Beispiel #1
        public CombatShip(StrategyGame game, string imageFilename, int width, int height, Color teamColor, int team, int alliance, float health, int numPilots, EShipType type, int sectorId)
            : base(game, imageFilename, width, height, teamColor, team, alliance, health, numPilots, sectorId)
            Type    = type;
            Weapons = new List <Weapon>();

            TeamPen = new Pen(Colour.AdjustAlpha(StrategyGame.AbilityPenAlpha), StrategyGame.AbilityPenWidth);

            // Prepare the abilities this ship can use, adjusted with the current upgrades
            Abilities = new Dictionary <EAbilityType, Ability>();

            var t        = team - 1;
            var cooldown = game.TechTree[t].ResearchedUpgrades[EGlobalUpgrade.AbilityCooldown];
            var duration = game.TechTree[t].ResearchedUpgrades[EGlobalUpgrade.AbilityDuration];
            var effect   = game.TechTree[t].ResearchedUpgrades[EGlobalUpgrade.AbilityEffect];

            foreach (var at in game.GetEnabledAbilities(team, type))
                var ad = game.AbilityData[at];
                var ab = new Ability(at, cooldown * ad.CooldownDuration, effect * ad.AbilityEffectMultiplier, duration * ad.AbilityDuration);
                Abilities.Add(at, ab);

                if (at == EAbilityType.WeaponBoost)
                    _boostWeaponsAmount = ab.AbilityEffectMultiplier;

                // Setup what happens to this ship when the ability is triggered & completes
                // (Rapid Fire, Weapon Boost, Engine Boost are handled while active, not toggled on/off)

                if (at == EAbilityType.EngineBoost)
                    ab.AbilityStarted += (Ability a) =>
                        Speed *= a.AbilityEffectMultiplier;
                    ab.AbilityFinished += (Ability a) =>
                        Speed /= a.AbilityEffectMultiplier;
                else if (at == EAbilityType.ShieldBoost)
                    ab.AbilityStarted += (Ability a) =>
                        Shield += MaxShield * (a.AbilityEffectMultiplier - 1);
                        if (Shield > MaxShield)
                            Shield = MaxShield;
                else if (at == EAbilityType.ScanBoost)
                    ab.AbilityStarted += (Ability a) =>
                        ScanRange *= a.AbilityEffectMultiplier;
                    ab.AbilityFinished += (Ability a) =>
                        ScanRange /= a.AbilityEffectMultiplier;
                else if (at == EAbilityType.StealthBoost)
                    ab.AbilityStarted += (Ability a) =>
                        Signature /= a.AbilityEffectMultiplier;
                    ab.AbilityFinished += (Ability a) =>
                        Signature *= a.AbilityEffectMultiplier;
Beispiel #2
 public ScoutingMission(StrategyGame game, BaseAI ai, Ship.ShipEventHandler shipEvent) : base(game, ai, shipEvent)
 public Base(StrategyGame game, EBaseType type, int width, int height, Color teamColor, int team, int alliance, float health, int sectorId)
     : this(game, string.Empty, type, width, height, teamColor, team, alliance, health, sectorId)
Beispiel #4
 public MineOrder(StrategyGame game, int sectorId) : this(game, sectorId, Point.Empty, Point.Empty)
Beispiel #5
 public BuilderMission(StrategyGame game, BaseAI ai, Ship.ShipEventHandler shipEvent) : base(game, ai, shipEvent)
Beispiel #6
 public BombingMission(StrategyGame game, BaseAI ai, Ship.ShipEventHandler shipHandler) : base(game, ai, shipHandler)
Beispiel #7
 public void Setup()
     _game = new StrategyGame();
Beispiel #8
 public Asteroid(StrategyGame game, Random r, int width, int height, int sectorId)
     : this(game, StrategyGame.RockPicDir + Images[r.Next(0, Images.Length)], width, height, sectorId)
Beispiel #9
 public Asteroid(StrategyGame game, string imageFilename, int width, int height, int sectorId)
     : base(game, imageFilename, width, height, sectorId)
     Type = EAsteroidType.Generic;
Beispiel #10
 public ResumeControlOrder(StrategyGame game) : base(game, -1)
Beispiel #11
 private ShipSpecs(StrategyGame game, IEnumerable <ShipSpec> items)
     Ships = items.ToList();
     _game = game;
Beispiel #12
 public WorldGameListener(StrategyGame game)
     _game = game;
Beispiel #13
        public static SimpleGameMap GenerateMirroredMap(EMapSize size, int numTeams = -1)
            var rnd   = StrategyGame.Random;
            var iSize = (int)size;

            // Lock Large/Small maps to 2/4 teams for less variation
            if (size == EMapSize.Small)
                numTeams = 2;
            if (size == EMapSize.Large)
                numTeams = 4;
            if (numTeams == -1 && size == EMapSize.Normal)
                numTeams = rnd.Next(1, 3) * 2;

            var map = new SimpleGameMap($"{size} Random{numTeams}");

            // 0:hor/1:vert/2:hor&vert
            var mirrorType      = numTeams == 2 ? rnd.Next(3) : 2;
            var mirrorIncrement = mirrorType == 2 ? 4 : 2;

            // Determine num sectors based on size & num teams
            // small: (min = num teams*2, max = num teams*4)
            // normal: (min = num teams*3, max = num teams*5)
            // large: (min = num teams*4, max = num teams*6)
            var minNumSectors = numTeams * (iSize + 2);
            var maxNumSectors = numTeams * (iSize + 4);

            var xDim         = 7;
            var yDim         = 7;
            var nextSectorId = 0;

            // Add sectors in all positions
            for (var x = 0; x < xDim; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < yDim; y++)
                    var s = new SimpleMapSector(nextSectorId++, new Point(x, y));

            var maxChances = map.Sectors.Count * 3;
            var l          = 0;
            // Loop with a decreasing chance to remove sectors (mirrored)
            var removeChance = 0.97;

            while ((l++ < maxChances || map.Sectors.Count - mirrorIncrement > maxNumSectors) && map.Sectors.Count - mirrorIncrement > minNumSectors)
                var s = StrategyGame.RandomItem(map.Sectors);
                if (rnd.NextDouble() < removeChance)
                    removeChance -= 0.03;

                    // Horiz mirrored or both
                    if (mirrorType == 0 || mirrorType == 2)
                        var mX = MirrorDimension(xDim, s.MapPosition.X);
                        var mY = s.MapPosition.Y;

                        var s2 = map.Sectors.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.MapPosition.X == mX && _.MapPosition.Y == mY);
                        if (s2 != null)

                    // Vert mirrored or both
                    if (mirrorType == 1 || mirrorType == 2)
                        var mX = s.MapPosition.X;
                        var mY = MirrorDimension(yDim, s.MapPosition.Y);

                        var s2 = map.Sectors.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.MapPosition.X == mX && _.MapPosition.Y == mY);
                        if (s2 != null)

                    // Mirrored for both dimensions
                    if (mirrorType == 2)
                        var mX = MirrorDimension(xDim, s.MapPosition.X);
                        var mY = MirrorDimension(yDim, s.MapPosition.Y);

                        var s2 = map.Sectors.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.MapPosition.X == mX && _.MapPosition.Y == mY);
                        if (s2 != null)

            // Fix SectorIDs after removing, they actually need to be indexes...
            l = 0;
            foreach (var s in map.Sectors)
                s.Id = l++;

            // Triangulate, loop with a small chance to remove an edges if that sector has > 2 connections
            var vertices = new List <Vertex <SimpleMapSector> >();

            foreach (var s in map.Sectors)
                var p = s.MapPosition;
                vertices.Add(new Vertex <SimpleMapSector>(new Vector2(p.X, p.Y), s));

            var delaunay = Delaunay2D <SimpleMapSector> .Triangulate(vertices);

            var mapEdges = new List <Edge <SimpleMapSector> >();

            foreach (var edge in delaunay.Edges)
                if (!map.WormholeExists(edge.U.Item.Id, edge.V.Item.Id))
                    map.WormholeIds.Add(new WormholeId(edge.U.Item.Id, edge.V.Item.Id));

            // Find Starting Positions (mirrored)
            var teamsAdded = 0;

                var startPosMinX = 0;
                var startPosMinY = 0;

                var startPosMaxX = mirrorType == 1 ? xDim : xDim / 2 - 1;
                var startPosMaxY = mirrorType == 0 ? yDim : yDim / 2 - 1;

                var startSectors = map.Sectors
                                   .Where(_ => _.MapPosition.X >= startPosMinX && _.MapPosition.X <= startPosMaxX &&
                                          _.MapPosition.Y >= startPosMinY && _.MapPosition.Y <= startPosMaxY)
                var s = StrategyGame.RandomItem(startSectors);

                // Safety check
                if (s == null)

                s.StartingSectorTeam = ++teamsAdded;

                // Mirrored for both dimensions
                if (mirrorType == 2)
                    var mX = MirrorDimension(xDim, s.MapPosition.X);
                    var mY = MirrorDimension(yDim, s.MapPosition.Y);

                    var s2 = map.Sectors.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.MapPosition.X == mX && _.MapPosition.Y == mY);
                    if (s2 != null)
                        s2.StartingSectorTeam = ++teamsAdded;

                // Horiz mirrored or both
                if (mirrorType == 0 || (mirrorType == 2 && numTeams > 2))
                    var mX = MirrorDimension(xDim, s.MapPosition.X);
                    var mY = s.MapPosition.Y;

                    var s2 = map.Sectors.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.MapPosition.X == mX && _.MapPosition.Y == mY);
                    if (s2 != null)
                        s2.StartingSectorTeam = ++teamsAdded;

                // Vert mirrored or both
                if (mirrorType == 1 || (mirrorType == 2 && numTeams > 2))
                    var mX = s.MapPosition.X;
                    var mY = MirrorDimension(yDim, s.MapPosition.Y);

                    var s2 = map.Sectors.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.MapPosition.X == mX && _.MapPosition.Y == mY);
                    if (s2 != null)
                        s2.StartingSectorTeam = ++teamsAdded;

            // Final Checks
            if (teamsAdded < numTeams || !map.IsValid())

Beispiel #14
        private void UpdateFocussedBuildOrder()
            // Focus on miners, outpost, random tech, garrison, refinery. Then main tech upgrades and bombers, then other random building and research.
            if (_game.Credits[_t] <= 100)

            if (_initTech == EInitialTargetTech.ChooseInSector)
                var startingSector = _game.AllBases.First(_ => _.Team == Team && _.Type == EBaseType.Starbase).SectorId;
                var techRocks      = _game.AllAsteroids.Where(_ => _.SectorId == startingSector && _.Active && !(_.Type == EAsteroidType.Generic || _.Type == EAsteroidType.Resource)).ToList();
                var choice         = StrategyGame.RandomItem(techRocks);

                switch (choice.Type)
                case EAsteroidType.Carbon:
                    _initTech = EInitialTargetTech.Supremacy;

                case EAsteroidType.Silicon:
                    _initTech = EInitialTargetTech.Tactical;

                case EAsteroidType.Uranium:
                    _initTech = EInitialTargetTech.Expansion;

                    _initTech = EInitialTargetTech.Starbase;

                _initTechName = Enum.GetName(typeof(EInitialTargetTech), _initTech);

            var ourSectors = (from b in _game.AllBases
                              where b.Active && b.Team == Team && b.CanLaunchShips()
                              select b.SectorId).Distinct().ToList();

            // If we have money, build resources
            if (_game.Credits[_t] > 1000)
                var resourcesToBuild = (from c in _game.TechTree[_t].ResearchableItems(ETechType.Construction)
                                        where c.CanBuild() && c.AmountInvested < c.Cost &&
                                        (c.Name.Contains("Miner") ||
                                        select c).ToList();
                TryToInvestInResources(resourcesToBuild, ourSectors);

            // Expand & Build Randomly our focus tech:
            var basesToBuild = (from c in _game.TechTree[_t].ResearchableItems(ETechType.Construction)
                                where c.CanBuild() && c.AmountInvested < c.Cost &&
                                (c.Name.Contains("Outpost") ||
                                 c.Name.Contains("Starbase") ||
                                orderby c.Id descending
                                select c).ToList();

            TryToInvestInBases(basesToBuild, ourSectors);

            // Once we have built our tech, research it randomly along with bombers/drones
            if (!_flagBuiltFocusTech)

            var tech = (from t in _game.TechTree[_t].ResearchableItemsNot(ETechType.Construction)
                        where t.CanBuild() &&
                        (int)t.Type == (int)_initTech &&
                        t.AmountInvested < t.Cost
                        orderby t.Cost - t.AmountInvested, t.Id descending
                        select t).Take(3).ToList();

            var bbr = (from t in _game.TechTree[_t].TechItems
                       where t.Active &&
                       !t.Completed &&
                       (t.Name.Contains("Bomber") || t.Name.Contains("Combat Drones"))
                       select t).FirstOrDefault();

            if (bbr != null)


            // Once we are done with our focus, branch out!
            if (tech.Count() < 2)
                _focusBuildOrder = false;
 public BaseLaserWeapon(StrategyGame game, Color laserColor, float laserWidth, int fireTicks, int refireTicks, float range, float damage, Ship shooter, PointF offset)
     : base(game, fireTicks, refireTicks, range, damage, shooter, offset)
     WeaponSound = ESounds.plasmamini1;
     LaserPen    = new Pen(laserColor, laserWidth);
Beispiel #16
 public TechCarbonAsteroid(StrategyGame game, Random r, int width, int height, int sectorId)
     : base(game, StrategyGame.RockPicDir + Images[r.Next(0, Images.Length)], width, height, sectorId)
     Type = EAsteroidType.Carbon;
Beispiel #17
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     _game = GameManager.Instance.ActiveStrategy as StrategyGame;
     _as   = terminal.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
Beispiel #18
 public Command(StrategyGame game)
     this.Game = game;
Beispiel #19
 public TechTreeItem(StrategyGame game, Research ownerForm)
     _game         = game;
     _researchForm = ownerForm;
Beispiel #20
 public void Setup()
     _settings = GameSettings.Default();
     _settings.TeamFactions[1] = AllegianceForms.Engine.Factions.Faction.Default(_settings);
     _game = new StrategyGame();
Beispiel #21
        public void Setup()
            var game = new StrategyGame();

            _target = TechTree.LoadTechTree(game, StrategyGame.TechDataFile, 1);
 public HuntControlOrder(StrategyGame game, EShipType[] targetTypes) : base(game, -1)
     _targetTypes = targetTypes;
Beispiel #23
 public MineOrder(StrategyGame game, int sectorId, PointF targetPosition, PointF offset) : base(game, sectorId, targetPosition, offset)
     OrderPen.Color = Color.Gold;
Beispiel #24
 public BuildOrder(StrategyGame game, int sectorId, Point targetPosition, Point offset) : base(game, sectorId, targetPosition, offset)
     OrderPen.Color = Color.Blue;