private async Task <SubnavLink> AddUpdateSubNavLink(IApiContext apiContext, SubnavLink subnavLink)
            var     entityResource = new EntityResource(apiContext);
            JObject jObject        = null;

            if (subnavLink.Path == null || !subnavLink.Path.Any())

            var existing = await GetExistingLink(apiContext, subnavLink);

            jObject = FromObject(subnavLink);

            if (existing == null)
                jObject = await entityResource.InsertEntityAsync(jObject, SubnavLinkEntityName);
                jObject = await entityResource.UpdateEntityAsync(jObject, SubnavLinkEntityName, existing.Id);

            return(jObject.ToObject <SubnavLink>());
        public async Task Delete(int tenantId, SubnavLink subNavlink = null)
            var apiContext = new ApiContext(tenantId);
            var entityContainerResource = new EntityContainerResource(apiContext);
            var collection = await entityContainerResource.GetEntityContainersAsync(SubnavLinkEntityName, 200);

            var entityResource = new EntityResource(apiContext);

            if (subNavlink == null)
                var appId = await GetAppId(apiContext);

                foreach (
                    var item in
                    collection.Items.Where(subnavLink => subnavLink.Item.ToObject <SubnavLink>().AppId.Equals(appId))
                    await entityResource.DeleteEntityAsync(SubnavLinkEntityName, item.Id);
                if (subNavlink.ParentId == null || subNavlink.Path == null || !subNavlink.Path.Any())
                    throw new Exception("ParentId and Path is required to delete a link");
                var existing = collection.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => subNavlink.Path.SequenceEqual(x.Item.ToObject <SubnavLink>().Path) &&
                                                               (subNavlink.ParentId == x.Item.ToObject <SubnavLink>().ParentId || subNavlink.Location == x.Item.ToObject <SubnavLink>().Location));

                if (existing != null)
                    await entityResource.DeleteEntityAsync(SubnavLinkEntityName, existing.Id);
        private bool FindMatch(EntityContainer entity, SubnavLink newLink)
            var existingSubnav = entity.Item.ToObject <SubnavLink>();

            return(newLink.Path.SequenceEqual(existingSubnav.Path) &&
                   ((newLink.ParentId == existingSubnav.ParentId && existingSubnav.ParentId.HasValue) ||
                    (newLink.Location == existingSubnav.Location && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(existingSubnav.Location))));
        private async Task <EntityContainer> GetExistingLink(IApiContext apiContext, SubnavLink subnavLink)
            var entityContainerResource = new EntityContainerResource(apiContext);
            var collection = await entityContainerResource.GetEntityContainersAsync(SubnavLinkEntityName, 200);

            var existing = collection.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => FindMatch(x, subnavLink));

 public void DeleteLinkTest()
     var subNavlink = new SubnavLink
         ParentId = Parent.Customers,
         Href = String.Format("{0}/contacts", _appUrl),
         Path = new[] { "MyApp", "Contacts" },
         WindowTitle = "My Extension App Contacts"
     _subnavLinkHandler.Delete(TenantId, subNavlink).Wait();
 public void AddContactsLinks()
     var subNavlink = new SubnavLink
         ParentId = Parent.Customers,
         Href = String.Format("{0}/contacts", _appUrl),
         Path = new[] { "MyApp", "Contacts" },
         WindowTitle = "My Extension App Contacts"
     _subnavLinkHandler.AddUpdateExtensionLinkAsync(TenantId, subNavlink).Wait();
Beispiel #7
        public void DeleteLinkTest()
            var subNavlink = new SubnavLink
                ParentId    = Parent.Customers,
                Href        = String.Format("{0}/contacts", _appUrl),
                Path        = new[] { "MyApp", "Contacts" },
                WindowTitle = "My Extension App Contacts"

            _subnavLinkHandler.Delete(TenantId, subNavlink).Wait();
Beispiel #8
        public void AddContactsLinks()
            var subNavlink = new SubnavLink
                ParentId    = Parent.Customers,
                Href        = String.Format("{0}/contacts", _appUrl),
                Path        = new[] { "MyApp", "Contacts" },
                WindowTitle = "My Extension App Contacts"

            _subnavLinkHandler.AddUpdateExtensionLinkAsync(TenantId, subNavlink).Wait();
Beispiel #9
        public void SubnavlistTest_newAdminUI()
            var marketingSubNav = new SubnavLink
                ParentId         = Parent.Marketing,
                DisplayMode      = DisplayMode.Modal,
                WindowTitle      = "Marketing Import/Export",
                ModalWindowTitle = "Import/Export",
                BadgeInitials    = "IE",
                Path             = new[] { "Import/Export" }

            _subnavLinkHandler.AddUpdateExtensionLinkAsync(TenantId, marketingSubNav, LinkType.Menu).Wait();
        public async Task AddUpdateExtensionLinkAsync(int tenantId, SubnavLink subnavLink, LinkType?type = null)
            var apiContext = new ApiContext(tenantId);

            subnavLink.AppId = await GetAppId(apiContext);

            var location = subnavLink.ParentId.ToString();

            if (type.HasValue)
                if (_newAdmingMappings.ContainsKey(location) && type == LinkType.Menu)
                    location = _newAdmingMappings[location];
                subnavLink.Location = string.Format("{0}{1}", location.ToLower(), type.ToString().ToLower());
                if (!subnavLink.DisplayMode.HasValue)
                    subnavLink.DisplayMode = DisplayMode.Modal;

            var entityResource     = new EntityResource(apiContext);
            var tenantSettingsJobj = await entityResource.GetEntityAsync("tenantadminsettings@mozu", "global");

            TenantAdminSettings tenantSettings = null;

            if (tenantSettingsJobj != null)
                tenantSettings = tenantSettingsJobj.ToObject <TenantAdminSettings>();

            if (tenantSettings != null && tenantSettings.EnableBetaAdmin)
                //validate combo
                if (type.HasValue && type.Value == LinkType.Menu && !_validBurgerMenus.Contains(location))
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Parent option for Menu type. Valid options are " + _validBurgerMenus.Aggregate((x, y) => x + "," + y));
                if (type.HasValue && (type.Value == LinkType.Edit || type.Value == LinkType.Index) && !_validGridEditItems.Contains(location))
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Parent option for " + type.ToString() + " type. Valid options are " + _validGridEditItems.Aggregate((x, y) => x + "," + y));

                subnavLink.ParentId = null;

            await AddUpdateSubNavLink(apiContext, subnavLink);
        public async Task AddUpdateExtensionLinkAsync(int tenantId, Parent parent, string href, string windowTitle, String[] path, /*Context? requiredContext =null,*/ LinkType?type = null, DisplayMode?displayMode = null)
            var link = new SubnavLink
                ParentId    = parent,
                WindowTitle = windowTitle,
                Href        = href,
                Path        = path

            if (displayMode.HasValue)
                link.DisplayMode = displayMode.Value;

            /*if (requiredContext.HasValue)
             *  link.RequiredContext = requiredContext.Value;*/
            await AddUpdateExtensionLinkAsync(tenantId, link, type);
 public void SubnavlistTest_newAdminUI()
     var marketingSubNav = new SubnavLink
         ParentId = Parent.Marketing,
         DisplayMode = DisplayMode.Modal,
         WindowTitle = "Marketing Import/Export",
         ModalWindowTitle = "Import/Export",
         BadgeInitials = "IE",
         Path = new[] { "Import/Export" }
     _subnavLinkHandler.AddUpdateExtensionLinkAsync(TenantId, marketingSubNav, LinkType.Menu).Wait();