Beispiel #1
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            GlobalResources.OpenGLInterface = GRGlInterface.CreateNativeGlInterface();
            this.context = GRContext.Create(GRBackend.OpenGL, GlobalResources.OpenGLInterface);
            Debug.Assert(this.context.Handle != IntPtr.Zero);
            this.renderTarget = CreateRenderTarget(this);
            CursorVisible     = true;

            Location = new Point(Location.X, 0);
            _Present = new GamePresenter(this);
            CurrentState = new GenericMenuState(StandardImageBackgroundSkia.GetMenuBackgroundDrawer(), this, new TitleMenuPopulator())
                StateHeader = "BASeTris"
Beispiel #2
        private void BuildBackground(GameplayGameState Self, SKRect Size)
            var bgInfo = Self.PlayField.Theme.GetThemePlayFieldBackground(Self.PlayField, Self.GameHandler);

            _Background = new StandardImageBackgroundSkia();
            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(ImageManager.ReduceImage(bgInfo.BackgroundImage,
                                                             new Size((int)(Size.Width + 0.5f), (int)(Size.Height + 0.5f))));

            SKImage usebg = SkiaSharp.Views.Desktop.Extensions.ToSKImage(bmp);

            _Background.Data = new StandardImageBackgroundDrawSkiaCapsule()
                _BackgroundImage = usebg, Movement = new SKPoint(0, 0)
            if (bgInfo.TintColor != Color.Transparent)
                _Background.Data.theFilter = SKColorMatrices.GetColourizer(bgInfo.TintColor.R, bgInfo.TintColor.G, bgInfo.TintColor.B, bgInfo.TintColor.A);
            Self.DoRefreshBackground = false;
        public String GameOverText = "GAME    OVER"; //+ ShowExtraLines.ToString();

        public override void HandleGameKey(IStateOwner pOwner, GameKeys g)
            if (g == GameKeys.GameKey_RotateCW)
                if (NewScorePosition > -1)
                    if (GameOveredState is GameplayGameState)
                        var useStats  = ((GameplayGameState)GameOveredState).GameStats;
                        var MenuState = ((GameplayGameState)GameOveredState).MainMenuState;
                        if (useStats is TetrisStatistics)
                            EnterHighScoreState ehs = new EnterHighScoreState
                                                          (GameOveredState, pOwner, MenuState,
                                                          ((GameplayGameState)GameOveredState).GetLocalScores(), (n, s) => new XMLScoreEntry <TetrisHighScoreData>(n, s, new TetrisHighScoreData(useStats as TetrisStatistics))
                                                          , useStats as TetrisStatistics);
                            pOwner.CurrentState = ehs;
                            TetrisGame.Soundman.PlayMusic("highscoreentry", pOwner.Settings.std.MusicVolume, true);
                else if (CompleteSummary)
                    IBackground bg = null;
                    if (pOwner is BASeTris bt)
                        bg = StandardImageBackgroundGDI.GetStandardBackgroundDrawer();
                    else if (pOwner is BASeTrisTK)
                        bg = StandardImageBackgroundSkia.GetStandardBackgroundDrawer();
                    GenericMenuState TitleMenu = new GenericMenuState(bg, pOwner, new TitleMenuPopulator());
                    pOwner.CurrentState = TitleMenu;
Beispiel #4
        public override void Render(IStateOwner pOwner, SKCanvas pRenderTarget, ShowHighScoresState Source, GameStateSkiaDrawParameters Element)
            if (Source.BG == null)
                StandardImageBackgroundSkia sk = StandardImageBackgroundSkia.GetMenuBackgroundDrawer();
                sk.Data.Movement = new SKPoint(3, 3);
                Source.BG        = sk;
            var Bounds = Element.Bounds;
            var g      = pRenderTarget;

            float StartY   = (Bounds.Height * 0.175f);
            var   CurrentY = StartY;
            float MiddleX  = Bounds.Width / 2;

            DrawBackground(Source, pOwner, g, Bounds);
            float   TextSize      = Bounds.Height / 30f;
            var     ScoreFont     = TetrisGame.RetroFontSK; //point size 24.
            SKPaint MainScoreFont = new SKPaint()
                Typeface = ScoreFont, TextSize = (float)(24 * pOwner.ScaleFactor), Color = SKColors.Black
            SKPaint ShadowScoreFont = new SKPaint()
                Typeface = ScoreFont, TextSize = (float)(24 * pOwner.ScaleFactor), Color = SKColors.White
            SKPaint ListingFont = new SKPaint()
                Typeface = ScoreFont, TextSize = (float)(18 * pOwner.ScaleFactor), Color = SKColors.Black
            float   PercentThroughSecond = (float)DateTime.Now.Millisecond / 1000f;
            SKPaint ListingFontRainbow   = new SKPaint()
                Typeface = ScoreFont, TextSize = (float)(18 * pOwner.ScaleFactor), Color = SKColor.FromHsl(PercentThroughSecond * 240, 240, 120)
            SKPaint ListingFontShadow = new SKPaint()
                Typeface = ScoreFont, TextSize = (float)(18 * pOwner.ScaleFactor), Color = SKColors.White
            SKPaint ListingFontArrow = new SKPaint()
                Typeface = TetrisGame.ArialFontSK, TextSize = (float)(18 * pOwner.ScaleFactor), Color = SKColor.FromHsl(PercentThroughSecond * 240, 240, 120)
            SKPaint ListingFontArrowShadow = new SKPaint()
                Typeface = TetrisGame.ArialFontSK, TextSize = (float)(18 * pOwner.ScaleFactor), Color = SKColors.White
            SKRect resultitem = new SKRect();
            float  LineHeight = MainScoreFont.MeasureText("#", ref resultitem);
            var    useShader  = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(new SKPoint(0, 0), new SKPoint(0, Bounds.Height), new SKColor[] { SKColors.Red, SKColors.Orange, SKColors.Yellow, SKColors.Green, SKColors.Blue, SKColors.Indigo, SKColors.Violet }, null, SKShaderTileMode.Mirror);

            SKPaint LinePaint = new SKPaint()
                BlendMode = SKBlendMode.ColorBurn, StrokeWidth = 24, Shader = useShader

            g.DrawRect(new SKRect(0, 0, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height), LinePaint);
            //g.DrawRect(new SKRect((int)(Bounds.Width * (1 / 7)), CurrentY, (float)(Bounds.Width - (Bounds.Width * (1 / 7))), (float)(CurrentY + (LineHeight * 2.5) + (LineHeight * 3) * 12)),LinePaint);

            if (Source.IncrementedDrawState >= 0)
                //draw "HIGH SCORES" header text.
                SKRect MeasuredRect = new SKRect();
                MainScoreFont.MeasureText(Source.HeaderText, ref MeasuredRect);
                SKPoint DrawPosition = new SKPoint(MiddleX - (MeasuredRect.Width / 2), StartY);
                g.DrawText(Source.HeaderText, new SKPoint(DrawPosition.X + 2, DrawPosition.Y + 2), ShadowScoreFont);
                g.DrawText(Source.HeaderText, DrawPosition, MainScoreFont);
                CurrentY = StartY + MeasuredRect.Height + 10;

            if (Source.IncrementedDrawState >= 1)
                //maybe a line under the header.

            if (Source.IncrementedDrawState >= 2)
                //draw the high score listing entries.
                //iterate from 2 to drawstate and draw the high score at position drawstate-2.
                for (int scoreiterate = 2; scoreiterate < Source.IncrementedDrawState; scoreiterate++)
                    int             CurrentScoreIndex    = scoreiterate - 2;
                    int             CurrentScorePosition = CurrentScoreIndex + 1;
                    double          useYPosition         = StartY + (LineHeight * 2.5) + (LineHeight * 3) * CurrentScoreIndex;
                    double          useXPosition         = Bounds.Width * 0.19d;
                    String          sUseName             = "N/A";
                    int             sUseScore            = 0;
                    IHighScoreEntry currentScore         = Source.hs.Count > CurrentScoreIndex ? Source.hs[CurrentScoreIndex] : null;
                    if (currentScore != null)
                        sUseName  = currentScore.Name;
                        sUseScore = currentScore.Score;
                    SKRect MeasureName = new SKRect(), MeasureScore = new SKRect();
                    ListingFont.MeasureText(sUseName, ref MeasureName);
                    ListingFont.MeasureText(sUseScore.ToString(), ref MeasureScore);
                    float PosXPosition        = Bounds.Width * 0.1f;
                    float NameXPosition       = Bounds.Width * 0.20f;
                    float ScoreXPositionRight = Bounds.Width * (1 - 0.10f);
                    var   useForegroundPaint  = Source.HighlightedScorePositions.Contains(CurrentScorePosition) ? ListingFontRainbow : ListingFont;

                    //draw position
                    g.DrawText(CurrentScorePosition.ToString() + ".", new SKPoint(PosXPosition + 2, (float)useYPosition + 2), ListingFontShadow);
                    g.DrawText(CurrentScorePosition.ToString() + ".", new SKPoint(PosXPosition, (float)useYPosition), useForegroundPaint);
                    //draw high score name
                    g.DrawText(sUseName, new SKPoint(PosXPosition + 2 + Math.Abs(resultitem.Height) * 2.25f, (float)useYPosition + 2), ListingFontShadow);
                    g.DrawText(sUseName, new SKPoint(PosXPosition + Math.Abs(resultitem.Height) * 2.25f, (float)useYPosition), useForegroundPaint);

                    //draw the high score
                    float ScoreXPosition = ScoreXPositionRight - MeasureScore.Width;

                    g.DrawText(sUseScore.ToString(), new SKPoint(ScoreXPosition + 2, (float)useYPosition + 2), ListingFontShadow);
                    g.DrawText(sUseScore.ToString(), new SKPoint(ScoreXPosition, (float)useYPosition), useForegroundPaint);
                    useForegroundPaint.StrokeWidth = 6;

                    g.DrawLine(new SKPoint(NameXPosition + MeasureName.Width + 15, (float)useYPosition + LineHeight / 2), new SKPoint(ScoreXPosition - 15, (float)useYPosition + LineHeight / 2), useForegroundPaint);

                    if (Source.SelectedScorePosition == CurrentScoreIndex)
                        //draw selection indicator if needed
                        SKRect MeasureArrow = new SKRect();
                        useForegroundPaint.MeasureText(PointerText, ref MeasureArrow);
                        float ArrowX = PosXPosition - MeasureArrow.Width - 5;
                        float ArrowY = (float)useYPosition;
                        g.DrawText(PointerText, new SKPoint(ArrowX + 2, ArrowY + 2), ListingFontArrowShadow);
                        g.DrawText(PointerText, new SKPoint(ArrowX, ArrowY), ListingFontArrow);