Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Async method to cause refresh of the current grain state data from backing store.
        /// Any previous contents of the grain state data will be overwritten.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task ReadStateAsync()
            const string   what     = "ReadState";
            Stopwatch      sw       = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            GrainReference grainRef = baseGrain.GrainReference;

                await store.ReadStateAsync(grainTypeName, grainRef, grain.GrainState);

                StorageStatisticsGroup.OnStorageRead(store, grainTypeName, grainRef, sw.Elapsed);
            catch (Exception exc)
                StorageStatisticsGroup.OnStorageReadError(store, grainTypeName, grainRef);

                string errMsg = MakeErrorMsg(what, exc);
                store.Log.Error((int)ErrorCode.StorageProvider_ReadFailed, errMsg, exc);
                throw new OrleansException(errMsg, exc);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Async method to cause refresh of the current grain state data from backing store.
        /// Any previous contents of the grain state data will be overwritten.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task ReadStateAsync()
            const string what = "ReadState";
            Stopwatch    sw   = Stopwatch.StartNew();


                await store.ReadStateAsync(name, grainRef, grainState);

                StorageStatisticsGroup.OnStorageRead(name, grainRef, sw.Elapsed);
            catch (Exception exc)
                StorageStatisticsGroup.OnStorageReadError(name, grainRef);

                string errMsg = MakeErrorMsg(what, exc);
                this.logger.Error((int)ErrorCode.StorageProvider_ReadFailed, errMsg, exc);
                if (!(exc is OrleansException))
                    throw new OrleansException(errMsg, exc);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Async method to cause refresh of the current grain state data from backin store.
        /// Any previous contents of the grain state data will be overwritten.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task ReadStateAsync()
            const string what = "ReadState";
            Stopwatch    sw   = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            // The below is the worng way to create GrainReference.
            // IAddressable.AsReference is also a wrong way to get GrainReference.
            // Both are weakly types and lose the actual strongly typed Grain Reference.
            GrainReference   grainRef = RuntimeClient.Current.CurrentActivationData.GrainReference;
            IStorageProvider storage  = GetCheckStorageProvider(what);

                await storage.ReadStateAsync(grainTypeName, grainRef, this);

                StorageStatisticsGroup.OnStorageRead(storage, grainTypeName, grainRef, sw.Elapsed);
            catch (Exception exc)
                StorageStatisticsGroup.OnStorageReadError(storage, grainTypeName, grainRef);
                string errMsg = MakeErrorMsg(what, grainRef, exc);

                storage.Log.Error((int)ErrorCode.StorageProvider_ReadFailed, errMsg, exc);
                throw new OrleansException(errMsg, exc);
        /// <summary>
        /// Async method to cause write of the current grain state data into backing store.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task WriteStateAsync()
            const string   what     = "WriteState";
            Stopwatch      sw       = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            GrainReference grainRef = baseGrain.GrainReference;
            Exception      errorOccurred;

                await store.WriteStateAsync(grainTypeName, grainRef, statefulGrain.GrainState);

                StorageStatisticsGroup.OnStorageWrite(store, grainTypeName, grainRef, sw.Elapsed);
                errorOccurred = null;
            catch (Exception exc)
                errorOccurred = exc;
            // Note, we can't do this inside catch block above, because await is not permitted there.
            if (errorOccurred != null)
                StorageStatisticsGroup.OnStorageWriteError(store, grainTypeName, grainRef);

                string errMsgToLog = MakeErrorMsg(what, errorOccurred);
                store.Log.Error((int)ErrorCode.StorageProvider_WriteFailed, errMsgToLog, errorOccurred);
                // If error is not specialization of OrleansException, wrap it
                if (!(errorOccurred is OrleansException))
                    errorOccurred = new OrleansException(errMsgToLog, errorOccurred);

                // Force rollback to previously stored state
                    store.Log.Warn(ErrorCode.StorageProvider_ForceReRead, "Forcing re-read of last good state for grain Type={0}", grainTypeName);
                    await store.ReadStateAsync(grainTypeName, grainRef, grain.GrainState);

                    StorageStatisticsGroup.OnStorageRead(store, grainTypeName, grainRef, sw.Elapsed);
                catch (Exception exc)
                    StorageStatisticsGroup.OnStorageReadError(store, grainTypeName, grainRef);

                    // Should we ignore this secondary error, and just return the original one?
                    errMsgToLog   = MakeErrorMsg("re-read state from store after write error", exc);
                    errorOccurred = new OrleansException(errMsgToLog, exc);
            if (errorOccurred != null)
                throw errorOccurred;