public void Create2Nodes() { var node = new StringNode("a"); node.AddFirst(new StringNode("b")); node.ToString().Should().Be("a\n b\n".NormalizeNewLine()); string.Join("", node.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("b"); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override (Node Head, Node Tail) Insert(Int32 index, String element) { Node head; Node tail; if (index == 0) { tail = this; head = new StringNode(element, previous: null, next: tail); tail.Previous = head; } else if (index == Count) { head = this; tail = new StringNode(element, previous: head, next: null); head.Next = tail; } else { head = Slice(0, index); tail = Slice(index, Count - index); Node mid = new StringNode(element, previous: head, next: tail); head.Next = mid; tail.Previous = mid; } return(head, tail); }
public void Visit(StringNode node) { if (!scope.IsDefinedType("String", out node.StaticType)) { errors.Add(SemanticError.NotDeclaredType(new TypeNode(node.Line, node.Column, "Int"))); } }
/* ** Garbage collection function. ** This function traverse the string list freeing unindexed strings */ public static Long lua_strcollector() { StringNode curr = string_root, prev = null; Long counter = 0; while (curr != null) { StringNode next =; if ((char)0 == curr.ts.marked) { if (prev == null) { string_root = next; } else { = next; } luaI_free_StringNode(ref curr); ++counter; } else { curr.ts.marked = (char)0; prev = curr; } curr = next; } return(counter); }
public static void SimpleSmokeTest() { IParser <AstNode> parser = GrammarParser.CreateParser(@" <bool> ::= <true> | <false> <true> ::= ""true"" <false> ::= ""false"" "); string input = @"true"; AstNode node = parser.Parse(input); AssertThat(node).IsExactlyInstanceOf <ObjectNode>(); ObjectNode obj = node as ObjectNode; AssertThat(obj.Type).IsEqualTo("bool"); AssertThat(obj.Children).HasSize(1); AstNode child = obj.Children[0]; AssertThat(child).IsExactlyInstanceOf <ObjectNode>(); ObjectNode childObj = child as ObjectNode; AssertThat(childObj.Type).IsEqualTo("true"); AssertThat(childObj.Children).HasSize(1); AstNode innerChild = childObj.Children[0]; AssertThat(innerChild).IsExactlyInstanceOf <StringNode>(); StringNode innerChildStr = innerChild as StringNode; AssertThat(innerChildStr.Value).IsEqualTo("true"); AssertThat(node.ToString()).IsEqualTo(@"bool(true(""true""))"); }
// Token: 0x0600002C RID: 44 RVA: 0x00002830 File Offset: 0x00000A30 private void ReadInDictionary(IDictionary <string, PNode> node, int nodeLength, BinaryFormatReader.ReaderState readerState) { byte[] array = new byte[nodeLength * readerState.IndexSize]; byte[] array2 = new byte[nodeLength * readerState.IndexSize]; if (readerState.Stream.Read(array, 0, array.Length) != array.Length) { throw new PListFormatException(); } if (readerState.Stream.Read(array2, 0, array2.Length) != array2.Length) { throw new PListFormatException(); } for (int i = 0; i < nodeLength; i++) { short elemIdx = (readerState.IndexSize == 1) ? ((short)array[i]) : EndianConverter.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt16(array, 2 * i)); StringNode stringNode = this.ReadInternal(readerState, (int)elemIdx) as StringNode; if (stringNode == null) { throw new PListFormatException("Key is not a string"); } elemIdx = ((readerState.IndexSize == 1) ? ((short)array2[i]) : EndianConverter.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt16(array2, 2 * i))); PNode value = this.ReadInternal(readerState, (int)elemIdx); node.Add(stringNode.Value, value); } }
public string Pop() { string lastItem = tailPointer.Str.ToString(); StringNode nodeWalker = headPointer; //StringNode nodeToDelete = tailPointer; if (headPointer == null) { // if pop is called on empty stack throw new NullReferenceException("Can't call Pop on an empty Stack"); } if (nodeWalker != tailPointer) { while (nodeWalker.Next != tailPointer) { nodeWalker = nodeWalker.Next; } tailPointer = nodeWalker; } else { headPointer = null; tailPointer = null; } return lastItem; }
public void VisitStringNode(StringNode stringNode) { if (!this._isScriptTag) { if (this._isPreTag) { this._results.Append(stringNode.GetText()); } else { String text = Translate.Decode(stringNode.GetText()); if (this.GetReplaceNonBreakingSpace()) { text = text.Replace('\a', ' '); } if (this.GetCollapse()) { this.Collapse(this._results, text); } else { this._results.Append(text); } } } }
public static List <string> GetStringArrayValueFromPList(PNode rootNode, string key) { if (rootNode is DictionaryNode) { PNode value; if (((DictionaryNode)rootNode).TryGetValue(key, out value)) { if (value is ArrayNode) { ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode)value; List <string> result = new List <string>(); foreach (PNode node in array) { StringNode stringNode = node as StringNode; if (stringNode != null) { result.Add(stringNode.Value); } } return(result); } } } return(null); }
protected override void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { base.OnTriggerEnter2D(other); if (other.CompareTag("Node")) { StringNode node = other.GetComponentInParent <StringNode>(); if (!node.hasTarget) { // go to the string node and stay at it canFollow = false; pingLocation = other.transform.position; LevelManager.levelManager.player.RemoveFollower(this); coll.isTrigger = true; node.hasTarget = true; other.enabled = false; Instantiate(pingRing, transform.position, Quaternion.identity) .GetComponent <PingRing>().Init(2f, 4f, 0.2f, nodeColor.WithA(0.5f)); audioSource.PlayOneShot(pingClip); } } }
public override void VisitStringNode(StringNode node) { var literal = LiteralExpression(SyntaxKind.StringLiteralExpression, Literal(node.Text)); literal = GetNodeWithAnnotation(literal, node.Location) as LiteralExpressionSyntax; expressions.Push(literal); }
/// <summary> Finds a string node, however embedded it might be, and returns /// it. The string node will retain links to its parents, so /// further navigation is possible. /// </summary> /// <param name="">searchText /// </param> /// <returns> The list of string nodes (recursively) found. /// /// </returns> public virtual StringNode[] DigupStringNode(string searchText) { NodeList nodeList = SearchFor(searchText); NodeList stringNodes = new NodeList(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Size; i++) { Node node = nodeList[i]; if (node is StringNode) { stringNodes.Add(node); } else { if (node is CompositeTag) { CompositeTag ctag = (CompositeTag)node; StringNode[] nodes = ctag.DigupStringNode(searchText); foreach (Node nestedNode in nodes) { stringNodes.Add(nestedNode); } } } } StringNode[] stringNode = new StringNode[stringNodes.Size]; for (int i = 0; i < stringNode.Length; i++) { stringNode[i] = (StringNode)stringNodes[i]; } return(stringNode); }
ExpressionNode Input(ExpressionNode type, Context context) { var data = new StringNode(Console.ReadLine()); var result = interpreter.Run(type, data); return(result); }
public void Accept(StringNode node) { string symbol = nextSymbol(); append("pushi .{0}", symbol); strings.Add(symbol, node.String); }
public void GenerateCode(StringNode node, ICIL_CodeGenerator codeGenerator) { #region .DATA var data = CIL_Factory.DefineData(node.Text); CIL_Factory.AddData(data); #endregion #region .CODE var str = codeGenerator.DefineVariable(); codeGenerator.AddLocalVariable( new CIL_LocalVariable(str)); codeGenerator.AddInstruction(new Load(str, data)); //strObj node.Holder = codeGenerator.DefineVariable(); codeGenerator.AddInstruction( new Allocate((Variable)node.Holder, $"{BuiltIn.String}")); codeGenerator.AddLocalVariable( new CIL_LocalVariable((Variable)node.Holder)); codeGenerator.AddInstruction( new SetAttr((Variable)node.Holder, $"{Attribute.String_value}", str)); #endregion }
public void Should_evaluate_true_for_non_empty_string_node() { var inputNode = new StringNode("abc"); var evaluator = new BooleanEvaluator(); var result = evaluator.Eval(inputNode); result.ShouldBeOfType <TrueNode>(); }
public void Visit(StringNode node) { IC.Add(new AssignmentStringToVariable(VariableManager.PeekVariableCounter(), node.Text)); if (special_object_return_type) { SetReturnType("String"); } }
public void Visit(StringNode node) { Code.Add(new AssignStrToVarCodeLine(VariableManager.PeekVariableCounter(), node.Value)); if (object_return_type) { Code.Add(new AssignStrToVarCodeLine(return_type, "String")); } }
public void ToNodes(ICodeNode parentNode) { HighlightableButton highlightableButton = (GameObjectHelper.HasComponent <HighlightableButton>(this.gameObject)) ? this.GetComponent <HighlightableButton>() : null; StringNode stringNode = new StringNode(highlightableButton, GetValue()); stringNode.NodeName = GetName(); parentNode.AddChildNode(stringNode); }
public void Should_evaluate_false_for_null_string_node() { var inputNode = new StringNode(null); var evaluator = new BooleanEvaluator(); var result = evaluator.Eval(inputNode); result.ShouldBeOfType <FalseNode>(); }
public StringNode String(string value) { StringNode stringNode = new StringNode(); Match(TokenType.STRING); stringNode.Value = value; return(stringNode); }
public void Deserialize_String_Test(string source) { var node = new StringNode(source); var res = _deserializer.Deserialize <string>(node); Assert.That(res, Is.TypeOf <string>()); Assert.AreEqual(source, res); }
private StringNode ParseString() { Expect(TokenType.STRING, TokenType.HERE_STRING); var str = new StringNode(Position(), Current().Text); Next(); return(str); }
private StringNode parseString() { expect(TokenType.STRING); var str = new StringNode(current().Data); next(); return(str); }
public void StringParser_Null() { StringParser parser = new StringParser(); string token = "ok"; StringNode node = (StringNode)parser.Parse(token); Assert.IsNull(node); }
public void StringParser_EscapedQuote() { StringParser parser = new StringParser(); string token = "\"\\\"\""; StringNode node = (StringNode)parser.Parse(token); Assert.AreEqual("\"", node.Value()); }
public void StringParser_Interpolated() { StringParser parser = new StringParser(); string token = "\"hello {{{world}}}\""; StringNode node = (StringNode)parser.Parse(token); Assert.IsTrue(node.Interpolated); }
public static GraphNode ToGraphNode(StringNode node) { var output = new GraphNode(node.GetHashCode(), "\"'" + node.Representation.Replace(@"\", @"\\").Replace("'", @"\'").Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "'\""); output.AddProperty("color", "orange"); output.AddProperty("tooltip", nameof(StringNode)); return(output); }
public void StringParser_ShortString() { StringParser parser = new StringParser(); string token = "\"true\""; StringNode node = (StringNode)parser.Parse(token); Assert.AreEqual("true", node.Value()); }
public void StringParser_ListOfTwoShouldNotBeAString() { StringParser parser = new StringParser(); string token = "('hello' 'world')"; StringNode node = (StringNode)parser.Parse(token); Assert.IsNull(node); }
public void StringParser_MismatchedQuotes() { StringParser parser = new StringParser(); string token = "ok\""; StringNode node = (StringNode)parser.Parse(token); Assert.IsNull(node); }
public ExpressionNode Run(ExpressionNode node, StringNode data) { return(Evaluate(new FunctionCallNode { Argument = data, CalleeExpression = node, Context = globalContext }, globalContext)); }
public int FindMaximumChainLength(string[] lines) { if (lines.Length == 1) { return 0; } var words = new HashSet<string>(lines); var wordsMapping = new Dictionary<string, StringNode>(); for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++) { string word = lines[i]; if (!wordsMapping.ContainsKey(word)) { var wordNode = new StringNode(word); wordsMapping[word] = wordNode; } for (int j = 0; j < word.Length; j++) { var newWord = word.Remove(j, 1); if (words.Contains(newWord)) { if (!wordsMapping.ContainsKey(newWord)) { wordsMapping.Add(newWord, new StringNode(newWord)); } var newWordNode = wordsMapping[newWord]; wordsMapping[word].Children.Add(newWordNode); } } } var nodes = wordsMapping.Values; var visited = new HashSet<StringNode>(); int maxDepth = 1; foreach (var node in nodes) { visited.Clear(); visited.Add(node); int currentDepth = ExpandNode(node, visited, 1); if (currentDepth > maxDepth) { maxDepth = currentDepth; } } return maxDepth; }
StringNode tailPointer; // = null; #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Stack() { headPointer = null; tailPointer = null; }
protected bool Equals(StringNode other) { return string.Equals(Value, other.Value); }
public void Push(string newString) { StringNode newNode = new StringNode(newString); /*if (!(newString is string)) { throw new ArgumentException("Argument passed in is invalid"); }*/ if (headPointer == null) { headPointer = newNode; tailPointer = newNode; } else { tailPointer.Next = newNode; tailPointer = newNode; } }
public StringNode(StringNode rhs) : base(rhs) { Value = rhs.Value; }
public void RangeNodeTest_IncompatibleTypes() { StreamLocation expectedLocation = new StreamLocation(3, 2, 1); SimpleValueNode testLowBound = new NumberNode("1", new StreamLocation()); SimpleValueNode testUpperBound = new StringNode("10", new StreamLocation()); bool testInclusiveLeft = true; bool testInclusiveRight = true; RangeNode sut = new RangeNode(testLowBound, testInclusiveLeft, testUpperBound, testInclusiveRight, expectedLocation); }
private int ExpandNode(StringNode node, HashSet<StringNode> visited, int depth) { int maxDepth = depth; foreach (var child in node.Children) { if (!visited.Contains(child)) { visited.Add(child); int currentDepth = ExpandNode(child, visited, depth + 1); if (currentDepth > maxDepth) { maxDepth = currentDepth; } } } return maxDepth; }
// throws RecognitionException [1] // $ANTLR end "expr_dm" // $ANTLR start "expr" // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:167:1: expr returns [TigerNode exp] : ( STR | INT | id1= ID ( ( COR_A expr_or COR_C OF )=> COR_A idexp1= expr_or COR_C OF idexp= expr_or | idp4= ptocor ida1= asig | LLAV_A fieldlist LLAV_C idp1= ptocor | PAR_A exprlist PAR_C idp3= ptocor ) | MENOS expr_or | BREAK | NIL | PAR_A exprseq PAR_C idp9= ptocor | IF idif= expr_or THEN idthen= expr_or ifthenelse | WHILE idexp3= expr_or DO iddo= expr_or | FOR id5= ID ASIG idasig= expr_or TO idto= expr_or DO iddo= expr_or | LET decllist IN exprseq END ); public TigerNode expr() { TigerNode exp = null; IToken id1 = null; IToken id5 = null; IToken STR14 = null; IToken INT15 = null; IToken MENOS19 = null; IToken BREAK20 = null; IToken NIL21 = null; IToken PAR_A23 = null; IToken IF25 = null; IToken WHILE26 = null; IToken FOR27 = null; IToken LET30 = null; TigerNode idexp1 = null; TigerNode idexp = null; List<Access> idp4 = null; AssingmentNode ida1 = null; List<Access> idp1 = null; List<Access> idp3 = null; List<Access> idp9 = null; TigerNode idif = null; TigerNode idthen = null; TigerNode idexp3 = null; TigerNode iddo = null; TigerNode idasig = null; TigerNode idto = null; tiger_grammarParser.fieldlist_return fieldlist16 = null; List<TigerNode> exprlist17 = null; TigerNode expr_or18 = null; List<TigerNode> exprseq22 = null; TigerNode ifthenelse24 = null; List<DeclarationNode> decllist28 = null; List<TigerNode> exprseq29 = null; try { // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:167:30: ( STR | INT | id1= ID ( ( COR_A expr_or COR_C OF )=> COR_A idexp1= expr_or COR_C OF idexp= expr_or | idp4= ptocor ida1= asig | LLAV_A fieldlist LLAV_C idp1= ptocor | PAR_A exprlist PAR_C idp3= ptocor ) | MENOS expr_or | BREAK | NIL | PAR_A exprseq PAR_C idp9= ptocor | IF idif= expr_or THEN idthen= expr_or ifthenelse | WHILE idexp3= expr_or DO iddo= expr_or | FOR id5= ID ASIG idasig= expr_or TO idto= expr_or DO iddo= expr_or | LET decllist IN exprseq END ) int alt8 = 11; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case STR: { alt8 = 1; } break; case INT: { alt8 = 2; } break; case ID: { alt8 = 3; } break; case MENOS: { alt8 = 4; } break; case BREAK: { alt8 = 5; } break; case NIL: { alt8 = 6; } break; case PAR_A: { alt8 = 7; } break; case IF: { alt8 = 8; } break; case WHILE: { alt8 = 9; } break; case FOR: { alt8 = 10; } break; case LET: { alt8 = 11; } break; default: if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return exp;} NoViableAltException nvae_d8s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 8, 0, input); throw nvae_d8s0; } switch (alt8) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:168:13: STR { STR14=(IToken)Match(input,STR,FOLLOW_STR_in_expr1153); if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { string s = STR14.Text; string[] t = s.Split('"'); exp = new StringNode(t[1]); exp.Col=STR14.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row=STR14.Line; } } break; case 2 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:175:13: INT { INT15=(IToken)Match(input,INT,FOLLOW_INT_in_expr1172); if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { exp = new IntNode(int.Parse(INT15.Text)); exp.Col=INT15.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row=INT15.Line; } } break; case 3 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:180:13: id1= ID ( ( COR_A expr_or COR_C OF )=> COR_A idexp1= expr_or COR_C OF idexp= expr_or | idp4= ptocor ida1= asig | LLAV_A fieldlist LLAV_C idp1= ptocor | PAR_A exprlist PAR_C idp3= ptocor ) { id1=(IToken)Match(input,ID,FOLLOW_ID_in_expr1204); if (state.failed) return exp; // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:180:20: ( ( COR_A expr_or COR_C OF )=> COR_A idexp1= expr_or COR_C OF idexp= expr_or | idp4= ptocor ida1= asig | LLAV_A fieldlist LLAV_C idp1= ptocor | PAR_A exprlist PAR_C idp3= ptocor ) int alt7 = 4; alt7 = dfa7.Predict(input); switch (alt7) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:181:24: ( COR_A expr_or COR_C OF )=> COR_A idexp1= expr_or COR_C OF idexp= expr_or { Match(input,COR_A,FOLLOW_COR_A_in_expr1245); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_or_in_expr1249); idexp1 = expr_or(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; Match(input,COR_C,FOLLOW_COR_C_in_expr1251); if (state.failed) return exp; Match(input,OF,FOLLOW_OF_in_expr1253); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_or_in_expr1257); idexp = expr_or(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { exp = new ArrayNode(id1.Text,idexp1,idexp); exp.Col=id1.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row=id1.Line; } } break; case 2 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:186:24: idp4= ptocor ida1= asig { PushFollow(FOLLOW_ptocor_in_expr1318); idp4 = ptocor(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_asig_in_expr1322); ida1 = asig(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { if(idp4.Count > 0 && ida1 !=null) { exp = ida1; ((AssingmentNode)exp).LeftExpr = new ListLValueNode(new VariableNode(id1.Text),idp4); exp.Col=id1.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row=id1.Line; } else if(idp4.Count > 0) { exp = new ListLValueNode(new VariableNode(id1.Text),idp4); exp.Col=id1.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row=id1.Line; } else if(ida1 !=null) { exp = ida1; ((AssingmentNode)exp).LeftExpr = new VariableNode(id1.Text); exp.Col=id1.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row=id1.Line; } else { exp = new VariableNode(id1.Text); exp.Col=id1.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row=id1.Line; } } } break; case 3 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:211:23: LLAV_A fieldlist LLAV_C idp1= ptocor { Match(input,LLAV_A,FOLLOW_LLAV_A_in_expr1349); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_fieldlist_in_expr1351); fieldlist16 = fieldlist(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; Match(input,LLAV_C,FOLLOW_LLAV_C_in_expr1353); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_ptocor_in_expr1357); idp1 = ptocor(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { if(idp1.Count > 0) { exp = new ListLValueNode(new RecordNode(id1.Text, ((fieldlist16 != null) ? fieldlist16.listid : null), ((fieldlist16 != null) ? fieldlist16.listexp : null)),idp1); exp.Col=id1.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row=id1.Line; } else{ exp = new RecordNode(id1.Text, ((fieldlist16 != null) ? fieldlist16.listid : null), ((fieldlist16 != null) ? fieldlist16.listexp : null)); exp.Col=id1.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row=id1.Line; } } } break; case 4 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:221:22: PAR_A exprlist PAR_C idp3= ptocor { Match(input,PAR_A,FOLLOW_PAR_A_in_expr1382); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_exprlist_in_expr1384); exprlist17 = exprlist(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; Match(input,PAR_C,FOLLOW_PAR_C_in_expr1386); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_ptocor_in_expr1390); idp3 = ptocor(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { if(idp3.Count > 0) { exp = new ListLValueNode(new CallFunctionNode(id1.Text, exprlist17),idp3); exp.Col=id1.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row=id1.Line; } else{ exp = new CallFunctionNode(id1.Text, exprlist17); exp.Col=id1.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row=id1.Line; } } } break; } } break; case 4 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:233:13: MENOS expr_or { MENOS19=(IToken)Match(input,MENOS,FOLLOW_MENOS_in_expr1446); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_or_in_expr1448); expr_or18 = expr_or(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { exp = new MinusUnaryNode(expr_or18); exp.Col=MENOS19.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row = MENOS19.Line; } } break; case 5 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:239:13: BREAK { BREAK20=(IToken)Match(input,BREAK,FOLLOW_BREAK_in_expr1478); if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { exp = new BreakNode(); exp.Col=BREAK20.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row = BREAK20.Line; } } break; case 6 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:245:13: NIL { NIL21=(IToken)Match(input,NIL,FOLLOW_NIL_in_expr1508); if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { exp = new NilNode(); exp.Col=NIL21.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row = NIL21.Line; } } break; case 7 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:251:13: PAR_A exprseq PAR_C idp9= ptocor { PAR_A23=(IToken)Match(input,PAR_A,FOLLOW_PAR_A_in_expr1538); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_exprseq_in_expr1540); exprseq22 = exprseq(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; Match(input,PAR_C,FOLLOW_PAR_C_in_expr1542); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_ptocor_in_expr1546); idp9 = ptocor(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { if(idp9.Count > 0) { exp = new ListLValueNode(new ExprSeqNode(exprseq22),idp9); exp.Col=PAR_A23.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row = PAR_A23.Line; } else{ exp = new ExprSeqNode(exprseq22); exp.Col=PAR_A23.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row = PAR_A23.Line; } } } break; case 8 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:265:13: IF idif= expr_or THEN idthen= expr_or ifthenelse { IF25=(IToken)Match(input,IF,FOLLOW_IF_in_expr1577); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_or_in_expr1581); idif = expr_or(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; Match(input,THEN,FOLLOW_THEN_in_expr1583); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_or_in_expr1587); idthen = expr_or(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_ifthenelse_in_expr1589); ifthenelse24 = ifthenelse(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { if(ifthenelse24!=null) { exp = new IfThenElseNode(idif, idthen, ifthenelse24); } else{ exp = new IfThenNode(idif, idthen); } exp.Col = IF25.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row = IF25.Line; } } break; case 9 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:278:13: WHILE idexp3= expr_or DO iddo= expr_or { WHILE26=(IToken)Match(input,WHILE,FOLLOW_WHILE_in_expr1627); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_or_in_expr1631); idexp3 = expr_or(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; Match(input,DO,FOLLOW_DO_in_expr1633); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_or_in_expr1637); iddo = expr_or(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { exp = new WhileNode(idexp3,iddo); exp.Col = WHILE26.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row = WHILE26.Line; } } break; case 10 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:283:13: FOR id5= ID ASIG idasig= expr_or TO idto= expr_or DO iddo= expr_or { FOR27=(IToken)Match(input,FOR,FOLLOW_FOR_in_expr1665); if (state.failed) return exp; id5=(IToken)Match(input,ID,FOLLOW_ID_in_expr1669); if (state.failed) return exp; Match(input,ASIG,FOLLOW_ASIG_in_expr1671); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_or_in_expr1675); idasig = expr_or(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; Match(input,TO,FOLLOW_TO_in_expr1677); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_or_in_expr1681); idto = expr_or(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; Match(input,DO,FOLLOW_DO_in_expr1683); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_or_in_expr1687); iddo = expr_or(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { exp = new ForNode(id5.Text,idasig,idto,iddo); exp.Col = FOR27.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row = FOR27.Line; } } break; case 11 : // C:\\Users\\Danaice\\Desktop\\lastversion\\Dany_gramatica tiger ANTLR oficial\\tiger_grammar.g:289:13: LET decllist IN exprseq END { LET30=(IToken)Match(input,LET,FOLLOW_LET_in_expr1716); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_decllist_in_expr1718); decllist28 = decllist(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; Match(input,IN,FOLLOW_IN_in_expr1720); if (state.failed) return exp; PushFollow(FOLLOW_exprseq_in_expr1722); exprseq29 = exprseq(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return exp; Match(input,END,FOLLOW_END_in_expr1725); if (state.failed) return exp; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { exp = new LetNode(decllist28,exprseq29); exp.Col= LET30.CharPositionInLine; exp.Row = LET30.Line; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } return exp; }
public static Node NewString(string s) { StringNode node = new StringNode(s); return node; }
public void OperateRoot() { var root = new StringNode("a"); root.PrevsFromFirst().Should().HaveCount(0); root.NextsFromSelf().Should().HaveCount(0); root.PrevsFromFirstAndSelf().Should().Equal(Enumerable.Repeat(root, 1)); root.NextsFromSelfAndSelf().Should().Equal(Enumerable.Repeat(root, 1)); root.PrevsFromSelf().Should().HaveCount(0); root.NextsFromLast().Should().HaveCount(0); root.PrevsFromSelfAndSelf().Should().Equal(Enumerable.Repeat(root, 1)); root.NextsFromLastAndSelf().Should().Equal(Enumerable.Repeat(root, 1)); }
public StringNode(StringNode rhs) : base(rhs) { value = rhs.value; }
public void Replace() { var a = new StringNode("a"); var b = new StringNode("b"); var c = new StringNode("c"); // a - b - c a.AddFirst(b); b.AddFirst(c); b.Replace(new StringNode("d")); string.Join("", a.DescendantsAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("ad"); }
public void TraverseSingles() { var a = new StringNode("a"); var b = new StringNode("b"); var c = new StringNode("c"); var d = new StringNode("d"); var e = new StringNode("e"); var f = new StringNode("f"); var g = new StringNode("g"); // a - b - c - d - e // - g - f a.AddFirst(b); a.AddLast(g); b.AddFirst(c); c.AddFirst(d); d.AddFirst(e); d.AddLast(f); string.Join("", b.DescendantsOfSingle().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be("cd"); string.Join("", b.DescendantsOfSingleAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be("bcd"); string.Join("", c.DescendantsOfSingle().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be("d"); string.Join("", c.DescendantsOfSingleAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be("cd"); string.Join("", b.AncestorsWithSingleChild().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be(""); string.Join("", b.AncestorsWithSingleChildAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be("b"); string.Join("", c.AncestorsWithSingleChild().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be("b"); string.Join("", c.AncestorsWithSingleChildAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be("cb"); string.Join("", d.AncestorsWithSingleChild().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be("cb"); string.Join("", d.AncestorsWithSingleChildAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be("dcb"); string.Join("", e.AncestorsWithSingleChild().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be(""); string.Join("", e.AncestorsWithSingleChildAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be("e"); }
private SwitchCase ProcessNode(DeserializerTypeContext ctx, StringNode node) { var bodyExpressions = new List<Expression>(); var callExtractString = Expression.Call(null, _extractString, ctx.IteratorVar, ctx.StringParam); var accessMember = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(ctx.InstanceVar, node.Member); var assignMember = Expression.Assign(accessMember, callExtractString); //var assignToSubStr = Expression.Assign(ctx.SubStringVar, callExtractString); bodyExpressions.Add(assignMember); bodyExpressions.Add(Expression.Empty()); var body = Expression.Block(bodyExpressions); var @case = Expression.SwitchCase(body, GetSwitchConstant(ctx, node)); return @case; }
private static void UpdateLogList(TreeNodeCollection nodes, string targetServer = null) { if (Logs == null) { Logs = new StringNode(null); // Add standard nodes StringNode std = new StringNode(EditorProperties.Resources.EventLogParentStandard); string[] stdLogs = new string[] { "Application", "Security", "Setup", "System", "ForwardedEvents" }; foreach (string s in stdLogs) std.Nodes.Add(new StringNode(s, s)); std.LastChild.Text = "Forwarded Events"; Logs.Nodes.Add(std); // Get all event logs and remove standard ones var list = new List<string>(SystemEventEnumerator.GetEventLogs(targetServer)); list.Sort(); foreach (string s in stdLogs) list.Remove(s); // Add app nodes StringNode lastParent = null, curCompare = null, appNode = new StringNode(EditorProperties.Resources.EventLogParentApps); Logs.Nodes.Add(appNode); int max = 0; var partList = list.ConvertAll<string[]>(delegate(string s) { var a = s.Split('-', '/', '\\'); max = Math.Max(max, a.Length); return a; }); for (int i = 0; i < partList.Count; i++) { lastParent = appNode; for (int j = 0; j < partList[i].Length; j++) { if (curCompare != null && string.Compare(curCompare, partList[i][j], true) == 0) { lastParent = curCompare; curCompare = curCompare.LastChild; } else { var sn = new StringNode(partList[i][j]); if (j == partList[i].Length - 1) sn.Path = list[i]; lastParent.Nodes.Add(sn); lastParent = sn; } } curCompare = appNode.LastChild; } } Logs.UpdateTreeView(nodes); }
public void CreateTreeAndTraverse() { var a = new StringNode("a"); // 1 var b = a.AddFirst(new StringNode("b")); // 2 var c = a.AddLast(new StringNode("c")); // 2 var d = a.AddFirst(new StringNode("d")); // 2 var e = a.AddFirst(new StringNode("e")); // 2 var f = b.AddFirst(new StringNode("f")); // 3 var g = b.AddFirst(new StringNode("g")); // 3 var h = g.AddLast("h"); // 4 var i = f.AddLast("i"); // 4 var j = h.AddNext("j"); // 4 var k = h.AddPrevious("k"); // 4 var l = i.AddPrevious("l"); // 4 var m = i.AddNext("m"); // 4 a.ToString() .Should() .Be( "a\n e\n d\n b\n g\n k\n h\n j\n f\n l\n i\n m\n c\n" .NormalizeNewLine()); Assert.That(a.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(b.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(c.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(d.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(e.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(f.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(g.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(h.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(i.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(j.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(k.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(l.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(m.LengthFromDeepestChild, Is.EqualTo(0)); string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("edbgkhjflimc"); string.Join("", e.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be(""); string.Join("", d.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be(""); string.Join("", b.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("gkhjflim"); string.Join("", c.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be(""); string.Join("", a.DescendantsAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be("aedbgkhjflimc"); string.Join("", e.DescendantsAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("e"); string.Join("", d.DescendantsAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("d"); string.Join("", b.DescendantsAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("bgkhjflim"); string.Join("", c.DescendantsAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("c"); string.Join("", a.Descendants(2).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("edbgfc"); string.Join("", e.Descendants(2).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be(""); string.Join("", d.Descendants(2).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be(""); string.Join("", b.Descendants(2).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("gkhjflim"); string.Join("", c.Descendants(2).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be(""); string.Join("", b.Descendants(0).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be(""); string.Join("", a.DescendantsAndSelf(2).Select(n => n.Value)).Should() .Be("aedbgfc"); string.Join("", e.DescendantsAndSelf(2).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("e"); string.Join("", d.DescendantsAndSelf(2).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("d"); string.Join("", b.DescendantsAndSelf(2).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("bgkhjflim"); string.Join("", c.DescendantsAndSelf(2).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("c"); string.Join("", b.DescendantsAndSelf(0).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("b"); string.Join("", a.Siblings().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be(""); string.Join("", k.Siblings().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("hj"); string.Join("", h.Siblings().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("kj"); string.Join("", j.Siblings().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("kh"); string.Join("", i.Siblings().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("lm"); string.Join("", a.SiblingsAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("a"); string.Join("", k.SiblingsAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("khj"); string.Join("", h.SiblingsAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("khj"); string.Join("", j.SiblingsAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("khj"); string.Join("", i.SiblingsAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("lim"); string.Join("", a.Siblings(1).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be(""); string.Join("", k.Siblings(1).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("h"); string.Join("", h.Siblings(1).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("kj"); string.Join("", j.Siblings(1).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("h"); string.Join("", i.Siblings(1).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("lm"); string.Join("", i.Siblings(0).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be(""); string.Join("", a.SiblingsAndSelf(1).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("a"); string.Join("", k.SiblingsAndSelf(1).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("kh"); string.Join("", h.SiblingsAndSelf(1).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("khj"); string.Join("", j.SiblingsAndSelf(1).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("hj"); string.Join("", i.SiblingsAndSelf(1).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("lim"); string.Join("", i.SiblingsAndSelf(0).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("i"); string.Join("", i.Ancestors().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("fba"); string.Join("", i.Ancestors(3).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("fba"); string.Join("", i.Ancestors(2).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("fb"); string.Join("", i.Ancestors(1).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("f"); string.Join("", i.Ancestors(0).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be(""); string.Join("", i.AncestorsAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("ifba"); string.Join("", i.AncestorsAndSelf(3).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("ifba"); string.Join("", i.AncestorsAndSelf(2).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("ifb"); string.Join("", i.AncestorsAndSelf(1).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("if"); string.Join("", i.AncestorsAndSelf(0).Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("i"); string.Join("", f.AncestorsAndSiblingsAfterSelf().Select(n => n.Value)).Should().Be("c"); string.Join("", f.AncestorsAndSiblingsAfterSelfAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)) .Should() .Be("fc"); string.Join("", f.AncestorsAndSiblingsBeforeSelf().Select(n => n.Value)) .Should() .Be("gbdea"); string.Join("", f.AncestorsAndSiblingsBeforeSelfAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)) .Should() .Be("fgbdea"); string.Join("", h.AncestorsAndSiblingsAfterSelf().Select(n => n.Value)) .Should() .Be("jfc"); string.Join("", h.AncestorsAndSiblingsAfterSelfAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)) .Should() .Be("hjfc"); string.Join("", h.AncestorsAndSiblingsBeforeSelf().Select(n => n.Value)) .Should() .Be("kgbdea"); string.Join("", h.AncestorsAndSiblingsBeforeSelfAndSelf().Select(n => n.Value)) .Should() .Be("hkgbdea"); Assert.That(b.Ancestors(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { a })); Assert.That(b.AncestorsAndSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { b, a })); Assert.That(b.Children(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { g, f })); Assert.That(b.ReverseChildren(), Is.EqualTo(b.Children().Reverse())); Assert.That(b.ChildrenCount, Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(b.NextsFromSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { c })); Assert.That(b.NextsFromSelfAndSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { b, c })); Assert.That(b.NextsFromLast(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { c })); Assert.That(b.NextsFromLastAndSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { c, b })); Assert.That(b.PrevsFromFirst(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { e, d })); Assert.That(b.PrevsFromFirstAndSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { e, d, b })); Assert.That(b.PrevsFromSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { d, e })); Assert.That(b.PrevsFromSelfAndSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { b, d, e })); Assert.That(b.DescendantsOfFirstChild(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { g, k })); Assert.That(b.DescendantsOfFirstChildAndSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { b, g, k })); Assert.That(e.Ancestors(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { a })); Assert.That(e.AncestorsAndSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { e, a })); Assert.That(e.Children(), Is.EqualTo(new StringNode[0])); Assert.That(e.ReverseChildren(), Is.EqualTo(e.Children().Reverse())); Assert.That(e.ChildrenCount, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(e.NextsFromSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { d, b, c })); Assert.That(e.NextsFromSelfAndSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { e, d, b, c })); Assert.That(e.NextsFromLast(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { c, b, d })); Assert.That(e.NextsFromLastAndSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { c, b, d, e })); Assert.That(e.PrevsFromFirst(), Is.EqualTo(new StringNode[0])); Assert.That(e.PrevsFromFirstAndSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { e })); Assert.That(e.PrevsFromSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new StringNode[0])); Assert.That(e.PrevsFromSelfAndSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { e })); Assert.That(e.DescendantsOfFirstChild(), Is.EqualTo(new StringNode[0])); Assert.That(e.DescendantsOfFirstChildAndSelf(), Is.EqualTo(new[] { e })); var restoreG = g.RemoveRecoverably(); Assert.That(restoreG, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edbflimc")); var restoreF = f.RemoveRecoverably(); Assert.That(restoreF, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edbc")); var anotherRestoreF = f.RemoveRecoverably(); restoreF(); anotherRestoreF(); restoreF(); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edbflimc")); var anotherRestoreG = g.RemoveRecoverably(); restoreG(); anotherRestoreG(); restoreG(); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edbgkhjflimc")); foreach (var node in a.Descendants()) { var restore = node.RemoveRecoverably(); Assert.That(restore, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.Not.StringContaining(node.Value)); restore(); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edbgkhjflimc")); } h.Replace(new StringNode("1")); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edbgk1jflimc")); i.Replace(new StringNode("2")); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edbgk1jfl2mc")); j.Replace(new StringNode("3")); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edbgk13fl2mc")); k.Replace(new StringNode("4")); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edbg413fl2mc")); l.Replace(new StringNode("5")); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edbg413f52mc")); m.Replace(new StringNode("6")); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edbg413f526c")); f.Replace(new StringNode("7")); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edbg4137c")); g.Replace(new StringNode("8")); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("edb87c")); b.Replace(new StringNode("9")); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("ed9c")); c.Replace(new StringNode("0")); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("ed90")); d.Replace(new StringNode("1")); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("e190")); e.Replace(new StringNode("2")); Assert.That(string.Join("", a.Descendants().Select(n => n.Value)), Is.EqualTo("2190")); }
public void StringNodeTest() { StreamLocation expectedLocation = new StreamLocation(3, 2, 1); string testString = "hello world"; ValueNode sut = new StringNode(testString, expectedLocation); Assert.AreEqual(TNode.STRING, sut.NodeType); Assert.AreEqual(expectedLocation, sut.Location); Assert.IsTrue(sut.Description.Contains("STRING")); Assert.AreEqual(FieldValueType.TEXT, sut.ValueType); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(sut.SubExpression, typeof(ConstantExpression)); Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Constant, sut.SubExpression.NodeType); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(string), sut.SubExpression.Type); Assert.AreEqual(testString, ((ConstantExpression)sut.SubExpression).Value); }