private void OnUnequipped(EntityUid uid, StethoscopeComponent component, GotUnequippedEvent args)
            if (!component.IsActive)

            RemComp <WearingStethoscopeComponent>(args.Equipee);
            component.IsActive = false;
 // construct the doafter and start it
 private void StartListening(EntityUid user, EntityUid target, StethoscopeComponent comp)
     comp.CancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
     _doAfterSystem.DoAfter(new DoAfterEventArgs(user, comp.Delay, comp.CancelToken.Token, target: target)
         BroadcastFinishedEvent  = new ListenSuccessfulEvent(user, target, comp),
         BroadcastCancelledEvent = new ListenCancelledEvent(user, comp),
         BreakOnTargetMove       = true,
         BreakOnUserMove         = true,
         BreakOnStun             = true,
         NeedHand = true
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the component the verb event subs to if the equippee is wearing the stethoscope.
        /// </summary>
        private void OnEquipped(EntityUid uid, StethoscopeComponent component, GotEquippedEvent args)
            if (!TryComp <ClothingComponent>(uid, out var clothing))
            // Is the clothing in its actual slot?
            if (!clothing.Slots.HasFlag(args.SlotFlags))

            component.IsActive = true;

            var wearingComp = EnsureComp <WearingStethoscopeComponent>(args.Equipee);

            wearingComp.Stethoscope = uid;
 private void OnGetActions(EntityUid uid, StethoscopeComponent component, GetItemActionsEvent args)
 private void OnStethoscopeAction(EntityUid uid, StethoscopeComponent component, StethoscopeActionEvent args)
     StartListening(args.Performer, args.Target, component);