/// <summary>
 /// IOCTL_ATA_PASS_THROUGH IOCTL ( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/content/ntddscsi/ni-ntddscsi-ioctl_ata_pass_through )
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="IoControl"></param>
 /// <param name="Header"></param>
 /// <param name="Data"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool AtaPassThroughSmartData(this IoControl IoControl, out IAtaPassThroughEx <SmartData> value, out uint ReturnBytes)
     if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
         var request = new AtaPassThroughEx32WithSmartData(
             AtaFlags: AtaFlags.DataIn | AtaFlags.NoMultiple,
             TimeOutValue: 3,
             Feature: 0xd0,
             Cylinder: 0xc24f,
             Command: 0xb0
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(request.DataTransferLength == 512, "データが不正");
         var ptr    = new StructPtr <AtaPassThroughEx32WithSmartData>(request);
         var result = IoControl.AtaPassThrough(ptr, out ReturnBytes);
         value = ptr.Get();
     else if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
         var request = new AtaPassThroughExWithSmartData(
             AtaFlags: AtaFlags.DataIn | AtaFlags.NoMultiple,
             TimeOutValue: 3,
             Feature: 0xd0,
             Cylinder: 0xc24f,
             Command: 0xb0
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(request.DataTransferLength == 512, "データが不正");
         var ptr    = new StructPtr <AtaPassThroughExWithSmartData>(request);
         var result = IoControl.AtaPassThrough(ptr, out ReturnBytes);
         value = ptr.Get();
     throw new NotSupportedException();
Beispiel #2
 internal static void TextOverlay(Text2D textStruct)
     using (StructPtr textPtr = new StructPtr(textStruct))
         TextFunctions.DrawText.Call(0x5004D4, textPtr);
 /// <summary>
 /// IOCTL_ATA_PASS_THROUGH IOCTL ( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/content/ntddscsi/ni-ntddscsi-ioctl_ata_pass_through )
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="IoControl"></param>
 /// <param name="Header"></param>
 /// <param name="Data"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool AtaPassThroughIdentifyDevice(this IoControl IoControl, out IAtaPassThroughEx <IdentifyDevice> value, out uint ReturnBytes)
     if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
         var ptr = new StructPtr <AtaPassThroughEx32WithIdentifyDevice>(new AtaPassThroughEx32WithIdentifyDevice(
                                                                            AtaFlags: AtaFlags.DataIn | AtaFlags.NoMultiple,
                                                                            TimeOutValue: 3,
                                                                            Feature: 0,
                                                                            Cylinder: 0,
                                                                            Command: 0xEC
         var result = IoControl.AtaPassThrough(ptr, out ReturnBytes);
         value = ptr.Get();
     else if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
         var ptr = new StructPtr <AtaPassThroughExWithIdentifyDevice>(new AtaPassThroughExWithIdentifyDevice(
                                                                          AtaFlags: AtaFlags.DataIn | AtaFlags.NoMultiple,
                                                                          TimeOutValue: 3,
                                                                          Feature: 0,
                                                                          Cylinder: 0,
                                                                          Command: 0xEC
         var result = IoControl.AtaPassThrough(ptr, out ReturnBytes);
         value = ptr.Get();
     throw new NotSupportedException();
Beispiel #4
 public void SetPtrTest(StructPtr <TestData> StructPtr, TestData data)
     using (StructPtr.CreatePtr(out var Ptr, out var Size))
         StructPtr.SetPtr(Ptr, Size);
         Assert.AreEqual(data, StructPtr.Get());
Beispiel #5
 public override void EmitPreRemoteCallStatements(CodeBuilder b, string var)
     b.BeginIf("{0} != null", var);
     b.AppendLine("call.{0} = new IntPtr[{0}.Length];", var);
     b.BeginBlock("for(int i = 0; i < {0}.Length; ++i)", var);
     b.AppendLine("call.{0}[i] = {1};", var, StructPtr.RemoteUnwrapExpression(var + "[i]"));
Beispiel #6
        public void GetPtrTest(StructPtr <TestData> StructPtr, TestData data)
            var Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <TestData>();

            using (StructPtr.CreatePtr(out var Ptr, out var _Size))
                Assert.AreEqual(Size, _Size);
                Assert.AreEqual(data, (TestData)Marshal.PtrToStructure(Ptr, typeof(TestData)));
 public override void EmitRemotePreCallStatements(CodeBuilder b, string var)
     b.BeginIf("{0} != null", var);
     b.AppendLine("call.{0} = new IntPtr[{0}.Length];", var);
     b.BeginBlock("for(int i = 0; i < {0}.Length; ++i)", var);
     b.AppendLine("if(!CheckConnection({0}[i], connection)) throw new ArgumentException(\"Render process connection mismatch.\", \"{1}[\" + i + \"]\");", CSharp.Escape(var), var);
     b.AppendLine("call.{0}[i] = {1};", var, StructPtr.RemoteUnwrapExpression(var + "[i]"));
 public override void EmitPreProxyCallStatements(CodeBuilder b, string var)
     b.AppendLine("{0}[] {1}_unwrapped;", Struct.ClassName, var);
     b.BeginIf("{0} != null", var);
     b.AppendLine("{0}_unwrapped = new {1}[{0}.Length];", var, Struct.ClassName);
     b.BeginBlock("for(int i = 0; i < {0}.Length; ++i)", var);
     b.AppendLine("{0}_unwrapped[i] = {1};", var, StructPtr.ProxyUnwrapExpression(var + "[i]"));
     b.AppendLine("{0}_unwrapped = null;", var);
        public static bool AtaPassThroughCheckPowerMode(this IoControl IoControl, out IAtaPassThroughEx value, out uint ReturnBytes)
            var AtaFlags = Controller.AtaFlags.DataIn | Controller.AtaFlags.NoMultiple;

            if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
                var _value = new AtaPassThroughEx32WithMiniBuffer(
                    AtaFlags: AtaFlags,
                    TimeOutValue: 20,
                    TaskFile: new TaskFile(
                        AtaFlags: AtaFlags,
                        Feature: 0,
                        Cylinder: 0,
                        DeviceHead: 0,
                        Command: 0xE5
                var ptr    = new StructPtr <AtaPassThroughEx32WithMiniBuffer>(_value);
                var result = IoControl.AtaPassThrough(ptr, out ReturnBytes);
                value = ptr.Get();
            else if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
                var _value = new AtaPassThroughExWithMiniBuffer(
                    AtaFlags: AtaFlags,
                    TimeOutValue: 20,
                    TaskFile: new TaskFile(
                        AtaFlags: AtaFlags,
                        Feature: 0,
                        Cylinder: 0,
                        DeviceHead: 0x0,
                        Command: 0xE5
                var ptr    = new StructPtr <AtaPassThroughExWithMiniBuffer>(_value);
                var result = IoControl.AtaPassThrough(ptr, out ReturnBytes);
                value = ptr.Get();
            throw new NotSupportedException();
Beispiel #10
        public void Run(RemoteInterface remoteInterface)
            // All particles, HUD icons and other GFX objects should always be drawn in the main engine loop.
            GlobalActions.Engine += () =>
                // Create 2 vectors - upper-left and lower-right corner of the icon.
                // For HUD icons, the screen space is mapped to a 100x100 area.
                // Only X and Y coordinates are used to position the icon.
                // The Z coordinate of the 2nd vector is the alpha/transparency value.
                Vector3 vPos1 = new Vector3(5, 5, 0);
                Vector3 vPos2 = new Vector3(20, 20, 255);

                // StructPtr copies the vector structure to unmanaged memory and provides a pointer.
                // The memory is freed automatically at the end of the using block.
                using (StructPtr pos1 = new StructPtr(vPos1), pos2 = new StructPtr(vPos2))
                    // Particle type 125 is the HUD icon type.
                    // The last parameter "a6" varies between particle types - in this case it's an index.
                    // A specific index value can only be used by one icon. If multiple icons are drawn
                    // with the same index, only the last one will be displayed.
                    GfxFunctions.VAddParticle.Call(125, pos1, pos2, TexturePointers.rayIcon, 11);
 public override void EmitProxyEventArgSetter(CodeBuilder b, string var)
     b.AppendLine("e.{0} = {1};", var, StructPtr.ProxyUnwrapExpression("value"));
 public override void EmitPostPublicCallStatements(CodeBuilder b, string var)
     b.AppendLine("{0} = {1};", var, StructPtr.PublicWrapExpression(var + "_ptr"));
 public override string RemoteCallParameter(string var)
     return("out " + StructPtr.RemoteCallParameter(var));
 public override string PublicCallParameter(string var)
     return("out " + StructPtr.PublicCallParameter(var));
 public override void EmitPostRemoteRaiseEventStatements(CodeBuilder b, string var)
     b.AppendLine("{0} = {1};", var, StructPtr.RemoteUnwrapExpression(string.Concat("e.m_", var, "_wrapped")));
Beispiel #16
 public override string PublicEventConstructorArgument(string var)
     return(StructPtr.PublicEventConstructorArgument(var) + ", " + CountArg.PublicEventConstructorArgument);
Beispiel #17
 public override string PublicEventConstructorParameter(string var)
     return(StructPtr.PublicEventConstructorParameter(var) + ", " + CountArg.PublicEventConstructorParameter);
 public override string ProxyCallSignature(string var)
     return("out " + StructPtr.ProxyCallSignature(var));
 public override void EmitPostPublicRaiseEventStatements(CodeBuilder b, string var)
     b.AppendLine("{0} = {1};", var, StructPtr.PublicUnwrapExpression(string.Concat("e.m_", var, "_wrapped")));