Beispiel #1
        public void ComputeFov_SmallMap_ExpectedFov()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####################################

            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy2 = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap map = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy2);

            map.ComputeFov(6, 1, 20, true);

            string expectedFov = @"###########################%%%%%%%%%

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFov.Replace(" ", ""), map.ToString(true));
Beispiel #2
        public void TryFindShortestPath_Large200x400MapTrying12KnownPaths_ReturnsExpectedPaths()
            KnownSeriesRandom randomX = new KnownSeriesRandom(150, 137, 51, 31, 40, 135, 116, 148, 83, 94, 153, 30, 63, 80, 31, 107, 64, 95, 6, 145, 105, 66, 96, 37);
            KnownSeriesRandom randomY = new KnownSeriesRandom(255, 359, 175, 279, 169, 293, 335, 208, 235, 327, 67, 234, 56, 272, 241, 215, 230, 377, 194, 301, 161, 348, 89, 171);

            int[] pathLengths = { 822, 229, 598, 730, 344, 507, 398, 655, 737, 799, 683, 350 };
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(Algorithms.TestSetup.TestHelpers.Map200x400);
            IMap       map        = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            PathFinder pathFinder = new PathFinder(map);

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                int   x1          = randomX.Next(199);
                int   y1          = randomY.Next(399);
                int   x2          = randomX.Next(199);
                int   y2          = randomY.Next(399);
                ICell source      = map.GetCell(x1, y1);
                ICell destination = map.GetCell(x2, y2);

                Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                Path shortestPath = pathFinder.TryFindShortestPath(source, destination);

                    $"Path from `{x1}:{y1}` to `{x2}:{y2}` was {shortestPath?.Steps?.Count()} long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
                Assert.AreEqual(pathLengths[i % 12], shortestPath?.Steps?.Count());
Beispiel #3
        public void ComputeFov_X6Y1CellRadius20_ExpectedFovMap()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####################################
            IMapCreationStrategy <LibtcodMap> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <LibtcodMap>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap map = LibtcodMap.Create(mapCreationStrategy);

            map.ComputeFov(6, 1, 20, true);

            string expectedFovMap = @"###########################%%%%%%%%%

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFovMap.Replace(" ", string.Empty), map.ToString(true));
Beispiel #4
        public void ComputeFov_X6Y1CellRadius20_ExpectedFovMap()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####################################
             IMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap map = LibtcodMap.Create( mapCreationStrategy );

             map.ComputeFov( 6, 1, 20, true );

             string expectedFovMap = @"###########################%%%%%%%%%
             Assert.AreEqual( expectedFovMap.Replace( " ", string.Empty ), map.ToString( true ) );
Beispiel #5
        public void FindPathAvoiding_BoxedInCornerWithObstacle_ExpectedPath()
            string mapRepresentation = @"###########

             IMapCreationStrategy<Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<Map>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap map = Map.Create( mapCreationStrategy );
             GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap( map );
             goalMap.AddGoal( 2, 2, 0 );
             Point obstacle = new Point( 2, 2 );
             string expectedPath = "........s...........";

             List<Point> path = goalMap.FindPathAvoidingGoals( 1, 2, new List<Point> { obstacle } );
             var actualPath = new StringBuilder();
             foreach( Point p in path )
            actualPath.Append( map.GetCell( p.X, p.Y ).ToString() );

             Assert.AreEqual( expectedPath, actualPath.ToString() );
        public void ComputeFov_SmallMap_ExpectedFov()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####################################

             IMapCreationStrategy<Map> mapCreationStrategy2 = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<Map>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap map = Map.Create( mapCreationStrategy2 );

             map.ComputeFov( 6, 1, 20, true );

             string expectedFov = @"###########################%%%%%%%%%

             Assert.AreEqual( expectedFov.Replace( " ", "" ), map.ToString( true ) );
Beispiel #7
        public void GetCellsInDiamond_SmallMap_ExpectedCells()
            string mapRepresentation = @"#################
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap   map           = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            string expectedCells = "#..##......#.";

            IEnumerable <Cell> cells = map.GetCellsInDiamond(3, 3, 3)
                                       .OrderBy(c => c.Point.X)
                                       .ThenBy(c => c.Point.Y);

            var actualCells = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Cell cell in cells)

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCells, actualCells.ToString());
Beispiel #8
        public void TryFindPaths_SmallMapWithTwoGoalsOfEqualWeightAndDistance_Finds2PathsWith6Points()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap map = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);

            GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap(map);

            goalMap.AddGoal(1, 1, 0);
            goalMap.AddGoal(6, 1, 0);
            ReadOnlyCollection <Path> paths = goalMap.TryFindPaths(3, 4);

            string expectedGoalMapRepresentation = @"#    #    #    #    #    #    #    #
                                                  #    0    1    2    3    #    0    #
                                                  #    1    #    3    4    #    1    #
                                                  #    2    #    4    5    #    2    #
                                                  #    3    4    5    5    4    3    #
                                                  #    #    #    #    #    #    #    #";

            Assert.AreEqual(RemoveWhiteSpace(expectedGoalMapRepresentation), RemoveWhiteSpace(goalMap.ToString()));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, paths.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, paths[0].Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, paths[1].Length);
Beispiel #9
        public void FindPath_SmallMapWithTwoGoalsAndTwoObstacles_FindsBestPath()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap map = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);

            GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap(map);

            goalMap.AddGoal(1, 1, 0);
            goalMap.AddGoal(6, 1, 0);
            List <Point> obstacles = new List <Point> {
                new Point(1, 2), new Point(3, 2)

            Path path = goalMap.FindPath(3, 4);

            Assert.AreEqual(7, path.Length);
            ICell stepForward = path.StepForward();

            Assert.AreEqual(new Cell(4, 4, true, true), stepForward);
Beispiel #10
        public void AppendFov_X6Y1CellRadius20AndX15Y1CellRadius5_ExpectedFovMap()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####################################
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap map = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);

            map.ComputeFov(6, 1, 20, true);
            var visibleCells = map.AppendFov(15, 1, 5, true);

            string expectedFovMap = @"###########################%%%%%%%%%

            Assert.AreEqual(RemoveWhiteSpace(expectedFovMap), RemoveWhiteSpace(map.ToString(true)));
            Assert.AreEqual(117, visibleCells.Count);
Beispiel #11
        public void ComputeFov_EmptyMap_ExpectedCollectionOfVisibleCells()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####################################

            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap map = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);

            map.ComputeFov(15, 5, 3, false);

            string expectedFovMap = @"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

            Assert.AreEqual(RemoveWhiteSpace(expectedFovMap), RemoveWhiteSpace(map.ToString(true)));
Beispiel #12
        public void GetBorderCellsInSquare_CenteredOnX0Y0InSmallMap_ExpectedCellsWithoutCenterCell()
            string mapRepresentation = @"#################
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap   map           = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            string expectedCells = "###";

            IEnumerable <Cell> cells = map.GetBorderCellsInSquare(0, 0, 1)
                                       .OrderBy(c => c.Point.X)
                                       .ThenBy(c => c.Point.Y);

            var actualCells = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Cell cell in cells)

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCells, actualCells.ToString());
Beispiel #13
        public void FindAllPathsToAllGoals_SmallMapWithTwoGoals_Finds2PathsWith6Points()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
             IMapCreationStrategy<Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<Map>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap map = Map.Create( mapCreationStrategy );

             GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap( map );
             goalMap.AddGoal( 1, 1, 0 );
             goalMap.AddGoal( 6, 1, 0 );
             List<List<Point>> paths = goalMap.FindAllPathsToAllGoals( 3, 4 );

             string expectedGoalMapRepresentation = @"#    #    #    #    #    #    #    #
                                                  #    0    1    2    3    #    0    #
                                                  #    1    #    3    4    #    1    #
                                                  #    2    #    4    5    #    2    #
                                                  #    3    4    5    5    4    3    #
                                                  #    #    #    #    #    #    #    #";
             Assert.AreEqual( expectedGoalMapRepresentation.Replace( " ", string.Empty ), goalMap.ToString().Replace( " ", string.Empty ) );
             Assert.AreEqual( 2, paths.Count );
             Assert.AreEqual( 6, paths[0].Count );
             Assert.AreEqual( 6, paths[1].Count );
Beispiel #14
        public void FindPath_BigMapFromGame_ExpectedPath()
            string mapRepresentation = @"###########################################################

            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap    map     = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap(map);

            goalMap.AddGoal(51, 31, 0);
            goalMap.AddGoal(51, 33, 0);
            string expectedPath = ".....s.....s.......s...........s.....s..........s....s.......s...........s...s....s..............s.....s...s......s...s....s..s....s.....s..............s......";

            List <Point> path       = goalMap.FindPath(23, 7, new List <Point>());
            var          actualPath = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Point p in path)
                actualPath.Append(map.GetCell(p.X, p.Y).ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPath, actualPath.ToString());
Beispiel #15
        public void TryFindPath_BigMapFromGameAllowingDiagonalMovement_ExpectedPath()
            string mapRepresentation = @"###########################################################

            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap    map     = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap(map, true);

            goalMap.AddGoal(51, 31, 0);
            goalMap.AddGoal(51, 33, 0);
            string expectedPath = "...s...s.....s........s.....s.......s...s......s.......s...s...s...........s...s..s.....s.s...s.s..s....s..........s.....";

            Path path       = goalMap.TryFindPath(23, 7);
            var  actualPath = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (ICell cell in path.Steps)

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPath, actualPath.ToString());
Beispiel #16
        public void AppendFov_SmallMap_ExpectedCollectionOfVisibleCells()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####################################
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap map = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);

            var fieldOfView = new FieldOfView(map);

            fieldOfView.ComputeFov(6, 1, 20, true);
            var visibleCells = fieldOfView.AppendFov(15, 1, 5, true);

            // The field of view should be calculated as follows
            //  ###########################%%%%%%%%%
            //  #..........................%%%%%%%%%
            //  #..###.########...........%%%%%%%%%%
            //  #%%%%#.#%%%%%%#....%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
            //  %%%%%#.#%%%%%%#...%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
            //  %%%%%%.%%%%%%%#..%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
            //  %%%%%#.#%%%%%%####%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
            //  %%%%%#.#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
            //  %%%%%#.#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
            //  %%%%%%.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
            //  %%%%%###%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

            int floorCells = 0;
            int wallCells  = 0;

            foreach (ICell cell in visibleCells)
                if (cell.IsWalkable)

            Assert.AreEqual(117, visibleCells.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(56, floorCells);
            Assert.AreEqual(61, wallCells);
        public void TryFindShortestPath_Large200x400MapTrying24KnownPathsFrom1Source_ReturnsExpectedPaths()
            KnownSeriesRandom randomX = new KnownSeriesRandom(150, 137, 51, 31, 40, 135, 116, 148, 83, 94, 153, 30, 63, 80, 31, 107, 64, 95, 6, 145, 105, 66, 96, 37);
            KnownSeriesRandom randomY = new KnownSeriesRandom(255, 359, 175, 279, 169, 293, 335, 208, 235, 327, 67, 234, 56, 272, 241, 215, 230, 377, 194, 301, 161, 348, 89, 171);

            int[] pathLengths = { 398, 489, 219, 423, 206, 421, 444, 351, 311, 414, 213, 323, 118, 345, 369, 315, 301, 465, 389, 439, 259, 453, 178, 201 };
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(Algorithms.TestSetup.TestHelpers.Map200x400);
            IMap map = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            DijkstraPathFinder dijkstraPathFinder = new DijkstraPathFinder(map);

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                int   x1          = 7;
                int   y1          = 1;
                int   x2          = randomX.Next(199);
                int   y2          = randomY.Next(399);
                ICell source      = map.GetCell(x1, y1);
                ICell destination = map.GetCell(x2, y2);

                Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                Path shortestPath = dijkstraPathFinder.TryFindShortestPath(source, destination);

                    $"Path from `{x1}:{y1}` to `{x2}:{y2}` was {shortestPath?.Steps?.Count()} long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
                Assert.AreEqual(pathLengths[i % 24], shortestPath?.Steps?.Count());

            // Sample Output (Release Mode)
            //Path from `7:1` to `150:255` was 398 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 36
            //Path from `7:1` to `137:359` was 489 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `51:175` was 219 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `31:279` was 423 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `40:169` was 206 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `135:293` was 421 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `116:335` was 444 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `148:208` was 351 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `83:235` was 311 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `94:327` was 414 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `153:67` was 213 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `30:234` was 323 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `63:56` was 118 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `80:272` was 345 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `31:241` was 369 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `107:215` was 315 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `64:230` was 301 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `95:377` was 465 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `6:194` was 389 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `145:301` was 439 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `105:161` was 259 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `66:348` was 453 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `96:89` was 178 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
            //Path from `7:1` to `37:171` was 201 long and took Elapsed Milliseconds: 0
Beispiel #18
        public void Create_StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy_ExpectedMap()
            string expectedMapRepresentation = @"####

            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(expectedMapRepresentation);
            IMap actualMap = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);

            Assert.AreEqual(RemoveWhiteSpace(expectedMapRepresentation), RemoveWhiteSpace(actualMap.ToString()));
Beispiel #19
        public void Create_StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy_ExpectedMap()
            string expectedMapRepresentation = @"####

            IMapCreationStrategy <LibtcodMap> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <LibtcodMap>(expectedMapRepresentation);
            IMap actualMap = LibtcodMap.Create(mapCreationStrategy);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMapRepresentation.Replace(" ", string.Empty), actualMap.ToString());
Beispiel #20
        public void GetAdjacentCells_X1Y1WithDiagonals_Returns8Cells()
            string mapRepresentation = @"...
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap map = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);

            IEnumerable <Cell> cells = map.GetAdjacentCells(1, 1, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(8, cells.Count());
Beispiel #21
        public void GetAdjacentCells_BottomRightCorner_Returns2Cells()
            string mapRepresentation = @"...
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap map = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);

            IEnumerable <Cell> cells = map.GetAdjacentCells(2, 2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, cells.Count());
Beispiel #22
        public void TryFindShortestPath_Large200x400MapFromX5Y1ToX29Y187_ReturnsExpectedPath()
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(Algorithms.TestSetup.TestHelpers.Map200x400);
            IMap       map         = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            ICell      source      = map.GetCell(5, 1);
            ICell      destination = map.GetCell(29, 187);
            PathFinder pathFinder  = new PathFinder(map);

            Path shortestPath = pathFinder.TryFindShortestPath(source, destination);

            Assert.AreEqual(705, shortestPath.Length);
Beispiel #23
        public void Clone_SmallMap_MapAndCloneHaveDifferentReferencesButSameValues()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####
             IMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap originalMap = LibtcodMap.Create( mapCreationStrategy );

             IMap clonedMap = originalMap.Clone();

             Assert.AreNotEqual( originalMap, clonedMap );
             Assert.AreEqual( originalMap.ToString(), clonedMap.ToString() );
Beispiel #24
        public void Clone_SmallMap_MapAndCloneHaveDifferentReferencesButSameValues()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap originalMap = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);

            IMap clonedMap = originalMap.Clone();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(originalMap, clonedMap);
            Assert.AreEqual(RemoveWhiteSpace(originalMap.ToString()), RemoveWhiteSpace(clonedMap.ToString()));
        public void ShortestPath_SourceCellNotWalkable_ThrowsPathNotFoundException()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap map = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            DijkstraPathFinder dijkstraPathFinder = new DijkstraPathFinder(map);
            ICell source      = map.GetCell(0, 1);
            ICell destination = map.GetCell(1, 1);

            dijkstraPathFinder.ShortestPath(source, destination);
Beispiel #26
        public void ShortestPath_DestinationIsNull_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap       map         = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            PathFinder pathFinder  = new PathFinder(map);
            ICell      source      = map.GetCell(1, 4);
            ICell      destination = null;

            Path shortestPath = pathFinder.ShortestPath(source, destination);
        public void TryFindShortestPath_SourceIsNull_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap map = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            DijkstraPathFinder dijkstraPathFinder = new DijkstraPathFinder(map);
            ICell source      = null;
            ICell destination = map.GetCell(5, 4);

            Path shortestPath = dijkstraPathFinder.TryFindShortestPath(source, destination);
Beispiel #28
        public void FindPath_SourceCellNotWalkable_ThrowsPathNotFoundException()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap    map     = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap(map);

            goalMap.AddGoal(1, 1, 0);

            goalMap.FindPath(0, 1);
Beispiel #29
        public void FindPath_DestinationNotWalkableAnd13StepsAway_ThrowsPathNotFoundException()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap    map     = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap(map);

            goalMap.AddGoal(7, 1, 0);

            goalMap.FindPath(1, 1);
Beispiel #30
        public void ShortestPath_DestinationUnreachable_ThrowsPathNotFoundException()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap       map         = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            PathFinder pathFinder  = new PathFinder(map);
            ICell      source      = map.GetCell(1, 1);
            ICell      destination = map.GetCell(6, 1);

            pathFinder.ShortestPath(source, destination);
Beispiel #31
        public void TryFindShortestPath_DestinationUnreachable_ReturnsNull()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap       map         = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            PathFinder pathFinder  = new PathFinder(map);
            ICell      source      = map.GetCell(1, 1);
            ICell      destination = map.GetCell(6, 1);

            Path shortestPath = pathFinder.TryFindShortestPath(source, destination);

            Assert.AreEqual(null, shortestPath);
Beispiel #32
        public void TryFindPath_DestinationUnreachable_ReturnsNull()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap    map     = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap(map);

            goalMap.AddGoal(6, 1, 0);

            var paths = goalMap.TryFindPath(1, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(null, paths);
Beispiel #33
        public void TryFindPath_DestinationNotWalkableAnd13StepsAway_ReturnsNull()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap    map     = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap(map);

            goalMap.AddGoal(7, 1, 0);

            Path path = goalMap.TryFindPath(1, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(null, path);
Beispiel #34
        public void GetCellsAlongLine_ToDestinationOutsideMap_TrimsLineAtMapEdgeAndReturnsExpectedCells()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap   map          = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            string expectedPath = "#.o#";

            StringBuilder actualPath = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (ICell cell in map.GetCellsAlongLine(0, 0, 10, 10))

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPath, actualPath.ToString());
Beispiel #35
        public void FindPath_SmallMapAfterAddingAndClearingGoals_ThrowsPathNotFoundException()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
            IMapCreationStrategy <Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy <Map>(mapRepresentation);
            IMap map = Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);

            GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap(map);

            goalMap.AddGoal(1, 1, 0);
            goalMap.AddGoal(6, 1, 0);

            goalMap.FindPath(3, 4);
        public void ComputeFovTest()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####################################
             IMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap> mapCreationStrategy1 = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap libtcodMap = LibtcodMap.Create( mapCreationStrategy1 );
             double libtcodTime;
             libtcodTime = StopwatchHelper.AverageTime( () => libtcodMap.ComputeFov( 6, 1, 20, true ), 100 );

             long libtcodElapsed;
             libtcodElapsed = StopwatchHelper.ElapsedTime( () => libtcodMap.ComputeFov( 6, 1, 20, true ), 100 );

             Debug.WriteLine( string.Format( "Libtcod Average: {0} Elapsed: {1}", libtcodTime, libtcodElapsed ) );

             IMapCreationStrategy<Map> mapCreationStrategy2 = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<Map>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap map = Map.Create( mapCreationStrategy2 );
             double rogueSharpTime;
             rogueSharpTime = StopwatchHelper.AverageTime( () => map.ComputeFov( 6, 1, 20, true ), 100 );

             double rogueSharpElapsed;
             rogueSharpElapsed = StopwatchHelper.ElapsedTime( () => map.ComputeFov( 6, 1, 20, true ), 100 );

             Debug.WriteLine( string.Format( "RogueSharp Average: {0} Elapsed: {1}", rogueSharpTime, rogueSharpElapsed ) );

             Assert.IsTrue( rogueSharpElapsed <= libtcodElapsed, string.Format( "Elapsed R#: {0} Lib: {1}", rogueSharpElapsed, libtcodElapsed ) );
             Assert.IsTrue( rogueSharpTime <= libtcodTime, string.Format( "Average R#: {0} Lib: {1}", rogueSharpTime, libtcodTime ) );
Beispiel #37
        public void GetCellsAlongLine_TopRightToBottomLeft_ExpectedCells()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####
             IMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap map = LibtcodMap.Create( mapCreationStrategy );
             string expectedPath = "#.s#";

             StringBuilder actualPath = new StringBuilder();
             foreach ( Cell cell in map.GetCellsAlongLine( 3, 0, 0, 3 ) )
            actualPath.Append( cell.ToString() );

             Assert.AreEqual( expectedPath, actualPath.ToString() );
Beispiel #38
        public void FindPath_SmallMapAfterAddingAndClearingGoals_PathHasOnePointAndAllCellsAreMax()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
             IMapCreationStrategy<Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<Map>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap map = Map.Create( mapCreationStrategy );

             GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap( map );
             goalMap.AddGoal( 1, 1, 0 );
             goalMap.AddGoal( 6, 1, 0 );
             List<Point> obstacles = new List<Point> { new Point( 1, 2 ), new Point( 3, 2 ) };
             List<Point> path = goalMap.FindPath( 3, 4, obstacles );

             Assert.AreEqual( 1, path.Count );
             Assert.AreEqual( new Point( 3, 4 ), path[0] );
             string expectedGoalMapRepresentation = @"#    #    #    #    #    #    #    #
                                                  #   48   48   48   48    #   48    #
                                                  #   48    #   48   48    #   48    #
                                                  #   48    #   48   48    #   48    #
                                                  #   48   48   48   48   48   48    #
                                                  #    #    #    #    #    #    #    #";
             Assert.AreEqual( expectedGoalMapRepresentation.Replace( " ", string.Empty ), goalMap.ToString().Replace( " ", string.Empty ) );
Beispiel #39
        public void FindPath_SmallMapWithTwoGoalsAndTwoObstacles_FindsBestPath()
            string mapRepresentation = @"########
             IMapCreationStrategy<Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<Map>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap map = Map.Create( mapCreationStrategy );

             GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap( map );
             goalMap.AddGoal( 1, 1, 0 );
             goalMap.AddGoal( 6, 1, 0 );
             List<Point> obstacles = new List<Point> { new Point( 1, 2 ), new Point( 3, 2 ) };
             List<Point> path = goalMap.FindPath( 3, 4, obstacles );

             Assert.AreEqual( 6, path.Count );
             Assert.AreEqual( new Point( 2, 4 ), path[1] );
Beispiel #40
        public void Create_StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy_ExpectedMap()
            string expectedMapRepresentation = @"####

             IMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap>( expectedMapRepresentation );
             IMap actualMap = LibtcodMap.Create( mapCreationStrategy );

             Assert.AreEqual( expectedMapRepresentation.Replace( " ", string.Empty ), actualMap.ToString() );
Beispiel #41
        public void FindPath_BigMapFromGame_ExpectedPath()
            string mapRepresentation = @"###########################################################

             IMapCreationStrategy<Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<Map>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap map = Map.Create( mapCreationStrategy );
             GoalMap goalMap = new GoalMap( map );
             goalMap.AddGoal( 51, 31, 0 );
             goalMap.AddGoal( 51, 33, 0 );
             string expectedPath = ".....s.....s.......s...........s.....s..........s....s.......s...........s...s....s..............s.....s...s......s...s....s..s....s.....s..............s......";

             List<Point> path = goalMap.FindPath( 23, 7, new List<Point>() );
             var actualPath = new StringBuilder();
             foreach( Point p in path )
            actualPath.Append( map.GetCell( p.X, p.Y ).ToString() );

             Assert.AreEqual( expectedPath, actualPath.ToString() );
Beispiel #42
        public void Restore_AfterComputingFovAndSaving_ExpectedMapWithFov()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####################################
             IMapCreationStrategy<Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<Map>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap map = Map.Create( mapCreationStrategy );
             map.ComputeFov( 6, 1, 20, true );
             map.AppendFov( 15, 1, 5, true );
             MapState mapState = map.Save();

             IMap newMap = new Map();
             newMap.Restore( mapState );

             string expectedFovMap = @"###########################%%%%%%%%%
             Assert.AreEqual( expectedFovMap.Replace( " ", string.Empty ), newMap.ToString( true ) );
Beispiel #43
        public void GetCellsAlongLine_ThirdRowLeftToRight_ExpectedCells()
            string mapRepresentation = @"####
             IMapCreationStrategy<Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<Map>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap map = Map.Create( mapCreationStrategy );
             string expectedPath = "#so#";

             StringBuilder actualPath = new StringBuilder();
             foreach ( Cell cell in map.GetCellsAlongLine( 0, 2, 3, 2 ) )
            actualPath.Append( cell.ToString() );

             Assert.AreEqual( expectedPath, actualPath.ToString() );
Beispiel #44
        public void GetCellsInRadius_SmallMap_ExpectedCells()
            string mapRepresentation = @"#################
             IMapCreationStrategy<Map> mapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<Map>( mapRepresentation );
             IMap map = Map.Create( mapCreationStrategy );
             string expectedCells = "#..##......#.";

             IEnumerable<Cell> cells = map.GetCellsInRadius( 3, 3, 2 )
            .OrderBy( c => c.X )
            .ThenBy( c => c.Y );
             var actualCells = new StringBuilder();
             foreach( Cell cell in cells )
            actualCells.Append( cell.ToString() );

             Assert.AreEqual( expectedCells, actualCells.ToString() );
Beispiel #45
        public void Copy_SmallSourceMapIntoSpecificPostionOfDestinationMap_ExpectedDestinationMap()
            string sourceMapRepresentation = @"..";
             IMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap> sourceMapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap>( sourceMapRepresentation );
             IMap sourceMap = LibtcodMap.Create( sourceMapCreationStrategy );
             string destinationMapRepresentation = @"####
             IMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap> destinationMapCreationStrategy = new StringDeserializeMapCreationStrategy<LibtcodMap>( destinationMapRepresentation );
             IMap destinationMap = LibtcodMap.Create( destinationMapCreationStrategy );
             string expectedRepresentationAfterCopy = @"####

             destinationMap.Copy( sourceMap, 1, 2 );

             Assert.AreEqual( expectedRepresentationAfterCopy.Replace( " ", string.Empty ), destinationMap.ToString() );