Beispiel #1
        public void UpdateStocktakeRequestTest()
            StockTakeReqBLL  target  = new StockTakeReqBLL(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            StocktakeRequest request = null;                  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

            Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified.");
Beispiel #2
        public void CreateStocktakeRequestTest2()
            StockTakeReqBLL  target   = new StockTakeReqBLL(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            StocktakeRequest request  = null;                  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            StocktakeRequest expected = null;                  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            StocktakeRequest actual;

            actual = target.CreateStocktakeRequest(request);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Beispiel #3
        public void GetRequestByUserTest1()
            StockTakeReqBLL         target   = new StockTakeReqBLL(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            User                    user     = null;                  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            List <StocktakeRequest> expected = null;                  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            List <StocktakeRequest> actual;

            actual = target.GetRequestByUser(user);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Beispiel #4
        public void QueryRequestTest1()
            StockTakeReqBLL         target    = new StockTakeReqBLL(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            ViewStockTakeRequest    condition = null;                  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            List <StocktakeRequest> expected  = null;                  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            List <StocktakeRequest> actual;

            actual = target.QueryRequest(condition);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Beispiel #5
        public void QueryRequestDetailsByPageTest()
            StockTakeReqBLL      target    = new StockTakeReqBLL(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            ViewStockTakeRequest condition = null;                  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            int pageSize          = 0;                              // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            int pageNumber        = 0;                              // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            int pageCount         = 0;                              // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            int pageCountExpected = 0;                              // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            IQueryable <ViewStockTakeRequest> expected = null;      // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            IQueryable <ViewStockTakeRequest> actual;

            actual = target.QueryRequestDetailsByPage(condition, pageSize, pageNumber, out pageCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(pageCountExpected, pageCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Beispiel #6
        public void BuildQueryConditionTest1()
            StockTakeReqBLL      target          = new StockTakeReqBLL();     // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            Nullable <long>      requestID       = new Nullable <long>();     // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string               requestNumber   = string.Empty;              // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string               userName        = string.Empty;              // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            Nullable <int>       plantID         = new Nullable <int>();      // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string               partCode        = string.Empty;              // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            Nullable <int>       stocktakeType   = new Nullable <int>();      // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string               partChineseName = string.Empty;              // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            Nullable <DateTime>  dateStart       = new Nullable <DateTime>(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            Nullable <DateTime>  dateEnd         = new Nullable <DateTime>(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            ViewStockTakeRequest expected        = null;                      // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            ViewStockTakeRequest actual;

            actual = target.BuildQueryCondition(requestID, requestNumber, userName, plantID, partCode, stocktakeType, partChineseName, dateStart, dateEnd);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Beispiel #7
        public void StockTakeReqBLLConstructorTest1()
            StockTakeReqBLL target = new StockTakeReqBLL();

            Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");