Beispiel #1
        public void ExtractRiteMap()
            if (AreMapsExtracted())
                bool flag0 = false, flag1 = false, flag2 = false;

                CoverageIdAttrMap = null;

                if (ConExp != null)
                    #region Extraction of Subschedule and preparation of ResolvedSchedule
                    if (null != ConExp.Subschedules)
                        var ser = new ProtoCompressedSerializer();
                        Dictionary <string, Subschedule> dss =
                            ser.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, Subschedule> >(ConExp.Subschedules, 0, ConExp.Subschedules.Length);
                        if (null != dss)
                            SubSchedule = dss.Where(p => p.Value != null && p.Value.Type != null && (p.Value.Ids != null || p.Value.CompressedIds != null))
                                          .ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

                            ResolvedSchedule = SubSchedule.ToDictionary(p => p.Key,
                                                                        p => ((p.Value.Ids != null) ? p.Value.Ids : new HashSet <long>(p.Value.CompressedIds.Enumerable())));

                        if (ResolvedSchedule == null || ResolvedSchedule.Count() == 0)
                            BugLog("Error: Contract Exposure Schedules couldn't be deserialized.");
                        BugLog("Error: Contract Exposure doesn't contain Schedules.");

                    #region Extraction of Rite Attributes
                    if (ConExp.ContractSubjectExposures != null)
                        flag0 = true;

                        foreach (ContractSubjectExposureOfRiteSchedule cseRites in ConExp.ContractSubjectExposures)
                            if (null != cseRites.RITECollectionExposure && null != cseRites.RITECollectionExposure.RITExposures)
                                flag1 = true;

                                foreach (RITExposure ritExposure in cseRites.RITECollectionExposure.RITExposures)
                                    if (ritExposure.RiskitemCharacteristicsList != null && ritExposure.RiskitemCharacteristicsList.Items != null)
                                        flag2 = true;
                                        foreach (RiskItemCharacteristicsValuation idxEntry in ritExposure.RiskitemCharacteristicsList.Items)
                                            if (null == CoverageIdAttrMap)
                                                CoverageIdAttrMap = new Dictionary <long, RITEAttributes>();

                                            if (!CoverageIdAttrMap.ContainsKey(idxEntry.Id))
                                                var P = new RITEAttributes();
                                                P.ExposureType  = idxEntry.RiteTypeId;
                                                P.NumBuildings  = ritExposure.CommonCharacteristics.NumBuildings;
                                                P.RITExposureId = ritExposure.ExposureID;
                                                P.Value         = idxEntry.RITExposureValuationList.First().Value;

                                                CoverageIdAttrMap.Add(idxEntry.Id, P);
                        BugLog("Error: Contract Exposure Subject isn't exist.");

                if (!flag0)
                    BugLog("Error: Contract Exposure data wasn't uploaded from extract file.");
                else if (!flag1)
                    BugLog("Error: Contract Exposure Risk Item Collection isn't exist.");
                else if (!flag2)
                    BugLog("Error: Contract Exposure Risk Item Characteristics List isn't exist.");

                #region Check
                //HashSet<long> coverageIDs1 = null, coverageIDs2 = null;

                //if (null != ResolvedSchedule)
                //    coverageIDs1 =
                //        ResolvedSchedule.Aggregate(new HashSet<long>(), (a, b) => { a.UnionWith(b.Value); return a; });
                //if (null != CoverageIdAttrMap)
                //    coverageIDs2 = new HashSet<long>(CoverageIdAttrMap.Keys);

                //int n1 = (null != coverageIDs1) ? coverageIDs1.Count() : 0;
                //int n2 = (null != coverageIDs2) ? coverageIDs2.Count() : 0;
                //if (n1 != n2)
                //    string msg = string.Format("Number of RITEs({0}) in Subschedules is not equal to number of RITEs({1}) in Collection of ContractSubjectExposures", n1, n2);
                //    throw new Exception(msg);
            catch (Exception ex) { BugLog("Error: " + ex.Message); }
Beispiel #2
        public void ExtractRiteMap()
            if (AreMapsExtracted())
                bool flag0 = false, flag1 = false, flag2 = false;

                CoverageIdAttrMap = null;

                if (ConExp != null)
                    #region Extraction of Subschedule and preparation of ResolvedSchedule
                    if (null != ConExp.Subschedules)
                        var ser = new ProtoCompressedSerializer();
                        Dictionary <string, Subschedule> dss =
                            ser.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, Subschedule> >(ConExp.Subschedules, 0, ConExp.Subschedules.Length);
                        if (null != dss)
                            SubSchedule = dss.Where(p => p.Value != null && p.Value.Type != null && (p.Value.Ids != null || p.Value.CompressedIds != null))
                                          .ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

                            ResolvedSchedule = SubSchedule.ToDictionary(p => p.Key,
                                                                        p => ((p.Value.Ids != null) ? p.Value.Ids : new HashSet <long>(p.Value.CompressedIds.Enumerable())));

                        if (ResolvedSchedule == null || ResolvedSchedule.Count() == 0)
                            BugLog("Error: Contract Exposure Schedules couldn't be deserialized.");
                        BugLog("Error: Contract Exposure doesn't contain Schedules.");

                    #region Extraction of Rite Attributes
                    if (ConExp.ContractSubjectExposures != null)
                        flag0 = true;
                        FactorGenerator generator = new FactorGenerator();

                        foreach (ContractSubjectExposureOfRiteSchedule cseRites in ConExp.ContractSubjectExposures)
                            if (null != cseRites.RITECollectionExposure && null != cseRites.RITECollectionExposure.RITExposures)
                                flag1 = true;

                                foreach (RITExposure ritExposure in cseRites.RITECollectionExposure.RITExposures)
                                    if (ritExposure.RiskitemCharacteristicsList != null && ritExposure.RiskitemCharacteristicsList.Items != null)
                                        flag2 = true;
                                        foreach (RiskItemCharacteristicsValuation idxEntry in ritExposure.RiskitemCharacteristicsList.Items)
                                            if (null == CoverageIdAttrMap)
                                                CoverageIdAttrMap = new Dictionary <long, ExtractRITCharInfo>();

                                            if (!CoverageIdAttrMap.ContainsKey(idxEntry.Id))
                                                var P = new ExtractRITCharInfo();
                                                P.ExposureType  = idxEntry.RiteTypeId;
                                                P.NumBuildings  = ritExposure.CommonCharacteristics.NumBuildings;
                                                P.RITExposureId = ritExposure.ExposureID;
                                                P.Value         = idxEntry.RITExposureValuationList.First().Value;
                                                P.OriginalRITECharacteristicId = idxEntry.ParentId;
                                                P.NumSamples = generator.GetFactor(ritExposure).NumOfSamples;
                                                //P.NumSamples = generator.GetNumOfSamples(ritExposure);
                                                P.Factor = generator.GetFactor(ritExposure).Factor;

                                                //needed for NumSamples algorithm
                                                P.NumUnits          = ritExposure.CommonCharacteristics.NumUnits;
                                                P.HazardScaleFactor = ritExposure.CommonCharacteristics.TaxValue;
                                                P.OriginWeightsGeoIDLookupIntCode = ritExposure.CommonCharacteristics.FireAlarm;
                                                P.OriginWEightsLOBLookupCode      = ritExposure.CommonCharacteristics.FirePlace;
                                                P.DisAggResolutionIntCode         = ritExposure.CommonCharacteristics.NumberOfEscalators;
                                                P.Address = ritExposure.Address;

                                                if (ritExposure.ClonedExposureId != null)
                                                    P.OriginalRITExposureId = (long)ritExposure.ClonedExposureId;
                                                //    throw new InvalidOperationException("Clone Exposure ID is null!");
                                                CoverageIdAttrMap.Add(idxEntry.Id, P);
                        BugLog("Error: Contract Exposure Subject isn't exist.");

                if (!flag0)
                    BugLog("Error: Contract Exposure data wasn't uploaded from extract file.");
                else if (!flag1)
                    BugLog("Error: Contract Exposure Risk Item Collection isn't exist.");
                else if (!flag2)
                    BugLog("Error: Contract Exposure Risk Item Characteristics List isn't exist.");

                #region Check
                //HashSet<long> coverageIDs1 = null, coverageIDs2 = null;

                //if (null != ResolvedSchedule)
                //    coverageIDs1 =
                //        ResolvedSchedule.Aggregate(new HashSet<long>(), (a, b) => { a.UnionWith(b.Value); return a; });
                //if (null != RiskItemCharacteristicIDAttributeMap)
                //    coverageIDs2 = new HashSet<long>(RiskItemCharacteristicIDAttributeMap.Keys);

                //int n1 = (null != coverageIDs1) ? coverageIDs1.Count() : 0;
                //int n2 = (null != coverageIDs2) ? coverageIDs2.Count() : 0;
                //if (n1 != n2)
                //    string msg = string.Format("Number of RITEs({0}) in Subschedules is not equal to number of RITEs({1}) in Collection of ContractSubjectExposures", n1, n2);
                //    throw new Exception(msg);
            catch (Exception ex) { BugLog("Error: " + ex.Message); }