Beispiel #1
        private void CreateRandomScene()

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                // Create simple box that user will be able to rotate
                // In order to support rotation, we need to create the box at (0,0,0)
                // and then after performing rotation, translate the object to its final location.
                // If we would create the object at its final rotation (basically applying translation before rotation),
                // then the box would not be rotated around its center but around the coordinate axes center.
                var boxModel = new Ab3d.UIElements.BoxUIElement3D()
                    CenterPosition = new Point3D(0, 0, 0),
                    Size           = new Size3D(50, 20, 50),
                    Material       = _normalMaterial

                // Create a StandardTransform3D
                // StandardTransform3D is a class that generates a MatrixTransform3D based on the translate, rotate and scale transform.
                // Note that because it is not possible to derive from WPF's Transform3D, the StandardTransform3D is a standalone class
                // that provides its own MatrixTransform3D object that can be assigned to the 3D model.
                // Its static SetStandardTransform3D and GetStandardTransform3D use a custom StandardTransform3DProperty
                // to "attach" the StandardTransform3D object to Model3D or Visual3D. But this does not automatically set the
                // object's transformation.
                var standardTransform3D = new StandardTransform3D()
                    TranslateX = _rnd.NextDouble() * 400 - 200,
                    TranslateY = _rnd.NextDouble() * 40 - 20,
                    TranslateZ = _rnd.NextDouble() * 400 - 200,

                // SetStandardTransform3D method will set the StandardTransform3DProperty to the standardTransform3D
                // The updateTransform3D argument will also set the boxModel.Transform to standardTransform3D.Transform
                StandardTransform3D.SetStandardTransform3D(boxModel, standardTransform3D, updateTransform3D: true);


                // Use EventManager from Ab3d.PowerToys to add support for click event on the box model
                var visualEventSource3D = new Ab3d.Utilities.VisualEventSource3D(boxModel);
                visualEventSource3D.MouseClick += delegate(object sender, MouseButton3DEventArgs e)
                    var selectedBoxModel = e.HitObject as Ab3d.UIElements.BoxUIElement3D;


                // Automatically select first box
                if (_selectedBoxModel == null)
                    boxModel.Refresh(); // Force creating the model
Beispiel #2
        private void ClearSelectedDuckVisual3D()
            _selectedVisual3D    = null;
            _standardTransform3D = null;

            TransformEditor.StandardTransform3D = null;

Beispiel #3
        private void ShowWireframeDuck()
            _standardTransform3D = new StandardTransform3D();

            WireframeDuckVisual3D.OriginalModel = _duckModel3D.Clone();
            WireframeDuckVisual3D.IsVisible     = true;

            StandardTransform3D.SetStandardTransform3D(WireframeDuckVisual3D, _standardTransform3D, updateTransform3D: true);

            TransformEditor.StandardTransform3D = _standardTransform3D;

            _selectedVisual3D = WireframeDuckVisual3D;
Beispiel #4
        public void SelectObject(Ab3d.UIElements.BoxUIElement3D selectedBox)
            // Deselect currently selected model
            if (_selectedBoxModel != null)
                // Set material back to normal
                _selectedBoxModel.Material     = _normalMaterial;
                _selectedBoxModel.BackMaterial = null;

                // Allow hit testing again - so user can select that object again
                _selectedBoxModel.IsHitTestVisible = true;

                _selectedBoxModel = null;

            _selectedBoxModel = selectedBox;
            if (_selectedBoxModel == null)

            // Prevent hit-testing in selected model
            // This will allow clicking on the parts of move arrows that are inside the selected model
            // Note that IsHitTestVisible is available only on models derived from UIElement3D (if you need that on GeometryModel3D or ModelVisual3D, then use ModelUIElement3D as parent of your model)
            _selectedBoxModel.IsHitTestVisible = false;

            // Change material to semi-transparent Silver
            _selectedBoxModel.Material     = _selectedMaterial;
            _selectedBoxModel.BackMaterial = _selectedMaterial; // We also set BackMaterial so the inner side of boxes will be visible

            // To render the transparent object correctly, we need to sort the objects so that the transparent objects are rendered after other objects
            // We can use the TransparencySorter from Ab3d.PowerToys
            // Note that it is also possible to use TransparencySorter with many advanced features - see the Model3DTransparencySortingSample for more info

            // In our simple case (we have only one transparent object), we could also manually "sort" the objects with moving the transparent object to the back of the Children collection:

            _standardTransform3D           = StandardTransform3D.GetStandardTransform3D(_selectedBoxModel);
            SelectedModelRotator.Transform = _standardTransform3D.Transform;
        public StandardTransformSample()

            // Read a teapot from wpf3d file
            string fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Resources\wpf3d\teapot-hires.wpf3d");

            var wpf3DFile     = new Ab3d.Utilities.Wpf3DFile();
            var teapotModel3D = wpf3DFile.ReadFile(fileName);

            Ab3d.Utilities.ModelUtils.ChangeMaterial(teapotModel3D, new DiffuseMaterial(Brushes.Gold), newBackMaterial: null);

            // Create a single StandardTransform3D that will be able to translate, rotate and scale the read teapot.

            _standardTransform3D = new StandardTransform3D();

            // We could also create a new StandardTransform3D with some initial transformations:
            //_standardTransform3D = new StandardTransform3D()
            //    RotateY = 30,
            //    TranslateX = 100,
            //    ScaleX = 1.3

            // To assign the _standardTransform3D to teapotModel3D we use the static SetStandardTransform3D method
            StandardTransform3D.SetStandardTransform3D(teapotModel3D, _standardTransform3D, updateTransform3D: true);

            // In some other location in the application we can read the StandardTransform3D from the teapotModel3D by:
            //var standardTransform3D = StandardTransform3D.GetStandardTransform3D(teapotModel3D);

            // Assign the _standardTransform3D to the editor control:
            TransformEditor.StandardTransform3D = _standardTransform3D;

            var contentVisual3D = teapotModel3D.CreateContentVisual3D();


            _rnd = new Random();
Beispiel #6
        private void GetValuesFromControls()
            _isChangedInternally = true; // Prevent handling Changed event


            StandardTransform3D.TranslateX = ParseValue(TranslateXTextBox, StandardTransform3D.TranslateX);
            StandardTransform3D.TranslateY = ParseValue(TranslateYTextBox, StandardTransform3D.TranslateY);
            StandardTransform3D.TranslateZ = ParseValue(TranslateZTextBox, StandardTransform3D.TranslateZ);

            StandardTransform3D.RotateX = ParseValue(RotateXTextBox, StandardTransform3D.RotateX);
            StandardTransform3D.RotateY = ParseValue(RotateYTextBox, StandardTransform3D.RotateY);
            StandardTransform3D.RotateZ = ParseValue(RotateZTextBox, StandardTransform3D.RotateZ);

            StandardTransform3D.ScaleX = ParseValue(ScaleXTextBox, StandardTransform3D.ScaleX);
            StandardTransform3D.ScaleY = ParseValue(ScaleYTextBox, StandardTransform3D.ScaleY);
            StandardTransform3D.ScaleZ = ParseValue(ScaleZTextBox, StandardTransform3D.ScaleZ);


            _isChangedInternally = false;
Beispiel #7
        private void SelectDuckVisual3D(ModelVisual3D duckModelVisual3D)
            _selectedVisual3D = duckModelVisual3D;

            _standardTransform3D = StandardTransform3D.GetStandardTransform3D(duckModelVisual3D);
            TransformEditor.StandardTransform3D = _standardTransform3D;

            if (MoveButton.IsChecked ?? false)
            else if (RotateButton.IsChecked ?? false)
            else if (ScaleButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                MoveButton.IsChecked = true; // Show model mover
Beispiel #8
        private void GenerateRandomDucks(int ducksCount)
            var rnd = new Random();

            double  lakeRadius = LakeCircleVisual3D.Radius;
            Point3D lakeCenter = LakeCircleVisual3D.CenterPosition;

            _duckModels = new List <ModelVisual3D>(ducksCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < ducksCount; i++)
                bool findNewPosition;

                    var position = new Point3D(rnd.NextDouble() * lakeRadius * 2 - lakeRadius,
                                               rnd.NextDouble() * lakeRadius * 2 - lakeRadius);

                    // If position is outside of 80% of lake radius
                    double distanceToLakeCenter = (position - lakeCenter).Length;
                    findNewPosition = distanceToLakeCenter > (lakeRadius * 0.8);

                    if (!findNewPosition)
                        // Now check if too close to any other duck
                        foreach (var duckModel in _duckModels)
                            var standardTransform3D = StandardTransform3D.GetStandardTransform3D(duckModel);

                            var distanceToDuck = (position - standardTransform3D.GetTranslateVector3D().ToPoint3D()).Length;
                            if (distanceToDuck < DuckSize * 4)
                                findNewPosition = true;

                    if (!findNewPosition)
                        // The position is ok

                        double scale = rnd.NextDouble() + 1;

                        var standardTransform3D = new StandardTransform3D()
                            TranslateX = position.X,
                            TranslateY = position.Y,
                            TranslateZ = position.Z,

                            RotateY = rnd.NextDouble() * 360,

                            ScaleX = scale,
                            ScaleY = scale,
                            ScaleZ = scale

                        var duckVisual3D = new ModelVisual3D()
                            Content = _duckModel3D,

                        StandardTransform3D.SetStandardTransform3D(duckVisual3D, standardTransform3D, updateTransform3D: true);


                        var visualEventSource3D = new VisualEventSource3D(duckVisual3D);
                        visualEventSource3D.MouseEnter += OnDuckMouseEnter;
                        visualEventSource3D.MouseLeave += OnDuckMouseLeave;
                        visualEventSource3D.MouseDown  += OnDuckMouseDown;
                        visualEventSource3D.MouseUp    += OnDuckMouseUp;

                } while (findNewPosition);