// Token: 0x060007AD RID: 1965 RVA: 0x00036BD8 File Offset: 0x00034DD8
        internal void DeleteMessage(StoreSession itemStore, StoreObject item)
            bool   flag = false;
            string arg  = null;

            if (item is MeetingForwardNotification)
                flag = true;
                arg  = ((MeetingMessage)item).Subject;
            AggregateOperationResult aggregateOperationResult = itemStore.Delete(DeleteItemFlags.MoveToDeletedItems, new StoreId[]

            if (aggregateOperationResult.OperationResult == OperationResult.Succeeded)
                if (flag)
                    string info = string.Format("MFN with subject {0} was moved to deleted items.", arg);
                    MfnLog.LogEntry((MailboxSession)itemStore, info);
            else if (flag)
                string info = string.Format("MFN with subject {0} failed to be moved to deleted items. Error = {1}", arg, aggregateOperationResult);
                MfnLog.LogEntry((MailboxSession)itemStore, info);