Beispiel #1
        public DataSet GenerateSkillTable()
            Wz_Node skillWz = PluginManager.FindWz(Wz_Type.Skill);

            if (skillWz == null)

            Regex r = new Regex(@"^(\d+)\.img", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            DataSet   ds       = new DataSet();
            DataTable jobTable = new DataTable("ms_job");

            jobTable.Columns.Add("jobID", typeof(string));
            jobTable.Columns.Add("jobName", typeof(string));

            DataTable skillTable = new DataTable("ms_skill");

            skillTable.Columns.Add("jobID", typeof(string));
            skillTable.Columns.Add("skillID", typeof(string));
            skillTable.Columns.Add("skillName", typeof(string));
            skillTable.Columns.Add("skillDesc", typeof(string));
            skillTable.Columns.Add("maxLevel", typeof(int));
            skillTable.Columns.Add("invisible", typeof(bool));
            skillTable.Columns.Add("hyper", typeof(int));
            skillTable.Columns.Add("reqSkill", typeof(string));
            skillTable.Columns.Add("reqSkillLevel", typeof(int));
            skillTable.Columns.Add("reqLevel", typeof(int));

            DataTable skillLevelTable = new DataTable("ms_skillLevel");

            skillLevelTable.Columns.Add("skillID", typeof(string));
            skillLevelTable.Columns.Add("level", typeof(int));
            skillLevelTable.Columns.Add("levelDesc", typeof(string));

            DataTable skillCommonTable = new DataTable("ms_skillCommon");

            skillCommonTable.Columns.Add("skillID", typeof(string));
            skillCommonTable.Columns.Add("commonName", typeof(string));
            skillCommonTable.Columns.Add("commonValue", typeof(string));

            DataTable skillPVPCommonTable = new DataTable("ms_skillPVPCommon");

            skillPVPCommonTable.Columns.Add("skillID", typeof(string));
            skillPVPCommonTable.Columns.Add("commonName", typeof(string));
            skillPVPCommonTable.Columns.Add("commonValue", typeof(string));

            DataTable skillHTable = new DataTable("ms_skillH");

            skillHTable.Columns.Add("skillID", typeof(string));
            skillHTable.Columns.Add("desc", typeof(string));
            skillHTable.Columns.Add("pdesc", typeof(string));
            skillHTable.Columns.Add("h", typeof(string));
            skillHTable.Columns.Add("ph", typeof(string));
            skillHTable.Columns.Add("hch", typeof(string));

            StringResult sr;

            foreach (Wz_Node node in skillWz.Nodes)
                Match    m   = r.Match(node.Text);
                Wz_Image img = node.GetValue <Wz_Image>(null);
                if (!m.Success)
                if (img == null || !img.TryExtract())
                string jobID = m.Result("$1");
                sl.StringSkill2.TryGetValue(jobID, out sr);
                jobTable.Rows.Add(jobID, (sr != null ? sr["bookName"] : null));

                Wz_Node skillListNode = img.Node.FindNodeByPath("skill");
                if (skillListNode == null || skillListNode.Nodes.Count <= 0)

                foreach (Wz_Node skillNode in skillListNode.Nodes)
                    Skill skill = Skill.CreateFromNode(skillNode, PluginManager.FindWz);
                    if (skill == null)

                    // if (skill.Invisible) //过滤不可见技能
                    //     continue;

                    string skillID = skillNode.Text;
                    sl.StringSkill2.TryGetValue(skillID, out sr);

                    string reqSkill      = null;
                    int    reqSkillLevel = 0;
                    if (skill.ReqSkill.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var kv in skill.ReqSkill)
                            reqSkill      = kv.Key.ToString();
                            reqSkillLevel = kv.Value;

                        sr != null ? sr.Name : null,
                        sr != null ? sr.Desc : null,

                    if (!skill.PreBBSkill)
                        foreach (var kv in skill.Common)
                        foreach (var kv in skill.PVPcommon)
                            sr != null ? sr["desc"] : null,
                            sr != null ? sr["pdesc"] : null,
                            sr != null ? sr["h"] : null,
                            sr != null ? sr["ph"] : null,
                            sr != null ? sr["hch"] : null

                    for (int i = 1, j = skill.MaxLevel + (skill.CombatOrders ? 2 : 0); i <= j; i++)
                        skill.Level = i;
                        string levelDesc = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(skill, sr, SummaryParams.Default);


Beispiel #2
        private Bitmap RenderSkill(out int picH)
            //int h = 128;
            Bitmap   bitmap = new Bitmap(290, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics g      = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

            picH = 33; //iconY

            StringResult sr;

            if (!StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(skill.SkillID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResult(true);
                sr.Name = "(null)";

            StringFormat format = new StringFormat();

            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;

            g.DrawString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont, Brushes.White, 143, 10, format);//绘制标题
            if (skill.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            14 + (1 - skill.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            picH + (33 - skill.Icon.Bitmap.Height) * 2);//绘制图标

            picH = 35;
            GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[最高等级:" + skill.MaxLevel + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);
            if (sr.Desc != null)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, sr.Desc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);

            picH = Math.Max(picH, 114);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH); //分割线
            picH += 5;

            if (skill.Level > 0)
                string hStr = null;
                if (skill.PreBBSkill)
                    if (sr.SkillH.Count >= skill.Level)
                        hStr = sr.SkillH[skill.Level - 1];
                    if (sr.SkillH.Count > 0)
                        hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(skill, skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default);

                picH += 4;
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[现在等级 " + skill.Level + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);

            if (skill.Level < skill.MaxLevel)
                string hStr = null;
                if (skill.PreBBSkill)
                    if (sr.SkillH.Count >= skill.Level + 1)
                        hStr = sr.SkillH[skill.Level];
                    if (sr.SkillH.Count > 0)
                        hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(skill, skill.Level + 1, sr, SummaryParams.Default);

                picH += 4;
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[下次等级 " + (skill.Level + 1) + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
            picH += 9;
        private Bitmap RenderSkill(out int picH)
            Bitmap       bitmap = new Bitmap(290, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics     g      = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
            StringFormat format = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericDefault.Clone();

            picH = 0;

            StringResult sr;

            if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(Skill.SkillID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResultSkill();
                sr.Name = "(null)";

            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            g.DrawString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont2, Brushes.White, 144, 10, format);

            picH = 33;
            g.FillRectangle(GearGraphics.GearIconBackBrush2, 14, picH, 68, 68);
            if (Skill.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            14 + (1 - Skill.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            picH + (33 - Skill.Icon.Bitmap.Height) * 2);

            picH = 35;
            if (!Skill.PreBBSkill)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[Master Level: " + Skill.MaxLevel + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);

            if (sr.Desc != null)
                string hdesc = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(sr.Desc, Skill.Level, Skill.Common, SummaryParams.Default);
                //string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(skill, skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hdesc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);
            if (Skill.ReqLevel > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c[Required Level:" + Skill.ReqLevel.ToString() + "]#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);
            if (Skill.ReqAmount > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c" + ItemStringHelper.GetSkillReqAmount(Skill.SkillID, Skill.ReqAmount) + "#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);

            picH = Math.Max(picH, 114);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH);
            picH += 9;

            if (Skill.Level > 0)
                string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(Skill, Skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[Current Level " + Skill.Level + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                if (hStr != null)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);

            if (Skill.Level < Skill.MaxLevel)
                string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(Skill, Skill.Level + 1, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[Next Level " + (Skill.Level + 1) + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                if (hStr != null)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
            picH += 9;

            List <string> skillDescEx = new List <string>();

            if (ShowProperties)
                List <string> attr = new List <string>();
                if (Skill.Invisible)
                    attr.Add("[Hidden Skill]");
                if (Skill.Hyper != HyperSkillType.None)
                    attr.Add("[Hyper Skill: " + Skill.Hyper + "]");
                if (Skill.CombatOrders)
                    attr.Add("[Can pass Master Level with Combat Orders]");
                if (Skill.NotRemoved)
                    attr.Add("[Cannot be canceled]");
                if (Skill.MasterLevel > 0 && Skill.MasterLevel < Skill.MaxLevel)
                    attr.Add("[Requires Mastery Book to pass Lv. " + Skill.MasterLevel + "]");
                if (Skill.NotIncBuffDuration)
                    attr.Add("[Not affected by Buff Duration increases]");
                if (Skill.NotCooltimeReset)
                    attr.Add("[Not affected by Cooldown reductions/resets]");
                if (attr.Count > 0)
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c" + string.Join("\n", attr.ToArray()) + "#");

            if (ShowDelay && Skill.Action.Count > 0)
                foreach (string action in Skill.Action)
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c[Skill Delay] " + action + ": " + CharaSimLoader.GetActionDelay(action) + " ms#");

            if (ShowReqSkill && Skill.ReqSkill.Count > 0)
                foreach (var kv in Skill.ReqSkill)
                    string skillName;
                    if (this.StringLinker != null && this.StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(kv.Key, out sr))
                        skillName = sr.Name;
                        skillName = kv.Key.ToString();
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c[Required Skill]: " + skillName + ": " + kv.Value + " #");

            if (skillDescEx.Count > 0)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH);
                picH += 9;
                foreach (var descEx in skillDescEx)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, descEx, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                picH += 9;

        private Bitmap RenderSkill(CanvasRegion region, out int picH)
            Bitmap       bitmap = new Bitmap(region.Width, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics     g      = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
            StringFormat format = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericDefault.Clone();

            picH = 0;

            StringResult sr;

            if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(Skill.SkillID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResultSkill();
                sr.Name = "(null)";

            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            g.DrawString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont2, Brushes.White, region.TitleCenterX, 10, format);

            picH = 33;
            g.FillRectangle(GearGraphics.GearIconBackBrush2, 14, picH, 68, 68);
            if (Skill.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            14 + (1 - Skill.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            picH + (33 - Skill.Icon.Bitmap.Height) * 2);

            picH = 35;
            if (!Skill.PreBBSkill)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[Max Level:" + Skill.MaxLevel + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, region.SkillDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);

            if (sr.Desc != null)
                string hdesc = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(sr.Desc, Skill.Level, Skill.Common, SummaryParams.Default);
                //string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(skill, skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hdesc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, region.SkillDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);
            if (Skill.ReqLevel > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c[Requires: " + Skill.ReqLevel.ToString() + "]#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, region.SkillDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);
            if (Skill.ReqAmount > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c" + ItemStringHelper.GetSkillReqAmount(Skill.SkillID, Skill.ReqAmount) + "#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, region.SkillDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);

            picH = Math.Max(picH, 114);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.White, region.SplitterX1, picH, region.SplitterX2, picH);
            picH += 9;

            if (Skill.Level > 0)
                string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(Skill, Skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default, new SkillSummaryOptions
                    ConvertCooltimeMS = this.DisplayCooltimeMSAsSec,
                    ConvertPerM       = this.DisplayPermyriadAsPercent
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[Level " + Skill.Level + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, region.LevelDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);
                if (hStr != null)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, region.LevelDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);

            if (Skill.Level < Skill.MaxLevel)
                string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(Skill, Skill.Level + 1, sr, SummaryParams.Default, new SkillSummaryOptions
                    ConvertCooltimeMS = this.DisplayCooltimeMSAsSec,
                    ConvertPerM       = this.DisplayPermyriadAsPercent
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[Next Level " + (Skill.Level + 1) + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, region.LevelDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);
                if (hStr != null)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, region.LevelDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);
            picH += 9;

            List <string> skillDescEx = new List <string>();

            if (ShowProperties)
                List <string> attr = new List <string>();
                if (Skill.Invisible)
                if (Skill.Hyper != HyperSkillType.None)
                    attr.Add("Hyper: " + Skill.Hyper);
                if (Skill.CombatOrders)
                    attr.Add("Combat Orders");
                if (Skill.NotRemoved)
                    attr.Add("Not Removed");
                if (Skill.MasterLevel > 0 && Skill.MasterLevel < Skill.MaxLevel)
                    attr.Add("Inital Mastery LVL: " + Skill.MasterLevel);

                if (attr.Count > 0)
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c" + string.Join(", ", attr.ToArray()) + "#");

            if (ShowDelay && Skill.Action.Count > 0)
                foreach (string action in Skill.Action)
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c[Delay] " + action + ": " + CharaSimLoader.GetActionDelay(action) + " ms#");

            if (ShowReqSkill && Skill.ReqSkill.Count > 0)
                foreach (var kv in Skill.ReqSkill)
                    string skillName;
                    if (this.StringLinker != null && this.StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(kv.Key, out sr))
                        skillName = sr.Name;
                        skillName = kv.Key.ToString();
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c[Requires] " + skillName + ": " + kv.Value + "#");

            if (skillDescEx.Count > 0)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, region.SplitterX1, picH, region.SplitterX2, picH);
                picH += 9;
                foreach (var descEx in skillDescEx)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, descEx, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, region.LevelDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);
                picH += 9;

        private Bitmap RenderSkill(out int picH)
            Bitmap       bitmap = new Bitmap(290, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics     g      = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
            StringFormat format = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericDefault.Clone();

            picH = 0;

            StringResult sr;

            if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(Skill.SkillID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResult(true);
                sr.Name = "(null)";

            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            g.DrawString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont2, Brushes.White, 144, 10, format);

            picH = 33;
            g.FillRectangle(GearGraphics.GearIconBackBrush2, 14, picH, 68, 68);
            if (Skill.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            14 + (1 - Skill.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            picH + (33 - Skill.Icon.Bitmap.Height) * 2);

            picH = 35;
            if (!Skill.PreBBSkill)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[最高等级:" + Skill.MaxLevel + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);

            if (sr.Desc != null)
                string hdesc = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(sr.Desc, Skill.Level, Skill.Common, SummaryParams.Default);
                //string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(skill, skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hdesc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);
            if (Skill.ReqLevel > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c[要求等级:" + Skill.ReqLevel.ToString() + "]#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);
            if (Skill.ReqAmount > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c" + ItemStringHelper.GetSkillReqAmount(Skill.SkillID, Skill.ReqAmount) + "#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);

            picH = Math.Max(picH, 114);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH);
            picH += 9;

            if (Skill.Level > 0)
                string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(Skill, Skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[现在等级 " + Skill.Level + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                if (hStr != null)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);

            if (Skill.Level < Skill.MaxLevel)
                string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(Skill, Skill.Level + 1, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[下次等级 " + (Skill.Level + 1) + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                if (hStr != null)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
            picH += 9;

            List <string> skillDescEx = new List <string>();

            if (ShowProperties)
                List <string> attr = new List <string>();
                if (Skill.Invisible)
                if (Skill.Hyper != HyperSkillType.None)
                    attr.Add("超级技能:" + Skill.Hyper);
                if (Skill.CombatOrders)
                if (Skill.NotRemoved)
                if (Skill.MasterLevel > 0 && Skill.MasterLevel < Skill.MaxLevel)
                    attr.Add("初始掌握:Lv." + Skill.MasterLevel);

                if (attr.Count > 0)
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c" + string.Join(", ", attr.ToArray()) + "#");

            if (ShowDelay && Skill.Action.Count > 0)
                foreach (string action in Skill.Action)
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c[技能延时] " + action + ": " + CharaSimLoader.GetActionDelay(action) + " ms#");

            if (ShowReqSkill && Skill.ReqSkill.Count > 0)
                foreach (var kv in Skill.ReqSkill)
                    string skillName;
                    if (this.StringLinker != null && this.StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(kv.Key, out sr))
                        skillName = sr.Name;
                        skillName = kv.Key.ToString();
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c[前置技能] " + skillName + ": " + kv.Value + " 级#");

            if (skillDescEx.Count > 0)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH);
                picH += 9;
                foreach (var descEx in skillDescEx)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, descEx, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                picH += 9;
