public StarsHttpClientV1Test()
            _persistence = new StarsMemoryPersistence();
            _controller  = new StarsController();
            _client      = new StarsHttpClientV1();
            _service     = new StarsHttpServiceV1();

            IReferences references = References.FromTuples(
                new Descriptor("stars", "persistence", "memory", "default", "1.0"), _persistence,
                new Descriptor("stars", "controller", "default", "default", "1.0"), _controller,
                new Descriptor("stars", "client", "http", "default", "1.0"), _client,
                new Descriptor("stars", "service", "http", "default", "1.0"), _service




            _fixture = new StarsClientV1Fixture(_client);

Beispiel #2
        public StarsHttpServiceV1Test()
            _persistence = new StarsMemoryPersistence();
            _controller  = new StarsController();
            _service     = new StarsHttpServiceV1();

            IReferences references = References.FromTuples(
                new Descriptor("stars", "persistence", "memory", "default", "1.0"), _persistence,
                new Descriptor("stars", "controller", "default", "default", "1.0"), _controller,
                new Descriptor("stars", "service", "http", "default", "1.0"), _service



            // Todo: This is defect! Open shall not block the tread
            Task.Run(() => _service.OpenAsync(null));
            Thread.Sleep(1000); // Just let service a sec to be initialized