reader thread ID matches the specified parameter.
		* Null = wait for the reader to terminate
		* Non Null = wait for the reader to start
		* Returns when the ID matches, i.e. reader stopped, or reader started.
		* @param the thread id to match
		private void  waitForReader(SupportClass.ThreadClass thread)
			// wait for previous reader thread to terminate
			System.Threading.Thread rInst;
			System.Threading.Thread tInst;

//			while (reader != thread)
			while (!Object.Equals(rInst,tInst))
				// Don't initialize connection while previous reader thread still
				// active.
					* The reader thread may start and immediately terminate.
					* To prevent the waitForReader from waiting forever
					* for the dead to rise, we leave traces of the deceased.
					* If the thread is already gone, we throw an exception.
					if (thread == deadReader)
						if (thread == null)
						/* then we wanted a shutdown */
							return ;
						System.IO.IOException lex = deadReaderException;
						deadReaderException = null;
						deadReader = null;
						// Reader thread terminated
						throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.CONNECTION_READER, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, lex);
					lock (this)
						System.Threading.Monitor.Wait(this, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5));
				catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException ex)


			deadReaderException = null;
			deadReader = null;
			return ;
Beispiel #44
        public Dictionary <string, string[]> GetCapabilities()
            if (_capabilities != null)

            _capabilities = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();

                var ldapSearchConstraints = new LdapSearchConstraints
                    MaxResults        = int.MaxValue,
                    HopLimit          = 0,
                    ReferralFollowing = true

                var ldapSearchResults = _ldapConnection.Search("", LdapConnection.SCOPE_BASE, LdapConstants.OBJECT_FILTER,
                                                               new[] { "*", "supportedControls", "supportedCapabilities" }, false, ldapSearchConstraints);

                while (ldapSearchResults.hasMore())
                    LdapEntry nextEntry;
                        nextEntry =;

                        if (nextEntry == null)
                    catch (LdapException ex)
                        _log.ErrorFormat("GetCapabilities()->LoopResults failed. Error: {0}", ex);

                    var attributeSet = nextEntry.getAttributeSet();

                    var ienum = attributeSet.GetEnumerator();

                    while (ienum.MoveNext())
                        var attribute = (LdapAttribute)ienum.Current;
                        if (attribute == null)

                        var attributeName = attribute.Name;
                        var attributeVals = attribute.StringValueArray
                                            .Select(s =>
                            if (Base64.isLDIFSafe(s))
                            var tbyte = SupportClass.ToByteArray(s);
                            s         = Base64.encode(SupportClass.ToSByteArray(tbyte));


                        _capabilities.Add(attributeName, attributeVals);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.ErrorFormat("GetCapabilities() failed. Error: {0}", ex);

Beispiel #45
		public virtual void print(StreamWriter output, SupportClass.TextNumberFormat format, int width)
			for (int i = 0; i < this.m; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < this.n; j++)
					string text = format.FormatDouble(this.A[i][j]);
					int num = Math.Max(1, width - text.Length);
					for (int k = 0; k < num; k++)
						output.Write(' ');
        static HighLevelEncoder()
            CHAR_MAP[0] = new int[256];
            CHAR_MAP[1] = new int[256];
            CHAR_MAP[2] = new int[256];
            CHAR_MAP[3] = new int[256];
            CHAR_MAP[4] = new int[256];

            SHIFT_TABLE[0] = new int[6];
            SHIFT_TABLE[1] = new int[6];
            SHIFT_TABLE[2] = new int[6];
            SHIFT_TABLE[3] = new int[6];
            SHIFT_TABLE[4] = new int[6];
            SHIFT_TABLE[5] = new int[6];

            CHAR_MAP[MODE_UPPER][' '] = 1;
            for (int c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++)
                CHAR_MAP[MODE_UPPER][c] = c - 'A' + 2;
            CHAR_MAP[MODE_LOWER][' '] = 1;
            for (int c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
                CHAR_MAP[MODE_LOWER][c] = c - 'a' + 2;
            CHAR_MAP[MODE_DIGIT][' '] = 1;
            for (int c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++)
                CHAR_MAP[MODE_DIGIT][c] = c - '0' + 2;
            CHAR_MAP[MODE_DIGIT][','] = 12;
            CHAR_MAP[MODE_DIGIT]['.'] = 13;
            int[] mixedTable =
                '\0', ' ',  1,  2,  3,   4,    5,   6,   7, '\b', '\t', '\n', 11, '\f', '\r',
                27,    28, 29, 30, 31, '@', '\\', '^', '_', '`',  '|',  '~', 127
            for (int i = 0; i < mixedTable.Length; i++)
                CHAR_MAP[MODE_MIXED][mixedTable[i]] = i;
            int[] punctTable =
                '\0', '\r', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '!', '\'', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'',
                '(',  ')',  '*',  '+',  ',',  '-',  '.', '/',  ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?',
                '[',  ']',  '{',  '}'
            for (int i = 0; i < punctTable.Length; i++)
                if (punctTable[i] > 0)
                    CHAR_MAP[MODE_PUNCT][punctTable[i]] = i;
            foreach (int[] table in SHIFT_TABLE)
                SupportClass.Fill(table, -1);



  * Create a SortedVIntList from a BitSet.
  * @param  bits  A bit set representing a set of integers.
 public SortedVIntList(SupportClass.CollectionsSupport.BitSet bits)
     SortedVIntListBuilder builder = new SortedVIntListBuilder(this);
     int nextInt = bits.NextSetBit(0);
     while (nextInt != -1)
         nextInt = bits.NextSetBit(nextInt + 1);
Beispiel #48
 /// <summary> Ctor.</summary>
 /// <param name="lhs">Data to check for.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="rhs">Membership set.
 /// </param>
 public OpIN(IExpression lhs, SupportClass.SetSupport rhs)
     lhs_ = lhs;
     rhs_ = rhs;