Beispiel #1
        public void Delete()
            if (SelectedStep == null)
            var diagle = windowManager.ShowMessageBox(String.Format("确定要删除"), "系统提示", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);

            if (diagle == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                List <T_LogicStep> selsteps = new List <T_LogicStep>(SelectedStep.ToArray());
                foreach (var selstep in selsteps)
                    if (this.logicService.DeleteT_LogicStep(selstep.ID))
                        var CurrentIndex = StepList.IndexOf(selstep);
                        for (int i = CurrentIndex; i < StepList.Count; i++)
                            StepList[i].OrderIndex = StepList[i].OrderIndex - 1;
                        Program.LogicSteps = StepList.ToList();
                        this.View.ShowHint(new MessageWin(false));
        public void ShowProcessFlowSummary(Step lastProcessFlowStep)
            List <StepAnswer> stepAnswersList = new List <StepAnswer>();

            if (lastProcessFlowStep != null)

            // loop throuch each of the steps and display the question and answers depending on the Step Type (Button, Text, Numeric, Date)
            foreach (var step in StepList)
                var stepIndex = StepList.IndexOf(step);

                //skip the first step since it is the root step
                if (stepIndex > 0)
                    //get the step interacted with before the current one
                    var stepBefore = StepList[stepIndex - 1];

                    // if the step before the current one is of type button then the NavigationText attribute is the answer to the prior step
                    if (stepBefore.Type == (int)StepInputTypeEnum.Options)
                        //Logger.Verbose(stepBefore.HeaderText + " : " + step.NavigationText);
                        stepAnswersList.Add(new StepAnswer {
                            AnswerValue = step.NavigationText, QuestionValue = stepBefore.HeaderText
                        // else if the step before the current one is of type text/numeric/date then get the answer from the dictionary
                        string stepAnwer = "";
                        if (StepAnswersDictionary.TryGetValue(stepBefore.Id, out stepAnwer))
                            Logger.Verbose(stepBefore.HeaderText + " : " + stepAnwer);
                            stepAnswersList.Add(new StepAnswer {
                                AnswerValue = stepAnwer, DataKey = stepBefore.DataKey, QuestionValue = stepBefore.HeaderText

            //set the serialiazed string of step answers
            StepAnswerListStringDefinition = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stepAnswersList);

            //set the OutcomeId of the last step (with an Endpoint)
            if (lastProcessFlowStep != null)
                OutComeIdString = lastProcessFlowStep.Outcome.ToString();

            //display the process flow summary
            ReplaceFragment(ProcessFlowSummaryFragmentInstance, Resource.Id.ticket_placeholder, SummaryFragmentTag);
Beispiel #3
        public void MoveUp()
            if (SelectedStep == null)
            List <T_LogicStep> selsteps = new List <T_LogicStep>(SelectedStep.ToArray());

            foreach (var selstep in selsteps)
                var CurrentIndex = StepList.IndexOf(selstep);
                if (CurrentIndex == 0)
                var sec = StepList[CurrentIndex - 1];
                sec.OrderIndex     = sec.OrderIndex + 1;
                selstep.OrderIndex = selstep.OrderIndex - 1;
                StepList.Insert(CurrentIndex, sec);