public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
                float raycastDistance = 2f * (2f * steering.GetSize()) + 2f * (steering.GetMaxSpeed() * steering.GetMaxSpeed() / steering.GetAcceleration());
                // TODO: send out 3 rays and define static quaternions to determine the rotated direction vectors.
                Vector3 directionVector = steering.GetVelocity();
                // TODO: update the side raycast lengths based on steering's size, and the center raycast based on speed.
                // TODO: constrain hit normals to the relevant plane in case the collider has a complicated shape
                Vector3 hitNormal1 = RaycastNormal(steering, (Steering.UseXZ ? xzRotateLeft : xyRotateLeft) * directionVector, raycastDistance * 0.5f);
                Vector3 hitNormal2 = RaycastNormal(steering, directionVector, raycastDistance);
                Vector3 hitNormal3 = RaycastNormal(steering, (Steering.UseXZ ? xzRotateRight : xyRotateRight) * directionVector, raycastDistance * 0.5f);
                // If multiple raycasts hit, sum the normals.
                // TODO: weight the normals differently based on which collision point is closest.
                Vector3 combinedNormal = SteeringUtilities.scaledDownVector(1f, hitNormal1 + hitNormal2 + hitNormal3);

                if (combinedNormal.sqrMagnitude > 0f)
                    // For the normal of the wall ahead, steer to have a velocity that is perpindicular to it.
                    Vector3 leftVector       = new Vector3(combinedNormal.y + combinedNormal.z, -Steering.YMult * combinedNormal.x, -Steering.ZMult * combinedNormal.x);
                    Vector3 rightVector      = new Vector3((-combinedNormal.y) - combinedNormal.z, Steering.YMult * combinedNormal.x, Steering.ZMult * combinedNormal.x);
                    float   rayLeftDistance  = RaycastDistance(steering, leftVector, raycastDistance);
                    float   rayRightDistance = RaycastDistance(steering, rightVector, raycastDistance);
                    // TODO: Consider updating the logic when approaching a corner.
                    // Currently the unit kind of turns toward the side that they are coming from even if the other turn is shorter.
                    // Case 1: Wall in front, wall on left, wall on right.
                    if (rayLeftDistance < raycastDistance && rayRightDistance < raycastDistance)
                        // Move towards the left/right wall that is closer. That should be moving away from the corner point.
                        if (rayLeftDistance < rayRightDistance)
                            return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, leftVector));
                        else // rayRightDistance < rayLeftDistance
                            return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, rightVector));
                    // Case 2: Wall in front, wall on left
                    else if (rayLeftDistance < raycastDistance)
                        return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, rightVector));
                    // Case 3: Wall in front, wall on right
                    else if (rayRightDistance < raycastDistance)
                        return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, leftVector));
                    // Case 4: Wall in front
                        // Move towards whichever of left or right is closer to the current velocity
                        Vector3 perpindicularVector = SteeringUtilities.perpindicularComponent(combinedNormal, steering.GetVelocity());
                        // Edge case: the normal is parallel to velocity. In this case, pick one of the two perpindicular vectors at random.
                        if (perpindicularVector ==
                            Debug.Log("Exact perpindicular!");
                            int randomSign = Random.value < .5 ? 1 : -1;
                            perpindicularVector = new Vector3((-combinedNormal.y) - combinedNormal.z, Steering.YMult * combinedNormal.x * randomSign, Steering.ZMult * combinedNormal.x * randomSign);
                        return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, perpindicularVector));