Beispiel #1
        private async Task OnGetJob(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;
            var context = client.ContextAs <MoneroWorkerContext>();

            if (request.Id == null)
                await client.RespondErrorAsync(StratumError.MinusOne, "missing request id", request.Id);


            var getJobRequest = request.ParamsAs <MoneroGetJobRequest>();

            // validate worker
            if (client.ConnectionId != getJobRequest?.WorkerId || !context.IsAuthorized)
                await client.RespondErrorAsync(StratumError.MinusOne, "unauthorized", request.Id);


            // respond
            var job = CreateWorkerJob(client);
            await client.RespondAsync(job, request.Id);
Beispiel #2
        protected virtual async Task OnSubscribeAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;

            if (request.Id == null)
                throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "missing request id");

            var context       = client.ContextAs <BitcoinWorkerContext>();
            var requestParams = request.ParamsAs <string[]>();

            var data = new object[]
                new object[]
                    new object[] { BitcoinStratumMethods.SetDifficulty, client.ConnectionId },
                    new object[] { BitcoinStratumMethods.MiningNotify, client.ConnectionId }

            await client.RespondAsync(data, request.Id);

            // setup worker context
            context.IsSubscribed = true;
            context.UserAgent    = requestParams?.Length > 0 ? requestParams[0].Trim() : null;

            // send intial update
            await client.NotifyAsync(BitcoinStratumMethods.SetDifficulty, new object[] { context.Difficulty });

            await client.NotifyAsync(BitcoinStratumMethods.MiningNotify, currentJobParams);
Beispiel #3
        private async Task OnSuggestDifficultyAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;
            var context = client.ContextAs <BitcoinWorkerContext>();

            // acknowledge
            await client.RespondAsync(true, request.Id);

                var requestedDiff = (double)Convert.ChangeType(request.Params, TypeCode.Double);

                // client may suggest higher-than-base difficulty, but not a lower one
                var poolEndpoint = poolConfig.Ports[client.PoolEndpoint.Port];

                if (requestedDiff > poolEndpoint.Difficulty)
                    await client.NotifyAsync(BitcoinStratumMethods.SetDifficulty, new object[] { context.Difficulty });

                    logger.Info(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Difficulty set to {requestedDiff} as requested by miner");

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error(ex, () => $"Unable to convert suggested difficulty {request.Params}");
Beispiel #4
        protected async Task OnSubscribeAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;
            var context = client.ContextAs <BitcoinWorkerContext>();

            if (request.Id == null)
                throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "missing request id");

            var requestParams = request.ParamsAs <string[]>();

            var data = new object[]

            await client.RespondAsync(data, request.Id);

            // setup worker context
            context.IsSubscribed = true;
            context.UserAgent    = requestParams?.Length > 0 ? requestParams[0].Trim() : null;
Beispiel #5
        private async Task OnConfigureMiningAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;
            var context = client.ContextAs <BitcoinWorkerContext>();

            var requestParams   = request.ParamsAs <JToken[]>();
            var extensions      = requestParams[0].ToObject <string[]>();
            var extensionParams = requestParams[1].ToObject <Dictionary <string, JToken> >();
            var result          = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            foreach (var extension in extensions)
                switch (extension)
                case BitcoinStratumExtensions.VersionRolling:
                    ConfigureVersionRolling(client, context, extensionParams, result);

                case BitcoinStratumExtensions.MinimumDiff:
                    ConfigureMinimumDiff(client, context, extensionParams, result);

            await client.RespondAsync(result, request.Id);
Beispiel #6
        protected virtual async Task OnAuthorizeAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped<JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest, CancellationToken ct)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;

            if (request.Id == null)
                throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "missing request id");

            var context = client.ContextAs<BitcoinWorkerContext>();
            var requestParams = request.ParamsAs<string[]>();
            var workerValue = requestParams?.Length > 0 ? requestParams[0] : null;
            var password = requestParams?.Length > 1 ? requestParams[1] : null;
            var passParts = password?.Split(PasswordControlVarsSeparator);

            // extract worker/miner
            var split = workerValue?.Split('.');
            var minerName = split?.FirstOrDefault()?.Trim();
            var workerName = split?.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault()?.Trim() ?? string.Empty;

            // assumes that workerName is an address
            context.IsAuthorized = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(minerName) && await manager.ValidateAddressAsync(minerName, ct);
            context.Miner = minerName;
            context.Worker = workerName;

            if (context.IsAuthorized)
                // respond
                await client.RespondAsync(context.IsAuthorized, request.Id);

                // log association
                logger.Info(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Authorized worker {workerValue}");

                // extract control vars from password
                var staticDiff = GetStaticDiffFromPassparts(passParts);
                if (staticDiff.HasValue &&
                    (context.VarDiff != null && staticDiff.Value >= context.VarDiff.Config.MinDiff ||
                        context.VarDiff == null && staticDiff.Value > context.Difficulty))
                    context.VarDiff = null; // disable vardiff

                    logger.Info(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Setting static difficulty of {staticDiff.Value}");

                    await client.NotifyAsync(BitcoinStratumMethods.SetDifficulty, new object[] { context.Difficulty });

                // respond
                await client.RespondErrorAsync(StratumError.UnauthorizedWorker, "Authorization failed", request.Id, context.IsAuthorized);

                // issue short-time ban if unauthorized to prevent DDos on daemon (validateaddress RPC)
                logger.Info(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Banning unauthorized worker for 60 sec");

                banManager.Ban(client.RemoteEndpoint.Address, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

Beispiel #7
        private async Task OnSubmitHashrateAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;
            var context = client.ContextAs <EthereumWorkerContext>();

            if (request.Id == null)
                throw new StratumException(StratumError.Other, "missing request id");

            // Dummy command, just predend like you did something with it and send true to keep the miner happy
            await client.RespondAsync(true, request.Id);
Beispiel #8
        private async Task OnSubmitLoginAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;
            var context = client.ContextAs <EthereumWorkerContext>();

            if (request.Id == null)
                throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "missing request id");

            context.IsSubscribed = true;

            var requestParams = request.ParamsAs <string[]>();
            // setup worker context
            var workerValue = requestParams?.Length > 0 ? requestParams[0] : "0";
            var password    = requestParams?.Length > 1 ? requestParams[1] : null;
            var passParts   = password?.Split(PasswordControlVarsSeparator);

            // extract worker/miner
            var workerParts = workerValue?.Split('.');
            var minerName   = workerParts?.Length > 0 ? workerParts[0].Trim() : null;
            var workerName  = workerParts?.Length > 1 ? workerParts[1].Trim() : "0";

            // assumes that workerName is an address
            context.IsAuthorized     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(minerName) && manager.ValidateAddress(minerName);
            context.Miner            = minerName.ToLower();
            context.Worker           = workerName;
            context.IsNiceHashClient = false;

            // respond
            await client.RespondAsync(context.IsAuthorized, request.Id);

            // extract control vars from password
            var staticDiff = GetStaticDiffFromPassparts(passParts);

            if (staticDiff.HasValue &&
                (context.VarDiff != null && staticDiff.Value >= context.VarDiff.Config.MinDiff ||
                 context.VarDiff == null && staticDiff.Value > context.Difficulty))
                context.VarDiff = null; // disable vardiff

                logger.Info(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Setting static difficulty of {staticDiff.Value}");

            await EnsureInitialWorkSent(client);

            // log association
            logger.Info(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Authorized Stratum-Proxy Worker {workerValue}");
        private async Task OnAuthorizeAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;
            var context = client.ContextAs <EthereumWorkerContext>();

            if (request.Id == null)
                await client.RespondErrorAsync(StratumError.Other, "missing request id", request.Id);


            var requestParams = request.ParamsAs <string[]>();
            var workerValue   = requestParams?.Length > 0 ? requestParams[0] : null;
            var password      = requestParams?.Length > 1 ? requestParams[1] : null;
            var passParts     = password?.Split(PasswordControlVarsSeparator);

            // extract worker/miner
            var workerParts = workerValue?.Split('.');
            var minerName   = workerParts?.Length > 0 ? workerParts[0].Trim() : null;
            var workerName  = workerParts?.Length > 1 ? workerParts[1].Trim() : null;

            // assumes that workerName is an address
            context.IsAuthorized = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(minerName) && manager.ValidateAddress(minerName);
            context.MinerName    = minerName;
            context.WorkerName   = workerName;

            // respond
            await client.RespondAsync(context.IsAuthorized, request.Id);

            // extract control vars from password
            var staticDiff = GetStaticDiffFromPassparts(passParts);

            if (staticDiff.HasValue &&
                (context.VarDiff != null && staticDiff.Value >= context.VarDiff.Config.MinDiff ||
                 context.VarDiff == null && staticDiff.Value > context.Difficulty))
                context.VarDiff = null; // disable vardiff

            await EnsureInitialWorkSent(client);

            // log association
            logger.Info(() => $"[{LogCat}] [{client.ConnectionId}] = {workerValue} = {client.RemoteEndpoint.Address}");
        private async Task OnSubscribeAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;
            var context = client.ContextAs <EthereumWorkerContext>();

            if (request.Id == null)
                await client.RespondErrorAsync(StratumError.Other, "missing request id", request.Id);


            var requestParams = request.ParamsAs <string[]>();

            if (requestParams == null || requestParams.Length < 2 || requestParams.Any(string.IsNullOrEmpty))
                await client.RespondErrorAsync(StratumError.MinusOne, "invalid request", request.Id);



            var data = new object[]
                new object[]

            await client.RespondAsync(data, request.Id);

            // setup worker context
            context.IsSubscribed = true;
            context.UserAgent    = requestParams[0].Trim();
Beispiel #11
        protected async Task OnGetTransactions(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;

                var transactions = manager.GetTransactions(client, request.ParamsAs <object[]>());

                await client.RespondAsync(transactions, request.Id);

            catch (StratumException ex)
                await client.RespondErrorAsync(ex.Code, ex.Message, request.Id, false);

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error(ex, () => $"[{LogCat}] Unable to convert suggested difficulty {request.Params}");
Beispiel #12
        private async Task OnGetWorkAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;
            var context = client.ContextAs <EthereumWorkerContext>();

            if (request.Id == null)
                throw new StratumException(StratumError.Other, "missing request id");

            object[] newJobParams = (object[])currentJobParams;
            var      header       = newJobParams[2];
            var      seed         = newJobParams[1];
            var      target       = EthereumUtils.GetTargetHex(new BigInteger(context.Difficulty * EthereumConstants.StratumDiffFactor));

            await client.RespondAsync(new object[] { header, seed, target }, request.Id);

            context.IsInitialWorkSent = true;

            await EnsureInitialWorkSent(client);
Beispiel #13
        protected virtual async Task OnSubmitAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest, CancellationToken ct)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;
            var context = client.ContextAs <BitcoinWorkerContext>();

                if (request.Id == null)
                    throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "missing request id");

                // check age of submission (aged submissions are usually caused by high server load)
                var requestAge = clock.Now - tsRequest.Timestamp.UtcDateTime;

                if (requestAge > maxShareAge)
                    logger.Warn(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Dropping stale share submission request (server overloaded?)");

                // check worker state
                context.LastActivity = clock.Now;

                // validate worker
                if (!context.IsAuthorized)
                    throw new StratumException(StratumError.UnauthorizedWorker, "unauthorized worker");
                else if (!context.IsSubscribed)
                    throw new StratumException(StratumError.NotSubscribed, "not subscribed");

                // submit
                var requestParams = request.ParamsAs <string[]>();
                var poolEndpoint  = poolConfig.Ports[client.PoolEndpoint.Port];

                var share = await manager.SubmitShareAsync(client, requestParams, poolEndpoint.Difficulty, ct);

                await client.RespondAsync(true, request.Id);

                // publish
                messageBus.SendMessage(new ClientShare(client, share));

                // telemetry
                PublishTelemetry(TelemetryCategory.Share, clock.Now - tsRequest.Timestamp.UtcDateTime, true);

                logger.Info(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Share accepted: D={Math.Round(share.Difficulty, 3)}");

                // update pool stats
                if (share.IsBlockCandidate)
                    poolStats.LastPoolBlockTime = clock.Now;

                // update client stats
                await UpdateVarDiffAsync(client);

            catch (StratumException ex)
                // telemetry
                PublishTelemetry(TelemetryCategory.Share, clock.Now - tsRequest.Timestamp.UtcDateTime, false);

                // update client stats
                logger.Info(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Share rejected: {ex.Message}");

                // banning
                ConsiderBan(client, context, poolConfig.Banning);

Beispiel #14
        private async Task OnLoginAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;

            var context = client.ContextAs <CryptonoteWorkerContext>();

            if (request.Id == null)
                throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "missing request id");

            var loginRequest = request.ParamsAs <CryptonoteLoginRequest>();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginRequest?.Login))
                throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "missing login");

            // extract worker/miner/paymentid
            var split = loginRequest.Login.Split('.');

            context.MinerName  = split[0].Trim();
            context.WorkerName = split.Length > 1 ? split[1].Trim() : null;
            context.UserAgent  = loginRequest.UserAgent?.Trim();
            var passParts = loginRequest.Password?.Split(PasswordControlVarsSeparator);

            // extract paymentid
            var index = context.MinerName.IndexOf('#');

            if (index != -1)
                context.PaymentId = context.MinerName.Substring(index + 1).Trim();
                context.MinerName = context.MinerName.Substring(0, index).Trim();

            // validate login
            var result = manager.ValidateAddress(context.MinerName);

            context.IsSubscribed = result;
            context.IsAuthorized = result;

            if (!context.IsAuthorized)
                throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "invalid login");

            // validate payment Id
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.PaymentId) && context.PaymentId.Length != CryptonoteConstants.PaymentIdHexLength)
                throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "invalid payment id");

            // extract control vars from password
            var staticDiff = GetStaticDiffFromPassparts(passParts);

            if (staticDiff.HasValue &&
                (context.VarDiff != null && staticDiff.Value >= context.VarDiff.Config.MinDiff ||
                 context.VarDiff == null && staticDiff.Value > context.Difficulty))
                context.VarDiff = null; // disable vardiff

                logger.Info(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Setting static difficulty of {staticDiff.Value}");

            // respond
            var loginResponse = new CryptonoteLoginResponse
                Id  = client.ConnectionId,
                Job = CreateWorkerJob(client)

            await client.RespondAsync(loginResponse, request.Id);

            // log association
            logger.Info(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Authorized worker {loginRequest.Login}");
Beispiel #15
        private async Task OnSubmitAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest, CancellationToken ct)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;
            var context = client.ContextAs <CryptonoteWorkerContext>();

                if (request.Id == null)
                    throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "missing request id");

                // check age of submission (aged submissions are usually caused by high server load)
                var requestAge = clock.Now - tsRequest.Timestamp.UtcDateTime;

                if (requestAge > maxShareAge)
                    logger.Warn(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Dropping stale share submission request (server overloaded?)");

                // check request
                var submitRequest = request.ParamsAs <CryptonoteSubmitShareRequest>();

                // validate worker
                if (client.ConnectionId != submitRequest?.WorkerId || !context.IsAuthorized)
                    throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "unauthorized");

                // recognize activity
                context.LastActivity = clock.Now;

                CryptonoteWorkerJob job;

                lock (context)
                    var jobId = submitRequest?.JobId;

                    if ((job = context.FindJob(jobId)) == null)
                        throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "invalid jobid");

                // dupe check
                var nonceLower = submitRequest.Nonce.ToLower();

                lock (job)
                    if (job.Submissions.Contains(nonceLower))
                        throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "duplicate share");


                var poolEndpoint = poolConfig.Ports[client.PoolEndpoint.Port];

                var share = await manager.SubmitShareAsync(client, submitRequest, job, poolEndpoint.Difficulty, ct);

                await client.RespondAsync(new CryptonoteResponseBase(), request.Id);

                // publish
                messageBus.SendMessage(new ClientShare(client, share));

                // telemetry
                PublishTelemetry(TelemetryCategory.Share, clock.Now - tsRequest.Timestamp.UtcDateTime, true);

                logger.Info(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Share accepted: D={Math.Round(share.Difficulty, 3)}");

                // update pool stats
                if (share.IsBlockCandidate)
                    poolStats.LastPoolBlockTime = clock.Now;

                // update client stats
                await UpdateVarDiffAsync(client);

            catch (StratumException ex)
                // telemetry
                PublishTelemetry(TelemetryCategory.Share, clock.Now - tsRequest.Timestamp.UtcDateTime, false);

                // update client stats
                logger.Info(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Share rejected: {ex.Message}");

                // banning
                ConsiderBan(client, context, poolConfig.Banning);

        private async Task OnSubmitAsync(StratumClient client, Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;
            var context = client.ContextAs <EthereumWorkerContext>();

                if (request.Id == null)
                    throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "missing request id");

                // check age of submission (aged submissions are usually caused by high server load)
                var requestAge = clock.Now - tsRequest.Timestamp.UtcDateTime;

                if (requestAge > maxShareAge)
                    logger.Debug(() => $"[{LogCat}] [{client.ConnectionId}] Dropping stale share submission request (not client's fault)");

                // validate worker
                if (!context.IsAuthorized)
                    throw new StratumException(StratumError.UnauthorizedWorker, "Unauthorized worker");
                else if (!context.IsSubscribed)
                    throw new StratumException(StratumError.NotSubscribed, "Not subscribed");

                // check request
                var submitRequest = request.ParamsAs <string[]>();

                if (submitRequest.Length != 3 ||
                    throw new StratumException(StratumError.MinusOne, "malformed PoW result");

                // recognize activity
                context.LastActivity = clock.Now;

                var poolEndpoint = poolConfig.Ports[client.PoolEndpoint.Port];

                var share = await manager.SubmitShareAsync(client, submitRequest, context.Difficulty,

                await client.RespondAsync(true, request.Id);

                // publish
                messageBus.SendMessage(new ClientShare(client, share));

                // telemetry
                PublishTelemetry(TelemetryCategory.Share, clock.Now - tsRequest.Timestamp.UtcDateTime, true);

                logger.Info(() => $"[{LogCat}] [{client.ConnectionId}] Share accepted: D={Math.Round(share.Difficulty / EthereumConstants.Pow2x32, 3)}");
                await EnsureInitialWorkSent(client);

                // update pool stats
                if (share.IsBlockCandidate)
                    poolStats.LastPoolBlockTime = clock.Now;

                // update client stats
                await UpdateVarDiffAsync(client);

            catch (StratumException ex)
                await client.RespondErrorAsync(ex.Code, ex.Message, request.Id, false);

                // telemetry
                PublishTelemetry(TelemetryCategory.Share, clock.Now - tsRequest.Timestamp.UtcDateTime, false);

                // update client stats
                logger.Info(() => $"[{LogCat}] [{client.ConnectionId}] Share rejected: {ex.Code}");

                // banning
                ConsiderBan(client, context, poolConfig.Banning);
        protected override async Task OnRequestAsync(StratumClient client,
                                                     Timestamped <JsonRpcRequest> tsRequest, CancellationToken ct)
            var request = tsRequest.Value;

                switch (request.Method)
                case BitcoinStratumMethods.Subscribe:
                    await OnSubscribeAsync(client, tsRequest);


                case BitcoinStratumMethods.Authorize:
                    await OnAuthorizeAsync(client, tsRequest, ct);


                case BitcoinStratumMethods.SubmitShare:
                    await OnSubmitAsync(client, tsRequest, ct);


                case BitcoinStratumMethods.SuggestDifficulty:
                    await OnSuggestDifficultyAsync(client, tsRequest);


                case BitcoinStratumMethods.MiningConfigure:
                    await OnConfigureMiningAsync(client, tsRequest);

                    // ignored

                case BitcoinStratumMethods.ExtraNonceSubscribe:
                    await client.RespondAsync(true, request.Id);


                case BitcoinStratumMethods.GetTransactions:
                    // ignored

                case BitcoinStratumMethods.MiningMultiVersion:
                    // ignored

                    logger.Debug(() => $"[{client.ConnectionId}] Unsupported RPC request: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request, serializerSettings)}");

                    await client.RespondErrorAsync(StratumError.Other, $"Unsupported request {request.Method}", request.Id);


            catch (StratumException ex)
                await client.RespondErrorAsync(ex.Code, ex.Message, request.Id, false);