Beispiel #1
        public void AddGuest()
            //add a new guest
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities()) {
                //get the last booking ID from the new booking
                var bookingID = context.Bookings.Select(b => b.BookingID).ToList().LastOrDefault();

                //CREATE new entry
                var newGuest = new Guest
                    Name = this.Name,
                    Address = this.Address,
                    NumberOfGuests = this.GuestNumbers,
                    RoomBooked = Convert.ToInt32(this.RoomSelected),
                    BookingIDFK = bookingID,  //get the booking ID from the booking table,  this
                    BookingDate = DateTime.Today.Date

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This returns back a list of the rooms and the prices for those rooms that are available between the dates chosen from the calender
        /// </summary>
        public List<string> OutputAllRoomCosts()
            var OutputAllRoomCostsList = new List<string>();
            //get the free rooms
            var AllRoomsFree = GetFreeRooms(this.BookingFrom, this.BookingTo);

            //get the free rooms for the DGV to show
            //FreeRoomsForDGV(GetFreeRooms(BookingFrom, BookingTo));

            //calculate the cost of each room based on the number of guests

            // a room goes at the cost of 2 people, tariff2People
            //a single person is charged as 2 people unless they are in the room with only single beds - bunk room
            //any extra beds in a room are charged with TariffExtraPerson to 2 extra bed

            //get the tariffs for the rooms
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities()) {
                var RoomTariffDetails =
                    context.Rooms.Where(r => AllRoomsFree.Contains(r.RoomID))
                            r =>
                                    Room = r.RoomID,
                                    Singlebeds = r.NumSingleBeds,
                                    Doublebeds = r.NumDoubleBeds,

                //clear old entries before the foreach loop runs
                // OutputAllRoomCosts.Clear();
                //using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities())
                //import the guestnumbers

                foreach (var Room in RoomTariffDetails) {
                    RoomCost = 0;
                    string RoomFullMessage = ""; //if there are more than 2 extra beds then the room is full
                    // decimal roomcost = 0; //holds the final cost
                    int doublebeds = Convert.ToInt32(Room.Doublebeds); //how many double beds
                    int singlebeds = Convert.ToInt32(Room.Singlebeds); //how many single beds
                    int extrabeds = 2; // only 2 extra beds in a room cound down from 2 allowed

                    ////pass the guest number to a local variable that is decremented and refreshed for each new room
                    int GuestnumbersForForeach = GuestNumbers;

                    if (GuestnumbersForForeach == 1 && Room.Doublebeds > 0) {
                        //if there is one person in an ordinay room they pay the double rate ie: the price of the room
                        RoomCost = Room.Tariff2People.Value;

                    if (GuestnumbersForForeach == 1 && Room.Doublebeds == 0) {
                        //if one person is in a room with no double beds they pay a single rate - its a dorm
                        RoomCost = Room.TariffSinglePerson.Value;

                    if (GuestnumbersForForeach > 1) //so its 2 or more
                        do //loop through the options until the guest number = 0
                            if (doublebeds > 0) {
                                //if the room has double beds
                                RoomCost += Room.Tariff2People.Value; // $200
                                GuestnumbersForForeach -= 2;
                                doublebeds -= 1;
                                } else if (singlebeds > 0) {
                                //if no doubles then count through single beds
                                RoomCost += Room.TariffSinglePerson.Value; // $150
                                GuestnumbersForForeach -= 1;
                                singlebeds -= 1;
                                } else if (extrabeds > 0) {
                                //if no double or single beds left then count through extra beds until there are 2
                                RoomCost += Room.TariffExtraPerson.Value; // $20
                                extrabeds -= 1;
                                GuestnumbersForForeach -= 1;
                                } else {
                                //overflow message
                                if (GuestnumbersForForeach > 1) {
                                    RoomFullMessage = GuestnumbersForForeach + " Guests must be in another room.";
                                    } else {
                                    RoomFullMessage = GuestnumbersForForeach + " Guest must be in another room.";

                                //break the do loop by setting to 0
                                GuestnumbersForForeach = 0;
                            } while (GuestnumbersForForeach > 0);
                    RoomCost += Convert.ToDecimal(this.DaysBooked()) * RoomCost;

                    //add the rooms to a dictionary with the room number and the room cost. This is all becuase I can't add the roomcost to the dgv (grr) so i have to pass it to a list and a dict to hold the data. The dict is used when we add the room cost to the database once the room is selected.
                    RoomCostDict.Add(Room.Room, RoomCost);

                    //output the data to a listview to show on the form
                    OutputAllRoomCostsList.Add(Room.Room + ": " + string.Format("{0:C}", RoomCost) + " " +
            return OutputAllRoomCostsList;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Free rooms to show on the dgv with beds NOT USED?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AllRoomsFree">Free room numbers</param>
        //private void FreeRoomsForDGV(List<int> AllRoomsFree) {
        //    using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities()) {
        //        //get all the bookings, get all the booked rooms, subtract one from the other and you are left with free rooms.
        //        //then match the free rooms by the dates booked and the guest numbers to get the best rooms
        //        //leftover rooms are by logic free, get the rest of their details such as beds THIS IS FOR THE DGV ONLY
        //        var FreeRoomsAndBedsForDGV =
        //            context.Rooms.Where(r => AllRoomsFree.Contains(r.RoomID))
        //                .Select(r => new { Room = r.RoomID, Singlebeds = r.NumSingleBeds, Doublebeds = r.NumDoubleBeds });
        //        //output the other details to the dgv
        //        // dgv.DataSource = FreeRoomsAndBedsForDGV.ToList();
        //        }
        //    }
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the rooms that are free
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of the free rooms</returns>
        private List<int> GetFreeRooms(DateTime BookingFrom, DateTime BookingTo)
            List<int> AllRoomsFreeID;
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities()) {
                //get all the bookings after today
                var AllBookedRooms =
                    context.Bookings.Where(b => b.BookingFrom >= DateTime.Today)
                        .Select(b => new { b.RoomIDFK, b.BookingFrom, b.BookingTo })
                        .OrderBy(b => b.RoomIDFK)
                        .ThenBy(b => b.BookingFrom);

                //get all the rooms
                var AllRooms = context.Rooms.Select(r => r.RoomID);

                //make a list of all the room numbers (maybe i could leave it as allrooms but whatever)
                AllRoomsFreeID = new List<int>(AllRooms.ToList());

                //loop through all the booked rooms
                foreach (var BookedRoom in AllBookedRooms) {
                    //find if the booking dates are inside the room dates
                    if (DatesOverlap(BookingFrom, BookingTo, BookedRoom.BookingFrom, BookedRoom.BookingTo)) {
                        if (AllRoomsFreeID.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(BookedRoom.RoomIDFK))) {
                            //remove rooms from the list of all rooms that are in conflict
            return AllRoomsFreeID;
Beispiel #4
        public void AddNewBooking()
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities()) {
                // CREATE a new booking
                var newbooking = new Booking();
                newbooking.RoomIDFK = Convert.ToInt32(this.RoomSelected);
                newbooking.BookingFrom = this.BookingFrom.Date;
                newbooking.BookingTo = this.BookingTo.Date;

                //add in the cost of the room extracted from the dictionary
                newbooking.RoomCost = RoomBookedPrice();

                //string BookedConfirmationMessage = Environment.NewLine + "You have booked Room " + this.RoomSelected + Environment.NewLine + "From " + this.BookingFrom + "To " + Environment.NewLine + this.BookingTo + Environment.NewLine + "For " + (string.Format("{0:C}", newbooking.RoomCost));

                //show a confirmation message
