Beispiel #1
        public PropertyWrapper(object owner)
            m_dctd  = ProviderInstaller.Install(this);
            m_owner = owner;
            CustomPropertyDescriptor cpd = m_dctd.GetProperty("SelectedProperty");

            foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(owner))
                StandardValueAttribute sva = new StandardValueAttribute(pd);
                sva.DisplayName = pd.DisplayName;
                sva.Description = pd.Description;
            SelectedProperty         = (cpd.StatandardValues.ToArray( )[0].Value) as CustomPropertyDescriptor;
            m_dctd.CategorySortOrder = CustomSortOrder.None;
            m_dctd.PropertySortOrder = CustomSortOrder.None;

            this.PropertyFlags = m_cpd.PropertyFlags;
        private void PopululateDropDownListFromDatabaseSource(CustomPropertyDescriptor cpd)
            // we actually don't have any data source in this sample.
            // we will simply add some hard coded data here.
            // we will make  customer names and id.

            if (cpd.StatandardValues.IsReadOnly) // we cannot modifiy standard values for enum type

            cpd.StatandardValues.Clear( );
            string[] arrNames = { "Adam", "Brian", "Russel", "Jones", "Jakob" };
            for (int i = 101; i < 106; i++)
                StandardValueAttribute sva = new StandardValueAttribute(i, arrNames[i - 101]);
                sva.Description = "Description of " + sva.DisplayName + ".";
			public TagItem(StandardValueAttribute item) {
				Item = item;
 public TagItem(StandardValueAttribute item)
     Item = item;