public void GetPercentile_Success(double z, double p)
            double result = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z);
            double diff   = Math.Abs(p - result);

            Assert.True(diff < PERCENTILE_TOLERANCE);
Beispiel #2
        public void CalculateZScoresWho2007()
            var    who2007      = new AnthStat.Statistics.WHO2007();
            double ageMonths    = double.Parse(TxtEdadMeses.Text);
            double Weight       = double.Parse(TxtPeso.Text);
            double Lenght       = double.Parse(TxtTalla.Text);
            double LenghtMeters = Lenght / 100;
            double imc          = Weight / (LenghtMeters * LenghtMeters);

            double z = 0.0;
            double x = 0.0;
            double y = 0.0;

            TxtIMCCalculado.Text = Math.Round(imc, 2).ToString();
            if (txtSexo.Text == "Masculino" || txtSexo.Text == "Masculino\t")
                if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.BodyMassIndexForAge, measurement: imc, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref z))
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z);
                    TxtIMCEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(z, 2).ToString();
                    TxtIMCEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString();
                if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.WeightForAge, measurement: Weight, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref x))
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(x);
                    TxtPesoEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(x, 2).ToString();
                    TxtPesoEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString();
                if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.HeightForAge, measurement: Lenght, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref y))
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(y);
                    TxtTallaEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(y, 2).ToString();
                    TxtTallaEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString();
            else if (txtSexo.Text == "Femenino" || txtSexo.Text == "Femenino\t")
                if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.BodyMassIndexForAge, measurement: imc, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref z))
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z);
                    TxtIMCEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(z, 2).ToString();
                    TxtIMCEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString();
                if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.WeightForAge, measurement: Weight, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref x))
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(x);
                    TxtPesoEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(x, 2).ToString();
                    TxtPesoEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString();
                if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.HeightForAge, measurement: Lenght, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref y))
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(y);
                    TxtTallaEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(y, 2).ToString();
                    TxtTallaEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString();
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates both the Zscore and Percentile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indicator">The growth indicator</param>
        /// <param name="measurement">The specified measured value</param>
        /// <param name="ageInDays">The age in total days</param>
        /// <param name="sex">Human sex designation per ISO/IEC 5218 code</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the z-score and percentile for a growth measure using a specified value.</returns>
        public static async Task <Tuple <double, double> > GetScore(Indicator indicator, double measurement, double ageInDays, Sex sex)
            WHO2006 who2006 = new();

            double z = 0.0;
            double p = 0.0;

            if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator, measurement, ageInDays, sex, z: ref z))
                p = await Task.FromResult(StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z));

            z = Math.Round(z, 2);
            p = Math.Round(p, 1);

            return(Tuple.Create(z, p));
        private IActionResult Calculate(Sex sex, Indicator indicator, double measurement1, double measurement2)
            double z       = default(double);
            bool   success = _cdcReference.TryCalculateZScore(Indicator.BodyMassIndexForAge, measurement1, measurement2, sex, ref z);

            if (success)
                var scoreResult = new ZScoreResult()
                    Z                 = z,
                    P                 = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z),
                    Reference         = "CDC2000",
                    Sex               = sex,
                    Indicator         = indicator,
                    InputMeasurement1 = measurement1,
                    InputMeasurement2 = measurement2
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the percentile using z-score.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zScore"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns the percentile using z-score.</returns>
        public async Task <double> CalculatePercentile(double zScore)
            double p = await Task.FromResult(StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(zScore));

Beispiel #6
        public void CalculateZScoresWho2006()
            var    who2006      = new AnthStat.Statistics.WHO2006();
            double ageDays      = double.Parse(TxtEdad.Text);
            double Weight       = double.Parse(TxtPeso.Text);
            double Lenght       = double.Parse(TxtTalla.Text);
            double CC           = double.Parse(TxtCC.Text);
            double CMB          = double.Parse(TxtCMB.Text);
            double Muac         = double.Parse(TxtTricep.Text);
            double LenghtMeters = Lenght / 100;
            double imc          = Weight / (LenghtMeters * LenghtMeters);

            TxtIMCCalculado.Text = Math.Round(imc, 2).ToString();

            double z = 0.0;
            double x = 0.0;
            double y = 0.0;
            double w = 0.0;

            if (txtSexo.Text == "Masculino" || txtSexo.Text == "Masculino\t")
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.BodyMassIndexForAge, measurement1: imc, measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref z))
                    TxtZIMC.Text = Math.Round(z, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z);
                    TxtImc.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (ageDays > 720)
                    if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.WeightForHeight, measurement1: Weight, measurement2: Lenght, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref x))
                        TxtZPesoTalla.Text = Math.Round(x, 2).ToString();
                        double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(x);
                        TxtPesoTalla.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (ageDays < 720)
                    if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.WeightForLength, measurement1: Weight, measurement2: Lenght, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref x))
                        TxtZPesoTalla.Text = Math.Round(x, 2).ToString();
                        double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(x);
                        TxtPesoTalla.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.WeightForAge, measurement1: Weight, measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref y))
                    TxtZPesoEdad.Text = Math.Round(y, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(y);
                    TxtPesoEdad.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.LengthForAge, measurement1: Lenght, measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref w))
                    TxtZTallaEdad.Text = Math.Round(w, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(w);
                    TxtTallaEdad.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.HeadCircumferenceForAge, measurement1: CC, measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref w))
                    TxtZCC.Text = Math.Round(w, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(w);
                    TxtCCP.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.ArmCircumferenceForAge, measurement1: CMB, measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref w))
                    TxtZMuac.Text = Math.Round(w, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(w);
                    TxtMuacP.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.TricepsSkinfoldForAge, measurement1: double.Parse(TxtTricep.Text), measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref w))
                    TxtTSFZ.Text = Math.Round(w, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(w);
                    TxtTSFP.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.SubscapularSkinfoldForAge, measurement1: double.Parse(TxtSSF.Text), measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref w))
                    TxtSSFZ.Text = Math.Round(w, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(w);
                    TxtSSFP.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
            else if (txtSexo.Text == "Femenino" || txtSexo.Text == "Femenino\t")
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.BodyMassIndexForAge, measurement1: imc, measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref z))
                    TxtZIMC.Text = Math.Round(z, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z);
                    TxtImc.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (ageDays > 720)
                    if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.WeightForHeight, measurement1: Weight, measurement2: Lenght, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref x))
                        TxtZPesoTalla.Text = Math.Round(x, 2).ToString();
                        double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(x);
                        TxtPesoTalla.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (ageDays < 720)
                    if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.WeightForLength, measurement1: Weight, measurement2: Lenght, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref x))
                        TxtZPesoTalla.Text = Math.Round(x, 2).ToString();
                        double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(x);
                        TxtPesoTalla.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.WeightForAge, measurement1: Weight, measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref y))
                    TxtZPesoEdad.Text = Math.Round(y, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(y);
                    TxtPesoEdad.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.LengthForAge, measurement1: Lenght, measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref w))
                    TxtZTallaEdad.Text = Math.Round(w, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(w);
                    TxtTallaEdad.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.HeadCircumferenceForAge, measurement1: CC, measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref w))
                    TxtZCC.Text = Math.Round(w, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(w);
                    TxtCCP.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.ArmCircumferenceForAge, measurement1: CMB, measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref w))
                    TxtZMuac.Text = Math.Round(w, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(w);
                    TxtMuacP.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.TricepsSkinfoldForAge, measurement1: double.Parse(TxtTricep.Text), measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref w))
                    TxtTSFZ.Text = Math.Round(w, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(w);
                    TxtTSFP.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
                if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.SubscapularSkinfoldForAge, measurement1: double.Parse(TxtSSF.Text), measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref w))
                    TxtSSFZ.Text = Math.Round(w, 2).ToString();
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(w);
                    TxtSSFP.Text = Math.Round(p, 1).ToString();
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the percentile using z-score.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zScore"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns the percentile using z-score.</returns>
        public double CalculatePercentile(double zScore)
            double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(zScore);

Beispiel #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var cdc2000 = new CDC2000();
            var who2006 = new WHO2006();
            var who2007 = new WHO2007();

            // Calculates a BMI-for-age z-score using CDC 2000
            double ageMonths = 26;
            double z         = 0.0;
            double bmi       = 18.0;

            if (cdc2000.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.BodyMassIndexForAge, measurement1: bmi, measurement2: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref z))
                double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z);

                z = Math.Round(z, 2);
                p = Math.Round(p, 2);

                Console.WriteLine($"[CDC 2000] - {ageMonths} month old female with BMI = {bmi} has z-score of {z} and percentile of {p}");
                Console.WriteLine($"{ageMonths} is a valid age in months for the CDC 2000 BMI-for-age indicator.");

            // Calculates a BMI-for-age z-score using WHO 2006
            double ageDays = 32;

            bmi = 16;

            if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.BodyMassIndexForAge, measurement1: bmi, measurement2: ageDays, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref z))
                double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z);

                z = Math.Round(z, 2);
                p = Math.Round(p, 2);

                Console.WriteLine($"[WHO 2006] - {ageDays} day old female with BMI = {bmi} has z-score of {z} and percentile of {p}");
                Console.WriteLine($"{ageMonths} is a valid age in days for the WHO 2006 BMI-for-age indicator.");

            // Calculates a BMI-for-age z-score using WHO 2007
            ageMonths = 64;
            bmi       = 17;

            if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.BodyMassIndexForAge, measurement: bmi, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref z))
                double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z);

                z = Math.Round(z, 2);
                p = Math.Round(p, 2);

                Console.WriteLine($"[WHO 2007] - {ageMonths} month old male with BMI = {bmi} has z-score of {z} and percentile of {p}");
                Console.WriteLine($"{ageMonths} is a valid age in months for the WHO 2007 BMI-for-age indicator.");


            // If interested in performance tests, see below
            TestCDC2000ComputeSpeed(true);  // forces test to use interpolation of L, M, and S values (more computationally expensive)
            TestCDC2000ComputeSpeed(false); // forces test to never use interpolation


            TestWHO2006ComputeSpeed(); // WHO 2006 standard doesn't typically need interpolation since age is measured in days, and trying to interpolate LMS values between e.g. day 66 and 67 is not worthwhile


            TestWHO2007ComputeSpeed(true);  // forces test to use interpolation of L, M, and S values (more computationally expensive)
            TestWHO2007ComputeSpeed(false); // forces test to never use interpolation