private void initPublisher(String pub, int strength) { mgr = new DDSEntityManager("Ownership"); String partitionName = "Ownership example"; // create Domain Participant mgr.createParticipant(partitionName); // create Type StockTypeSupport stkTS = new StockTypeSupport(); mgr.registerType(stkTS); // create Topic mgr.createTopic("OwnershipStockTracker"); // create Publisher mgr.createPublisher(); // create DataWriter mgr.createWriterWithStrength(strength); dwriter= mgr.getWriter(); OwnershipDataWriter = dwriter as StockDataWriter; msft = new Stock(); msft.ticker = "MSFT"; msft.publisher = pub; msft.strength = strength; msftHandle = OwnershipDataWriter.RegisterInstance(msft); }
public Stock GetStock(StockName stockName, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { string dir = String.Format(@"..\..\StockData\Maya"); string filename = String.Format("{0}.csv", stockName); var fullPath = Path.Combine(dir, filename); var rates = new List<IStockEntry>(); var parser = new TextFieldParser(fullPath) {TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited}; parser.SetDelimiters(","); //skips the first 3 lines parser.ReadFields(); parser.ReadFields(); parser.ReadFields(); while (!parser.EndOfData) { var fields = parser.ReadFields(); if (fields != null) { StockEntry stockEntry = null; rates.Add(stockEntry); } } rates.Reverse(); var stock = new Stock(stockName, rates); return stock; }
public Stock GetStock(StockName stockName, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { string dir = String.Format(@"..\..\StockData\Yahoo"); string filename = String.Format("{0}.stock", stockName); var fullPath = Path.Combine(dir, filename); List<IStockEntry> rates; if (!File.Exists(fullPath)) { rates = GetStockFromRemote(stockName, startDate, endDate); Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); using (Stream stream = File.Open(fullPath, FileMode.Create)) { var bformatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter(); bformatter.Serialize(stream, rates); } } else { using (Stream stream = File.Open(fullPath, FileMode.Open)) { var bformatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter(); rates = (List<IStockEntry>) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); } } var stock = new Stock(stockName, rates); return stock; }
public void addTransaction(ApplicationDbContext db, ApplicationUser user, Stock stock, StockTransaction model) { model.StockTicker = stock.Identifier; model.UserId = user.Id; db.StockTransactions.Add(model); db.SaveChanges(); }
public void Init() { i1 = new StockItem ("BMAC56790", "Propelling Pencil", "Supply Master", "1.49", "10", "20"); stock_list = new Stock(); stock_list.AddStockItem(i1.StockCode, i1); stock_control = new StockControl(stock_list); }
public void RunExample() { decimal price = 23.50m; Stock stock = new Stock("MSFT", price); Console.WriteLine("Stock set to {0:C}.", stock.Price); Bidder bidderA = new Bidder("Bidder A", stock); Bidder bidderB = new Bidder("Bidder B", stock); Bidder bidderC = new Bidder("Bidder C", stock); stock.Attach(bidderA); stock.Attach(bidderB); stock.Attach(bidderC); price = 24.25m; Console.WriteLine("\nStock set to {0:C}.", price); stock.Price = price; stock.Detach(bidderB); Console.WriteLine("\n{0} detached.", bidderB.Name); price = 26.75m; Console.WriteLine("\nStock set to {0:C}.", price); stock.Price = price; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Stock stock1 = new Stock("Technology", 160, 5, 15); Stock stock2 = new Stock("Retail", 30, 2, 6); Stock stock3 = new Stock("Banking", 90, 4, 10); Stock stock4 = new Stock("Commodity", 500, 20, 50); StockBroker b1 = new StockBroker("Broker 1"); b1.AddStock(stock1); b1.AddStock(stock2); StockBroker b2 = new StockBroker("Broker 2"); b2.AddStock(stock1); b2.AddStock(stock3); b2.AddStock(stock4); StockBroker b3 = new StockBroker("Broker 3"); b3.AddStock(stock1); b3.AddStock(stock3); StockBroker b4 = new StockBroker("Broker 4"); b4.AddStock(stock1); b4.AddStock(stock2); b4.AddStock(stock3); b4.AddStock(stock4); }
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList.SelectedValue); int Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(QuantityBox.Text); Stock newStock = new Stock(id, Quantity); newStock.updateStock(id, Quantity); }
public void ReturnsDateOfMostRecentEntry() { //// SETUP // Test Data var stock = new Stock { Ticker = "FLWS", CompanyName = "1-800 FLOWERS.COM" }; var oldest = new HistoricPrice { Stock = stock, Date = DateTime.Parse("1/1/2000") }; var middle = new HistoricPrice { Stock = stock, Date = DateTime.Parse("1/2/2000") }; var newest = new HistoricPrice { Stock = stock, Date = DateTime.Parse("1/3/2000") }; var testData = new List<HistoricPrice> { oldest, newest, middle }; // Create a mock generic repository. var mockGenericRepository = new Mock<IReadOnlyRepository<HistoricPrice>>(); mockGenericRepository.Setup(mock => mock.FilterBy(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<HistoricPrice, bool>>>())).Returns(testData.AsQueryable()); // Setup target var target = new ReadOnlyPriceHistoryRepository(mockGenericRepository.Object); // EXECUTE var actual = target.GetMostRecentDateForTicker(stock.Ticker); // VERIFY Assert.AreEqual(newest.Date, actual); mockGenericRepository.Verify(mock => mock.FilterBy(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<HistoricPrice, bool>>>()), Times.Once()); }
public ReconcileStock(int _id) { InitializeComponent(); id = _id; sl = new StockList(id); s = sl.ViewAStock(sl[0].StockID); }
public StockTest() { _stock = new Stock("MSFT"); _stock.CurrentPrice = 5.5m; _purchase1 = new StockTransaction(DateTime.Now, 4.0m, 7); _purchase2 = new StockTransaction(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), 7.5m, 2); _sale1 = new StockTransaction(DateTime.Now, 5.0m, -1); }
static void Main() { Stock x = new Stock(); x.SetPreviousPrice(5.3); Console.WriteLine(x.PreviousPrice); //=5.3 Console.WriteLine(x.Words[1]); //=quick }
public void ImportStock(Stock stock) { using (var context = ContainerHelper.Instance.Resolve<IRepositoryContext>()) { //添加新的股票基础数据 context.UnitOfWork.RegisterNew<Stock>(stock); context.UnitOfWork.Commit(); } }
public Stock GetFristCol(string data) { List<Price> prices = new List<Price>(); List<DataItem> items = new List<DataItem>(); string firstCol = string.Empty; List<string> lines = data.Split('\n').ToList<string>(); for (int i = 2; i < lines.Count; i++) { string line = lines[i]; List<string> numStrs = line.Split(' ').ToList<string>(); if (numStrs.Count < 5) continue; DataItem item = new DataItem(); Price price = new Price(); price.content = new string[4]; for (int numI = 0; numI < numStrs.Count; numI++) { if (numI == 0) item.content = numStrs[numI]; if (numI > 0 && numI < 5) { price.content[numI-1] = numStrs[numI]; if (numI == 3) { price.content[numI-1] = numStrs[numI+1]; } if (numI == 4) { price.content[numI - 1] = numStrs[numI-1]; } } // if (numI > 0 && numI < 4) //price.content += ","; } items.Add(item); prices.Add(price); } Stock stock = new Stock(); stock.price = new Price[prices.Count]; for (int itemI = 0; itemI < items.Count; itemI++) { += items[itemI].content; if (itemI != items.Count - 1) += ","; } for (int priceI = 0; priceI < prices.Count; priceI++) { stock.price[priceI] = prices[priceI]; // += "[" + prices[priceI].content + "]"; //if (priceI != prices.Count - 2) // stock.price += ";"; } // = "[" + + "]"; // stock.price = "[" + stock.price + "]"; return stock; }
static void tstInheritance1() { Stock stock = new Stock { Name = "MSFT", SharesOwned = 1500 }; House house = new House { Name = "SAS", Mortgage = 2300 }; stock.Display(); house.Display(); //Upcasting Stock stock2 = new Stock(); Asset asset = stock2; Console.WriteLine((asset == stock2 ? "asset == stock2!" : "asset != stock2!")); //asset.SharesOwned; - yet Stock fields aren't accessible!!! //To access Stock fields DOWNCASTING is needed!! Stock stock3 = (Stock) asset; Console.WriteLine(stock3.SharesOwned); // <No error> Console.WriteLine(stock3 == asset); // True Console.WriteLine(stock3 == stock2); // True //AS operator Asset a = new Asset(); Stock s = a as Stock; // s is null; no exception thrown try { long shares1 = ((Stock)a).SharesOwned; // Approach #1 } catch (InvalidCastException ice) { Console.WriteLine(ice.ToString()); } if (s != null) { Console.WriteLine(s.SharesOwned); long shares2 = (a as Stock).SharesOwned; // Approach #2 } /* * Another way of looking at it is that with the cast operator (Approach #1), you’re saying to the compiler: “I’m certain of a value’s type; if I’m wrong, there’s a bug in my code, so throw an exception!” Whereas with the as operator (Approach #2), you’re uncertain of its type and want to branch according to the outcome at runtime. * */ //IS operator if (a is Stock) Console.WriteLine(((Stock)a).SharesOwned); /* * The is operator tests whether a reference conversion would succeed; in other words, whether an object derives from a specified class (or implements an interface). It is often used to test before downcasting. * */ }
public async Task<IActionResult> Buy(string symbol, int shares) { var stock = new Stock(symbol); stock = await stockInfo.GetQuoteAsync(stock); var model = new StockTransaction(DateTime.Now, stock.CurrentPrice.Value, shares); stockHistory.addTransaction(_applicationDbContext, await GetCurrentUserAsync(), stock, model); return Redirect("/Stocks/SearchStocks?symbol=" + symbol); }
public void Init() { i1 = new StockItem ("BMAC56790", "Propelling Pencil", "Supply Master", "1.49", "10", "20"); i3 = new StockItem ("BMAC56780", "Propelling Pencil", "Supply Master", "1.49", "10", "20"); i4 = new StockItem ("BMAC56770", "Propelling Pencil", "Supply Master", "1.49", "10", "20"); stock_list = new Stock(); stock_list.AddStockItem(i1.StockCode, i1); stock_list.AddStockItem(i3.StockCode, i3); stock_list.AddStockItem(i4.StockCode, i4); }
public void CalculatePeRatioTest() { var stock = new Stock("TEA", StockType.Common, 10, 0, 100); var peRatio = StockCalculator.CalculatePeRatio(stock, 105); AssertDiff(10.5m, peRatio ); var stockWithZeroDividend = new Stock("TEA", StockType.Common, 0, 0, 100); var peRatioWithZeroDividend = StockCalculator.CalculatePeRatio(stockWithZeroDividend, 105); AssertDiff(0m, peRatioWithZeroDividend); }
public void addNewStock(Stock stock) { if (lbStocks.InvokeRequired) { this.BeginInvoke(new addNewStockDelegate(addNewStock), stock); return; } lbStocks.Items.Add(stock); }
public List<double> historyData(Stock stock, DateTime start, DateTime end) { List<double> data = new List<double>(); // MRO 접속 return data; }
public void Init() { i1 = new StockItem ("BMAC56790", "Propelling Pencil", "Supply Master", "1.49", "10", "20"); stock_list = new Stock(); stock_list.AddStockItem(i1.StockCode, i1); order_history = new OrderHistory(); DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now; o1 = new Order (timestamp, i1.StockCode, i1.Supplier, 10, 10); order_history.AddOrder (o1); }
public static IEnumerable<Stock> getNext() { for (int i = 0; i < samplePrices.Length; i++) { Stock s = new Stock(); s.Code = sampleStocks[i]; s.Price = samplePrices[i]; yield return s; } }
public void CalculateDividendTest() { var stockCommon = new Stock("TEA", StockType.Common, 10, 0, 100); var dividendCommon = StockCalculator.CalculateDividend(stockCommon, 100m); AssertDiff(0.1m, dividendCommon); var stockPreferred = new Stock("TEA", StockType.Preferred, 10, 5, 100); var dividendPreffered = StockCalculator.CalculateDividend(stockPreferred, 100); AssertDiff(5m, dividendPreffered); }
public string StockSync() { StringBuilder returnStr = new StringBuilder(); //获取股票Domain服务 var stockservice = new ImportStockService(); var dailypriceservice = new ImportDailyPriceDataService(); //获取股票对象 var stock = stockservice.GetStockBySymbol(m_StockCode); if (stock == null) { //创建股票对象 stock = new Stock { Symbol = m_StockCode, Name = string.Empty }; stockservice.ImportStock(stock); } //获取股票日线最新记录时间 var starttime = dailypriceservice.GetLatestDailyPriceDataImportDateTime(m_StockCode); //创建雅虎财经实例,并获取数据库未记录的历史数据 IEnumerable<DailyPriceDataItem> dayItemList; YahooFinance yahoo = new YahooFinance(stock); yahoo.Suffix = Suffix; if (starttime < new DateTime(1990, 12, 1)) { dayItemList = yahoo.GetDayLineHistory(); } else { dayItemList = yahoo.GetDayLineHistory(starttime.AddDays(1), DateTime.Now); } if (dayItemList == null) { returnStr.Append(string.Format("获取雅虎财经:{0}{1}失败,没有新数据或网络异常!\n", m_StockCode, Suffix)); return returnStr.ToString(); } //插入最新的日线数据 if (dayItemList.Count() > 0) { dailypriceservice.ImportPriceData(dayItemList); returnStr.Append(string.Format("股票:{0}{1}插入{2}条日线数据。\n", m_StockCode, Suffix, dayItemList.Count())); } //如果今天是星期六,则获取股票基础面信息 if (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday) { Eastmoney eastMoney = new Eastmoney(Suffix, m_StockCode); eastMoney.RefreshStockBase(); } return returnStr.ToString(); }
public void CalculateGbceAllShareIndexTest() { var stock = new Stock("TEA", StockType.Common, 0, 0, 100); var trades = new List<Trade>(); trades.Add(new Trade(stock, DateTime.Now, 5, TradeAction.Buy, 10)); trades.Add(new Trade(stock, DateTime.Now, 10, TradeAction.Buy, 100)); var gbceAllShareIndex = StockCalculator.CalculateGbceAllShareIndex(trades); AssertDiff(31.62277660168379m, gbceAllShareIndex); }
public void DecreaseStockCount_By_Five_Stock_Is_Too_Low() { // Arrange Drug drug = new Drug("Ibuprophen"); Fakes.FakeStockProvider stockProvider = new Fakes.FakeStockProvider(4); Stock stock = new Stock(stockProvider); // Act stock.DecreaseStock(drug, 5); }
public void DecreaseStockCount_By_One_Stock_Is_Empty() { // Arrange Drug drug = new Drug("Ibuprophen"); Fakes.FakeStockProvider stockProvider = new Fakes.FakeStockProvider(0); Stock stock = new Stock(stockProvider); // Act stock.DecreaseStock(drug, 1); }
public void when_not_on_a_market_day_do_thing2() { var clock = new FakeClock( Instant.FromUtc(2016, 5, 8, 0, 0)); var stock = new Stock(); var marketDay = new MarketDay( Instant.FromUtc(2016, 5, 8, 0, 0)); var myClass = new MyClassNodaTime(stock, marketDay, clock); Assert.Equal("Thing2 done!", myClass.thingState); }
public void CalculateStockPriceTest() { var stock = new Stock("TEA", StockType.Common, 0, 0, 100); var trades = new List<Trade>(); trades.Add(new Trade(stock, DateTime.Now, 5, TradeAction.Buy, 50)); trades.Add(new Trade(stock, DateTime.Now, 10, TradeAction.Buy, 100)); trades.Add(new Trade(stock, DateTime.Now, 10, TradeAction.Sell, 100)); var stockPrice = StockCalculator.CalculateStockPrice(stock, trades); AssertDiff(90, stockPrice); }
public bool Update(EditStockVm editStockVm, Stock stock) { if (editStockVm.Id == stock.Id) { stock.Symbol = editStockVm.Symbol; stock.Title = editStockVm.Title; return StockRepository.UpdateStock(stock).OperationSuccessStatus; } return false; }
public void MultipleParcelsPartiallySold() { var stock = new Stock(Guid.NewGuid()); stock.List("ABC", "ABC Pty Ltd", new Date(1974, 01, 01), false, AssetCategory.AustralianStocks); var transaction = new Disposal() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Date = new Date(2020, 02, 01), Stock = stock, Comment = "Test Disposal", Units = 180, AveragePrice = 20.00m, TransactionCosts = 19.95m, CgtMethod = CgtCalculationMethod.FirstInFirstOut, CreateCashTransaction = true }; var mockRepository = new MockRepository(MockBehavior.Strict); var parcel1Id = Guid.NewGuid(); var parcel1 = mockRepository.Create <IParcel>(); parcel1.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(parcel1Id); parcel1.Setup(x => x.EffectivePeriod).Returns(new DateRange(new Date(2007, 01, 01), Date.MaxValue)); parcel1.Setup(x => x.AquisitionDate).Returns(new Date(2007, 01, 01)); parcel1.Setup(x => x.Properties[new Date(2020, 02, 01)]).Returns(new ParcelProperties(100, 1000.00m, 1500.00m)); var parcel2Id = Guid.NewGuid(); var parcel2 = mockRepository.Create <IParcel>(); parcel2.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(parcel2Id); parcel2.Setup(x => x.EffectivePeriod).Returns(new DateRange(new Date(2008, 01, 01), Date.MaxValue)); parcel2.Setup(x => x.AquisitionDate).Returns(new Date(2008, 01, 01)); parcel2.Setup(x => x.Properties[new Date(2020, 02, 01)]).Returns(new ParcelProperties(50, 200.00m, 300.00m)); var parcel3Id = Guid.NewGuid(); var parcel3 = mockRepository.Create <IParcel>(); parcel3.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(parcel3Id); parcel3.Setup(x => x.EffectivePeriod).Returns(new DateRange(new Date(2009, 01, 01), Date.MaxValue)); parcel3.Setup(x => x.AquisitionDate).Returns(new Date(2009, 01, 01)); parcel3.Setup(x => x.Properties[new Date(2020, 02, 01)]).Returns(new ParcelProperties(200, 1500.00m, 2000.00m)); var holding = mockRepository.Create <IHolding>(); holding.Setup(x => x.IsEffectiveAt(new Date(2020, 02, 01))).Returns(true); holding.Setup(x => x.Properties[new Date(2020, 02, 01)]).Returns(new HoldingProperties(350, 2700.00m, 3800.00m)); holding.Setup(x => x.Parcels(new Date(2020, 02, 01))).Returns(new IParcel[] { parcel1.Object, parcel2.Object, parcel3.Object }); holding.Setup(x => x.DisposeOfParcel(parcel1Id, new Date(2020, 02, 01), 100, 1988.92m, 488.92m, CgtMethod.Discount, transaction)).Verifiable(); holding.Setup(x => x.DisposeOfParcel(parcel2Id, new Date(2020, 02, 01), 50, 994.46m, 694.46m, CgtMethod.Discount, transaction)).Verifiable(); holding.Setup(x => x.DisposeOfParcel(parcel3Id, new Date(2020, 02, 01), 30, 596.67m, 296.67m, CgtMethod.Discount, transaction)).Verifiable(); var cashAccount = mockRepository.Create <ICashAccount>(); cashAccount.Setup(x => x.Transfer(new Date(2020, 02, 01), 3600.00m, "Sale of ABC")).Verifiable(); cashAccount.Setup(x => x.FeeDeducted(new Date(2020, 02, 01), 19.95m, "Brokerage for sale of ABC")).Verifiable(); var handler = new DisposalHandler(); handler.Apply(transaction, holding.Object, cashAccount.Object); mockRepository.Verify(); }
public static Portfolio CreateEmptyPortfolio() { var arg = new Stock(Stock_ARG.Id); arg.List(Stock_ARG.AsxCode, Stock_ARG.Name, new Date(2000, 01, 01), false, AssetCategory.AustralianStocks); _StockCache.Add(arg); arg.CorporateActions.AddCapitalReturn(ARG_CapitalReturn, new Date(2001, 01, 01), "ARG Capital Return", new Date(2001, 01, 02), 10.00m); var argStockPrice = new StockPriceHistory(arg.Id); arg.SetPriceHistory(argStockPrice); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 01), 1.00m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 03), 1.01m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 04), 1.00m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 05), 1.03m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 06), 1.02m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 07), 1.01m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 10), 1.05m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 14), 1.07m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 17), 1.08m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 31), 1.09m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 02, 29), 1.10m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 03, 31), 1.07m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 04, 28), 1.07m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 05, 25), 1.03m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 12, 29), 1.04m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2001, 01, 01), 1.05m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2001, 12, 31), 1.01m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2002, 12, 31), 0.99m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2003, 12, 31), 1.29m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2003, 05, 23), 1.40m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2007, 01, 02), 0.90m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2009, 01, 02), 1.70m); argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2010, 01, 01), 2.00m); var wam = new Stock(Stock_WAM.Id); wam.List(Stock_WAM.AsxCode, Stock_WAM.Name, new Date(2000, 01, 01), false, AssetCategory.AustralianStocks); _StockCache.Add(wam); wam.CorporateActions.AddSplitConsolidation(WAM_Split, new Date(2002, 01, 01), "WAM Split", 1, 2); var wamStockPrice = new StockPriceHistory(wam.Id); wam.SetPriceHistory(wamStockPrice); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 01), 1.20m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 03), 1.21m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 04), 1.20m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 05), 1.23m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 06), 1.22m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 07), 1.21m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 10), 1.25m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 14), 1.24m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 17), 1.27m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 31), 1.28m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 02, 29), 1.29m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 03, 31), 1.27m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 04, 28), 1.27m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 05, 25), 1.23m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 12, 29), 1.14m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2001, 01, 01), 1.15m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2001, 12, 31), 1.27m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2002, 12, 31), 1.27m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2003, 12, 31), 1.27m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2003, 05, 23), 1.40m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2005, 01, 02), 1.10m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2007, 01, 02), 0.90m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2009, 01, 02), 1.30m); wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2010, 01, 01), 1.50m); var portfolioFactory = new PortfolioFactory(StockResolver); var portfolio = portfolioFactory.CreatePortfolio(Guid.NewGuid()); portfolio.Create("Test", Guid.NewGuid()); // Remove Events portfolio.FetchEvents(); return(portfolio); }
public FakeFigureProviderContext() { Stock = new Stock(); }
private void ExecuteSingleCommand(string[] commandParameters) { string commandType = string.Empty; try { Console.WriteLine(); commandType = commandParameters[0]; } catch { //this catch the IndexOutOfRange Exception and throws the error message of the Default of the Switch } int employeeId; decimal ratePerMinute; IEmployee employee; ICounterparty supplier; ICounterparty client; IVehicle vehicle; decimal salary; //IOrderStock orderStock; IStock stock; string position; DepartmentType department; VehicleType vehicleType; EngineType engineType; IVehicle newVehicle = null; string assetName; string stockUniqueNumber; string bankAccountNumber; string employeeFirstName; string employeeLastName = ""; string employeeDepartment = ""; string supplierUniqueNumber; string supplierUniqueName; string supplierAddress; string clientUniquieNumber; string clientUniqueName; string clientAddress; string vehicleMake; string vehicleModel; string vehicleRegistrationNumber; switch (commandType) { case "showEmployees": Validate.EmployeeCount(this.employees.Count); this.ShowEmployees(); break; case "hireEmployee": Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 7); employeeFirstName = commandParameters[1]; employeeLastName = commandParameters[2]; position = commandParameters[3]; salary = Validate.DecimalFromString(commandParameters[4], "salary"); ratePerMinute = Validate.DecimalFromString(commandParameters[5], "ratePerMinute"); employeeDepartment = commandParameters[6]; department = Validate.DepartmentTypeFromString(employeeDepartment, "department"); Validate.EmployeeAlreadyExistOnHire(this.employees, employeeFirstName, employeeLastName, employeeDepartment); this.AddEmployee(employeeFirstName, employeeLastName, position, salary, ratePerMinute, department); break; case "fireEmployee": Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 2); Validate.EmployeeCount(this.employees.Count); employeeId = Validate.IntFromString(commandParameters[1], "employeeId"); employee = Validate.EmployeeById(this.employees, employeeId); this.FireEmployee(employee); break; case "changeEmployeeRate": Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 3); Validate.EmployeeCount(this.employees.Count); employeeId = Validate.IntFromString(commandParameters[1], "employeeId"); employee = Validate.EmployeeById(this.employees, employeeId); ratePerMinute = Validate.DecimalFromString(commandParameters[2], "ratePerMinute"); this.ChangeRateOfEmployee(employee, ratePerMinute); break; case "issueInvoices": Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 1); this.IssueInvoices(); break; case "showAllEmployeesAtDepartment": Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 2); department = Validate.DepartmentTypeFromString(commandParameters[1], "department"); this.ListEmployeesAtDepartment(department); break; case "changeEmployeePosition": Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 3); Validate.EmployeeCount(this.employees.Count); employeeId = Validate.IntFromString(commandParameters[1], "employeeId"); employee = Validate.EmployeeById(this.employees, employeeId); position = commandParameters[2]; this.ChangePositionOfEmployee(employee, position); break; case "addEmployeeResponsibility": Validate.MinimumParameterLength(commandParameters, 3); Validate.EmployeeCount(this.employees.Count); employeeId = Validate.IntFromString(commandParameters[1], "employeeId"); employee = Validate.EmployeeById(this.employees, employeeId); var responsibilitiesToAdd = commandParameters.Skip(2).ToArray(); this.AddResponsibilitiesToEmployee(employee, responsibilitiesToAdd); break; case "removeEmpoloyeeResponsibility": Validate.MinimumParameterLength(commandParameters, 3); Validate.EmployeeCount(this.employees.Count); employeeId = Validate.IntFromString(commandParameters[1], "employeeId"); employee = Validate.EmployeeById(this.employees, employeeId); var responsibilitiesToRemove = commandParameters.Skip(2).ToArray(); this.RemoveResponsibilitiesToEmployee(employee, responsibilitiesToRemove); break; case "addVehicleToClient": //addVehicleToClient;Car;BMW;E39;CA1234AC;1999;Petrol;5;TelerikAcademy Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 9); vehicleType = Validate.VehicleTypeFromString(commandParameters[1], "vehicle type"); vehicleMake = commandParameters[2]; vehicleModel = commandParameters[3]; vehicleRegistrationNumber = commandParameters[4]; string vehicleYear = commandParameters[5]; engineType = Validate.EngineTypeFromString(commandParameters[6], "engine type"); var additionalParams = Validate.IntFromString(commandParameters[7], "additional parameters"); Validate.CounterpartyNotRegistered(this.clients, commandParameters[8], "client"); clientUniqueName = commandParameters[8]; client = this.clients.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == clientUniqueName); if (((IClient)client).Vehicles.Any(x => x.RegistrationNumber == vehicleRegistrationNumber)) { throw new ArgumentException( $"This client already has a vehicle with this registration number: {vehicleRegistrationNumber}."); } newVehicle = CreateVehicle(vehicleType, vehicleMake, vehicleModel, vehicleRegistrationNumber, vehicleYear, engineType, additionalParams); ((IClient)client).Vehicles.Add((Vehicle)newVehicle); Console.WriteLine(newVehicle); Console.WriteLine($"Vehicle {vehicleMake} {vehicleModel} added to client {client.Name}"); break; case "createBankAccount": Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 4); if (this.employees.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "No employees currently in the service! You need to hire one then open the bank account :)"); } employeeId = Validate.IntFromString(commandParameters[1], "employeeId"); employee = Validate.EmployeeById(this.employees, employeeId); assetName = commandParameters[2]; Validate.ValidateBankAccount(commandParameters[3]); bankAccountNumber = commandParameters[3]; DateTime currentAssetDate = this.lastAssetDate.AddDays(5); //fixed date in order to check zero tests this.CreateBankAccount(employee, assetName, currentAssetDate, bankAccountNumber); break; case "depositCashInBank": Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 3); Validate.BankAccountsCount(this.bankAccounts.Count); int bankAccountId = Validate.IntFromString(commandParameters[1], "bankAccountId"); BankAccount bankAccount = Validate.BankAccountById(this.bankAccounts, bankAccountId); decimal depositAmount = Validate.DecimalFromString(commandParameters[2], "depositAmount"); this.DepositCashInBankAccount(bankAccount, depositAmount); break; case "sellStockToClientVehicle": //sellStockToClientVehicle; Jo; 123456789; CA1234AC; RT20134HP; Manarino; Management Validate.EitherOrParameterLength(commandParameters, 5, 7); employeeFirstName = commandParameters[1]; clientUniqueName = commandParameters[2]; vehicleRegistrationNumber = commandParameters[3]; stockUniqueNumber = commandParameters[4]; employeeLastName = ""; string employeeDepartmentName = ""; if (commandParameters.Length == 7) { employeeLastName = commandParameters[5]; employeeDepartmentName = commandParameters[6]; employee = Validate.EmployeeUnique(this.employees, employeeFirstName, employeeLastName, employeeDepartmentName); } else { employee = Validate.EmployeeUnique(this.employees, employeeFirstName, null, null); } Validate.CounterpartyNotRegistered(this.clients, clientUniqueName, "client"); client = this.clients.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == clientUniqueName); //stock we sell must be present in the warehouse :) bool stockExists = this.warehouse.ConfirmStockExists(stockUniqueNumber, employee); if (stockExists == false) { throw new ArgumentException( $"Trying to sell the stock with unique ID {stockUniqueNumber} that is not present in the Warehouse"); } stock = this.warehouse.AvailableStocks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UniqueNumber == stockUniqueNumber); //no need to check vehicle for null because we create a default vehicle with every client registration vehicle = ((IClient)client).Vehicles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RegistrationNumber == vehicleRegistrationNumber); this.SellStockToClient(stock, (IClient)client, vehicle); break; case "sellServiceToClientVehicle": //sellServiceToClientVehicle; Jo; 123456789; CA1234AC; Disk change; 240; Manarino; Management //we can sell services to client without vehicle, e.g. client brings old tire rim for repair Validate.EitherOrParameterLength(commandParameters, 6, 8); employeeFirstName = commandParameters[1]; clientUniqueName = commandParameters[2]; vehicleRegistrationNumber = commandParameters[3]; var serviceName = commandParameters[4]; int durationInMinutes = Validate.IntFromString(commandParameters[5], "duration in minutes"); if (commandParameters.Length == 8) { employeeLastName = commandParameters[6]; employeeDepartment = commandParameters[7]; employee = Validate.EmployeeUnique(this.employees, employeeFirstName, employeeLastName, employeeDepartment); } else { employee = Validate.EmployeeUnique(this.employees, employeeFirstName, null, null); } Validate.CounterpartyNotRegistered(this.clients, clientUniqueName, "client"); client = this.clients.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == clientUniqueName); vehicle = ((IClient)client).Vehicles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RegistrationNumber == vehicleRegistrationNumber); this.SellServiceToClient(employee, (IClient)client, vehicle, serviceName, durationInMinutes); break; case "orderStockToWarehouse": //orderStockToWarehouse;Jo;AXM-AUTO;Rotinger HighPerformance Brake Disks;RT20134HP;180;Manarino;Management Validate.EitherOrParameterLength(commandParameters, 6, 8); employeeFirstName = commandParameters[1]; if (commandParameters.Length == 8) { employee = Validate.EmployeeUnique(this.employees, employeeFirstName, commandParameters[6], commandParameters[7]); } else { employee = Validate.EmployeeUnique(this.employees, employeeFirstName, null, null); } supplierUniqueName = commandParameters[2]; Validate.CounterpartyNotRegistered(this.suppliers, supplierUniqueName, "supplier"); supplier = this.suppliers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == supplierUniqueName); var stockName = commandParameters[3]; stockUniqueNumber = commandParameters[4]; decimal purchasePrice = Validate.DecimalFromString(commandParameters[5], "purchasePrice"); stock = new Stock(stockName, employee, stockUniqueNumber, purchasePrice, supplier); this.OrderStockFromSupplier(stock); break; case "registerSupplier": //registerSupplier;AXM - AUTO;54 Yerusalim Blvd Sofia Bulgaria;211311577 Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 4); supplierUniqueName = commandParameters[1]; supplierAddress = commandParameters[2]; supplierUniqueNumber = commandParameters[3]; Validate.CounterpartyAlreadyRegistered(this.suppliers, supplierUniqueName, "supplier"); this.AddSupplier(supplierUniqueName, supplierAddress, supplierUniqueNumber); Console.WriteLine("Supplier registered sucessfully"); break; case "changeSupplierName": //changeSupplierName; VintchetaBolchetaGaiki; VintchetaBolchetaGaikiNew Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 3); supplierUniqueName = commandParameters[1]; var supplierNewUniqueName = commandParameters[2]; Validate.CounterpartyNotRegistered(this.suppliers, supplierUniqueName, "supplier"); this.ChangeCounterpartyName(supplierUniqueName, this.suppliers, supplierNewUniqueName); Console.WriteLine($"{supplierUniqueName} changed sucessfully to {supplierNewUniqueName}"); break; case "removeSupplier": Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 2); supplierUniqueName = commandParameters[1]; Validate.CounterpartyNotRegistered(this.suppliers, supplierUniqueName, "supplier"); this.RemoveCounterparty(supplierUniqueName, this.suppliers); break; case "registerClient": Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 4); clientUniqueName = commandParameters[1]; clientAddress = commandParameters[2]; clientUniquieNumber = commandParameters[3]; Validate.CounterpartyAlreadyRegistered(this.clients, clientUniqueName, "client"); this.AddClient(clientUniqueName, clientAddress, clientUniquieNumber); //add default car to the client client = this.clients.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UniqueNumber == clientUniquieNumber); newVehicle = CreateVehicle(VehicleType.Car, "Empty", "Empty", "123456", "2000", EngineType.Petrol, 5); ((IClient)client).Vehicles.Add((Vehicle)newVehicle); Console.WriteLine(newVehicle); Console.WriteLine($"Default Vehicle added to client {client.Name}"); break; case "changeClientName": //changeClientName; ClientSuperDuper; clientNewUniqueNameNew Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 3); clientUniqueName = commandParameters[1]; Validate.CounterpartyNotRegistered(this.clients, clientUniqueName, "client"); var clientNewUniqueName = commandParameters[2]; this.ChangeCounterpartyName(clientUniqueName, this.clients, clientNewUniqueName); Console.WriteLine($"{clientUniqueName} name changed sucessfully to {clientNewUniqueName}"); break; case "removeClient": Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 2); clientUniqueName = commandParameters[1]; Validate.CounterpartyNotRegistered(this.clients, clientUniqueName, "client"); this.RemoveCounterparty(clientUniqueName, this.clients); break; case "listWarehouseItems": this.ListWarehouseItems(); break; case "addClientPayment": //addClientPayment;<clientName>;<bankAccountId>;<invoiceNum>;<amount> Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 5); clientUniqueName = commandParameters[1]; Validate.CounterpartyNotRegistered(this.clients, clientUniqueName, "client"); client = this.clients.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == clientUniqueName); bankAccountId = Validate.IntFromString(commandParameters[2], "bankAccountId"); Validate.BankAccountById(this.bankAccounts, bankAccountId); IInvoice invoiceFound = Validate.InvoiceExists(this.clients, client, commandParameters[3]); decimal paymentAmount = Validate.DecimalFromString(commandParameters[4], "decimal"); this.AddClientPayment(invoiceFound, paymentAmount); break; case "listClients": this.ListClients(); break; case "withdrawCashFromBank": //withdrawCashFromBank;<employeeId>;<bankAccountId>;<amount> Validate.ExactParameterLength(commandParameters, 4); Validate.BankAccountsCount(this.bankAccounts.Count); employeeId = Validate.IntFromString(commandParameters[1], "employeeId"); employee = Validate.EmployeeById(this.employees, employeeId); bankAccountId = Validate.IntFromString(commandParameters[2], "bankAccountId"); bankAccount = Validate.BankAccountById(this.bankAccounts, bankAccountId); decimal withdrawAmount = Validate.DecimalFromString(commandParameters[3], "depositAmount"); this.WithdrawCashFromBank(bankAccount, withdrawAmount, employee); break; case "help": this.HelpThem(); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Command not supported yet! Please call IT Support or raise a TT"); } }
public StockScreen(Stock stocks) { InitializeComponent(); base.DataContext = stocks; }
public void Add(Stock entity) { stockRepository.Add(entity); }
public IActionResult UpdateEntry(Stock stock) { return(View(stock)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> AddStockList([FromBody] List <StockIn> stockInList) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } using (var connection = new SqlConnection(sqlConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); foreach (var stockIn in stockInList) { List <int> BatchIds = new List <int>(); int quantity = 0; foreach (var item in stockIn.Batch) { var batchDetails = new Batch { BatchName = item.BatchName, Quantity = item.Quantity, WarehouseID = item.WarehouseID, MfgDate = item.MfgDate, ExpDate = item.ExpDate, ESL = item.ESL, AvailableQuantity = item.Quantity, BatchCode = item.BatchCode, BatchNo = item.BatchNo, SectionID = item.SectionID }; quantity = quantity + item.Quantity; batchDetails.BatchId = connection.Query <int>(@"insert BatchMaster(BatchName,Quantity,WarehouseID,MFGDate,EXPDate,ESL,AvailableQuantity,BatchCode,BatchNo,SectionID) values (@BatchName,@Quantity,@WarehouseID,@MFGDate,@EXPDate,@ESL,@AvailableQuantity,@BatchCode,@BatchNo,@SectionID) select cast(scope_identity() as int)", batchDetails).First(); BatchIds.Add(batchDetails.BatchId); } var stockInDetails = new Stock { BatchIdFromMobile = String.Join(",", BatchIds), RecievedOn = stockIn.stock.RecievedOn, CRVNo = stockIn.stock.CRVNo, Remarks = stockIn.stock.Remarks, RecievedFrom = stockIn.stock.RecievedFrom, PackingMaterial = stockIn.stock.PackingMaterial, OriginalManf = stockIn.stock.OriginalManf, GenericName = stockIn.stock.GenericName, Weight = stockIn.stock.Weight, AddedOn = DateTime.Now, SupplierId = stockIn.stock.SupplierId, // IsActive = stockIn.stock.IsActive, ProductId = stockIn.stock.ProductId, Quantity = stockIn.stock.Quantity, IsFromMobile = stockIn.stock.IsFromMobile, ATNo = stockIn.stock.ATNo, OtherSupplier = stockIn.stock.OtherSupplier, // TransferedBy = TransferedBy, SampleSent = stockIn.stock.SampleSent, SupplierNo = stockIn.stock.SupplierNo, DepotId = stockIn.stock.DepotId, IsCP = stockIn.stock.IsCP, IsLP = stockIn.stock.IsLP, IsIDT = stockIn.stock.IsIDT, IsICT = stockIn.stock.IsICT, }; stockInDetails.StockInId = connection.Query <int>(@"insert StockMaster(BatchIdFromMobile,RecievedOn,CRVNo,Remarks,RecievedFrom, PackingMaterial,OriginalManf,GenericName,Weight,AddedOn,SupplierId,ProductId,Quantity,IsFromMobile,ATNo,OtherSupplier,TransferedBy,SampleSent,SupplierNo,DepotId,IsCP,IsLP,IsIDT,IsICT ) values (@BatchIdFromMobile,@RecievedOn,@CRVNo,@Remarks,@RecievedFrom, @PackingMaterial,@OriginalManf,@GenericName,@Weight,@AddedOn,@SupplierId,@ProductId,@Quantity,@IsFromMobile,@ATNo,@OtherSupplier,@TransferedBy,@SampleSent,@SupplierNo,@DepotId,@IsCP,@IsLP,@IsIDT,@IsICT) select cast(scope_identity() as int)", stockInDetails).First(); } return(Json(new { Message = "Record Inserted Successfully" })); } }
public void Delete(Stock entity) { entity.IsActive = false; stockRepository.Edit(entity); }
public bool Handle(IRequestMessage msg) { try { Type msgType = msg.GetType(); if (typeof(IRequestMessage).IsAssignableFrom(msgType)) { if (typeof(NewSingleOrder) == msgType) { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); Counters.IncrementCounter(CountersConstants.ClientsNewOrderReqs); NewSingleOrder order = (NewSingleOrder)msg; #region validate client key if (order.ClientKey == Guid.Empty || order.ClientKey == null) { SystemLogger.LogEventAsync(string.Format("ClientKey [{0}] not valid! ", order.ClientKey.ToString())); return(true); } string username = Sessions.GetUsername(order.ClientKey); if (!Sessions.IsSubscribedToSendMsg(username)) { SystemLogger.LogEventAsync(string.Format("ClientKey [{0}] not subscribed", order.ClientKey)); return(true); } #endregion validate client key #region validate stock group Stock stock = StocksDefinitions.GetStockByCode(order.SecurityID); if (stock == null) { Sessions.Push(Sessions.GetUsername(order.ClientKey), new IResponseMessage[] { new Fix_OrderRefusedByService() { ClientKey = order.ClientKey, RefuseMessage = "Stock Not Found!", RequesterOrderID = order.RequesterOrderID } }); } #endregion validate stock group #region validate currency CurrencyItem currency = Currencies.GetCurrencyByCode(stock.CurrencyCode); #endregion validate currency #region validate order details string validation = ValidateOrder(username, order); #endregion validate order details #region not valid order if (validation != "valid") { try { SystemLogger.LogEventAsync(string.Format("OrderRefusedByService RequesterOrderID: {0}, Reason: {1}", order.RequesterOrderID, validation)); Sessions.Push(Sessions.GetUsername(order.ClientKey), new IResponseMessage[] { new Fix_OrderRefusedByService() { ClientKey = order.ClientKey, RefuseMessage = validation, RequesterOrderID = order.RequesterOrderID } }); } catch (Exception ex) { Counters.IncrementCounter(CountersConstants.ExceptionMessages); SystemLogger.LogEventAsync(string.Format("Error sending refused order to the client, ClientKey {0}, Error: {1}", order.ClientKey, ex.Message)); } return(true); } #endregion not valid order OrdersManager.HandleNewSingleOrder(username, order.ClientKey, order.RequesterOrderID, order.ClientID, order.CustodyID, order.SecurityID, order.OrderSide, Math.Round(order.Price, m_orderPriceDigitsRounding), order.Quantity, order.OrderType, DateTime.Now, order.TimeInForce, currency, order.ExchangeID, order.DateTime, stock.GroupID, stock.MarketID, order.HandleInst, order.ExpirationDateTime, order.OptionalParam); sw.Stop(); SystemLogger.LogEventAsync(string.Format("new order handled in {0} ms ", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); sw = null; return(true); } } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { Counters.IncrementCounter(CountersConstants.ExceptionMessages); SystemLogger.LogErrorAsync("NewSingleOrderHandler Error: " + ex.Message); return(true); } }
public static TransactionItem CreateTransactionItem(this Transaction transaction, Stock stock, int quantity) { return(new TransactionItem { Stock = stock, Quantity = quantity, Transaction = transaction }); }
public static bool UpdateStockObjectWithIndicesData(StockQuote qoute, ref Stock stock) { //stock = qoute.openPrice; //stock.today_Close = qoute.closePrice return(false); }
public StockPurchaseTransaction(Stock stock, int quantity, decimal price) : base(stock, quantity, price) { }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> AddStock([FromBody] StockIn stockIn) { try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) using (var connection = new SqlConnection(sqlConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); Nullable <int> IdtMasterId = 0; Nullable <int> CptMasterId = 0; if (stockIn.stock.IsIDT || stockIn.stock.IsICT) { var IdtMaster = connection.Query <firstForm>("Select * from IdtIcTMaster where ReferenceNumber = @ReferenceNumber", new { ReferenceNumber = stockIn.stock.ReferenceNumber }).FirstOrDefault(); if (IdtMaster == null) { return(Json(new { Message = "Please select valid Idt Reference Number" })); } else { var IdtDetails = connection.Query <depotProductValueModel>("Select * from IdtIctDetails where IdtIctMasterId=@IdtIctMasterId", new { IdtIctMasterId = IdtMaster.Id }).ToList(); // IsProduct Exist var isProduct = IdtDetails.Find(t => t.productId == stockIn.stock.ProductId); var isDepot = IdtDetails.Find(t => t.depotId == stockIn.stock.DepotId); if (isProduct == null || isDepot == null) { return(Json(new { Message = "Please select valid depot and product" })); } else { // FindCurrentIdtDetails var currentIdtDetails = IdtDetails.Find(t => t.depotId == stockIn.stock.DepotId && t.productId == stockIn.stock.ProductId); if (stockIn.stock.Quantity > Convert.ToInt32(currentIdtDetails.AvailableQuantity)) { return(Json(new { Message = "Quantity Not available" })); } var NewAvailableQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(currentIdtDetails.AvailableQuantity) - stockIn.stock.Quantity; var ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; var Id = currentIdtDetails.Id; IdtMasterId = IdtMaster.Id; string updateQuery = @"UPDATE IdtIctDetails SET AvailableQuantity=@NewAvailableQuantity,ModifiedOn=@ModifiedOn where Id = @Id"; var Status = "InProgress"; //FInd available Quanity var result = connection.Execute(updateQuery, new { NewAvailableQuantity, ModifiedOn, Id }); //var results2 = connection.Execute(updateMaster, new //{ // Status, // Id //}); } } } else { var CPMaster = connection.Query <CPLTMaster>("Select * from CPLTMaster where ReferenceNumber = @ReferenceNumber", new { ReferenceNumber = stockIn.stock.ReferenceNumber }).FirstOrDefault(); if (CPMaster == null) { return(Json(new { Message = "Please select valid CP Reference Number" })); } else { var CpDetails = connection.Query <CPLTDetails>("Select * from CPLTDetails where CPLTId = @CPLTId", new { CPLTId = CPMaster.Id }).ToList(); // IsProduct Exist var isProduct = CpDetails.Find(t => t.ProdId == stockIn.stock.ProductId); // var isDepot = IdtDetails.Find(t => t.depotId == stockIn.stock.DepotId); if (isProduct == null) { return(Json(new { Message = "Please select valid depot and product" })); } else { // FindCurrentCptDetails var currentCPTDetails = CpDetails.Find(t => t.ProdId == stockIn.stock.ProductId); if (stockIn.stock.Quantity > Convert.ToInt32(currentCPTDetails.AvailableQuantity)) { return(Json(new { Message = "Quantity Not available" })); } var NewAvailableQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(currentCPTDetails.AvailableQuantity) - stockIn.stock.Quantity; var ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; var Id = currentCPTDetails.Id; CptMasterId = CPMaster.Id; string updateQuery = @"UPDATE CPLTDetails SET AvailableQuantity=@NewAvailableQuantity,ModifiedOn=@ModifiedOn where Id = @Id"; // string updateQuery = @"UPDATE IdtIcTMaster SET IdtIctType = @IdtIctType,ReferenceNumber=@ReferenceNumber,DateOfEntry=@DateOfEntry,Status=@Status WHERE Id = @Id"; var result = connection.Execute(updateQuery, new { NewAvailableQuantity, ModifiedOn, Id }); } } } var identity = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity; var userId = identity.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Sid) .Select(c => c.Value).SingleOrDefault(); List <int> BatchIds = new List <int>(); int quantity = 0; foreach (var item in stockIn.Batch) { var batchDetails = new Batch { BatchName = item.BatchName, Quantity = item.Quantity, WarehouseID = item.WarehouseID, MfgDate = item.MfgDate, ExpDate = item.ExpDate, ESL = item.ESL, AvailableQuantity = item.Quantity, BatchCode = item.BatchCode, BatchNo = item.BatchNo, AddedOn = DateTime.Now, SectionID = item.SectionID, }; quantity = quantity + item.Quantity; batchDetails.BatchId = connection.Query <int>(@"insert BatchMaster(BatchName,Quantity,WarehouseID,MFGDate,EXPDate,ESL,AvailableQuantity,BatchCode,BatchNo,AddedOn,SectionID) values (@BatchName,@Quantity,@WarehouseID,@MFGDate,@EXPDate,@ESL,@AvailableQuantity,@BatchCode,@BatchNo,@AddedOn,@SectionID) select cast(scope_identity() as int)", batchDetails).First(); BatchIds.Add(batchDetails.BatchId); } if (CptMasterId == 0) { } var stockInDetails = new Stock { BatchIdFromMobile = String.Join(",", BatchIds), RecievedOn = stockIn.stock.RecievedOn, CRVNo = stockIn.stock.CRVNo, Remarks = stockIn.stock.Remarks, RecievedFrom = stockIn.stock.RecievedFrom, PackingMaterial = stockIn.stock.PackingMaterial, OriginalManf = stockIn.stock.OriginalManf, GenericName = stockIn.stock.GenericName, Weight = stockIn.stock.Weight, AddedOn = DateTime.Now, SupplierId = stockIn.stock.SupplierId, // IsActive = stockIn.stock.IsActive, ProductId = stockIn.stock.ProductId, Quantity = stockIn.stock.Quantity, IsFromMobile = stockIn.stock.IsFromMobile, ATNo = stockIn.stock.ATNo, OtherSupplier = stockIn.stock.OtherSupplier, // TransferedBy = TransferedBy, SampleSent = stockIn.stock.SampleSent, SupplierNo = stockIn.stock.SupplierNo, DepotId = stockIn.stock.DepotId, IsCP = stockIn.stock.IsCP, IsLP = stockIn.stock.IsLP, IsIDT = stockIn.stock.IsIDT, IsICT = stockIn.stock.IsICT, IdtMasterId = IdtMasterId == 0 ? null : IdtMasterId, CptMasterId = CptMasterId == 0 ? null : CptMasterId }; stockInDetails.StockInId = connection.Query <int>(@"insert StockMaster(BatchIdFromMobile,RecievedOn,CRVNo,Remarks,RecievedFrom, PackingMaterial,OriginalManf,GenericName,Weight,AddedOn,SupplierId,ProductId,Quantity,IsFromMobile,ATNo,OtherSupplier,TransferedBy,SampleSent,SupplierNo,DepotId,IsCP,IsLP,IsIDT,IsICT,IdtMasterId,CptMasterId ) values (@BatchIdFromMobile,@RecievedOn,@CRVNo,@Remarks,@RecievedFrom, @PackingMaterial,@OriginalManf,@GenericName,@Weight,@AddedOn,@SupplierId,@ProductId,@Quantity,@IsFromMobile,@ATNo,@OtherSupplier,@TransferedBy,@SampleSent,@SupplierNo,@DepotId,@IsCP,@IsLP,@IsIDT,@IsICT,@IdtMasterId,@CptMasterId) select cast(scope_identity() as int)", stockInDetails).First(); //Update IdtMaster scope.Complete(); return(Json(new { Message = "Record Inserted Successfully" })); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// used to Update the quntity of Stock of Product of Particular WarehouseID and warehouse AddressId /// </summary> /// <param name="stock">contains user entered information like Warehouseid,warehouse addreesid and Productid</param> public void UpdateStockQuantity(Stock stock) { stockDataAccesslogic.UpdateStockQuantity(stock); }
public void Insert(Stock stock) { context.Stocks.InsertOnSubmit(stock); context.SubmitChanges(); }
public void Update(Stock stock) { Console.WriteLine("Notified {0} of {1}'s " + "change to {2:C}", _name, stock.Symbol, stock.Price); }
public ProductEntity(ProductName name, Price price, Stock stock) { Name = name; Price = price; Stock = stock; }
public DataTable Search(Stock stock) { sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); sqlConnection.Open(); if (stock.CategoryName == "") { commandString = @"select Items.ItemName, iv.CompanyName, iv.CategoryName, Items.ReOrderQuantity, ( case when ((select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus = 'StockIn') - case when (select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus != 'StockIn') is not null then (select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus != 'StockIn') else 0 end ) is null then 0 else ((select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus = 'StockIn') - case when (select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus != 'StockIn') is not null then (select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus != 'StockIn') else 0 end ) end )as Quantity from itemsview iv inner join Items on Items.Id = iv.Id where CompanyName = '" + stock.CompanyName + "'"; } else if (stock.CompanyName == "") { commandString = @"select Items.ItemName, iv.CompanyName, iv.CategoryName, Items.ReOrderQuantity, ( case when ((select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus = 'StockIn') - case when (select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus != 'StockIn') is not null then (select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus != 'StockIn') else 0 end ) is null then 0 else ((select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus = 'StockIn') - case when (select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus != 'StockIn') is not null then (select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus != 'StockIn') else 0 end ) end )as Quantity from itemsview iv inner join Items on Items.Id = iv.Id where categoryname = '" + stock.CategoryName + "'"; } else { commandString = @"select Items.ItemName, iv.CompanyName, iv.CategoryName, Items.ReOrderQuantity, ( case when ((select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus = 'StockIn') - case when (select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus != 'StockIn') is not null then (select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus != 'StockIn') else 0 end ) is null then 0 else ((select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus = 'StockIn') - case when (select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus != 'StockIn') is not null then (select sum(quantity) from Stocks where Itemid = and stockStatus != 'StockIn') else 0 end ) end )as Quantity from itemsview iv inner join Items on Items.Id = iv.Id where categoryname = '" + stock.CategoryName + "' AND CompanyName = '" + stock.CompanyName + "' "; } sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(commandString, sqlConnection); SqlDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); sqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); sqlConnection.Close(); return dataTable; }
public void SetStock(Stock stock) { Stock = stock; }
public void Delete(Stock stock) { _databaseContext.Stocks.Remove(stock); _databaseContext.SaveChanges(); }
public static void DbInitialize(MasterDBContext context) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); // Look for any Entrys. if (context.Articles.Any()) { return; // DB has been seeded } // Article Types var articleTypes = new ArticleType[] { new ArticleType { Name = "Assembly" }, new ArticleType { Name = "Material" }, new ArticleType { Name = "Consumable" } }; foreach (ArticleType at in articleTypes) { context.ArticleTypes.Add(at); } context.SaveChanges(); // Units var units = new Unit[] { new Unit { Name = "Kilo" }, new Unit { Name = "Litre" }, new Unit { Name = "Pieces" } }; foreach (Unit u in units) { context.Units.Add(u); } context.SaveChanges(); var machines = new Machine[] { new Machine { Capacity = 1, Name = "Säge", Count = 1, MachineGroup = new MachineGroup { Name = "Zuschnitt" } }, new Machine { Capacity = 1, Name = "Bohrer", Count = 1, MachineGroup = new MachineGroup { Name = "Bohrwerk" } }, new Machine { Capacity = 1, Name = "MontagePlatform", Count = 1, MachineGroup = new MachineGroup { Name = "Montage" } }, new Machine { Capacity = 1, Name = "MontagePlatform2", Count = 1, } }; machines.Last().MachineGroup = machines.Single(n => n.Name == "MontagePlatform").MachineGroup; foreach (var m in machines) { context.Machines.Add(m); } context.SaveChanges(); var machineTools = new MachineTool[] { new MachineTool { MachineId = machines.Single(m => m.Name == "Säge").Id, SetupTime = 1, Name = "Sägeblatt 1mm Zahnabstant" }, new MachineTool { MachineId = machines.Single(m => m.Name == "Bohrer").Id, SetupTime = 1, Name = "M6 Bohrkopf" }, }; foreach (var mt in machineTools) { context.MachineTools.Add(mt); } context.SaveChanges(); // Articles var articles = new Article[] { new Article { Name = "Kipper", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Assembly").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2016-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 20, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 45.00 }, new Article { Name = "Rahmengestell", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Assembly").Id, DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 15.00 }, new Article { Name = "Ladebehälter", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Assembly").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2016-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 15.00 }, new Article { Name = "Chassis", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Assembly").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2016-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 15.00 }, new Article { Name = "Rad", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 1.00 }, new Article { Name = "Felge", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 2, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 1.00 }, new Article { Name = "Bodenplatte", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 4.00 }, new Article { Name = "Aufliegeplatte", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 3.00 }, new Article { Name = "Seitenwand land", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 1.50 }, new Article { Name = "Seitenwand kurz", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 2.00 }, new Article { Name = "Bodenplatte Behälter", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 4.00 }, new Article { Name = "Fahrerhaus", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 5.00 }, new Article { Name = "Motorblock", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 3.00 }, new Article { Name = "Achse", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 0.50 }, new Article { Name = "Knopf", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Kilo").Id, Price = 0.05 }, new Article { Name = "Kippgelenk", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 1 }, new Article { Name = "Holz 1,5m x 3,0m", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Material").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 5, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Pieces").Id, Price = 5 }, new Article { Name = "Unterlegscheibe", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Consumable").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Kilo").Id, Price = 0.05 }, new Article { Name = "Leim", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Consumable").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 10, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Kilo").Id, Price = 5.00 }, new Article { Name = "Dübel", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Consumable").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2005-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 3, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Kilo").Id, Price = 3.00 }, new Article { Name = "Verpackung", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Consumable").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2005-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 4, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Kilo").Id, Price = 7.00 }, new Article { Name = "Bedienungsanleitung", ArticleTypeId = articleTypes.Single(s => s.Name == "Consumable").Id, CreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2005-09-01"), DeliveryPeriod = 4, UnitId = units.Single(s => s.Name == "Kilo").Id, Price = 0.50 }, }; foreach (Article a in articles) { context.Articles.Add(a); } context.SaveChanges(); // get the name -> id mappings var DBArticles = context .Articles .ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p.Id); // create Stock Entrys for each Article foreach (var article in DBArticles) { var Stocks = new Stock[] { new Stock { ArticleForeignKey = article.Value, Name = "Stock: " + article.Key, Min = (article.Key == "Kipper") ? 1 : 0, Max = 50, Current = (article.Key == "Kipper") ? 1 : 0 } }; foreach (Stock s in Stocks) { context.Stocks.Add(s); } context.SaveChanges(); } var workSchedule = new WorkSchedule[] { new WorkSchedule { ArticleId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Kipper").Id, Name = "Kipper Hochzeit", Duration = 2, MachineGroupId = machines.Single(n => n.Name == "MontagePlatform").MachineGroupId, HierarchyNumber = 10 }, new WorkSchedule { ArticleId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Kipper").Id, Name = "Kipper Ladefläche Kleben", Duration = 2, MachineGroupId = machines.Single(n => n.Name == "MontagePlatform").MachineGroupId, HierarchyNumber = 20 }, new WorkSchedule { ArticleId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Rahmengestell").Id, Name = "Rahmen zuschneiden", Duration = 2, MachineGroupId = machines.Single(n => n.Name == "Säge").MachineGroupId , HierarchyNumber = 10 }, new WorkSchedule { ArticleId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Rahmengestell").Id, Name = "Löcher für Achse in den Rahmen bohren", Duration = 2, MachineGroupId = machines.Single(n => n.Name == "Bohrer").MachineGroupId , HierarchyNumber = 20 }, new WorkSchedule { ArticleId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Bodenplatte").Id, Name = "Bodenplatte zuschneiden", Duration = 2, MachineGroupId = machines.Single(n => n.Name == "Säge").MachineGroupId , HierarchyNumber = 10 }, new WorkSchedule { ArticleId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Rahmengestell").Id, Name = "Achse mit Rahmen Verschrauben", Duration = 2, MachineGroupId = machines.Single(n => n.Name == "MontagePlatform").MachineGroupId, HierarchyNumber = 30 }, new WorkSchedule { ArticleId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Rad").Id, Name = "Felge auf Rad Aufziehen", Duration = 2, MachineGroupId = machines.Single(n => n.Name == "MontagePlatform").MachineGroupId, HierarchyNumber = 10 }, new WorkSchedule { ArticleId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Rad").Id, Name = "Rad mit Achse verschrauben", Duration = 2, MachineGroupId = machines.Single(n => n.Name == "MontagePlatform").MachineGroupId, HierarchyNumber = 20 }, }; foreach (var ws in workSchedule) { context.WorkSchedules.Add(ws); } context.SaveChanges(); var articleBom = new List <ArticleBom> { new ArticleBom { ArticleChildId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Kipper").Id, Name = "Kipper" }, new ArticleBom { ArticleChildId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Rahmengestell").Id, Name = "Rahmengestell", Quantity = 1, ArticleParentId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Kipper").Id }, new ArticleBom { ArticleChildId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Chassis").Id, Name = "Chassis", Quantity = 1, ArticleParentId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Kipper").Id }, new ArticleBom { ArticleChildId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Ladebehälter").Id, Name = "Ladebehälter", Quantity = 1, ArticleParentId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Kipper").Id }, new ArticleBom { ArticleChildId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Bodenplatte").Id, Name = "Bodenplatte", Quantity = 1, ArticleParentId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Rahmengestell").Id }, new ArticleBom { ArticleChildId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Achse").Id, Name = "Achse", Quantity = 2, ArticleParentId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Rahmengestell").Id }, new ArticleBom { ArticleChildId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Rad").Id, Name = "Rad", Quantity = 4, ArticleParentId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Rahmengestell").Id }, new ArticleBom { ArticleChildId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Felge").Id, Name = "Felge", Quantity = 1, ArticleParentId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Rad").Id }, new ArticleBom { ArticleChildId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Dübel").Id, Name = "Dübel", Quantity = 2, ArticleParentId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Rad").Id }, new ArticleBom { ArticleChildId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Holz 1,5m x 3,0m").Id, Name = "Holz 1,5m x 3,0m", Quantity = 4, ArticleParentId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Bodenplatte").Id }, }; foreach (var item in articleBom) { context.ArticleBoms.Add(item); } context.SaveChanges(); //create Businesspartner var businessPartner = new BusinessPartner() { Debitor = true, Kreditor = false, Name = "Toys'R'us Spielwarenabteilung" }; var businessPartner2 = new BusinessPartner() { Debitor = false, Kreditor = true, Name = "Material Großhandel" }; context.BusinessPartners.Add(businessPartner); context.BusinessPartners.Add(businessPartner2); context.SaveChanges(); var artToBusinessPartner = new ArticleToBusinessPartner[] { new ArticleToBusinessPartner { BusinessPartnerId = businessPartner2.Id, ArticleId = articles.Single(x => x.Name == "Dübel").Id, PackSize = 100, Price = 0.10, DueTime = 2 }, new ArticleToBusinessPartner { BusinessPartnerId = businessPartner2.Id, ArticleId = articles.Single(x => x.Name == "Chassis").Id, PackSize = 1, Price = 2, DueTime = 2 }, new ArticleToBusinessPartner { BusinessPartnerId = businessPartner2.Id, ArticleId = articles.Single(x => x.Name == "Ladebehälter").Id, PackSize = 1, Price = 3, DueTime = 2 }, new ArticleToBusinessPartner { BusinessPartnerId = businessPartner2.Id, ArticleId = articles.Single(x => x.Name == "Achse").Id, PackSize = 10, Price = 0.50, DueTime = 2 }, new ArticleToBusinessPartner { BusinessPartnerId = businessPartner2.Id, ArticleId = articles.Single(x => x.Name == "Holz 1,5m x 3,0m").Id, PackSize = 1, Price = 1, DueTime = 2 }, new ArticleToBusinessPartner { BusinessPartnerId = businessPartner2.Id, ArticleId = articles.Single(x => x.Name == "Felge").Id, PackSize = 10, Price = 0.20, DueTime = 2 }, }; foreach (var art in artToBusinessPartner) { context.ArticleToBusinessPartners.Add(art); } context.SaveChanges(); //create order var orders = new List <Order>() { new Order { BusinessPartnerId = businessPartner.Id, DueTime = 40, Name = "Erste Kipperbestellung" }, new Order { BusinessPartnerId = businessPartner.Id, DueTime = 70, Name = "Zweite Kipperbestellung" }, new Order { BusinessPartnerId = businessPartner.Id, DueTime = 100, Name = "Dritte Kipperbestellung" } }; foreach (var order in orders) { context.Orders.Add(order); } context.SaveChanges(); //create orderParts var orderParts = new List <OrderPart>() { new OrderPart() { Quantity = 7, ArticleId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Kipper").Id, OrderId = 1, IsPlanned = false }, new OrderPart() { Quantity = 4, ArticleId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Kipper").Id, OrderId = 2, IsPlanned = false }, new OrderPart() { Quantity = 1, ArticleId = articles.Single(a => a.Name == "Kipper").Id, OrderId = 3, IsPlanned = false }, }; foreach (var orderPart in orderParts) { context.OrderParts.Add(orderPart); } context.SaveChanges(); }
public Stock Update(Stock stock) { _databaseContext.Stocks.Update(stock); _databaseContext.SaveChanges(); return(stock); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Cecilia Silva. TP4 2D, probando probando"; Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------MARITIME SOLUTIONS LTD-------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------"); #region instancias para funcionamiento SerializadoraXml <List <Publicacion> > serializacionPubs = new SerializadoraXml <List <Publicacion> >(); SerializadoraXml <List <Carta> > serializacionCarta = new SerializadoraXml <List <Carta> >(); SerializadoraXml <List <Clientes> > serializacionCliente = new SerializadoraXml <List <Clientes> >(); List <Carta> cartasConsola = new List <Carta>(); List <Clientes> clientesConsola = new List <Clientes>(); List <Publicacion> publicacionesConsola = new List <Publicacion>(); List <Barco> barcosConsola = new List <Barco>(); Stock stocksito = new Stock(); string rutaPub = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "listaPublicacionesStock"; string rutaCartas = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "listaCartasStock"; string rutaClientes = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "listaClientes"; Publicacion publicacion = new Publicacion(2, Publicacion.Formato.Hardbook, "Tanker Structures", 2021, "IMO", "AN2021", 1); /// Esta publicación ya está en la lista, no debería poder agregarse de nuevo Publicacion publicacionDuplicada = new Publicacion(2, Publicacion.Formato.Hardbook, "IMDG Code Supplement", 2008, "IMO", "KK210F", 1); #endregion Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------AGREGAR PUBLICACIONES-------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); if (stocksito + publicacion) { Console.WriteLine("Se agregó la publicación {0} con éxito", publicacion.Titulo); publicacionesConsola.Add(publicacion); } Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); if (stocksito + publicacionDuplicada) { Console.WriteLine("Se agregó la publicación con éxito"); } else { Console.WriteLine("No se pudo agregar la publicación {0}.", publicacionDuplicada.Titulo); } Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.Write("-----------------PRESIONE UNA TECLA PARA CONTINUAR--------------------------"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------MARITIME SOLUTIONS LTD-------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("-------------¿QUE BARCOS TIENEN LA PUBLICACIÓN DUPLICADA?--------------"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("La publicación duplicada es: {0} . \nNo se pudo agregar porque ya estaba en la lista. Su código es {1}.", publicacionDuplicada.Titulo, publicacionDuplicada.Codigo); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Stock.RevisarIgualdadBarcoSeleccionado(publicacionDuplicada, barcosConsola); if (barcosConsola.Count > 0) { foreach (Barco barquito in barcosConsola) { Console.WriteLine(barquito.NombreBarco); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Oops, ningún barco tiene esta publicación"); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public Stock AddStock(Stock stock) { _databaseContext.Stocks.Add(stock); _databaseContext.SaveChanges(); return(stock); }
public static void UpdateStockReduce(String Pid, int qnt) { Stock s = us.Stocks.First <Stock>(x => x.ItemNumber == Pid); s.TotalInventoryBalance -= qnt; }
public ActionResult OrderConfirm(Order obj, string CouponKey) { List <Cart> cartList = repoRakibCart.GetCartByUserId(obj.User_Id).ToList(); if (cartList.Count == 0) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } float p = 0; if (CouponKey != "") { Coupon c = repoRakibCoupon.GetPercentage(CouponKey); obj.Coupon_Id = c.Id; p = (float)c.Percentage; } repoRakibOrder.Insert(obj); repoRakibOrder.EContext.SaveChanges(); var lastOrder = repoRakibOrder.GetLastEntryOfUser(obj.User_Id); //var cartList = repoRakibCart.GetCartByUserId(obj.User_Id); foreach (var item in cartList) { OrderData orderData = new OrderData(); orderData.Book_Id = item.Book_Id; orderData.Order_Id = lastOrder.Id; orderData.QuantityOrdered = item.QuantityOrdered; orderData.Subtotal = item.QuantityOrdered * item.Book.Price; if (CouponKey != "") { orderData.ActualPrice = Math.Ceiling(orderData.Subtotal - ((orderData.Subtotal * p) / 100)); } else { orderData.ActualPrice = Math.Ceiling(orderData.Subtotal); } repoRakibOrderData.Insert(orderData); repoRakibOrderData.EContext.SaveChanges(); Stock s = repoRakibStock.GetStockByBookId(item.Book_Id); s.OrderStock -= item.QuantityOrdered; repoRakibStock.EContext.Entry(s).State = EntityState.Modified; repoRakibStock.EContext.SaveChanges(); } repoRakibCart.RemoveRange(cartList); repoRakibCart.EContext.SaveChanges(); OrderLog o = new OrderLog(); o.AddedDate = DateTime.Now; o.LogDetails = "Pending for comfirmation"; o.Order_Id = lastOrder.Id; repoRakibOrderLog.Insert(o); repoRakibOrderLog.EContext.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("OrderS")); }
public void UpdateStockPrice(Stock stock, double newPrice) { Stock selected = GetStockByName(stock.Name); selected.Price = newPrice; }
static public void Main(string[] args) { Stock stock; int i; Storage db = StorageFactory.Instance.CreateStorage(); db.Open("testts.dbs", pagePoolSize); #if USE_GENERICS FieldIndex <string, Stock> stocks = (FieldIndex <string, Stock>)db.Root; if (stocks == null) { stocks = db.CreateFieldIndex <string, Stock>("name", true); stock = new Stock(); = "BORL"; stock.quotes = db.CreateTimeSeries <Quote>(N_ELEMS_PER_BLOCK, N_ELEMS_PER_BLOCK * TICKS_PER_SECOND * 2); stocks.Put(stock); db.Root = stocks; } else { stock = stocks["BORL"]; } #else FieldIndex stocks = (FieldIndex)db.Root; if (stocks == null) { stocks = db.CreateFieldIndex(typeof(Stock), "name", true); stock = new Stock(); = "BORL"; stock.quotes = db.CreateTimeSeries(typeof(QuoteBlock), QuoteBlock.N_ELEMS_PER_BLOCK * TICKS_PER_SECOND * 2); stocks.Put(stock); db.Root = stocks; } else { stock = (Stock)stocks["BORL"]; } #endif Random rand = new Random(2004); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; int time = getSeconds(start) - nElements; for (i = 0; i < nElements; i++) { Quote quote = new Quote(); quote.timestamp = time + i; = (float)rand.Next(10000) / 100; quote.close = (float)rand.Next(10000) / 100; quote.high = Math.Max(, quote.close); quote.low = Math.Min(, quote.close); quote.volume = rand.Next(1000); stock.quotes.Add(quote); } db.Commit(); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for storing " + nElements + " quotes: " + (DateTime.Now - start)); rand = new Random(2004); start = DateTime.Now; i = 0; foreach (Quote quote in stock.quotes) { Debug.Assert(quote.timestamp == time + i); float open = (float)rand.Next(10000) / 100; Debug.Assert( == open); float close = (float)rand.Next(10000) / 100; Debug.Assert(quote.close == close); Debug.Assert(quote.high == Math.Max(, quote.close)); Debug.Assert(quote.low == Math.Min(, quote.close)); Debug.Assert(quote.volume == rand.Next(1000)); i += 1; } Debug.Assert(i == nElements); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for extracting " + nElements + " quotes: " + (DateTime.Now - start)); Debug.Assert(stock.quotes.Count == nElements); long from = getTicks(time + 1000); int count = 1000; start = DateTime.Now; i = 0; foreach (Quote quote in stock.quotes.Range(new DateTime(from), new DateTime(from + count * TICKS_PER_SECOND), IterationOrder.DescentOrder)) { Debug.Assert(quote.timestamp == time + 1000 + count - i); i += 1; } Debug.Assert(i == count + 1); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for extracting " + i + " quotes: " + (DateTime.Now - start)); start = DateTime.Now; long n = stock.quotes.Remove(stock.quotes.FirstTime, stock.quotes.LastTime); Debug.Assert(n == nElements); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for removing " + nElements + " quotes: " + (DateTime.Now - start)); Debug.Assert(stock.quotes.Count == 0); db.Close(); }
public virtual bool Attach(Stock input) { return(false); }