internal Confirmation(uint id, ulong key, Steam.ConfirmationDetails.EType type) {
				if ((id == 0) || (key == 0) || (type == Steam.ConfirmationDetails.EType.Unknown)) {
					throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(id) + " || " + nameof(key) + " || " + nameof(type));

				ID = id;
				Key = key;
				Type = type;
Beispiel #2
        public static Steam GetClient()
            if(client == null)
                client = new Steam();
                autoReconnect = true;

            return client;
Beispiel #3
        public MainWindow(Steam.Environment steamEnv)
            #if !DEBUG
            // Show Splash in release version

            SteamEnv = steamEnv;

            labelAccountName.Content = "Account: " + SteamEnv.AccountName;
Beispiel #4
		private async Task<ParseTradeResult> ShouldAcceptTrade(Steam.TradeOffer tradeOffer) {
			if (tradeOffer == null) {
				return null;

			// Always accept trades from SteamMasterID
			if ((tradeOffer.OtherSteamID64 != 0) && ((tradeOffer.OtherSteamID64 == Bot.BotConfig.SteamMasterID) || (tradeOffer.OtherSteamID64 == Program.GlobalConfig.SteamOwnerID))) {
				return new ParseTradeResult(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Count > 0 ? ParseTradeResult.EResult.AcceptedWithItemLose : ParseTradeResult.EResult.AcceptedWithoutItemLose);

			// Check if it's donation trade
			if (tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Count == 0) {
				ParseTradeResult.EResult donationResult;

				// If it's steam fuckup, temporarily ignore it, otherwise react accordingly, depending on our preference
				if (tradeOffer.ItemsToReceive.Count == 0) {
					donationResult = ParseTradeResult.EResult.RejectedTemporarily;
				} else if (Bot.BotConfig.TradingPreferences.HasFlag(BotConfig.ETradingPreferences.AcceptDonations) || ((tradeOffer.OtherSteamID64 != 0) && Bot.Bots.Values.Any(bot => bot.SteamID == tradeOffer.OtherSteamID64))) {
					donationResult = ParseTradeResult.EResult.AcceptedWithoutItemLose;
				} else {
					donationResult = ParseTradeResult.EResult.RejectedPermanently;

				return new ParseTradeResult(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, donationResult);

			// If we don't have SteamTradeMatcher enabled, this is the end for us
			if (!Bot.BotConfig.TradingPreferences.HasFlag(BotConfig.ETradingPreferences.SteamTradeMatcher)) {
				return new ParseTradeResult(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, ParseTradeResult.EResult.RejectedPermanently);

			// Decline trade if we're giving more count-wise
			if (tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Count > tradeOffer.ItemsToReceive.Count) {
				return new ParseTradeResult(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, ParseTradeResult.EResult.RejectedPermanently);

			// Decline trade if we're losing anything but steam cards, or if it's non-dupes trade
			if (!tradeOffer.IsSteamCardsRequest() || !tradeOffer.IsFairTypesExchange()) {
				return new ParseTradeResult(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, ParseTradeResult.EResult.RejectedPermanently);

			// At this point we're sure that STM trade is valid

			// Fetch trade hold duration
			byte? holdDuration = await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.GetTradeHoldDuration(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID).ConfigureAwait(false);
			if (!holdDuration.HasValue) {
				// If we can't get trade hold duration, reject trade temporarily
				return new ParseTradeResult(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, ParseTradeResult.EResult.RejectedTemporarily);

			// If user has a trade hold, we add extra logic
			if (holdDuration.Value > 0) {
				// If trade hold duration exceeds our max, or user asks for cards with short lifespan, reject the trade
				if ((holdDuration.Value > Program.GlobalConfig.MaxTradeHoldDuration) || tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Any(item => GlobalConfig.GlobalBlacklist.Contains(item.RealAppID))) {
					return new ParseTradeResult(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, ParseTradeResult.EResult.RejectedPermanently);

			// If we're matching everything, this is enough for us
			if (Bot.BotConfig.TradingPreferences.HasFlag(BotConfig.ETradingPreferences.MatchEverything)) {
				return new ParseTradeResult(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, ParseTradeResult.EResult.AcceptedWithItemLose);

			// Now check if it's worth for us to do the trade
			await LimitInventoryRequestsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

			HashSet<Steam.Item> inventory = await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.GetMySteamInventory(false).ConfigureAwait(false);
			if ((inventory == null) || (inventory.Count == 0)) {
				return new ParseTradeResult(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, ParseTradeResult.EResult.AcceptedWithItemLose); // OK, assume that this trade is valid, we can't check our EQ

			// Get appIDs we're interested in
			HashSet<uint> appIDs = new HashSet<uint>(tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Select(item => item.RealAppID));

			// Now remove from our inventory all items we're NOT interested in
			inventory.RemoveWhere(item => !appIDs.Contains(item.RealAppID));

			// If for some reason Valve is talking crap and we can't find mentioned items, assume OK
			if (inventory.Count == 0) {
				return new ParseTradeResult(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, ParseTradeResult.EResult.AcceptedWithItemLose);

			// Now let's create a map which maps items to their amount in our EQ
			Dictionary<ulong, uint> amountMap = new Dictionary<ulong, uint>();
			foreach (Steam.Item item in inventory) {
				uint amount;
				if (amountMap.TryGetValue(item.ClassID, out amount)) {
					amountMap[item.ClassID] = amount + item.Amount;
				} else {
					amountMap[item.ClassID] = item.Amount;

			// Calculate our value of items to give
			List<uint> amountsToGive = new List<uint>(tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Count);
			Dictionary<ulong, uint> amountMapToGive = new Dictionary<ulong, uint>(amountMap);
			foreach (ulong key in tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Select(item => item.ClassID)) {
				uint amount;
				if (!amountMapToGive.TryGetValue(key, out amount)) {

				amountMapToGive[key] = amount - 1; // We're giving one, so we have one less

			// Sort it ascending

			// Calculate our value of items to receive
			List<uint> amountsToReceive = new List<uint>(tradeOffer.ItemsToReceive.Count);
			Dictionary<ulong, uint> amountMapToReceive = new Dictionary<ulong, uint>(amountMap);
			foreach (ulong key in tradeOffer.ItemsToReceive.Select(item => item.ClassID)) {
				uint amount;
				if (!amountMapToReceive.TryGetValue(key, out amount)) {

				amountMapToReceive[key] = amount + 1; // We're getting one, so we have one more

			// Sort it ascending

			// Check actual difference
			// We sum only values at proper indexes of giving, because user might be overpaying
			int difference = amountsToGive.Select((t, i) => (int) (t - amountsToReceive[i])).Sum();

			// Trade is worth for us if the difference is greater than 0
			// If not, we assume that the trade might be good for us in the future, unless we're bot account where we assume that inventory doesn't change
			return new ParseTradeResult(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, difference > 0 ? ParseTradeResult.EResult.AcceptedWithItemLose : (Bot.BotConfig.IsBotAccount ? ParseTradeResult.EResult.RejectedPermanently : ParseTradeResult.EResult.RejectedTemporarily));
Beispiel #5
		private async Task<ParseTradeResult> ParseTrade(Steam.TradeOffer tradeOffer) {
			if (tradeOffer == null) {
				return null;

			if (tradeOffer.State != Steam.TradeOffer.ETradeOfferState.Active) {
				Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericError("Ignoring trade in non-active state!");
				return null;

			ParseTradeResult result = await ShouldAcceptTrade(tradeOffer).ConfigureAwait(false);
			if (result == null) {
				return null;

			switch (result.Result) {
				case ParseTradeResult.EResult.AcceptedWithItemLose:
				case ParseTradeResult.EResult.AcceptedWithoutItemLose:
					Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo("Accepting trade: " + tradeOffer.TradeOfferID);
					await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.AcceptTradeOffer(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID).ConfigureAwait(false);
				case ParseTradeResult.EResult.RejectedPermanently:
				case ParseTradeResult.EResult.RejectedTemporarily:
					if (result.Result == ParseTradeResult.EResult.RejectedPermanently) {
						if (Bot.BotConfig.IsBotAccount) {
							Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo("Rejecting trade: " + tradeOffer.TradeOfferID);


					Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo("Ignoring trade: " + tradeOffer.TradeOfferID);

			return result;
Beispiel #6
		private async Task<ParseTradeResult> ParseTrade(Steam.TradeOffer tradeOffer) {
			if (tradeOffer == null) {
				Logging.LogNullError(nameof(tradeOffer), Bot.BotName);
				return ParseTradeResult.Error;

			if (tradeOffer.State != Steam.TradeOffer.ETradeOfferState.Active) {
				return ParseTradeResult.Error;

			ParseTradeResult result = await ShouldAcceptTrade(tradeOffer).ConfigureAwait(false);
			switch (result) {
				case ParseTradeResult.AcceptedWithItemLose:
				case ParseTradeResult.AcceptedWithoutItemLose:
					Logging.LogGenericInfo("Accepting trade: " + tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, Bot.BotName);
					return await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.AcceptTradeOffer(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID).ConfigureAwait(false) ? result : ParseTradeResult.Error;
				case ParseTradeResult.RejectedPermanently:
				case ParseTradeResult.RejectedTemporarily:
					if (result == ParseTradeResult.RejectedPermanently) {
						if (Bot.BotConfig.IsBotAccount) {
							Logging.LogGenericInfo("Rejecting trade: " + tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, Bot.BotName);
							return Bot.ArchiWebHandler.DeclineTradeOffer(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID) ? result : ParseTradeResult.Error;


					Logging.LogGenericInfo("Ignoring trade: " + tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, Bot.BotName);
					return result;
					return result;
Beispiel #7
 public Space(Steam plugin)
     this.plugin = plugin;
Beispiel #8
    private void Cleanup()
        if (SteamInterface != null)
            if (Application.isEditor)
                // Only release managed handles if we run from inside the editor. This enables us 
                // to use the library again without restarting the editor.
                // We are running from a standalone build. Shutdown the library completely

            SteamInterface = null;
Beispiel #9
		private bool ShouldAcceptTrade(Steam.TradeOffer tradeOffer) {
			if (tradeOffer == null) {
				return false;

			// Always accept trades when we're not losing anything
			if (tradeOffer.items_to_give.Count == 0) {
				// Unless it's steam fuckup and we're dealing with broken trade
				return tradeOffer.items_to_receive.Count > 0;

			// Always accept trades from SteamMasterID
			if (tradeOffer.OtherSteamID64 != 0 && tradeOffer.OtherSteamID64 == Bot.BotConfig.SteamMasterID) {
				return true;

			// TODO: Add optional SteamTradeMatcher integration here

			// If no rule above matched this trade, reject it
			return false;
Beispiel #10
		private async Task ParseTrade(Steam.TradeOffer tradeOffer) {
			if (tradeOffer == null || tradeOffer.trade_offer_state != Steam.TradeOffer.ETradeOfferState.Active) {

			ulong tradeID;
			if (!ulong.TryParse(tradeOffer.tradeofferid, out tradeID)) {

			if (ShouldAcceptTrade(tradeOffer)) {
				Logging.LogGenericInfo("Accepting trade: " + tradeID, Bot.BotName);
				await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.AcceptTradeOffer(tradeID).ConfigureAwait(false);
			} else {
				Logging.LogGenericInfo("Ignoring trade: " + tradeID, Bot.BotName);
Beispiel #11
		internal async Task AcceptConfirmations(bool accept, Steam.ConfirmationDetails.EType acceptedType = Steam.ConfirmationDetails.EType.Unknown, ulong acceptedSteamID = 0, HashSet<ulong> acceptedTradeIDs = null) {
			if (BotDatabase.MobileAuthenticator == null) {

			HashSet<MobileAuthenticator.Confirmation> confirmations = await BotDatabase.MobileAuthenticator.GetConfirmations().ConfigureAwait(false);
			if ((confirmations == null) || (confirmations.Count == 0)) {

			if (acceptedType != Steam.ConfirmationDetails.EType.Unknown) {
				if (confirmations.RemoveWhere(confirmation => (confirmation.Type != acceptedType) && (confirmation.Type != Steam.ConfirmationDetails.EType.Other)) > 0) {
					if (confirmations.Count == 0) {

			if ((acceptedSteamID != 0) || ((acceptedTradeIDs != null) && (acceptedTradeIDs.Count > 0))) {
				Steam.ConfirmationDetails[] detailsResults = await Task.WhenAll(confirmations.Select(BotDatabase.MobileAuthenticator.GetConfirmationDetails)).ConfigureAwait(false);

				HashSet<uint> ignoredConfirmationIDs = new HashSet<uint>();
				foreach (Steam.ConfirmationDetails details in detailsResults.Where(details => (details != null) && (
					((acceptedSteamID != 0) && (details.OtherSteamID64 != 0) && (acceptedSteamID != details.OtherSteamID64)) ||
					((acceptedTradeIDs != null) && (details.TradeOfferID != 0) && !acceptedTradeIDs.Contains(details.TradeOfferID))
				))) {

				if (ignoredConfirmationIDs.Count > 0) {
					if (confirmations.RemoveWhere(confirmation => ignoredConfirmationIDs.Contains(confirmation.ID)) > 0) {
						if (confirmations.Count == 0) {

			// This could be done in parallel, but for some reason Steam allows only one confirmation being accepted at the time
			// Therefore, even though no physical barrier stops us from doing so, we execute this synchronously
			foreach (MobileAuthenticator.Confirmation confirmation in confirmations) {
				await BotDatabase.MobileAuthenticator.HandleConfirmation(confirmation, accept).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #12
		private async Task<bool> ShouldAcceptTrade(Steam.TradeOffer tradeOffer) {
			if (tradeOffer == null) {
				Logging.LogNullError(nameof(tradeOffer), Bot.BotName);
				return false;

			// Always accept trades when we're not losing anything
			if (tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Count == 0) {
				// Unless it's steam fuckup and we're dealing with broken trade
				return tradeOffer.ItemsToReceive.Count > 0;

			// Always accept trades from SteamMasterID
			if ((tradeOffer.OtherSteamID64 != 0) && (tradeOffer.OtherSteamID64 == Bot.BotConfig.SteamMasterID)) {
				return true;

			// If we don't have SteamTradeMatcher enabled, this is the end for us
			if (!Bot.BotConfig.SteamTradeMatcher) {
				return false;

			// Decline trade if we're giving more count-wise
			if (tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Count > tradeOffer.ItemsToReceive.Count) {
				return false;

			// Decline trade if we're losing anything but steam cards, or if it's non-dupes trade
			if (!tradeOffer.IsSteamCardsOnlyTradeForUs() || !tradeOffer.IsPotentiallyDupesTradeForUs()) {
				return false;

			// At this point we're sure that STM trade is valid

			// If we're dealing with special cards with short lifespan, accept the trade only if user doesn't have trade holds
			if (tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Any(item => GlobalConfig.GlobalBlacklist.Contains(item.RealAppID))) {
				byte? holdDuration = await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.GetTradeHoldDuration(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID).ConfigureAwait(false);
				if (holdDuration.GetValueOrDefault() > 0) {
					return false;

			// Now check if it's worth for us to do the trade
			await LimitInventoryRequestsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

			HashSet<Steam.Item> inventory = await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.GetMyInventory(false).ConfigureAwait(false);
			if ((inventory == null) || (inventory.Count == 0)) {
				return true; // OK, assume that this trade is valid, we can't check our EQ

			// Get appIDs we're interested in
			HashSet<uint> appIDs = new HashSet<uint>(tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Select(item => item.RealAppID));

			// Now remove from our inventory all items we're NOT interested in
			inventory.RemoveWhere(item => !appIDs.Contains(item.RealAppID));

			// If for some reason Valve is talking crap and we can't find mentioned items, assume OK
			if (inventory.Count == 0) {
				return true;

			// Now let's create a map which maps items to their amount in our EQ
			Dictionary<ulong, uint> amountMap = new Dictionary<ulong, uint>();
			foreach (Steam.Item item in inventory) {
				uint amount;
				if (amountMap.TryGetValue(item.ClassID, out amount)) {
					amountMap[item.ClassID] = amount + item.Amount;
				} else {
					amountMap[item.ClassID] = item.Amount;

			// Calculate our value of items to give
			List<uint> amountsToGive = new List<uint>(tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Count);
			foreach (ulong key in tradeOffer.ItemsToGive.Select(item => item.ClassID)) {
				uint amount;
				if (!amountMap.TryGetValue(key, out amount)) {


			// Sort it ascending

			// Calculate our value of items to receive
			List<uint> amountsToReceive = new List<uint>(tradeOffer.ItemsToReceive.Count);
			foreach (ulong key in tradeOffer.ItemsToReceive.Select(item => item.ClassID)) {
				uint amount;
				if (!amountMap.TryGetValue(key, out amount)) {


			// Sort it ascending

			// Check actual difference
			int difference = amountsToGive.Select((t, i) => (int) (t - amountsToReceive[i])).Sum();

			// Trade is worth for us if the difference is greater than 0
			return difference > 0;
Beispiel #13
		private async Task<bool> ParseTrade(Steam.TradeOffer tradeOffer) {
			if (tradeOffer == null) {
				Logging.LogNullError(nameof(tradeOffer), Bot.BotName);
				return false;

			if (tradeOffer.State != Steam.TradeOffer.ETradeOfferState.Active) {
				return false;

			if (await ShouldAcceptTrade(tradeOffer).ConfigureAwait(false)) {
				Logging.LogGenericInfo("Accepting trade: " + tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, Bot.BotName);
				return await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.AcceptTradeOffer(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID).ConfigureAwait(false);

			if (Bot.BotConfig.IsBotAccount) {
				Logging.LogGenericInfo("Rejecting trade: " + tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, Bot.BotName);
				return Bot.ArchiWebHandler.DeclineTradeOffer(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID);

			Logging.LogGenericInfo("Ignoring trade: " + tradeOffer.TradeOfferID, Bot.BotName);
			return false;
Beispiel #14
 public Game(Steam plugin)
     this.plugin = plugin;
Beispiel #15
    private void Awake()
        // Makes sure that only one instance of this object is in use at a time
        if (SteamInterface == null)
            bool error = false;
                // Starts the library. This will, and can, only be done once.
                SteamInterface = Steam.Initialize();
            catch (AlreadyLoadedException e)
                status = "The native dll is already loaded, this should not happen if ReleaseManagedResources is used and Steam.Initialize() is only called once.";
                Debug.LogError(status, this);
                Debug.LogError(e.Message, this);
                error = true;
            catch (SteamInitializeFailedException e)
                status = "Could not initialize the native Steamworks API. This is usually caused by a missing steam_appid.txt file or if the Steam client is not running.";
                Debug.LogError(status, this);
                Debug.LogError(e.Message, this);
                error = true;
            catch (SteamInterfaceInitializeFailedException e)
                status = "Could not initialize the wanted versions of the Steamworks API. Make sure that you have the correct Steamworks SDK version. See the documentation for more info.";
                Debug.LogError(status, this);
                Debug.LogError(e.Message, this);
                error = true;
            catch (DllNotFoundException e)
                status = "Could not load a dll file. Make sure that the steam_api.dll/libsteam_api.dylib file is placed at the correct location. See the documentation for more info.";
                Debug.LogError(status, this);
                Debug.LogError(e.Message, this);
                error = true;

            if (error)
                SteamInterface = null;
                status = "Steamworks initialized and ready to use.";
				if (SteamInterface.Utils.IsSteamRunningInVR())
					HmdError result;
					result = SteamInterface.Hmd.Init();
					Debug.Log("Result: " + result);
                // Prevent destruction of this object
                activeInstance = this;

                // An event is used to notify us about any exceptions thrown from native code.
                SteamInterface.ExceptionThrown += ExceptionThrown;

                // Listen to when the game overlay is shown or hidden
                SteamInterface.Friends.GameOverlayActivated += OverlayToggle;

                hasLicense = SteamInterface.User.UserHasLicenseForApp(SteamInterface.User.GetSteamID(), SteamInterface.AppID);
            // Another Steamworks object is already created, destroy this one.
Beispiel #16
		internal async Task<bool> AcceptConfirmations(bool accept, Steam.ConfirmationDetails.EType acceptedType = Steam.ConfirmationDetails.EType.Unknown, ulong acceptedSteamID = 0, HashSet<ulong> acceptedTradeIDs = null) {
			if (BotDatabase.MobileAuthenticator == null) {
				return false;

			while (true) {
				HashSet<MobileAuthenticator.Confirmation> confirmations = await BotDatabase.MobileAuthenticator.GetConfirmations().ConfigureAwait(false);
				if ((confirmations == null) || (confirmations.Count == 0)) {
					return true;

				if (acceptedType != Steam.ConfirmationDetails.EType.Unknown) {
					if (confirmations.RemoveWhere(confirmation => (confirmation.Type != acceptedType) && (confirmation.Type != Steam.ConfirmationDetails.EType.Other)) > 0) {
						if (confirmations.Count == 0) {
							return true;

				if ((acceptedSteamID == 0) && ((acceptedTradeIDs == null) || (acceptedTradeIDs.Count == 0))) {
					if (!await BotDatabase.MobileAuthenticator.HandleConfirmations(confirmations, accept).ConfigureAwait(false)) {
						return false;


				Steam.ConfirmationDetails[] detailsResults = await Task.WhenAll(confirmations.Select(BotDatabase.MobileAuthenticator.GetConfirmationDetails)).ConfigureAwait(false);

				HashSet<MobileAuthenticator.Confirmation> ignoredConfirmations = new HashSet<MobileAuthenticator.Confirmation>(detailsResults.Where(details => (details != null) && (
					((acceptedSteamID != 0) && (details.OtherSteamID64 != 0) && (acceptedSteamID != details.OtherSteamID64)) ||
					((acceptedTradeIDs != null) && (details.TradeOfferID != 0) && !acceptedTradeIDs.Contains(details.TradeOfferID))
				)).Select(details => details.Confirmation));

				if (ignoredConfirmations.Count > 0) {
					if (confirmations.Count == 0) {
						return true;

				if (!await BotDatabase.MobileAuthenticator.HandleConfirmations(confirmations, accept).ConfigureAwait(false)) {
					return false;
Beispiel #17
        private void firstUpdate()
            var current = 0;

            var files = Directory.GetFiles(Program.GeometryDashPath + @"\Resources");

            SizeText.Text = @"0 of " + (necessaryFiles.Length + files.Length) + @" files";

            foreach (string file in files)
                var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file);
                var destFile = Path.Combine(Program.HyperfluxResourcesPath, fileName);

                File.Copy(file, destFile, true);


            foreach (var filename in necessaryFiles)
                var file     = Path.Combine(Steam.AppDir(322170), filename);
                var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file);

                var destFile = Path.Combine(Program.HyperfluxPath, fileName);

                File.Copy(file, destFile, true);


            // mine
            void ResetContents()
                FileName.Text     = @"Downloading: ???";
                ProgressBar.Value = 0;


            void UpdateContents(string fileName)

                var progress = (int)((float)current / (necessaryFiles.Length + files.Length) * 100);

                FileName.Text = @"Copying: " + fileName;

                SizeText.Text     = current + @" of " + (necessaryFiles.Length + files.Length) + @" files";
                ProgressBar.Value = progress;


                if (progress == 100)