//Method to scrape text from html using HTMLAgility pack
        private async void getHtml()
            //Using webview class method to execute sript on html document which will get all html data
            String html = await wikiView.InvokeScriptAsync("eval", new string[] { "document.documentElement.outerHTML;" });

            //HtmlDoument object to load HTML from string
            HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();


            //variable to store html element data by it id, which in this case is "bodyContent", this text will be the info we save to storage
            var text = doc.GetElementbyId("bodyContent");
            //variable to store file name of scrapped text, we get it by element id which is "firstHeading"
            var fileName = doc.GetElementbyId("firstHeading");

            //If text is not null
            if (text != null)
                //we use Storage class to store document with text and its name
                storage.storeDocument(fileName.InnerText, text.InnerText);
                //Message to inform user of succesful saving to storage
                var dialog = new MessageDialog("Document saved to storage.");
                await dialog.ShowAsync();
            //If text is null, when something went wrong and we display message
                var dialog = new MessageDialog("Document not suitable for saving.");
                await dialog.ShowAsync();
Beispiel #2
        //Save document to app local storage
        private async void AppBarButton_Save(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Create new Storage object
            storage = new StorageClass();
            //Create textbox for new file name input
            TextBox inputTextBox = new TextBox();

            inputTextBox.AcceptsReturn = false;
            inputTextBox.Height        = 32;
            //Create content dialog box
            ContentDialog dialog = new ContentDialog();

            //Load inputTextBox to dialog content
            dialog.Content = inputTextBox;
            dialog.Title   = "Enter Document Name";
            dialog.IsSecondaryButtonEnabled = true;
            dialog.PrimaryButtonText        = "Ok";
            //If file name text box is not empty save document to local storage with specified name and editor contents
            if (await dialog.ShowAsync() == ContentDialogResult.Primary && inputTextBox.Text != null && inputTextBox.Text != "")
                storage.storeDocument(inputTextBox.Text, editor.Text);
            //If file name is empty display error message
                var errorDialog = new MessageDialog("Please enter file name.");
                async void noFileName()
                    await errorDialog.ShowAsync();