Beispiel #1
        private void InitializeQueue()
            if (_sub == null)
                var googleCredential = GoogleCredential.FromFile(_gcpSettings.PubSub.JsonAuthPath)

                var channel = new Channel(SubscriberServiceApiClient.DefaultEndpoint.ToString(), googleCredential.ToChannelCredentials());
                _sub = SubscriberServiceApiClient.Create(channel);

            var queueName = _gcpSettings.PubSub.QueueMappings[typeof(T).FullName];

            if (_topicName == null)
                _topicName = new TopicName(_gcpSettings.PubSub.ProjectId, queueName);

            if (_subscriptionName == null)
                _subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(_gcpSettings.PubSub.ProjectId, queueName);
Beispiel #2
        public static object CreateSubscription(string projectId, string topicId,
                                                string subscriptionId)
            // [START pubsub_create_pull_subscription]
            SubscriberServiceApiClient subscriber = SubscriberServiceApiClient.Create();
            TopicName        topicName            = new TopicName(projectId, topicId);
            SubscriptionName subscriptionName     = new SubscriptionName(projectId,

                Subscription subscription = subscriber.CreateSubscription(
                    subscriptionName, topicName, pushConfig: null,
                    ackDeadlineSeconds: 60);
            catch (RpcException e)
                when(e.Status.StatusCode == StatusCode.AlreadyExists)
                    // Already exists.  That's fine.
            // [END pubsub_create_pull_subscription]
    public async Task <int> PullMessagesAsync(string projectId, string subscriptionId, bool acknowledge)
        SubscriptionName subscriptionName = SubscriptionName.FromProjectSubscription(projectId, subscriptionId);
        SubscriberClient subscriber       = await SubscriberClient.CreateAsync(subscriptionName);

        // SubscriberClient runs your message handle function on multiple
        // threads to maximize throughput.
        int  messageCount = 0;
        Task startTask    = subscriber.StartAsync(
            async(PubsubMessage message, CancellationToken cancel) =>
            string text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Data.ToArray());
            Console.WriteLine($"Message {message.MessageId}: {text}");
            Interlocked.Increment(ref messageCount);
            return(acknowledge ? SubscriberClient.Reply.Ack : SubscriberClient.Reply.Nack);
        // Run for 5 seconds.
        await Task.Delay(5000);

        await subscriber.StopAsync(CancellationToken.None);

Beispiel #4
        private async Task <SubscriptionSettings> GetSettings(HttpRequest req)
            using StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(req.Body);
            string body = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

            dynamic          data             = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(body);
            SubscriptionName subscriptionName = ParseEnum <SubscriptionName>(data.SubscriptionName.ToString());
            string           url = data.WebhookUrl?.ToString();

            if (!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out _))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Webhook URL seems invalid: {url}");
            IntegrationPlatform platform = this.GetPlatform(url);

            return(new SubscriptionSettings()
                SubscriptionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                SubscriptionName = subscriptionName,
                IntegrationPlatform = platform,
                WebhookUrl = url
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to run Health Check for PubSub light Work
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceKey"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public LightHealth.HealthCheck HealthCheck(string serviceKey, string value)
                if (_topics.Count > 0)
                    var topicEnum = _topics.GetEnumerator();
                    var topic     = topicEnum.Current;
                    GooglePubSubConfiguration config = GetConnection(topic);
                    MethodInfo method        = GetMethod(topic);
                    string     topicName     = topic.Value.TopicName;
                    string     subscriptName = topic.Value.Subscription;

                    this._subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(config.ProjectID, subscriptName);
                    this.subscriberClient  = SubscriberClient.CreateAsync(_subscriptionName).Result;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a subscriber with custom control flow settings.
        /// </summary>
        static SimpleSubscriber GetCustomSubscriber(string projectId,
                                                    string subscriptionId)
            // [START pubsub_subscriber_flow_settings]
            SubscriptionName subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(projectId,
            SubscriberClient subscriberClient = SubscriberClient.Create();
            SimpleSubscriber subscriber       = SimpleSubscriber.Create(
                subscriptionName, new[] { subscriberClient },
                new SimpleSubscriber.Settings()
                AckExtensionWindow  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4),
                Scheduler           = Google.Api.Gax.SystemScheduler.Instance,
                StreamAckDeadline   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
                FlowControlSettings = new Google.Api.Gax
                    maxOutstandingElementCount: 100,
                    maxOutstandardByteCount: 10240)

            // [END pubsub_subscriber_flow_settings]
Beispiel #7
        // [START retry]
        internal void RpcRetry(string topicId, string subscriptionId,
                               PublisherServiceApiClient publisher, SubscriberServiceApiClient subscriber)
            TopicName topicName = new TopicName(_projectId, topicId);
            // Create Subscription.
            SubscriptionName subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(_projectId,

            // Create Topic
                // This may fail if the Topic already exists.
                // Don't retry in that case.
                publisher.CreateTopic(topicName, newRetryCallSettings(3,
            catch (RpcException e)
                when(e.Status.StatusCode == StatusCode.AlreadyExists)
                    // Already exists.  That's fine.
                // Subscribe to Topic
                // This may fail if the Subscription already exists.  Don't
                // retry, because a retry would fail the same way.
                subscriber.CreateSubscription(subscriptionName, topicName,
                                              pushConfig: null, ackDeadlineSeconds: 60,
                                              callSettings: newRetryCallSettings(3,
            catch (RpcException e)
                when(e.Status.StatusCode == StatusCode.AlreadyExists)
                    // Already exists.  That's fine.
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Google PubSub subscription service
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectId">GCP project ID</param>
        /// <param name="subscriptionId">Google PubSub subscription ID (within the project), which must already exist</param>
        /// <param name="eventSerializer">Event serializer instance</param>
        /// <param name="eventHandlers">Collection of event handlers</param>
        /// <param name="loggerFactory">Optional: logger factory</param>
        /// <param name="measure">Callback for measuring the subscription gap</param>
        public GooglePubSubSubscription(
            string projectId,
            string subscriptionId,
            IEventSerializer eventSerializer,
            IEnumerable <IEventHandler> eventHandlers,
            ILoggerFactory?loggerFactory   = null,
            SubscriptionGapMeasure?measure = null
            ) : base(
                new NoOpCheckpointStore(),
            _subscriptionName = SubscriptionName.FromProjectSubscription(
                Ensure.NotEmptyString(projectId, nameof(projectId)),
                Ensure.NotEmptyString(subscriptionId, nameof(subscriptionId))

            _client       = SubscriberClient.Create(_subscriptionName);
            _metricClient = MetricServiceClient.Create();

            _undeliveredCountRequest = GetFilteredRequest(PubSubMetricUndeliveredMessagesCount);
            _oldestAgeRequest        = GetFilteredRequest(PubSubMetricOldestUnackedMessageAge);

            ListTimeSeriesRequest GetFilteredRequest(string metric)
            => new()
                Name   = $"projects/{projectId}",
                Filter = $"metric.type = \"{metric}\" "
                         + $"AND resource.label.subscription_id = \"{subscriptionId}\""

        Task _subscriberTask = null !;
Beispiel #9
    public int PullMessageWithLeaseManagement(string projectId, string subscriptionId, bool acknowledge)
        SubscriptionName           subscriptionName = SubscriptionName.FromProjectSubscription(projectId, subscriptionId);
        SubscriberServiceApiClient subscriberClient = SubscriberServiceApiClient.Create();

        var ackIds = new List <string>();

            PullResponse response = subscriberClient.Pull(subscriptionName, returnImmediately: false, maxMessages: 20);

            // Print out each received message.
            foreach (ReceivedMessage msg in response.ReceivedMessages)
                string text = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.Message.Data.ToArray());
                Console.WriteLine($"Message {msg.Message.MessageId}: {text}");

                // Modify the ack deadline of each received message from the default 10 seconds to 30.
                // This prevents the server from redelivering the message after the default 10 seconds
                // have passed.
                subscriberClient.ModifyAckDeadline(subscriptionName, new List <string> {
                }, 30);
            // If acknowledgement required, send to server.
            if (acknowledge && ackIds.Count > 0)
                subscriberClient.Acknowledge(subscriptionName, ackIds);
        catch (RpcException ex) when(ex.Status.StatusCode == StatusCode.Unavailable)
            // UNAVAILABLE due to too many concurrent pull requests pending for the given subscription.
Beispiel #10
        public IEnumerable <ListaRetorno> ShowMessagesForSubscription([FromBody] CreatTopicModel attr)
            List <ListaRetorno> retorno = new List <ListaRetorno>();

            var subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(attr.projectId, attr.subscriptionID);

            var subscription = SubscriberServiceApiClient.Create();

                PullResponse response = subscription.Pull(subscriptionName, true, 10);

                var all = response.ReceivedMessages;

                foreach (ReceivedMessage message in all)
                    retorno.Add(new ListaRetorno
                        id          = message.Message.MessageId,
                        publishDate = message.Message.PublishTime.ToDateTime().ToString("dd-M-yyyy HH:MM:ss"),
                        data        = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Message.Data.ToArray(), 0, message.Message.Data.Length),

                    subscription.Acknowledge(subscriptionName, new string[] { message.AckId });

            catch (RpcException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Erro: {0}", ex.Message);
                retorno.Add(new ListaRetorno {
                    data = ex.Message
Beispiel #11
        public PubSubService(
            ILogger <PubSubService> logger,
            IConfiguration configuration
            _logger = logger;

            /// This may depend on how your application is hosted.
            /// But if the application is served through kestrel, the credentials are usually found in the
            /// same folder as the published dlls.
            _pubSubCredentials = configuration["GCP:Credentials"];
            _pubSubCredentials = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + $"/{_pubSubCredentials}";

            /// Setup GCP variables
            var projectId                = configuration["GCP:ProjectID"];
            var userCreateTopicId        = configuration["GCP:Topics:createUser"];
            var userCreateSubscriptionId = configuration["GCP:Subscriptions:createUser"];

            /// Create the topic names
            _userCreationTopic = new TopicName(projectId, userCreateTopicId);

            /// Create the subscription names
            _userCreationSubscription = new SubscriptionName(projectId, userCreateSubscriptionId);
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Subscription"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataType">Type of the data.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name. Defaults to the data type's full name.</param>
 /// <param name="channelName">The channel name. Defaults to the data type's full name.</param>
 /// <param name="routingKey">The routing key. Defaults to the data type's full name.</param>
 /// <param name="groupId">What is the id of the consumer group that this consumer belongs to; will not process the same partition as others in group</param>
 /// <param name="bufferSize">The number of messages to buffer at any one time, also the number of messages to retrieve at once. Min of 1 Max of 10</param>
 /// <param name="noOfPerformers">The no of threads reading this channel.</param>
 /// <param name="timeoutInMilliseconds">The timeout in milliseconds.</param>
 /// <param name="requeueCount">The number of times you want to requeue a message before dropping it.</param>
 /// <param name="requeueDelayInMilliseconds">The number of milliseconds to delay the delivery of a requeue message for.</param>
 /// <param name="unacceptableMessageLimit">The number of unacceptable messages to handle, before stopping reading from the channel.</param>
 /// <param name="offsetDefault">Where should we begin processing if we cannot find a stored offset</param>
 /// <param name="commitBatchSize">How often should we commit offsets?</param>
 /// <param name="sessionTimeoutMs">What is the heartbeat interval for this consumer, after which Kafka will assume dead and rebalance the consumer group</param>
 /// <param name="maxPollIntervalMs">How often does the consumer poll for a message to be considered alive, after which Kafka will assume dead and rebalance</param>
 /// <param name="sweepUncommittedOffsetsIntervalMs">How often do we commit offsets that have yet to be saved</param>
 /// <param name="isolationLevel">Should we read messages that are not on all replicas? May cause duplicates.</param>
 /// <param name="isAsync">Is this channel read asynchronously</param>
 /// <param name="numOfPartitions">How many partitions should this topic have - used if we create the topic</param>
 /// <param name="replicationFactor">How many copies of each partition should we have across our broker's nodes - used if we create the topic</param>       /// <param name="channelFactory">The channel factory to create channels for Consumer.</param>
 /// <param name="makeChannels">Should we make channels if they don't exist, defaults to creating</param>
 public KafkaSubscription(
     Type dataType,
     SubscriptionName name                 = null,
     ChannelName channelName               = null,
     RoutingKey routingKey                 = null,
     string groupId                        = null,
     int bufferSize                        = 1,
     int noOfPerformers                    = 1,
     int timeoutInMilliseconds             = 300,
     int requeueCount                      = -1,
     int requeueDelayInMilliseconds        = 0,
     int unacceptableMessageLimit          = 0,
     AutoOffsetReset offsetDefault         = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest,
     long commitBatchSize                  = 10,
     int sessionTimeoutMs                  = 10000,
     int maxPollIntervalMs                 = 300000,
     int sweepUncommittedOffsetsIntervalMs = 30000,
     IsolationLevel isolationLevel         = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted,
     bool isAsync                      = false,
     int numOfPartitions               = 1,
     short replicationFactor           = 1,
     IAmAChannelFactory channelFactory = null,
     OnMissingChannel makeChannels     = OnMissingChannel.Create)
     : base(dataType, name, channelName, routingKey, bufferSize, noOfPerformers, timeoutInMilliseconds, requeueCount,
            requeueDelayInMilliseconds, unacceptableMessageLimit, isAsync, channelFactory, makeChannels)
     CommitBatchSize   = commitBatchSize;
     GroupId           = groupId;
     IsolationLevel    = isolationLevel;
     MaxPollIntervalMs = maxPollIntervalMs;
     SweepUncommittedOffsetsIntervalMs = sweepUncommittedOffsetsIntervalMs;
     OffsetDefault     = offsetDefault;
     SessionTimeoutMs  = sessionTimeoutMs;
     NumPartitions     = numOfPartitions;
     ReplicationFactor = replicationFactor;
        public static IComicRetriever Get(SubscriptionName subscriptionName)
            switch (subscriptionName)
            case SubscriptionName.CommitStripOfTheDay:
                return(new Retrievers.CommitStrip.ComicOfTheDayRetriever());

            case SubscriptionName.CommitStripRandom:
                return(new Retrievers.CommitStrip.RandomRetriever());

            case SubscriptionName.MonkeyUserRandom:
                return(new Retrievers.MonkeyUser.RandomRetriever());

            //dilbert - not officially supported as no confirmation from the authors
            case SubscriptionName.DilbertRandom:
                return(new Retrievers.Dilbert.RandomRetriever());

            case SubscriptionName.DilbertOfTheDay:
                return(new Retrievers.Dilbert.ComicOfTheDayRetriever());

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(subscriptionName), subscriptionName, $"Retriever for {subscriptionName} not implemented.");
        private async Task StartConsumingAsync(string projectId, string subscriptionId, IMessageHandler messageHandler, bool throttle)
            var subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(projectId, subscriptionId);

            var settings = throttle
                ? new SubscriberClient.Settings {
                FlowControlSettings = new FlowControlSettings(1L, null)
                : null;

            _subscriberClient = await SubscriberClient.CreateAsync(subscriptionName, null, settings);

            //Blame google
            #pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
            _subscriberClient.StartAsync((msg, cancellationToken) =>
                var message = msg.Data.ToStringUtf8();

                    ? SubscriberClient.Reply.Ack
                    : SubscriberClient.Reply.Nack));
            #pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
        /// <summary>
        /// The operation to rename a subscription
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='subscriptionId'>
        /// Subscription Id.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='body'>
        /// Subscription Name
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='customHeaders'>
        /// Headers that will be added to request.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
        /// The cancellation token.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ErrorResponseBodyException">
        /// Thrown when the operation returned an invalid status code
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="SerializationException">
        /// Thrown when unable to deserialize the response
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ValidationException">
        /// Thrown when a required parameter is null
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// Thrown when a required parameter is null
        /// </exception>
        /// <return>
        /// A response object containing the response body and response headers.
        /// </return>
        public async Task <AzureOperationResponse <RenamedSubscriptionId> > RenameWithHttpMessagesAsync(string subscriptionId, SubscriptionName body, Dictionary <string, List <string> > customHeaders = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            if (subscriptionId == null)
                throw new ValidationException(ValidationRules.CannotBeNull, "subscriptionId");
            if (body == null)
                throw new ValidationException(ValidationRules.CannotBeNull, "body");
            string apiVersion = "2021-10-01";
            // Tracing
            bool   _shouldTrace  = ServiceClientTracing.IsEnabled;
            string _invocationId = null;

            if (_shouldTrace)
                _invocationId = ServiceClientTracing.NextInvocationId.ToString();
                Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                tracingParameters.Add("subscriptionId", subscriptionId);
                tracingParameters.Add("body", body);
                tracingParameters.Add("apiVersion", apiVersion);
                tracingParameters.Add("cancellationToken", cancellationToken);
                ServiceClientTracing.Enter(_invocationId, this, "Rename", tracingParameters);
            // Construct URL
            var _baseUrl = Client.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri;
            var _url     = new System.Uri(new System.Uri(_baseUrl + (_baseUrl.EndsWith("/") ? "" : "/")), "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Subscription/rename").ToString();

            _url = _url.Replace("{subscriptionId}", System.Uri.EscapeDataString(subscriptionId));
            List <string> _queryParameters = new List <string>();

            if (apiVersion != null)
                _queryParameters.Add(string.Format("api-version={0}", System.Uri.EscapeDataString(apiVersion)));
            if (_queryParameters.Count > 0)
                _url += (_url.Contains("?") ? "&" : "?") + string.Join("&", _queryParameters);
            // Create HTTP transport objects
            var _httpRequest = new HttpRequestMessage();
            HttpResponseMessage _httpResponse = null;

            _httpRequest.Method     = new HttpMethod("POST");
            _httpRequest.RequestUri = new System.Uri(_url);
            // Set Headers
            if (Client.GenerateClientRequestId != null && Client.GenerateClientRequestId.Value)
                _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("x-ms-client-request-id", System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            if (Client.AcceptLanguage != null)
                if (_httpRequest.Headers.Contains("accept-language"))
                _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("accept-language", Client.AcceptLanguage);

            if (customHeaders != null)
                foreach (var _header in customHeaders)
                    if (_httpRequest.Headers.Contains(_header.Key))
                    _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(_header.Key, _header.Value);

            // Serialize Request
            string _requestContent = null;

            if (body != null)
                _requestContent      = Rest.Serialization.SafeJsonConvert.SerializeObject(body, Client.SerializationSettings);
                _httpRequest.Content = new StringContent(_requestContent, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                _httpRequest.Content.Headers.ContentType = System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
            // Set Credentials
            if (Client.Credentials != null)
                await Client.Credentials.ProcessHttpRequestAsync(_httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            // Send Request
            if (_shouldTrace)
                ServiceClientTracing.SendRequest(_invocationId, _httpRequest);
            _httpResponse = await Client.HttpClient.SendAsync(_httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (_shouldTrace)
                ServiceClientTracing.ReceiveResponse(_invocationId, _httpResponse);
            HttpStatusCode _statusCode = _httpResponse.StatusCode;

            string _responseContent = null;

            if ((int)_statusCode != 200)
                var ex = new ErrorResponseBodyException(string.Format("Operation returned an invalid status code '{0}'", _statusCode));
                    _responseContent = await _httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    ErrorResponseBody _errorBody = Rest.Serialization.SafeJsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ErrorResponseBody>(_responseContent, Client.DeserializationSettings);
                    if (_errorBody != null)
                        ex.Body = _errorBody;
                catch (JsonException)
                    // Ignore the exception
                ex.Request  = new HttpRequestMessageWrapper(_httpRequest, _requestContent);
                ex.Response = new HttpResponseMessageWrapper(_httpResponse, _responseContent);
                if (_shouldTrace)
                    ServiceClientTracing.Error(_invocationId, ex);
                if (_httpResponse != null)
                throw ex;
            // Create Result
            var _result = new AzureOperationResponse <RenamedSubscriptionId>();

            _result.Request  = _httpRequest;
            _result.Response = _httpResponse;
            if (_httpResponse.Headers.Contains("x-ms-request-id"))
                _result.RequestId = _httpResponse.Headers.GetValues("x-ms-request-id").FirstOrDefault();
            // Deserialize Response
            if ((int)_statusCode == 200)
                _responseContent = await _httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    _result.Body = Rest.Serialization.SafeJsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RenamedSubscriptionId>(_responseContent, Client.DeserializationSettings);
                catch (JsonException ex)
                    if (_httpResponse != null)
                    throw new SerializationException("Unable to deserialize the response.", _responseContent, ex);
            if (_shouldTrace)
                ServiceClientTracing.Exit(_invocationId, _result);
        /// <summary>
        /// The get subscription.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">
        /// The name.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="subscriber">
        /// The subscriber.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="target">
        /// The target.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="Subscription"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private Subscription GetSubscription(SubscriptionName name, User subscriber, User target)
            Subscription result =
                    p => p.Target.Key.Equals(target.Key) && p.Type.Name.Equals(name));

            return result;
Beispiel #17
        public async Task InitalizeAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            PublisherServiceApiClient publisherService = await PublisherServiceApiClient.CreateAsync(cancellationToken);

            SubscriberServiceApiClient subscriberService = await SubscriberServiceApiClient.CreateAsync(cancellationToken);

            // ensure each topic exists
            foreach (string topicId in Topics.AllTopics)
                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                TopicName topicName = new TopicName(m_projectId, topicId);
                    await publisherService.GetTopicAsync(topicName, cancellationToken);
                catch (RpcException)
                    Topic topic = await publisherService.CreateTopicAsync(topicName, cancellationToken);

                    m_logger.Info($"Created topic {topic.Name}");

                m_publisherClients.Add(topicName, await PublisherClient.CreateAsync(topicName));

            // ensure each subscription exists
            foreach (var(topicId, subscriptionId) in Subscriptions.AllSubscriptions)
                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                SubscriptionName subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(m_projectId, subscriptionId);
                    await subscriberService.GetSubscriptionAsync(subscriptionName, cancellationToken);
                catch (RpcException)
                    Subscription subscription = await subscriberService.CreateSubscriptionAsync(
                        new Subscription
                        TopicAsTopicName   = new TopicName(m_projectId, topicId),
                        SubscriptionName   = subscriptionName,
                        AckDeadlineSeconds = 30,
                        ExpirationPolicy   = new ExpirationPolicy
                            Ttl = Duration.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromDays(365)),

                    m_logger.Info($"Created subscription {subscription.Name}");

                m_subscriberClients.Add(subscriptionName, await SubscriberClient.CreateAsync(subscriptionName));
        private async Task RunBulkMessagingImpl(
            TopicName topicName, SubscriptionName subscriptionName,
            int messageCount, int minMessageSize, int maxMessageSize, int maxMessagesInFlight, int initialNackCount,
            TimeSpan?timeouts          = null, int?cancelAfterRecvCount  = null, TimeSpan?interPublishDelay = null,
            TimeSpan?debugOutputPeriod = null, int?publisherChannelCount = null, int?clientCount            = null)
            // Force messages to be at least 4 bytes long, so an int ID can be used.
            minMessageSize = Math.Max(4, minMessageSize);

            // Create PublisherClient and SubscriberClient
            var publisher = await PublisherClient.CreateAsync(topicName,
                                                              clientCreationSettings : new PublisherClient.ClientCreationSettings(
                                                                  clientCount: publisherChannelCount,
                                                                  publisherServiceApiSettings: timeouts == null ? null : new PublisherServiceApiSettings
                PublishSettings = CallSettings
                                                 maxAttempts: int.MaxValue,
                                                 initialBackoff: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
                                                 maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6),
                                                 backoffMultiplier: 1.3,
                                                 retryFilter: RetrySettings.FilterForStatusCodes(StatusCode.Unavailable)))

            var subscriber = await SubscriberClient.CreateAsync(subscriptionName,
                                                                clientCreationSettings : new SubscriberClient.ClientCreationSettings(clientCount: clientCount),
                                                                settings : new SubscriberClient.Settings
                AckDeadline         = timeouts,
                FlowControlSettings = new FlowControlSettings(maxMessagesInFlight, null)

            Console.WriteLine("Topic, Subscription, Publisher and Subscriber all created");

            // Subscribe
            int  recvCount = 0;  // Count of received messages
            int  dupCount  = 0;  // Count of duplicate messages
            long recvSum   = 0L; // Sum of bytes of received messages
            var  recvedIds = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, bool>();
            var  nackedIds = new HashSet <int>();
            Task subTask   = subscriber.StartAsync((msg, ct) =>
                int id = BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Data.ToArray(), 0);
                lock (nackedIds)
                    if (nackedIds.Count < initialNackCount)
                        if (nackedIds.Add(id))
                            // This ID not already nacked
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref recvCount);
                bool wasAdded = recvedIds.TryAdd(id, false);
                if (wasAdded)
                    var localRecvCount = Interlocked.Increment(ref recvCount);
                    Interlocked.Add(ref recvSum, msg.Data.Sum(x => (long)x));
                    if (localRecvCount == cancelAfterRecvCount || localRecvCount >= messageCount + initialNackCount)
                        // Test finished, so stop subscriber
                        Console.WriteLine("All msgs received, stopping subscriber.");
                        Task unused = subscriber.StopAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
                    Interlocked.Add(ref dupCount, 1);
                // ACK all messages

            // Publish
            var  rnd        = new Random(1234);
            var  activePubs = new HashSet <Task>();
            int  sentCount  = 0;
            long sentSum    = 0L; // Sum of bytes of sent messages

            // Watchdog to report progress and fail test on deadlock
            CancellationTokenSource watchdogCts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            Task.Run(async() =>
                var debugOutputPeriod1 = debugOutputPeriod ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
                int prevSentCount      = -1;
                int prevRecvCount      = -1;
                int noProgressCount    = 0;
                while (true)
                    await Task.Delay(debugOutputPeriod1, watchdogCts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    var localSentCount = Interlocked.Add(ref sentCount, 0);
                    var localRecvCount = Interlocked.Add(ref recvCount, 0);
                    var localDupCount  = Interlocked.Add(ref dupCount, 0);
                    if (prevSentCount == localSentCount && prevRecvCount == localRecvCount)
                        if (noProgressCount > 60)
                            // Deadlock, shutdown subscriber, and cancel
                            Console.WriteLine("Deadlock detected. Cancelling test");
                            subscriber.StopAsync(new CancellationToken(true));
                        noProgressCount += 1;
                        noProgressCount = 0;
                    prevSentCount = localSentCount;
                    prevRecvCount = localRecvCount;
                    Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now}] Sent: {localSentCount} (in-flight: {activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.Count)}); Recv: {localRecvCount} (dups: {localDupCount})");

            for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++)
                if (watchdogCts.IsCancellationRequested)
                    Assert.True(false, "Test cancelled by watchdog");
                if (subTask.IsCompleted)
                if (i > 0 && interPublishDelay is TimeSpan delay)
                    await Task.Delay(delay, watchdogCts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                var msgSize = rnd.Next(minMessageSize, maxMessageSize + 1);
                var msg     = new byte[msgSize];
                // Insert an int ID into message
                Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(i), msg, 4);
                sentSum += msg.Sum(x => (long)x);
                // Send message, and record Task
                var pubTask = publisher.PublishAsync(msg);
                Interlocked.Increment(ref sentCount);
                activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.Add(pubTask));
                // Remove Task from active when the message has been sent to server
                pubTask.ContinueWith(t => activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.Remove(pubTask)));
                // If too many messages are currently in flight, wait a bit
                while (activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.Count) >= maxMessagesInFlight)
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1)).ConfigureAwait(false);
            Console.WriteLine("Publishing complete");
            // Wait for all messages to be sent to server
            await Task.WhenAll(activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.ToArray())).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Console.WriteLine("Publishing completed sending to server");

            // Wait for subscriber to finish shutdown
            await subTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

            Console.WriteLine("Subscriber finished shutdown");
            Console.WriteLine($"Sent: {sentCount}; Recv: {recvCount}");

            if (cancelAfterRecvCount is int cancelAfter)
                Assert.True(recvCount >= cancelAfter && recvCount <= cancelAfter + maxMessagesInFlight, $"Incorrect recvCount: {recvCount}");
                // Check that all messages are correctly received.
                Assert.Equal(messageCount + initialNackCount, recvCount);
                // This isn't foolproof (we can get to the right sum with wrong values) but it's a pretty strong indicator.
                Assert.Equal(sentSum, recvSum);
            Console.WriteLine("Test complete.");
        public void Subscribe <T, TH>(Func <TH> handler, string topicName, int maxConcurrent = 1)
            where T : Event
            where TH : IEventHandler <T>
            new Thread(async() => {
                try {
                    string subscription = _busSettings.SubscriptionName.ToLower() + "-" + topicName.ToLower();
                    SubscriberClient subscriber;
                    CreateSubscription(topicName, subscription);
                    // Pull messages from the subscription using SimpleSubscriber.
                    SubscriptionName subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(_busSettings.ProjectId, subscription);
                    subscriber = await SubscriberClient.CreateAsync(
                        new SubscriberClient.Settings {
                        FlowControlSettings = new Google.Api.Gax.FlowControlSettings(maxConcurrent, null)

                    await subscriber.StartAsync(async(PubsubMessage message, CancellationToken token) => {
                        T eventMessage;
                        if ((_busSettings.Token != null && _busSettings.Token != "") && (!message.Attributes.ContainsKey("token") || message.Attributes["token"] != _busSettings.Token))
                            eventMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(message.Data.ToStringUtf8());
                        }catch (JsonException ex) {
                            eventMessage.EventId   = message.MessageId;
                            eventMessage.Timestamp = message.PublishTime.Seconds * 1000;
                        }catch (NullReferenceException ex) {
                        var invoke         = handler.DynamicInvoke();
                        var concreteType   = typeof(IEventHandler <>).MakeGenericType(typeof(T));
                        EventResult result = await(Task <EventResult>) concreteType.GetMethod("Handle").Invoke(invoke, new object[] { eventMessage, null });
                        if (result == EventResult.Success)
                    new Thread(() => Subscribe <T, TH>(handler, topicName, maxConcurrent)).Start();
                // Restart when connection fail
                catch (RpcException ex)
                    new Thread(() => Subscribe <T, TH>(handler, topicName, maxConcurrent)).Start();
        private async Task RunBulkMessaging(
            int messageCount, int minMessageSize, int maxMessageSize, int maxMessagesInFlight, int initialNackCount,
            TimeSpan?timeouts = null, int?cancelAfterRecvCount = null)
            // Force messages to be at least 4 bytes long, so an int ID can be used.
            minMessageSize = Math.Max(4, minMessageSize);
            var topicId        = _fixture.CreateTopicId();
            var subscriptionId = _fixture.CreateSubscriptionId();

            Console.WriteLine("BulkMessaging test");
            Console.WriteLine($"{messageCount} messages; of size [{minMessageSize}, {maxMessageSize}]; " +
                              $"max in-flight: {maxMessagesInFlight}, initialNacks: {initialNackCount}, cancelAfterRecvCount: {cancelAfterRecvCount}");

            // Create topic
            var topicName = new TopicName(_fixture.ProjectId, topicId);
            var publisher = await PublisherClient.CreateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            await publisher.CreateTopicAsync(topicName).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Subscribe to the topic
            var subscriber = await SubscriberClient.CreateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(_fixture.ProjectId, subscriptionId);
            await subscriber.CreateSubscriptionAsync(subscriptionName, topicName, null, 60).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Create SimplePublisher and SimpleSubscriber
            var simplePublisher = await SimplePublisher.CreateAsync(topicName, clientCreationSettings : timeouts == null?null :
                                                                    new SimplePublisher.ClientCreationSettings(
                                                                        publisherSettings: new PublisherSettings
                PublishSettings = CallSettings.FromCallTiming(CallTiming.FromRetry(new RetrySettings(
                                                                                       retryBackoff: PublisherSettings.GetMessagingRetryBackoff(),
                                                                                       timeoutBackoff: new BackoffSettings(timeouts.Value, timeouts.Value, 1.0),
                                                                                       totalExpiration: Expiration.FromTimeout(timeouts.Value),
                                                                                       retryFilter: PublisherSettings.NonIdempotentRetryFilter

            var simpleSubscriber = await SimpleSubscriber.CreateAsync(subscriptionName,
                                                                      settings : new SimpleSubscriber.Settings
                StreamAckDeadline   = timeouts,
                FlowControlSettings = new FlowControlSettings(maxMessagesInFlight, null)

            Console.WriteLine("Topic, Subscription, SimplePublisher and SimpleSubscriber all created");

            // Subscribe
            object recvLock  = new object();
            int    recvCount = 0;  // Count of received messages
            int    dupCount  = 0;  // Count of duplicate messages
            long   recvSum   = 0L; // Sum of bytes of received messages
            var    recvedIds = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, bool>();
            var    nackedIds = new HashSet <int>();
            Task   subTask   = simpleSubscriber.StartAsync((msg, ct) =>
                int id = BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Data.ToArray(), 0);
                lock (nackedIds)
                    if (nackedIds.Count < initialNackCount)
                        if (nackedIds.Add(id))
                            // This ID not already nacked
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref recvCount);
                bool wasAdded = recvedIds.TryAdd(id, false);
                if (wasAdded)
                    var localRecvCount = Interlocked.Increment(ref recvCount);
                    Interlocked.Add(ref recvSum, msg.Data.Sum(x => (long)x));
                    if (localRecvCount == cancelAfterRecvCount || localRecvCount >= messageCount + initialNackCount)
                        // Test finished, so stop subscriber
                        Task unused = simpleSubscriber.StopAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
                    Interlocked.Add(ref dupCount, 1);
                // ACK all messages

            // Publish
            var  rnd        = new Random(1234);
            var  activePubs = new HashSet <Task>();
            int  sentCount  = 0;
            long sentSum    = 0L; // Sum of bytes of sent messages

            // Watchdog to report progress and fail test on deadlock
            CancellationTokenSource watchdogCts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            Task.Run(async() =>
                int prevSentCount   = -1;
                int prevRecvCount   = -1;
                int noProgressCount = 0;
                while (!watchdogCts.IsCancellationRequested)
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), watchdogCts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    var localSentCount = Interlocked.Add(ref sentCount, 0);
                    var localRecvCount = Interlocked.Add(ref recvCount, 0);
                    var localDupCount  = Interlocked.Add(ref dupCount, 0);
                    if (prevSentCount == localSentCount && prevRecvCount == localRecvCount)
                        if (noProgressCount > 100)
                            // Deadlock, shutdown subscriber, and cancel
                            Console.WriteLine("Deadlock detected. Cancelling test");
                            simpleSubscriber.StopAsync(new CancellationToken(true));
                        noProgressCount += 1;
                        noProgressCount = 0;
                    prevSentCount = localSentCount;
                    prevRecvCount = localRecvCount;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Sent: {localSentCount} (in-flight: {activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.Count)}); Recv: {localRecvCount} (dups: {localDupCount})");

            for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++)
                if (watchdogCts.IsCancellationRequested)
                    Assert.True(false, "Test cancelled by watchdog");
                if (subTask.IsCompleted)
                var msgSize = rnd.Next(minMessageSize, maxMessageSize + 1);
                var msg     = new byte[msgSize];
                // Insert an int ID into message
                Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(i), msg, 4);
                sentSum += msg.Sum(x => (long)x);
                // Send message, and record Task
                var pubTask = simplePublisher.PublishAsync(msg);
                Interlocked.Increment(ref sentCount);
                activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.Add(pubTask));
                // Remove Task from active when the message has been sent to server
                pubTask.ContinueWith(t => activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.Remove(pubTask)));
                // If too many messages are currently in flight, wait a bit
                while (activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.Count) >= maxMessagesInFlight)
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1)).ConfigureAwait(false);
            Console.WriteLine("Publishing complete");
            // Wait for all messages to be sent to server
            await Task.WhenAll(activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.ToArray())).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Console.WriteLine("Publishing completed sending to server");

            // Wait for subscriber to finish shutdown
            await subTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

            Console.WriteLine("Subscriber finished shutdown");
            Console.WriteLine($"Sent: {sentCount}; Recv: {recvCount}");

            if (cancelAfterRecvCount is int cancelAfter)
                Assert.True(recvCount >= cancelAfter && recvCount <= cancelAfter + maxMessagesInFlight, $"Incorrect recvCount: {recvCount}");
                // Check that all messages are correctly received.
                Assert.Equal(messageCount + initialNackCount, recvCount);
                // This isn't foolproof (we can get to the right sum with wrong values) but it's a pretty strong indicator.
                Assert.Equal(sentSum, recvSum);
Beispiel #21
        public async Task DeleteSubscription(string subscriptionName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var subscription = new SubscriptionName(ProjectId, subscriptionName);

            await Subscriber.DeleteSubscriptionAsync(subscription, cancellationToken);
Beispiel #22
        public async Task Acknowledge(string subscriptionName, IEnumerable <string> ackIds, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var subscription = new SubscriptionName(ProjectId, subscriptionName);

            await Subscriber.AcknowledgeAsync(subscription, ackIds, cancellationToken);
 /// <summary>
 /// Renames the subscription
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// The operations group for this extension method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='body'>
 /// Subscription Name
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
 /// The cancellation token.
 /// </param>
 public static async Task <RenamedSubscriptionId> RenameAsync(this ISubscriptionsOperations operations, SubscriptionName body, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
     using (var _result = await operations.RenameWithHttpMessagesAsync(body, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
 /// <summary>
 /// Renames the subscription
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// The operations group for this extension method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='body'>
 /// Subscription Name
 /// </param>
 public static RenamedSubscriptionId Rename(this ISubscriptionsOperations operations, SubscriptionName body)
Beispiel #25
        // [END dlp_inspect_datastore]

        // [START dlp_inspect_gcs]

        public static object InspectGCS(
            string projectId,
            string minLikelihood,
            int maxFindings,
            bool includeQuote,
            IEnumerable <InfoType> infoTypes,
            string bucketName,
            string topicId,
            string subscriptionId)
            var inspectJob = new InspectJobConfig
                StorageConfig = new StorageConfig
                    CloudStorageOptions = new CloudStorageOptions
                        FileSet = new CloudStorageOptions.Types.FileSet {
                            Url = $"gs://{bucketName}/*.txt"
                        BytesLimitPerFile = 1073741824
                InspectConfig = new InspectConfig
                    InfoTypes        = { infoTypes },
                    ExcludeInfoTypes = false,
                    IncludeQuote     = includeQuote,
                    Limits           = new FindingLimits
                        MaxFindingsPerRequest = maxFindings
                    MinLikelihood = (Likelihood)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Likelihood), minLikelihood)
                Actions =
                    new Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2.Action
                        // Send results to Pub/Sub topic
                        PubSub = new Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2.Action.Types.PublishToPubSub
                            Topic = topicId,

            // Issue Create Dlp Job Request
            DlpServiceClient client = DlpServiceClient.Create();
            var request             = new CreateDlpJobRequest
                InspectJob          = inspectJob,
                ParentAsProjectName = new Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2.ProjectName(projectId),

            // We need created job name
            var dlpJob = client.CreateDlpJob(request);

            // Get a pub/sub subscription and listen for DLP results
            var fireEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim();

            var subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(projectId, subscriptionId);
            var subscriberClient = SubscriberServiceApiClient.Create();
            var subscriber       = SubscriberClient.Create(subscriptionName, new[] { subscriberClient });

                (pubSubMessage, cancellationToken) =>
                // Given a message that we receive on this subscription, we should either acknowledge or decline it
                if (pubSubMessage.Attributes["DlpJobName"] == dlpJob.Name)


            // We block here until receiving a signal from a separate thread that is waiting on a message indicating receiving a result of Dlp job
            if (fireEvent.Wait(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)))
                // Stop the thread that is listening to messages as a result of StartAsync call earlier

                // Now we can inspect full job results
                var job = client.GetDlpJob(new GetDlpJobRequest {
                    DlpJobName = new DlpJobName(projectId, dlpJob.Name)

                // Inspect Job details
                Console.WriteLine($"Processed bytes: {job.InspectDetails.Result.ProcessedBytes}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Total estimated bytes: {job.InspectDetails.Result.TotalEstimatedBytes}");
                var stats = job.InspectDetails.Result.InfoTypeStats;
                Console.WriteLine("Found stats:");
                foreach (var stat in stats)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: The wait failed on timeout");

    // [END dlp_k_anonymity]

    // [START dlp_l_diversity]
    public static object LDiversity(
        string callingProjectId,
        string tableProjectId,
        string datasetId,
        string tableId,
        string topicId,
        string subscriptionId,
        IEnumerable <FieldId> quasiIds,
        string sensitiveAttribute)
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        // Construct + submit the job
        var ldiversityConfig = new LDiversityConfig
            SensitiveAttribute = new FieldId {
                Name = sensitiveAttribute
            QuasiIds = { quasiIds }

        var config = new RiskAnalysisJobConfig
            PrivacyMetric = new PrivacyMetric
                LDiversityConfig = ldiversityConfig
            SourceTable = new BigQueryTable
                ProjectId = tableProjectId,
                DatasetId = datasetId,
                TableId   = tableId
            Actions =
                new Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2.Action
                    PubSub = new PublishToPubSub
                        Topic = $"projects/{callingProjectId}/topics/{topicId}"

        var submittedJob = dlp.CreateDlpJob(
            new CreateDlpJobRequest
            ParentAsProjectName = new ProjectName(callingProjectId),
            RiskJob             = config

        // Listen to pub/sub for the job
        var subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(callingProjectId, subscriptionId);
        var subscriber       = SubscriberClient.CreateAsync(

        // SimpleSubscriber runs your message handle function on multiple
        // threads to maximize throughput.
        var done = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

        subscriber.StartAsync((PubsubMessage message, CancellationToken cancel) =>
            if (message.Attributes["DlpJobName"] == submittedJob.Name)
                Thread.Sleep(500); // Wait for DLP API results to become consistent

        done.Wait(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)); // 10 minute timeout; may not work for large jobs

        // Process results
        var resultJob = dlp.GetDlpJob(
            new GetDlpJobRequest
            DlpJobName = DlpJobName.Parse(submittedJob.Name)

        var result = resultJob.RiskDetails.LDiversityResult;

        for (var bucketIdx = 0; bucketIdx < result.SensitiveValueFrequencyHistogramBuckets.Count; bucketIdx++)
            var bucket = result.SensitiveValueFrequencyHistogramBuckets[bucketIdx];
            Console.WriteLine($"Bucket {bucketIdx}");
            Console.WriteLine($"  Bucket size range: [{bucket.SensitiveValueFrequencyLowerBound}, {bucket.SensitiveValueFrequencyUpperBound}].");
            Console.WriteLine($"  {bucket.BucketSize} unique value(s) total.");

            foreach (var bucketValue in bucket.BucketValues)
                // 'UnpackValue(x)' is a prettier version of 'x.toString()'
                Console.WriteLine($"    Quasi-ID values: [{String.Join(',', bucketValue.QuasiIdsValues.Select(x => DlpSamplesUtils.UnpackValue(x)))}]");
                Console.WriteLine($"    Class size: {bucketValue.EquivalenceClassSize}");

                foreach (var topValue in bucketValue.TopSensitiveValues)
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Sensitive value {DlpSamplesUtils.UnpackValue(topValue.Value)} occurs {topValue.Count} time(s).");

Beispiel #27
        public async Task StreamingPull()
            string projectId      = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string topicId        = _fixture.CreateTopicId();
            string subscriptionId = _fixture.CreateSubscriptionId();

            // Snippet: StreamingPull(*, *)
            PublisherClient publisher = PublisherClient.Create();
            TopicName       topicName = new TopicName(projectId, topicId);

            SubscriberClient subscriber       = SubscriberClient.Create();
            SubscriptionName subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(projectId, subscriptionId);

            subscriber.CreateSubscription(subscriptionName, topicName, null, 60);

            // If we don't see all the messages we expect in 10 seconds, we'll cancel the call.
            CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
            CallSettings            callSettings            = CallSettings.FromCancellationToken(cancellationTokenSource.Token);

            SubscriberClient.StreamingPullStream stream = subscriber.StreamingPull(callSettings);

            // The first request must include the subscription name and the stream ack deadline
            await stream.WriteAsync(new StreamingPullRequest { SubscriptionAsSubscriptionName = subscriptionName, StreamAckDeadlineSeconds = 20 });

            Task pullingTask = Task.Run(async() =>
                int messagesSeen = 0;
                IAsyncEnumerator <StreamingPullResponse> responseStream = stream.ResponseStream;

                // Handle responses as we see them.
                while (await responseStream.MoveNext())
                    StreamingPullResponse response = responseStream.Current;
                    Console.WriteLine("Received streaming response");
                    foreach (ReceivedMessage message in response.ReceivedMessages)
                        // Messages can contain any data. We'll assume that we know this
                        // topic publishes UTF-8-encoded text.
                        Console.WriteLine($"Message text: {message.Message.Data.ToStringUtf8()}");
                    // Acknowledge the messages we've just seen
                    await stream.WriteAsync(new StreamingPullRequest {
                        AckIds = { response.ReceivedMessages.Select(rm => rm.AckId) }

                    // If we've seen all the messages we expect, we can complete the streaming call,
                    // and our next MoveNext call will return false.
                    messagesSeen += response.ReceivedMessages.Count;
                    if (messagesSeen == 3)
                        await stream.WriteCompleteAsync();

            publisher.Publish(topicName, new[] { new PubsubMessage {
                                                     Data = ByteString.CopyFromUtf8("Message 1")
                                                 } });
            publisher.Publish(topicName, new[] { new PubsubMessage {
                                                     Data = ByteString.CopyFromUtf8("Message 2")
                                                 } });
            publisher.Publish(topicName, new[] { new PubsubMessage {
                                                     Data = ByteString.CopyFromUtf8("Message 3")
                                                 } });

            await pullingTask;
            // End snippet
    // [START dlp_numerical_stats]
    public static object NumericalStats(
        string callingProjectId,
        string tableProjectId,
        string datasetId,
        string tableId,
        string topicId,
        string subscriptionId,
        string columnName)
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        // Construct + submit the job
        var config = new RiskAnalysisJobConfig
            PrivacyMetric = new PrivacyMetric
                NumericalStatsConfig = new NumericalStatsConfig
                    Field = new FieldId {
                        Name = columnName
            SourceTable = new BigQueryTable
                ProjectId = tableProjectId,
                DatasetId = datasetId,
                TableId   = tableId
            Actions =
                new Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2.Action
                    PubSub = new PublishToPubSub
                        Topic = $"projects/{callingProjectId}/topics/{topicId}"

        var submittedJob = dlp.CreateDlpJob(
            new CreateDlpJobRequest
            ParentAsProjectName = new ProjectName(callingProjectId),
            RiskJob             = config

        // Listen to pub/sub for the job
        var subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(callingProjectId, subscriptionId);
        var subscriber       = SubscriberClient.CreateAsync(

        // SimpleSubscriber runs your message handle function on multiple
        // threads to maximize throughput.
        var done = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

        subscriber.StartAsync((PubsubMessage message, CancellationToken cancel) =>
            if (message.Attributes["DlpJobName"] == submittedJob.Name)
                Thread.Sleep(500); // Wait for DLP API results to become consistent

        done.Wait(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)); // 10 minute timeout; may not work for large jobs

        // Process results
        var resultJob = dlp.GetDlpJob(
            new GetDlpJobRequest
            DlpJobName = DlpJobName.Parse(submittedJob.Name)

        var result = resultJob.RiskDetails.NumericalStatsResult;

        // 'UnpackValue(x)' is a prettier version of 'x.toString()'
        Console.WriteLine($"Value Range: [{DlpSamplesUtils.UnpackValue(result.MinValue)}, {DlpSamplesUtils.UnpackValue(result.MaxValue)}]");
        var lastValue = string.Empty;

        for (var quantile = 0; quantile < result.QuantileValues.Count; quantile++)
            var currentValue = DlpSamplesUtils.UnpackValue(result.QuantileValues[quantile]);
            if (lastValue != currentValue)
                Console.WriteLine($"Value at {quantile + 1}% quantile: {currentValue}");
            lastValue = currentValue;

Beispiel #29
        private static void Start()
            SubscriberClient _subscriber;
            PublisherClient  _publisher;
            // Instantiates a client
            PublisherServiceApiClient publisherApi = PublisherServiceApiClient.Create();
            // Subscribe to the topic.
            TopicName                  pubsubTopicName  = new TopicName(projectId, topicName);
            SubscriptionName           subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(projectId, subscriptionId);
            SubscriberServiceApiClient subscriberApi    = SubscriberServiceApiClient.Create();

            // Creates the new topic
                Topic topic = publisherApi.CreateTopic(pubsubTopicName);
                Console.WriteLine($"Topic {topic.Name} created.");
            catch (Grpc.Core.RpcException e)
                when(e.Status.StatusCode == Grpc.Core.StatusCode.AlreadyExists)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Topic {topicName} already exists.");
            // Create the new subscription
                subscriberApi.CreateSubscription(subscriptionName, pubsubTopicName, null, 120);
                Console.WriteLine($"Subscription {subscriptionName.Kind} created.");
            catch (Grpc.Core.RpcException e) when(e.Status.StatusCode == Grpc.Core.StatusCode.AlreadyExists)
                // OK
                Console.WriteLine($"Subscription {subscriptionName.Kind} already exists");
            catch (Exception ex)

            _subscriber = SubscriberClient.Create(subscriptionName, new[] { subscriberApi });

            _publisher = PublisherClient.Create(pubsubTopicName, new[] { publisherApi });


            _subscriber.StartAsync((message, token) =>
                string data = message.Data.ToStringUtf8();
                    Console.WriteLine($"Pubsub message id={message.MessageId}, " +
                                      $"created at {message.PublishTime}, data{message.Data.ToStringUtf8()}");

                    // TODO: Replace with ACK
                catch (Exception ex)

            // VARIAN II :

            // Pull messages from the subscription.We're returning immediately, whether or not there
            // are messages; in other cases you'll want to allow the call to wait until a message arrives.
            PullResponse response = subscriberApi.Pull(subscriptionName, returnImmediately: true, maxMessages: 10);

            foreach (ReceivedMessage received in response.ReceivedMessages)
                PubsubMessage msg = received.Message;
                Console.WriteLine($"Received message {msg.MessageId} published at {msg.PublishTime.ToDateTime()}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Text: '{msg.Data.ToStringUtf8()}'");
            // Acknowledge that we've received the messages. If we don't do this within 60 seconds (as specified
            // when we created the subscription) we'll receive the messages again when we next pull.
            subscriberApi.Acknowledge(subscriptionName, response.ReceivedMessages.Select(m => m.AckId));

            // Tidy up by deleting the subscription and the topic.
    // [END dlp_l_diversity]

    // [START dlp_k_map]
    public static object KMap(
        string callingProjectId,
        string tableProjectId,
        string datasetId,
        string tableId,
        string topicId,
        string subscriptionId,
        IEnumerable <FieldId> quasiIds,
        IEnumerable <InfoType> infoTypes,
        string regionCode)
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        // Construct + submit the job
        var kmapEstimationConfig = new KMapEstimationConfig
            QuasiIds =
                    (Field, InfoType) => new TaggedField
                    Field    = Field,
                    InfoType = InfoType
            RegionCode = regionCode

        var config = new RiskAnalysisJobConfig()
            PrivacyMetric = new PrivacyMetric
                KMapEstimationConfig = kmapEstimationConfig
            SourceTable = new BigQueryTable
                ProjectId = tableProjectId,
                DatasetId = datasetId,
                TableId   = tableId
            Actions =
                new Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2.Action
                    PubSub = new PublishToPubSub
                        Topic = $"projects/{callingProjectId}/topics/{topicId}"

        var submittedJob = dlp.CreateDlpJob(
            new CreateDlpJobRequest
            ParentAsProjectName = new ProjectName(callingProjectId),
            RiskJob             = config

        // Listen to pub/sub for the job
        var subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(
        var subscriber = SubscriberClient.CreateAsync(

        // SimpleSubscriber runs your message handle function on multiple
        // threads to maximize throughput.
        var done = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

        subscriber.StartAsync((PubsubMessage message, CancellationToken cancel) =>
            if (message.Attributes["DlpJobName"] == submittedJob.Name)
                Thread.Sleep(500); // Wait for DLP API results to become consistent

        done.Wait(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)); // 10 minute timeout; may not work for large jobs

        // Process results
        var resultJob = dlp.GetDlpJob(new GetDlpJobRequest
            DlpJobName = DlpJobName.Parse(submittedJob.Name)

        var result = resultJob.RiskDetails.KMapEstimationResult;

        for (var histogramIdx = 0; histogramIdx < result.KMapEstimationHistogram.Count; histogramIdx++)
            var histogramValue = result.KMapEstimationHistogram[histogramIdx];
            Console.WriteLine($"Bucket {histogramIdx}");
            Console.WriteLine($"  Anonymity range: [{histogramValue.MinAnonymity}, {histogramValue.MaxAnonymity}].");
            Console.WriteLine($"  Size: {histogramValue.BucketSize}");

            foreach (var datapoint in histogramValue.BucketValues)
                // 'UnpackValue(x)' is a prettier version of 'x.toString()'
                Console.WriteLine($"    Values: [{String.Join(',', datapoint.QuasiIdsValues.Select(x => DlpSamplesUtils.UnpackValue(x)))}]");
                Console.WriteLine($"    Estimated k-map anonymity: {datapoint.EstimatedAnonymity}");

        //private string htmlString;

        public PubSubRepository()
            tn = new TopicName("programmingforthecloudbf", "BFTopic");               //A Queue/Topic will be created to hold the emails to be sent.  It will always have the same name DemoTopic, which you can change
            sn = new SubscriptionName("programmingforthecloudbf", "BFSubscription"); //A Subscription will be created to hold which messages were read or not.  It will always have the same name DemoSubscription, which you can change