Beispiel #1
 public StCoordinate(decimal val, StCoordType type)
     Value = val;
     Bytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetBytesFromValue(Value, StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, type);
        private void CalculateBytes()
            if (HasM)
                throw new NotSupportedException("M not managed yet : Code is written, but not tested");

            var allBytes  = new List <byte>();
            var allZBytes = new List <byte>();
            var allMBytes = new List <byte>();

            // The first point will be set normaly
            List <List <byte> > previousBytesList = StGeometryHelper.GetEncodedValues(StGeometryHelper.RemoveHeader(Points[0].Bytes));

            allBytes.AddRange(previousBytesList[0]); // X
            allBytes.AddRange(previousBytesList[1]); // Y
            if (HasZ)
            if (HasM)

            // The next point are set with the difference between the current coordinate and the previous one
            for (int i = 1; i < Points.Count; ++i)
                List <List <byte> > bytesList = StGeometryHelper.GetEncodedValues(StGeometryHelper.RemoveHeader(Points[i].Bytes));
                byte[] xBytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetDifferenceFromBytes(bytesList[0].ToArray(), previousBytesList[0].ToArray(), StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, StCoordType.X);

                byte[] yBytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetDifferenceFromBytes(bytesList[1].ToArray(), previousBytesList[1].ToArray(), StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, StCoordType.Y);

                if (HasZ && HasM)
                    byte[] zBytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetDifferenceFromBytes(bytesList[2].ToArray(), previousBytesList[2].ToArray(), StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, StCoordType.Z);
                    byte[] mBytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetDifferenceFromBytes(bytesList[3].ToArray(), previousBytesList[3].ToArray(), StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, StCoordType.M);
                else if (HasZ)
                    byte[] zBytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetDifferenceFromBytes(bytesList[2].ToArray(), previousBytesList[2].ToArray(), StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, StCoordType.Z);
                else if (HasM)
                    byte[] mBytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetDifferenceFromBytes(bytesList[2].ToArray(), previousBytesList[3].ToArray(), StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, StCoordType.M);

                previousBytesList = bytesList;

            // Add Z et M Bytes to XY ones
            if (HasZ)
            if (HasM)

            // Add reserved bytes
            List <byte> header = StGeometryHelper.GenerateHeader(this, allBytes);

            allBytes.InsertRange(0, header);
            Bytes = allBytes.ToArray();
Beispiel #3
 public StCoordinate(byte[] points, StCoordType type)
     Bytes = points;
     Value = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetValueFromBytes(Bytes, StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, type);
        private void SetGeometry(List <List <byte> > bytesList)
            // Bytes are NOT stored in an intuitive way : X1 Y1 Z1   X2 Y2 Z2   X3 Y3 Z3
            // But in a other way : X1 Y1   X2 Y2   X3 Y3   Z1 Z2 Z3
            // Ex : LINESTRING Z (0 0 0, 1 1 1) : {128 168 198 186 141 17} {128 239 136 224 159 19} {144 156 1} {144 156 1} {128 168 214 185 7} {144 156 1}

            if (HasM)
                throw new NotSupportedException("M not managed yet : Code is written, but not tested");

            Points = new List <StPoint>();

            int zIndex = 0;
            int mIndex = 0;
            int count  = bytesList.Count;

            if (HasZ && HasM)
                zIndex = bytesList.Count / 4 * 2;
                mIndex = bytesList.Count / 4 * 3;
                count  = bytesList.Count / 2;
            else if (HasZ || HasM)
                zIndex = bytesList.Count / 3 * 2;
                mIndex = bytesList.Count / 3 * 2;
                count  = bytesList.Count / 3 * 2;

            // The first point will be set normaly
            StPoint point;

            if (HasZ && HasM)
                point = new StPoint(bytesList[0].ToArray(), bytesList[1].ToArray(), bytesList[zIndex].ToArray(), bytesList[mIndex].ToArray());
            else if (HasZ)
                point = new StPoint(bytesList[0].ToArray(), bytesList[1].ToArray(), bytesList[zIndex].ToArray());
            else if (HasM)
                point = new StPoint(bytesList[0].ToArray(), bytesList[1].ToArray(), null, bytesList[mIndex].ToArray());
                point = new StPoint(bytesList[0].ToArray(), bytesList[1].ToArray());

            // The next point are set with the difference between the current coordinate and the previous one
            StPoint previousPoint = point;

            for (int i = 2; i < count; i += 2)
                byte[] xBytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetBytesFromDifference(bytesList[i].ToArray(), previousPoint.X.Bytes, StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, StCoordType.X);
                byte[] yBytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetBytesFromDifference(bytesList[i + 1].ToArray(), previousPoint.Y.Bytes, StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, StCoordType.Y);

                if (HasZ && HasM)
                    byte[] zBytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetBytesFromDifference(bytesList[zIndex + i / 2].ToArray(), previousPoint.Z.Bytes, StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, StCoordType.Z);
                    byte[] mBytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetBytesFromDifference(bytesList[mIndex + i / 2].ToArray(), previousPoint.M.Bytes, StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, StCoordType.M);
                    point = new StPoint(xBytes, yBytes, zBytes, mBytes);
                else if (HasZ)
                    byte[] zBytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetBytesFromDifference(bytesList[zIndex + i / 2].ToArray(), previousPoint.Z.Bytes, StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, StCoordType.Z);
                    point = new StPoint(xBytes, yBytes, zBytes);
                else if (HasM)
                    byte[] mBytes = StCoordinatesSystemHelper.GetBytesFromDifference(bytesList[mIndex + i / 2].ToArray(), previousPoint.M.Bytes, StParameters.CoordinatesSystem, StCoordType.M);
                    point = new StPoint(xBytes, yBytes, null, mBytes);
                    point = new StPoint(xBytes, yBytes);


                previousPoint = point;