public SubmeshData GetOrAddSubmesh(Face face, MaterialData materialData, int[] triangles)
            foreach (var submesh in Submeshes)
                if (submesh.materialData.Equals(materialData.materialPalette, materialData.mainTexturePalette, materialData.detailTexturePalette, face.transparency, face.lightMode))

            var submeshData = new SubmeshData(materialData, triangles);


Beispiel #2
 public void Update(ref SubmeshData data, IntPtr vb, IntPtr ib)
     usdiVtxCmdUpdateSub(handle, ref data, vb, ib);
Beispiel #3
 [DllImport("usdi")] public static extern void usdiVtxCmdUpdateSub(IntPtr h, ref SubmeshData data, IntPtr vb, IntPtr ib);
Beispiel #4
    public static void ParseSkin(BinaryReader reader, M2Data m2Data)
        string  magic        = reader.ReadFourCC();             // 'SKIN'
        M2Array vertices     = reader.ReadM2Array();
        M2Array indices      = reader.ReadM2Array();
        M2Array bones        = reader.ReadM2Array();
        M2Array submeshes    = reader.ReadM2Array();
        M2Array batches      = reader.ReadM2Array();            // nTexture_units
        int     boneCountMax = reader.ReadInt32();              // WoW takes this and divides it by the number of bones in each submesh, then stores the biggest one.
                                                                // Maximum number of bones per drawcall for each view. Related to (old) GPU numbers of registers.
                                                                // Values seen : 256, 64, 53, 21
        M2Array shadow_batches = reader.ReadM2Array();

        /// Read Batches ///
        reader.BaseStream.Seek(batches.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        for (var batch = 0; batch < batches.Size; batch++)
            M2BatchIndices m2BatchIndices = new M2BatchIndices();

            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_flags                      = reader.ReadByte();          // Usually 16 for static textures, and 0 for animated textures. &0x1: materials invert something; &0x2: transform &0x4: projected texture; &0x10: something batch compatible; &0x20: projected texture?; &0x40: use textureWeights
            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_priorityPlane              = reader.ReadByte();
            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_shader_id                  = reader.ReadUInt16();        // See below.
            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_skinSectionIndex           = reader.ReadUInt16();        // A duplicate entry of a submesh from the list above.
            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_geosetIndex                = reader.ReadUInt16();        // See below.
            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_color_index                = reader.ReadUInt16();        // A Color out of the Colors-Block or -1 if none.
            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_materialIndex              = reader.ReadUInt16();        // The renderflags used on this texture-unit.
            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_materialLayer              = reader.ReadUInt16();        // Capped at 7 (see CM2Scene::BeginDraw)
            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_textureCount               = reader.ReadUInt16();        // 1 to 4. See below. Also seems to be the number of textures to load, starting at the texture lookup in the next field (0x10).
            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_textureComboIndex          = reader.ReadUInt16();        // Index into Texture lookup table
            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_textureCoordComboIndex     = reader.ReadUInt16();        // Index into the texture unit lookup table.
            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_textureWeightComboIndex    = reader.ReadUInt16();        // Index into transparency lookup table.
            m2BatchIndices.M2Batch_textureTransformComboIndex = reader.ReadUInt16();        // Index into uvanimation lookup table.


        // Read SubMesh Data //
        int[] Indices   = new int[vertices.Size];                                 // Three indices which make up a triangle.
        int[] Triangles = new int[indices.Size];                                  // Bone indices (Index into BoneLookupTable)

        int[] skinSectionId         = new int[submeshes.Size];                    // Mesh part ID, see below.
        int[] submesh_StartVertex   = new int[submeshes.Size];                    // Starting vertex number.
        int[] submesh_NbrVerts      = new int[submeshes.Size];                    // Number of vertices.
        int[] submesh_StartTriangle = new int[submeshes.Size];                    // Starting triangle index (that's 3* the number of triangles drawn so far).
        int[] submesh_NbrTris       = new int[submeshes.Size];                    // Number of triangle indices.

        int[] submesh_boneCount      = new int[submeshes.Size];                   // Number of elements in the bone lookup table. Max seems to be 256 in Wrath. Shall be ≠ 0.
        int[] submesh_boneComboIndex = new int[submeshes.Size];                   // Starting index in the bone lookup table.
        int[] submesh_boneInfluences = new int[submeshes.Size];                   // <= 4
                                                                                  // from <=BC documentation: Highest number of bones needed at one time in this Submesh --Tinyn (
                                                                                  // In 2.x this is the amount of of bones up the parent-chain affecting the submesh --NaK
                                                                                  // Highest number of bones referenced by a vertex of this submesh. 3.3.5a and suspectedly all other client revisions. -- Skarn
        int[]     submesh_centerBoneIndex    = new int[submeshes.Size];
        Vector3[] submesh_centerPosition     = new Vector3[submeshes.Size];       // Average position of all the vertices in the sub mesh.
        Vector3[] submesh_sortCenterPosition = new Vector3[submeshes.Size];       // The center of the box when an axis aligned box is built around the vertices in the submesh.
        float[]   submesh_sortRadius         = new float[submeshes.Size];         // Distance of the vertex farthest from CenterBoundingBox.

        /// Indices ///
        reader.BaseStream.Seek(vertices.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        for (var ind = 0; ind < vertices.Size; ind++)
            Indices[ind] = reader.ReadUInt16();

        /// triangles ///
        reader.BaseStream.Seek(indices.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        for (var tri = 0; tri < indices.Size; tri++)
            Triangles[tri] = reader.ReadUInt16();

        /// submeshes ///
        reader.BaseStream.Seek(submeshes.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        for (var sub = 0; sub < submeshes.Size; sub++)
            skinSectionId[sub] = reader.ReadUInt16();
            int Level = reader.ReadUInt16();                                    // (level << 16) is added (|ed) to startTriangle and alike to avoid having to increase those fields to uint32s.
            submesh_StartVertex[sub]   = reader.ReadUInt16() + (Level << 16);
            submesh_NbrVerts[sub]      = reader.ReadUInt16();
            submesh_StartTriangle[sub] = reader.ReadUInt16() + (Level << 16);
            submesh_NbrTris[sub]       = reader.ReadUInt16();

            submesh_boneCount[sub]       = reader.ReadUInt16();
            submesh_boneComboIndex[sub]  = reader.ReadUInt16();
            submesh_boneInfluences[sub]  = reader.ReadUInt16();
            submesh_centerBoneIndex[sub] = reader.ReadUInt16();

            Vector3 canterPosition = new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle() / Settings.WORLD_SCALE, reader.ReadSingle() / Settings.WORLD_SCALE, reader.ReadSingle() / Settings.WORLD_SCALE);
            submesh_centerPosition[sub] = new Vector3(-canterPosition.x, canterPosition.z, -canterPosition.y);
            Vector3 sortCenterPosition = new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle() / Settings.WORLD_SCALE, reader.ReadSingle() / Settings.WORLD_SCALE, reader.ReadSingle() / Settings.WORLD_SCALE);
            submesh_sortCenterPosition[sub] = new Vector3(-sortCenterPosition.x, sortCenterPosition.z, -sortCenterPosition.y);

            submesh_sortRadius[sub] = reader.ReadSingle();

        /// Assemble Submeshes ///
        m2Data.submeshData = new List <SubmeshData>();
        for (int sm = 0; sm < submeshes.Size; sm++)
            Vector3[] vertList  = new Vector3[submesh_NbrVerts[sm]];
            Vector3[] normsList = new Vector3[submesh_NbrVerts[sm]];
            Vector2[] uvsList   = new Vector2[submesh_NbrVerts[sm]];
            Vector2[] uvs2List  = new Vector2[submesh_NbrVerts[sm]];

            BoneWeights[] boneWeights = new BoneWeights[submesh_NbrVerts[sm]];

            for (int vn = 0; vn < submesh_NbrVerts[sm]; vn++)
                vertList[vn]  = m2Data.meshData.pos[vn + submesh_StartVertex[sm]];
                normsList[vn] = m2Data.meshData.normal[vn + submesh_StartVertex[sm]];
                uvsList[vn]   = m2Data.meshData.tex_coords[vn + submesh_StartVertex[sm]];
                uvs2List[vn]  = m2Data.meshData.tex_coords2[vn + submesh_StartVertex[sm]];

                BoneWeights boneWeightVert = new BoneWeights();
                int[]       boneIndex      = new int[4];
                float[]     boneWeight     = new float[4];

                for (int bn = 0; bn < 4; bn++)
                    boneIndex[bn]  = m2Data.meshData.bone_indices[vn + submesh_boneComboIndex[sm]][bn];
                    boneWeight[bn] = m2Data.meshData.bone_weights[vn + submesh_boneComboIndex[sm]][bn];
                boneWeightVert.boneIndex  = boneIndex;
                boneWeightVert.boneWeight = boneWeight;
                boneWeights[vn]           = boneWeightVert;

            int[] triList = new int[submesh_NbrTris[sm]];
            for (var t = 0; t < submesh_NbrTris[sm]; t++)
                //triList[t] = Triangles[t + submesh_StartTriangle[sm]] - submesh_StartVertex[sm];  // using Separate Meshes, reset first triangle to index 0;
                triList[t] = Triangles[t + submesh_StartTriangle[sm]];                              // using Unity Submeshes, don't reset first triangle to index 0;

            SubmeshData submeshData = new SubmeshData();

            submeshData.ID        = skinSectionId[sm];
            submeshData.vertList  = vertList;
            submeshData.normsList = normsList;
            submeshData.uvsList   = uvsList;
            submeshData.uvs2List  = uvs2List;
            submeshData.triList                = triList;
            submeshData.submesh_StartVertex    = submesh_StartVertex[sm];
            submeshData.boneWeights            = boneWeights;
            submeshData.submesh_boneCount      = submesh_boneCount[sm];
            submeshData.submesh_boneInfluences = submesh_boneInfluences[sm];

        /// Read Bone Data ///
        // byte[] Properties = new byte[bones.Size];
        // reader.BaseStream.Seek(bones.Offset, SeekOrigin.Current);
        // for (var bone = 0; bone < bones.Size; bone++)
        // {
        //     Properties[bone] = reader.ReadByte();
        // }
Beispiel #5
    public void GenerateMap()

        int total = Game.Instance.worldGridsWide * Game.Instance.worldGridsHigh;

        // Clear all of the submesh vert data
        foreach (var sd in _submeshes)

        Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[4 * total];
        int[]     triangles = new int[6 * total];
        int       curVert = 0, curTri = 0;
        float     spacing = 2f;

        for (int i = 0; i < total; i++, curVert += 4, curTri += 6)
            int gridPos = i;

            int gridX = gridPos % Game.Instance.worldGridsWide,
                gridZ = gridPos / Game.Instance.worldGridsWide;

            // bl
            verts[curVert] = new Vector3(gridX * spacing, 0, gridZ * spacing);
            // tl
            verts[curVert + 1] = new Vector3(gridX * spacing, 0, spacing * gridZ + 1);
            // tr
            verts[curVert + 2] = new Vector3(spacing * gridX + 1, 0, spacing * gridZ + 1);
            // br
            verts[curVert + 3] = new Vector3(spacing * gridX + 1, 0, spacing * gridZ);

            triangles[curTri]     = curVert;
            triangles[curTri + 1] = curVert + 1;
            triangles[curTri + 2] = curVert + 2;
            triangles[curTri + 3] = curVert + 0;
            triangles[curTri + 4] = curVert + 2;
            triangles[curTri + 5] = curVert + 3;

            // Pick the submesh by assigning the index of the material that
            // we want to use for it.
            int       submesh;
            GridState gridState = Game.Instance.GetGridState(gridPos);
            if (gridPos == Game.Instance.GetCurrentGrid())
                submesh = 2;
                if (gridState.hasQuestObjective || gridState.isBossLocation)
                    submesh = 4;
                else if (gridState.explored)
                    if (gridState.asteroidSpawner != null)
                        submesh = 3;
                        submesh = 1;
                else if (gridState.isEnemyArea)
                    submesh = 5;
                    submesh = 0;

            SubmeshData submeshData = _submeshes[submesh];
                new int[] {
                curVert + 1,
                curVert + 2,
                curVert + 0,
                curVert + 2,
                curVert + 3

        _mapMesh.vertices     = verts;
        _mapMesh.triangles    = triangles;
        _mapMesh.subMeshCount = _submeshes.Count;

        foreach (var sd in _submeshes)
            _mapMesh.SetTriangles(sd.triangles, sd.submeshIndex);

        _mFilter.mesh = _mapMesh;

        // Calculate the required camera height to fit the grid size.
        // This part is voodoo.
        // credit:
        var   mapBounds  = _mapMesh.bounds;
        float objectSize = Mathf.Max(mapBounds.max.x, mapBounds.max.z);
        float cameraView = Mathf.Tan(0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad * mapCamera.fieldOfView);
        float camHeight  = .5f * mapBounds.max.z / cameraView;

        mapCamera.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(