Beispiel #1
        public void Tc015()
            // For now hard coded. TOdo: Random
            const string BrandId   = "289";
            const string BrandName = "Agossie";

            // Use default user
            StfAssert.IsNotNull("wrapTrackShell", WrapTrackShell);

            var randomBrand              = this.GetBrand(BrandName);
            var newPatternName           = WtUtils.GetRandomString("StfPattern");
            var baseLineNumberOfPatterns = wtApi.BrandNumberOfPatterns(BrandId);
            var patternAdded             = randomBrand.AddPattern(newPatternName);
            var numberOfPatterns         = wtApi.BrandNumberOfPatterns(BrandId);

            StfAssert.IsTrue($"Pattern {newPatternName} Added", patternAdded);
            StfAssert.GreaterThan("Number of patterns for brand up by one", numberOfPatterns, baseLineNumberOfPatterns);

            var patternDeleted = randomBrand.DeletePattern(newPatternName);

            StfAssert.IsTrue($"Pattern {newPatternName} Deleted", patternDeleted);
            numberOfPatterns = wtApi.BrandNumberOfPatterns(BrandId);
            StfAssert.AreEqual($"Number of patterns for brand as baseline", numberOfPatterns, baseLineNumberOfPatterns);
        public void Tc009()
            WrapTrackShell.SignUp(); // new user - empty collection

            var me = WrapTrackShell.Me();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("We got a me - a brand new user", me);

            var collection = me.GetCollection();

            collection.AddWrap(); // precise 1 wrap in collection

            var theOneAndOnlyWrap = collection.GetRandomWrap();
            var pathToNewImage    = GetNewImagePath();

            // Find number of pictures before
            var validationTarget = Get <IWtApi>();
            var wtId             = theOneAndOnlyWrap.WtId; // tracking-id
            var numberOfPictures = GetNumberOfPictures(validationTarget, wtId);

            StfAssert.AreEqual("0 pictures before upload", 0, numberOfPictures);

            // Do 4 * upload
            theOneAndOnlyWrap.UploadWrapImage(pathToNewImage, 4);
            numberOfPictures = GetNumberOfPictures(validationTarget, wtId);
            StfAssert.AreEqual("4 pictures after upload", numberOfPictures, 4);

            // Remove two pictures and assert there is 2 picture left
            this.RemovePicturesFromWrap(theOneAndOnlyWrap, 2);
            numberOfPictures = GetNumberOfPictures(validationTarget, wtId);
            StfAssert.AreEqual("2 picture left", 2, numberOfPictures);
Beispiel #3
        public void Tc016()
            // For now hard coded. TOdo: Random
            const string BrandId   = "289";
            const string BrandName = "Agossie";

            // Use default user
            StfAssert.IsNotNull("wrapTrackShell", WrapTrackShell);

            var randomBrand            = this.GetBrand(BrandName);
            var newModelName           = WtUtils.GetRandomString("StfModel");
            var baseLineNumberOfModels = wtApi.BrandNumberOfModels(BrandId);
            var modelAdded             = randomBrand.AddModel(newModelName);
            var numberOfModels         = wtApi.BrandNumberOfModels(BrandId);

            StfAssert.IsTrue($"Model {newModelName} Added", modelAdded);
            StfAssert.AreEqual("Number of models for brand up by one", numberOfModels, baseLineNumberOfModels + 1);

            var patternDeleted = randomBrand.DeleteModel(newModelName);

            numberOfModels = wtApi.BrandNumberOfModels(BrandId);
            StfAssert.IsTrue($"Model {newModelName} Deleted", patternDeleted);
            StfAssert.AreEqual($"Number of models for brand as baseline", numberOfModels, baseLineNumberOfModels);
Beispiel #4
        public void TestMethodContainerExtensionInitializesPlugin()
            // need to load the UnitTest plug-ins
            LoadAdditionalStfPlugins(".", "Stf.UnitTestPlugin*.dll");

            var sp2 = Get <IStfUnitTestPlugin2>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("sp2.StfContainer != null", sp2.StfContainer);

            var pluginModel = sp2.StfContainer.Get <ITestPluginModel>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("sp1.IsInitialized", pluginModel);

            var pluginModel2 = sp2.StfContainer.Get <ITestPluginModel2>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("sp1.IsInitialized", pluginModel2);

            var pluginAdapter = sp2.StfContainer.Get <ITestPluginModel2>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("sp1.IsInitialized", pluginAdapter);

            var pluginTypeWithoutInterface = sp2.StfContainer.Get <TestPluginTypeWithoutInterface>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("sp1.IsInitialized", pluginTypeWithoutInterface);

            var testAdapterWithoutInterface = sp2.StfContainer.Get <TestAdapterWithoutInterface>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("sp1.IsInitialized", testAdapterWithoutInterface);
        public void Tc037()
            const string ReviewText  = "This is an automated review by TC037";
            const string BrandName   = "Agossie";
            const string PatternName = "Orchid";
            const string ModelName   = "Glores";

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("wrapTrackShell", WrapTrackShell);

            var me = WrapTrackShell.Me();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("me", me);

            var collection = me.GetCollection();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Got my collection", collection);

            var newWrap = collection.AddWrap(BrandName, PatternName, ModelName);
            var wrap    = GetToWrap(newWrap);

            var writeReviewForWrap = WriteReviewForWrap(wrap, ReviewText);

            StfAssert.IsTrue("Review written for wrap", writeReviewForWrap);

            var doesNewsOfCarrierReviewExist = DoesNewsOfCarrierReviewExist(ModelName, ReviewText);

            StfAssert.IsTrue("Does news exist that carrier has a review", doesNewsOfCarrierReviewExist);
Beispiel #6
        public void Tc024()
            // Set up user context for actual test
            // Use default user

            var me = WrapTrackShell.Me();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("WrapTrackShell", this.WrapTrackShell);
            StfAssert.IsInstanceOfType("me", me, typeof(IMeProfile));

            // Actual test

            // Create a new wrap
            var wrapCollection = me.GetCollection();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("check if me.GetCollection null", wrapCollection);

            var newWrapWtId = wrapCollection.AddWrap();

            // Move to the new wrap
            var wrapToSendOnHoliday = this.WrapTrackShell.GetToWrap(newWrapWtId);
            var recipient           = this.GetAnotherUser();

            // Send warp away on holiday
            wrapToSendOnHoliday.SendAwayTemporarily(SendAwayReason.Holiday, recipient);

            // Validate the the wrap indeed is on holiday
            var wtApi    = this.Get <IWtApi>();
            var wrapInfo = wtApi.WrapInfoByTrackId(newWrapWtId);

            StfLogger.LogInfo("The recipient user name attempted is {0} and userid from wrapInfo API is {1}", recipient, wrapInfo.VisitingUserId);
            StfAssert.IsTrue("Wrap is on holiday", wrapInfo.OnHoliday);
        public void Tc013()
            // Create a wrap to convert
            var wtId = Collection.AddWrap("Baie", "Duet", "En Bleu", 8);

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Got the original wrap size 8", wtId);

            // Status of original wrap before
            var validationTarget = Get <IWtApi>();
            var wrapInfo         = validationTarget.WrapInfoByTrackId(wtId);
            var statusBefore     = wrapInfo.Status;

            StfAssert.AreEqual("Status before deleting is 0", statusBefore, "0");

            // Create two small wraps
            var smallWrap1 = Collection.AddWrap("Baie", "Duet", "En Bleu", 2);
            var smallWrap2 = Collection.AddWrap("Baie", "Duet", "En Bleu", 2);

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Got one small wrap size 2", smallWrap1);
            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Got one more small wrap size 2", smallWrap2);

            // Mark the test script as InProgress
            StfAssert.IsNotNull("TestCase NOT finished", null);

            // TODO: Again we need orgWrap to be a IWrap
            // orgWrap.Convert(smallWrap1); // Not implemented
            // orgWrap.extraConvention(smallWrap2); // Not implemented
Beispiel #8
        public void TestMethodGetPluginTypeTest()
            // need to load the UnitTest plug-ins
            LoadAdditionalStfPlugins(".", "Stf.UnitTestPlugin*.dll");

            var sp2 = Get <IStfUnitTestPlugin2>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Get<IStfUnitTestPlugin2>", sp2);
            StfAssert.AreEqual("sp2.StfUnitTestPlugin2Func", 102, sp2.StfUnitTestPlugin2Func());

            var plugin2Type = Get <ITestPluginModel>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Get<ITestPluginModel>", plugin2Type);
            StfAssert.AreEqual("plugin2Type.TestPluginFunc", 202, plugin2Type.TestPluginFunc());

            var plugin2Type2 = Get <ITestPluginModel2>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Get<ITestPluginModel>", plugin2Type2);
            StfAssert.AreEqual("plugin2Type.TestPluginFunc", "2+2=4", plugin2Type2.TestPlugin2FuncWithParams("2+2", 4));

            StfAssert.AreEqual("plugin2Type.TestProp", "Default", plugin2Type2.TestProp);
            plugin2Type2.TestProp = "NewValue";
            StfAssert.AreEqual("plugin2Type.TestProp", "NewValue", plugin2Type2.TestProp);

            StfAssert.AreEqual("Plugin2Func", 203, plugin2Type2.TestPlugin2Func());
Beispiel #9
        public void TestStfPluginLoaderRegistersSingletonCorrectly()
            LoadAdditionalStfPlugins(".", "Stf.UnitTestPlugin*.dll");

            var sp2 = Get <IStfUnitTestPlugin2>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("sp2 != null", sp2);

            var pluginObject1 = Get <ITestPluginModel2>();

            pluginObject1.TestProp = "Changed";

            var pluginObject2 = Get <ITestPluginModel2>();

            StfAssert.IsFalse("TestpluginModel is not a singleton", pluginObject1.Equals(pluginObject2));
            StfAssert.StringEquals("Object with default value", "Default", pluginObject2.TestProp);
            StfAssert.StringEquals("Object with changed value", "Changed", pluginObject1.TestProp);

            var singletonObject = Get <IStfSingletonPluginType>();

            StfAssert.IsFalse("Singleton bool is false", singletonObject.SingletonBool);
            StfAssert.AreEqual("SingletonInteger is 1", 1, singletonObject.SingletonInteger);

            singletonObject.SingletonBool = true;

            var singletonObject2 = Get <IStfSingletonPluginType>();

            StfAssert.IsTrue("Singleton object is a singleton", singletonObject2.Equals(singletonObject));
            StfAssert.IsTrue("Singleton is true", singletonObject2.SingletonBool);
            StfAssert.AreEqual("SingletonInteger is 2", 2, singletonObject2.SingletonInteger);
        public void Tc036()
            const string TypeOfSale = "for sale (FSO)";

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("wrapTrackShell", WrapTrackShell);

            var me = WrapTrackShell.Me();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("me", me);

            var collection = me.GetCollection();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Got my collection", collection);

            var newWrap         = collection.AddWrap("Ali Dover", "Hygge", "blue");
            var wrap            = GetToWrap(newWrap);
            var markWrapForSale = MarkWrapForSale(wrap, TypeOfSale);

            StfAssert.IsTrue("Marked carrier for sale", markWrapForSale);

            var doesNewsOfCarrierForSaleExist = this.DoesNewsOfCarrierForSaleExist(newWrap, TypeOfSale);

            StfAssert.IsTrue("Does news exist that carrier is for sale", doesNewsOfCarrierForSaleExist);
        public void Tc027()
            const string ChapterText = "Some text to add from TC027";

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("wrapTrackShell", WrapTrackShell);

            var me = WrapTrackShell.Me();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("me", me);

            var collection = me.GetCollection();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Got my collection", collection);

            var newWrap    = collection.AddWrap("Ali Dover", "Hygge", "blue");
            var wrap       = GetToWrap(newWrap);
            var addChapter = AddChapter(wrap, ChapterText);

            StfAssert.IsTrue("Added Chapter", addChapter);

            var doesNewsExist = DoesNewsExist(newWrap, ChapterText);

            StfAssert.IsTrue("Does news exist for the added Chapter", doesNewsExist);
            StfLogger.LogInfo("Hi Brian, here is the currently logged in user {0}", WrapTrackShell.CurrentLoggedInUser);
Beispiel #12
        public void Tc038()
            StfAssert.IsNotNull("wrapTrackShell", WrapTrackShell);

            var criteria     = EnumExtensions.GetRandomEnum <ModelReviewProperties>();
            var criteriaText = criteria.GetDisplayName();
            var me           = WrapTrackShell.Me();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("me", me);

            var collection = me.GetCollection();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Got my collection", collection);

            var newWrap = collection.AddWrap(BrandName, PatternName, ModelName);
            var wrap    = GetToWrap(newWrap);
            var makeEvaluationForWrap = MakeEvaluationForWrap(wrap, criteria);

            StfAssert.IsTrue("evaluation made for wrap", makeEvaluationForWrap);

            var doesNewsOfCarrierEvaluationExist = DoesNewsOfCarrierEvaluationExist(ModelName, criteriaText);

            StfAssert.IsTrue("Does news exist that carrier has an evaluation", doesNewsOfCarrierEvaluationExist);
        public void Tc002()
            // Make sure login is possible

            var me = WrapTrackShell.Me();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("wrapTrackShell", WrapTrackShell);
            StfAssert.IsInstanceOfType("me", me, typeof(IMeProfile));

            // try wrong pw
            WrapTrackShell.Login("mie88", "1234");

            var feedback = WrapTrackShell.InfoText("mes_loginerror");

            StfAssert.IsTrue("User got feedback: 'wrong username/pw'", feedback);

            // try unkown username
            WrapTrackShell.Login("detvillemanadrigkaldesig", "wraptrack4ever");

            var feedback2 = WrapTrackShell.InfoText("mes_loginerror");

            StfAssert.IsTrue("User got feedback: 'wrong username/pw'", feedback2);
Beispiel #14
        public void TestLearnMore()
            var dcwShell  = Get <IDemoCorpWebShell>();
            var learnMore = dcwShell.LearnMore();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("learnMore", learnMore);
        public void Tc026()
            // Set up user context for actual test
            // Use default user

            var me = WrapTrackShell.Me();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("WrapTrackShell", WrapTrackShell);
            StfAssert.IsInstanceOfType("me", me, typeof(IMeProfile));

            // Create a new wrap
            var wrapCollection = me.GetCollection();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("check if me.GetCollection null", wrapCollection);

            var newWrapWtId = wrapCollection.AddWrap();

            // Move to the new wrap
            var wraptoSendOnVisit = WrapTrackShell.GetToWrap(newWrapWtId);

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Check if wraptoSendOnVisit is null", wraptoSendOnVisit);

            // Move to the new wrap
            var wrapToSendOnHoliday = WrapTrackShell.GetToWrap(newWrapWtId);
            var recipient           = GetAnotherUser();

            // Send wrap away on holiday
            wrapToSendOnHoliday.SendAwayTemporarily(SendAwayReason.Holiday, recipient);

            var isNewsAboutWrapSentOnHoliday = IsNewsAboutWrapSentOnHoliday(newWrapWtId, WrapTrackShell.CurrentLoggedInUser, recipient);

            StfAssert.IsTrue("Is there news that the wrap is sent on holiday", isNewsAboutWrapSentOnHoliday);
Beispiel #16
        public void TestMethodStfLoggerIsInjected()
            // need to load the UnitTest plug-ins
            LoadAdditionalStfPlugins(".", "Stf.UnitTestPlugin*.dll");
            var sp2 = Get <IStfUnitTestPlugin2>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("sp2.StfLogger != null", sp2.StfLogger);
        public void Tc001()
            // Use default user

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("BookTidOnlineShell", BookTidOnlineShell);
            StfLogger.LogScreenshot(StfLogLevel.Info, "Logged in");
Beispiel #18
        public void TestLogin()
            var wrapTrackShell = Get <IWrapTrackWebShell>();
            var collection     = wrapTrackShell.Collection();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("wrapTrackShell", wrapTrackShell);
            StfAssert.IsNotNull("collection", collection);
Beispiel #19
        public void Tc004()
            StfAssert.IsNotNull("wrapTrackShell", WrapTrackShell);

            var me = WrapTrackShell.Me();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("me", me);
        /// <summary>
        /// The mark wrap for sale.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wrap">
        /// The wrap.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="typeOfSale">
        /// The type of the sale
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="bool"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private bool MarkWrapForSale(IWrap wrap, string typeOfSale)
            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Wrap", wrap);
            StfAssert.IsNotNull("typeOfSale", typeOfSale);
            StfAssert.StringNotEmpty("typeOfSale", typeOfSale);

            SelectDropdownByIdAndText("selCarrierStatus", typeOfSale);
Beispiel #21
        public void TestMethodGetterOnStfContainer()
            // need to load the UnitTest plug-ins
            LoadAdditionalStfPlugins(".", "Stf.UnitTestPlugin*.dll");

            var sp2         = Get <IStfUnitTestPlugin2>();
            var pluginModel = sp2.StfContainer.Get <ITestPluginModel>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Not null", pluginModel);
        /// <summary>
        /// The does news exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wrapId">
        /// The wrap id.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="chapterText">
        /// The chapter text.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="bool"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private bool DoesNewsExist(string wrapId, string chapterText)
            StfAssert.StringNotEmpty("WrapId", wrapId);

            var news      = WrapTrackShell.News();
            var newsEntry = news.GetNewsEntryCarrierStory(wrapId, chapterText);

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("NewsEntry", newsEntry);

Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// The does news exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelName">
        /// The model name
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="criteriaText">
        /// The review text
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="bool"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private bool DoesNewsOfCarrierEvaluationExist(string modelName, string criteriaText)
            StfAssert.StringNotEmpty("modelId", modelName);
            StfAssert.StringNotEmpty("criteriaText", criteriaText);

            var news      = WrapTrackShell.News();
            var newsEntry = news.GetNewsEntryCarrierEvaluation(modelName, criteriaText);

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("NewsEntry", newsEntry);

Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// The add new review.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="natiBabyMuluModel">
        /// The nati baby mulu model.
        /// </param>
        private void AddNewReview(IModel natiBabyMuluModel)
            var review = natiBabyMuluModel.Review();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Review", review);

            review.Description = "Stf review TC032";

            var addReview = review.Add();

            StfAssert.IsTrue("Added review by new user", addReview);
        /// <summary>
        /// The does news exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wrapId">
        /// The wrap id.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="typeOfSale">
        /// The type of the sale
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="bool"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private bool DoesNewsOfCarrierForSaleExist(string wrapId, string typeOfSale)
            StfAssert.StringNotEmpty("WrapId", wrapId);
            StfAssert.StringNotEmpty("typeOfSale", typeOfSale);

            var news      = WrapTrackShell.News();
            var newsEntry = news.GetNewsEntryCarrierForSale(wrapId, typeOfSale);

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("NewsEntry", newsEntry);

        /// <summary>
        /// The does news exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelName">
        /// The model name
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="reviewText">
        /// The review text
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="bool"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private bool DoesNewsOfCarrierReviewExist(string modelName, string reviewText)
            StfAssert.StringNotEmpty("modelId", modelName);
            StfAssert.StringNotEmpty("reviewText", reviewText);

            var news      = WrapTrackShell.News();
            var newsEntry = news.GetNewsEntryCarrierReview(modelName, reviewText);

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("NewsEntry", newsEntry);

Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// The mark wrap for review.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wrap">
        /// The wrap.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="criteria">
        /// The criteria.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="bool"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private bool MakeEvaluationForWrap(IWrap wrap, ModelReviewProperties criteria)
            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Wrap", wrap);

            var evaulationValue = EnumExtensions.GetRandomEnum <ModelReviewValues>();
            var modelReview     = wrap.Review();

            modelReview.ReviewText = "Some Review inserted by STF";

            var retVal = modelReview.SetReviewPropertyValue(criteria, evaulationValue);

        /// <summary>
        /// The add chapter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wrap">
        /// The wrap.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="chapterText">
        /// The chapter text.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="bool"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private bool AddChapter(IWrap wrap, string chapterText)
            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Wrap", wrap);

            var element = WrapTrackShell.WebAdapter.FindElement(By.XPath("//ejerskab_fortaelling//textarea"));


Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// The create user and find nati baby mulu model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="IModel"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private IModel CreateUserAndFindNatiBabyMuluModel()
            StfAssert.IsNotNull("wrapTrackShell", WrapTrackShell);

            var signUpResult = WrapTrackShell.SignUpAndLogin();

            StfAssert.IsTrue("Sign up and login as test user", signUpResult);

            var natiBabyMuluModel = WrapTrackShell.GetToModel("2624");

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("Nati Baby Mulu model", natiBabyMuluModel);
Beispiel #30
        public void TestMethodAdapterCanBeUsed()
            // need to load the UnitTest plug-ins
            LoadAdditionalStfPlugins(".", "Stf.UnitTestPlugin*.dll");

            var sp2 = Get <IStfUnitTestPlugin2>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("sp2 != null", sp2);

            var testPluginModel = Get <ITestPluginAdapter>();

            StfAssert.IsNotNull("testPluginModel != null", testPluginModel);
            StfAssert.IsTrue("Use ModelBase internally", testPluginModel.CanUseAdapterBaseInternally());