Beispiel #1
        void KeepUpdating(ProcResult result)
            GaSortingData = result.Data.GetGaSortingData();
            var seq = GaSortingData.Data.GetSortablePool().Sortables.Values.First().GetMap();

            Message = StringFuncs.LineFormat(seq);
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var ip     = this.getIp.GetIp(this.Request);
            var ipHash = this.ipHasher.Hash(ip);

            var key = $"{nameof(this.Post)}.{nameof(this.Post.File)}";

            this.bannedImageLogger.Log(this.ModelState[key], ip, ipHash);

            var t = await this.threadService.GetThread(this.Post.ThreadId, Constants.PageSize, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(await t.Match(async thread =>
                if (!this.ModelState.IsValid)
                    this.IsAdmin = this.isAdmin.IsAdmin(this.HttpContext);
                    this.Thread = thread;
                    return this.Page().ToIAR();
                    var trip = tripCodeHasher.Hash(StringFuncs.MapString(this.Post.Name, "anonymous"));
                    var options = OptionsMapper.Map(this.Post.Options);
                    var postId = Guid.NewGuid();
                    var f = uploadMapper.Map(this.Post.File, postId);
                    var result = await this.postService.Add(postId, this.Post.ThreadId, trip, this.Post.Comment, options.Sage,
                                                            ipHash, f, cancellationToken);
                    return result.Match(
                        _ =>
                        this.cookieStorage.SetNameCookie(this.Response, this.Post.Name);
                        if (options.NoNoko)
                            return this.RedirectToPage <BoardModel>(new { boardKey = thread.Board.BoardKey });
                            return this.RedirectToPage <ThreadModel>(new { boardKey = thread.Board.BoardKey, threadId = this.Post.ThreadId }).ToIAR();
                        _ => this.RedirectToPage <BannedModel>().ToIAR(),
                        _ =>
                        this.ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Image count exceeded");
                        return Page().ToIAR();
                        _ =>
                        this.ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Post count exceeded");
                        return Page().ToIAR();
            }, () => this.NotFound().ToIART()));
Beispiel #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string boardKey, string filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken, int pageNumber = 1)
            var ip     = this.getIp.GetIp(this.Request);
            var ipHash = this.ipHasher.Hash(ip);

            this.bannedImageLogger.Log(this.ModelState[nameof(this.Thread.File)], ip, ipHash);

            var filterOption = NullableMapper.ToOption(filter);

            var t = await this.threadService.GetOrderedThreads(boardKey, filterOption, Constants.PageSize, pageNumber, cancellationToken);

            return(await t.Match(async threads =>
                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    this.Threads = threads;
                    return Page().ToIAR();

                var threadId = Guid.NewGuid();
                var postId = Guid.NewGuid();
                var trip = tripCodeHasher.Hash(StringFuncs.MapString(this.Thread.Name, "anonymous"));
                var options = OptionsMapper.Map(this.Thread.Options);
                var f = uploadMapper.Map(this.Thread.File, postId);

                var result = await this.postService.AddThread(postId, threadId, this.Thread.BoardId, this.Thread.Subject ?? string.Empty, trip, this.Thread.Comment, options.Sage, ipHash, f, cancellationToken);

                return result.Match(
                    _ =>
                    this.cookieStorage.SetNameCookie(this.Response, this.Thread.Name);
                    if (options.NoNoko)
                        return this.RedirectToPage <BoardModel>(new { boardKey = boardKey }).ToIAR();
                        return this.RedirectToPage <ThreadModel>(new { threadId = threadId }).ToIAR();
                    _ => this.RedirectToPage <BannedModel>().ToIAR());
            }, () => this.NotFound().ToIART()));
        public ReturnClass Send(string toname, string toemail, string fromname, string fromemail, string subject, string body)
            SimpleEmailVO VO      = new SimpleEmailVO();
            ReturnClass   outcome = new ReturnClass(true);

            if (StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(toemail) == true && StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(fromemail))
                VO.ToName    = toname;
                VO.ToEmail   = toemail;
                VO.FromName  = fromname;
                VO.FromEmail = fromemail;
                VO.Subject   = subject;
                VO.TextBody  = body;
                VO.HtmlBody  = body;
                outcome      = Send(VO);
                outcome.Success = false;
                outcome.Message = "One or both of the email addresses are invalid.";

Beispiel #5
 public static string PrintOverlaps(this SbScratchPad sbScratchPad)
     return(StringFuncs.GridFormat(sbScratchPad.Order, sbScratchPad.Order,
                                   (r, c) => $"{sbScratchPad.Overlap(r, c).Overlap}"));
Beispiel #6
 public static string ToCamel(string s)
Beispiel #7
 public static string ToSHA1(string s)
Beispiel #8
 public static string ToSHA1(FileInfo file)
Beispiel #9
 public static string ToUpper(string s)
Beispiel #10
 public static string ToPascal(string s)
Beispiel #11
        public void TestGridFormat()
            Func <uint, uint, string> f = (r, c) => $"[{r}, {c}]";

            Console.WriteLine(StringFuncs.GridFormat(5, 7, f));
        public ReturnClass Send(SimpleEmailVO VO)
            log = new LoggingClass(logfolder);
            ReturnClass outcome = new ReturnClass(true);

            if (StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(VO.ToEmail) == true && StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(VO.FromEmail))
                if (loaded == true)
                    MailAddress toaddress   = new MailAddress(VO.ToEmail, VO.ToName);
                    MailAddress fromaddress = new MailAddress(VO.FromEmail, VO.FromName);
                    MailMessage message     = new MailMessage(fromaddress, toaddress);
                    message.Subject = VO.Subject;
                    if (VO.IsBodyHtml == true)
                        message.Body = VO.HtmlBody;
                        message.Body = VO.TextBody;
                    message.IsBodyHtml = VO.IsBodyHtml;
                    message.Priority   = MailPriority.Normal;
                    message.Headers.Add("Return-Path", VO.FromEmail);
                    try {
                        client = new SmtpClient();
                        if (timeout != 100000)
                            client.Timeout = timeout;
                        //client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                        //client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.PickupDirectoryFromIis;
                        //client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.SpecifiedPickupDirectory;
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        outcome.Success = false;
                        outcome.Message = "There was a problem creating the email component [" + ex.Message + "]";

                    if (outcome.Success == true)
                        try {
                        } catch (SmtpException ex) {
                            log.Log("EmailClass - Error sending email to " + VO.ToName + " :" + ex.StatusCode + " [" + ex.Message + "][" + ex.InnerException + "]", "MHPNET2EmailLib.EmailClass");
                            outcome.Success = false;
                            outcome.Message = "EmailClass - Email error " + ex.StatusCode + " [" + ex.Message + "]";
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            log.Log("EmailClass - Error sending email to " + VO.ToName + " :" + ex.Message + "[" + ex.InnerException + "]", "MHPNET2EmailLib.EmailClass");
                            outcome.Success = false;
                            outcome.Message = "EmailClass - Email error  [" + ex.Message + "]";
                    outcome.Success = false;
                    outcome.Message = "The mail component can not be created - most probably the mail configuration is incorrect";
                outcome.Success = false;
                outcome.Message = "One or both of the email addresses are invalid.";
        public ReturnClass Send(SimpleEmailVO VO, string deliveryemail)
            LoggingClass  log        = new LoggingClass(logfolder);
            ReturnClass   outcome    = new ReturnClass(true);
            AlternateView av1        = null;
            AlternateView av2        = null;
            SmtpClient    mailSender = new SmtpClient();

            if (VO.FromName.Length == 0)
                VO.FromName = VO.FromEmail;
            if (VO.ToName.Length == 0)
                VO.ToName = VO.ToEmail;

            if (StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(VO.FromEmail) && StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(VO.ToEmail))
                MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(new MailAddress(VO.FromEmail, VO.FromName), new MailAddress(VO.ToEmail, VO.ToName));

                if (StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(deliveryemail))
                    mailMessage.DeliveryNotificationOptions = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnSuccess | DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure | DeliveryNotificationOptions.Delay;
                    mailMessage.Headers.Add("Disposition-Notification-To", deliveryemail);

                    //mailMessage.Headers.Add("Errors-To", Config.EmailerDeliveryEmail);
                    //mailMessage.Headers.Add("Delivered-To", Config.EmailerDeliveryEmail);
                    //mailMessage.Headers.Add("Return-Receipt-Requested", Config.EmailerDeliveryEmail);
                    //mailMessage.Headers.Add("Return-Receipt-To", Config.EmailerDeliveryEmail);
                    //mailMessage.Headers.Add("Read-Receipt-Requested", Config.EmailerDeliveryEmail);
                    //mailMessage.Headers.Add("Read-Receipt-To", Config.EmailerDeliveryEmail);
                    //mailMessage.Headers.Add("X-Confirm-reading-to", Config.EmailerDeliveryEmail);

                try {
                    if (VO.HtmlBody.Length > 0)
                        if (VO.TextBody.Length > 0)
                            av2 = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(VO.TextBody, null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain);
                            av1 = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(VO.HtmlBody, Encoding.UTF8, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html);
                            av1 = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(VO.HtmlBody, Encoding.UTF8, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html);
                        av2 = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(VO.TextBody, null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    outcome.SetFailureMessage("Error setting email body:" + ex.ToString());

                if (outcome.Success)
                    try {
                        mailMessage.Subject = VO.Subject;
                        if (VO.HtmlBody.Length > 0)
                            mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = true;
                            mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = false;
                        mailMessage.Priority = MailPriority.Normal;

                        if (StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(VO.ReplyToEmail))
                            mailMessage.Headers.Add("Return-Path", VO.ReplyToEmail);
                            mailMessage.ReplyTo = new MailAddress(VO.ReplyToEmail, VO.ReplyToEmail);
                            mailMessage.Headers.Add("Return-Path", VO.FromEmail);
                            mailMessage.ReplyTo = new MailAddress(VO.FromEmail, VO.FromName);

                        mailSender.EnableSsl = UseSSL;
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        outcome.SetFailureMessage("Error setting message settings:" + ex.ToString());

                    if (outcome.Success)
                        try {
                        } catch (SmtpException ex) {
                            log.Log("EmailClass - Error sending email to " + VO.ToName + " :" + ex.StatusCode + " [" + ex.Message + "][" + ex.InnerException + "]", "MHPNET2EmailLib.EmailClass");
                            outcome.SetFailureMessage("EmailClass - Email error " + ex.StatusCode + " [" + ex.Message + "]");
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            log.Log("EmailClass - Error sending email to " + VO.ToName + " :" + ex.Message + "[" + ex.InnerException + "]", "MHPNET2EmailLib.EmailClass");
                            outcome.SetFailureMessage("EmailClass - Email error  [" + ex.Message + "]");
                outcome.SetFailureMessage("Either the target (" + VO.ToEmail + ") or sender email (" + VO.FromEmail + ")is invalid");

        public ReturnClass SendMessages(SimpleEmailVOs VOs)
            MailAddress toaddress   = null;
            MailAddress fromaddress = null;
            MailMessage message     = null;

            log = new LoggingClass(logfolder);
            ReturnClass outcome  = new ReturnClass(true);
            ReturnClass mailcome = new ReturnClass(true);

            if (loaded == true)
                try {
                    client = new SmtpClient();
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    outcome.Success = false;
                    outcome.Message = "There was a problem creating the email component [" + ex.Message + "]";

                if (UseSSL)
                    client.EnableSsl = true;

                if (outcome.Success == true)
                    List <SimpleEmailVO> Emails = VOs.Emails;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Emails.Count; i++)
                        if (StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(Emails[i].ToEmail) == true && StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(Emails[i].FromEmail))
                            toaddress          = new MailAddress(Emails[i].ToEmail, Emails[i].ToName);
                            fromaddress        = new MailAddress(Emails[i].FromEmail, Emails[i].FromName);
                            message            = new MailMessage(fromaddress, toaddress);
                            message.Subject    = Emails[i].Subject;
                            message.Body       = Emails[i].HtmlBody;
                            message.IsBodyHtml = Emails[i].IsBodyHtml;
                            try {
                            } catch (SmtpException ex) {
                                log.Log("EmailClass - Error sending email to " + Emails[i].ToName + " :" + ex.StatusCode + " [" + ex.Message + "][" + ex.InnerException + "]", "MHPNET2EmailLib.EmailClass");
                                mailcome.Success = false;
                                mailcome.AddMessage("EmailClass - Email error " + ex.StatusCode + " [" + ex.Message + "][" + ex.InnerException + "]");
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                log.Log("EmailClass - Error sending email to " + Emails[i].ToName + " :" + ex.Message + "", "MHPNET2EmailLib.EmailClass");
                                mailcome.Success = false;
                                mailcome.AddMessage("EmailClass - Email error  [" + ex.Message + "][" + ex.InnerException + "]");
                            mailcome.Success = false;
                            mailcome.Message = "One or both of the email addresses are invalid.";

                if (mailcome.Success == false)
                    outcome.Success = false;
                    outcome.Message = mailcome.Message;
                outcome.Success = false;
                outcome.Message = "The mail component can not be created - most probably the mail configuration is incorrect";
        public ReturnClass Send(SimpleEmailVO VO)
            MailAddress toaddress    = null;
            MailAddress fromaddress  = null;
            MailAddress replyaddress = null;
            MailMessage message      = null;

            log = new LoggingClass(logfolder);
            ReturnClass outcome = new ReturnClass(true);

            if (StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(VO.ToEmail) && StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(VO.FromEmail))
                if (loaded == true)
                    try {
                        toaddress   = new MailAddress(VO.ToEmail, VO.ToName);
                        fromaddress = new MailAddress(VO.FromEmail, VO.FromName);
                        message     = new MailMessage(fromaddress, toaddress);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        outcome.Success = false;
                        outcome.Message = "There was a problem creating the addresses or message [" + ex.Message + "]";
                    if (outcome.Success)
                        try {
                            message.Subject = VO.Subject;

                            if (VO.IsBodyHtml == true)
                                message.Body = VO.HtmlBody;
                                message.Body = VO.TextBody;
                            message.IsBodyHtml = VO.IsBodyHtml;
                            message.Priority   = MailPriority.Normal;
                            message.Headers.Add("Return-Path", VO.FromEmail);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            outcome.Success = false;
                            outcome.Message = "There was a problem setting the message parts(priority, return-path) [" + ex.Message + "]";
                    if (outcome.Success)
                        if (VO.ReplyToEmail.Length > 0 && StringFuncs.IsValidEmail(VO.ReplyToEmail))
                            if (VO.ReplyToName.Length > 0)
                                replyaddress = new MailAddress(VO.ReplyToEmail, VO.ReplyToName);
                                replyaddress = new MailAddress(VO.ReplyToEmail, VO.ReplyToEmail);
                            message.ReplyTo = replyaddress;

                    if (outcome.Success)
                        try {
                            client = new SmtpClient();
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            outcome.Success = false;
                            outcome.Message = "There was a problem creating the email component [" + ex.Message + "]";
                    if (outcome.Success)
                        if (UseSSL)
                            client.EnableSsl = true;
                    if (outcome.Success)
                        try {
                        } catch (SmtpException ex) {
                            log.Log("EmailClass - Error sending email to " + VO.ToName + " :" + ex.StatusCode + " [" + ex.Message + "][" + ex.InnerException + "]", "MHPNET2EmailLib.EmailClass");
                            outcome.Success = false;
                            outcome.Message = "EmailClass - Email error " + ex.StatusCode + " [" + ex.Message + "]";
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            log.Log("EmailClass - Error sending email to " + VO.ToName + " :" + ex.Message + "[" + ex.InnerException + "]", "MHPNET2EmailLib.EmailClass");
                            outcome.Success = false;
                            outcome.Message = "EmailClass - Email error  [" + ex.Message + "]";
                    outcome.Success = false;
                    outcome.Message = "The mail component can not be created - most probably the mail configuration is incorrect";
                outcome.Success = false;
                outcome.Message = "One or both of the email addresses are invalid.";