Beispiel #1
        }   // void ListObjectProperties

        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerate the properties of an object, showing for each its type and
        /// value, as a formatted listing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pstrNameOfObject">
        /// Name of object as it appears in the calling routine
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pObjThisOne">
        /// Reference to the object from which to enumerate properties
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pintLeftPadding">
        /// Optional left padding for the report
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pstrObjectLabelSuffix">
        /// Optional supplementary label information for the object
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="penmBindingFlags">
        /// Binding flags mask, which determines which properties are enumerated
        /// </param>
        public static void ListObjectPropertyTypesAndValues (
            string pstrNameOfObject,
            object pObjThisOne,
            int pintLeftPadding = ListInfo.EMPTY_STRING_LENGTH,
            string pstrObjectLabelSuffix = null,
            BindingFlags penmBindingFlags = DEFAULT_BINDING_FLAGS )
            string strIndentation =
                pintLeftPadding > ListInfo.EMPTY_STRING_LENGTH
                ? StringTricks.StrFill (
                    SpecialCharacters.SPACE_CHAR ,
                    pintLeftPadding ) :

            PropertyInfo [ ] apropertyInfos = pObjThisOne.GetType ( ).GetProperties ( penmBindingFlags );
            int intMaxDigits = apropertyInfos.Length.ToString ( ).Length;       // Compute the width of the largest possible ordinal.
            Console.WriteLine (
               Properties.Resources.MSG_PROPERTY_LIST_HEADER ,                  // Format Control String
                strIndentation ,                                                // Format Item 0: {0}Object
                pstrNameOfObject ,                                              // Format Item 1: Object {1}
                pstrObjectLabelSuffix == null                                   // Format Item 2: {2} exposes the
                    ? SpecialStrings.EMPTY_STRING                               // when pstrObjectLabelSuffix == null
                    : $" ({pstrObjectLabelSuffix})" ,                           // when pstrObjectLabelSuffix != null
                apropertyInfos.Length ,                                         // Format Item 3: exposes the following {2}
                Environment.NewLine );                                          // Format Item 4: public properties:{4}

            for ( int intPropertyIndex = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ;
                      intPropertyIndex < apropertyInfos.Length ;
                      intPropertyIndex++ )
                    Console.WriteLine (
                        Properties.Resources.MSG_PROP_TYPE_AND_VALUE_DETAIL ,   // Format Control String
                        strIndentation ,                                        // Format Item 0: {0}Property
                        NumericFormats.FormatIntegerLeftPadded (                // Format Item 1: Property {1}:
                            ArrayInfo.OrdinalFromIndex (                        // Get the ordinal equivalent to array subscript.
                                intPropertyIndex ) ,                            // Array subscript for which to get the corresponding ordinal.
                            intMaxDigits ) ,                                    // Right align to this width.
                        apropertyInfos [ intPropertyIndex ].Name ,              // Format Item 2: : {2}
                        apropertyInfos[intPropertyIndex].PropertyType.FullName ,// Format Item 3: ({3}) =
                        StringTricks.TruncateValueToOneLine (                   // Format Item 4: = {4}
                            apropertyInfos [ intPropertyIndex ].GetValue (      // Get value from the apropertyInfos in array slot intPropertyIndex.
                            pObjThisOne ,                                       // Object from which to get property value.
                            null ) ) );                                         // The null CultureInfo causes the method to infer the culture of the calling thread.
                catch ( TargetInvocationException ex )
                    Console.WriteLine (
                        Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_PROPERTY_LIST ,             // Format Control String
                        strIndentation ,                                        // Format Item 0: {0}Property
                        ArrayInfo.OrdinalFromIndex ( intPropertyIndex ) ,       // Format Item 1: Property {1}:
                        apropertyInfos [ intPropertyIndex ].Name ,              // Format Item 2: : {2} =
                        ex.Message );                                           // Format Item 3: = {3}
            }   // for ( int intPropertyIndex = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intPropertyIndex < apropertyInfos.Length ; intPropertyIndex++ )

            Console.WriteLine (
                Properties.Resources.MSG_PROPERTY_LIST_FOOTER ,                 // Format Control String
                strIndentation ,                                                // Format Item 0
                Environment.NewLine );                                          // Format Item 1
        }   // void ListObjectPropertyTypesAndValues
		}   // TestFormatItemBuilders

		internal static void TestFormatItemCounters ( )
			const string ANNOUNCE_BEGIN = @"{1}    Format strings to test = {0}{1}";
			const string ANNOUNCE_DONE = @"{1}    {0} format strings have been tested.";
			const string PROGRESS_MSG = @"        String {0,2:N0}: {1}{3}                   Highest Index: {2}{3}";
			const string FORMAT_STRING_ERRORS_PROLOGUE = @"{0} error found in format string: {1}{2}";

			int intNStrings = s_astrFormatStringSamples.Length;

			int [ ] aintHightesItemIndex = new int [ intNStrings ];

			ASCII_Table_Gen ( );

			Console.WriteLine (
				intNStrings ,
				Environment.NewLine );

				for ( int intCurrStr = ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ;
						  intCurrStr < intNStrings ;
						  intCurrStr++ )
					int intStringNumber = intCurrStr

					FormatStringParser fsp = new FormatStringParser ( s_astrFormatStringSamples [ intCurrStr ] );
					aintHightesItemIndex [ intCurrStr ] = fsp.HighestFormatItemIndex;

					Console.WriteLine (
						new object [ ]
                    intStringNumber ,											// Format Item 0
                    s_astrFormatStringSamples [ intCurrStr ] ,					// Format Item 1
                    aintHightesItemIndex [ intCurrStr ] ,						// Format Item 2
                    Environment.NewLine											// Format Item 3
                } );

					if ( fsp.FormatStringErrorCount > FormatStringParser.NO_ERRORS )
						Console.WriteLine (
							FORMAT_STRING_ERRORS_PROLOGUE ,						// Message template string
							fsp.FormatStringErrorCount ,						// Format Item 0 = Error count
							StringTricks.AdjustNumberOfNoun (					// Format Item 1 = Aligned error count
								( uint ) fsp.FormatStringErrorCount ,           //		puintNumber
								Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_LITERAL_ERROR ,     //		pstrNounSingular
								null ,                                          //		pstrPluralForm
								fsp.FormatString ) ,                            //		pstrPhrase
							Environment.NewLine );								// Format Item 2 = Embedded Newline
						ListAllErrors ( fsp.FormatStringErrors );
						Console.WriteLine ( );
					}   // if ( fsp.FormatStringErrorCount > FormatStringParser.NO_ERRORS )
				}   // for ( int intCurrStr = ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intCurrStr < intNStrings ; intCurrStr++ )
			catch ( Exception exAll )
			{	// Preserve this expected exception report in the standard output, in addition to sending it to Standard Error.
				Program.s_smTheApp.AppExceptionLogger.ReportException ( exAll );

			//	----------------------------------------------------------------
			//	After adding another format item into which to have WriteLine
			//	stuff the newline, I searched down here, only to find that the
			//	argument list already had one. The lesson from this is that you
			//	can have extra format items in the list, but the list must have
			//	at least enough format items to account for the highest index in
			//	the format control string.
			//	----------------------------------------------------------------

			Console.WriteLine (
				intNStrings ,
				Environment.NewLine );
		}   // TestFormatItemCounters
Beispiel #3
        static TimedWaitTestCase ( )
            const string LBL_PUINTWAITSECONDS = @"puintWaitSeconds";
            const string LBL_PSTRCOUNTDOWNWAITINGFOR = @"pstrCountdownWaitingFor";
            const string LBL_PCLRTEXTCOLOR = @"pclrTextColor";
            const string LBL_PCLRTEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR = @"pclrTextBackgroundColor";
            const string LBL_PENMINTERRUPTCRITERION = @"penmInterruptCriterion";

            s_astrTimedWaitTestCaseInfo = Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CASE_INFO.Split ( new char [ ] { SpecialCharacters.COMMA } );

            int intPosition = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_INVALID_INDEX;

            foreach ( string strThisLabel in s_astrTimedWaitTestCaseInfo )

                switch ( strThisLabel )
                    case LBL_PUINTWAITSECONDS:
                        s_intPos_puintWaitSeconds = intPosition;

                    case LBL_PSTRCOUNTDOWNWAITINGFOR:
                        s_intPos_pstrCountdownWaitingFor = intPosition;

                    case LBL_PCLRTEXTCOLOR:
                        s_intPos_pclrTextColor = intPosition;

                    case LBL_PCLRTEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR:
                        s_intPos_pclrTextBackgroundColor = intPosition;

                    case LBL_PENMINTERRUPTCRITERION:
                        s_intPos_penmInterruptCriterion = intPosition;

                        string strMsg = string.Format (
                            Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CTOR_ERROR_1 ,         // Message template
                            new string [ ]
                                    Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CASE_INFO ,    // Token 0
                                    strThisLabel ,                                      // Token 1
                                    intPosition.ToString ( ) ,                          // Token 2
                                    Environment.NewLine                                 // Token 3
                                } );
						Console.Error.WriteLine ( strMsg );								// Rather than throwing an exception, emit a message into the Standard Error stream.
                }   // switch ( strThisLabel )
            }   // foreach ( string strThisLabel in s_astrTimedWaitTestCaseInfo )

            if ( s_intPos_puintWaitSeconds == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_INVALID_INDEX )
                string strMsg = string.Format (
                    Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CTOR_ERROR_2 ,                 // Message template
                    LBL_PUINTWAITSECONDS ,                                              // Token 0
                    StringTricks.QuoteString (
                        Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CASE_INFO ) );             // Token 1
				Console.Error.WriteLine ( strMsg );										// Rather than throwing an exception, emit a message into the Standard Error stream.
			}   // if ( s_intPos_puintWaitSeconds == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_INVALID_INDEX )

            if ( s_intPos_pstrCountdownWaitingFor == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_INVALID_INDEX )
                string strMsg = string.Format (
                    Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CTOR_ERROR_2 ,                 // Message template
                    LBL_PSTRCOUNTDOWNWAITINGFOR ,                                       // Token 0
                    StringTricks.QuoteString (
                        Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CASE_INFO ) );             // Token 1
				Console.Error.WriteLine ( strMsg );										// Rather than throwing an exception, emit a message into the Standard Error stream.
			}   // if ( s_intPos_pstrCountdownWaitingFor == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_INVALID_INDEX )

            if ( s_intPos_pclrTextColor == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_INVALID_INDEX )
                string strMsg = string.Format (
                    Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CTOR_ERROR_2 ,                 // Message template
                    LBL_PCLRTEXTCOLOR ,                                                 // Token 0
                    StringTricks.QuoteString (
                        Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CASE_INFO ) );             // Token 1
				Console.Error.WriteLine ( strMsg );										// Rather than throwing an exception, emit a message into the Standard Error stream.
			}   // if ( s_intPos_pclrTextColor == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_INVALID_INDEX )

            if ( s_intPos_pclrTextBackgroundColor == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_INVALID_INDEX )
                string strMsg = string.Format (
                    Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CTOR_ERROR_2 ,                 // Message template
                    LBL_PCLRTEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR ,                                       // Token 0
                    StringTricks.QuoteString (
                        Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CASE_INFO ) );             // Token 1
				Console.Error.WriteLine ( strMsg );										// Rather than throwing an exception, emit a message into the Standard Error stream.
			}   // if ( s_intPos_pclrTextBackgroundColor == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_INVALID_INDEX )

            if ( s_intPos_penmInterruptCriterion == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_INVALID_INDEX )
                string strMsg = string.Format (
                    Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CTOR_ERROR_2 ,                 // Message template
                    LBL_PENMINTERRUPTCRITERION ,                                        // Token 0
                    StringTricks.QuoteString (
                        Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_CASE_INFO ) );             // Token 1
				Console.Error.WriteLine ( strMsg );										// Rather than throwing an exception, emit a message into the Standard Error stream.
			}   // if ( s_intPos_penmInterruptCriterion == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_INVALID_INDEX )

            s_achrFieldDelimiter = Properties.Resources.TIMED_WAIT_TEST_DELIMITER.ToCharArray (
                ListInfo.SUBSTR_BEGINNING ,
                MagicNumbers.PLUS_ONE );
        }   // static TimedWaitTestCase