public override object VisitInicio([NotNull] StdAssemblerParser.InicioContext context)
            string   etiqueta, start, dir;
            StdToken token;

            etiqueta = string.Empty;
            if (context.etiqueta() != null)
                if (context.children.Count > 4)
                    throw new Exception("Error de sintáxis: Instrucción no válida");
                    etiqueta = Visit(context.etiqueta()) as String;
                    start    = context.START().GetText();
                    dir      = context.VAL().GetText();
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(dir, @"^[0-9A-F]{4}(H|h)$"))
                        throw new Exception("Error de sintáxis: ingrese una dirección hexadecimal");
                    if (start.Contains("missing") || dir.Contains("missing"))
                        throw new Exception("Error de sintáxis: Instrucción no válida");
                    count = int.Parse(Regex.Replace(dir, "(H|h)", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                if (context.children.Count > 3)
                    throw new Exception("Error de sintáxis: Instrucción no válida");
                    start = context.START().GetText();
                    dir   = context.VAL().GetText();
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(dir, @"^[0-9A-F]{4}(H|h)$"))
                        throw new Exception("Error de sintáxis: ingrese una dirección hexadecimal");
                    if (start.Contains("missing") || dir.Contains("missing"))
                        throw new Exception("Error de sintáxis: Instrucción no válida");
                    count = int.Parse(Regex.Replace(dir, @"(H|h)", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            token = new StdToken()
                Address       = count,
                IsDirective   = true,
                IsHex         = true,
                Label         = etiqueta,
                Mode          = false,
                OperationCode = "START",
                Value         = dir
 /// <summary>
 /// Exit a parse tree produced by <see cref="StdAssemblerParser.inicio"/>.
 /// <para>The default implementation does nothing.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The parse tree.</param>
 public virtual void ExitInicio([NotNull] StdAssemblerParser.InicioContext context)
 /// <summary>
 /// Visit a parse tree produced by <see cref="StdAssemblerParser.inicio"/>.
 /// <para>
 /// The default implementation returns the result of calling <see cref="AbstractParseTreeVisitor{Result}.VisitChildren(IRuleNode)"/>
 /// on <paramref name="context"/>.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The parse tree.</param>
 /// <return>The visitor result.</return>
 public virtual Result VisitInicio([NotNull] StdAssemblerParser.InicioContext context)