Beispiel #1
        public void ViewSlaeInStoreAsMannegerWithoutPremition()
            int saleId = aviadManeger.addSaleToStore(zahi, store, cola.getProductInStoreId(), 1, 1, "20/5/2018");
            LinkedList <Sale> saleList = store.getAllSales();

            Assert.AreEqual(saleList.Count, 0);
Beispiel #2
        public void ViewSlaeInStoreAsMannegerWithPremition()
            zahiOwner.addManagerPermission(zahi, "addSaleToStore", store, "aviad");
            aviadManeger = new StoreManager(aviad, store);
            int saleId = aviadManeger.addSaleToStore(aviad, store, cola.getProductInStoreId(), 1, 1, "20/5/2018");
            LinkedList <Sale> saleList = store.getAllSales();

            Assert.AreEqual(saleList.Count, 1);
Beispiel #3
         * return:
         *           0 > on sucess the SaleID
         *          -1 if user Not Login
         *          -2 if Store Name already exist
         *          -3 if illegal product name
         *          -4 if don't have premition
         *          -5 if illegal amount bigger then amount in stock
         *          -6 if illegal store id
         *          -7 if illegal price
         *          -8 if illegal product in store Id
         *          -9 database eror
         *          -10 due date not good
         *          -11 illegal type of sale not
         *          -12 if illegal amount
         *          -13 product not in this store
        public int addSaleToStore(User session, int storeId, int productInStoreId, int typeOfSale, int amount, String dueDate)
            Store s = StoreManagement.getInstance().getStore(storeId);

            if (session == null || !session.getState().isLogedIn())
                return(-1);//-1 if user Not Login
            StoreRole sR = StoreRole.getStoreRole(s, session);

            if (sR == null)
                return(-1);//-4 if don't have premition
            return(sR.addSaleToStore(session, s, productInStoreId, typeOfSale, amount, dueDate));
Beispiel #4
        public void simpleAddSalePolicyToStore()
            Assert.IsTrue(zahiOwner.setAmountPolicyOnStore(zahi, store.getStoreId(), 2, 10) > -1);
            int saleId = zahiOwner.addSaleToStore(zahi, store, cola.getProductInStoreId(), 1, 20, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).ToString());

            Assert.IsTrue(saleId > -1);
            LinkedList <Sale> sales = User.viewSalesByProductInStoreId(cola.getProductInStoreId());

            Assert.IsTrue(sales.Count == 1);
            Sale sale = sales.First.Value;

            Assert.IsTrue(aviad.addToCart(sale.SaleId, 2) > -1);
            LinkedList <UserCart> sc = aviad.getShoppingCartBeforeCheckout();

            Assert.IsTrue(aviad.checkout("Israel", "mazada 69").Item1 == -1);
 public void SimpleAddSaleeWithManagerPermission()
     zahiOwner.addManagerPermission(zahi, "addSaleToStore", store, "aviad");
     Assert.IsTrue(aviadManeger.addSaleToStore(aviad, store, cola.getProductInStoreId(), 1, 1, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).ToString()) > -1);
     Assert.AreEqual(store.getAllSales().Count, 1);
 public void SimpleAddSaleeWithOwner()
     Assert.IsTrue(zahiOwner.addSaleToStore(zahi, store, cola.getProductInStoreId(), 1, 1, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).ToString()) > -1);
     Assert.AreEqual(store.getAllSales().Count, 1);
Beispiel #7
        public void ViewSlaeInStore()
            int saleId = zahiOwner.addSaleToStore(zahi, store, cola.getProductInStoreId(), 1, 1, "20/5/2018");
            LinkedList <Sale> saleList = store.getAllSales();

            Assert.AreEqual(saleList.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(saleId, saleList.First.Value.SaleId);
Beispiel #8
        public void AddProductToCart()
            int saleId = zahiOwner.addSaleToStore(zahi, store, cola.getProductInStoreId(), 1, 5, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).ToString());
            LinkedList <Sale> saleList = store.getAllSales();

            Assert.IsTrue(aviad.addToCart(saleList.First.Value.SaleId, 1) > -1);
            Assert.AreEqual(aviad.getShoppingCart().First.Value.getSaleId(), saleId);