Beispiel #1
        private int GetNumberOfVideosWithId(string id, StreamHosterRSSFeed response)
            int count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < response.Channel.Item.Length; i++)
                if (response.Channel.Item[i].StreamMediaId == id.Remove(id.Length - 2))

Beispiel #2
        private List <string> GetVideoIdsWithId(string id, int videoCount, StreamHosterRSSFeed response)
            List <string> ids = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < response.Channel.Item.Length; i++)
                if (ids.Count == videoCount)

                if (response.Channel.Item[i].StreamMediaId == id.Remove(id.Length - 2))

Beispiel #3
        private async Task ArchiveVideo(StreamHosterRSSFeed response, DataModels.Channel channel)
            List <Video> videos = new List <Video>();

            streamHandler.TryGetValue(channel.Username, out videos);
            var ids = GetVideoIdsWithId(channel.ChannelKey, videos.Count, response);

            videos.Reverse();                      //reverse list content

            for (int i = 0; i < videos.Count; i++) //go through the response as well as the dict and associate each stream to its object
                var video = videos[i];
                video.StreamID = ids[i];
                await Save(video.Id, video);

            channel.InitialStreamCount = 0;
            await Save(channel.Id, channel);

            streamHandler.TryRemove(channel.Username, out _);
Beispiel #4
        private async Task PollVideo(DataModels.Channel channel) //This thread handles checking if the stream is still live
            var archivedVideo = GetVideo(channel);               //Get video information from channel

            await ClearChannelStreamInfo(channel);               //clear all channel info

            if (streamHandler.ContainsKey(channel.Username))     //check if the concurrent dict has the key with the specified username, if it does this means that a thread has already been spawned looking for this video in the rss feed
                List <Video> oldvideos = new List <Video>();
                List <Video> videos    = new List <Video>();
                streamHandler.TryGetValue(channel.Username, out videos);  //add the video info to the list of videos in the concurrent dictionary
                streamHandler.TryGetValue(channel.Username, out oldvideos);
                streamHandler.TryUpdate(channel.Username, videos, oldvideos);
                streamHandler.TryAdd(channel.Username, new List <Video> {
                });                                                                                                                                                      //create a new list and add the archived video info into the list
                StreamHosterRSSFeed initialResponse = await CallXML <StreamHosterRSSFeed>(""); //feed contains all the archived videos and we use it to get the stream id for each video

                if (initialResponse != null && initialResponse.Channel.Item != null)
                    channel.InitialStreamCount = GetNumberOfVideosWithId(channel.ChannelKey, initialResponse); //check for initial count of the rss feed
                    await Save(channel.Id, channel);

                while (true) //looking for the initial count of the feed + how many items are in the video list. The video list is retreived by the username of the current user
                        await Task.Delay(30000);

                        StreamHosterRSSFeed response = await CallXML <StreamHosterRSSFeed>("");

                        if (response != null)
                            List <Video> videos = new List <Video>();
                            streamHandler.TryGetValue(channel.Username, out videos);

                            Debug d = new Debug();
                            d.Id        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            d.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            d.Message   = channel.Username + " | " + (GetNumberOfVideosWithId(channel.ChannelKey, response));
                            await Save(d.Id, d);

                            log.Warning(channel.Username + " is still in the while loop");
                            log.Warning(channel.Username + " " + GetNumberOfVideosWithId(channel.ChannelKey, response) + " Initial Count: " + channel.InitialStreamCount + " Video Count:" + videos.Count);

                            if (response.Channel.Item != null && (GetNumberOfVideosWithId(channel.ChannelKey, response) >= channel.InitialStreamCount + videos.Count)) // we keep polling until the feed is updated to the number of videos (the initial count & concurrent dict count)
                                Debug d1 = new Debug();
                                d1.Id       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                d.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                d1.Message  = channel.Username + " | Videos Found | " + channel.InitialStreamCount + videos.Count;
                                await Save(d1.Id, d1);

                                Console.WriteLine("Videos Found");
                                await ArchiveVideo(response, channel);

                            log.Warning("response is null in poll for " + channel.Username);
                            Console.WriteLine("response is null in poll for " + channel.Username);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        log.Error(e, "Error in Poll");