Beispiel #1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     xMin    = transform.GetChild(0).transform.position.x - maxBlockX;
     xMax    = transform.GetChild(0).transform.position.x + maxBlockX;
     camera  = Camera.main;
     state   = camera.GetComponent <BackGround>().GetState();
     sunMoon = transform.GetChild(3).GetComponent <SunMoon>();
        private static (DateTime peak, DateTime min, DateTime max) FindPeakCenter(DateTime tPeakTime, double nPeakVal, string cMember, int?zone, LocationTimeHolder lth = null)
            var fld = typeof(SunMoon).GetProperty(cMember);

            DateTime tStartPeakTime = DateTime.MaxValue;
            int      xTry           = 0;
            int      iJumpSize      = 3600;
            TimeSpan tsJump         = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);

            while (xTry < 1000)
                var    sm   = new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, tPeakTime - tsJump, zone, lth);
                double nVal = getValue(fld.GetValue(sm), cMember);
                if (nVal == nPeakVal)
                    tsJump += TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);
                    if (sm.Datum < tStartPeakTime)
                        tStartPeakTime = sm.Datum;
                    tsJump   -= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);
                    iJumpSize = iJumpSize / 10;
                    tsJump   += TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);
                if (iJumpSize < 0.01)

            DateTime tEndPeakTime = DateTime.MinValue;

            xTry      = 0;
            iJumpSize = 3600;
            tsJump    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);
            while (xTry < 1000)
                var    sm   = new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, tPeakTime + tsJump, zone, lth);
                double nVal = getValue(fld.GetValue(sm), cMember);
                if (nVal == nPeakVal)
                    tsJump += TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);
                    if (sm.Datum > tStartPeakTime)
                        tEndPeakTime = sm.Datum;
                    tsJump   -= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);
                    iJumpSize = iJumpSize / 10;
                    tsJump   += TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);
                if (iJumpSize < 0.01)

            if (tStartPeakTime == DateTime.MaxValue)
                tStartPeakTime = tPeakTime;
            if (tEndPeakTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                tEndPeakTime = tPeakTime;

            if (tStartPeakTime != tPeakTime || tEndPeakTime != tPeakTime)
                tPeakTime = tStartPeakTime.AddMilliseconds((tEndPeakTime - tStartPeakTime).TotalMilliseconds / 2);

            return(tPeakTime, tStartPeakTime, tEndPeakTime);
        public static PeakPoint FindPeakAt(double nPeakDest, DateTime tStartPoint, string cMember, int?zone = null, double iJumpSize = 360000, LocationTimeHolder lth = null)
            if (zone == null)
                zone = (DateTime.Now - DateTime.UtcNow).Hours;

            DateTime mNow = tStartPoint;
            var      fld  = typeof(SunMoon).GetProperty(cMember);

            if (fld != null)
                SunMoon  sm        = new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, mNow, zone, lth);
                double   nLastDist = double.MaxValue;
                TimeSpan tsJump    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0);

                var xPoints = new Dictionary <DateTime, double>();
                xPoints.Add(sm.Datum, getValue(fld.GetValue(sm), cMember));

                int iTry = 0;
                while (iTry < 1000)

                    if (iTry > 100)

                    sm = new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, mNow + tsJump, zone, lth);
                    double nVal  = getValue(fld.GetValue(sm), cMember);
                    double nDist = nPeakDest - nVal;
                    if (nDist < 0)
                        nDist = nDist * -1;
                    if (nDist > nLastDist) //wenn am PeakVorbei
                        xPoints.Add(sm.Datum.AddMilliseconds(iTry), nVal);
                        nLastDist = double.MaxValue;

                        //two step back and continue smaler
                        tsJump   -= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize * 2);
                        iJumpSize = iJumpSize / 10;
                        nLastDist = nDist;
                    tsJump += TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);
                    if (iJumpSize < 0.01)
                        sm        = new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, mNow + tsJump, zone, lth);
                        iJumpSize = iJumpSize * 10; //für die Anzeige

                string c = "";
                foreach (var x in xPoints)
                    c += x.Key + "    " + x.Value + "\n";


                double nPeakVal = getValue(fld.GetValue(sm), cMember);

                var peak      = FindPeakCenter(sm.Datum, nPeakVal, cMember, zone, lth);
                var tPeakTime = peak.Item1;

                string cEinheit = GetEinheit(cMember);
                string cPeakVal = nPeakVal.ToString();
                if ("h".Equals(cEinheit))
                    cPeakVal = GetTime(nPeakVal);
                else if ("°".Equals(cEinheit))
                    cPeakVal = GetGrad(nPeakVal);
                else if ("km".Equals(cEinheit))
                    cPeakVal = GetKm(nPeakVal);

                return(new PeakPoint()
                    DateTime = tPeakTime, Value = nPeakVal, JumpCount = iTry, JumpSize = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize), PeakStart = peak.Item2, PeakEnd = peak.Item3
        public static PeakPoint FindPeakBefore(DateTime tStartPoint, int iDirection, string cMember, int?zone = null, double iJumpSize = 360000, LocationTimeHolder lth = null)
            if (zone == null)
                zone = (DateTime.Now - DateTime.UtcNow).Hours;
            DateTime mNow = tStartPoint;
            var      fld  = typeof(SunMoon).GetProperty(cMember);

            if (fld != null)
                SunMoon sm      = new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, mNow, zone, lth);
                double  nMaxVal = getValue(fld.GetValue(sm), cMember) * iDirection;

                var xPoints = new Dictionary <DateTime, double>();
                xPoints.Add(sm.Datum, nMaxVal);

                TimeSpan tsJump = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);

                //prüfen, ob nicht ein halber Zyklus übersprungen werden sollt..

                var nPrev = getValue(fld.GetValue(new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, mNow - TimeSpan.FromHours(6), zone, lth)), cMember) * iDirection;
                var nNext = getValue(fld.GetValue(new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, mNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(6), zone, lth)), cMember) * iDirection;
                if (nPrev > nMaxVal && nNext < nMaxVal)
                    var next = FindPeakBefore(tStartPoint.AddHours(-12), iDirection * -1, cMember, zone, iJumpSize, lth);
                    tsJump  = next.DateTime - tStartPoint;
                    nMaxVal = getValue(fld.GetValue(new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, mNow + tsJump, zone, lth)), cMember) * iDirection;
                    xPoints.Add(mNow + tsJump, nMaxVal);

                int iTry = 0;
                while (iTry < 1000)
                    sm = new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, mNow - tsJump, zone, lth);
                    double nVal = getValue(fld.GetValue(sm), cMember) * iDirection;

                    if (nVal > nMaxVal)
                        nMaxVal = nVal;

                    if (nVal < nMaxVal)
                        tsJump -= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);
                        if (iJumpSize > 0.1)
                            //two step back and continue smaler
                            tsJump -= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);

                            xPoints.Add(sm.Datum.AddMilliseconds(iTry), nVal);

                            nMaxVal = getValue(fld.GetValue(new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, mNow - tsJump, zone, lth)), cMember) * iDirection;
                            xPoints.Add((mNow + tsJump).AddMilliseconds(iTry + 1), getValue(fld.GetValue(new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, mNow - tsJump, zone, lth)), cMember) * iDirection);

                            iJumpSize = iJumpSize / 10;
                            sm = new SunMoon(sys.lastUserLocation.Latitude, sys.lastUserLocation.Longitude, mNow - tsJump, zone, lth);
                    tsJump += TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize);

                string c = "";
                foreach (var x in xPoints)
                    c += x.Key + "    " + x.Value + "\n";


                double   nPeakVal  = getValue(fld.GetValue(sm), cMember);
                DateTime tPeakTime = sm.Datum;

                var peak = FindPeakCenter(tPeakTime, nPeakVal, cMember, zone, lth);
                tPeakTime = peak.Item1;

                string cEinheit = GetEinheit(cMember);
                string cPeakVal = nPeakVal.ToString();
                if ("h".Equals(cEinheit))
                    cPeakVal = GetTime(nPeakVal);
                else if ("°".Equals(cEinheit))
                    cPeakVal = GetGrad(nPeakVal);
                else if ("km".Equals(cEinheit))
                    cPeakVal = GetKm(nPeakVal);

                return(new PeakPoint()
                    DateTime = tPeakTime, Value = nPeakVal, JumpCount = iTry, JumpSize = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iJumpSize), PeakStart = peak.Item2, PeakEnd = peak.Item3