// GET: Metrics/Champion/5
        public ActionResult Champion(string id)
            SummonerViewModel model = GetSummonerViewModel();

            int SelectedChampionId;

            // No SelectedChampion, load all stats
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                //// TODO: Redirect to another action to show overall stats
                model.SelectedChampion = model.Summoner.Champions.FirstOrDefault();
            // Parse SelectedChampion as an ID
            else if (int.TryParse(id, out SelectedChampionId))
                model.SelectedChampion = model.Summoner.Champions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == SelectedChampionId);
            // Parse SelectedChampion as a champ name
                id = id.ToLowerInvariant();
                model.SelectedChampion = model.Summoner.Champions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == id);

        //public ActionResult Champion(string Champion)
        //    return RedirectToAction("Champion", int.Parse(Champion));

        private SummonerViewModel GetSummonerViewModel()
            if (Session["Model"] == null)
                SummonerViewModel summonerViewModel = new SummonerViewModel();

                    // Load XML via database
                    XDocument SummonerMetrics = GetOnlineMetrics("GundayMonday");

                    // Load XML via local file
                    //XDocument SummonerMetrics = GetOfflineMetrics("~/content/sample.xml");

                    summonerViewModel.Summoner = new SummonerModel(SummonerMetrics.Root.Element("Summoner"));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // TODO: Something useful
                    summonerViewModel.Summoner = new SummonerModel();
                    HttpContext.Session.Add("Model", summonerViewModel);

            return(Session["Model"] as SummonerViewModel);
        public void GetSummonerInfo(string summonerName, string api, SummonerViewModel model)
            var myApi     = RiotApi.GetInstance(api);
            var staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(api);

            if (summonerName != null)
                GrabSummoner(myApi, summonerName, model);

                var champions      = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.na, ChampionData.image).Champions.Values;
                var summonerSpells = staticApi.GetSummonerSpells(Region.na, SummonerSpellData.image).SummonerSpells.Values;
                var version        = staticApi.GetVersions(Region.na).FirstOrDefault();
                var rankedStats    = myApi.GetStatsRanked(Region.na, model.SummonerId);
                var summonerIdList = new List <long> {
                var leagues = myApi.GetLeagues(Region.na, summonerIdList).FirstOrDefault().Value;

                GrabEntries(leagues, model);
                GrabMatchHistory(myApi, model, version, champions, summonerSpells);

                model.Champions    = champions;
                model.SummonerIcon = "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/" + version + "/img/profileicon/" + model.SummonerIconId + ".png";
Beispiel #4
        public SummonerViewModel getDesiredSummoner(string username)
            var summoner = this.Context.Summoners.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Username == username);
            SummonerViewModel summonerVm = Mapper.Map <Summoner, SummonerViewModel>(summoner);

Beispiel #5
        public ActionResult Summoner(string name)
            name = "RiotSchmick";
            IRiotGamesApi riot     = new RiotGamesApi(_apikey);
            var           summoner = riot.GetSummoner(name);

            SummonerViewModel summonerVm = _mapper.Map <SummonerViewModel>(summoner);

Beispiel #6
        public ActionResult InviteToClub(SummonerViewModel model)
            _context.ClubInvitations.Add(new ClubInvitation
                FromId = model.coachId,
                ToId   = model.UserId

            return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Player", new { id = model.UserId }));
Beispiel #7
        public SummonerView(Summoner summoner)
            var vm = new SummonerViewModel
                Navigation      = Navigation,
                CurrentSummoner = summoner

            BindingContext = vm;
 public IActionResult LeagueofLegends(SummonerViewModel model)
     if (model.SummonerName != null)
         _summonerInfo.GetSummonerInfo(model.SummonerName, _config["ApiKey:Key"], model);
         return(View("LolStats", model));
        public void GrabSummoner(IRiotApi myApi, string summonerName, SummonerViewModel model)
                var summoner = myApi.GetSummoner(Region.na, summonerName);
                model.SummonerName   = summoner.Name;
                model.SummonerLevel  = summoner.Level;
                model.SummonerRegion = summoner.Region;
                model.SummonerIconId = summoner.ProfileIconId;
                model.SummonerId     = summoner.Id;

            catch (RiotSharpException ex)
                // Handle the exception however you want.
                Console.WriteLine("Could not get summoner or summoner does not exist");
        public void GrabEntries(List <League> leagues, SummonerViewModel model)
            var allLeagues = new List <LeagueInfo>();

            foreach (var league in leagues)
                var leagueInfo = new LeagueInfo();

                leagueInfo.Tier     = league.Tier;
                leagueInfo.TierName = league.Name;
                leagueInfo.GameMode = league.Queue;

                leagueInfo.Wins         = league.Entries.FirstOrDefault().Wins;
                leagueInfo.Losses       = league.Entries.FirstOrDefault().Losses;
                leagueInfo.Division     = league.Entries.FirstOrDefault().Division;
                leagueInfo.LeaguePoints = league.Entries.FirstOrDefault().LeaguePoints;
                leagueInfo.RankIcon     = "/img/tier-icons/" + leagueInfo.Tier + "_" + leagueInfo.Division + ".png";


            model.League = allLeagues;
 public IActionResult LolStats(SummonerViewModel model)
Beispiel #12
        public ActionResult Details(string id)
            var user = _context.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Id == id);

            if (user == null)

            if (user.UserTypeId == UserType.Coach)
                return(View("Coach", user));

            var soloQueue = _context.RankedStats.SingleOrDefault(r => r.UserId == id && r.QueueType == "RANKED_SOLO_5x5");
            var flexQueue = _context.RankedStats.SingleOrDefault(r => r.UserId == id && r.QueueType == "RANKED_FLEX_SR");

            var matches = _context.MatchStatsNeeded.Where(m => m.UserId == id).ToList();

            var mainRole = _context.Roles.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == user.RoleId);

            var champions = _context.Champions.ToList();

            var role = _context.Roles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == user.RoleId);
            //get average stats
            var list = matches.GroupBy(x => x.ChampionId).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count()).Take(5);

            //calculate EP for player
            if (user.EPoints == 0)
                if (list.Count() >= 5)
                    // 2 dimentional array { champ id, kills, deaths, assists, minionskilled, visionScore }
                    int[,] topArray = new int[5, 6]
                        { list.ElementAt(0).Key, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { list.ElementAt(1).Key, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { list.ElementAt(2).Key, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { list.ElementAt(3).Key, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { list.ElementAt(4).Key, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
                    var d = 0;
                    // iterate and increment stats
                    foreach (var champ in matches)
                        if (list.Where(x => x.Key == champ.ChampionId) != null)
                            for (var i = 0; i < topArray.GetLength(0); i++)
                                if (topArray[i, 0] == champ.ChampionId)
                                    topArray[i, 1] += champ.Kills;
                                    topArray[i, 2] += champ.Deaths;
                                    topArray[i, 3] += champ.Assists;
                                    topArray[i, 4] += champ.TotalMinionsKilled;
                                    topArray[i, 5] += champ.VisionScore;
                    // array contains average EPs {kills, assists, deaths, cs, vision }
                    float[] aStats = new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                    //create average stats
                    foreach (var item in list)
                        float aKills         = (float)topArray[d, 1] / item.Count();
                        float aDeaths        = (float)topArray[d, 2] / item.Count();
                        float aAssists       = (float)topArray[d, 3] / item.Count();
                        float aMinionsKilled = (float)topArray[d, 4] / item.Count();
                        float aVision        = (float)topArray[d, 5] / item.Count();

                        //get EP for this champ
                        var ep = Global.GetEPoints(role.Name, aKills, aAssists, aDeaths, aMinionsKilled, aVision, soloQueue);

                        //add it to array
                        aStats[d] = ep;
                    //back to 0 for next time
                    d = 0;

                    //get average EP
                    float totalEP = 0;
                    float EP;
                    for (var x = 0; x < aStats.Length; x++)
                        totalEP += aStats[x];
                    EP           = totalEP / 5;
                    user.EPoints = EP;

            var listOfInvitations = _context.ClubInvitations.ToList();

            //view model
            var viewModel = new SummonerViewModel()
                SummonerName = user.SummonerName,
                SoloQueue    = soloQueue,
                FlexQueue    = flexQueue,
                matches      = matches,
                MainRole     = mainRole.Name,
                Champions    = champions,
                EP           = user.EPoints,
                UserId       = user.Id,
                Invitations  = listOfInvitations

Beispiel #13
        public IActionResult LeagueofLegends(SummonerViewModel model)
            _summonerInfo.GetSummonerInfo(model.SummonerName, _config["ApiKey:Key"]);

Beispiel #14
 public IActionResult Get(SummonerViewModel model, string summonerName)
     _summonerInfo.GetSummonerInfo(summonerName, _config["ApiKey:Key"], model);
        public void GrabMatchHistory(RiotApi myApi, SummonerViewModel model, string version, Dictionary <string, ChampionStatic> .ValueCollection champions, Dictionary <string, SummonerSpellStatic> .ValueCollection summonerSpells)
            var matchHistory = myApi.GetRecentGames(Region.na, model.SummonerId);//stats

            var matches = new List <GameEntity>();

            var match = 0;

            foreach (var game in matchHistory)
                var theGame = new GameEntity();

                theGame.Kills  = game.Statistics.ChampionsKilled;
                theGame.Assist = game.Statistics.Assists;
                theGame.Deaths = game.Statistics.NumDeaths;
                theGame.win    = game.Statistics.Win;
                double kda = (double)(game.Statistics.ChampionsKilled + game.Statistics.Assists) / (double)game.Statistics.NumDeaths;
                theGame.Kda         = kda.ToString("0.##");
                theGame.Map         = game.MapType;
                theGame.ChampLevel  = game.Level;
                theGame.GameMode    = game.GameMode;
                theGame.GameType    = game.GameType;
                theGame.GameSubType = game.GameSubType;

                var item0Id = game.Statistics.Item0;
                var item1Id = game.Statistics.Item1;
                var item2Id = game.Statistics.Item2;
                var item3Id = game.Statistics.Item3;
                var item4Id = game.Statistics.Item4;
                var item5Id = game.Statistics.Item5;
                var item6Id = game.Statistics.Item6;

                theGame.item0 = ConvertToImage("item", item0Id.ToString(), version);
                theGame.item1 = ConvertToImage("item", item1Id.ToString(), version);
                theGame.item2 = ConvertToImage("item", item2Id.ToString(), version);
                theGame.item3 = ConvertToImage("item", item3Id.ToString(), version);
                theGame.item4 = ConvertToImage("item", item4Id.ToString(), version);
                theGame.item5 = ConvertToImage("item", item5Id.ToString(), version);
                theGame.item6 = ConvertToImage("item", item6Id.ToString(), version);

                var players            = game.FellowPlayers;
                var theFellowSummoners = new List <FellowSummoner>();

                foreach (var summoner in players)
                    var theTeam = new FellowSummoner();

                    theTeam.teamId = summoner.TeamId;
                    var champPlayedId = summoner.ChampionId;
                    var champ         = champions.Where(x => x.Id == champPlayedId).First();
                    var image         = champ.Image.Full;

                    theTeam.champImg  = ConvertToImage("champion", image, version);
                    theTeam.champName = champ.Name;


                theGame.inGameSummonerName = theFellowSummoners;

                var champId     = game.ChampionId;
                var champPlayed = champions.Where(x => x.Id == champId).First();
                theGame.ChampName = champPlayed.Name;
                var champImage = champPlayed.Image.Full;
                theGame.ChampPicture = ConvertToImage("champion", champImage, version);

                var spell1Id = game.SummonerSpell1;
                var spell2Id = game.SummonerSpell2;

                var spell1 = summonerSpells.Where(x => x.Id == spell1Id).First().Image.Full;
                var spell2 = summonerSpells.Where(x => x.Id == spell2Id).First().Image.Full;

                theGame.SummonerSpell1 = ConvertToImage("spell", spell1, version);
                theGame.SummonerSpell2 = ConvertToImage("spell", spell2, version);


            model.MatchList = matches;