static public string getReward(RewardType c) { switch (c) { case RewardType.Modulator: return("Imagination wishes horses something something. Gain the modulator. Use it to change island color."); case RewardType.Determined: return("Have some extra (whatever). You earned it."); case RewardType.HeroMobility: return("Heroes can now be relocated to any other island on the map."); case RewardType.LaserFinisher: return("Level " + StaticStat.getFinisherLvl() + " Laser finisher enabled."); case RewardType.RapidFireFinisher: return("Level " + StaticStat.getFinisherLvl() + " RapidFire finisher enabled."); case RewardType.FearFinisher: return("Level " + StaticStat.getFinisherLvl() + " Fear afflicted enemies spread fear to surrounding enemies."); case RewardType.SparklesFinisher: return("Level " + StaticStat.getFinisherLvl() + " Sparkles produce more sparkles when they hit their targets."); case RewardType.CriticalFinisher: return("Level " + StaticStat.getFinisherLvl() + " Critical attacks have a chance of killing their targets."); case RewardType.TransformFinisher: return("Level " + StaticStat.getFinisherLvl() + " Transform may turn the enemy into a giant whale."); default: return("Uknown reward " + c.ToString() + " it's probably something awesome though who knows."); } }
public float _getSignalSize(unitStats s) { float size = 0.5f; float distance_bonus = 0f; if (s.toy_id.toy_type == ToyType.Temporary) { distance_bonus = StaticRune.GetDistanceBonus(, islands[island_selected].transform.position, null); } if (s.toy_id.rune_type == RuneType.SensibleCity) { return(0.5f); } if (s != null) { size = StaticRune.time_bonus_aff(StaticStat.getBaseFactor(s.toy_id.rune_type, EffectType.Range, s.toy_id.toy_type == ToyType.Hero), EffectType.Range, s.toy_id.rune_type, s.toy_id.toy_type, distance_bonus) / 2f; } // Debug.Log("Getting signal size for " + selected + " got " + size + "\n"); return(size); }
public void Init(float[] stats, float mass) { min_multiplier = stats[0]; max_multiplier = stats[1]; percent_hit = stats[2]; base_mass = mass; finisher_percent = (stats.Length == StaticStat.StatLength(EffectType.Critical, true)) ? stats[3] : 0; }
public void initStats(StatBit skill, int ID) { float[] stats = skill.getStats(); bullets = Mathf.RoundToInt(stats[0]); fire_time = stats[1]; // if (!am_firing) { my_statsum = new StatSum(); my_statsum.towerID = ID; my_statsum.runetype = RuneType.Sensible; StatBit[] statbits; float finisher_percent = (stats.Length == StaticStat.StatLength(EffectType.Sparkles, true)) ? stats[3] : 0; if (finisher_percent > 0 && UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 1) < finisher_percent) { statbits = new StatBit[3]; statbits[2] = new StatBit(); statbits[2].effect_type = EffectType.Sparkles; statbits[2].Base_stat = stats[4]; statbits[2].level = skill.level; } else { statbits = new StatBit[2]; } statbits[0] = new StatBit(); statbits[0].effect_type = EffectType.Force; statbits[1] = new StatBit(); statbits[1].effect_type = EffectType.Range; statbits[1].Base_stat = 1.5f + skill.level / 2f; my_statsum.stats = statbits; // } //lets_make_sparkles = false; my_statsum.stats[0].Base_stat = stats[2]; my_statsum.stats[0].dumb = true; my_statsum.stats[0].very_dumb = true; my_statsum.stats[0].level = skill.level; //this works like a lava am_firing = true; is_active = true; if (colors == null) { InitColors(); } }
//DOT //regenerator doing damage => has negative stats[0] public float Init(HitMe _hitme, float[] stats, RegeneratorType _type, Firearm firearm, int level) { repeat_rate = Get.regenerator_repeat_rate; heal_duration = -1; type = _type; my_hitme = _hitme; effect_type = EffectType.DOT; //if (_towerID != 0 && towerID != _towerID) //{ // towerID = _towerID; //my_firearm = getFirearm(towerID); // } my_firearm = firearm; monsters = null; this.level = level; duration = stats[1]; EnableVisuals(_hitme, duration); TIME = 0f; if (is_active) { if (my_lava != null) { my_lava.lifespan = duration; } return(0f); } float finisher_percent = (stats.Length == StaticStat.StatLength(EffectType.DOT, true)) ? stats[3] : 0; if (finisher_percent > 0 && UnityEngine.Random.RandomRange(0, 1) < finisher_percent) { // SetEverythingOnFire(stats); // Debug.Log("Fin\n"); } total_time = duration + .1f; // this isn only intended for 1 time use, not repeating period = -1; rate = Get.getRegeneratorModRate(repeat_rate, stats[0], duration); type = _type; done_for_good = false; is_active = true; am_doing_stuff = false; first_invoke = true; // Debug.Log("initializing regenerator total time " + total_time + " duration " + duration + " rate " + rate // + " repeat_rate " + repeat_rate + " stat " + stats[0] + "\n"); return(0); }
//weaken applies to defenses that are both in hitme.defenses and in hitme.init_defenses, won't apply to secondary defenses that may be added later on, like Fear. public float Init(HitMe _hitme, float[] stats) //, float aff, float _lifetime){ { my_hitme = _hitme; my_time = 0; is_active = true; float by = Get.getPercent(stats[0]); lifetime = stats[1]; _hitme.EnableVisuals(MonsterType.Weaken, lifetime); original_defenses = new List <Defense>(); // Debug.Log("WEAKEN by " + by + " for " + lifetime + "\n"); finisher_percent = (stats.Length == StaticStat.StatLength(EffectType.Weaken, true)) ? stats[1] : 0; if (finisher_percent > 0 && UnityEngine.Random.RandomRange(0, 1) < finisher_percent) { by = 0.05f; } foreach (Defense def in my_hitme.defenses) { Defense init = null; foreach (Defense init_def in my_hitme.init_defenses) { if (def.type == init_def.type) { original_defenses.Add(new Defense(init_def.type, init_def.strength)); init = init_def; } } if (init != null) { def.strength = init.strength * by; } } return(by / 40f); }
public float Init(HitMe _hitme, float[] stats) { float _lifetime = stats[0]; float little_more = 0.1f;//otherwise it looks like it ends too soon because some of them take time to turn around if (is_active) { lifetime = _lifetime; my_time = 0f; _hitme.EnableVisuals(MonsterType.Fear, lifetime + little_more); if (my_lava != null) { my_lava.lifespan = lifetime; } return(0.15f); } my_ai = _hitme.my_ai; finish = my_ai.player.transform; start = WaypointMultiPathfinder.Instance.paths[my_ai.path].start.transform; my_time = 0; is_active = true; lifetime = _lifetime; my_ai.player = start; my_ai.getNewPath(); my_ai.forward_only = false; _hitme.EnableVisuals(MonsterType.Fear, lifetime + lifetime); float finisher_percent = (stats.Length == StaticStat.StatLength(EffectType.Fear, true)) ? stats[3] : 0; if (finisher_percent > 0 && UnityEngine.Random.RandomRange(0, 1) < finisher_percent) { CauseMassPanic(stats); // Debug.Log("Fin\n"); } return(0.15f); }
public void LoadToyStats() { if (actor_stats.Count == 0) { Central.Instance.LockAllToys(); foreach (unitStats a in Central.Instance.actors) { a.isUnlocked = StaticStat.isUnlocked(a.toy_id.rune_type, a.toy_id.toy_type == ToyType.Hero, a.isUnlocked); } return; //new game } Central.Instance.LockAllToys(); foreach (unitStatsSaver a in actor_stats) { Central.Instance.getToy(; } foreach (unitStats a in Central.Instance.actors) { a.isUnlocked = StaticStat.isUnlocked(a.toy_id.rune_type, a.toy_id.toy_type == ToyType.Hero, a.isUnlocked); } }
public float Upgrade(EffectType type, bool use_resource, bool force, bool reset) {//ghosts should be verifying with parent to see if they can upgrade if (!reset && !force && toy_type != ToyType.Temporary && !(CanUpgrade(type, runetype, true) == StateType.Yes)) { Debug.Log("You shouldn't be trying to upgrade this!"); return(0); } int i = getStatID(type); // FALSE USE_RESOURCE IS ONLY FOR TESTING or parent tower to ghost tower upgrades // Debug.Log("Upgrading (reset = " + reset + ")" + type + "\n"); if (i != -1) { //if (reset && stats[i].level == 0) return 0; // Debug.Log("Leveling up " + type + "\n"); int old_level = stats[i].Level; Cost init_cost = stats[i].cost; if (reset) { if (!Get.isGeneric(type)) { stats[i].active = false; } if (!Get.isSpecial(type)) { level -= stats[i].Level; } stats[i].Level = 0; } else { stats[i].active = true; stats[i].LevelUp(); //cost update happens here } if (!Get.isSpecial(type)) { if (!reset) { level++; } invested_cost += stats[i].cost.Amount; } if (use_resource) { if (reset) { Cost cost = StaticStat.getCumulativeCost(runetype, stats[i].effect_type, old_level); if (cost != null) { int amount = (int)cost.Amount; if (stats[i].cost.type == CostType.ScorePoint) { ScoreKeeper.Instance.SetTotalScore(ScoreKeeper.Instance.getTotalScore() + amount); } else if (stats[i].cost.type == CostType.Dreams) { Peripheral.Instance.addDreams(amount,, false); } } } else { Peripheral.Instance.UseResource(init_cost,; } } UpdateStats(); if (Central.Instance.state == GameState.InGame && (type == EffectType.Range || type == EffectType.Focus || type == EffectType.RapidFire)) { Monitor.Instance.SetSignalSize(getRange() / 2f); // to upgrade the currently displayed range signal } else if (Get.isSpecial(type)) { DoSpecialThing(type); } //onUpgrade is necessary for Firearm to update itself after upgrades if (ID != -1) { if (onUpgrade != null) { onUpgrade(type, ID); } } if (use_resource && !force && !reset) { Tracker.Log(PlayerEvent.SkillUpgrade, !Get.isSpecial(type), customAttributes: new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "attribute_2", Peripheral.Instance.difficulty.ToString() }, { "attribute_1", type.ToString() } }, customMetrics: new Dictionary <string, double>() { { "metric_1", stats[i].level }, { "metric_2", order } }); } return(stats[i].cost.Amount); } else { Debug.Log("Trying to level up unknown stat " + type + " for " + runetype + ", not sure what to do\n"); return(0); } }
public Cost GetUpgradeCost(EffectType type) { int s = getStatID(type); return((s != -1) ? StaticStat.getCost(runetype, type, stats[s].Level) : null); }
public static void assignStatBits(ref StatBit[] stats, Rune rune) { StatReq[] rt = new StatReq[1]; bool is_hero = (rune.toy_type == ToyType.Hero); bool is_active = true; RuneType rune_type = rune.runetype; int i = 0; switch (rune_type) { case RuneType.Sensible: if (is_hero) { stats = new StatBit[9]; } else { stats = new StatBit[7]; } rt[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.ReloadTime, 0); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Sensible, EffectType.ReloadTime, is_active, rt, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] r = new StatReq[1]; r[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Range, 0); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Sensible, EffectType.Range, is_active, r, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] f = new StatReq[1]; f[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Force, 0); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Sensible, EffectType.Force, is_active, f, 0, 0, is_hero); is_active = false; // LASER + DIFFUSE /// LASER BRANCH StatReq[] l = new StatReq[1]; l[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Diffuse, -1); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Sensible, EffectType.Laser, is_active, l, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] l2 = new StatReq[1]; l2[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Laser, 1); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Sensible, EffectType.Sparkles, is_active, l2, 0, 0, is_hero); //vexing Diffuse StatReq[] no_laser = new StatReq[1]; no_laser[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Laser, -1); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Sensible, EffectType.Diffuse, is_active, no_laser, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] have_diffuse = new StatReq[1]; have_diffuse[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Diffuse, 1); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Sensible, EffectType.Transform, is_active, have_diffuse, 0, 0, is_hero); /// HERO STUFF if (is_hero) { StatReq[] aa = new StatReq[1]; aa[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Force, 0); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Sensible, EffectType.AirAttack, is_active, aa, StaticStat.getInitRechargeTime(EffectType.AirAttack), 0, is_hero); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Sensible, EffectType.Meteor, is_active, aa, StaticStat.getInitRechargeTime(EffectType.Meteor), 0, is_hero); } rune.stats = stats; return; case RuneType.Airy: if (is_hero) { stats = new StatBit[11]; } else { stats = new StatBit[8]; } StatReq[] art = new StatReq[1]; art[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.ReloadTime, 0); stats[0] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Airy, EffectType.ReloadTime, is_active, art, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] ar = new StatReq[1]; ar[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Range, 0); stats[1] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Airy, EffectType.Range, is_active, ar, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] def = new StatReq[1]; def[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Speed, 0); stats[2] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Airy, EffectType.Speed, is_active, def, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] af = new StatReq[1]; af[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Force, 0); //paired with speed, updateded when speed is upgraded stats[3] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Airy, EffectType.Force, is_active, af, 0, 0, is_hero); //UPGRADES is_active = false; StatReq[] m = new StatReq[1]; m[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Weaken, -1); stats[4] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Airy, EffectType.Calamity, is_active, m, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] sm = new StatReq[1]; sm[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Calamity, 1); stats[5] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Airy, EffectType.Swarm, is_active, sm, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] w = new StatReq[1]; w[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Calamity, -1); stats[6] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Airy, EffectType.Weaken, is_active, w, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] ww = new StatReq[1]; ww[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Weaken, 1); stats[7] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Airy, EffectType.Foil, is_active, ww, 0, 0, is_hero); if (is_hero) { stats[8] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Airy, EffectType.Frost, is_active, def, StaticStat.getInitRechargeTime(EffectType.Frost), 0, is_hero); //same requirements anyway stats[9] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Airy, EffectType.EMP, is_active, def, StaticStat.getInitRechargeTime(EffectType.EMP), 0, is_hero); stats[10] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Airy, EffectType.Plague, is_active, def, StaticStat.getInitRechargeTime(EffectType.Plague), 0, is_hero); } rune.stats = stats; return; case RuneType.Vexing: if (is_hero) { stats = new StatBit[10]; } else { stats = new StatBit[8]; } StatReq[] vrt = new StatReq[1]; vrt[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.ReloadTime, 0); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Vexing, EffectType.ReloadTime, is_active, vrt, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] vr = new StatReq[1]; vr[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Range, 0); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Vexing, EffectType.Range, is_active, vr, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] fr = new StatReq[1]; fr[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.VexingForce, 0); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Vexing, EffectType.VexingForce, is_active, fr, 0, 0, is_hero); //UPGRADES is_active = false; // RAPID FIRE + FOCUS // FOCUS StatReq[] no_rapidfire = new StatReq[1]; no_rapidfire[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.RapidFire, -1); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Vexing, EffectType.Focus, is_active, no_rapidfire, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] have_focus = new StatReq[1]; have_focus[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Focus, 1); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Vexing, EffectType.Fear, is_active, have_focus, 0, 0, is_hero); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Vexing, EffectType.Critical, is_active, have_focus, 0, 0, is_hero); // RAPID FIRE StatReq[] rapid_fire = new StatReq[1]; rapid_fire[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Focus, -1); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Vexing, EffectType.RapidFire, is_active, rapid_fire, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] DOT = new StatReq[1]; DOT[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.RapidFire, 1); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Vexing, EffectType.DOT, is_active, DOT, 0, 0, is_hero); //vexing Focus if (rune.toy_type == ToyType.Hero) { StatReq[] t = new StatReq[1]; t[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Teleport, 0); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Vexing, EffectType.Teleport, is_active, t, StaticStat.getInitRechargeTime(EffectType.Teleport), 0, is_hero); StatReq[] b = new StatReq[1]; b[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Bees, 0); stats[i++] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Vexing, EffectType.Bees, is_active, b, StaticStat.getInitRechargeTime(EffectType.Bees), 0, is_hero); } rune.stats = stats; return; case RuneType.Slow: stats = new StatBit[3]; StatReq[] slrt = new StatReq[1]; slrt[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.ReloadTime, 0); stats[0] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Slow, EffectType.ReloadTime, is_active, slrt, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] slr = new StatReq[1]; slr[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Range, 0); stats[1] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Slow, EffectType.Range, is_active, slr, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] slf = new StatReq[1]; slf[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Force, 0); stats[2] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Slow, EffectType.Force, is_active, slf, 0, 0, is_hero); rune.stats = stats; return; case RuneType.Fast: stats = new StatBit[3]; StatReq[] frt = new StatReq[1]; frt[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.ReloadTime, 0); stats[0] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Fast, EffectType.ReloadTime, is_active, frt, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] far = new StatReq[1]; far[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Range, 0); stats[1] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Fast, EffectType.Range, is_active, far, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] f2 = new StatReq[1]; f2[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Force, 0); stats[2] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Fast, EffectType.Force, is_active, f2, 0, 0, is_hero); rune.stats = stats; return; case RuneType.Time: stats = new StatBit[3]; StatReq[] rt2 = new StatReq[1]; rt2[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.ReloadTime, 0); stats[0] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Time, EffectType.ReloadTime, is_active, rt2, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] r2 = new StatReq[1]; r2[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Range, 0); stats[1] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Time, EffectType.Range, is_active, r2, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] f3 = new StatReq[1]; f3[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Speed, 0); stats[2] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Time, EffectType.Speed, is_active, f3, 0, 0, is_hero); stats[2].effect_sub_type = EffectSubType.Ultra; rune.stats = stats; return; case RuneType.Modulator: stats = new StatBit[0]; rune.stats = stats; return; case RuneType.Castle: //Castle = + health, + wish % , construction efficiency stats = new StatBit[2]; is_active = false; StatReq[] ph = new StatReq[1]; ph[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Renew, 0); stats[0] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Castle, EffectType.Renew, is_active, ph, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] ce = new StatReq[1]; ce[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Architect, 0); stats[1] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.Castle, EffectType.Architect, is_active, ce, 0, 0, is_hero); rune.stats = stats; return; case RuneType.SensibleCity: //Sensible city = summon sensible temporary towers, base ammo stats = new StatBit[3]; StatReq[] tr = new StatReq[1]; tr[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.TowerRange, 0); stats[0] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.SensibleCity, EffectType.TowerRange, is_active, tr, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] tf = new StatReq[1]; tf[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.TowerForce, 0); stats[1] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.SensibleCity, EffectType.TowerForce, is_active, tf, 0, 0, is_hero); StatReq[] scr = new StatReq[1]; scr[0] = new StatReq(EffectType.Range, 0); stats[2] = new StatBit(rune, RuneType.SensibleCity, EffectType.Range, is_active, scr, 0, 0, is_hero); rune.stats = stats; return; default: return; } }
public float Init(HitMe _hitme, float[] stats) { percent_increase = Get.getPercent(stats[0]); lifetime = stats[1]; my_time = 0; _hitme.EnableVisuals(MonsterType.Wishful, lifetime); if (is_active) { return(percent_increase); } my_hitme = _hitme; is_active = true; // Debug.Log("initializing wish catcher: percent increase " + percent_increase + " for " + lifetime + "\n"); original_wish_list = new List <Wish>(); finisher_percent = (stats.Length == StaticStat.StatLength(EffectType.WishCatcher, true)) ? stats[2] : 0; bool finisher = (finisher_percent > 0 && UnityEngine.Random.RandomRange(0, 1) < finisher_percent); if (finisher) { lifetime = stats[1] * 2f; //some other stuff as well like add health and other nice wishes } original_wish_list = CloneUtil.copyList(_hitme.stats.inventory); bool have_health = false; bool have_damage = false; bool have_dreams = false; Debug.Log("Wishcatcher " + stats[0] + " -> " + percent_increase + "\n"); foreach (Wish w in _hitme.stats.inventory) { w.percent *= (1 + percent_increase); // Debug.Log("Setting " + + " " + w.type + " to " + w.strength + "\n"); if (finisher) { w.percent *= (1 + finisher_percent); if (w.type == WishType.MoreHealth) { have_health = true; } if (w.type == WishType.MoreDreams) { have_dreams = true; } if (w.type == WishType.MoreDamage) { have_damage = true; } } } if (finisher && !have_health) { _hitme.stats.inventory.Add(new Wish(WishType.MoreHealth, 1, finisher_percent)); } if (finisher && !have_dreams) { _hitme.stats.inventory.Add(new Wish(WishType.MoreDreams, 0.25f, finisher_percent)); } if (finisher && !have_damage) { _hitme.stats.inventory.Add(new Wish(WishType.MoreDamage, 0.25f, finisher_percent)); } return(percent_increase); }