Beispiel #1
        // ---------- SUPPORT METHODS

        private bool readWAV(Stream source, ReadTagParams readTagParams)
            bool result = true;
            uint riffChunkSize;
            long riffChunkSizePos;

            byte[] data = new byte[4];

            source.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Read header
            source.Read(data, 0, 4);
            string str = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data);

            if (str.Equals(HEADER_RIFF))
                _isLittleEndian = true;
            else if (str.Equals(HEADER_RIFX))
                _isLittleEndian = false;

            // Force creation of FileStructureHelper with detected endianness
            structureHelper      = new FileStructureHelper(isLittleEndian);
            id3v2StructureHelper = new FileStructureHelper(isLittleEndian);

            riffChunkSizePos = source.Position;
            source.Read(data, 0, 4);
            if (isLittleEndian)
                riffChunkSize = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt32(data);
                riffChunkSize = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt32(data);

            // Format code
            source.Read(data, 0, 4);
            str = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data);
            if (!str.Equals(FORMAT_WAVE))

            string subChunkId;
            uint   chunkSize;
            long   chunkDataPos;
            bool   foundSample = false;
            bool   foundBext   = false;
            bool   foundInfo   = false;
            bool   foundIXml   = false;

            // Sub-chunks loop
            while (source.Position < riffChunkSize + 8)
                // Chunk ID
                source.Read(data, 0, 4);
                if (0 == data[0]) // Sometimes data segment ends with a parasite null byte
                    source.Seek(-3, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    source.Read(data, 0, 4);

                subChunkId = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data);

                // Chunk size
                source.Read(data, 0, 4);
                if (isLittleEndian)
                    chunkSize = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt32(data);
                    chunkSize = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt32(data);

                chunkDataPos = source.Position;

                if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_FORMAT))
                    source.Read(data, 0, 2);
                    if (isLittleEndian)
                        formatId = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt16(data);
                        formatId = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(data);

                    source.Read(data, 0, 2);
                    if (isLittleEndian)
                        channelsArrangement = ChannelsArrangements.GuessFromChannelNumber(StreamUtils.DecodeUInt16(data));
                        channelsArrangement = ChannelsArrangements.GuessFromChannelNumber(StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(data));

                    source.Read(data, 0, 4);
                    if (isLittleEndian)
                        sampleRate = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt32(data);
                        sampleRate = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt32(data);

                    source.Read(data, 0, 4);
                    if (isLittleEndian)
                        bytesPerSecond = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt32(data);
                        bytesPerSecond = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt32(data);

                    source.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current); // BlockAlign

                    source.Read(data, 0, 2);
                    if (isLittleEndian)
                        bitsPerSample = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt16(data);
                        bitsPerSample = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(data);
                else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_DATA))
                    headerSize = riffChunkSize - chunkSize;
                else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_FACT))
                    source.Read(data, 0, 4);
                    if (isLittleEndian)
                        sampleNumber = StreamUtils.DecodeInt32(data);
                        sampleNumber = StreamUtils.DecodeBEInt32(data);
                else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_SAMPLE))
                    structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position - 8, (int)(chunkSize + 8), subChunkId);
                    structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, riffChunkSize, subChunkId);

                    foundSample = true;
                    tagExists   = true;

                    SampleTag.FromStream(source, this, readTagParams);
                else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_BEXT))
                    structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position - 8, (int)(chunkSize + 8), subChunkId);
                    structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, riffChunkSize, subChunkId);

                    foundBext = true;
                    tagExists = true;

                    BextTag.FromStream(source, this, readTagParams);
                else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_INFO))
                    // Purpose of the list should be INFO
                    source.Read(data, 0, 4);
                    string purpose = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data, 0, 4);
                    if (purpose.Equals(InfoTag.PURPOSE_INFO))
                        structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position - 12, (int)(chunkSize + 8), subChunkId);
                        structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, riffChunkSize, subChunkId);

                        foundInfo = true;
                        tagExists = true;

                        InfoTag.FromStream(source, this, readTagParams, chunkSize);
                else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_IXML))
                    structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position - 8, (int)(chunkSize + 8), subChunkId);
                    structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, riffChunkSize, subChunkId);

                    foundIXml = true;
                    tagExists = true;

                    IXmlTag.FromStream(source, this, readTagParams, chunkSize);
                else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_ID3))
                    id3v2Offset = source.Position;

                    // Zone is already added by Id3v2.Read
                    id3v2StructureHelper.AddZone(id3v2Offset - 8, (int)(chunkSize + 8), subChunkId);
                    id3v2StructureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, riffChunkSize, subChunkId);

                source.Seek(chunkDataPos + chunkSize, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Add zone placeholders for future tag writing
            if (readTagParams.PrepareForWriting)
                if (!foundSample)
                    structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position, 0, CHUNK_SAMPLE);
                    structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, riffChunkSize, CHUNK_SAMPLE);
                if (!foundBext)
                    structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position, 0, CHUNK_BEXT);
                    structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, riffChunkSize, CHUNK_BEXT);
                if (!foundInfo)
                    structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position, 0, CHUNK_INFO);
                    structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, riffChunkSize, CHUNK_INFO);
                if (!foundIXml)
                    structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position, 0, CHUNK_IXML);
                    structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, riffChunkSize, CHUNK_IXML);

            // ID3 zone should be set as the very last one for Windows to be able to read the LIST INFO zone properly
            if (-1 == id3v2Offset)
                id3v2Offset = 0; // Switch status to "tried to read, but nothing found"

                if (readTagParams.PrepareForWriting)
                    id3v2StructureHelper.AddZone(source.Position, 0, CHUNK_ID3);
                    id3v2StructureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, riffChunkSize, CHUNK_ID3);

Beispiel #2
        public static ImageProperties GetImageProperties(byte[] imageData, ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.Undefined)
            ImageProperties props = new ImageProperties();

            if (ImageFormat.Undefined.Equals(format))
                format = GetImageFormatFromPictureHeader(imageData);

            if (format.Equals(ImageFormat.Unsupported))

            props.NumColorsInPalette = 0;
            props.Format             = format;

            using (MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(imageData))
                using (BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(s))
                    long limit = (long)Math.Round(s.Length * 0.25); // TODO - test and adjust limit

                    switch (format)
                    case (ImageFormat.Tiff):
                        bool isBigEndian = (0x4D == r.ReadByte());
                        s.Seek(3, SeekOrigin.Current); // Skip the rest of the signature
                        long IFDOffset = readInt32(r, isBigEndian);

                        s.Seek(IFDOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        int nbIFDEntries = readInt16(r, isBigEndian);

                        long initialPos = s.Position;
                        int  IFDtag, IFDFieldType, IFDNbValues, IFDValue;
                        int  photometricInterpretation = 0;
                        int  bitsPerSample             = 0;
                        int  samplesPerPixel           = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < nbIFDEntries; i++)
                            IFDtag       = readInt16(r, isBigEndian);
                            IFDFieldType = readInt16(r, isBigEndian);
                            IFDNbValues  = readInt32(r, isBigEndian);
                            IFDValue     = readInt32(r, isBigEndian);

                            switch (IFDtag)
                            // Common properties
                            case (0x0100):
                                props.Width = IFDValue;

                            case (0x0101):
                                props.Height = IFDValue;

                            // Specific properties
                            case (0x0106):                      // PhotometricInterpretation
                                photometricInterpretation = IFDValue;
                                if (IFDValue < 2)
                                    props.ColorDepth = 1;                           // Bilevel image
                                else if (2 == IFDValue)
                                    props.ColorDepth = 24;                          // RGB full color image
                                // NB : A value of 3 would indicate a palette-color image, but has no effect here

                            case (0x0102):                      // BitsPerSample
                                bitsPerSample = IFDValue;

                            case (0x0115):                      // SamplesPerPixel
                                samplesPerPixel = IFDValue;

                        if (photometricInterpretation < 2) // Bilevel
                            props.ColorDepth = bitsPerSample;
                        else if (2 == photometricInterpretation) // RGB
                            props.ColorDepth = 8 * samplesPerPixel;
                        else if (3 == photometricInterpretation) // Palette
                            props.ColorDepth         = 8 * samplesPerPixel;
                            props.NumColorsInPalette = bitsPerSample;


                    case (ImageFormat.Gif):
                        byte[] GraphicControlExtensionBlockSignature = new byte[2] {
                            0x21, 0xf9

                        props.ColorDepth = 24;         // 1 byte for each component

                        s.Seek(3, SeekOrigin.Current); // Skip GIF signature

                        string version = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(r.ReadBytes(3));

                        s.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); // Skip logical screen descriptors

                        byte globalPaletteUse = r.ReadByte();
                        if (((globalPaletteUse & 0x80) >> 7) > 0) // File uses a global color palette
                            props.NumColorsInPalette = 2 << (globalPaletteUse & 0x07);

                         * v89a means that the first image block should follow the first graphic control extension block
                         * (which may in turn be located after an application extension block if the GIF is animated)
                         * => The simplest way to get to the 1st image block is to look for the 1st
                         * graphic control extension block, and to skip it
                        if ("89a".Equals(version))
                            initialPos = s.Position;
                            if (StreamUtils.FindSequence(s, GraphicControlExtensionBlockSignature))
                                s.Seek(6, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                LogDelegator.GetLogDelegate()(Log.LV_WARNING, "Invalid v89a GIF file; no graphic control extension block found");
                                // GIF is malformed; trying to find the image block directly
                                s.Seek(initialPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                if (StreamUtils.FindSequence(s, new byte[1] {
                                    s.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);

                        // At this point, we should be at the very beginning of the first image block
                        if (0x2c == r.ReadByte())
                            s.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); // Skip image position descriptors
                            props.Width  = r.ReadInt16();
                            props.Height = r.ReadInt16();

                            // No global palette is set => try and find information in the local palette of the 1st image block
                            if (0 == props.NumColorsInPalette)
                                props.NumColorsInPalette = (int)Math.Pow(2, ((globalPaletteUse & 0x0F) << 4) + 1);
                            LogDelegator.GetLogDelegate()(Log.LV_WARNING, "Error parsing GIF file; image block not found");


                    case (ImageFormat.Bmp):

                        // Skip useless information
                        s.Seek(18, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        props.Width  = r.ReadInt32();
                        props.Height = r.ReadInt32();
                        s.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current); // Planes
                        props.ColorDepth = r.ReadInt16();

                        // No support for BMP color palettes, as they seem to be exotic (and ATL has no use of this information)


                    case (ImageFormat.Png):
                        byte[] intData               = new byte[4];
                        byte[] IHDRChunkSignature    = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetBytes("IHDR");
                        byte[] PaletteChunkSignature = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetBytes("PLTE");

                        // Skip header
                        s.Seek(8, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        // Scroll chunks until we find IHDR (that should be the first one to appear, but who knows...)
                        if (0 == findPngChunk(s, IHDRChunkSignature, limit))
                            LogDelegator.GetLogDelegate()(Log.LV_WARNING, "Invalid PNG file; no IHDR chunk found");
                            // Read IHDR chunk
                            s.Read(intData, 0, 4);
                            props.Width = StreamUtils.DecodeBEInt32(intData);
                            s.Read(intData, 0, 4);
                            props.Height     = StreamUtils.DecodeBEInt32(intData);
                            props.ColorDepth = r.ReadByte();
                            int colorType = r.ReadByte();
                            if (3 == colorType)                // PNG file uses a palette
                                s.Seek(7, SeekOrigin.Current); // 3 last useful data + ending chunk CRC
                                uint paletteChunkSize = findPngChunk(s, PaletteChunkSignature, limit);
                                if (0 == paletteChunkSize)
                                    LogDelegator.GetLogDelegate()(Log.LV_WARNING, "Invalid PNG file; palette declared, but no PLTE chunk found");
                                    props.NumColorsInPalette = (int)Math.Floor(paletteChunkSize / 3.0);
                                props.NumColorsInPalette = 0;


                    case (ImageFormat.Jpeg):
                        byte[] shortData          = new byte[2];
                        byte[] SOF0FrameSignature = new byte[2] {
                            0xFF, 0xC0

                         * We just need to reach the SOF0 frame descripting the actual picture
                         * In order to handle JPEG files that contain multiple SOF0 frames (see test suite),
                         * the simplest way of proceeding is to look for all SOF0 frames in the first 25% of the file,
                         * and then read the very last one
                        long lastPos = 0;

                        while (StreamUtils.FindSequence(s, SOF0FrameSignature, limit))
                            lastPos = s.Position;

                        if (0 == lastPos)
                            LogDelegator.GetLogDelegate()(Log.LV_WARNING, "Invalid JPEG file; no SOF0 frame found");
                            // Skip frame length
                            s.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current);
                            bitsPerSample = r.ReadByte();
                            s.Read(shortData, 0, 2);
                            props.Height = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(shortData);
                            s.Read(shortData, 0, 2);
                            props.Width = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(shortData);
                            byte nbComponents = r.ReadByte();
                            props.ColorDepth = bitsPerSample * nbComponents;


Beispiel #3
        protected override bool read(BinaryReader source, MetaDataIO.ReadTagParams readTagParams)
            bool result      = true;
            int  maxPatterns = -1;
            byte nbSamples;

            string        readString;
            StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder("");

            Sample sample;
            IList <IList <int> > pattern;
            IList <int>          row;


            // == TITLE ==
            readString = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(source.ReadBytes(4));
            if (readString.Equals(SIG_POWERPACKER))
                throw new InvalidDataException("MOD files compressed with PowerPacker are not supported yet");

            tagExists = true;

            // Restart from beginning, else parser might miss empty titles
            source.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Title = max first 20 chars; null-terminated
            string title = StreamUtils.ReadNullTerminatedStringFixed(source, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII, 20);

            if (readTagParams.PrepareForWriting)
                structureHelper.AddZone(0, 20, new byte[20] {
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                }, ZONE_TITLE);
            tagData.IntegrateValue(TagData.TAG_FIELD_TITLE, title.Trim());

            AudioDataOffset = source.BaseStream.Position;
            AudioDataSize   = sizeInfo.FileSize - AudioDataOffset;

            // == SAMPLES ==
            nbSamples = detectNbSamples(source);
            string charOne = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(new byte[] { 1 });

            for (int i = 0; i < nbSamples; i++)
                sample              = new Sample();
                sample.Name         = StreamUtils.ReadNullTerminatedStringFixed(source, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII, 22).Trim();
                sample.Name         = sample.Name.Replace("\0", "");
                sample.Name         = sample.Name.Replace(charOne, "");
                sample.Size         = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(source.ReadBytes(2)) * 2;
                sample.Finetune     = source.ReadSByte();
                sample.Volume       = source.ReadByte();
                sample.RepeatOffset = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(source.ReadBytes(2)) * 2;
                sample.RepeatLength = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(source.ReadBytes(2)) * 2;

            // == SONG ==
            nbValidPatterns = source.ReadByte();
            source.BaseStream.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current); // Controversial byte; no real use here
            for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
                FPatternTable.Add(source.ReadByte());                           // Pattern table
            // File format tag
            formatTag = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(source.ReadBytes(4)).Trim();
            if (modFormats.ContainsKey(formatTag))
                nbChannels  = modFormats[formatTag].NbChannels;
                trackerName = modFormats[formatTag].Name;
            else // Default
                nbChannels = NB_CHANNELS_DEFAULT;
                LogDelegator.GetLogDelegate()(Log.LV_WARNING, "MOD format tag '" + formatTag + "'not recognized");

            // == PATTERNS ==
            // Some extra information about the "FLT8" -type MOD's:
            // These MOD's have 8 channels, still the format isn't the same as the
            // other 8 channel formats ("OCTA", "CD81", "8CHN"): instead of storing
            // ONE 8-track pattern, it stores TWO 4-track patterns per logical pattern.
            // i.e. The first 4 channels of the first logical pattern are stored in
            // the first physical 4-channel pattern (size 1kb) whereas channel 5 until
            // channel 8 of the first logical pattern are stored as the SECOND physical
            // 4-channel pattern. Got it? ;-).
            // If you convert all the 4 channel patterns to 8 channel patterns, do not
            // forget to divide each pattern nr by 2 in the pattern sequence table!

            foreach (byte b in FPatternTable)
                maxPatterns = Math.Max(maxPatterns, b);

            for (int p = 0; p < maxPatterns + 1; p++) // Patterns loop
                FPatterns.Add(new List <IList <int> >());
                pattern = FPatterns[FPatterns.Count - 1];
                // Rows loop
                for (int l = 0; l < MAX_ROWS; l++)
                    pattern.Add(new List <int>());
                    row = pattern[pattern.Count - 1];
                    for (int c = 0; c < nbChannels; c++) // Channels loop
                    } // end channels loop
                }     // end rows loop
            }         // end patterns loop

            // == Computing track properties

            duration = calculateDuration();

            foreach (Sample aSample in FSamples)
                if (aSample.Name.Length > 0)
            if (comment.Length > 0)
                comment.Remove(comment.Length - 1, 1);

            tagData.IntegrateValue(TagData.TAG_FIELD_COMMENT, comment.ToString());

            bitrate = sizeInfo.FileSize / duration;

Beispiel #4
        protected override bool read(BinaryReader source, MetaDataIO.ReadTagParams readTagParams)
            bool result = false;
            long position;

            source.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            if (AIFF_CONTAINER_ID.Equals(Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(source.ReadBytes(4))))
                // Container chunk size
                long containerChunkPos  = source.BaseStream.Position;
                int  containerChunkSize = StreamUtils.DecodeBEInt32(source.ReadBytes(4));

                if (containerChunkPos + containerChunkSize + 4 != source.BaseStream.Length)
                    LogDelegator.GetLogDelegate()(Log.LV_WARNING, "Header size is incoherent with file size");

                // Form type
                format = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(source.ReadBytes(4));

                if (format.Equals(FORMTYPE_AIFF) || format.Equals(FORMTYPE_AIFC))
                    isValid = true;

                    StringBuilder commentStr         = new StringBuilder("");
                    long          soundChunkPosition = 0;
                    long          soundChunkSize     = 0; // Header size included
                    bool          nameFound          = false;
                    bool          authorFound        = false;
                    bool          copyrightFound     = false;
                    bool          commentsFound      = false;
                    long          limit = Math.Min(containerChunkPos + containerChunkSize + 4, source.BaseStream.Length);

                    int annotationIndex = 0;
                    int commentIndex    = 0;

                    while (source.BaseStream.Position < limit)
                        ChunkHeader header = seekNextChunkHeader(source, limit);

                        position = source.BaseStream.Position;

                        if (header.ID.Equals(CHUNKTYPE_COMMON))
                            short channels = StreamUtils.DecodeBEInt16(source.ReadBytes(2));
                            switch (channels)
                            case 1: channelsArrangement = MONO; break;

                            case 2: channelsArrangement = STEREO; break;

                            case 3: channelsArrangement = ISO_3_0_0; break;

                            case 4: channelsArrangement = ISO_2_2_0; break;     // Specs actually allow both 2/2.0 and LRCS

                            case 6: channelsArrangement = LRLcRcCS; break;

                            default: channelsArrangement = UNKNOWN; break;

                            numSampleFrames = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt32(source.ReadBytes(4));
                            sampleSize      = (uint)StreamUtils.DecodeBEInt16(source.ReadBytes(2)); // This sample size is for uncompressed data only
                            byte[] byteArray = source.ReadBytes(10);
                            double aSampleRate = StreamUtils.ExtendedToDouble(byteArray);

                            if (format.Equals(FORMTYPE_AIFC))
                                compression = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(source.ReadBytes(4));
                            else // AIFF <=> no compression
                                compression = COMPRESSION_NONE;

                            if (aSampleRate > 0)
                                sampleRate = (int)Math.Round(aSampleRate);
                                duration   = (double)numSampleFrames * 1000.0 / sampleRate;

                                if (!compression.Equals(COMPRESSION_NONE)) // Sample size is specific to selected compression method
                                    if (compression.ToLower().Equals("fl32"))
                                        sampleSize = 32;
                                    else if (compression.ToLower().Equals("fl64"))
                                        sampleSize = 64;
                                    else if (compression.ToLower().Equals("alaw"))
                                        sampleSize = 8;
                                    else if (compression.ToLower().Equals("ulaw"))
                                        sampleSize = 8;
                                if (duration > 0)
                                    bitrate = sampleSize * numSampleFrames * channelsArrangement.NbChannels / duration;
                        else if (header.ID.Equals(CHUNKTYPE_SOUND))
                            soundChunkPosition = source.BaseStream.Position - 8;
                            soundChunkSize     = header.Size + 8;
                        else if (header.ID.Equals(CHUNKTYPE_NAME) || header.ID.Equals(CHUNKTYPE_AUTHOR) || header.ID.Equals(CHUNKTYPE_COPYRIGHT))
                            structureHelper.AddZone(source.BaseStream.Position - 8, header.Size + 8, header.ID);
                            structureHelper.AddSize(containerChunkPos, containerChunkSize, header.ID);

                            tagExists = true;
                            if (header.ID.Equals(CHUNKTYPE_NAME))
                                nameFound = true;
                            if (header.ID.Equals(CHUNKTYPE_AUTHOR))
                                authorFound = true;
                            if (header.ID.Equals(CHUNKTYPE_COPYRIGHT))
                                copyrightFound = true;

                            SetMetaField(header.ID, Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(source.ReadBytes(header.Size)), readTagParams.ReadAllMetaFrames);
                        else if (header.ID.Equals(CHUNKTYPE_ANNOTATION))
                            structureHelper.AddZone(source.BaseStream.Position - 8, header.Size + 8, header.ID + annotationIndex);
                            structureHelper.AddSize(containerChunkPos, containerChunkSize, header.ID + annotationIndex);

                            if (commentStr.Length > 0)
                            tagExists = true;
                        else if (header.ID.Equals(CHUNKTYPE_COMMENTS))
                            structureHelper.AddZone(source.BaseStream.Position - 8, header.Size + 8, header.ID + commentIndex);
                            structureHelper.AddSize(containerChunkPos, containerChunkSize, header.ID + commentIndex);

                            tagExists     = true;
                            commentsFound = true;

                            ushort numComs = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(source.ReadBytes(2));

                            for (int i = 0; i < numComs; i++)
                                CommentData cmtData = new CommentData();
                                cmtData.Timestamp = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt32(source.ReadBytes(4));
                                cmtData.MarkerId  = StreamUtils.DecodeBEInt16(source.ReadBytes(2));

                                // Comments length
                                ushort        comLength = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(source.ReadBytes(2));
                                MetaFieldInfo comment   = new MetaFieldInfo(getImplementedTagType(), header.ID + commentIndex);
                                comment.Value        = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(source.ReadBytes(comLength));
                                comment.SpecificData = cmtData;

                                // Only read general purpose comments, not those linked to a marker
                                if (0 == cmtData.MarkerId)
                                    if (commentStr.Length > 0)
                        else if (header.ID.Equals(CHUNKTYPE_ID3TAG))
                            id3v2Offset = source.BaseStream.Position;

                            // Zone is already added by Id3v2.Read
                            id3v2StructureHelper.AddZone(id3v2Offset - 8, header.Size + 8, CHUNKTYPE_ID3TAG);
                            id3v2StructureHelper.AddSize(containerChunkPos, containerChunkSize, CHUNKTYPE_ID3TAG);

                        source.BaseStream.Position = position + header.Size;

                        if (header.ID.Equals(CHUNKTYPE_SOUND) && header.Size % 2 > 0)
                            source.BaseStream.Position += 1;                                                           // Sound chunk size must be even

                    tagData.IntegrateValue(TagData.TAG_FIELD_COMMENT, commentStr.ToString().Replace("\0", " ").Trim());

                    if (-1 == id3v2Offset)
                        id3v2Offset = 0; // Switch status to "tried to read, but nothing found"

                        if (readTagParams.PrepareForWriting)
                            id3v2StructureHelper.AddZone(soundChunkPosition + soundChunkSize, 0, CHUNKTYPE_ID3TAG);
                            id3v2StructureHelper.AddSize(containerChunkPos, containerChunkSize, CHUNKTYPE_ID3TAG);

                    // Add zone placeholders for future tag writing
                    if (readTagParams.PrepareForWriting)
                        if (!nameFound)
                            structureHelper.AddZone(soundChunkPosition, 0, CHUNKTYPE_NAME);
                            structureHelper.AddSize(containerChunkPos, containerChunkSize, CHUNKTYPE_NAME);
                        if (!authorFound)
                            structureHelper.AddZone(soundChunkPosition, 0, CHUNKTYPE_AUTHOR);
                            structureHelper.AddSize(containerChunkPos, containerChunkSize, CHUNKTYPE_AUTHOR);
                        if (!copyrightFound)
                            structureHelper.AddZone(soundChunkPosition, 0, CHUNKTYPE_COPYRIGHT);
                            structureHelper.AddSize(containerChunkPos, containerChunkSize, CHUNKTYPE_COPYRIGHT);
                        if (!commentsFound)
                            structureHelper.AddZone(soundChunkPosition, 0, CHUNKTYPE_COMMENTS);
                            structureHelper.AddSize(containerChunkPos, containerChunkSize, CHUNKTYPE_COMMENTS);

                    result = true;

        public void StreamUtils_Exceptions()
            Assert.IsFalse(StreamUtils.ArrEqualsArr(new byte[1], new byte[2]));
            Assert.IsFalse(StreamUtils.StringEqualsArr(".", new char[2]));

                StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(new byte[1]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeUInt16(new byte[1]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeInt16(new byte[1]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeBEInt16(new byte[1]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeBEInt24(new byte[2]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt24(new byte[2]);
            catch { }

            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt32(new byte[3]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeUInt32(new byte[3]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeBEInt32(new byte[3]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeInt32(new byte[3]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeUInt64(new byte[7]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeBEInt64(new byte[7]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeSynchSafeInt(new byte[6]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.DecodeSynchSafeInt32(new byte[6]);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.EncodeSynchSafeInt(1, 0);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.EncodeSynchSafeInt(1, 6);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.ReadBits(new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream()), 0, 0);
            catch { }

                StreamUtils.ReadBits(new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream()), 0, 33);
            catch { }