/// <summary>
        ///Creates a Generic Stream object with user supplied callbacks. This is the most complex way of using
        ///a GenericStream and will require the user to implement more of the functionality normally handled by
        ///the standard callbacks. In particular Marker Support will require the user to make their transfer
        ///method "rewindable" for up to 100MB of previously transferred data. See API Guide: FPStream_CreateGenericStream
        ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreateGenericStream
        ///@param direction		Indicator for the type of GenericStream that is to be created i.e. input to
        ///						Centera or output from Centera.
        ///@param userCBS		Callbacks provided by the user. Typically the derived class will only
        ///						require to override PopulateBuffer and / or ProcessReturnedData.
        ///@param userData		An IntPtr which can be used to reference a user object that may be required
        ///						when working with the input or output data buffer.
        /// </summary>
        public FPGenericStream(StreamDirection direction, FPStreamCallbacks userCBS, IntPtr userData)
            prepare  = new FPCallback(userCBS.PrepareBuffer);
            complete = new FPCallback(userCBS.BlockTransferred);
            mark     = new FPCallback(userCBS.SetMark);
            reset    = new FPCallback(userCBS.ResetMark);
            close    = new FPCallback(userCBS.TransferComplete);

            if (direction == StreamDirection.InputToCentera)
                theStream = SDK.FPStream_CreateGenericStream(prepare, complete, mark, reset, close, userData);
                theStream = SDK.FPStream_CreateGenericStream(null, complete, mark, reset, close, userData);
            AddObject(theStream, this);

            userCBS.StreamRef = theStream;
            userStream        = userCBS.userStream;

                theInfo               = SDK.FPStream_GetInfo(theStream);
                theInfo->mAtEOF       = 0;
                theInfo->mStreamLen   = -1;
                theInfo->mTransferLen = 0;
                theInfo->mStreamPos   = 0;
                theInfo->mMarkerPos   = 0;
                theInfo->mBuffer      = null;

                theInfo->mReadFlag = (byte)direction;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Process any JSON source file paths.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentNode">
        ///     The current json node.
        /// </param>
        private void ProcessJsonFilePaths(JToken currentNode, StreamDirection direction)
            if (currentNode != null)
                if (currentNode.Type == JTokenType.Property)
                    var prop = currentNode as JProperty;

                    // Attempt to process any source.path nodes to correct to the original source location.
                    if (prop.Name == "path" && prop.Parent.Path.EndsWith("source"))
                        string sourceValue = prop.Value.ToString();

                        prop.Value = JValue.CreateString(ApplyPathUpdate(sourceValue, direction));
                foreach (var child in currentNode.Children())
                    if (child.HasValues)
                        ProcessJsonFilePaths(child, direction);
 private FPWideFilenameStream(string filename, StreamDirection direction, FileMode mode)
     : base(File.Open(filename, mode), direction, new IntPtr())
     if (direction == StreamDirection.InputToCentera)
         StreamLen = userStream.Length;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        ///Create a Stream using a buffer to write to (StreamType.InputToCentera)
        ///or read from (StreamType.OutputFromCentera) the Centera.
        ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreateBufferForInput, FPStream_CreateBufferForOutput
        ///@param streamBuffer  The buffer that the Stream will read from (for INPUT to the Centera)
        ///             or write to (for OUTPUT from the Centera).
        ///@param bufferSize  The size of the buffer.
        ///@param streamDirection The StreamDirection enum indicating input or output.
        /// </summary>
        public FPStream(IntPtr streamBuffer, int bufferSize, StreamDirection streamDirection)
            this.theStream = streamDirection == StreamDirection.InputToCentera
                         ? Native.Stream.CreateBufferForInput(streamBuffer, bufferSize)
                         : Native.Stream.CreateBufferForOutput(streamBuffer, bufferSize);

            this.AddObject(this.theStream, this);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Default constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceStream">
        ///     The source stream to write to.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="direction">
        ///     The direction events are sent.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="modifiers">
        ///     The Json modifiers to execute.
        /// </param>
        public PathRenameStream(Stream sourceStream, StreamDirection direction, IList <IJsonModifier> modifiers)
            SourceStream = sourceStream;
            Direction    = direction;

            if (modifiers != null)
                Modifiers = modifiers;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create a new <see cref="ProgressStream"/> that wraps the specified inner <see cref="Stream"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="innerStream">
        ///     The inner stream.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="streamDirection">
        ///     The direction in which the stream's data is expected to flow.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ownsStream">
        ///     Should the <see cref="ProgressStream"/> close the inner stream when it is closed?
        /// </param>
        public ProgressStream(Stream innerStream, StreamDirection streamDirection, bool ownsStream)
            : this(innerStream, streamDirection, ownsStream, DefaultSink.Int64())
            if (_innerStream.CanSeek)
                _sink.Total = _innerStream.Length;

                // AF: What about position?
Beispiel #7
 public static extern IntPtr pa_simple_new(
     string?server,             //const char *   server
     string name,               //const char *   name
     StreamDirection direction, // pa_stream_direction_t     dir,
     string?dev,                // const char *  dev,
     string streamName,         //const char *   stream_name,
     IntPtr sampleSpec,         // pointer to struct SampleSpec
     IntPtr channelMap,         // Channel Map use pass IntPtr.Zero for now
     IntPtr bufferAttributes,   // Playback and record buffer metrics, pass IntPtr.Zero for now
     ref int error);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void ProcessJson(JToken message, StreamDirection direction)
            if (message != null)
                var command = message.SelectToken("$.command")?.Value <string>();
                if (command == "setBreakpoints")
                    var type = message.SelectToken("$.type")?.Value <string>();
                    if (type == "request")
                        // Request
                        var sequence = message.SelectToken("$.seq").Value <int>();

                        lock (dictLock)
                            breakpointDictionary[sequence] = message;
                        // Response
                        var request_seq = message.SelectToken("$.request_seq").Value <int>();

                        JToken requestEvent;
                        if (breakpointDictionary.TryGetValue(request_seq, out requestEvent))
                            // Overwrite the body.breakpoints with arguments.breakpoints.
                            var requestBreakpoints = requestEvent.SelectToken("$.arguments.breakpoints");
                            var respBreakpoints    = message.SelectToken("$.body.breakpoints");
                            if (requestBreakpoints != null && respBreakpoints != null)
                                var reqParent  = requestBreakpoints as JContainer;
                                var respParent = respBreakpoints as JContainer;

                                if (reqParent != null && respParent != null)
                                    // Meger breakpoint line data.
                                                     new JsonMergeSettings()
                                        MergeArrayHandling = MergeArrayHandling.Merge

                        lock (dictLock)
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 ///Create a Stream using a buffer to write to (StreamType.InputToCentera)
 ///or read from (StreamType.OutputFromCentera) the Centera.
 ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreateBufferForInput, FPStream_CreateBufferForOutput
 ///@param	streamBuffer	The buffer that the Stream will read from (for INPUT to the Centera)
 ///							or write to (for OUTPUT from the Centera).
 ///@param	bufferSize	The size of the buffer.
 ///@param	streamDirection	The StreamDirection enum indicating input or output.
 /// </summary>
 public FPStream(IntPtr streamBuffer, int bufferSize, StreamDirection streamDirection)
     if (streamDirection == StreamDirection.InputToCentera)
         theStream = Native.Stream.CreateBufferForInput(streamBuffer, (long)bufferSize);
         theStream = Native.Stream.CreateBufferForOutput(streamBuffer, (long)bufferSize);
     AddObject(theStream, this);
Beispiel #10
        private Dictionary <Type, List <Type> > TypeDependencies(StreamDirection direction)
            var typeDependencies = new Dictionary <Type, List <Type> >();

            //Build up dictionary of new GSA schema types and keywords - to be used to construct dependencies based on these new types
            var layerSchemaDict     = layerKeywordTypes[Initialiser.AppResources.Settings.TargetLayer];
            var layerSchemaTypes    = layerSchemaDict.Keys;
            var layerSchemaKeywords = layerSchemaDict.Values;
            var layerKwDependencies = layerSchemaTypes.ToDictionary(t => layerSchemaDict[t],
                                                                    t => GsaRecord.GetReferencedKeywords(t).Where(kw => layerSchemaKeywords.Contains(kw)).ToList());

            foreach (var oldT in oldSchemaTypes)
                var oldTKeyword = ((string)oldT.GetAttribute <GSAObject>("GSAKeyword")).Split('.').First();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldTKeyword) && !layerKwDependencies.Keys.Any(k => k.GetStringValue().Equals(oldTKeyword, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))

                if (!typeDependencies.ContainsKey(oldT))
                    typeDependencies.Add(oldT, new List <Type>());

                var attVal           = oldT.GetAttribute <GSAObject>(((direction == StreamDirection.Receive) ? "Write" : "Read") + "Prerequisite");
                var prereqs          = (attVal != null) ? ((Type[])attVal).ToList() : new List <Type>();
                var isAnalylsisLayer = (Initialiser.AppResources.Settings.TargetLayer == GSATargetLayer.Analysis);

                foreach (var tPrereq in prereqs)
                    //Remove version for comparison with keyword enum
                    var kwPrereq = ((string)tPrereq.GetAttribute <GSAObject>("GSAKeyword")).Split('.').First();

                    if (layerKwDependencies.Keys.Any(k => k.GetStringValue().Equals(kwPrereq, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ||
                        (tPrereq.Name.Contains("Result") && isAnalylsisLayer))

Beispiel #11
        public PulseAudioSimple(StreamDirection streamDirection, string streamName)
            SampleSpec sampleSpec;

            sampleSpec.channels = 1;
            sampleSpec.format   = SampleFormat.PA_SAMPLE_S16LE;
            sampleSpec.rate     = 8000;

            IntPtr sampleSpecPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(sampleSpec));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(sampleSpec, sampleSpecPtr, true);

            BufferAttributes bufferAttributes = new BufferAttributes();

            if (streamDirection == StreamDirection.Playback)
                bufferAttributes.maxlength = uint.MaxValue;
                bufferAttributes.tlength   = 160 * 2;
                bufferAttributes.prebuf    = uint.MaxValue;
                bufferAttributes.minreq    = uint.MaxValue;
                bufferAttributes.fragsize  = uint.MaxValue;
            if (streamDirection == StreamDirection.Record)
                bufferAttributes.maxlength = 160 * 12;
                bufferAttributes.tlength   = 160 * 2;
                bufferAttributes.prebuf    = 160 * 12;
                bufferAttributes.minreq    = 160 * 2;
                bufferAttributes.fragsize  = 160 * 2;
            IntPtr bufferAttributesPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(bufferAttributes));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(bufferAttributes, bufferAttributesPtr, true);

            int error = 0;

            _paSimple = PulseAudioNativeMethods.pa_simple_new(null, "Ropu", streamDirection, null, streamName, sampleSpecPtr, IntPtr.Zero, bufferAttributesPtr, ref error);
            if (error != 0)
                throw new Exception($"Failed to initalize pulse audio with error {error}");
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create a new <see cref="ProgressStream"/> that wraps the specified inner <see cref="Stream"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="innerStream">
        ///     The inner stream.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="streamDirection">
        ///     The direction in which the stream's data is expected to flow.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ownsStream">
        ///     Should the <see cref="ProgressStream"/> close the inner stream when it is closed?
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="sink">
        ///     The sink used to report stream progress.
        /// </param>
        public ProgressStream(Stream innerStream, StreamDirection streamDirection, bool ownsStream, IProgressSink <long> sink)
            if (innerStream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(innerStream));

            if (innerStream is ProgressStream)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Wrapping a ProgressStream2 in another ProgressStream2 is not currently supported.");

            if (streamDirection == StreamDirection.Unknown)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(streamDirection), streamDirection, $"Invalid stream direction: '{streamDirection}'.");

            _innerStream     = innerStream;
            _streamDirection = streamDirection;
            _sink            = sink;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        ///     Modify the path to the desired mapping format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourcePath">
        ///     The path to the source file.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     The updated path if a file is located elsewhere.
        /// </returns>
        private string ApplyPathUpdate(string sourcePath, StreamDirection direction)
            var resultPath = sourcePath;

            foreach (var path in PathMappings)
                if (sourcePath.StartsWith(path.Key, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    // Replace the path.
                    resultPath = path.Value + resultPath.Substring(path.Key.Length);

                    if (DebugStream != null)
                        DebugStream.WriteLine("*** Replaced Path({2}): {0} -> {1}", path.Key, path.Value, direction);
                        DebugStream.WriteLine("*** Source Path: {0}", sourcePath);
                        DebugStream.WriteLine("*** Target Path: {0}", resultPath);

Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        ///     Configure the modifiers to run.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        ///     The list of modifiers to execute.
        /// </returns>
        private IList <IJsonModifier> ConfigureModifiers(PassthroughSettings settings, StreamDirection direction)
            // Configure the modifiers;
            var modifiers = new List <IJsonModifier>();

            if (settings.UseLegacySourceFolders)
                if (direction == StreamDirection.ToClient)
                    modifiers.Add(new LegacySourcePathRenameModifier(settings.GetLegacySourceFolders(),
                    // Flip the modifier for host mapping.
                    modifiers.Add(new LegacySourcePathRenameModifier(settings.GetLegacySourceFolders().ToDictionary((pair) => pair.Value, (pair) => pair.Key),

            if (settings.UseLegacyBreakpointFix)
                modifiers.Add(new LegacyBreakpointModifier());

Beispiel #15
        private TransactionNode ExtractTNSData(PacketStream stream, StreamDirection direction)
            TransactionNode node;
            OracleTransactionType type;
            List<PacketSlice> slices = new List<PacketSlice>();
            Int16 pLen = 0;
            int packetType;
            try {

                pLen = stream.PeekInt16();
                stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                stream.ReadBytes(2); //skip checksum
                packetType = stream.ReadByte();
                type = (OracleTransactionType)packetType;
                stream.ReadByte(); //skip the reserved byte
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return null;
            switch (type) {
                case OracleTransactionType.CONNECT:
                    try {
                        node = new TransactionNode("Connect");
                        node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                        Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 version = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Version", version, "Version", slices);
                        Int16 compatVersion = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Version (compatible)", compatVersion, "Compatible Version", slices);
                        Int16 serviceOptions = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 sessionDataUnitSize = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 maxTxDataUnitSize = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 NTProtCharacteristics = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 lineTurnValue = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 valueOfOneInHW = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 ctDataLen = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Data Length", ctDataLen, "The length of the connect datastring.", slices);
                        Int16 ctDataOffset = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 maxRecCtData = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 ctFlagsA = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 ctFlagsB = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int32 traceItemA = stream.ReadInt32();
                        Int32 traceItemB = stream.ReadInt32();
                        Int64 traceID = stream.ReadInt64();
                        byte[] ctData = stream.PeekBytes(ctDataLen);
                        string connectData = StaticUtils.DecodeASCII(ctData);

                        stream.ReadBytes(ctDataLen, slices);
                        node.AddField("Connect data", connectData, "Connect data", slices);
                        try {
                            Match match = Regex.Match(connectData, "\\(PROTOCOL=(?<proto>\\w{2,})\\)\\(HOST=(?<host>[.\\w]{7,})\\)\\(PORT=(?<port>\\d{2,})\\)\\).*SERVICE_NAME=(?<sid>[.\\w]{1,})\\)");
                            string proto = match.Groups["proto"].Value;
                            string host = match.Groups["host"].Value;
                            string newPort = match.Groups["port"].Value;
                            string sid = match.Groups["sid"].Value;
                            TransactionNode cInfoNode = new TransactionNode("Connection Info");
                            cInfoNode.AddField("Protocol", proto, "Protocol", slices);
                            cInfoNode.AddField("Host", host, "Server being connected to", slices);
                            cInfoNode.AddField("Port", newPort, "Port", slices);
                            cInfoNode.AddField("Service", sid, "Service", slices);
                        } catch (ArgumentException) {
                        return node;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;
                case OracleTransactionType.ACCEPT:
                    node = new TransactionNode("Accept");
                    node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                    try {
                        Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 version = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Version", version, "Version", slices);
                        Int16 serviceOptions = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 sessionDataUnitSize = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Session Data Unit Size", sessionDataUnitSize, "Session Data Unit Size", slices);
                        Int16 maxTxDataUnitSize = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Max Tx Unit Size", maxTxDataUnitSize, "Maximum Transmission Data Unit Size", slices);

                        Int16 valueOfOneInHW = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 acceptDataLength = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 dataOffset = stream.ReadInt16();
                        int connectFlagsA = stream.ReadByte();
                        int connectFlagsB = stream.ReadByte();
                        stream.ReadBytes(pLen - 24); //read out empty bytes
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;
                    return node;
                case OracleTransactionType.REDIRECT:
                    node = new TransactionNode("Redirect");
                    node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                    try {
                        Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 redirLen = stream.PeekInt16();
                        stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                        node.AddField("Redirection Data Length", redirLen, "Length of the redirection data string", slices);
                        byte[] redirData = stream.PeekBytes(redirLen);
                        string sRedir = StaticUtils.DecodeASCII(redirData);
                        stream.ReadBytes(redirLen, slices);
                        node.AddField("Redirection Data", sRedir, "Redirection data", slices);
                        //get the redirected port
                        string newPort = null;
                        string proto = null;
                        string host = null;
                        try {
                            Match match = Regex.Match(sRedir, "\\(PROTOCOL=(?<proto>\\w{2,})\\)\\(HOST=(?<host>[.\\w]{7,})\\)\\(PORT=(?<port>\\d{2,})\\)\\)");
                            proto = match.Groups["proto"].Value;
                            host = match.Groups["host"].Value;
                            newPort = match.Groups["port"].Value;
                        } catch (ArgumentException) {
                            // Syntax error in the regular expression
                            redirPort = Int32.Parse(newPort);
                        TransactionNode redirInfo = new TransactionNode("Redirection Info");
                        redirInfo.AddField("Protocol", proto, "Protocol used", slices);
                        redirInfo.AddField("Host", host, "Host", slices);
                        redirInfo.AddField("Port", newPort, "Port", slices);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;
                    return node;
                case OracleTransactionType.DATA:
                    string label;
                    if (direction == StreamDirection.IN)
                        label = "Response";
                        label = "Request";
                    node = new TransactionNode("Data - "+label );
                    node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                    try {
                        Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 dataFlags = stream.ReadInt16();
                        int payLoadLength = pLen - 10;
                        byte[] payLoad = stream.PeekBytes(payLoadLength);
                        string sPayload = StaticUtils.DecodeASCII(payLoad);
                        stream.ReadBytes(payLoadLength, slices);
                        node.AddField("Data", sPayload, "Data", slices);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;
                    return node;
                    logger.AddMessage(String.Format("Packet dissection not implemented [TransactionType={0}]", type));
                    return null;
 /// <summary>
 ///Creates a Generic Stream object using the standard callbacks. A Stream derived class is still used for transfer
 ///but the user supplies the direction required (supports bi-directional streams).
 ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreateGenericStream
 ///@param userStream	Instance of an object derived from the Stream class. This object
 ///						is used by the calling application to transfer the data to the Generic
 ///						Stream. Note: The derived Stream class should implement the Seek functionality
 ///                     is this is used to provide Marker Support for the SDK.
 ///@param direction     The direction of the stream.
 ///@param userData		An IntPtr which can be used to reference a user object that may be required
 ///						when working with the input or output data buffer.
 /// </summary>
 public FPGenericStream(Stream userStream, StreamDirection direction, IntPtr userData)
     : this(direction, new FPStreamCallbacks(userStream), userData)
Beispiel #17
 private void OnStreamDirectionChanged(uint streamid, StreamDirection streamdirection, StreamPendingFlags pendingflags)
     Logger.Debug("Conversation::OnStreamDirectionChanged called");
 /// <summary>
 ///Creates a Generic Stream object with user supplied callbacks. A Stream derived class is still used for transfer.
 ///but the user supplies the direction required (supports bi-directional streams).
 ///See API Guide: FPStream_CreateGenericStream
 ///@param userStream	Instance of an object derived from the Stream class. This object
 ///						is used by the calling application to transfer the data to the Generic
 ///						Stream. Note: The derived Stream class should implement the Seek functionality is
 ///                     this is used to provide Marker Support for the SDK.
 ///@param direction     The direction of the stream.
 ///@param userCBS		Callbacks provided by the user. Typically the derived class will only
 ///						require to override PopulateBuffer and / or ProcessReturnedData.
 ///@param userData		An IntPtr which can be used to reference a user object that may be required
 ///						when working with the input or output data buffer.
 /// </summary>
 public FPGenericStream(Stream userStream, StreamDirection direction, FPStreamCallbacks userCBS, IntPtr userData)
     : this(direction, userCBS, userData)
Beispiel #19
        private TransactionNode ExtractTNSData(PacketStream stream, StreamDirection direction)
            TransactionNode       node;
            OracleTransactionType type;
            List <PacketSlice>    slices = new List <PacketSlice>();
            Int16 pLen = 0;
            int   packetType;

            try {
                pLen = stream.PeekInt16();
                stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                stream.ReadBytes(2); //skip checksum
                packetType = stream.ReadByte();
                type       = (OracleTransactionType)packetType;
                stream.ReadByte(); //skip the reserved byte
            } catch (Exception e) {
            switch (type)
            case OracleTransactionType.CONNECT:
                try {
                    node = new TransactionNode("Connect");
                    node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                    Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 version        = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Version", version, "Version", slices);
                    Int16 compatVersion = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Version (compatible)", compatVersion, "Compatible Version", slices);
                    Int16 serviceOptions        = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 sessionDataUnitSize   = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 maxTxDataUnitSize     = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 NTProtCharacteristics = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 lineTurnValue         = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 valueOfOneInHW        = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 ctDataLen             = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Data Length", ctDataLen, "The length of the connect datastring.", slices);
                    Int16 ctDataOffset = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 maxRecCtData = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 ctFlagsA     = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 ctFlagsB     = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int32 traceItemA   = stream.ReadInt32();
                    Int32 traceItemB   = stream.ReadInt32();
                    Int64 traceID      = stream.ReadInt64();
                    byte[] ctData      = stream.PeekBytes(ctDataLen);
                    string connectData = StaticUtils.DecodeASCII(ctData);

                    stream.ReadBytes(ctDataLen, slices);
                    node.AddField("Connect data", connectData, "Connect data", slices);
                    try {
                        Match           match     = Regex.Match(connectData, "\\(PROTOCOL=(?<proto>\\w{2,})\\)\\(HOST=(?<host>[.\\w]{7,})\\)\\(PORT=(?<port>\\d{2,})\\)\\).*SERVICE_NAME=(?<sid>[.\\w]{1,})\\)");
                        string          proto     = match.Groups["proto"].Value;
                        string          host      = match.Groups["host"].Value;
                        string          newPort   = match.Groups["port"].Value;
                        string          sid       = match.Groups["sid"].Value;
                        TransactionNode cInfoNode = new TransactionNode("Connection Info");
                        cInfoNode.AddField("Protocol", proto, "Protocol", slices);
                        cInfoNode.AddField("Host", host, "Server being connected to", slices);
                        cInfoNode.AddField("Port", newPort, "Port", slices);
                        cInfoNode.AddField("Service", sid, "Service", slices);
                    } catch (ArgumentException) {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case OracleTransactionType.ACCEPT:
                node = new TransactionNode("Accept");
                node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                try {
                    Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 version        = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Version", version, "Version", slices);
                    Int16 serviceOptions      = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 sessionDataUnitSize = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Session Data Unit Size", sessionDataUnitSize, "Session Data Unit Size", slices);
                    Int16 maxTxDataUnitSize = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Max Tx Unit Size", maxTxDataUnitSize, "Maximum Transmission Data Unit Size", slices);

                    Int16 valueOfOneInHW   = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 acceptDataLength = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 dataOffset       = stream.ReadInt16();
                    int   connectFlagsA    = stream.ReadByte();
                    int   connectFlagsB    = stream.ReadByte();
                    stream.ReadBytes(pLen - 24);     //read out empty bytes
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case OracleTransactionType.REDIRECT:
                node = new TransactionNode("Redirect");
                node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                try {
                    Int16 headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16 redirLen       = stream.PeekInt16();
                    stream.ReadBytes(2, slices);
                    node.AddField("Redirection Data Length", redirLen, "Length of the redirection data string", slices);
                    byte[] redirData = stream.PeekBytes(redirLen);
                    string sRedir    = StaticUtils.DecodeASCII(redirData);
                    stream.ReadBytes(redirLen, slices);
                    node.AddField("Redirection Data", sRedir, "Redirection data", slices);
                    //get the redirected port
                    string newPort = null;
                    string proto   = null;
                    string host    = null;
                    try {
                        Match match = Regex.Match(sRedir, "\\(PROTOCOL=(?<proto>\\w{2,})\\)\\(HOST=(?<host>[.\\w]{7,})\\)\\(PORT=(?<port>\\d{2,})\\)\\)");
                        proto   = match.Groups["proto"].Value;
                        host    = match.Groups["host"].Value;
                        newPort = match.Groups["port"].Value;
                    } catch (ArgumentException) {
                        // Syntax error in the regular expression
                    if (!newPort.Equals(""))
                        redirPort = Int32.Parse(newPort);
                    TransactionNode redirInfo = new TransactionNode("Redirection Info");
                    redirInfo.AddField("Protocol", proto, "Protocol used", slices);
                    redirInfo.AddField("Host", host, "Host", slices);
                    redirInfo.AddField("Port", newPort, "Port", slices);
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case OracleTransactionType.DATA:
                string label;
                if (direction == StreamDirection.IN)
                    label = "Response";
                    label = "Request";
                node = new TransactionNode("Data - " + label);
                node.AddField("Packet Size", pLen, "Packet Size", slices);

                try {
                    Int16  headerChecksum = stream.ReadInt16();
                    Int16  dataFlags      = stream.ReadInt16();
                    int    payLoadLength  = pLen - 10;
                    byte[] payLoad        = stream.PeekBytes(payLoadLength);
                    string sPayload       = StaticUtils.DecodeASCII(payLoad);
                    stream.ReadBytes(payLoadLength, slices);
                    node.AddField("Data", sPayload, "Data", slices);
                } catch (Exception e) {

                logger.AddMessage(String.Format("Packet dissection not implemented [TransactionType={0}]", type));
Beispiel #20

        private void TranslateEndOfLine(
            StreamDirection direction,
            ByteList inputList,
            ref ByteList outputList
            // NOTE: We require the underlying stream to be valid because we use it to
            //       perform the configured end-of-line transformations.
            if (stream != null)
                // NOTE: Is the input list valid?
                if (inputList != null)
                    // NOTE: How many bytes are in the list?
                    int inputCount = inputList.Count;

                    if (inputCount > 0)
                        // NOTE: Copy the input list to the input buffer because the underlying
                        //       stream transform works on buffers, not lists.
                        byte[] inputBuffer = inputList.ToArray();

                        // NOTE: Allocate an output buffer of equal length to the input buffer
                        //       because the underlying stream transform works on buffers, not
                        //       lists.
                        byte[] outputBuffer = new byte[inputCount];

                        // NOTE: Use the underlying stream to perform the actual end-of-line
                        //       transformations via the buffers we have prepared.  If the stream
                        //       direction is neither Input only nor Output only, we do nothing.
                        int outputCount = Count.Invalid;

                        if (direction == StreamDirection.Output)
                            outputCount = stream.TranslateOutputEndOfLine(
                                inputBuffer, outputBuffer, 0, inputCount);
                        else if (direction == StreamDirection.Input)
                            outputCount = stream.TranslateInputEndOfLine(
                                inputBuffer, outputBuffer, 0, inputCount);

                        // NOTE: Did we transform anything?
                        if (outputCount != Count.Invalid)
                            // NOTE: Finally, set the caller's output list to the contents of the
                            //       resulting [transformed] output buffer.  We have to manually
                            //       copy the bytes into the resulting output list because we may
                            //       not need all the bytes in the output buffer.
                            outputList = new ByteList(outputCount);

                            for (int outputIndex = 0; outputIndex < outputCount; outputIndex++)
                        // NOTE: Garbage in, garbage out.  Empty list to empty list.
                        outputList = new ByteList();
                    // NOTE: Garbage in, garbage out.  Null list to null list.
                    outputList = null;
Beispiel #21
 internal TypeDependencyData(StreamDirection dir, GSATargetLayer layer)
     this.Direction    = dir;
     this.Layer        = layer;
     this.Dependencies = new Dictionary <Type, List <Type> >();
Beispiel #22
 private void OnStreamDirectionChanged(uint streamid, StreamDirection streamdirection, StreamPendingFlags pendingflags)
     Logger.Debug("Conversation::OnStreamDirectionChanged called");
Beispiel #23
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public void ProcessJson(JToken message, StreamDirection direction)
     ProcessJsonFilePaths(message, direction);
Beispiel #24
 public NetworkReader(Stream stream, StreamDirection dir)
     : base(stream)
     direction = dir;
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 ///     Create a new <see cref="ProgressStream"/> that wraps the specified inner <see cref="Stream"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="innerStream">
 ///     The inner stream.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="streamDirection">
 ///     The direction in which the stream's data is expected to flow.
 /// </param>
 public ProgressStream(Stream innerStream, StreamDirection streamDirection)
     : this(innerStream, streamDirection, true)
Beispiel #26
 public IOStream(string name, StreamDirection direction)
     Direction  = direction;
     StreamName = name;
 public DirectedStream(StreamDirection direction, Stream baseStream)
     this.direction = direction;
     this.baseStream = baseStream;