/// <summary>
        /// Assigns subscription object based on data from database to each Subscription button based on initial Button.Tag property and PosNumber endpoint in API.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeSubscriptionButtons()
            //START - All buttons have Tag property with their consecutive number
            var buttons = HoursTopUpsButtons.Children.OfType <Button>().Concat(DaysTopUpsButtons.Children.OfType <Button>());
            var subscriptionCollection = new SubscriptionRequest().GetByPosNumber(notNull: true);

            foreach (var button in buttons.Where(button => button.Tag != null))
                button.Tag = subscriptionCollection.Where(subscription => subscription.PosNumber == Convert.ToInt32(button.Tag.ToString())).FirstOrDefault();
                if (button.Tag == null)
                    button.IsEnabled = false;
                    ((TextBlock)button.Content).Text = ((Subscription)button.Tag).Name + "\n" + ((decimal)((Subscription)button.Tag).Price / 100).ToString("0.00") + " PLN";