Beispiel #1
        private CurveFamilyF GenerateAdiabaticSaturationFamily()
            double             dewPoint;
            double             ysat;
            double             wetBulb;
            double             temperature;
            double             ih;
            double             tsat;
            double             maxTemp;
            HumidGasCalculator humidGasCalculator = GetHumidGasCalculator();
            double             p           = (double)pressure.Value;
            double             cg          = humidGasCalculator.GetSpecificHeatOfDryGas();
            double             cv          = humidGasCalculator.GetSpecificHeatOfVapor();
            double             r0          = humidGasCalculator.GetEvaporationHeat(273.15);
            double             dewPoint1   = humidGasCalculator.GetDewPointFromDryBulbAndRelativeHumidity(xVar.Max, 1.0);
            double             dewPoint2   = humidGasCalculator.GetDewPointFromHumidityAndPressure(yVar.Max, p);
            double             dewPointMin = Math.Min(dewPoint1, dewPoint2);
            int numOfCurves = (int)((dewPointMin - xVar.Min) / 5.0) + 1;

            CurveF[] curves = new CurveF[numOfCurves];
            double   y;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfCurves; i++)
                tsat     = xVar.Min + i * 5.0;
                dewPoint = humidGasCalculator.GetDewPointFromDryBulbAndRelativeHumidity(tsat, 1.0);
                ysat     = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidityFromDewPointAndPressure(dewPoint, p);
                wetBulb  = humidGasCalculator.GetWetBulbFromDryBulbHumidityAndPressure(tsat, ysat, p);
                PointF[] dataPoints = new PointF[11];
                maxTemp = humidGasCalculator.GetDryBulbFromWetBulbHumidityAndPressure(wetBulb, 0.0, p);
                if (maxTemp > xVar.Max)
                    maxTemp = xVar.Max;
                if (ysat > yVar.Max)
                    tsat = humidGasCalculator.GetDryBulbFromWetBulbHumidityAndPressure(wetBulb, yVar.Max, p);
                ih = (cg + cv * ysat) * (tsat - 273.15) + r0 * ysat;
                for (int j = 0; j <= 10; j++)
                    temperature = tsat + (maxTemp - tsat) / 10.0 * j;
                    //iso-enthalpy line
                    y             = (ih - cg * (temperature - 273.15)) / (r0 + cv * (temperature - 273.15));
                    dataPoints[j] = new PointF((float)temperature, (float)y);
                curves[i] = new CurveF(StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.ADIABATIC_SATURATION), (float)tsat, dataPoints);

            CurveFamilyF curveFamily = new CurveFamilyF(StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.ADIABATIC_SATURATION), PhysicalQuantity.Temperature, curves);

Beispiel #2
        private CurveFamilyF GenerateRelativeHumidityFamily()
            double dewPoint;
            double humidity;
            double temperature;
            double maxTemp;

            CurveF[]           curves = new CurveF[16];
            double             relativeHumidity;
            HumidGasCalculator humidGasCalculator = GetHumidGasCalculator();

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                //from 0.0% to 10%--interval 2%
                if (i < 5)
                    relativeHumidity = (i + 1) * 0.02;
                //from 10 to 50%--interval 5%
                else if (i < 9)
                    relativeHumidity = 0.1 + (i - 4) * 0.05;
                //from 30 to 100%--interval 10%
                    relativeHumidity = 0.3 + (i - 8) * 0.1;

                dewPoint = humidGasCalculator.GetDewPointFromHumidityAndPressure(yVar.Max, pressure.Value);
                maxTemp  = humidGasCalculator.GetDryBulbFromDewPointAndRelativeHumidity(dewPoint, relativeHumidity);
                if (maxTemp > xVar.Max)
                    maxTemp = xVar.Max;
                PointF[] dataPoints = new PointF[101];
                for (int j = 0; j <= 100; j++)
                    temperature   = xVar.Min + j * (maxTemp - xVar.Min) / 100;
                    dewPoint      = humidGasCalculator.GetDewPointFromDryBulbAndRelativeHumidity(temperature, relativeHumidity);
                    humidity      = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidityFromDewPointAndPressure(dewPoint, (double)pressure.Value);
                    dataPoints[j] = new PointF((float)temperature, (float)humidity);
                curves[i] = new CurveF(StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY), (float)relativeHumidity, dataPoints);

            CurveFamilyF curveFamily = new CurveFamilyF(StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY), PhysicalQuantity.Fraction, curves);

Beispiel #3
        private CurveF GenerateSpecificVolumeDryAirCurve()
            double temperature;
            double specificVolumeDryAir;

            PointF[]           dataPoints         = new PointF[10];
            HumidGasCalculator humidGasCalculator = GetHumidGasCalculator();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                temperature          = (xVar.Max - xVar.Min) / 10.0 * i;
                specificVolumeDryAir = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidVolume(temperature, 0.0, (double)pressure.Value);
                dataPoints[i]        = new PointF((float)temperature, (float)specificVolumeDryAir);
            return(new CurveF(StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.SPECIFIC_VOLUME_DRY_AIR), 0.1f, dataPoints));
Beispiel #4
        private CurveF GenerateEvaporationHeatCurve()
            double temperature;
            double evapHeat;

            PointF[]           dataPoints         = new PointF[10];
            HumidGasCalculator humidGasCalculator = GetHumidGasCalculator();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                temperature   = (xVar.Max - xVar.Min) / 10.0 * i;
                evapHeat      = humidGasCalculator.GetEvaporationHeat(temperature);
                dataPoints[i] = new PointF((float)temperature, (float)evapHeat);
            return(new CurveF(StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.EVAPORATION_HEAT), 0.1f, dataPoints));
Beispiel #5
        private CurveF GenerateHumidHeatCurve()
            double humidity;
            double humidHeat;

            PointF[]           dataPoints         = new PointF[10];
            HumidGasCalculator humidGasCalculator = GetHumidGasCalculator();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                humidity      = yVar.Min + (yVar.Max - yVar.Min) / 10.0 * i;
                humidHeat     = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidHeat(humidity);
                dataPoints[i] = new PointF((float)humidity, (float)humidHeat);
            return(new CurveF(StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.HUMID_HEAT), 273.15f, dataPoints));
Beispiel #6
        internal override ErrorMessage CheckSpecifiedValueInContext(ProcessVarDouble pv, double aValue)
            ErrorMessage retValue = null;

            if (pv.VarTypeName == StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.VAPOR_FRACTION) && aValue < 0.9999)
                retValue = CreateSimpleGenericInappropriateSpecifiedValueErrorMessage(pv.VarTypeName + " of an inlet or outlet in a steam jet ejector cannot be less than 1.0.");
            else if (pv == dischargeOutlet.Pressure)
                if (motiveInlet.Pressure.IsSpecifiedAndHasValue && aValue >= motiveInlet.Pressure.Value)
                    retValue = CreateSimpleGenericInappropriateSpecifiedValueErrorMessage(pv.VarTypeName + " of discharge outlet cannot be greater than that of motive inlet.");
                else if (suctionInlet.Pressure.IsSpecifiedAndHasValue && aValue <= suctionInlet.Pressure.Value)
                    retValue = CreateSimpleGenericInappropriateSpecifiedValueErrorMessage(pv.VarTypeName + " of discharge outlet cannot be smaller than that of suction inlet.");
            else if (pv == suctionInlet.Pressure)
                if (motiveInlet.Pressure.IsSpecifiedAndHasValue && aValue >= motiveInlet.Pressure.Value)
                    retValue = CreateSimpleGenericInappropriateSpecifiedValueErrorMessage(pv.VarTypeName + " of suction inlet cannot be greater than that of motive inlet.");
                else if (dischargeOutlet.Pressure.IsSpecifiedAndHasValue && aValue <= dischargeOutlet.Pressure.Value)
                    retValue = CreateSimpleGenericInappropriateSpecifiedValueErrorMessage(pv.VarTypeName + " of suction inlet cannot be greater than that of discharge outlet.");
            else if (pv == motiveInlet.Pressure)
                if (dischargeOutlet.Pressure.IsSpecifiedAndHasValue && aValue <= dischargeOutlet.Pressure.Value)
                    retValue = CreateSimpleGenericInappropriateSpecifiedValueErrorMessage(pv.VarTypeName + " of motive inlet cannot be smaller than that of discharge outlet.");
                else if (suctionInlet.Pressure.IsSpecifiedAndHasValue && aValue <= suctionInlet.Pressure.Value)
                    retValue = CreateSimpleGenericInappropriateSpecifiedValueErrorMessage(pv.VarTypeName + " of motive inlet cannot be smaller than that of suction inlet.");

Beispiel #7
        private CurveF GenerateSaturationVolumeCurve()
            double             temperature;
            double             dewPoint;
            double             humidity;
            double             saturationVolume;
            HumidGasCalculator humidGasCalculator = GetHumidGasCalculator();

            PointF[] dataPoints = new PointF[10];
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                temperature      = (xVar.Max - xVar.Min) / 10.0 * i;
                dewPoint         = humidGasCalculator.GetDewPointFromDryBulbAndRelativeHumidity(temperature, 1.0);
                humidity         = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidityFromDewPointAndPressure(dewPoint, (double)pressure.Value);
                saturationVolume = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidVolume(temperature, humidity, (double)pressure.Value);
                dataPoints[i]    = new PointF((float)temperature, (float)saturationVolume);
            return(new CurveF(StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.SATURATION_VOLUME), 0.1f, dataPoints));
Beispiel #8
        protected override ErrorMessage CheckSpecifiedValueRange(ProcessVarDouble pv, double aValue)
            ErrorMessage retValue = base.CheckSpecifiedValueRange(pv, aValue);

            if (retValue != null)

            if (pv == massConcentration)
                if (materialStateType != MaterialStateType.Liquid)
                    throw new IllegalFunctionCallException("Solid material stream should not have its mass concentration variable specified.");
                if (aValue != Constants.NO_VALUE && !vaporFraction.HasValue && (aValue < 0 || aValue > 1.0))
                    retValue = CreateOutOfRangeZeroToOneErrorMessage(pv);
                else if (aValue != Constants.NO_VALUE && vaporFraction.HasValue && (aValue < 0 || aValue > (1.0 - vaporFraction.Value)))
                    retValue = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.SimpleGeneric, StringConstants.INAPPROPRIATE_SPECIFIED_VALUE, StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.MASS_CONCENTRATION) + " can not be out of the range of 0 to " + (1.0 - vaporFraction.Value) + " under current conditions");
            else if (pv == vaporFraction)
                if (materialStateType != MaterialStateType.Liquid)
                    throw new IllegalFunctionCallException("Solid material stream should not have its vapor fraction variable specified.");

                if (aValue != Constants.NO_VALUE && massConcentration.HasValue && aValue > (1.0 - massConcentration.Value))
                    retValue = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.SimpleGeneric, StringConstants.INAPPROPRIATE_SPECIFIED_VALUE, StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.VAPOR_FRACTION) + " must be less than " + StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.MOISTURE_CONTENT_WET) + " under current conditions");

Beispiel #9
        protected override ErrorMessage CheckSpecifiedValueRange(ProcessVarDouble pv, double aValue)
            ErrorMessage retValue = base.CheckSpecifiedValueRange(pv, aValue);

            if (retValue != null)

            //if (pv.VarTypeName == StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.DRY_BULB_TEMPERATURE)) {
            if (pv == temperature)
                if (aValue != Constants.NO_VALUE && wetBulbTemperature.HasValue && aValue < wetBulbTemperature.Value)
                    retValue = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.SimpleGeneric, StringConstants.INAPPROPRIATE_SPECIFIED_VALUE, pv.VarTypeName + " can not be less than " + StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.WET_BULB_TEMPERATURE));
                else if (aValue != Constants.NO_VALUE && dewPoint.HasValue && aValue < dewPoint.Value)
                    retValue = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.SimpleGeneric, StringConstants.INAPPROPRIATE_SPECIFIED_VALUE, pv.VarTypeName + " can not be less than " + StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.DEW_POINT));
            //else if (pv.VarTypeName == StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.WET_BULB_TEMPERATURE))
            else if (pv == wetBulbTemperature)
                if (aValue != Constants.NO_VALUE && temperature.HasValue && aValue > temperature.Value)
                    retValue = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.SimpleGeneric, StringConstants.INAPPROPRIATE_SPECIFIED_VALUE, pv.VarTypeName + " can not be greater than " + StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.DRY_BULB_TEMPERATURE));
                else if (aValue != Constants.NO_VALUE && dewPoint.HasValue && aValue < dewPoint.Value)
                    retValue = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.SimpleGeneric, StringConstants.INAPPROPRIATE_SPECIFIED_VALUE, pv.VarTypeName + " can not be less than than " + StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.DEW_POINT));
            //else if (pv.VarTypeName == StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.DEW_POINT))
            else if (pv == dewPoint)
                if (aValue != Constants.NO_VALUE && temperature.HasValue && aValue > temperature.Value)
                    retValue = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.SimpleGeneric, StringConstants.INAPPROPRIATE_SPECIFIED_VALUE, pv.VarTypeName + " can not be greater than " + StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.DRY_BULB_TEMPERATURE));
                else if (aValue != Constants.NO_VALUE && wetBulbTemperature.HasValue && aValue > wetBulbTemperature.Value)
                    retValue = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.SimpleGeneric, StringConstants.INAPPROPRIATE_SPECIFIED_VALUE, pv.VarTypeName + " can not be greater than " + StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.WET_BULB_TEMPERATURE));
            //else if (pv.VarTypeName == StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.HUMIDITY))
            else if (pv == Humidity)
                if (aValue != Constants.NO_VALUE && aValue < 0)
                    retValue = CreateLessThanZeroErrorMessage(pv);
                else if (aValue != Constants.NO_VALUE && pressure.HasValue)
                    double maxHumidity = 1000.0;

                    HumidGasCalculator humidGasCalculator = GetHumidGasCalculator();
                    if (temperature.HasValue)
                        maxHumidity = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidityFromDewPointAndPressure(temperature.Value, pressure.Value);
                    else if (wetBulbTemperature.HasValue)
                        maxHumidity = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidityFromDewPointAndPressure(wetBulbTemperature.Value, pressure.Value);
                    else if (dewPoint.HasValue)
                        maxHumidity = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidityFromDewPointAndPressure(dewPoint.Value, pressure.Value);

                    if (aValue > maxHumidity)
                        aValue   = maxHumidity;
                        retValue = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.SimpleGeneric, StringConstants.INAPPROPRIATE_SPECIFIED_VALUE, "The maximum humidity under current conditions is " + aValue.ToString());
            //else if (pv.VarTypeName == StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY))
            else if (pv == relativeHumidity)
                if (aValue != Constants.NO_VALUE && (aValue < 0 || aValue > 1.0))
                    retValue = CreateOutOfRangeZeroToOneErrorMessage(pv);
