Beispiel #1
     * Tether one of the ends to a Transform (null is ok) with a local or world offset
     * The other offset is set to zero, but technically both can be used together
    public void TetherEndToTransformWithOffset(int end, Transform trans, Vector3 offset, bool isWorld = false)
        GameObject     o = trans.gameObject;
        StretchyTarget t = o.GetComponent <StretchyTarget>();

        if (t == null)
            t = o.AddComponent <StretchyTarget>();
        TetherEndToTargetWithOffset(end, t, offset, isWorld);
Beispiel #2
  * Reset targetMargin values from each target's defaultMargin
  * If an end has no target, leave it alone.
 void ResetTargetMargins()
     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
         StretchyTarget t = target[i];
         if (t != null)
             targetMargin[i] = t.defaultMargin;
         // targetMargin[i] = (t != null) ? t.defaultMargin : 0;
Beispiel #3
     * Set target points to object world positions plus offsets.
     * The local offset is always applied. The world offset is applied if enabled.
     * We call Stretchy.Update to do the hard work.
    protected override void Update()
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            StretchyTarget t = target[i];
            if (t != null)
                targetPoint[i] = t.worldTetherPoint;

Beispiel #4
  * Tether one of the ends to a StretchyTarget (null is ok) with a local or world offset
  * The other offset is set to zero, but technically both can be used together
 public void TetherEndToTargetWithOffset(int end, StretchyTarget t, Vector3 offset, bool isWorld = false)
     if (end == 0 || end == 1)
         if (t != null)
             if (isWorld)
                 t.SetOffsets(, offset);
         target[end] = t;
Beispiel #5
     * Get the next free target on an object, or make one
    StretchyTarget GetFreeTargetForObject(GameObject obj)
        StretchyTarget outTarget = null;

        foreach (StretchyTarget t in obj.GetComponents <StretchyTarget>())
            if (t.isFree)
                outTarget = t;
        if (outTarget == null)
            outTarget = obj.AddComponent <StretchyTarget>();
Beispiel #6
  * Set an end's local or world target offset based on current relative positions.
  * In this implementation, setting one clears the other. But technically it's no
  * problem to use both in tandem.
 public void RefreshTargetOffset(int end)
     if (end == 0 || end == 1)
         StretchyTarget t = target[end];
         if (t != null)
             if (t.useWorldOffset)
                 t.SetOffsets(, t.WorldOffsetToPoint(endPoints[end]));
Beispiel #7
  * Tether one of the ends to a StretchyTarget (null is ok) with a local offset
 public void TetherEndToTargetWithLocalOffset(int end, StretchyTarget target, Vector3 offset)
     TetherEndToTargetWithOffset(end, target, offset, false);
Beispiel #8
  * Tether one of the ends to a StretchyTarget (null is ok) with a world offset
 public void TetherEndToTargetWithWorldOffset(int end, StretchyTarget target, Vector3 offset)
     TetherEndToTargetWithOffset(end, target, offset, true);
Beispiel #9
  * Tether one of the ends to a StretchyTarget (null is ok)
 public void TetherEndToTarget(int end, StretchyTarget target)
     TetherEndToTargetWithOffset(end, target,;
Beispiel #10
     * Using the current arrangement of objects,
     * set the target.localOffset and target.worldOffset vectors for both ends.
     * The ends may be swapped if needed.
     * Currently the ends are both set as having either local or world offsets
     * on initialization. World offsets use slightly less processing, but
     * local offsets are the default because they are the more common case,
     * working properly even as the system rotates and scales in the world.
    public void RefreshTargetOffsets()
        int targetCount = 0;

        bool[] hasTarget = new bool[2];
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            if (hasTarget[i] = (target[i] != null))

        if (targetCount == 0)

        Vector3[] endPt = endPoints; // Get start and end points of the stretch

        if (targetCount == 1)
            // With 1 target a reversal means the ends will be preset as:
            //  (A) Associated with a target, but the point farther from the target
            //  (B) Associated with no target, but the point closer to the target
            // The correct solution is to swap the tether-points:
            //  (A) Associated with a target and the point closer to the target
            //  (B) Associated with no target and the point farther from the target

            int            targetEnd = hasTarget[0] ? 0 : 1; // The index with a target
            StretchyTarget t         = target[targetEnd];    // The target component

            // Is the end with no target actually closer to the target?
            if (t.WorldDistanceToPoint(endPt[1 - targetEnd]) < t.WorldDistanceToPoint(endPt[targetEnd]))
        else // targetCount == 2

        // End 1 closer to target 2? Just swap the points to get smallest offsets.
            if (target[1].WorldDistanceToPoint(endPt[0]) < target[0].WorldDistanceToPoint(endPt[0]))

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            if (hasTarget[i])
                StretchyTarget t = target[i];
                if (t.useWorldOffset)
                    t.SetOffsets(, t.WorldOffsetToPoint(endPt[i]));
    } // end of RefreshTargetOffsets
    * Tether one of the ends to a StretchyTarget (null is ok) with a world offset
 public void TetherEndToTargetWithWorldOffset(int end, StretchyTarget target, Vector3 offset)
     TetherEndToTargetWithOffset(end, target, offset, true);
    * Tether one of the ends to a StretchyTarget (null is ok) with a local or world offset
    * The other offset is set to zero, but technically both can be used together
 public void TetherEndToTargetWithOffset(int end, StretchyTarget t, Vector3 offset, bool isWorld=false)
     if (end == 0 || end == 1) {
       if (t != null) {
     if (isWorld)
       t.SetOffsets(, offset);
       target[end] = t;
    * Tether one of the ends to a StretchyTarget (null is ok) with a local offset
 public void TetherEndToTargetWithLocalOffset(int end, StretchyTarget target, Vector3 offset)
     TetherEndToTargetWithOffset(end, target, offset, false);
    * Tether one of the ends to a StretchyTarget (null is ok)
 public void TetherEndToTarget(int end, StretchyTarget target)
     TetherEndToTargetWithOffset(end, target,;