Beispiel #1
        public void testInputTables()
            HashSet <String> errors = new HashSet <String>();

            foreach (String schemaId in _STAGING.getSchemaIds())
                StagingSchema schema = _STAGING.getSchema(schemaId);

                // build a list of input tables that should be excluded
                foreach (StagingSchemaInput input in schema.getInputs())
                    if (input.getTable() != null)
                        HashSet <String> inputKeys = new HashSet <String>();
                        StagingTable     table     = _STAGING.getTable(input.getTable());
                        foreach (StagingColumnDefinition def in table.getColumnDefinitions())
                            if (ColumnType.INPUT == def.getType())

                        // make sure the input key matches the an input column
                        if (!inputKeys.Contains(input.getKey()))
                            errors.Add("Input key " + schemaId + ":" + input.getKey() + " does not match validation table " + table.getId() + ": " + inputKeys.ToString());

            assertNoErrors(errors, "input values and their assocated validation tables");
Beispiel #2
        public void testMappingIdUniqueness()
            HashSet <String> errors = new HashSet <String>();

            foreach (String schemaId in _STAGING.getSchemaIds())
                StagingSchema schema = _STAGING.getSchema(schemaId);

                // build a list of input tables that should be excluded
                HashSet <String> ids      = new HashSet <String>();
                List <IMapping>  mappings = schema.getMappings();
                if (mappings != null)
                    foreach (StagingMapping mapping in mappings)
                        if (ids.Contains(mapping.getId()))
                            errors.Add("The mapping id " + schemaId + ":" + mapping.getId() + " is duplicated.  This should never happen");

            assertNoErrors(errors, "input values and their assocated validation tables");
Beispiel #3
        // Looks at all tables involved in all the mappings in the definition and returns a list of output keys that will be created.  It will also deal with mapped
        // outputs.  The outputs from each mapping will only be included if it passes the inclusion/exclusion criteria based on the context.  If the schema has StagingOutputs
        // defined, then the calulated output list is exactly the same as the schema output list.
        // @param schema a StagingSchema
        // @param context a context of values used to to check mapping inclusion/exclusion
        // @return a Set of unique output keys
        public HashSet <String> getOutputs(StagingSchema schema, Dictionary <String, String> context)
            HashSet <String> outputs = new HashSet <String>();

            // if outputs are defined in the schema, then there is no reason to look any further into the mappings; the output defines exactly what keys will
            // be returned and it doesn't matter what context is passed in that case
            if (schema.getOutputMap() != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <String, IOutput> entry in schema.getOutputMap())


            // if outputs were not defined, then the tables involved in the mappings will be used to determine the possible outputs
            if (schema.getMappings() != null)
                foreach (StagingMapping mapping in schema.getMappings())
                    outputs.UnionWith(getOutputs(mapping, context));

            // if valid outputs are defined on the schema level, only return outputs that defined; this removed "temporary" outputs that may be defined during the
            // staging process
            if (schema.getOutputMap() != null)
                outputs.RemoveWhere(entry => !schema.getOutputMap().ContainsKey(entry));

        public override IDefinition getDefinition(String id)
            StagingSchema oRetval = null;

            _schemas.TryGetValue(id, out oRetval);

         * Add a schema
        public void addSchema(StagingSchema schema)
            _schemas[schema.getId()] = schema;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, StagingSchema> entry in _schemas)
        private static void CreateStagingTables(
            string schemaName,
            string connectionString,
            int commandTimeoutSecs,
            int maxDegreeOfParallelism,
            Pipelines pipelineOptions)
            var stage = new StagingSchema(connectionString, schemaName, commandTimeoutSecs, maxDegreeOfParallelism, pipelineOptions);

        public void testLookupInputs()
            // test valid combinations that do not require a discriminator
            StagingSchema   schema = _STAGING.getSchema("prostate");
            TnmSchemaLookup lookup = new TnmSchemaLookup("C619", "8000");

            Assert.IsTrue(_STAGING.getInputs(schema, lookup.getInputs()).Contains("clin_t"));

            lookup = new TnmSchemaLookup("C619", "8120");
            Assert.IsFalse(_STAGING.getInputs(schema, lookup.getInputs()).Contains("clin_t"));
Beispiel #8
 public void testBasicInputs()
     // all inputs for all schemas will have null unit and decimal places
     foreach (String id in _STAGING.getSchemaIds())
         StagingSchema schema = _STAGING.getSchema(id);
         foreach (StagingSchemaInput input in schema.getInputs())
             Assert.IsNull(input.getUnit(), "No schemas should have units");
             Assert.IsTrue(input.getDecimalPlaces() == 0, "No schemas should have decimal places");
Beispiel #9
        // Return a list of tables identifiers involved in the specified schema
        // @param schemaId schema identifier
        // @return a Set of table identifiers; if the schema is not found the set will be empty
        public HashSet <String> getInvolvedTables(String schemaId)
            HashSet <String> tables = new HashSet <String>();

            StagingSchema schema = getSchema(schemaId);

            if (schema != null && schema.getInvolvedTables() != null)
                tables = schema.getInvolvedTables();

Beispiel #10
        // Check the validity of a single field of a schema based on the supplied context.  The value of this key should be in the context as well
        // as any other properties needed to evaluation validity.  If the schema or field do no exist, false will be returned.
        // @param schemaId schema identifier
        // @param key input key
        // @param context Map of keys/values to validate against
        // @return a boolean indicating whether the code exists for the the passed schema field
        public bool isContextValid(String schemaId, String key, Dictionary <String, String> context)
            // first get the algorithm
            StagingSchema schema = getSchema(schemaId);

            if (schema == null)

            // get the table id from the schema
            IInput input = null;

            if (!schema.getInputMap().TryGetValue(key, out input))
                input = null;

            if (input == null)

            // missing context will always return false
            if (context == null || context.Count == 0)

            // all context input needs to be trimmed
            Dictionary <String, String> testContext = new Dictionary <String, String>(20, StringComparer.Ordinal);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, String> entry in context)
                testContext[entry.Key] = (entry.Value != null ? entry.Value.Trim() : "");

            // if the input specifies a table for validation, test against it
            if (input.getTable() != null)
                ITable table = getTable(input.getTable());

                return(table != null && (DecisionEngineFuncs.matchTable(table, testContext) != null));

        // Look up a schema based on site, histology and an optional discriminator.
        // @param lookup schema lookup input
        // @return a list of StagingSchemaInfo objects
        private List <StagingSchema> getSchemas(SchemaLookup lookup)
            List <StagingSchema> matchedSchemas = new List <StagingSchema>(5);

            String site             = lookup.getInput(StagingData.PRIMARY_SITE_KEY);
            String histology        = lookup.getInput(StagingData.HISTOLOGY_KEY);
            bool   hasDiscriminator = lookup.hasDiscriminator();

            // site or histology must be supplied and they must be valid; I am assuming that all algorithms must have tables that validate
            // both site and histology
            if ((site != null && !isValidSite(site)) || (histology != null && !isValidHistology(histology)))

            // searching on a discriminator is only supported if also searching on site and histology; if ssf25 supplied without either
            // of those fields, return no results
            if (hasDiscriminator && (site == null || (site.Length == 0) || histology == null || (histology.Length == 0)))

            // site or histology must be supplied
            if (site != null || histology != null)
                HashSet <String> lstSchemaIds = getSchemaIds();

                // loop over selection table and match using only the supplied keys
                foreach (String schemaId in lstSchemaIds)
                    StagingSchema schema = (StagingSchema)(getDefinition(schemaId));

                    if (schema.getSchemaSelectionTable() != null)
                        StagingTable table = (StagingTable)(getTable(schema.getSchemaSelectionTable()));
                        if (table != null && DecisionEngineFuncs.matchTable(table, lookup.getInputs(), lookup.getKeys()) != null)

Beispiel #12
        private void ClearTempStage()
            var stage = new StagingSchema(

            if (stage.AllTablesExist())
Beispiel #13
        public void verifyInputs()
            HashSet <String> errors = new HashSet <String>();

            foreach (String id in _STAGING.getSchemaIds())
                StagingSchema schema = _STAGING.getSchema(id);

                // loop over all the inputs returned by processing the schema and make sure they are all part of the main list of inputs on the schema
                foreach (String input in _STAGING.getInputs(schema))
                    if (!schema.getInputMap().ContainsKey(input))
                        errors.Add("Error processing schema " + schema.getId() + ": Table input '" + input + "' not in master list of inputs");

            assertNoErrors(errors, "input values");
Beispiel #14
        private void CheckStageIntegrity()
            // first check that all foreign key values have an entry in the primary table...
            var sc = new StagingSchema(


            // now check that the consolidation key values are not blank...
Beispiel #15
        // Looks at all tables involved in all the mappings in the definition and returns a list of input keys that could be used.  It will also deal with mapped
        // inputs.  The inputs from each mapping will only be included if it passes the inclusion/exclusion criteria based on the context.  Note that if an input
        // to a table was not a supplied input (i.e. it was created as an output of a previous table) it will not be included in the list of inputs.  The inputs will
        // also include any used in schema selection.  All inputs returned from this method should be in the schema input list otherwise there is a problem with the
        // schema.
        // @param schema a StagingSchema
        // @param context a context of values used to to check mapping inclusion/exclusion
        // @return a Set of unique input keys
        public HashSet <String> getInputs(StagingSchema schema, Dictionary <String, String> context)
            HashSet <String> inputs = new HashSet <String>();

            // add schema selection fields
            if (schema.getSchemaSelectionTable() != null)
                StagingTable table = getTable(schema.getSchemaSelectionTable());
                if (table != null)
                    foreach (StagingColumnDefinition def in table.getColumnDefinitions())
                        if (ColumnType.INPUT == def.getType())

            // process all mappings
            if (schema.getMappings() != null)
                HashSet <String> excludedInputs = new HashSet <String>();
                HashSet <String> thisInput      = null;
                foreach (StagingMapping mapping in schema.getMappings())
                    thisInput = getInputs(mapping, context, excludedInputs);

            // always remove all context variables since they are never needed to be supplied

        // Constructor loads all schemas and sets up table cache
        // @param algorithm algorithm
        // @param version version
        protected StagingFileDataProvider(String algorithm, String version) : base()
            _algorithm = algorithm;
            _version   = version;

            String basedir = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\";

            if (!Directory.Exists(basedir + "Algorithms\\"))
                basedir = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\..\\..\\..\\";
                if (System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().IndexOf("x64") >= 0)
                    basedir += "\\..\\";
                basedir += "Resources\\";

            String directory = "";

            // loop over all tables and load them into Map
                directory = basedir + "Algorithms\\" + algorithm.ToLower() + "\\" + version + "\\tables";
                foreach (String file in readLines(directory + "\\ids.txt"))
                    if (file.Length != 0)
                        TextReader   reader = getStagingInputStream(directory + "\\" + file + ".json");
                        StagingTable table  = new StagingTable();

                        using (reader)
                            Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer serializer = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer();
                            table = (StagingTable)serializer.Deserialize(reader, typeof(StagingTable));

                        _tables[table.getId()] = table;
            catch (IOException e)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("IOException reading tables: " + e.Message);

            // loop over all schemas and load them into Map
                directory = basedir + "Algorithms\\" + algorithm.ToLower() + "\\" + version + "\\schemas";

                foreach (String file in readLines(directory + "\\ids.txt"))
                    if (file.Length != 0)
                        TextReader    reader = getStagingInputStream(directory + "\\" + file + ".json");
                        StagingSchema schema = new StagingSchema();

                        using (reader)
                            Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer serializer = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer();
                            schema = (StagingSchema)serializer.Deserialize(reader, typeof(StagingSchema));

                        _schemas[schema.getId()] = schema;
            catch (IOException e)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("IOException reading schemas: " + e.Message);


            // finally, initialize any caches now that everything else has been set up
Beispiel #17
 // Looks at all tables involved in all the mappings in the definition and returns a list of output keys that could be created.  It will also deal with mapped
 // outputs.
 // @param schema a StagingSchema
 // @return a Set of unique output keys
 public HashSet <String> getOutputs(StagingSchema schema)
     return(getOutputs(schema, null));
        public void testExternalLoad()
            Assert.AreEqual("testing", _STAGING.getAlgorithm());
            Assert.AreEqual("99.99", _STAGING.getVersion());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _STAGING.getSchemaIds().Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(62, _STAGING.getTableIds().Count);

            StagingSchema schema = _STAGING.getSchema("urethra");

            Assert.AreEqual("testing", schema.getAlgorithm());
            Assert.AreEqual("99.99", schema.getVersion());

            StagingTable table = _STAGING.getTable("ajcc_descriptor_codes");

            Assert.AreEqual("testing", table.getAlgorithm());
            Assert.AreEqual("99.99", table.getVersion());
            Assert.AreEqual(6, table.getTableRows().Count);

            HashSet <String> involved = _STAGING.getInvolvedTables("urethra");

            Assert.AreEqual(62, involved.Count);

            StagingData data = new StagingData();

            data.setInput("site", "C680");
            data.setInput("hist", "8000");
            data.setInput("behavior", "3");
            data.setInput("grade", "9");
            data.setInput("year_dx", "2013");
            data.setInput("cs_input_version_original", "020550");
            data.setInput("extension", "100");
            data.setInput("extension_eval", "9");
            data.setInput("nodes", "100");
            data.setInput("nodes_eval", "9");
            data.setInput("mets", "10");
            data.setInput("mets_eval", "9");

            // perform the staging

            Assert.AreEqual(StagingData.Result.STAGED, data.getResult());
            Assert.AreEqual("urethra", data.getSchemaId());
            Assert.AreEqual(0, data.getErrors().Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(37, data.getPath().Count);

            // check output
            Assert.AreEqual("129", data.getOutput("schema_number"));
            Assert.AreEqual("020550", data.getOutput("csver_derived"));

            // AJCC 6
            Assert.AreEqual("70", data.getOutput("stor_ajcc6_stage"));

            // AJCC 7
            Assert.AreEqual("700", data.getOutput("stor_ajcc7_stage"));

            // Summary Stage
            Assert.AreEqual("7", data.getOutput("stor_ss77"));
            Assert.AreEqual("7", data.getOutput("stor_ss2000"));
Beispiel #19
        // Stage the passed case.
        // @param data all input values are passed through this database
        // @return the same StagingData with output values filled in
        public StagingData stage(StagingData data)
            // first clear out schema/output/errors/path

            data.setOutput(new Dictionary <String, String>(100, StringComparer.Ordinal));
            data.setErrors(new List <Error>(100));
            data.setPath(new List <String>(100));

            // make sure site and histology are supplied
            if (data.getInput(StagingData.PRIMARY_SITE_KEY) == null || data.getInput(StagingData.HISTOLOGY_KEY) == null)

            // get the schema; if a single schema is not found, return right away with an error
            List <StagingSchema> schemas = lookupSchema(new SchemaLookup(data.getInput()));

            if (schemas.Count != 1)
                if (schemas.Count == 0)

            StagingSchema schema = null;

            if (schemas.Count > 0)
                schema = schemas[0];

            // add schema id to result

            // copy the input into a new context
            Dictionary <String, String> context = new Dictionary <String, String>(data.getInput(), StringComparer.Ordinal);

            // make sure all supplied inputs are defined in the definition
            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, String> entry in context)
                if (!schema.getInputMap().ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                    data.addError(new Error.ErrorBuilder(Error.Type.UNKNOWN_INPUT).message("Unknown input key supplied: " + entry.Key).key(entry.Key).build());

            if (data.getErrors().Count > 0)

            // add context variables

            // check that year of DX is valid
            if (!isContextValid(schema.getId(), StagingData.YEAR_DX_KEY, context))

            // perform the staging
            Result result = _engine.process(schemas[0].getId(), context);

            // remove the context variables

            // set the staging data result based on the Result returned from the DecisionEngine
            if (Result.Type.FAILED_INPUT == result.getType())

            // remove the original input keys from the resulting context;  in addition, we want to remove any input keys
            // from the resulting context that were set with a default value; to accomplish this remove all keys that are
            // defined as input in the selected schema
            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, String> entry in data.getInput())
            foreach (StagingSchemaInput input in schemas[0].getInputs())

            // add the results to the data card

Beispiel #20
        // Initialize data provider
        private void init(Stream inStream)
            HashSet <String> algorithms = new HashSet <String>();
            HashSet <String> versions   = new HashSet <String>();

            using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(inStream, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
                foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries)
                    if ((entry.Name.Length == 0) || (!entry.Name.EndsWith(".json")))

                    if (entry.FullName.StartsWith("tables"))
                        String       s     = extractEntry(entry);
                        StagingTable table = new StagingTable();
                        table = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StagingTable>(s);

                        if (DebugSettings.DEBUG_LOADED_TABLES)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Table: ");
                            Debug.WriteLine(table.GetDebugString("  "));



                        _tables[table.getId()] = table;
                    else if (entry.FullName.StartsWith("schemas"))
                        String        s      = extractEntry(entry);
                        StagingSchema schema = new StagingSchema();
                        schema = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StagingSchema>(s);

                        if (DebugSettings.DEBUG_LOADED_SCHEMAS)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Schema: ");
                            Debug.WriteLine(schema.GetDebugString("  "));



                        _schemas[schema.getId()] = schema;

            // verify that all the algorithm names and versions are consistent
            if (algorithms.Count != 1)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Error initializing provider; only a single algorithm should be included in file");
            if (versions.Count != 1)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Error initializing provider; only a single version should be included in file");

            HashSet <String> .Enumerator enumAlg = algorithms.GetEnumerator();
            HashSet <String> .Enumerator enumVer = versions.GetEnumerator();
            _algorithm = enumAlg.Current;
            _version   = enumVer.Current;


            // finally, initialize any caches now that everything else has been set up
        // Initialize a schema.
        // @param schema schema entity
        // @return initialized schema entity
        public static StagingSchema initSchema(StagingSchema schema)
            // parse the schema selection ranges
            if (schema.getSchemaSelectionTable() == null)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Schemas must have a schema selection table.");

            // store the inputs in a Map that can searched more efficiently
            if (schema.getInputs() != null)
                Dictionary <String, IInput> parsedInputMap = new Dictionary <String, IInput>();

                foreach (StagingSchemaInput input in schema.getInputs())
                    // verify that all inputs contain a key
                    if (input.getKey() == null)
                        throw new System.InvalidOperationException("All input definitions must have a 'key' defined.");

                    parsedInputMap[input.getKey()] = input;


            // store the outputs in a Map that can searched more efficiently
            if (schema.getOutputs() != null)
                Dictionary <String, IOutput> parsedOutputMap = new Dictionary <String, IOutput>();

                foreach (StagingSchemaOutput output in schema.getOutputs())
                    // verify that all inputs contain a key
                    if (output.getKey() == null)
                        throw new System.InvalidOperationException("All output definitions must have a 'key' defined.");

                    parsedOutputMap[output.getKey()] = output;


            // make sure that the mapping initial context does not set a value for an input field
            if (schema.getMappings() != null)
                foreach (StagingMapping mapping in schema.getMappings())
                    if (mapping.getInitialContext() != null)
                        foreach (StagingKeyValue kv in mapping.getInitialContext())
                            if (schema.getInputMap().ContainsKey(kv.getKey()))
                                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The key '" + kv.getKey() + "' is defined in an initial context, but that is not allowed since it is also defined as an input.");
