Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies the specified event packages to the destination index along with any other event information, such as
        /// event and cab notes from the source index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="product">Product owning the file.</param>
        /// <param name="file">File owning the events.</param>
        /// <param name="eventPackages">Events to copy.</param>
        private void copyEventBlock(StackHashProduct product, StackHashFile file, StackHashEventPackageCollection eventPackages)
            foreach (StackHashEventPackage eventPackage in eventPackages)
                if (this.CurrentTaskState.AbortRequested)
                    throw new StackHashException("Index event copy aborted", StackHashServiceErrorCode.Aborted);

                // Only add the event if it doesn't already exist in the destination index.
                if (!m_DestinationIndex.EventExists(product, file, eventPackage.EventData))
                    m_DestinationIndex.AddEvent(product, file, eventPackage.EventData);

                // Only normalize when copying from an XML index. Normalizing the event infos sets the dates to midnight PST.
                // The old XML index had - non-normalized dates.
                if (m_SourceIndex.IndexType == ErrorIndexType.Xml)
                    eventPackage.EventInfoList = eventPackage.EventInfoList.Normalize();

                // This call will only add new event infos. Duplicates will be discarded.
                m_DestinationIndex.AddEventInfoCollection(product, file, eventPackage.EventData, eventPackage.EventInfoList);

                // Copy the cabs for the event package.
                foreach (StackHashCabPackage cab in eventPackage.Cabs)
                    if (this.CurrentTaskState.AbortRequested)
                        throw new StackHashException("Index cab copy aborted", StackHashServiceErrorCode.Aborted);

                    // Only add the cab if it doesn't already exist.
                    if (!m_DestinationIndex.CabExists(product, file, eventPackage.EventData, cab.Cab))
                        m_DestinationIndex.AddCab(product, file, eventPackage.EventData, cab.Cab, true);

                    // Get the cab notes. This call will retrieve them in the order they were added so no need to sort.
                    StackHashNotes cabNotes     = m_SourceIndex.GetCabNotes(product, file, eventPackage.EventData, cab.Cab);
                    StackHashNotes destCabNotes = m_DestinationIndex.GetCabNotes(product, file, eventPackage.EventData, cab.Cab);

                    foreach (StackHashNoteEntry note in cabNotes)
                        if (this.CurrentTaskState.AbortRequested)
                            throw new StackHashException("Index cab note copy aborted", StackHashServiceErrorCode.Aborted);

                        // Only add the note if it hasn't already been added to the destination index.
                        // This could have happened if the same event is associated with more than 1 file or product.
                        if (!destCabNotes.ContainsNote(note))
                            // Set the note id to 0 so a new one will be allocated.
                            note.NoteId = 0;
                            m_DestinationIndex.AddCabNote(product, file, eventPackage.EventData, cab.Cab, note);

                    // Copy the cab files over.
                    copyCabFiles(m_SourceIndex, m_DestinationIndex, product, file, eventPackage, cab.Cab);

                // Copy the cab notes for this event.
                StackHashNotes eventNotes     = m_SourceIndex.GetEventNotes(product, file, eventPackage.EventData);
                StackHashNotes destEventNotes = m_DestinationIndex.GetEventNotes(product, file, eventPackage.EventData);

                foreach (StackHashNoteEntry note in eventNotes)
                    if (this.CurrentTaskState.AbortRequested)
                        throw new StackHashException("Index event note copy aborted", StackHashServiceErrorCode.Aborted);

                    // Only add the note if it hasn't already been added to the destination index.
                    if (!destEventNotes.ContainsNote(note))
                        // Set the note id to 0 so a new one will be added (and not replace an existing one).
                        note.NoteId = 0;
                        m_DestinationIndex.AddEventNote(product, file, eventPackage.EventData, note);

                // Report progress to clients. Progress is reported after each event but only for integral % completions.
                // Therefore this call won't actually send an event to the client every time.
                reportProgress(m_CurrentEvent, m_TotalEvents, eventPackage.EventData.Id);
Beispiel #2
        public static void CreateTestIndex(IErrorIndex index, StackHashTestIndexData testData, bool includeDuplicates)
            if (testData.EventsToAssignCabs == 0)
                testData.EventsToAssignCabs = 1;

            Random rand       = new Random(1);
            Random scriptRand = new Random(1);

            if (index == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("index");
            if (testData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("testData");

            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            int fileId    = 1;
            int eventId   = 1;
            int cabId     = 1;
            int productId = 1;
            int offset    = 10000;

            if (!s_IsTestMode)
                productId = 26214;
                fileId    = 1035620;
                eventId   = 1099309964;
                cabId     = 939529168;

            int initialFileId  = fileId;
            int initialEventId = eventId;
            int initialCabId   = cabId;
            int initialOffset  = offset;

            int totalEventsPerProduct = testData.NumberOfFiles * testData.NumberOfEvents;

            index.SetLastSyncTimeLocal(-2, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-14));

            for (int i = 0; i < testData.NumberOfProducts; i++)
                StackHashProduct product = new StackHashProduct();
                product.DateCreatedLocal  = now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1 * (rand.Next() % 180)).RoundToPreviousMinute();
                product.DateModifiedLocal = product.DateCreatedLocal.AddDays(rand.Next(-10, 10)).RoundToPreviousMinute();
                product.FilesLink         = "";
                product.Id             = productId;
                product.Name           = "StackHash" + productId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                product.TotalEvents    = totalEventsPerProduct;
                product.TotalResponses = 1;
                product.Version        = "1.2.3." + productId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);


                if (includeDuplicates)
                    fileId  = initialFileId;
                    eventId = initialEventId;
                    cabId   = initialCabId;
                    offset  = initialOffset;
                    rand    = new Random(1);

                for (int j = 0; j < testData.NumberOfFiles; j++)
                    StackHashFile file = new StackHashFile();

                    file.DateCreatedLocal  = now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1 * (rand.Next() % 180)).RoundToPreviousMinute();
                    file.DateModifiedLocal = file.DateCreatedLocal.AddDays(rand.Next(-10, 10)).RoundToPreviousMinute();
                    file.Id            = fileId++;
                    file.LinkDateLocal = file.DateCreatedLocal.AddDays(rand.Next(-10, 10)).RoundToPreviousMinute();

                    int fileIndex = rand.Next() % s_FileNames.Length;

                    file.Name    = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}", s_FileNames[fileIndex], "dll");
                    file.Version = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}{3}.{4}",
                                                 fileId, rand.Next() % 99, rand.Next() % 366, rand.Next() % 5 + 2005, (j + 1) * 1237);

                    index.AddFile(product, file);

                    for (int k = 0; k < testData.NumberOfEvents; k++)
                        int totalHits = 0;

                        Random hitsRand = new Random(k);
                        for (int l = 0; l < testData.NumberOfEventInfos; l++)
                            if (s_IsTestMode)
                                totalHits += (l + k);
                                totalHits += hitsRand.Next(0, 50);

                        StackHashEvent theEvent = new StackHashEvent();

                        theEvent.DateCreatedLocal  = now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1 * (rand.Next() % 180)).RoundToPreviousMinute();
                        theEvent.DateModifiedLocal = theEvent.DateCreatedLocal.AddDays(rand.Next(-10, 10)).RoundToPreviousMinute();

                        theEvent.EventTypeName = s_EventTypes[rand.Next(0, s_EventTypes.Length)];
                        theEvent.FileId        = file.Id;
                        theEvent.Id            = eventId;
                        theEvent.BugId         = "Bug" + eventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        theEvent.TotalHits     = totalHits;

                        theEvent.EventSignature = new StackHashEventSignature();
                        theEvent.EventSignature.ApplicationName      = "StackHash.exe";
                        theEvent.EventSignature.ApplicationTimeStamp = now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(rand.Next(-180, 0));
                        theEvent.EventSignature.ApplicationVersion   = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}{3}.{4}",
                                                                                     eventId, rand.Next() % 99, rand.Next() % 366, rand.Next() % 5 + 2005, (Math.Abs(eventId) + 1) * 1234);
                        theEvent.EventSignature.ExceptionCode = 0xc0000000 + rand.Next(0, 16);

                        theEvent.EventSignature.ModuleName      = "Module" + k.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        theEvent.EventSignature.ModuleTimeStamp = now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1 * ((rand.Next() % 200)));
                        theEvent.EventSignature.ModuleVersion   = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}{3}.{4}",
                                                                                eventId, rand.Next() % 99, rand.Next() % 366, rand.Next() % 5 + 2005, (Math.Abs(eventId) + 1) * 1234);

                        if (s_IsTestMode)
                            theEvent.EventSignature.Offset = offset--;   // Make these go backwards.
                            theEvent.EventSignature.Offset = rand.Next(0, 0xfffff);

                        theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters = new StackHashParameterCollection();
                        theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters.Add(new StackHashParameter("applicationName", theEvent.EventSignature.ApplicationName));
                        theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters.Add(new StackHashParameter("applicationTimeStamp", theEvent.EventSignature.ApplicationTimeStamp.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
                        theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters.Add(new StackHashParameter("applicationVersion", theEvent.EventSignature.ApplicationVersion));
                        theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters.Add(new StackHashParameter("exceptionCode", String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:X}", theEvent.EventSignature.ExceptionCode)));
                        theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters.Add(new StackHashParameter("moduleName", theEvent.EventSignature.ModuleName));
                        theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters.Add(new StackHashParameter("moduleTimeStamp", theEvent.EventSignature.ModuleTimeStamp.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
                        theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters.Add(new StackHashParameter("moduleVersion", theEvent.EventSignature.ModuleVersion.ToString()));
                        theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters.Add(new StackHashParameter("offset", String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:X}", theEvent.EventSignature.Offset)));
                        index.AddEvent(product, file, theEvent);

                        // Allow for some duplicate event ids.
                        if (!s_IsTestMode)
                            //if (rand.Next(0, 100) > 5)
                            //    eventId++;

                            //if (rand.Next(0, 100) > 50)
                            //    eventId = -1 * eventId;

                        hitsRand = new Random(k);
                        StackHashEventInfoCollection eventInfoCollection = new StackHashEventInfoCollection();
                        for (int l = 0; l < testData.NumberOfEventInfos; l++)
                            int languageIndex = rand.Next() % s_Languages.Length;

                            if (s_IsTestMode)
                                languageIndex = l % s_Languages.Length;

                            StackHashEventInfo eventInfo = new StackHashEventInfo();
                            eventInfo.DateCreatedLocal  = now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1 * (rand.Next() % 180)).RoundToPreviousMinute();
                            eventInfo.DateModifiedLocal = eventInfo.DateCreatedLocal.AddDays(l).RoundToPreviousMinute();

                            if (s_IsTestMode)
                                eventInfo.HitDateLocal = now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1 * l).RoundToPreviousMinute();
                                eventInfo.HitDateLocal = now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(rand.Next(-180, 0)).RoundToPreviousMinute();

                            eventInfo.Language = s_Languages[languageIndex].Name;
                            eventInfo.Lcid     = s_Languages[languageIndex].Lcid;
                            eventInfo.Locale   = s_Languages[languageIndex].LocaleCode;

                            int osIndex = rand.Next(0, s_OperatingSystems.Length);
                            if (s_IsTestMode)
                                osIndex = l % s_OperatingSystems.Length;
                            eventInfo.OperatingSystemName = s_OperatingSystems[osIndex];

                            if (s_IsTestMode)
                                eventInfo.OperatingSystemVersion = s_OperatingSystemVersions[osIndex] + l.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                eventInfo.OperatingSystemVersion = s_OperatingSystemVersions[osIndex];

                            if (s_IsTestMode)
                                eventInfo.TotalHits = l + k;
                                eventInfo.TotalHits = hitsRand.Next(0, 50);

                            if (eventInfoCollection.FindEventInfo(eventInfo) == null)

                        index.MergeEventInfoCollection(product, file, theEvent, eventInfoCollection);

                        for (int m = 0; m < testData.NumberOfCabs; m++)
                            if ((k % testData.EventsToAssignCabs) != 0)

                            StackHashCab cab = new StackHashCab();

                            if (IsTestMode)
                                cab.DateCreatedLocal  = now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1 * m).RoundToPreviousMinute();
                                cab.DateModifiedLocal = cab.DateCreatedLocal.AddDays(m).RoundToPreviousMinute();
                                cab.DateCreatedLocal  = now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1 * (rand.Next() % 180)).RoundToPreviousMinute();
                                cab.DateModifiedLocal = cab.DateCreatedLocal.AddDays(m).RoundToPreviousMinute();
                            cab.EventId       = theEvent.Id;
                            cab.EventTypeName = theEvent.EventTypeName;
                            cab.FileName      = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}-{1}-{2}.cab", cab.EventId, cab.EventTypeName, cab.Id);
                            cab.Id            = cabId++;
                            cab.SizeInBytes   = 64123 + rand.Next(-4000, 4000); // Some random value - corrected later if a real file exists.
                            cab.CabDownloaded = true;

                            // Get the size of the cab file.
                            String sourceCabFile;
                            if (testData.CabFileName != null)
                                sourceCabFile = Path.Combine(TestSettings.TestDataFolder + @"Cabs\", testData.CabFileName);
                            else if (testData.UseLargeCab)
                                sourceCabFile = TestSettings.TestDataFolder + @"Cabs\";
                                sourceCabFile = TestSettings.TestDataFolder + @"Cabs\";

                            if (File.Exists(sourceCabFile))
                                FileInfo sourceCabFileInfo = new FileInfo(sourceCabFile);
                                cab.SizeInBytes = sourceCabFileInfo.Length;

                            index.AddCab(product, file, theEvent, cab, false);

                            // Copy in a test cab file.

                            String cabFolder = index.GetCabFolder(product, file, theEvent, cab);
                            if (!Directory.Exists(cabFolder))
                            String cabFileName = index.GetCabFileName(product, file, theEvent, cab);

                            if (!File.Exists(cabFileName))
                                if (testData.CabFileName != null)
                                    File.Copy(Path.Combine(TestSettings.TestDataFolder + @"Cabs\", testData.CabFileName), cabFileName);
                                else if (testData.UseLargeCab)
                                    File.Copy(TestSettings.TestDataFolder + @"Cabs\", cabFileName);
                                    File.Copy(TestSettings.TestDataFolder + @"Cabs\", cabFileName);

                            // Make sure the file is not read only.
                            FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(cabFileName);
                            attributes &= ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly;
                            File.SetAttributes(cabFileName, attributes);

                            // Unwrap the cab.
                            if (testData.UnwrapCabs)
                                Cabs.ExtractCab(cabFileName, cabFolder);

                            if (testData.NumberOfScriptResults > 0)
                                String analysisFolder = index.GetCabFolder(product, file, theEvent, cab) + "\\analysis";

                                if (!Directory.Exists(analysisFolder))

                                for (int scriptCount = 0; scriptCount < testData.NumberOfScriptResults; scriptCount++)
                                    CreateScriptFile(scriptCount, cab.Id, analysisFolder, scriptRand.Next(5), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, 2, testData.ScriptFileSize);

                            StackHashNotes cabNotes = index.GetCabNotes(product, file, theEvent, cab);
                            for (int q = 0; q < testData.NumberOfCabNotes; q++)
                                StackHashNoteEntry note = new StackHashNoteEntry(now.ToUniversalTime().RoundToPreviousSecond(), "User", "MarkJ", "This is a cab note" + q.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                                // Don't add duplicate cab notes in the SQL index. The XML index may contain duplicates.
                                if (index.IndexType == ErrorIndexType.Xml || !cabNotes.ContainsNote(note))
                                    index.AddCabNote(product, file, theEvent, cab, note);

                        StackHashNotes eventNotes = index.GetEventNotes(product, file, theEvent);
                        for (int p = 0; p < testData.NumberOfEventNotes; p++)
                            StackHashNoteEntry note = new StackHashNoteEntry(now.ToUniversalTime().RoundToPreviousSecond(), "User", "MarkJ", "This is an event note" + p.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                            // Don't add duplicate event notes in the SQL index. The XML index may contain duplicates.
                            if (index.IndexType == ErrorIndexType.Xml || !eventNotes.ContainsNote(note))
                                index.AddEventNote(product, file, theEvent, note);