private void StaticDrop_PopulateInfo(ItemLocation src)
            if ((src is StaticDrop) == false)
            StaticDrop topop = src as StaticDrop;

            // Points Type and Cost
            if (topop.Area == null)
                topop.Area = "Unknown Area";
            if (topop.Boss == null)
                topop.Boss = "Unknown Boss";
            //if (topop.Count == null) { topop.Count = 0; }
            //if (topop.OutOf == null) { topop.OutOf = 0; }
            TB_StaticDrop_Name.Text        = topop.Area;
            CB_StaticDrop_Heroic.IsChecked = topop.Heroic;
            CB_StaticDrop_LFR.IsChecked    = topop.LFR;
            TB_StaticDrop_Token_1.Text     = topop.Boss;
            NUD_StaticDrop_Count.Value     = topop.Count;
            NUD_StaticDrop_OutOf.Value     = topop.OutOf;
            isChanging = false;
            isChanging = true;
Beispiel #2
        private void bwParseItemSource_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            string hdoc = e.Argument as string;
            int id = _lastItemId;
            string itemId = "0";
                // First lets make sure it downloaded properly and pull the Item Id out of it. If not, stop working
                Regex idFinder = new Regex("\\d+)\"");
                Match match;
                if ((match = idFinder.Match(hdoc)).Success) {
                    id = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
                } else { return; } // It didn't load right
                Item item = ItemCache.Instance.Items[id];
                itemId = item.Id.ToString();

                //bool LocInfoIsValid = item.LocationInfo != null && item.LocationInfo.Count > 0;

                if (/*LocInfoIsValid &&*/ item.LocationInfo[0] is VendorItem) {
                    List<string> tokenIds = new List<string> { };
                    List<int> tokenCounts = new List<int> { };
                    string tokenName = "Unknown Currency";
                    //TokenDropInfo tokenDropInfo = null;
                    int goldCost = 0;
                    string repSource = "", repLevel = "";

                    #region Try to get the Token Names and individual costs
                    int liststartpos = hdoc.IndexOf("new Listview({template: 'npc', id: 'sold-by'");
                    if (liststartpos > 1) {
                        int listendpos = hdoc.IndexOf(";", liststartpos);
                        string costExcerpt = hdoc.Substring(liststartpos, listendpos - liststartpos);
                        // we are looking for something like cost:[0,0,0,[[40633,1]]]

                        // cost:[gold,[[currencyId1,currencyQu1],[currencyId2,currencyQu2]],[objectId,objectQu]]
                        Regex costRegex = new Regex(@"cost:\[(?<gold>\d+)\[(?:\[(?<currencyId1>\d+),(?<currencyQu1>\d+)\])?,?(?:\[(?<currencyId2>\d+),(?<currencyQu2>\d+)\])?\],\[(?:\[?(?<tokenId1>\d+),(?<tokenQu1>\d+)\]?)?,?(?:\[?(?<tokenId2>\d+),(?<tokenQu2>\d+)\]?)?\]\]");
                        Regex costRegexGoldOnly = new Regex(@"cost:\[(?<gold>\d+)\]");
                        Match costMatch;

                        if ((costMatch = costRegex.Match(costExcerpt)).Success) {
                            // Yay! it worked!
                            // Start with Gold Cost. Items that don't cost Gold will still get a default of 0
                            goldCost = int.Parse(costMatch.Groups["gold"].Value);
                            // Lets try Currency 1, such as Justice Points
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(costMatch.Groups["currencyId1"].Value)) {
                            // Lets try Currency 2, such as Justice Points
                            // Not sure if there would ever actually be a 2nd here, but it was formatted as if it was possible
                            // If nothing else, when currencyId1 fails but 2 is valid we put something in the array
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(costMatch.Groups["currencyId2"].Value)) {
                            // Lets try Token 1 cost, such as Mantle of the Conqueror
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(costMatch.Groups["tokenId1"].Value)) {
                            // Lets try Token 2 cost, such as Mantle of the Conqueror
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(costMatch.Groups["tokenId2"].Value)) {
                        } else if ((costMatch = costRegex.Match(costExcerpt)).Success) {
                            // Yay! it worked!
                            // Just do Gold Cost. Items that don't cost Gold will still get a default of 0
                            goldCost = int.Parse(costMatch.Groups["gold"].Value);
                    #region Check to see if it requires a specific Faction and get its required level
                    liststartpos = hdoc.IndexOf("Requires <a href=\"/faction=");
                    if (liststartpos > 1)
                        int listendpos = hdoc.IndexOf("</td>", liststartpos);
                        string repExcerpt = hdoc.Substring(liststartpos, listendpos - liststartpos);
                        // we are looking for something like cost:[0,0,0,[[40633,1]]]

                        // cost:[gold,[[currencyId1,currencyQu1],[currencyId2,currencyQu2]],[objectId,objectQu]]
                        Regex repRegex = new Regex(@"Requires .a href=.\/faction=(?<factionId>\d+). class=.q\d.>.+\/a. - (?<level>(?:Friendly|Honored|Revered|Exalted))");
                        Match repMatch;

                        if ((repMatch = repRegex.Match(repExcerpt)).Success)
                            // Yay! it worked!
                            // Lets get the Faction's name based on the ID
                            repSource = GetItemFactionVendorInfo(repMatch.Groups["factionId"].Value, "0")[0];
                            switch (repMatch.Groups["level"].Value) {
                                case "Friendly":{ repLevel = "4"; break; }
                                case "Honored": { repLevel = "5"; break; }
                                case "Revered": { repLevel = "6"; break; }
                                case "Exalted": { repLevel = "7"; break; }
                                default: { repLevel = "0"; break; }

                    VendorItem vendorItem = item.LocationInfo[0] as VendorItem;
                    vendorItem.Cost = goldCost;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        if (tokenIds.Count < i + 1) { break; } // stop processing if we don't have any more
                        // Check to see if it's a PvP token/Currency
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenIds[i]) && _pvpTokenMap.TryGetValue(tokenIds[i], out tokenName)) {
                            if (tokenName == "Honor Points" || tokenIds[i] == "392")
                                item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { new PvpItem() { Points = tokenCounts[i], PointType = "Honor" } };
                            else if (tokenName == "Conquest Points" || tokenIds[i] == "390")
                                item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { new PvpItem() { Points = tokenCounts[i], PointType = "Conquest" } };
                                item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { new PvpItem() { TokenCount = tokenCounts[i], TokenType = tokenName } };
                            vendorItem = null; // invalidate the vendor item so it doesn't get added in later
                        } else if (tokenIds[i] != null && _vendorTokenMap.TryGetValue(tokenIds[i], out tokenName)) {
                            vendorItem.TokenMap[tokenName] = tokenCounts[i];
                        } else if (tokenIds[i] != null) {
                            if ((tokenName == "Justice Points" || tokenIds[i] == "395")
                                || (tokenName == "Valor Points" || tokenIds[i] == "396"))
                            { item.Cost = tokenCounts[i]; } // Sets the cost on the item for the user
                            #region It's a PvE Token
                            // ok now let's see what info we can get about this token
                            string boss = null; string vendor = null;
                            string area = null; string vendorarea = null;
                            bool heroic = false;
                            bool lfr = false;
                            bool container = false;
                            if (!_tokenDropMap.ContainsKey(tokenIds[i])) {
                                // Not doing this =^( hopefully we won't actually need to cuz I mapped all the currencies listed in wowhead
                                #region We *really* haven't seen this before so we need to pull the data
                                /*XDocument docToken = wrw.DownloadItemWowhead(site, tokenIds[i]);
                                if (docToken != null)
                                    tokenNames[i] = docToken.SelectSingleNode("wowhead/item/name").Value;

                                    // we don't want token => boss propagation anymore, otherwise you get weird stuff like 277 gloves dropping from Toravon
                                    /*string tokenJson = docToken.SelectSingleNode("wowhead/item/json").InnerText;

                                    string tokenSource = string.Empty;
                                    if (tokenJson.Contains("\"source\":["))
                                        tokenSource = tokenJson.Substring(tokenJson.IndexOf("\"source\":[") + "\"source\":[".Length);
                                        tokenSource = tokenSource.Substring(0, tokenSource.IndexOf("]"));

                                    string tokenSourcemore = string.Empty;
                                    if (tokenJson.Contains("\"sourcemore\":[{"))
                                        tokenSourcemore = tokenJson.Substring(tokenJson.IndexOf("\"sourcemore\":[{") + "\"sourcemore\":[{".Length);
                                        tokenSourcemore = tokenSourcemore.Substring(0, tokenSourcemore.IndexOf("}]"));

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenSource) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenSourcemore))
                                        string[] tokenSourceKeys = tokenSource.Split(',');
                                        string[] tokenSourcemoreKeys = tokenSourcemore.Split(new string[] { "},{" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                                        // for tokens we prefer loot info, we don't care if it can be bought with badges
                                        tokenSource = tokenSourceKeys[0];
                                        tokenSourcemore = tokenSourcemoreKeys[0];

                                        int dropIndex = Array.IndexOf(tokenSourceKeys, "2");
                                        if (dropIndex >= 0)
                                            tokenSource = tokenSourceKeys[dropIndex];
                                            tokenSourcemore = tokenSourcemoreKeys[dropIndex];

                                        if (tokenSource == "2")
                                            foreach (string kv in tokenSourcemore.Split(','))
                                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kv))
                                                    string[] keyvalsplit = kv.Split(':');
                                                    string key = keyvalsplit[0];
                                                    string val = keyvalsplit[1];
                                                    switch (key.Trim('"'))
                                                        case "t":
                                                            container = val == "2" || val == "3";
                                                        case "n":       // NPC 'Name'
                                                            boss = val.Replace("\\'", "'").Trim('"');
                                                        case "z":       // Zone
                                                            area = GetZoneName(val);
                                                        case "dd":      // Dungeon Difficulty (1 = Normal, 2 = Heroic)
                                                            heroic = val == "2";
                                    if (boss == null) 
                                        //boss = "Unknown Boss (Wowhead lacks data)";
                                        area = null; // if boss is null prefer treating this as pve token
                                if (tokenNames[i] != null)
                                    _tokenDropMap[tokenIds[i]] = new TokenDropInfo() { Boss = boss, Area = area, Heroic = heroic, Name = tokenNames[i], Container = container };
                            } else {
                                #region We've seen this before so just use that data
                                TokenDropInfo info = _tokenDropMap[tokenIds[i]];
                                boss = info.Boss; vendor = info.Vendor;
                                area = info.Area; vendorarea = info.VendorArea;
                                heroic = info.Heroic;
                                lfr = info.LFR;
                                tokenName = info.Name;
                                container = info.Container;
                            if (tokenName != null) {
                                #region This is NOT a Dropped Token, so treat it as a normal vendor item and include token info
                                vendorItem.TokenMap[tokenName] = tokenCounts[i];
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(area) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorarea) && area != vendorarea && vendorarea != "Unknown Area") {
                                    // We are lucky enough to have BOTH drop points, so lets set both up
                                    vendorItem.VendorArea = vendorarea;
                                    vendorItem.VendorName = vendor;
                                    vendorItem.TokenMap[tokenName] = tokenCounts[i];
                                    ItemLocation droppoint = new StaticDrop() { Area = area, Boss = boss, Heroic = heroic, LFR = lfr };
                                    item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { vendorItem, droppoint }; 
                                    vendorItem = null;
                                } else {
                                    vendorItem.VendorArea = area;
                                    vendorItem.VendorName = boss;
                            } else if (area != null) {
                                #region This is a Dropped Token or we know what vendor is dropping it, so assign it to where it drops from
                                if (container) {
                                    ItemLocation locInfo = new ContainerItem()
                                        Area = area,
                                        Container = boss,
                                        Heroic = heroic,
                                        LFR = lfr,
                                    item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { locInfo };
                                    vendorItem = null;
                                } else {
                                    ItemLocation locInfo = new StaticDrop()
                                        Area = area,
                                        Boss = boss,
                                        Heroic = heroic,
                                        LFR = lfr,
                                    item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { locInfo };
                                    vendorItem = null;
                            } else /*if (tokenNames[i] == null)*/ {
                                // there was an error pulling token data from web
                                // ignore source information
                                vendorItem = null;
                        } else {
                            #region There is no token so this is a normal vendor item
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(repSource) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(repLevel)) {
                                string[] repInfo = GetItemFactionVendorInfo(repSource, repLevel);
                                FactionItem locInfo = new FactionItem()
                                    FactionName = repInfo[0],
                                    Level = (ReputationLevel)int.Parse(repLevel), // repInfo[3]
                                    Cost = goldCost,
                                item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { locInfo };
                                vendorItem = null;
                            }/* else {
                                VendorItem locInfo = new VendorItem()
                                    Cost = goldCost,
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n)) locInfo.VendorName = n;
                                if (sourcemore != null && sourcemore.TryGetValue("z", out tmp))
                                    locInfo.VendorArea = GetZoneName(tmp.ToString());
                                item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { locInfo };
                                vendorItem = null;
                    if (vendorItem != null) {
                        // We already set the Vendor Name and Zone
                        item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { vendorItem };
                }else if (/*LocInfoIsValid &&*/ item.LocationInfo[0] is StaticDrop) {
                    int count = 0, outof = 0;

                    #region Try to get the Count and OutOf numbers, which are used to make the Drop Rate Perc
                    int liststartpos = hdoc.IndexOf("new Listview({template: 'npc', id: 'dropped-by'");
                    if (liststartpos > 1) {
                        int listendpos = hdoc.IndexOf(";", liststartpos);
                        string dropExcerpt = hdoc.Substring(liststartpos, listendpos - liststartpos);
                        // we are looking for something like count:2939,outof:13677

                        // (?:count:(?<count>\d+),outof:(?<outof>\d+))
                        Regex dropRegex = new Regex(@"(?:count:(?<count>\d+),outof:(?<outof>\d+))");
                        Match dropMatch;

                        if ((dropMatch = dropRegex.Match(dropExcerpt)).Success) {
                            // Yay! it worked!
                            count = int.Parse(dropMatch.Groups["count"].Value);
                            outof = int.Parse(dropMatch.Groups["outof"].Value);

                    StaticDrop dropItem = item.LocationInfo[0] as StaticDrop;

                    if (dropItem != null) {
                        dropItem.Count = count;
                        dropItem.OutOf = outof;
                        item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { dropItem };
                } else if (/*LocInfoIsValid &&*/ item.LocationInfo[0] is PvpItem) {
                    List<string> tokenIds = new List<string> { };
                    List<int> tokenCounts = new List<int> { };
                    string tokenName = "Unknown Currency";
                    //TokenDropInfo tokenDropInfo = null;
                    string repSource = "", repLevel = "";

                    #region Try to get the Token Names and individual costs
                    int liststartpos = hdoc.IndexOf("new Listview({template: 'npc', id: 'sold-by'");
                    if (liststartpos > 1) {
                        int listendpos = hdoc.IndexOf(";", liststartpos);
                        string costExcerpt = hdoc.Substring(liststartpos, listendpos - liststartpos);
                        // we are looking for something like cost:[0,0,0,[[40633,1]]]

                        // cost:[gold,[[currencyId1,currencyQu1],[currencyId2,currencyQu2]],[objectId,objectQu]]
                        Regex costRegex = new Regex(@"cost:\[(?<gold>\d+),\[(?:\[(?<currencyId1>\d+),(?<currencyQu1>\d+)\])?,?(?:\[(?<currencyId2>\d+),(?<currencyQu2>\d+)\])?\],\[(?:\[?(?<tokenId1>\d+),(?<tokenQu1>\d+)\]?)?,?(?:\[?(?<tokenId2>\d+),(?<tokenQu2>\d+)\]?)?\]\]");
                        Regex costRegexGoldOnly = new Regex(@"cost:\[(?<gold>\d+)\]");
                        Match costMatch;

                        if ((costMatch = costRegex.Match(costExcerpt)).Success) {
                            // Yay! it worked!
                            // Lets try Currency 1, such as Justice Points
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(costMatch.Groups["currencyId1"].Value)) {
                            // Lets try Currency 2, such as Justice Points
                            // Not sure if there would ever actually be a 2nd here, but it was formatted as if it was possible
                            // If nothing else, when currencyId1 fails but 2 is valid we put something in the array
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(costMatch.Groups["currencyId2"].Value)) {
                            // Lets try Token 1 cost, such as Mantle of the Conqueror
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(costMatch.Groups["tokenId1"].Value)) {
                            // Lets try Token 2 cost, such as Mantle of the Conqueror
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(costMatch.Groups["tokenId2"].Value)) {
                        } else if ((costMatch = costRegex.Match(costExcerpt)).Success) {
                            // Yay! it worked!
                    #region Check to see if it requires a specific Faction and get its required level
                    liststartpos = hdoc.IndexOf("Requires <a href=\"/faction=");
                    if (liststartpos > 1)
                        int listendpos = hdoc.IndexOf("</td>", liststartpos);
                        string repExcerpt = hdoc.Substring(liststartpos, listendpos - liststartpos);
                        // we are looking for something like cost:[0,0,0,[[40633,1]]]

                        // cost:[gold,[[currencyId1,currencyQu1],[currencyId2,currencyQu2]],[objectId,objectQu]]
                        Regex repRegex = new Regex(@"Requires .a href=.\/faction=(?<factionId>\d+). class=.q\d.>.+\/a. - (?<level>(?:Friendly|Honored|Revered|Exalted))");
                        Match repMatch;

                        if ((repMatch = repRegex.Match(repExcerpt)).Success)
                            // Yay! it worked!
                            // Lets get the Faction's name based on the ID
                            repSource = GetItemFactionVendorInfo(repMatch.Groups["factionId"].Value, "0")[0];
                            switch (repMatch.Groups["level"].Value) {
                                case "Friendly":{ repLevel = "4"; break; }
                                case "Honored": { repLevel = "5"; break; }
                                case "Revered": { repLevel = "6"; break; }
                                case "Exalted": { repLevel = "7"; break; }
                                default: { repLevel = "0"; break; }

                    PvpItem pvpItem = item.LocationInfo[0] as PvpItem;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        if (tokenIds.Count < i + 1) { break; } // stop processing if we don't have any more
                        // Check to see if it's a PvP token/Currency
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenIds[i]) && _pvpTokenMap.TryGetValue(tokenIds[i], out tokenName)) {
                            if (tokenName == "Honor Points" || tokenIds[i] == "392")
                                item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { new PvpItem() { Points = tokenCounts[i], PointType = "Honor" } };
                            else if (tokenName == "Conquest Points" || tokenIds[i] == "390")
                                item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { new PvpItem() { Points = tokenCounts[i], PointType = "Conquest" } };
                                item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { new PvpItem() { TokenCount = tokenCounts[i], TokenType = tokenName } };
                            pvpItem = null; // invalidate the vendor item so it doesn't get added in later
                        } else if (tokenIds[i] != null && _vendorTokenMap.TryGetValue(tokenIds[i], out tokenName)) {
                            //pvpItem.TokenMap[tokenName] = tokenCounts[i];
                        } else if (tokenIds[i] != null) {
                            if ((tokenName == "Justice Points" || tokenIds[i] == "395")
                                || (tokenName == "Valor Points" || tokenIds[i] == "396"))
                            { item.Cost = tokenCounts[i]; } // Sets the cost on the item for the user
                            #region It's a PvE Token
                            // ok now let's see what info we can get about this token
                            string boss = null; string vendor = null;
                            string area = null; string vendorarea = null;
                            bool heroic = false;
                            bool lfr = false;
                            bool container = false;
                            if (!_tokenDropMap.ContainsKey(tokenIds[i])) {
                                // Not doing this =^( hopefully we won't actually need to cuz I mapped all the currencies listed in wowhead
                                #region We *really* haven't seen this before so we need to pull the data
                                /*XDocument docToken = wrw.DownloadItemWowhead(site, tokenIds[i]);
                                if (docToken != null)
                                    tokenNames[i] = docToken.SelectSingleNode("wowhead/item/name").Value;

                                    // we don't want token => boss propagation anymore, otherwise you get weird stuff like 277 gloves dropping from Toravon
                                    /*string tokenJson = docToken.SelectSingleNode("wowhead/item/json").InnerText;

                                    string tokenSource = string.Empty;
                                    if (tokenJson.Contains("\"source\":["))
                                        tokenSource = tokenJson.Substring(tokenJson.IndexOf("\"source\":[") + "\"source\":[".Length);
                                        tokenSource = tokenSource.Substring(0, tokenSource.IndexOf("]"));

                                    string tokenSourcemore = string.Empty;
                                    if (tokenJson.Contains("\"sourcemore\":[{"))
                                        tokenSourcemore = tokenJson.Substring(tokenJson.IndexOf("\"sourcemore\":[{") + "\"sourcemore\":[{".Length);
                                        tokenSourcemore = tokenSourcemore.Substring(0, tokenSourcemore.IndexOf("}]"));

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenSource) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenSourcemore))
                                        string[] tokenSourceKeys = tokenSource.Split(',');
                                        string[] tokenSourcemoreKeys = tokenSourcemore.Split(new string[] { "},{" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                                        // for tokens we prefer loot info, we don't care if it can be bought with badges
                                        tokenSource = tokenSourceKeys[0];
                                        tokenSourcemore = tokenSourcemoreKeys[0];

                                        int dropIndex = Array.IndexOf(tokenSourceKeys, "2");
                                        if (dropIndex >= 0)
                                            tokenSource = tokenSourceKeys[dropIndex];
                                            tokenSourcemore = tokenSourcemoreKeys[dropIndex];

                                        if (tokenSource == "2")
                                            foreach (string kv in tokenSourcemore.Split(','))
                                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kv))
                                                    string[] keyvalsplit = kv.Split(':');
                                                    string key = keyvalsplit[0];
                                                    string val = keyvalsplit[1];
                                                    switch (key.Trim('"'))
                                                        case "t":
                                                            container = val == "2" || val == "3";
                                                        case "n":       // NPC 'Name'
                                                            boss = val.Replace("\\'", "'").Trim('"');
                                                        case "z":       // Zone
                                                            area = GetZoneName(val);
                                                        case "dd":      // Dungeon Difficulty (1 = Normal, 2 = Heroic)
                                                            heroic = val == "2";
                                    if (boss == null) 
                                        //boss = "Unknown Boss (Wowhead lacks data)";
                                        area = null; // if boss is null prefer treating this as pve token
                                if (tokenNames[i] != null)
                                    _tokenDropMap[tokenIds[i]] = new TokenDropInfo() { Boss = boss, Area = area, Heroic = heroic, Name = tokenNames[i], Container = container };
                            } else {
                                #region We've seen this before so just use that data
                                TokenDropInfo info = _tokenDropMap[tokenIds[i]];
                                boss = info.Boss; vendor = info.Vendor;
                                area = info.Area; vendorarea = info.VendorArea;
                                heroic = info.Heroic;
                                lfr = info.LFR;
                                tokenName = info.Name;
                                container = info.Container;
                            if (tokenName != null) {
                                #region This is NOT a Dropped Token, so treat it as a normal vendor item and include token info
                                //pvpItem.TokenMap[tokenName] = tokenCounts[i];
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(area) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorarea) && area != vendorarea && vendorarea != "Unknown Area") {
                                    // We are lucky enough to have BOTH drop points, so lets set both up
                                    //pvpItem.VendorArea = vendorarea;
                                    //pvpItem.VendorName = vendor;
                                    //pvpItem.TokenMap[tokenName] = tokenCounts[i];
                                    ItemLocation droppoint = new StaticDrop() { Area = area, Boss = boss, Heroic = heroic, LFR = lfr, };
                                    item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { pvpItem, droppoint }; 
                                    pvpItem = null;
                                } else {
                                    //pvpItem.VendorArea = area;
                                    //pvpItem.VendorName = boss;
                            } else if (area != null) {
                                #region This is a Dropped Token or we know what vendor is dropping it, so assign it to where it drops from
                                if (container) {
                                    ItemLocation locInfo = new ContainerItem()
                                        Area = area,
                                        Container = boss,
                                        Heroic = heroic,
                                        LFR = lfr,
                                    item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { locInfo };
                                    pvpItem = null;
                                } else {
                                    ItemLocation locInfo = new StaticDrop()
                                        Area = area,
                                        Boss = boss,
                                        Heroic = heroic,
                                        LFR = lfr,
                                    item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { locInfo };
                                    pvpItem = null;
                            } else /*if (tokenNames[i] == null)*/ {
                                // there was an error pulling token data from web
                                // ignore source information
                                pvpItem = null;
                        } else {
                            #region There is no token so this is a normal vendor item
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(repSource) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(repLevel)) {
                                string[] repInfo = GetItemFactionVendorInfo(repSource, repLevel);
                                FactionItem locInfo = new FactionItem()
                                    FactionName = repInfo[0],
                                    Level = (ReputationLevel)int.Parse(repLevel), // repInfo[3]
                                    //Cost = goldCost,
                                item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { locInfo };
                                pvpItem = null;
                            }/* else {
                                VendorItem locInfo = new VendorItem()
                                    Cost = goldCost,
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n)) locInfo.VendorName = n;
                                if (sourcemore != null && sourcemore.TryGetValue("z", out tmp))
                                    locInfo.VendorArea = GetZoneName(tmp.ToString());
                                item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { locInfo };
                                vendorItem = null;
                    if (pvpItem != null) {
                        // We already set the Vendor Name and Zone
                        item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { pvpItem };
                } /*else if (item.LocationInfo == null) {
                   * // NOTICE: This check isn't possible anymore, but it's generating an Unknown automatically so it's not necessary either
                    // We DON'T have Source Data AND we didn't have one before. So lets set it to Unknown
                    item.LocationInfo = new ItemLocationList() { UnknownItem.Construct() };
                }*/ else {
                    // We DON'T have Source Data
                    // Since we are doing nothing, the ItemSource cache doesn't change
                    // Therefore the original ItemSource persists, if it's there

                // If it's Craftable and Binds on Pickup, mark it as such
                if (item.LocationInfo[0] is CraftedItem && (item.Bind == BindsOn.BoP))
                    (item.LocationInfo[0] as CraftedItem).Bind = BindsOn.BoP;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(0, ex.Message + "|" + ex.StackTrace);