void LoadTreeView()
            StandardLoader loader = new StandardLoader();

            //LYTunnelStandard = loader.GetStandard("LYTunnel");
            LYTunnelTreeview.DataContext = new TreeViewData(LYTunnelStandard);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the test suite from a given class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The assemblyQualifiedName parameter needs to be in form:
        /// "full.qualified.class.name,Assembly"
        /// </remarks>
        private ITest GetSuite(string assemblyQualifiedName)
            // Don't worry about catching exceptions in this method.  The
            // NUnitTask will catch them and throw a BuildException back to
            // NAnt with the correct location in the build file. [gs]

            StandardLoader loader = new StandardLoader();
            ITest          test   = loader.LoadTest(assemblyQualifiedName);

        private void LoadStandard(string StandardName)
            StandardName = StandardName ?? "Geology";
            IDSImporter importer = new StandardImport_Exl();

            if (importer.Import(StandardName) != null)
                StandardLoader standardLoader = new StandardLoader();
                Standard = standardLoader.GetStandard(StandardName);
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(StandardName + " Standard imported succeessfully");
                filter = standardLoader.CreateFilter();
        /// <summary>
        /// load Data
        /// </summary>
        public void Load()
            IDSImporter importer = new StandardImport_Exl();

            if (importer.Import("Geology") != null)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Standard import succeeded");
            StandardLoader standardLoader = new StandardLoader();

            Standard = standardLoader.GetStandard();
            filter   = standardLoader.CreateFilter();
            TunnelTypeCB.ItemsSource   = filter.Tunnels;
            TunnelTypeCB.SelectedIndex = 0;
            //ClassGenerator generator = new ClassGenerator();
Beispiel #5
        private void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //step1 : find the aim object def
            string         aimDGObjectType = "Borehole";
            StandardLoader loader          = new StandardLoader();//get standard from local json file in debug catagory
            //IDSImporter idsImporter = null;
            //DataStandardDef def = idsImporter.Import(null);
            DataStandardDef standard = loader.getStandard();
            IDSExporter     exporter = new Exporter_For_JSON();

            exporter.Export(standard, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);//输出

            DGObjectDef aimDGObjectDef = standard.getDGObjectDefByCode(aimDGObjectType);

            //step2 : create a instance of dataSchema for data importer
            DataSchema dataSchema = new DataSchema();

            //step3 : choose the type of data source and convert to the commonDataFormat
            dataSchema.dataFormatConverter = null;
            CommonDataFormat rawCDF = dataSchema.dataFormatConverter.Convert(null);

            //setp4 : choose the mapping rule between the commonDataFormat and aimDGObjectDef
            dataSchema.dataPropertyMapping = new CommonPropertyMapping();
            CommonDataFormat mappingCDF = dataSchema.dataPropertyMapping.Mapping(rawCDF);

            //step5 : verify the data
            dataSchema.dataVerification = new CommonDataVerification();
            CommonDataFormat verificationCDF = dataSchema.dataVerification.Verification(mappingCDF);

            //step6 : set the data access frequency, such as one time access, access at a time, realtime access ,push access

            //setp7 : save the data

            //step8 : exporter the data
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the test suite from a given class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The assemblyQualifiedName parameter needs to be in form:
        /// "full.qualified.class.name,Assembly"
        /// </remarks>
        private ITest GetSuite(string assemblyQualifiedName)
            // Don't worry about catching exceptions in this method.  The
            // NUnitTask will catch them and throw a BuildException back to
            // NAnt with the correct location in the build file. [gs]

            StandardLoader loader = new StandardLoader();
            ITest test = loader.LoadTest(assemblyQualifiedName);
            return test;
Beispiel #7
            // Runtime constructor
            public LandClassScatterLoader(PQSLandControl.LandClassScatter value)
                Value = value;

                if (CustomMaterial)
                    if (NormalDiffuse.UsesSameShader(CustomMaterial))
                        CustomMaterial = new NormalDiffuseLoader(CustomMaterial);
                    else if (NormalBumped.UsesSameShader(CustomMaterial))
                        CustomMaterial = new NormalBumpedLoader(CustomMaterial);
                    else if (NormalDiffuseDetail.UsesSameShader(CustomMaterial))
                        CustomMaterial = new NormalDiffuseDetailLoader(CustomMaterial);
                    else if (DiffuseWrap.UsesSameShader(CustomMaterial))
                        CustomMaterial = new DiffuseWrapLoader(CustomMaterial);
                    else if (AlphaTestDiffuse.UsesSameShader(CustomMaterial))
                        CustomMaterial = new AlphaTestDiffuseLoader(CustomMaterial);
                    else if (AerialTransCutout.UsesSameShader(CustomMaterial))
                        CustomMaterial = new AerialTransCutoutLoader(CustomMaterial);
                    else if (Standard.UsesSameShader(CustomMaterial))
                        CustomMaterial = new StandardLoader(CustomMaterial);

                // Get the Scatter-Parent
                GameObject scatterParent = typeof(PQSLandControl.LandClassScatter)
                                           .GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                                           .FirstOrDefault(f => f.FieldType == typeof(GameObject))?.GetValue(Value) as GameObject;

                // If the GameObject is null, create one
                if (scatterParent == null)
                    scatterParent = new GameObject("Scatter");
                    scatterParent.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;

                // Add the scatter module
                Scatter         = scatterParent.AddOrGetComponent <ModularScatter>();
                Scatter.scatter = Value;

                // Create the Component callback
                Components = new CallbackList <ComponentLoader <ModularScatter> >(e =>
                    Scatter.Components = Components.Select(c => c.Value).ToList();

                // Load existing Modules
                foreach (IComponent <ModularScatter> component in Scatter.Components)
                    Type componentType       = component.GetType();
                    Type componentLoaderType = typeof(ComponentLoader <>).MakeGenericType(Value.GetType(), componentType);
                    foreach (Type loaderType in Parser.ModTypes)
                        if (!componentLoaderType.IsAssignableFrom(loaderType))

                        // We found our loader type
                        ComponentLoader <ModularScatter> loader = (ComponentLoader <ModularScatter>)Activator.CreateInstance(loaderType);