Beispiel #1
 public static void AddStepAction(StepHandler h)
     if (instance != null)
         instance.OnStepDetected += h;
Beispiel #2
 public static void RemoveStepAction(StepHandler h)
     if (instance != null)
         instance.OnStepDetected -= h;
Beispiel #3
 private void giveActivatorsStepReference()
     foreach (Trigger trigger in triggers)
         StepHandler stepHandler = trigger.GetComponent <StepHandler>();
Beispiel #4
 private void GetReferences()
     field       = FindObjectOfType <Field>();
     stepHandler = FindObjectOfType <StepHandler>();
     attack      = GetComponent <BaseAttack>();
     move        = GetComponent <Move>();
     health      = GetComponent <Health>();
 public void ON_STEP(bool _isForwarding, bool _isRewinding, bool _isFastForwarding)
     StepHandler?.Invoke(this, new RealTimeEventArgs()
         isForwarding     = _isForwarding,
         isRewinding      = _isRewinding,
         isFastForwarding = _isFastForwarding,
Beispiel #6
        public JsonResult AssignAgent_Multiple(AgentAssignmentVM assignObj)
            StepHandler step = new StepHandler(unitOfWork);

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    var date = DateTime.Now;
                    var reservationNumbers = assignObj.ReservationNo;
                    if (reservationNumbers?.Length > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < reservationNumbers.Length; i++)
                            CancelledByCustomerAgentAssignment builder = (CancelledByCustomerAgentAssignment)step
                                                                         .InitiateSteperCByCustomer(reservationNumbers[i], (int)SixtCancellationStatusEnum.CancelledByCustomer);

                            if (builder == null)
                                return(Json(new { success = false, Message = "Failed , No steps found " }));

                            builder.PerformAction(new AgentAssignmentVM()
                                FromUser = LoggedUserId,
                                userId   = assignObj.AssigneeId
                        if (unitOfWork.Complete() > 0)
                            var Count = unitOfWork.NotificationBL.GetCountUnSeenNotification(LoggedUserId);
                            // var users = unitOfWork.UserBL.Find(u => u.IsActive == true).Select(u => u.Id).ToList();
                            _ = Notify.UpdateUnseenCount(LoggedUserId, Count);
                            return(Json(new { success = true, Message = "Assignment(s) added successfuly" }));
                            return(Json(new { success = false, Message = "Failed to add assignment(s)" }));
                        return(Json(new { success = false, Message = "No items selected" }));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Json(new { success = false, Message = "An error occured , please try again later" }));
Beispiel #7
 public void OnStep(Int64 eventId, Int64 step, DateTime time)
     if (Step != null)
         foreach (StepHandler stepHandler in Step.GetInvocationList())
             try { stepHandler(eventId, step, time); }
             catch (SocketException) { Step -= stepHandler; }
Beispiel #8
    // Update is called once per frame
    public override void OnUpdate()
        StepHandler stepHandler = GetComponent <StepHandler>();

        if (stepHandler == null)

        if (stepHandler.IsActive())
            if (!activated)
                activated = true;
                foreach (MeshRenderer meshRenderer in transform.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>())
                    meshRenderer.enabled = true;

            MeshRenderer renderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            renderer.enabled = true;

            // Hard coded, change here to make it so it drives to a specific spot.
            if (gameObject.transform.position.x > 5)
                if (startTime == 0)
                    startTime = Time.time;

                if (startTime + 1 < Time.time)
                m_Rigidbody.velocity = transform.forward * m_Speed;
Beispiel #9
        public JsonResult FormSubmitted(FormActionVM form)
            StepHandler step = new StepHandler(unitOfWork);

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    var reservationId = long.Parse(form.ReservationId);
                    form.LoggedUser = LoggedUserId;

                    CancelledByCustomerFormAction builder = (CancelledByCustomerFormAction)step
                                                            .InitiateSteperCByCustomer(reservationId, (int)SixtCancellationStatusEnum.CancelledByCustomer);

                    if (builder == null)
                        return(Json(new { success = false, Message = "Failed , No steps found " }));

                    if (unitOfWork.Complete() > 0)
                        var Count = unitOfWork.NotificationBL.GetCountUnSeenNotification(LoggedUserId);
                        _ = Notify.UpdateUnseenCount(LoggedUserId, Count);
                        return(Json(new { success = true, Message = "Form submitted successfuly" }));
                        return(Json(new { success = false, Message = "Failed to submit form" }));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Json(new { success = false, Message = "An error occured , please try again later" }));
 public override void RegisterAsPlayer(ref StepHandler onStep, PlayerType playerType)
Beispiel #11
        public static double dropLiq(
            PVT.Context.Leaf gradCtx,
            Gradient.DataInfo gd_out,
            double D_mm,
            double L0_m,
            double L1_m,
            double Roughness,
            CalcDirection calcDir,
            double P0_MPa,
            double LiquidSC_VOLRATE,
            double WCT,
            double GOR,
            double dL_m,     // шаг по трубе для градиента, м
            double dP_MPa,   // точность по давлению, атм
            double maxP_MPa, // макс. давление, атм
            StepHandler stepHandler,
            int stepHandlerCookie,
            CalcTemperatureK getTempK,
            GetZenithAngleDegAt getAngle,
            Gradient.Calc gradCalc,
            bool WithFriction = true)
            double q_osc, q_wsc, q_gsc;

                if (double.IsNaN(LiquidSC_VOLRATE) || LiquidSC_VOLRATE < 0)
                    InvalidValue(nameof(dropLiq), nameof(LiquidSC_VOLRATE), LiquidSC_VOLRATE);

                if (double.IsNaN(GOR) || GOR < 0)
                    InvalidValue(nameof(GOR), nameof(GOR), GOR);

                if (gd_out == null)
                    InvalidValue(nameof(dropLiq), nameof(gd_out), "null");

                // calculate oil rate at standard conditions
                q_osc = LiquidSC_VOLRATE * (1 - WCT);
                // calculate water rate at standard conditions
                q_wsc = LiquidSC_VOLRATE * WCT;
                // calculate gas rate at standart conditions
                q_gsc = U.Max(GOR, gradCtx[PVT.Arg.Rsb]) * q_osc;

                gd_out.Q_oil_rate   = q_osc;
                gd_out.Q_water_rate = q_wsc;
                gd_out.Q_gas_rate   = q_gsc;

                stepHandler?.Invoke(-1, gd_out, null, stepHandlerCookie);
                stepHandler?.Invoke(-1, null, null, stepHandlerCookie);

            if (getTempK == null)
                InvalidValue(nameof(dropLiq), nameof(getTempK), "null");

            if (double.IsNaN(dL_m) || dL_m < 0)
                InvalidValue(nameof(dropLiq), nameof(dL_m), dL_m);

            if (double.IsNaN(dP_MPa) || dP_MPa < 0)
                InvalidValue(nameof(dropLiq), nameof(dP_MPa), dP_MPa);

            if (double.IsNaN(maxP_MPa) || maxP_MPa < 0)
                InvalidValue(nameof(dropLiq), nameof(maxP_MPa), maxP_MPa);

            if (double.IsNaN(D_mm) || D_mm < 0)
                InvalidValue(nameof(dropLiq), nameof(D_mm), D_mm);

            if (double.IsNaN(L0_m) || L0_m < 0)
                InvalidValue(nameof(dropLiq), nameof(L0_m), L0_m);

            if (double.IsNaN(L1_m) || L1_m < 0)
                InvalidValue(nameof(dropLiq), nameof(L1_m), L1_m);

            if (double.IsNaN(Roughness) || Roughness < 0)
                InvalidValue(nameof(dropLiq), nameof(Roughness), Roughness);

            if (double.IsNaN(P0_MPa) || P0_MPa < 0)
                InvalidValue(nameof(dropLiq), nameof(P0_MPa), P0_MPa);

            var P = P0_MPa;
            var L = L0_m;

            var length    = Math.Abs(L0_m - L1_m);
            var InvLength = 1 / length;
            var dLsign    = L0_m < L1_m ? 1.0 : -1.0;
            var dPsign    = (calcDir == CalcDirection.Forward) ? -1 : +1;

            //var t_pvt = getTempK(q_osc, q_wsc, L);
            //if (t_pvt < 0.0)
            //    //ShowTemperatureWarning(t_pvt);
            //    t_pvt = 0;

            double delta_p = 0;

            //var prevGradientData = (handleStep != null) ? gd_out.Clone() : null;
            //stepsInfo.Add(new StepInfo(ctx, prevGradientData, WCT, GOR, L, dP)); //, t_pvt.get(), delta_p, flowPattern: -1, gasVolumeFraction: 0.0));

            double delta_l      = dL_m;
            int    n_nodes      = (int)(length / delta_l);
            double last_delta_l = 0;

            if (length > n_nodes * delta_l)
                last_delta_l = length - n_nodes * delta_l;
                n_nodes     += 1;

            var tmpCtx = gradCtx.NewCtx().Done();

            Func <PVT.Context.Leaf, double, double, Gradient.DataInfo, double> calcGradient = (calcCtx, l, p, data) =>
                var theta = getAngle(l);
                var t     = getTempK(q_osc, q_wsc, l);
                if (t < 0.0)
                    t = 0;

                calcCtx.Reuse().With(PVT.Prm.P, p).With(PVT.Prm.T, t).Done();

                double g = gradCalc(calcCtx, D_mm, theta, Roughness,
                                    q_osc, q_wsc, q_gsc, data,
                                    false, WithFriction);

            double processedLen        = 0;
            int    index               = 0;
            var    tmpGradientData     = new Gradient.DataInfo();
            double tolerance           = dP_MPa;   // 1e-4 * _ps.calcParams.PRESSURE_DELTA.Value;
            var    maxGradientPressure = maxP_MPa; // _ps.commonParams.MaxGradientPressure.get();

            const double minStep = 1;
            const double maxStep = 200;

            int nIterations = 0;

            for (; index <= n_nodes; ++index)

                var K1 = calcGradient(gradCtx, L, P, gd_out);

                if (index == n_nodes)

                if (last_delta_l > 0 && index == n_nodes - 1)
                    delta_l = last_delta_l;

                delta_p = K1 * dPsign * delta_l;

                Debug.Assert(!double.IsInfinity(K1) && !double.IsNaN(K1));
                Debug.Assert(!double.IsInfinity(delta_l) && !double.IsNaN(delta_l));
                Debug.Assert(!double.IsInfinity(delta_p) && !double.IsNaN(delta_p));

                var hasError = false;
                var P1       = P + delta_p;
                var P2       = 0.0;
                var P3       = 0.0;
                var P4       = 0.0;

                var K2 = 0.0;
                var K3 = 0.0;
                var K4 = 0.0;

                if (U.isLE(P1, 0.0))
                    //_logger.Debug("P1: P1={P1}, P={P}, deltaP={dP}", P1, P, delta_p);
                    hasError = true;

                if (!hasError)
                    P2 = P + dPsign * K1 * delta_l / 2.0;
                    if (U.isLE(P2, 0.0))
                        //_logger.Debug("P2: P2={P2}, P={P}, deltaL={dL}, K1={K1}", P2, P, delta_l, K1);
                        hasError = true;

                if (!hasError)
                    K2 = calcGradient(tmpCtx, L + delta_l / 2.0, P2, tmpGradientData);
                    P3 = P + dPsign * K2 * delta_l / 2.0;
                    if (U.isLE(P3, 0.0))
                        //_logger.Debug("P3: P3={P3}, P={P}, deltaL={dL}, K2={K2}", P3, P, delta_l, K2);
                        hasError = true;

                if (!hasError)
                    K3 = calcGradient(tmpCtx, L + delta_l / 2.0, P3, tmpGradientData);
                    P4 = P + dPsign * K3 * delta_l;
                    if (U.isLE(P4, 0.0))
                        //_logger.Debug("P4: P4={P4}, P={P}, deltaL={dL}, K3={K3}", P4, P, delta_l, K3);
                        hasError = true;

                if (!hasError)
                    K4 = calcGradient(tmpCtx, L + delta_l, P4, tmpGradientData);

                double err = 2.0 * tolerance;
                if (!hasError)
                    err = 2.0 / 3.0 * Math.Abs(K1 - K2 - K3 + K4);

                if (err < tolerance || U.isLE(delta_l, minStep))
                    stepHandler?.Invoke((L - L0_m) * InvLength, gd_out, gradCtx, stepHandlerCookie);

                    delta_p = dPsign * (K1 + 2 * K2 + 2 * K3 + K4) / 6 * delta_l;

                    L             = L + delta_l * dLsign;
                    processedLen += delta_l;

                    var Pnext = P + delta_p;
                    if (U.isLE(Pnext, 0.0) || Pnext > maxGradientPressure)
                        //_logger.Debug(string.Format("P: P={0}, maxGradientPressure={1}", Pnext, maxGradientPressure));

                    P = Pnext;
                    //var t = getTempK(q_osc, q_wsc, L);
                    //if (t < 0.0)
                    //    //ShowTemperatureWarning(t_pvt);
                    //    t = 0;
                    //Debug.Assert(!double.IsInfinity(t) && !double.IsNaN(t));

                    //gradientData.rho_l_avg += gradientData.rho_l * delta_l;
                    //gradientData.rho_g_avg += gradientData.rho_g * delta_l;
                    //gradientData.rho_n_avg += gradientData.rho_n * delta_l;
                    //gradientData.T = t.get();

                    //stepsInfo.Add(new GradientInfo(_fluidSim, WCT, GOR, L, P, t.get(), delta_p, 0, 0.0));
                    //if (stepsInfo != null)
                    //    stepsInfo.Add(new StepInfo(ctx, prevGradientData, WCT, GOR, L, P));
                    if (double.IsNaN(err))

                if (err > tolerance)
                    delta_l /= 2.0;
                else if (err / 100 < tolerance)
                    delta_l *= 2.0;
                delta_l = Math.Max(minStep, Math.Min(maxStep, delta_l));

                n_nodes      = (int)((length - processedLen) / delta_l) + index + 1;
                last_delta_l = 0;
                if ((length - processedLen) > (n_nodes - index - 1) * delta_l)
                    last_delta_l = length - processedLen - (n_nodes - index - 1) * delta_l;
                    n_nodes     += 1;
            if (nIterations > 0)
                nIterations = -1;

            stepHandler?.Invoke(1d, gd_out, gradCtx, stepHandlerCookie);

 public void OnStep(Int64 eventId, Int64 step, DateTime time)
   if (Step != null)
     foreach (StepHandler stepHandler in Step.GetInvocationList())
       try { stepHandler(eventId, step, time); }
       catch (SocketException) { Step -= stepHandler; }
        public Kuramoto(Network n, double K, double UserDefinedcouplingProb, NetworkColorizer colorizer = null, Func<Vertex, Vertex[]> couplingSelector = null)
            : base(0d, new DenseVector((int) n.VertexCount))
            _network = n;
            _colorizer = colorizer;

            // Coupling Probability is taken from User
            CouplingProbability = UserDefinedcouplingProb;
            CouplingStrengths = new Dictionary<Tuple<Vertex, Vertex>, double>();
            NaturalFrequencies = new ConcurrentDictionary<Vertex, double>();

            foreach (Edge e in _network.Edges)
                Tuple<Vertex,Vertex> t1 = new Tuple<Vertex, Vertex>(e.Source, e.Target);
                Tuple<Vertex,Vertex> t2 = new Tuple<Vertex, Vertex>(e.Target, e.Source);

                if(e.EdgeType == EdgeType.Undirected || e.EdgeType == EdgeType.DirectedAB)
                    CouplingStrengths[t1] = K;

                if(e.EdgeType == EdgeType.Undirected || e.EdgeType == EdgeType.DirectedBA)
                    CouplingStrengths[t2] = K;

                // My code modifications

             //   Console.WriteLine(e.Source.Label+"......... "+e.Target.Label);


            _mapping = new Dictionary<Vertex, int>();

            int i= 0;
            foreach(Vertex v in _network.Vertices)
                NaturalFrequencies[v] = 0.1d;
                _mapping[v] = i++;

            // if no neighbor selector is given, just couple to all nearest neighbors
                CouplingSelector = new Func<Vertex, Vertex[]>( v => {
                    return v.Neigbors.ToArray();
                CouplingSelector = couplingSelector;

            // Initialize phases, colors and average degree
            foreach (Vertex v in _network.Vertices)
                CurrentValues[_mapping[v]] = _network.NextRandomDouble() * Math.PI * 2d;
                if(_colorizer != null)
                    _colorizer[v] = ColorFromPhase(CurrentValues[_mapping[v]]);
                _avgDeg += v.Degree;
            _avgDeg /= (double) _network.VertexCount;

            Logger.AddMessage(LogEntryType.Info, string.Format("Sychchronization module initialized. Initial global order = {0:0.000}", GetOrder(_network.Vertices.ToArray())));

            TimeDelta = Math.PI / 100d;

            OnStep+= new StepHandler(recolor);
Beispiel #14
 void Awake()
     Instance = this;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new synchronization experiment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='n'>
        /// The network to run the experiment for
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='colorizer'>
        /// Will be used to color vertices and edges as the experiment runs. Can be null or omitted altogether if no visualization is used.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='selectNeighbor'>
        /// A lambda expression that will be invoked whenever a neighbor is chosen to couple to. If null or not given, an unbiased random neighbor selection will be used.
        /// </param>
        public Kuramoto(Network n, double K, NetworkColorizer colorizer = null, Func <Vertex, Vertex[]> couplingSelector = null) : base(0d, new DenseVector((int)n.VertexCount))
            _network   = n;
            _colorizer = colorizer;

            CouplingStrengths  = new Dictionary <Tuple <Vertex, Vertex>, double>();
            NaturalFrequencies = new ConcurrentDictionary <Vertex, double>();

            foreach (Edge e in _network.Edges)
                Tuple <Vertex, Vertex> t1 = new Tuple <Vertex, Vertex>(e.Source, e.Target);
                Tuple <Vertex, Vertex> t2 = new Tuple <Vertex, Vertex>(e.Target, e.Source);

                if (e.EdgeType == EdgeType.Undirected || e.EdgeType == EdgeType.DirectedAB)
                    CouplingStrengths[t1] = K;

                if (e.EdgeType == EdgeType.Undirected || e.EdgeType == EdgeType.DirectedBA)
                    CouplingStrengths[t2] = K;

            _mapping = new Dictionary <Vertex, int>();

            int i = 0;

            foreach (Vertex v in _network.Vertices)
                NaturalFrequencies[v] = 0.1d;
                _mapping[v]           = i++;

            // if no neighbor selector is given, just couple to all nearest neighbors
            if (couplingSelector == null)
                CouplingSelector = new Func <Vertex, Vertex[]>(v => {
                CouplingSelector = couplingSelector;

            // Initialize phases, colors and average degree
            foreach (Vertex v in _network.Vertices)
                CurrentValues[_mapping[v]] = _network.NextRandomDouble() * Math.PI * 2d;
                if (_colorizer != null)
                    _colorizer[v] = ColorFromPhase(CurrentValues[_mapping[v]]);
                _avgDeg += v.Degree;
            _avgDeg /= (double)_network.VertexCount;

            Logger.AddMessage(LogEntryType.Info, string.Format("Sychchronization module initialized. Initial global order = {0:0.000}", GetOrder(_network.Vertices.ToArray())));

            TimeDelta = Math.PI / 100d;

            OnStep += new StepHandler(recolor);
Beispiel #16
 private void Awake()
     renderers   = new List <Renderer>();
     stepHandler = gameObject.AddComponent <StepHandler>();
Beispiel #17
 protected virtual void Awake()
     stepHandler = gameObject.AddComponent <StepHandler>();
 private void Awake()
     stepHandler = gameObject.AddComponent <StepHandler>();