private void OnBtnOK(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_pwDatabase.SettingsChanged = DateTime.UtcNow; if (m_tbDbName.Text != m_pwDatabase.Name) { m_pwDatabase.Name = m_tbDbName.Text; m_pwDatabase.NameChanged = DateTime.UtcNow; } string strNew = m_tbDbDesc.Text; string strOrgFlt = StrUtil.NormalizeNewLines(m_pwDatabase.Description, false); string strNewFlt = StrUtil.NormalizeNewLines(strNew, false); if (strNewFlt != strOrgFlt) { m_pwDatabase.Description = strNew; m_pwDatabase.DescriptionChanged = DateTime.UtcNow; } if (m_tbDefaultUser.Text != m_pwDatabase.DefaultUserName) { m_pwDatabase.DefaultUserName = m_tbDefaultUser.Text; m_pwDatabase.DefaultUserNameChanged = DateTime.UtcNow; } if (!m_cbColor.Checked) { m_pwDatabase.Color = Color.Empty; } else { m_pwDatabase.Color = m_clr; } int nCipher = CipherPool.GlobalPool.GetCipherIndex(m_cmbEncAlgo.Text); Debug.Assert(nCipher >= 0); if (nCipher >= 0) { m_pwDatabase.DataCipherUuid = CipherPool.GlobalPool[nCipher].CipherUuid; } else { m_pwDatabase.DataCipherUuid = StandardAesEngine.AesUuid; } // m_pwDatabase.KeyEncryptionRounds = (ulong)m_numKdfIt.Value; KdfParameters pKdf = GetKdfParameters(true); if (pKdf != null) { m_pwDatabase.KdfParameters = pKdf; } // No assert, plugins may assign KDF parameters if (m_rbNone.Checked) { m_pwDatabase.Compression = PwCompressionAlgorithm.None; } else if (m_rbGZip.Checked) { m_pwDatabase.Compression = PwCompressionAlgorithm.GZip; } else { Debug.Assert(false); } // m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectTitle = UpdateMemoryProtection(0, // m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectTitle, PwDefs.TitleField); // m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUserName = UpdateMemoryProtection(1, // m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUserName, PwDefs.UserNameField); // m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword = UpdateMemoryProtection(2, // m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword, PwDefs.PasswordField); // m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUrl = UpdateMemoryProtection(3, // m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUrl, PwDefs.UrlField); // m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectNotes = UpdateMemoryProtection(4, // m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectNotes, PwDefs.NotesField); // m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.AutoEnableVisualHiding = m_cbAutoEnableHiding.Checked; if (m_cbRecycleBin.Checked != m_pwDatabase.RecycleBinEnabled) { m_pwDatabase.RecycleBinEnabled = m_cbRecycleBin.Checked; m_pwDatabase.RecycleBinChanged = DateTime.UtcNow; } int iRecBinSel = m_cmbRecycleBin.SelectedIndex; if (m_dictRecycleBinGroups.ContainsKey(iRecBinSel)) { if (!m_dictRecycleBinGroups[iRecBinSel].Equals(m_pwDatabase.RecycleBinUuid)) { m_pwDatabase.RecycleBinUuid = m_dictRecycleBinGroups[iRecBinSel]; m_pwDatabase.RecycleBinChanged = DateTime.UtcNow; } } else { Debug.Assert(false); if (!PwUuid.Zero.Equals(m_pwDatabase.RecycleBinUuid)) { m_pwDatabase.RecycleBinUuid = PwUuid.Zero; m_pwDatabase.RecycleBinChanged = DateTime.UtcNow; } } int iTemplSel = m_cmbEntryTemplates.SelectedIndex; if (m_dictEntryTemplateGroups.ContainsKey(iTemplSel)) { if (!m_dictEntryTemplateGroups[iTemplSel].Equals(m_pwDatabase.EntryTemplatesGroup)) { m_pwDatabase.EntryTemplatesGroup = m_dictEntryTemplateGroups[iTemplSel]; m_pwDatabase.EntryTemplatesGroupChanged = DateTime.UtcNow; } } else { Debug.Assert(false); if (!PwUuid.Zero.Equals(m_pwDatabase.EntryTemplatesGroup)) { m_pwDatabase.EntryTemplatesGroup = PwUuid.Zero; m_pwDatabase.EntryTemplatesGroupChanged = DateTime.UtcNow; } } if (!m_cbHistoryMaxItems.Checked) { m_pwDatabase.HistoryMaxItems = -1; } else { m_pwDatabase.HistoryMaxItems = (int)m_numHistoryMaxItems.Value; } if (!m_cbHistoryMaxSize.Checked) { m_pwDatabase.HistoryMaxSize = -1; } else { m_pwDatabase.HistoryMaxSize = (long)m_numHistoryMaxSize.Value * 1024 * 1024; } m_pwDatabase.MaintainBackups(); // Apply new history settings if (!m_cbKeyRec.Checked) { m_pwDatabase.MasterKeyChangeRec = -1; } else { m_pwDatabase.MasterKeyChangeRec = (long)m_numKeyRecDays.Value; } if (!m_cbKeyForce.Checked) { m_pwDatabase.MasterKeyChangeForce = -1; } else { m_pwDatabase.MasterKeyChangeForce = (long)m_numKeyForceDays.Value; } m_pwDatabase.MasterKeyChangeForceOnce = m_cbKeyForceOnce.Checked; }
private ProtectedBinary ReadProtectedBinary(XmlReader xr) { if (xr.MoveToAttribute(AttrRef)) { string strRef = xr.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strRef)) { int iRef; if (StrUtil.TryParseIntInvariant(strRef, out iRef)) { ProtectedBinary pb = m_pbsBinaries.Get(iRef); if (pb != null) { // xr.MoveToElement(); #if DEBUG string strInner = ReadStringRaw(xr); Debug.Assert(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strInner)); #else ReadStringRaw(xr); #endif return(pb); } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } bool bCompressed = false; if (xr.MoveToAttribute(AttrCompressed)) { bCompressed = (xr.Value == ValTrue); } XorredBuffer xb = ProcessNode(xr); if (xb != null) { Debug.Assert(!bCompressed); // See SubWriteValue(ProtectedBinary value) return(new ProtectedBinary(true, xb)); } string strValue = ReadString(xr); if (strValue.Length == 0) { return(new ProtectedBinary()); } byte[] pbData = Convert.FromBase64String(strValue); if (bCompressed) { pbData = MemUtil.Decompress(pbData); } return(new ProtectedBinary(false, pbData)); }
private static byte[] OpenExternal(string strName, byte[] pbData, BinaryDataOpenOptions opt) { byte[] pbResult = null; try { string strBaseTempDir = UrlUtil.EnsureTerminatingSeparator( UrlUtil.GetTempPath(), false); string strTempID, strTempDir; while (true) { byte[] pbRandomID = CryptoRandom.Instance.GetRandomBytes(8); strTempID = Convert.ToBase64String(pbRandomID); strTempID = StrUtil.AlphaNumericOnly(strTempID); if (strTempID.Length == 0) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; } strTempDir = strBaseTempDir + strTempID; if (!Directory.Exists(strTempDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(strTempDir); strTempDir = UrlUtil.EnsureTerminatingSeparator( strTempDir, false); // Mark directory as encrypted, such that new files // are encrypted automatically; there exists no // Directory.Encrypt method, but we can use File.Encrypt, // because this internally uses the EncryptFile API // function, which works with directories try { File.Encrypt(strTempDir); } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } break; } } string strFile = strTempDir + strName; File.WriteAllBytes(strFile, pbData); // Encrypt again, in case the directory encryption above failed try { File.Encrypt(strFile); } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.FileName = strFile; psi.UseShellExecute = true; psi.WorkingDirectory = strTempDir; ParameterizedThreadStart pts = new ParameterizedThreadStart( BinaryDataUtil.ShellOpenFn); Thread th = new Thread(pts); th.Start(psi); string strMsgMain = KPRes.AttachExtOpened + MessageService.NewParagraph + KPRes.AttachExtOpenedPost + ":"; string strMsgImp = KPRes.Import; string strMsgImpDesc = KPRes.AttachExtImportDesc; string strMsgCancel = KPRes.DiscardChangesCmd; string strMsgCancelDesc = KPRes.AttachExtDiscardDesc; VistaTaskDialog vtd = new VistaTaskDialog(); vtd.CommandLinks = true; vtd.Content = strMsgMain; vtd.MainInstruction = strName; vtd.WindowTitle = PwDefs.ShortProductName; vtd.SetIcon(VtdCustomIcon.Question); vtd.AddButton((int)DialogResult.OK, strMsgImp, strMsgImpDesc); vtd.AddButton((int)DialogResult.Cancel, strMsgCancel, strMsgCancelDesc); vtd.FooterText = KPRes.AttachExtSecDel; vtd.SetFooterIcon(VtdIcon.Information); bool bImport; if (vtd.ShowDialog()) { bImport = ((vtd.Result == (int)DialogResult.OK) || (vtd.Result == (int)DialogResult.Yes)); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(strName); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(strMsgMain); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("[" + KPRes.Yes + "]:"); sb.AppendLine(StrUtil.RemoveAccelerator(strMsgImp) + " - " + strMsgImpDesc); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("[" + KPRes.No + "]:"); sb.AppendLine(StrUtil.RemoveAccelerator(strMsgCancel) + " - " + strMsgCancelDesc); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(KPRes.AttachExtSecDel); bImport = MessageService.AskYesNo(sb.ToString(), PwDefs.ShortProductName); } if (bImport && !opt.ReadOnly) { while (true) { try { pbResult = File.ReadAllBytes(strFile); break; } catch (Exception exRead) { if (!AskForRetry(strFile, exRead.Message)) { break; } } } } string strReportObj = null; while (true) { try { strReportObj = strFile; if (File.Exists(strFile)) { FileInfo fiTemp = new FileInfo(strFile); long cb = fiTemp.Length; if (cb > 0) { byte[] pbOvr = new byte[cb]; Program.GlobalRandom.NextBytes(pbOvr); File.WriteAllBytes(strFile, pbOvr); } File.Delete(strFile); } strReportObj = strTempDir; if (Directory.Exists(strTempDir)) { Directory.Delete(strTempDir, true); } break; } catch (Exception exDel) { if (!AskForRetry(strReportObj, exDel.Message)) { break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageService.ShowWarning(ex.Message); } return(pbResult); }
private static void CreateFromDirectory(string strDirPath) { string strPlgx = strDirPath + "." + PlgxExtension; PlgxPluginInfo plgx = new PlgxPluginInfo(false, true, true); PlgxCsprojLoader.LoadDefault(strDirPath, plgx); FileStream fs = new FileStream(strPlgx, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); bw.Write(PlgxSignature1); bw.Write(PlgxSignature2); bw.Write(PlgxVersion); WriteObject(bw, PlgxFileUuid, (new PwUuid(true)).UuidBytes); WriteObject(bw, PlgxBaseFileName, StrUtil.Utf8.GetBytes( plgx.BaseFileName)); WriteObject(bw, PlgxCreationTime, StrUtil.Utf8.GetBytes( TimeUtil.SerializeUtc(DateTime.Now))); WriteObject(bw, PlgxGeneratorName, StrUtil.Utf8.GetBytes( PwDefs.ShortProductName)); WriteObject(bw, PlgxGeneratorVersion, MemUtil.UInt64ToBytes( PwDefs.FileVersion64)); string strKP = Program.CommandLineArgs[AppDefs.CommandLineOptions.PlgxPrereqKP]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strKP)) { ulong uKP = StrUtil.ParseVersion(strKP); if (uKP != 0) { WriteObject(bw, PlgxPrereqKP, MemUtil.UInt64ToBytes(uKP)); } } string strNet = Program.CommandLineArgs[AppDefs.CommandLineOptions.PlgxPrereqNet]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strNet)) { ulong uNet = StrUtil.ParseVersion(strNet); if (uNet != 0) { WriteObject(bw, PlgxPrereqNet, MemUtil.UInt64ToBytes(uNet)); } } string strOS = Program.CommandLineArgs[AppDefs.CommandLineOptions.PlgxPrereqOS]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strOS)) { WriteObject(bw, PlgxPrereqOS, StrUtil.Utf8.GetBytes(strOS)); } string strPtr = Program.CommandLineArgs[AppDefs.CommandLineOptions.PlgxPrereqPtr]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPtr)) { uint uPtr; if (uint.TryParse(strPtr, out uPtr)) { WriteObject(bw, PlgxPrereqPtr, MemUtil.UInt32ToBytes(uPtr)); } } string strBuildPre = Program.CommandLineArgs[AppDefs.CommandLineOptions.PlgxBuildPre]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strBuildPre)) { WriteObject(bw, PlgxBuildPre, StrUtil.Utf8.GetBytes(strBuildPre)); } string strBuildPost = Program.CommandLineArgs[AppDefs.CommandLineOptions.PlgxBuildPost]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strBuildPost)) { WriteObject(bw, PlgxBuildPost, StrUtil.Utf8.GetBytes(strBuildPost)); } WriteObject(bw, PlgxBeginContent, null); RecursiveFileAdd(bw, strDirPath, new DirectoryInfo(strDirPath)); WriteObject(bw, PlgxEndContent, null); WriteObject(bw, PlgxEOF, null); bw.Close(); fs.Close(); // Test loading not possible, because MainForm not available // PlgxPlugin.Load(strPlgx); }
public static CompositeKey KeyFromCommandLine(CommandLineArgs args) { if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("args"); } CompositeKey cmpKey = new CompositeKey(); string strPassword = args[AppDefs.CommandLineOptions.Password]; string strPasswordEnc = args[AppDefs.CommandLineOptions.PasswordEncrypted]; string strPasswordStdIn = args[AppDefs.CommandLineOptions.PasswordStdIn]; string strKeyFile = args[AppDefs.CommandLineOptions.KeyFile]; string strUserAcc = args[AppDefs.CommandLineOptions.UserAccount]; if (strPassword != null) { cmpKey.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword(strPassword)); } else if (strPasswordEnc != null) { cmpKey.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword(StrUtil.DecryptString(strPasswordEnc))); } else if (strPasswordStdIn != null) { KcpPassword kcpPw = ReadPasswordStdIn(true); if (kcpPw != null) { cmpKey.AddUserKey(kcpPw); } } if (strKeyFile != null) { if (Program.KeyProviderPool.IsKeyProvider(strKeyFile)) { KeyProviderQueryContext ctxKP = new KeyProviderQueryContext( IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(args.FileName), false, false); bool bPerformHash; byte[] pbProvKey = Program.KeyProviderPool.GetKey(strKeyFile, ctxKP, out bPerformHash); if ((pbProvKey != null) && (pbProvKey.Length > 0)) { try { cmpKey.AddUserKey(new KcpCustomKey(strKeyFile, pbProvKey, bPerformHash)); } catch (Exception exCKP) { MessageService.ShowWarning(exCKP); return(null); } Array.Clear(pbProvKey, 0, pbProvKey.Length); } else { return(null); // Provider has shown error message } } else // Key file { try { cmpKey.AddUserKey(new KcpKeyFile(strKeyFile)); } catch (Exception exKey) { MessageService.ShowWarning(strKeyFile, KPRes.KeyFileError, exKey); return(null); } } } if (strUserAcc != null) { try { cmpKey.AddUserKey(new KcpUserAccount()); } catch (Exception exUA) { MessageService.ShowWarning(exUA); return(null); } } if (cmpKey.UserKeyCount > 0) { ClearKeyOptions(args, true); return(cmpKey); } return(null); }
private void WriteObject(string name, ProtectedString value, bool bIsEntryString) { Debug.Assert(name != null); Debug.Assert(value != null); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } m_xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(ElemString); m_xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(ElemKey); m_xmlWriter.WriteString(StrUtil.SafeXmlString(name)); m_xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); m_xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(ElemValue); bool bProtected = value.IsProtected; if (bIsEntryString) { // Adjust memory protection setting (which might be different // from the database default, e.g. due to an import which // didn't specify the correct setting) if (name == PwDefs.TitleField) { bProtected = m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectTitle; } else if (name == PwDefs.UserNameField) { bProtected = m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUserName; } else if (name == PwDefs.PasswordField) { bProtected = m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword; } else if (name == PwDefs.UrlField) { bProtected = m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUrl; } else if (name == PwDefs.NotesField) { bProtected = m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectNotes; } } if (bProtected && (m_format == KdbxFormat.Default)) { m_xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(AttrProtected, ValTrue); byte[] pbEnc = value.ReadXorredString(m_randomStream); if (pbEnc.Length > 0) { m_xmlWriter.WriteBase64(pbEnc, 0, pbEnc.Length); } } else { string strValue = value.ReadString(); // If names should be localized, we need to apply the language-dependent // string transformation here. By default, language-dependent conversions // should be applied, otherwise characters could be rendered incorrectly // (code page problems). if (g_bLocalizedNames) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (char ch in strValue) { char chMapped = ch; // Symbols and surrogates must be moved into the correct code // page area if (char.IsSymbol(ch) || char.IsSurrogate(ch)) { UnicodeCategory cat = CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(ch); // Map character to correct position in code page chMapped = (char)((int)cat * 32 + ch); } else if (char.IsControl(ch)) { if (ch >= 256) // Control character in high ANSI code page { // Some of the control characters map to corresponding ones // in the low ANSI range (up to 255) when calling // ToLower on them with invariant culture (see // ) #if !KeePassLibSD chMapped = char.ToLowerInvariant(ch); #else chMapped = char.ToLower(ch); #endif } } sb.Append(chMapped); } strValue = sb.ToString(); // Correct string for current code page } if ((m_format == KdbxFormat.PlainXml) && bProtected) { m_xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(AttrProtectedInMemPlainXml, ValTrue); } m_xmlWriter.WriteString(StrUtil.SafeXmlString(strValue)); } m_xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // ElemValue m_xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // ElemString }
public override void Import(PwDatabase pwStorage, Stream sInput, IStatusLogger slLogger) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); MemUtil.CopyStream(sInput, ms); byte[] pbData = ms.ToArray(); ms.Close(); try { string strData = StrUtil.Utf8.GetString(pbData); if (strData.StartsWith("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp) && (strData.IndexOf( "WhatSaved=\"Password Safe V3.29\"", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp) >= 0)) { // Fix broken XML exported by Password Safe 3.29; // this has been fixed in 3.30 strData = strData.Replace("<DefaultUsername<![CDATA[", "<DefaultUsername><![CDATA["); strData = strData.Replace("<DefaultSymbols<![CDATA[", "<DefaultSymbols><![CDATA["); pbData = StrUtil.Utf8.GetBytes(strData); } } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } ms = new MemoryStream(pbData, false); XmlDocument xmlDoc = XmlUtilEx.CreateXmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(ms); XmlNode xmlRoot = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; string strLineBreak = "\n"; try { XmlAttributeCollection xac = xmlRoot.Attributes; XmlNode xmlBreak = xac.GetNamedItem(AttribLineBreak); string strBreak = xmlBreak.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strBreak)) { strLineBreak = strBreak; } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } foreach (XmlNode xmlChild in xmlRoot.ChildNodes) { if (xmlChild.Name == ElemEntry) { ImportEntry(xmlChild, pwStorage, strLineBreak); } } XmlNode xnUse = xmlRoot.SelectSingleNode(XPathUseDefaultUser); if (xnUse != null) { string strUse = XmlUtil.SafeInnerText(xnUse); if (StrUtil.StringToBool(strUse)) { XmlNode xn = xmlRoot.SelectSingleNode(XPathDefaultUser); if ((xn != null) && (pwStorage.DefaultUserName.Length == 0)) { pwStorage.DefaultUserName = XmlUtil.SafeInnerText(xn); if (pwStorage.DefaultUserName.Length > 0) { pwStorage.DefaultUserNameChanged = DateTime.UtcNow; } } } } ms.Close(); }
private static void ImportIcon(XmlNode xn, PwEntry pe, PwDatabase pd) { XmlNode xnIcon = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ICON"); if (xnIcon == null) { return; } string strIcon = xnIcon.Value; if (!StrUtil.IsDataUri(strIcon)) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } try { byte[] pbImage = StrUtil.DataUriToData(strIcon); if ((pbImage == null) || (pbImage.Length == 0)) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } Image img = GfxUtil.LoadImage(pbImage); if (img == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } byte[] pbPng; int wMax = PwCustomIcon.MaxWidth; int hMax = PwCustomIcon.MaxHeight; if ((img.Width <= wMax) && (img.Height <= hMax)) { using (MemoryStream msPng = new MemoryStream()) { img.Save(msPng, ImageFormat.Png); pbPng = msPng.ToArray(); } } else { using (Image imgSc = GfxUtil.ScaleImage(img, wMax, hMax)) { using (MemoryStream msPng = new MemoryStream()) { imgSc.Save(msPng, ImageFormat.Png); pbPng = msPng.ToArray(); } } } img.Dispose(); PwUuid pwUuid = null; int iEx = pd.GetCustomIconIndex(pbPng); if (iEx >= 0) { pwUuid = pd.CustomIcons[iEx].Uuid; } else { pwUuid = new PwUuid(true); pd.CustomIcons.Add(new PwCustomIcon(pwUuid, pbPng)); pd.UINeedsIconUpdate = true; pd.Modified = true; } pe.CustomIconUuid = pwUuid; } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } }
private static void ExportGroup(StringBuilder sb, PwGroup pg, uint uIndent, PwDatabase pd) { ExportData(sb, uIndent, "<DT><H3", null, false, null, false); ExportTimes(sb, pg); ExportData(sb, 0, ">", pg.Name, true, "</H3>", true); ExportData(sb, uIndent, "<DL><p>", null, false, null, true); foreach (PwGroup pgSub in pg.Groups) { ExportGroup(sb, pgSub, uIndent + 1, pd); } #if DEBUG List <string> l = new List <string>(); l.Add("Tag 1"); l.Add("Tag 2"); Debug.Assert(StrUtil.TagsToString(l, false) == "Tag 1;Tag 2"); #endif foreach (PwEntry pe in pg.Entries) { string strUrl = pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField); if (strUrl.Length == 0) { continue; } // Encode only when really required; '&' does not need // to be encoded bool bEncUrl = (strUrl.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '\"', '<', '>' }) >= 0); ExportData(sb, uIndent + 1, "<DT><A HREF=\"", strUrl, bEncUrl, "\"", false); ExportTimes(sb, pe); if (!pe.CustomIconUuid.Equals(PwUuid.Zero) && (pd != null)) { try { Image imgIcon = pd.GetCustomIcon(pe.CustomIconUuid, 16, 16); if (imgIcon != null) { using (MemoryStream msIcon = new MemoryStream()) { imgIcon.Save(msIcon, ImageFormat.Png); byte[] pbIcon = msIcon.ToArray(); string strIcon = StrUtil.DataToDataUri(pbIcon, "image/png"); ExportData(sb, 0, " ICON=\"", strIcon, false, "\"", false); } } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } } if (pe.Tags.Count > 0) { string strTags = StrUtil.TagsToString(pe.Tags, false); strTags = strTags.Replace(';', ','); // Without space ExportData(sb, 0, " TAGS=\"", strTags, true, "\"", false); } string strTitle = pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); if (strTitle.Length == 0) { strTitle = strUrl; } ExportData(sb, 0, ">", strTitle, true, "</A>", true); string strNotes = pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.NotesField); if (strNotes.Length > 0) { ExportData(sb, uIndent + 1, "<DD>", strNotes, true, null, true); } } ExportData(sb, uIndent, "</DL><p>", null, false, null, true); }
public void Build(RichTextBox rtb) { if (rtb == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("rtb"); } RichTextBox rtbOp = CreateOpRtb(); string strText = m_sb.ToString(); Dictionary <char, string> dEnc = new Dictionary <char, string>(); if (MonoWorkarounds.IsRequired(586901)) { StringBuilder sbEnc = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < strText.Length; ++i) { char ch = strText[i]; if ((int)ch <= 255) { sbEnc.Append(ch); } else { string strCharEnc; if (!dEnc.TryGetValue(ch, out strCharEnc)) { strCharEnc = RtfbTag.GenerateRandomIdCode(); dEnc[ch] = strCharEnc; } sbEnc.Append(strCharEnc); } } strText = sbEnc.ToString(); } rtbOp.Text = strText; Debug.Assert(rtbOp.Text == strText); // Test committed if (m_fDefault != null) { rtbOp.Select(0, rtbOp.TextLength); rtbOp.SelectionFont = m_fDefault; } string strRtf = rtbOp.Rtf; rtbOp.Dispose(); foreach (KeyValuePair <char, string> kvpEnc in dEnc) { strRtf = strRtf.Replace(kvpEnc.Value, StrUtil.RtfEncodeChar(kvpEnc.Key)); } foreach (RtfbTag rTag in m_vTags) { strRtf = strRtf.Replace(rTag.IdCode, rTag.RtfCode); } rtb.Rtf = strRtf; }
private static List<UpdateComponentInfo> LoadInfoFilePriv(byte[] pbData, IOConnectionInfo iocSource) { if((pbData == null) || (pbData.Length == 0)) return null; int iOffset = 0; StrEncodingInfo sei = StrUtil.GetEncoding(StrEncodingType.Utf8); byte[] pbBom = sei.StartSignature; if((pbData.Length >= pbBom.Length) && MemUtil.ArraysEqual(pbBom, MemUtil.Mid(pbData, 0, pbBom.Length))) iOffset += pbBom.Length; string strData = sei.Encoding.GetString(pbData, iOffset, pbData.Length - iOffset); strData = StrUtil.NormalizeNewLines(strData, false); string[] vLines = strData.Split('\n'); string strSigKey; g_dFileSigKeys.TryGetValue(iocSource.Path.ToLowerInvariant(), out strSigKey); string strLdSig = null; StringBuilder sbToVerify = ((strSigKey != null) ? new StringBuilder() : null); List<UpdateComponentInfo> l = new List<UpdateComponentInfo>(); bool bHeader = true, bFooterFound = false; char chSep = ':'; // Modified by header for(int i = 0; i < vLines.Length; ++i) { string str = vLines[i].Trim(); if(str.Length == 0) continue; if(bHeader) { chSep = str[0]; bHeader = false; string[] vHdr = str.Split(chSep); if(vHdr.Length >= 2) strLdSig = vHdr[1]; } else if(str[0] == chSep) { bFooterFound = true; break; } else // Component info { if(sbToVerify != null) { sbToVerify.Append(str); sbToVerify.Append('\n'); } string[] vInfo = str.Split(chSep); if(vInfo.Length >= 2) { UpdateComponentInfo c = new UpdateComponentInfo( vInfo[0].Trim(), 0, iocSource.Path, string.Empty); c.VerAvailable = StrUtil.ParseVersion(vInfo[1]); AddComponent(l, c); } } } if(!bFooterFound) { Debug.Assert(false); return null; } if(sbToVerify != null) { if(!VerifySignature(sbToVerify.ToString(), strLdSig, strSigKey)) return null; } return l; }
private void UpdateHexView() { int cbData = (m_bDataExpanded ? m_pbData.Length : Math.Min(m_pbData.Length, 16 * 256)); const int cbGrp = 4; const int cbLine = 16; int iMaxAddrWidth = Convert.ToString(Math.Max(cbData - 1, 0), 16).Length; int cbDataUp = cbData; if ((cbDataUp % cbLine) != 0) { cbDataUp = cbDataUp + cbLine - (cbDataUp % cbLine); } Debug.Assert(((cbDataUp % cbLine) == 0) && (cbDataUp >= cbData)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < cbDataUp; ++i) { if ((i % cbLine) == 0) { sb.Append(Convert.ToString(i, 16).ToUpper().PadLeft( iMaxAddrWidth, '0')); sb.Append(": "); } if (i < cbData) { byte bt = m_pbData[i]; byte btHigh = (byte)(bt >> 4); byte btLow = (byte)(bt & 0x0F); if (btHigh >= 10) { sb.Append((char)('A' + btHigh - 10)); } else { sb.Append((char)('0' + btHigh)); } if (btLow >= 10) { sb.Append((char)('A' + btLow - 10)); } else { sb.Append((char)('0' + btLow)); } } else { sb.Append(" "); } if (((i + 1) % cbGrp) == 0) { sb.Append(' '); } if (((i + 1) % cbLine) == 0) { sb.Append(' '); int iStart = i - cbLine + 1; int iEndExcl = Math.Min(iStart + cbLine, cbData); for (int j = iStart; j < iEndExcl; ++j) { sb.Append(StrUtil.ByteToSafeChar(m_pbData[j])); } sb.AppendLine(); } } if (cbData < m_pbData.Length) { sb.AppendLine(m_strDataExpand); } SetRtbData(sb.ToString(), false, true); if (cbData < m_pbData.Length) { int iLinkStart = m_rtbText.Text.LastIndexOf(m_strDataExpand); if (iLinkStart >= 0) { m_rtbText.Select(iLinkStart, m_strDataExpand.Length); UIUtil.RtfSetSelectionLink(m_rtbText); m_rtbText.Select(0, 0); } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } }
public static void OpenUrl(string strUrlToOpen, PwEntry peDataSource, bool bAllowOverride, string strBaseRaw) { // If URL is null, return, do not throw exception. Debug.Assert(strUrlToOpen != null); if (strUrlToOpen == null) { return; } string strPrevWorkDir = WinUtil.GetWorkingDirectory(); string strThisExe = WinUtil.GetExecutable(); string strExeDir = UrlUtil.GetFileDirectory(strThisExe, false, true); WinUtil.SetWorkingDirectory(strExeDir); string strUrlFlt = strUrlToOpen; strUrlFlt = strUrlFlt.TrimStart(new char[] { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' }); PwDatabase pwDatabase = null; try { pwDatabase = Program.MainForm.DocumentManager.SafeFindContainerOf( peDataSource); } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } bool bCmdQuotes = WinUtil.IsCommandLineUrl(strUrlFlt); SprContext ctx = new SprContext(peDataSource, pwDatabase, SprCompileFlags.All, false, bCmdQuotes); ctx.Base = strBaseRaw; ctx.BaseIsEncoded = false; string strUrl = SprEngine.Compile(strUrlFlt, ctx); string strOvr = Program.Config.Integration.UrlSchemeOverrides.GetOverrideForUrl( strUrl); if (!bAllowOverride) { strOvr = null; } if (strOvr != null) { bool bCmdQuotesOvr = WinUtil.IsCommandLineUrl(strOvr); SprContext ctxOvr = new SprContext(peDataSource, pwDatabase, SprCompileFlags.All, false, bCmdQuotesOvr); ctxOvr.Base = strUrl; ctxOvr.BaseIsEncoded = bCmdQuotes; strUrl = SprEngine.Compile(strOvr, ctxOvr); } if (WinUtil.IsCommandLineUrl(strUrl)) { string strApp, strArgs; StrUtil.SplitCommandLine(WinUtil.GetCommandLineFromUrl(strUrl), out strApp, out strArgs); try { if ((strArgs != null) && (strArgs.Length > 0)) { Process.Start(strApp, strArgs); } else { Process.Start(strApp); } } catch (Win32Exception) { StartWithoutShellExecute(strApp, strArgs); } catch (Exception exCmd) { string strInf = KPRes.FileOrUrl + ": " + strApp; if ((strArgs != null) && (strArgs.Length > 0)) { strInf += MessageService.NewParagraph + KPRes.Arguments + ": " + strArgs; } MessageService.ShowWarning(strInf, exCmd); } } else // Standard URL { try { Process.Start(strUrl); } catch (Exception exUrl) { MessageService.ShowWarning(strUrl, exUrl); } } // Restore previous working directory WinUtil.SetWorkingDirectory(strPrevWorkDir); // SprEngine.Compile might have modified the database Program.MainForm.UpdateUI(false, null, false, null, false, null, false); }
private static string ComputeNewDisplayOrder(List <AceColumn> lNew, List <AceColumn> lOld, string strOldOrder) { if ((lNew == null) || (lOld == null)) { Debug.Assert(false); return(string.Empty); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strOldOrder)) { return(string.Empty); } List <AceColumnWithTag> lOldS = new List <AceColumnWithTag>(); try { int[] vOld = StrUtil.DeserializeIntArray(strOldOrder); if ((vOld == null) || (vOld.Length != lOld.Count)) { Debug.Assert(false); return(string.Empty); } for (int i = 0; i < vOld.Length; ++i) { if (lOld[i] == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(string.Empty); } lOldS.Add(new AceColumnWithTag(lOld[i], vOld[i])); } lOldS.Sort(AceColumnWithTag.CompareByTags); } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); return(string.Empty); } List <AceColumnWithTag> l = new List <AceColumnWithTag>(); foreach (AceColumn c in lNew) { if (c != null) { l.Add(new AceColumnWithTag(c, 0)); } else { Debug.Assert(false); return(string.Empty); } } long m = Math.Max(lNew.Count, lOld.Count); // Preserve order of previous columns for (int i = 0; i < lOldS.Count; ++i) { string strOldName = lOldS[i].TypeNameEx; foreach (AceColumnWithTag ct in l) { if (ct.TypeNameEx == strOldName) { ct.Tag = m * i; break; } } } // Insert new columns based on their default position for (int i = 1; i < l.Count; ++i) { if (l[i].Tag == 0) { l[i].Tag = l[i - 1].Tag + 1; } } l.Sort(AceColumnWithTag.CompareByTags); int[] v = new int[lNew.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < l.Count; ++j) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(l[j].Column, lNew[i])) { v[i] = j; break; } } } Debug.Assert(Array.IndexOf(v, 0) == Array.LastIndexOf(v, 0)); return(StrUtil.SerializeIntArray(v)); }
private void OnFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_lInfo == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } GlobalWindowManager.AddWindow(this, this); BannerFactory.CreateBannerEx(this, m_bannerImage, Properties.Resources.B48x48_WWW, KPRes.UpdateCheck, KPRes.UpdateCheckResults); this.Icon = AppIcons.Default; this.Text = KPRes.UpdateCheck + " - " + PwDefs.ShortProductName; UIUtil.SetExplorerTheme(m_lvInfo, true); m_lvInfo.Columns.Add(KPRes.Component); m_lvInfo.Columns.Add(KPRes.Status); m_lvInfo.Columns.Add(KPRes.Installed); m_lvInfo.Columns.Add(KPRes.Available); List <Image> lImages = new List <Image>(); lImages.Add(Properties.Resources.B16x16_Help); lImages.Add(Properties.Resources.B16x16_Apply); lImages.Add(Properties.Resources.B16x16_Redo); lImages.Add(Properties.Resources.B16x16_History); lImages.Add(Properties.Resources.B16x16_Error); m_ilIcons = UIUtil.BuildImageListUnscaled(lImages, DpiUtil.ScaleIntX(16), DpiUtil.ScaleIntY(16)); m_lvInfo.SmallImageList = m_ilIcons; string strCat = string.Empty; ListViewGroup lvg = null; const uint uMinComp = 2; foreach (UpdateComponentInfo uc in m_lInfo) { if (uc.Category != strCat) { lvg = new ListViewGroup(uc.Category); m_lvInfo.Groups.Add(lvg); strCat = uc.Category; } ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(uc.Name); string strStatus = KPRes.Unknown + "."; if (uc.Status == UpdateComponentStatus.UpToDate) { strStatus = KPRes.UpToDate + "."; lvi.ImageIndex = 1; } else if (uc.Status == UpdateComponentStatus.NewVerAvailable) { strStatus = KPRes.NewVersionAvailable + "!"; lvi.ImageIndex = 2; } else if (uc.Status == UpdateComponentStatus.PreRelease) { strStatus = KPRes.PreReleaseVersion + "."; lvi.ImageIndex = 3; } else if (uc.Status == UpdateComponentStatus.DownloadFailed) { strStatus = KPRes.UpdateCheckFailedNoDl; lvi.ImageIndex = 4; } else { lvi.ImageIndex = 0; } lvi.SubItems.Add(strStatus); lvi.SubItems.Add(StrUtil.VersionToString(uc.VerInstalled, uMinComp)); if ((uc.Status == UpdateComponentStatus.UpToDate) || (uc.Status == UpdateComponentStatus.NewVerAvailable) || (uc.Status == UpdateComponentStatus.PreRelease)) { lvi.SubItems.Add(StrUtil.VersionToString(uc.VerAvailable, uMinComp)); } else { lvi.SubItems.Add("?"); } if (lvg != null) { lvi.Group = lvg; } m_lvInfo.Items.Add(lvi); } UIUtil.ResizeColumns(m_lvInfo, new int[] { 2, 2, 1, 1 }, true); }
private static void OpenUrlPriv(string strUrlToOpen, PwEntry peDataSource, bool bAllowOverride, string strBaseRaw) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strUrlToOpen)) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } if (WinUtil.OpenUrlPre != null) { OpenUrlEventArgs e = new OpenUrlEventArgs(strUrlToOpen, peDataSource, bAllowOverride, strBaseRaw); WinUtil.OpenUrlPre(null, e); strUrlToOpen = e.Url; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strUrlToOpen)) { return; } } string strPrevWorkDir = WinUtil.GetWorkingDirectory(); string strThisExe = WinUtil.GetExecutable(); string strExeDir = UrlUtil.GetFileDirectory(strThisExe, false, true); WinUtil.SetWorkingDirectory(strExeDir); string strUrl = CompileUrl(strUrlToOpen, peDataSource, bAllowOverride, strBaseRaw, null); if (WinUtil.IsCommandLineUrl(strUrl)) { string strApp, strArgs; StrUtil.SplitCommandLine(WinUtil.GetCommandLineFromUrl(strUrl), out strApp, out strArgs); try { try { NativeLib.StartProcess(strApp, strArgs); } catch (Win32Exception) { ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.FileName = strApp; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strArgs)) { psi.Arguments = strArgs; } psi.UseShellExecute = false; NativeLib.StartProcess(psi); } } catch (Exception exCmd) { string strMsg = KPRes.FileOrUrl + ": " + strApp; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strArgs)) { strMsg += MessageService.NewParagraph + KPRes.Arguments + ": " + strArgs; } MessageService.ShowWarning(strMsg, exCmd); } } else // Standard URL { try { NativeLib.StartProcess(strUrl); } catch (Exception exUrl) { MessageService.ShowWarning(strUrl, exUrl); } } // Restore previous working directory WinUtil.SetWorkingDirectory(strPrevWorkDir); // SprEngine.Compile might have modified the database MainForm mf = Program.MainForm; if (mf != null) { mf.UpdateUI(false, null, false, null, false, null, false); } }
public void SetKeySources(IOConnectionInfo iocDb, CompositeKey cmpKey) { string strID = GetKeyAssocID(iocDb); int idx = GetKeyAssocIndex(strID); if ((cmpKey == null) || !m_bRememberKeySources) { if (idx >= 0) { m_vKeySources.RemoveAt(idx); } return; } AceKeyAssoc a = new AceKeyAssoc(); a.DatabasePath = strID; IUserKey kcpPassword = cmpKey.GetUserKey(typeof(KcpPassword)); a.Password = (kcpPassword != null); IUserKey kcpFile = cmpKey.GetUserKey(typeof(KcpKeyFile)); if (kcpFile != null) { string strKeyFile = ((KcpKeyFile)kcpFile).Path; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strKeyFile) && !StrUtil.IsDataUri(strKeyFile)) { if (!UrlUtil.IsAbsolutePath(strKeyFile)) { strKeyFile = UrlUtil.MakeAbsolutePath(WinUtil.GetExecutable(), strKeyFile); } a.KeyFilePath = strKeyFile; } } IUserKey kcpCustom = cmpKey.GetUserKey(typeof(KcpCustomKey)); if (kcpCustom != null) { a.KeyProvider = ((KcpCustomKey)kcpCustom).Name; } IUserKey kcpUser = cmpKey.GetUserKey(typeof(KcpUserAccount)); a.UserAccount = (kcpUser != null); bool bAtLeastOne = (a.Password || (a.KeyFilePath.Length > 0) || (a.KeyProvider.Length > 0) || a.UserAccount); if (bAtLeastOne) { if (idx >= 0) { m_vKeySources[idx] = a; } else { m_vKeySources.Add(a); } } else if (idx >= 0) { m_vKeySources.RemoveAt(idx); } }
public void OnOpenEntry() { foreach (ITotpPluginAdapter adapter in _pluginAdapters) { TotpData totpData = adapter.GetTotpData(App.Kp2a.GetDb().LastOpenedEntry.OutputStrings.ToDictionary(pair => StrUtil.SafeXmlString(pair.Key), pair => pair.Value.ReadString()), Application.Context, false); if (totpData.IsTotpEnry) { new UpdateTotpTimerTask(Application.Context, adapter).Run(); } } }
private void OnFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { Debug.Assert(m_pbData != null); if (m_pbData == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } GlobalWindowManager.AddWindow(this); this.Icon = AppIcons.Default; this.DoubleBuffered = true; m_strInitialFormRect = UIUtil.SetWindowScreenRectEx(this, Program.Config.UI.DataEditorRect); m_bdc = BinaryDataClassifier.Classify(m_strDataDesc, m_pbData); uint uStartOffset; StrEncodingInfo seiGuess = BinaryDataClassifier.GetStringEncoding( m_pbData, out uStartOffset); string strData; try { strData = (seiGuess.Encoding.GetString(m_pbData, (int)uStartOffset, m_pbData.Length - (int)uStartOffset) ?? string.Empty); strData = StrUtil.ReplaceNulls(strData); } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); strData = string.Empty; } ++m_uBlockEvents; UIUtil.AssignShortcut(m_menuFileSave, Keys.Control | Keys.S); UIUtil.AssignShortcut(m_menuFileExit, Keys.Escape, null, true); UIUtil.AssignShortcut(m_menuEditUndo, Keys.Control | Keys.Z, null, true); UIUtil.AssignShortcut(m_menuEditRedo, Keys.Control | Keys.Y, null, true); UIUtil.AssignShortcut(m_menuEditCut, Keys.Control | Keys.X, null, true); UIUtil.AssignShortcut(m_menuEditCopy, Keys.Control | Keys.C, null, true); UIUtil.AssignShortcut(m_menuEditPaste, Keys.Control | Keys.V, null, true); UIUtil.AssignShortcut(m_menuEditDelete, Keys.Delete, null, true); UIUtil.AssignShortcut(m_menuEditSelectAll, Keys.Control | Keys.A, null, true); UIUtil.AssignShortcut(m_menuEditFind, Keys.Control | Keys.F); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbFileSave, KPRes.Save, null, m_menuFileSave); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbEditCut, KPRes.Cut, null, m_menuEditCut); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbEditCopy, KPRes.Copy, null, m_menuEditCopy); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbEditPaste, KPRes.Paste, null, m_menuEditPaste); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbEditUndo, KPRes.Undo, null, m_menuEditUndo); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbEditRedo, KPRes.Redo, null, m_menuEditRedo); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbFind, null, KPRes.Find, m_menuEditFind); // Formatting keyboard shortcuts are implemented by CustomRichTextBoxEx UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbFormatBold, KPRes.Bold, KPRes.Bold + " (" + UIUtil.GetKeysName(Keys.Control | Keys.B) + ")", null); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbFormatItalic, KPRes.Italic, KPRes.Italic + " (" + UIUtil.GetKeysName(Keys.Control | Keys.I) + ")", null); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbFormatUnderline, KPRes.Underline, KPRes.Underline + " (" + UIUtil.GetKeysName(Keys.Control | Keys.U) + ")", null); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbFormatStrikeout, KPRes.Strikeout, null); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbColorForeground, KPRes.TextColor, null); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbColorBackground, KPRes.BackgroundColor, null); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbAlignLeft, KPRes.AlignLeft, KPRes.AlignLeft + " (" + UIUtil.GetKeysName(Keys.Control | Keys.L) + ")", null); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbAlignCenter, KPRes.AlignCenter, KPRes.AlignCenter + " (" + UIUtil.GetKeysName(Keys.Control | Keys.E) + ")", null); UIUtil.ConfigureTbButton(m_tbAlignRight, KPRes.AlignRight, KPRes.AlignRight + " (" + UIUtil.GetKeysName(Keys.Control | Keys.R) + ")", null); string strSearchTr = ((WinUtil.IsAtLeastWindowsVista ? string.Empty : " ") + KPRes.Search); UIUtil.SetCueBanner(m_tbFind, strSearchTr); UIUtil.SetToolTip(m_tbFontCombo, KPRes.Font, true); UIUtil.SetToolTip(m_tbFontSizeCombo, KPRes.Size, true); UIUtil.EnableAutoCompletion(m_tbFontCombo, true); UIUtil.EnableAutoCompletion(m_tbFontSizeCombo, true); m_rtbText.WordWrap = Program.Config.UI.DataEditorWordWrap; m_ctxText.Attach(m_rtbText, this); m_tssStatusMain.Text = KPRes.Ready; InitFormattingToolBar(); bool bSimpleText = true, bDefaultFont = true; if (m_bdc == BinaryDataClass.RichText) { try { if (strData.Length > 0) { m_rtbText.Rtf = StrUtil.RtfFix(strData); bDefaultFont = false; } else { m_rtbText.Text = string.Empty; } bSimpleText = false; } catch (Exception) { } // Show as simple text } if (bSimpleText) { m_rtbText.Text = strData; m_rtbText.SimpleTextOnly = true; // CR is upgraded to CR+LF m_bNewLinesWin = (StrUtil.GetNewLineSeq(strData) != "\n"); } else { m_menuViewFont.Text = KPRes.FontDefault + "..."; } if (bDefaultFont && Program.Config.UI.DataEditorFont.OverrideUIDefault) { m_rtbText.SelectAll(); m_rtbText.SelectionFont = Program.Config.UI.DataEditorFont.ToFont(); } m_rtbText.Select(0, 0); --m_uBlockEvents; UpdateUIState(false, true); }
public static bool GetParamBool(List <string> vParams, int iIndex) { string str = GetParamString(vParams, iIndex, string.Empty); return(StrUtil.StringToBool(str)); }
internal static void GenerateSerializers(CommandLineArgs cl) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int t = 0; AppendLine(sb, "// This is a generated file!", ref t); AppendLine(sb, "// Do not edit manually, changes will be overwritten.", ref t); AppendLine(sb); AppendLine(sb, "using System;", ref t); AppendLine(sb, "using System.Collections.Generic;", ref t); AppendLine(sb, "using System.Xml;", ref t); AppendLine(sb, "using System.Diagnostics;", ref t); AppendLine(sb); AppendLine(sb, "using KeePassLib.Interfaces;", ref t); AppendLine(sb); AppendLine(sb, "namespace KeePass.Util.XmlSerialization", ref t); AppendLine(sb, "{", ref t, 0, 1); AppendLine(sb, "public sealed partial class XmlSerializerEx : IXmlSerializerEx", ref t); AppendLine(sb, "{", ref t, 0, 1); AppendLine(sb, "private static char[] m_vEnumSeps = new char[] {", ref t, 0, 1); AppendLine(sb, "' ', '\\t', '\\r', '\\n', '|', ',', ';', ':'", ref t); AppendLine(sb, "};", ref t, -1, 0); Dictionary <string, XmlsTypeInfo> d = new Dictionary <string, XmlsTypeInfo>(); d[typeof(AppConfigEx).FullName] = new XmlsTypeInfo(typeof(AppConfigEx)); d[typeof(KPTranslation).FullName] = new XmlsTypeInfo(typeof(KPTranslation)); bool bTypeCreated = true; while (bTypeCreated) { bTypeCreated = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, XmlsTypeInfo> kvp in d) { if (!kvp.Value.HasInfo) { d[kvp.Key] = GenerateSerializer(kvp.Value.Type, d, t); bTypeCreated = true; break; // Iterator might be invalid } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, XmlsTypeInfo> kvp in d) { AppendLine(sb); sb.Append(kvp.Value.ReadCode); } AppendLine(sb, "}", ref t, -1, 0); AppendLine(sb, "}", ref t, -1, 0); Debug.Assert(t == 0); string strFileData = StrUtil.NormalizeNewLines(sb.ToString(), true); string strFile = cl["out"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFile)) { strFile = UrlUtil.MakeAbsolutePath(WinUtil.GetExecutable(), strFile); File.WriteAllText(strFile, strFileData, StrUtil.Utf8); MessageService.ShowInfo("Saved XmlSerializerEx to:", strFile); } }
public static void ParametersToDataGridView(DataGridView dg, IEcasParameterized p, IEcasObject objDefaults) { if (dg == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dg"); } if (p == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("p"); } if (p.Parameters == null) { throw new ArgumentException(); } if (objDefaults == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("objDefaults"); } if (objDefaults.Parameters == null) { throw new ArgumentException(); } dg.Rows.Clear(); dg.Columns.Clear(); Color clrFG = dg.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor; Color clrBG = dg.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor; // if (UIUtil.IsDarkColor(clrFG) == UIUtil.IsDarkColor(clrBG)) { clrFG = (UIUtil.IsDarkColor(clrBG) ? Color.White : Color.Black); } Color clrValueBG = clrBG; if (UIUtil.IsDarkColor(clrBG)) { clrValueBG = UIUtil.LightenColor(clrValueBG, 0.075); } else { clrValueBG = UIUtil.DarkenColor(clrValueBG, 0.075); } dg.ColumnHeadersVisible = false; dg.RowHeadersVisible = false; dg.GridColor = clrBG; dg.BackgroundColor = clrBG; dg.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = clrFG; dg.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = clrBG; dg.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionForeColor = clrFG; dg.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = clrBG; dg.AllowDrop = false; dg.AllowUserToAddRows = false; dg.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false; dg.AllowUserToOrderColumns = false; dg.AllowUserToResizeColumns = false; dg.AllowUserToResizeRows = false; // dg.EditMode: see below dg.Tag = p; int nWidth = (dg.ClientSize.Width - UIUtil.GetVScrollBarWidth()); dg.Columns.Add("Name", KPRes.FieldName); dg.Columns.Add("Value", KPRes.FieldValue); dg.Columns[0].Width = (nWidth / 2); dg.Columns[1].Width = (nWidth / 2); bool bUseDefaults = true; if (objDefaults.Type == null) { Debug.Assert(false); } // Optimistic else if (p.Type == null) { Debug.Assert(false); } // Optimistic else if (!objDefaults.Type.Equals(p.Type)) { bUseDefaults = false; } for (int i = 0; i < p.Parameters.Length; ++i) { EcasParameter ep = p.Parameters[i]; dg.Rows.Add(); DataGridViewRow row = dg.Rows[dg.Rows.Count - 1]; DataGridViewCellCollection cc = row.Cells; Debug.Assert(cc.Count == 2); cc[0].Value = ep.Name; cc[0].ReadOnly = true; string strParam = (bUseDefaults ? EcasUtil.GetParamString( objDefaults.Parameters, i) : string.Empty); DataGridViewCell c = null; switch (ep.Type) { case EcasValueType.String: c = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); c.Value = strParam; break; case EcasValueType.Bool: c = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell(false); c.Value = StrUtil.StringToBool(strParam); break; case EcasValueType.EnumStrings: DataGridViewComboBoxCell cmb = new DataGridViewComboBoxCell(); cmb.Sorted = false; cmb.DisplayStyle = DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle.DropDownButton; int iFound = -1; for (int e = 0; e < ep.EnumValues.ItemCount; ++e) { EcasEnumItem eei = ep.EnumValues.Items[e]; cmb.Items.Add(eei.Name); if (eei.ID.ToString() == strParam) { iFound = e; } } if (iFound >= 0) { cmb.Value = ep.EnumValues.Items[iFound].Name; } else if (ep.EnumValues.ItemCount > 0) { cmb.Value = ep.EnumValues.Items[0].Name; } else { Debug.Assert(false); } c = cmb; break; case EcasValueType.Int64: c = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); c.Value = FilterTypeI64(strParam); break; case EcasValueType.UInt64: c = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); c.Value = FilterTypeU64(strParam); break; default: Debug.Assert(false); break; } if (c != null) { cc[1] = c; cc[1].ReadOnly = false; } else { cc[1].ReadOnly = true; } cc[1].Style.ForeColor = clrFG; cc[1].Style.BackColor = clrValueBG; cc[1].Style.SelectionForeColor = clrFG; cc[1].Style.SelectionBackColor = clrValueBG; } // Perform postponed setting of EditMode (cannot set it earlier // due to a Mono bug on FreeBSD); // dg.EditMode = DataGridViewEditMode.EditOnEnter; }
private static bool CompileAssembly(PlgxPluginInfo plgx, ref CompilerResults cr, string strCompilerVersion) { const string StrCoreRef = "System.Core"; const string StrCoreDll = "System.Core.dll"; bool bHasCore = false, bCoreAdded = false; foreach (string strAsm in plgx.CompilerParameters.ReferencedAssemblies) { if (UrlUtil.AssemblyEquals(strAsm, StrCoreRef)) { bHasCore = true; break; } } if ((strCompilerVersion != null) && strCompilerVersion.StartsWith( "v", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp)) { ulong v = StrUtil.ParseVersion(strCompilerVersion.Substring(1)); if (!bHasCore && (v >= 0x0003000500000000UL)) { plgx.CompilerParameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(StrCoreDll); bCoreAdded = true; } } bool bResult = false; try { Dictionary <string, string> dictOpt = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strCompilerVersion)) { dictOpt.Add("CompilerVersion", strCompilerVersion); } // Windows 98 only supports the parameterless constructor; // check must be separate from the instantiation method if (WinUtil.IsWindows9x) { dictOpt.Clear(); } CodeDomProvider cdp = null; if (plgx.ProjectType == PlgxProjectType.CSharp) { cdp = ((dictOpt.Count == 0) ? new CSharpCodeProvider() : CreateCscProvider(dictOpt)); } // else if(plgx.ProjectType == PlgxProjectType.VisualBasic) // cdp = ((dictOpt.Count == 0) ? new VBCodeProvider() : // new VBCodeProvider(dictOpt)); else { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } cr = cdp.CompileAssemblyFromFile(plgx.CompilerParameters, plgx.SourceFiles.ToArray()); bResult = ((cr.Errors == null) || !cr.Errors.HasErrors); } catch (Exception) { } if (bCoreAdded) { plgx.CompilerParameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Remove(StrCoreDll); } // cr = null; // Keep previous results for output return(bResult); }
public static string ParametersToString(IEcasObject ecasObj, EcasParameter[] vParamInfo) { if (ecasObj == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ecasObj"); } if (ecasObj.Parameters == null) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool bParamInfoValid = true; if ((vParamInfo == null) || (ecasObj.Parameters.Count > vParamInfo.Length)) { Debug.Assert(false); bParamInfoValid = false; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); EcasCondition eCond = (ecasObj as EcasCondition); if (eCond != null) { if (eCond.Negate) { sb.Append(KPRes.Not); } } for (int i = 0; i < ecasObj.Parameters.Count; ++i) { string strParam = ecasObj.Parameters[i]; string strAppend; if (bParamInfoValid) { EcasValueType t = vParamInfo[i].Type; if (t == EcasValueType.String) { strAppend = strParam; } else if (t == EcasValueType.Bool) { strAppend = (StrUtil.StringToBool(strParam) ? KPRes.Yes : KPRes.No); } else if (t == EcasValueType.EnumStrings) { uint uEnumID; if (uint.TryParse(strParam, out uEnumID) == false) { Debug.Assert(false); } EcasEnum ee = vParamInfo[i].EnumValues; if (ee != null) { strAppend = ee.GetItemString(uEnumID, string.Empty); } else { Debug.Assert(false); strAppend = strParam; } } else if (t == EcasValueType.Int64) { strAppend = FilterTypeI64(strParam); } else if (t == EcasValueType.UInt64) { strAppend = FilterTypeU64(strParam); } else { Debug.Assert(false); strAppend = strParam; } } else { strAppend = strParam; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strAppend)) { continue; } string strAppTrimmed = strAppend.Trim(); if (strAppTrimmed.Length == 0) { continue; } if (sb.Length > 0) { sb.Append(", "); } sb.Append(strAppTrimmed); } return(sb.ToString()); }
private void UpdateHtmlDocument() { if (m_bBlockPreviewRefresh) { return; } m_bBlockPreviewRefresh = true; PwGroup pgDataSource = m_pgDataSource.CloneDeep(); int nSortEntries = m_cmbSortEntries.SelectedIndex; string strSortFieldName = null; if (nSortEntries == 0) { } // No sort else if (nSortEntries == 1) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.TitleField; } else if (nSortEntries == 2) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.UserNameField; } else if (nSortEntries == 3) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.PasswordField; } else if (nSortEntries == 4) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.UrlField; } else if (nSortEntries == 5) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.NotesField; } else { Debug.Assert(false); } if (strSortFieldName != null) { SortGroupEntriesRecursive(pgDataSource, strSortFieldName); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\""); sb.AppendLine("\t\"\">"); sb.AppendLine("<html xmlns=\"\">"); sb.AppendLine("<head>"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />"); sb.Append("<title>"); sb.Append(StrUtil.StringToHtml(pgDataSource.Name)); sb.AppendLine("</title>"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"0\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<style type=\"text/css\"><!--"); sb.AppendLine("body, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ol, ul, li, td, th, dd, dt, a {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-family: Tahoma, MS Sans Serif, Sans Serif, Verdana, sans-serif;"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 10pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("span.fserif {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-family: Times New Roman, serif;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h1 { font-size: 2em; }"); sb.AppendLine("h2 { font-size: 1.5em; }"); sb.AppendLine("h3 { font-size: 1.2em; }"); sb.AppendLine("h4 { font-size: 1em; }"); sb.AppendLine("h5 { font-size: 0.89em; }"); sb.AppendLine("h6 { font-size: 0.6em; }"); sb.AppendLine("td {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-align: left;"); sb.AppendLine("\tvertical-align: top;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:visited {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: none;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #0000DD;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:active {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: none;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #6699FF;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:link {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: none;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #0000DD;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:hover {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: underline;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #6699FF;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("--></style>"); sb.AppendLine("</head><body>"); sb.AppendLine("<h2>" + StrUtil.StringToHtml(pgDataSource.Name) + "</h2>"); GroupHandler gh = null; EntryHandler eh = null; bool bGroup = m_cbGroups.Checked; bool bTitle = m_cbTitle.Checked, bUserName = m_cbUser.Checked; bool bPassword = m_cbPassword.Checked, bURL = m_cbUrl.Checked; bool bNotes = m_cbNotes.Checked; bool bCreation = m_cbCreation.Checked, bLastMod = m_cbLastMod.Checked; // bool bLastAcc = m_cbLastAccess.Checked; bool bExpire = m_cbExpire.Checked; bool bAutoType = m_cbAutoType.Checked; bool bTags = m_cbTags.Checked; bool bCustomStrings = m_cbCustomStrings.Checked; bool bMonoPasswords = m_cbMonospaceForPasswords.Checked; if (m_rbMonospace.Checked) { bMonoPasswords = false; // Monospaced anyway } bool bSmallMono = m_cbSmallMono.Checked; string strFontInit = string.Empty, strFontExit = string.Empty; if (m_rbSerif.Checked) { strFontInit = "<span class=\"fserif\">"; strFontExit = "</span>"; } else if (m_rbSansSerif.Checked) { strFontInit = string.Empty; strFontExit = string.Empty; } else if (m_rbMonospace.Checked) { strFontInit = (bSmallMono ? "<code><small>" : "<code>"); strFontExit = (bSmallMono ? "</small></code>" : "</code>"); } else { Debug.Assert(false); } string strTableInit = "<table width=\"100%\">"; if (m_rbTabular.Checked) { // int nFieldCount = (bTitle ? 1 : 0) + (bUserName ? 1 : 0); // nFieldCount += (bPassword ? 1 : 0) + (bURL ? 1 : 0) + (bNotes ? 1 : 0); string strCellPre = "<td>" + strFontInit; string strCellPost = strFontExit + "</td>"; string strHTdInit = "<td><b>"; string strHTdExit = "</b></td>"; StringBuilder sbH = new StringBuilder(); sbH.AppendLine(); sbH.Append("<tr>"); if (bGroup) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + StrUtil.StringToHtml(KPRes.Group) + strHTdExit); } if (bTitle) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + StrUtil.StringToHtml(KPRes.Title) + strHTdExit); } if (bUserName) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + StrUtil.StringToHtml(KPRes.UserName) + strHTdExit); } if (bPassword) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + StrUtil.StringToHtml(KPRes.Password) + strHTdExit); } if (bURL) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + StrUtil.StringToHtml(KPRes.Url) + strHTdExit); } if (bNotes) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + StrUtil.StringToHtml(KPRes.Notes) + strHTdExit); } if (bCreation) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + StrUtil.StringToHtml(KPRes.CreationTime) + strHTdExit); } // if(bLastAcc) sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + StrUtil.StringToHtml(KPRes.LastAccessTime) + strHTdExit); if (bLastMod) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + StrUtil.StringToHtml(KPRes.LastModificationTime) + strHTdExit); } if (bExpire) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + StrUtil.StringToHtml(KPRes.ExpiryTime) + strHTdExit); } if (bTags) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + StrUtil.StringToHtml(KPRes.Tags) + strHTdExit); } sbH.Append("</tr>"); // No terminating \r\n strTableInit += sbH.ToString(); sb.AppendLine(strTableInit); eh = delegate(PwEntry pe) { sb.AppendLine("<tr>"); WriteTabularIf(bGroup, sb, StrUtil.StringToHtml(pe.ParentGroup.Name), strCellPre, strCellPost); WriteTabularIf(bTitle, sb, pe, PwDefs.TitleField, strCellPre, strCellPost); WriteTabularIf(bUserName, sb, pe, PwDefs.UserNameField, strCellPre, strCellPost); if (bPassword) { if (bMonoPasswords) { sb.Append(bSmallMono ? "<td><code><small>" : "<td><code>"); } else { sb.Append(strCellPre); } string strInner = StrUtil.StringToHtml(pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.PasswordField)); if (strInner.Length > 0) { sb.Append(strInner); } else { sb.Append(@" "); } if (bMonoPasswords) { sb.AppendLine(bSmallMono ? "</small></code></td>" : "</code></td>"); } else { sb.AppendLine(strCellPost); } } // WriteTabularIf(bURL, sb, pe, PwDefs.UrlField, strCellPre, strCellPost); WriteTabularIf(bURL, sb, MakeUrlLink(pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField), strFontInit, strFontExit), strCellPre, strCellPost); WriteTabularIf(bNotes, sb, pe, PwDefs.NotesField, strCellPre, strCellPost); WriteTabularIf(bCreation, sb, TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.CreationTime), strCellPre, strCellPost); // WriteTabularIf(bLastAcc, sb, TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( // pe.LastAccessTime), strCellPre, strCellPost); WriteTabularIf(bLastMod, sb, TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.LastModificationTime), strCellPre, strCellPost); WriteTabularIf(bExpire, sb, (pe.Expires ? TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.ExpiryTime) : KPRes.NeverExpires), strCellPre, strCellPost); WriteTabularIf(bTags, sb, StrUtil.TagsToString(pe.Tags, true), strCellPre, strCellPost); sb.AppendLine("</tr>"); return(true); }; } else if (m_rbDetails.Checked) { sb.AppendLine(strTableInit); if (pgDataSource.Entries.UCount == 0) { sb.AppendLine(@"<tr><td> </td></tr>"); } eh = delegate(PwEntry pe) { if (bGroup) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Group, pe.ParentGroup.Name, bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit, strFontExit); } if (bTitle) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Title, pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField), bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit + "<b>", "</b>" + strFontExit); } if (bUserName) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.UserName, pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UserNameField), bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit, strFontExit); } if (bPassword) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Password, pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.PasswordField), bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit, strFontExit); } if (bURL) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Url, pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField), bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit, strFontExit); } if (bNotes) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Notes, pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.NotesField), bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit, strFontExit); } if (bCreation) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.CreationTime, TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.CreationTime), bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit, strFontExit); } // if(bLastAcc) WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.LastAccessTime, TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( // pe.LastAccessTime), bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit, strFontExit); if (bLastMod) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.LastModificationTime, TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.LastModificationTime), bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit, strFontExit); } if (bExpire) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.ExpiryTime, (pe.Expires ? TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.ExpiryTime) : KPRes.NeverExpires), bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit, strFontExit); } if (bAutoType) { foreach (AutoTypeAssociation a in pe.AutoType.Associations) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.AutoType, a.WindowName + ": " + a.Sequence, bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit, strFontExit); } } if (bTags) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Tags, StrUtil.TagsToString( pe.Tags, true), bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit, strFontExit); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ProtectedString> kvp in pe.Strings) { if (bCustomStrings && !PwDefs.IsStandardField(kvp.Key)) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, kvp, bSmallMono, bMonoPasswords, strFontInit, strFontExit); } } sb.AppendLine(@"<tr><td> </td></tr>"); return(true); }; } else { Debug.Assert(false); } gh = delegate(PwGroup pg) { if (pg.Entries.UCount == 0) { return(true); } sb.Append("</table><br /><hr /><h3>"); sb.Append(StrUtil.StringToHtml(pg.GetFullPath(" - ", false))); sb.AppendLine("</h3>"); sb.AppendLine(strTableInit); return(true); }; pgDataSource.TraverseTree(TraversalMethod.PreOrder, gh, eh); if (m_rbTabular.Checked) { sb.AppendLine("</table>"); } else if (m_rbDetails.Checked) { sb.AppendLine("</table><br />"); } sb.AppendLine("</body></html>"); try { UIUtil.SetWebBrowserDocument(m_wbMain, sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { } // Throws in Mono 2.0+ try { m_wbMain.AllowNavigation = false; } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } m_bBlockPreviewRefresh = false; }
public static bool AutoOpenEntry(Activity activity, AutoExecItem item, bool bManual, ActivityLaunchMode launchMode) { string str; PwEntry pe = item.Entry; SprContext ctxNoEsc = new SprContext(pe, item.Database, SprCompileFlags.All); IOConnectionInfo ioc; if (!TryGetDatabaseIoc(item, out ioc)) { return(false); } var ob = GetBoolEx(pe, "SkipIfNotExists", ctxNoEsc); if (!ob.HasValue) // Backw. compat. { ob = GetBoolEx(pe, "Skip if not exists", ctxNoEsc); } if (ob.HasValue && ob.Value) { if (!CheckFileExsts(ioc)) { return(false); } } CompositeKey ck = new CompositeKey(); if (GetString(pe, PwDefs.PasswordField, ctxNoEsc, false, out str)) { ck.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword(str)); } if (GetString(pe, PwDefs.UserNameField, ctxNoEsc, false, out str)) { string strAbs = str; IOConnectionInfo iocKey = IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(strAbs); if (iocKey.IsLocalFile() && !UrlUtil.IsAbsolutePath(strAbs)) { //local relative paths not supported on Android return(false); } ob = GetBoolEx(pe, "SkipIfKeyFileNotExists", ctxNoEsc); if (ob.HasValue && ob.Value) { IOConnectionInfo iocKeyAbs = IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(strAbs); if (!CheckFileExsts(iocKeyAbs)) { return(false); } } try { ck.AddUserKey(new KcpKeyFile(strAbs)); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Toast.MakeText(LocaleManager.LocalizedAppContext, Resource.String.error_adding_keyfile, ToastLength.Long).Show(); return(false); } catch (Exception) { throw; } } else // Try getting key file from attachments { ProtectedBinary pBin = pe.Binaries.Get("KeyFile.bin"); if (pBin != null) { ck.AddUserKey(new KcpKeyFile(IOConnectionInfo.FromPath( StrUtil.DataToDataUri(pBin.ReadData(), null)))); } } GetString(pe, "Focus", ctxNoEsc, true, out str); bool bRestoreFocus = str.Equals("Restore", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp); PasswordActivity.Launch(activity, ioc, ck, launchMode, ! bRestoreFocus); App.Kp2a.RegisterChildDatabase(ioc); return(true); }
private KdbContext ReadXmlElement(KdbContext ctx, XmlReader xr) { Debug.Assert(xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element); switch (ctx) { case KdbContext.Null: if (xr.Name == ElemDocNode) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.KeePassFile, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.KeePassFile: if (xr.Name == ElemMeta) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.Meta, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemRoot) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.Root, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.Meta: if (xr.Name == ElemGenerator) { ReadString(xr); // Ignore } else if (xr.Name == ElemHeaderHash) { // The header hash is typically only stored in // KDBX <= 3.1 files, not in KDBX >= 4 files // (here, the header is verified via a HMAC), // but we also support it for KDBX >= 4 files // (i.e. if it's present, we check it) string strHash = ReadString(xr); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strHash) && (m_pbHashOfHeader != null) && !m_bRepairMode) { Debug.Assert(m_uFileVersion < FileVersion32_4); byte[] pbHash = Convert.FromBase64String(strHash); if (!MemUtil.ArraysEqual(pbHash, m_pbHashOfHeader)) { throw new InvalidDataException(KLRes.FileCorrupted); } } } else if (xr.Name == ElemSettingsChanged) { m_pwDatabase.SettingsChanged = ReadTime(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDbName) { m_pwDatabase.Name = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDbNameChanged) { m_pwDatabase.NameChanged = ReadTime(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDbDesc) { m_pwDatabase.Description = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDbDescChanged) { m_pwDatabase.DescriptionChanged = ReadTime(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDbDefaultUser) { m_pwDatabase.DefaultUserName = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDbDefaultUserChanged) { m_pwDatabase.DefaultUserNameChanged = ReadTime(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDbMntncHistoryDays) { m_pwDatabase.MaintenanceHistoryDays = ReadUInt(xr, 365); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDbColor) { string strColor = ReadString(xr); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strColor)) { m_pwDatabase.Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(strColor); } } else if (xr.Name == ElemDbKeyChanged) { m_pwDatabase.MasterKeyChanged = ReadTime(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDbKeyChangeRec) { m_pwDatabase.MasterKeyChangeRec = ReadLong(xr, -1); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDbKeyChangeForce) { m_pwDatabase.MasterKeyChangeForce = ReadLong(xr, -1); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDbKeyChangeForceOnce) { m_pwDatabase.MasterKeyChangeForceOnce = ReadBool(xr, false); } else if (xr.Name == ElemMemoryProt) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.MemoryProtection, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemCustomIcons) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.CustomIcons, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemRecycleBinEnabled) { m_pwDatabase.RecycleBinEnabled = ReadBool(xr, true); } else if (xr.Name == ElemRecycleBinUuid) { m_pwDatabase.RecycleBinUuid = ReadUuid(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemRecycleBinChanged) { m_pwDatabase.RecycleBinChanged = ReadTime(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemEntryTemplatesGroup) { m_pwDatabase.EntryTemplatesGroup = ReadUuid(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemEntryTemplatesGroupChanged) { m_pwDatabase.EntryTemplatesGroupChanged = ReadTime(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemHistoryMaxItems) { m_pwDatabase.HistoryMaxItems = ReadInt(xr, -1); } else if (xr.Name == ElemHistoryMaxSize) { m_pwDatabase.HistoryMaxSize = ReadLong(xr, -1); } else if (xr.Name == ElemLastSelectedGroup) { m_pwDatabase.LastSelectedGroup = ReadUuid(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemLastTopVisibleGroup) { m_pwDatabase.LastTopVisibleGroup = ReadUuid(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemBinaries) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.Binaries, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemCustomData) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.CustomData, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.MemoryProtection: if (xr.Name == ElemProtTitle) { m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectTitle = ReadBool(xr, false); } else if (xr.Name == ElemProtUserName) { m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUserName = ReadBool(xr, false); } else if (xr.Name == ElemProtPassword) { m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword = ReadBool(xr, true); } else if (xr.Name == ElemProtUrl) { m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUrl = ReadBool(xr, false); } else if (xr.Name == ElemProtNotes) { m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectNotes = ReadBool(xr, false); } // else if(xr.Name == ElemProtAutoHide) // m_pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.AutoEnableVisualHiding = ReadBool(xr, true); else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.CustomIcons: if (xr.Name == ElemCustomIconItem) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.CustomIcon, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.CustomIcon: if (xr.Name == ElemCustomIconItemID) { m_uuidCustomIconID = ReadUuid(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemCustomIconItemData) { string strData = ReadString(xr); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strData)) { m_pbCustomIconData = Convert.FromBase64String(strData); } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.Binaries: if (xr.Name == ElemBinary) { if (xr.MoveToAttribute(AttrId)) { string strKey = xr.Value; ProtectedBinary pbData = ReadProtectedBinary(xr); int iKey; if (!StrUtil.TryParseIntInvariant(strKey, out iKey)) { throw new FormatException(); } if (iKey < 0) { throw new FormatException(); } Debug.Assert(m_pbsBinaries.Get(iKey) == null); Debug.Assert(m_pbsBinaries.Find(pbData) < 0); m_pbsBinaries.Set(iKey, pbData); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.CustomData: if (xr.Name == ElemStringDictExItem) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.CustomDataItem, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.CustomDataItem: if (xr.Name == ElemKey) { m_strCustomDataKey = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemValue) { m_strCustomDataValue = ReadString(xr); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.Root: if (xr.Name == ElemGroup) { Debug.Assert(m_ctxGroups.Count == 0); if (m_ctxGroups.Count != 0) { throw new FormatException(); } m_pwDatabase.RootGroup = new PwGroup(false, false); m_ctxGroups.Push(m_pwDatabase.RootGroup); m_ctxGroup = m_ctxGroups.Peek(); return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.Group, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDeletedObjects) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.RootDeletedObjects, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.Group: if (xr.Name == ElemUuid) { m_ctxGroup.Uuid = ReadUuid(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemName) { m_ctxGroup.Name = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemNotes) { m_ctxGroup.Notes = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemIcon) { m_ctxGroup.IconId = ReadIconId(xr, PwIcon.Folder); } else if (xr.Name == ElemCustomIconID) { m_ctxGroup.CustomIconUuid = ReadUuid(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemTimes) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.GroupTimes, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemIsExpanded) { m_ctxGroup.IsExpanded = ReadBool(xr, true); } else if (xr.Name == ElemGroupDefaultAutoTypeSeq) { m_ctxGroup.DefaultAutoTypeSequence = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemEnableAutoType) { m_ctxGroup.EnableAutoType = StrUtil.StringToBoolEx(ReadString(xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemEnableSearching) { m_ctxGroup.EnableSearching = StrUtil.StringToBoolEx(ReadString(xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemLastTopVisibleEntry) { m_ctxGroup.LastTopVisibleEntry = ReadUuid(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemCustomData) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.GroupCustomData, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemGroup) { m_ctxGroup = new PwGroup(false, false); m_ctxGroups.Peek().AddGroup(m_ctxGroup, true); m_ctxGroups.Push(m_ctxGroup); return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.Group, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemEntry) { m_ctxEntry = new PwEntry(false, false); m_ctxGroup.AddEntry(m_ctxEntry, true); m_bEntryInHistory = false; return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.Entry, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.GroupCustomData: if (xr.Name == ElemStringDictExItem) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.GroupCustomDataItem, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.GroupCustomDataItem: if (xr.Name == ElemKey) { m_strGroupCustomDataKey = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemValue) { m_strGroupCustomDataValue = ReadString(xr); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.Entry: if (xr.Name == ElemUuid) { m_ctxEntry.Uuid = ReadUuid(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemIcon) { m_ctxEntry.IconId = ReadIconId(xr, PwIcon.Key); } else if (xr.Name == ElemCustomIconID) { m_ctxEntry.CustomIconUuid = ReadUuid(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemFgColor) { string strColor = ReadString(xr); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strColor)) { m_ctxEntry.ForegroundColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(strColor); } } else if (xr.Name == ElemBgColor) { string strColor = ReadString(xr); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strColor)) { m_ctxEntry.BackgroundColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(strColor); } } else if (xr.Name == ElemOverrideUrl) { m_ctxEntry.OverrideUrl = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemTags) { m_ctxEntry.Tags = StrUtil.StringToTags(ReadString(xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemTimes) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.EntryTimes, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemString) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.EntryString, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemBinary) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.EntryBinary, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemAutoType) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.EntryAutoType, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemCustomData) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.EntryCustomData, xr)); } else if (xr.Name == ElemHistory) { Debug.Assert(m_bEntryInHistory == false); if (m_bEntryInHistory == false) { m_ctxHistoryBase = m_ctxEntry; return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.EntryHistory, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.GroupTimes: case KdbContext.EntryTimes: ITimeLogger tl = ((ctx == KdbContext.GroupTimes) ? (ITimeLogger)m_ctxGroup : (ITimeLogger)m_ctxEntry); Debug.Assert(tl != null); if (xr.Name == ElemCreationTime) { tl.CreationTime = ReadTime(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemLastModTime) { tl.LastModificationTime = ReadTime(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemLastAccessTime) { tl.LastAccessTime = ReadTime(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemExpiryTime) { tl.ExpiryTime = ReadTime(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemExpires) { tl.Expires = ReadBool(xr, false); } else if (xr.Name == ElemUsageCount) { tl.UsageCount = ReadULong(xr, 0); } else if (xr.Name == ElemLocationChanged) { tl.LocationChanged = ReadTime(xr); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.EntryString: if (xr.Name == ElemKey) { m_ctxStringName = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemValue) { m_ctxStringValue = ReadProtectedString(xr); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.EntryBinary: if (xr.Name == ElemKey) { m_ctxBinaryName = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemValue) { m_ctxBinaryValue = ReadProtectedBinary(xr); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.EntryAutoType: if (xr.Name == ElemAutoTypeEnabled) { m_ctxEntry.AutoType.Enabled = ReadBool(xr, true); } else if (xr.Name == ElemAutoTypeObfuscation) { m_ctxEntry.AutoType.ObfuscationOptions = (AutoTypeObfuscationOptions)ReadInt(xr, 0); } else if (xr.Name == ElemAutoTypeDefaultSeq) { m_ctxEntry.AutoType.DefaultSequence = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemAutoTypeItem) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.EntryAutoTypeItem, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.EntryAutoTypeItem: if (xr.Name == ElemWindow) { m_ctxATName = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemKeystrokeSequence) { m_ctxATSeq = ReadString(xr); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.EntryCustomData: if (xr.Name == ElemStringDictExItem) { return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.EntryCustomDataItem, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.EntryCustomDataItem: if (xr.Name == ElemKey) { m_strEntryCustomDataKey = ReadString(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemValue) { m_strEntryCustomDataValue = ReadString(xr); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.EntryHistory: if (xr.Name == ElemEntry) { m_ctxEntry = new PwEntry(false, false); m_ctxHistoryBase.History.Add(m_ctxEntry); m_bEntryInHistory = true; return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.Entry, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.RootDeletedObjects: if (xr.Name == ElemDeletedObject) { m_ctxDeletedObject = new PwDeletedObject(); m_pwDatabase.DeletedObjects.Add(m_ctxDeletedObject); return(SwitchContext(ctx, KdbContext.DeletedObject, xr)); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; case KdbContext.DeletedObject: if (xr.Name == ElemUuid) { m_ctxDeletedObject.Uuid = ReadUuid(xr); } else if (xr.Name == ElemDeletionTime) { m_ctxDeletedObject.DeletionTime = ReadTime(xr); } else { ReadUnknown(xr); } break; default: ReadUnknown(xr); break; } return(ctx); }
private static void ExecuteCmd(string strCmd, string strFile) { if (strCmd == "convert_resx") { StreamWriter swOut = new StreamWriter(strFile + ".lng.xml", false, new UTF8Encoding(false)); XmlDocument xmlIn = XmlUtilEx.CreateXmlDocument(); xmlIn.Load(strFile); foreach (XmlNode xmlChild in xmlIn.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { if (xmlChild.Name != "data") { continue; } swOut.Write("<Data Name=\"" + xmlChild.Attributes["name"].Value + "\">\r\n\t<Value>" + xmlChild.SelectSingleNode("value").InnerXml + "</Value>\r\n</Data>\r\n"); } swOut.Close(); } /* else if(strCmd == "compress") * { * byte[] pbData = File.ReadAllBytes(strFile); * * FileStream fs = new FileStream(strFile + ".lngx", FileMode.Create, * FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); * GZipStream gz = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Compress); * * gz.Write(pbData, 0, pbData.Length); * gz.Close(); * fs.Close(); * } */ else if (strCmd == "src_from_xml") { XmlDocument xmlIn = XmlUtilEx.CreateXmlDocument(); xmlIn.Load(strFile); foreach (XmlNode xmlTable in xmlIn.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("StringTable")) { StreamWriter swOut = new StreamWriter(xmlTable.Attributes["Name"].Value + ".Generated.cs", false, new UTF8Encoding(false)); swOut.WriteLine("// This is a generated file!"); swOut.WriteLine("// Do not edit manually, changes will be overwritten."); swOut.WriteLine(); swOut.WriteLine("using System;"); swOut.WriteLine("using System.Collections.Generic;"); swOut.WriteLine(); swOut.WriteLine("namespace " + xmlTable.Attributes["Namespace"].Value); swOut.WriteLine("{"); swOut.WriteLine("\t/// <summary>"); swOut.WriteLine("\t/// A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc."); swOut.WriteLine("\t/// </summary>"); swOut.WriteLine("\tpublic static partial class " + xmlTable.Attributes["Name"].Value); swOut.WriteLine("\t{"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\tprivate static string TryGetEx(Dictionary<string, string> dictNew,"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t\tstring strName, string strDefault)"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t{"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t\tstring strTemp;"); swOut.WriteLine(); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t\tif(dictNew.TryGetValue(strName, out strTemp))"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t\t\treturn strTemp;"); swOut.WriteLine(); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t\treturn strDefault;"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t}"); swOut.WriteLine(); swOut.WriteLine("\t\tpublic static void SetTranslatedStrings(Dictionary<string, string> dictNew)"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t{"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t\tif(dictNew == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(\"dictNew\");"); swOut.WriteLine(); #if DEBUG string strLastName = string.Empty; #endif foreach (XmlNode xmlData in xmlTable.SelectNodes("Data")) { string strName = xmlData.Attributes["Name"].Value; swOut.WriteLine("\t\t\tm_str" + strName + " = TryGetEx(dictNew, \"" + strName + "\", m_str" + strName + ");"); #if DEBUG Debug.Assert((string.Compare(strLastName, strName, true) < 0), "Data names not sorted: " + strLastName + " - " + strName + "."); strLastName = strName; #endif } swOut.WriteLine("\t\t}"); swOut.WriteLine(); swOut.WriteLine("\t\tprivate static readonly string[] m_vKeyNames = {"); XmlNodeList xNodes = xmlTable.SelectNodes("Data"); for (int i = 0; i < xNodes.Count; ++i) { XmlNode xmlData = xNodes.Item(i); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"" + xmlData.Attributes["Name"].Value + "\"" + ((i != xNodes.Count - 1) ? "," : string.Empty)); } swOut.WriteLine("\t\t};"); swOut.WriteLine(); swOut.WriteLine("\t\tpublic static string[] GetKeyNames()"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t{"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t\treturn m_vKeyNames;"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t}"); foreach (XmlNode xmlData in xmlTable.SelectNodes("Data")) { string strName = xmlData.Attributes["Name"].Value; string strValue = xmlData.SelectSingleNode("Value").InnerText; if (strValue.Contains("\"")) { // Console.WriteLine(strValue); strValue = strValue.Replace("\"", "\"\""); } swOut.WriteLine(); swOut.WriteLine("\t\tprivate static string m_str" + strName + " ="); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t\t@\"" + strValue + "\";"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary>"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t/// Look up a localized string similar to"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t/// '" + StrUtil.StringToHtml(strValue) + "'."); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t/// </summary>"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\tpublic static string " + strName); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t{"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t\tget { return m_str" + strName + "; }"); swOut.WriteLine("\t\t}"); } swOut.WriteLine("\t}"); // Close class swOut.WriteLine("}"); swOut.Close(); } } }
/* private void ShowWaitDocument() * { * StringBuilder sbW = new StringBuilder(); * sbW.AppendLine("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\""); * sbW.AppendLine("\t\"\">"); * sbW.AppendLine("<html xmlns=\"\">"); * sbW.AppendLine("<head>"); * sbW.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />"); * sbW.AppendLine("<title>...</title>"); * sbW.AppendLine("</head><body><br /><br />"); * sbW.AppendLine("<h1 style=\"text-align: center;\">⌛</h1>"); * sbW.AppendLine("</body></html>"); * * try { UIUtil.SetWebBrowserDocument(m_wbMain, sbW.ToString()); } * catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(NativeLib.IsUnix()); } // Throws in Mono 2.0+ * } */ private void UpdateHtmlDocument(bool bInitial) { if (m_bBlockPreviewRefresh) { return; } m_bBlockPreviewRefresh = true; if (!bInitial) { UIBlockInteraction(true); } // ShowWaitDocument(); PwGroup pgDataSource = m_pgDataSource.CloneDeep(); int nSortEntries = m_cmbSortEntries.SelectedIndex; string strSortFieldName = null; if (nSortEntries == 0) { } // No sort else if (nSortEntries == 1) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.TitleField; } else if (nSortEntries == 2) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.UserNameField; } else if (nSortEntries == 3) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.PasswordField; } else if (nSortEntries == 4) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.UrlField; } else if (nSortEntries == 5) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.NotesField; } else { Debug.Assert(false); } if (strSortFieldName != null) { SortGroupEntriesRecursive(pgDataSource, strSortFieldName); } bool bGroup = m_cbGroups.Checked; bool bTitle = m_cbTitle.Checked, bUserName = m_cbUser.Checked; bool bPassword = m_cbPassword.Checked, bUrl = m_cbUrl.Checked; bool bNotes = m_cbNotes.Checked; bool bCreation = m_cbCreation.Checked, bLastMod = m_cbLastMod.Checked; // bool bLastAcc = m_cbLastAccess.Checked; bool bExpire = m_cbExpire.Checked; bool bAutoType = m_cbAutoType.Checked; bool bTags = m_cbTags.Checked; bool bCustomStrings = m_cbCustomStrings.Checked; bool bUuid = m_cbUuid.Checked; PfOptions p = new PfOptions(); p.MonoPasswords = m_cbMonospaceForPasswords.Checked; if (m_rbMonospace.Checked) { p.MonoPasswords = false; // Monospace anyway } p.SmallMono = m_cbSmallMono.Checked; p.SprMode = m_cmbSpr.SelectedIndex; p.Rtl = (this.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes); p.Database = m_pdContext; if (m_cbIcon.Checked) { p.ClientIcons = m_ilClientIcons; } if (m_rbSerif.Checked) { p.FontInit = "<span class=\"fserif\">"; p.FontExit = "</span>"; } else if (m_rbSansSerif.Checked) { p.FontInit = string.Empty; p.FontExit = string.Empty; } else if (m_rbMonospace.Checked) { p.FontInit = (p.SmallMono ? "<code><small>" : "<code>"); p.FontExit = (p.SmallMono ? "</small></code>" : "</code>"); } else { Debug.Assert(false); } GFunc <string, string> h = new GFunc <string, string>(StrUtil.StringToHtml); GFunc <string, string> c = delegate(string strRaw) { return(CompileText(strRaw, p, true, false)); }; GFunc <string, string> cs = delegate(string strRaw) { return(CompileText(strRaw, p, true, true)); }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\""); sb.AppendLine("\t\"\">"); sb.Append("<html xmlns=\"\""); string strLang = Program.Translation.Properties.Iso6391Code; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLang)) { strLang = "en"; } strLang = h(strLang); sb.Append(" lang=\"" + strLang + "\" xml:lang=\"" + strLang + "\""); if (p.Rtl) { sb.Append(" dir=\"rtl\""); } sb.AppendLine(">"); sb.AppendLine("<head>"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />"); sb.Append("<title>"); sb.Append(h(pgDataSource.Name)); sb.AppendLine("</title>"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"0\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<style type=\"text/css\">"); sb.AppendLine("/* <![CDATA[ */"); sb.AppendLine("body, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ol, ul, li, td, th, dd, dt, a {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-family: \"Tahoma\", \"MS Sans Serif\", \"Sans Serif\", \"Verdana\", sans-serif;"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 10pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("span.fserif {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-family: \"Times New Roman\", serif;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h1 { font-size: 2em; }"); sb.AppendLine("h2 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 1.5em;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #000000;"); sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-color: #D0D0D0;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding-left: 2pt;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding-right: 2pt;"); // RTL support sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h3 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 1.2em;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #000000;"); sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-color: #D0D0D0;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding-left: 2pt;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding-right: 2pt;"); // RTL support sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h4 { font-size: 1em; }"); sb.AppendLine("h5 { font-size: 0.89em; }"); sb.AppendLine("h6 { font-size: 0.6em; }"); sb.AppendLine("table {"); sb.AppendLine("\twidth: 100%;"); sb.AppendLine("\ttable-layout: fixed;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("th {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-align: " + (p.Rtl ? "right;" : "left;")); sb.AppendLine("\tvertical-align: top;"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-weight: bold;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("td {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-align: " + (p.Rtl ? "right;" : "left;")); sb.AppendLine("\tvertical-align: top;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:visited {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: none;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #0000DD;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:active {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: none;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #6699FF;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:link {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: none;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #0000DD;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:hover {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: underline;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #6699FF;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine(".field_name {"); sb.AppendLine("\t-webkit-hyphens: auto;"); sb.AppendLine("\t-moz-hyphens: auto;"); sb.AppendLine("\t-ms-hyphens: auto;"); sb.AppendLine("\thyphens: auto;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine(".field_data {"); // sb.AppendLine("\tword-break: break-all;"); sb.AppendLine("\toverflow-wrap: break-word;"); sb.AppendLine("\tword-wrap: break-word;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine(".icon_cli {"); sb.AppendLine("\tdisplay: inline-block;"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder: 0px none;"); sb.AppendLine("\twidth: 1.1em;"); sb.AppendLine("\theight: 1.1em;"); sb.AppendLine("\tvertical-align: top;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); // Add the temporary content identifier sb.AppendLine("." + Program.TempFilesPool.TempContentTag + " {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 10pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("/* ]]> */"); sb.AppendLine("</style>"); sb.AppendLine("</head><body>"); sb.AppendLine("<h2>" + h(pgDataSource.Name) + "</h2>"); WriteGroupNotes(sb, pgDataSource); EntryHandler ehInit = delegate(PwEntry pe) { p.Entry = pe; if (p.SprMode != 0) { p.SprContext = new SprContext(pe, p.Database, SprCompileFlags.NonActive, false, false); } else { Debug.Assert(p.SprContext == null); } Application.DoEvents(); return(true); }; EntryHandler eh = null; string strTableInit = "<table>"; PwGroup pgLast = null; if (m_rbTabular.Checked) { int nEquiCols = 0; if (bGroup) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bTitle) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bUserName) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bPassword) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bUrl) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bNotes) { nEquiCols += 2; } if (bCreation) { ++nEquiCols; } // if(bLastAcc) ++nEquiCols; if (bLastMod) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bExpire) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bTags) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bUuid) { ++nEquiCols; } if (nEquiCols == 0) { nEquiCols = 1; } string strColWidth = (100.0f / (float)nEquiCols).ToString( "F2", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); string strColWidth2 = (200.0f / (float)nEquiCols).ToString( "F2", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); string strHTdInit = "<th class=\"field_name\" style=\"width: " + strColWidth + "%;\">"; string strHTdInit2 = "<th class=\"field_name\" style=\"width: " + strColWidth2 + "%;\">"; string strHTdExit = "</th>"; string strDataTdInit = "<td class=\"field_data\">"; string strDataTdExit = "</td>"; p.CellInit = strDataTdInit + p.FontInit; p.CellExit = p.FontExit + strDataTdExit; StringBuilder sbH = new StringBuilder(); sbH.AppendLine(); sbH.Append("<tr>"); if (bGroup) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.Group) + strHTdExit); } if (bTitle) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.Title) + strHTdExit); } if (bUserName) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.UserName) + strHTdExit); } if (bPassword) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.Password) + strHTdExit); } if (bUrl) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.Url) + strHTdExit); } if (bNotes) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit2 + h(KPRes.Notes) + strHTdExit); } if (bCreation) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.CreationTime) + strHTdExit); } // if(bLastAcc) sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.LastAccessTime) + strHTdExit); if (bLastMod) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.LastModificationTime) + strHTdExit); } if (bExpire) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.ExpiryTime) + strHTdExit); } if (bTags) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.Tags) + strHTdExit); } if (bUuid) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.Uuid) + strHTdExit); } sbH.Append("</tr>"); // No terminating \r\n strTableInit += sbH.ToString(); sb.AppendLine(strTableInit); eh = delegate(PwEntry pe) { ehInit(pe); sb.AppendLine("<tr>"); WriteTabularIf(bGroup, sb, c(pe.ParentGroup.Name), p); WriteTabularIf(bTitle, sb, pe, PwDefs.TitleField, p); WriteTabularIf(bUserName, sb, pe, PwDefs.UserNameField, p); if (bPassword) { if (p.MonoPasswords) { sb.Append(strDataTdInit + (p.SmallMono ? "<code><small>" : "<code>")); } else { sb.Append(p.CellInit); } string strInner = cs(pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.PasswordField)); if (strInner.Length == 0) { strInner = " "; } sb.Append(strInner); if (p.MonoPasswords) { sb.AppendLine((p.SmallMono ? "</small></code>" : "</code>") + strDataTdExit); } else { sb.AppendLine(p.CellExit); } } // WriteTabularIf(bUrl, sb, pe, PwDefs.UrlField, p); WriteTabularIf(bUrl, sb, MakeUrlLink(pe.Strings.ReadSafe( PwDefs.UrlField), p), p); WriteTabularIf(bNotes, sb, pe, PwDefs.NotesField, p); WriteTabularIf(bCreation, sb, h(TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.CreationTime)), p); // WriteTabularIf(bLastAcc, sb, h(TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( // pe.LastAccessTime)), p); WriteTabularIf(bLastMod, sb, h(TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.LastModificationTime)), p); WriteTabularIf(bExpire, sb, h(pe.Expires ? TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.ExpiryTime) : KPRes.NeverExpires), p); WriteTabularIf(bTags, sb, h(StrUtil.TagsToString(pe.Tags, true)), p); WriteTabularIf(bUuid, sb, pe.Uuid.ToHexString(), p); sb.AppendLine("</tr>"); return(true); }; } else if (m_rbDetails.Checked) { sb.AppendLine(strTableInit); if (pgDataSource.Entries.UCount == 0) { sb.AppendLine(@"<tr><td> </td></tr>"); } eh = delegate(PwEntry pe) { ehInit(pe); if ((pgLast != null) && (pgLast == pe.ParentGroup)) { sb.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr /></td></tr>"); } if (bGroup) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Group, pe.ParentGroup.Name, p); } if (bTitle) { PfOptions pSub = p.CloneShallow(); pSub.FontInit = MakeIconImg(pe.IconId, pe.CustomIconUuid, pe, p) + pSub.FontInit + "<b>"; pSub.FontExit = "</b>" + pSub.FontExit; WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Title, pe.Strings.ReadSafe( PwDefs.TitleField), pSub); } if (bUserName) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.UserName, pe.Strings.ReadSafe( PwDefs.UserNameField), p); } if (bPassword) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Password, pe.Strings.ReadSafe( PwDefs.PasswordField), p); } if (bUrl) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Url, pe.Strings.ReadSafe( PwDefs.UrlField), p); } if (bNotes) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Notes, pe.Strings.ReadSafe( PwDefs.NotesField), p); } if (bCreation) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.CreationTime, TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.CreationTime), p); } // if(bLastAcc) WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.LastAccessTime, TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( // pe.LastAccessTime), p); if (bLastMod) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.LastModificationTime, TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.LastModificationTime), p); } if (bExpire) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.ExpiryTime, (pe.Expires ? TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.ExpiryTime) : KPRes.NeverExpires), p); } if (bAutoType) { foreach (AutoTypeAssociation a in pe.AutoType.Associations) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.AutoType, a.WindowName + ": " + a.Sequence, p); } } if (bTags) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Tags, StrUtil.TagsToString( pe.Tags, true), p); } if (bUuid) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Uuid, pe.Uuid.ToHexString(), p); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ProtectedString> kvp in pe.Strings) { if (bCustomStrings && !PwDefs.IsStandardField(kvp.Key)) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, kvp, p); } } pgLast = pe.ParentGroup; return(true); }; } else { Debug.Assert(false); } GroupHandler gh = delegate(PwGroup pg) { if (pg.Entries.UCount == 0) { return(true); } sb.Append("</table><br /><br /><h3>"); // "</table><br /><hr /><h3>" // sb.Append(MakeIconImg(pg.IconId, pg.CustomIconUuid, pg, p)); sb.Append(h(pg.GetFullPath(" - ", false))); sb.AppendLine("</h3>"); WriteGroupNotes(sb, pg); sb.AppendLine(strTableInit); return(true); }; pgDataSource.TraverseTree(TraversalMethod.PreOrder, gh, eh); if (m_rbTabular.Checked) { sb.AppendLine("</table>"); } else if (m_rbDetails.Checked) { sb.AppendLine("</table><br />"); } sb.AppendLine("</body></html>"); try { UIUtil.SetWebBrowserDocument(m_wbMain, sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(NativeLib.IsUnix()); } // Throws in Mono 2.0+ try { m_wbMain.AllowNavigation = false; } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } if (!bInitial) { UIBlockInteraction(false); } m_bBlockPreviewRefresh = false; }
public static string CreateSummaryList(PwGroup pgSubGroups, PwEntry[] vEntries) { int nMaxEntries = 10; string strSummary = string.Empty; if (pgSubGroups != null) { PwObjectList <PwGroup> vGroups = pgSubGroups.GetGroups(true); if (vGroups.UCount > 0) { StringBuilder sbGroups = new StringBuilder(); sbGroups.Append("- "); uint uToList = Math.Min(3U, vGroups.UCount); for (uint u = 0; u < uToList; ++u) { if (sbGroups.Length > 2) { sbGroups.Append(", "); } sbGroups.Append(vGroups.GetAt(u).Name); } if (uToList < vGroups.UCount) { sbGroups.Append(", ..."); } strSummary += sbGroups.ToString(); // New line below nMaxEntries -= 2; } } int nSummaryShow = Math.Min(nMaxEntries, vEntries.Length); if (nSummaryShow == (vEntries.Length - 1)) { --nSummaryShow; // Plural msg } for (int iSumEnum = 0; iSumEnum < nSummaryShow; ++iSumEnum) { if (strSummary.Length > 0) { strSummary += MessageService.NewLine; } PwEntry pe = vEntries[iSumEnum]; strSummary += ("- " + StrUtil.CompactString3Dots( pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField), 39)); if (PwDefs.IsTanEntry(pe)) { string strTanIdx = pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UserNameField); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTanIdx)) { strSummary += (@" (#" + strTanIdx + @")"); } } } if (nSummaryShow != vEntries.Length) { strSummary += (MessageService.NewLine + "- " + KPRes.MoreEntries.Replace(@"{PARAM}", (vEntries.Length - nSummaryShow).ToString())); } return(strSummary); }