Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Produce Documentation of an SSIS package
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o"></param>
        private static void ProduceSsisDocumentation(SsisObject o, string filename, string htmlOutputFilename)
            // First find all the connection strings
            var connstrings = from SsisObject c in o.Children where c.DtsObjectType == "DTS:ConnectionManager" select c;
            //ConnectionWriter.WriteConnections(connstrings, filename);

            // Find all the Variables
            var variables = from SsisObject c in o.Children where c.DtsObjectType == "DTS:Variable" select c;

            // Next, get all the executable functions
            var functions = from SsisObject c in o.Children where c.DtsObjectType == "DTS:Executable" select c;

            if (!functions.Any())
                var executables         = from SsisObject c in o.Children where c.DtsObjectType == "DTS:Executables" select c;
                List <SsisObject> flist = new List <SsisObject>();
                foreach (var exec in executables)
                    flist.AddRange(from e in exec.Children where e.DtsObjectType == "DTS:Executable" select e);
                if (flist.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("No functions ('DTS:Executable') objects found in the specified file.");
                functions = flist;

            WriteDocumentation(o, variables, connstrings, functions, filename);
            ConvertToHtml(filename, htmlOutputFilename);
Beispiel #2
        public static void ParseSsisPackage(string ssis_filename, string output_folder, SqlCompatibilityType SqlMode = SqlCompatibilityType.SQL2008, bool UseSqlSMO = true)
            XmlReaderSettings set = new XmlReaderSettings();

            set.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
            SsisObject o = new SsisObject();

            gSqlMode = SqlMode;

            // Make sure output folder exists

            // Set the appropriate flag for SMO usage
            ProjectWriter.UseSqlServerManagementObjects = UseSqlSMO;

            // TODO: Should read the dtproj file instead of the dtsx file, then produce multiple classes, one for each .DTSX file

            // Read in the file, one element at a time
            XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();

            ReadObject(xd.DocumentElement, o);

            // Now let's produce something meaningful out of this mess!
            ProduceSsisDotNetPackage(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ssis_filename), o, output_folder);
Beispiel #3
        public static void Help(SsisObject obj, string message)
            // Figure out what to display
            string s = null;

            if (obj == null)
                s = "Help! " + message;
                Guid g = obj.GetNearestGuid();
                if (g == Guid.Empty)
                    s = String.Format("File {0} Line {1}: {2}", "program.cs", LineNumber, message);
                    s = String.Format("File {0} Line {1}: {2} (DTSID: {3})", "program.cs", LineNumber, message, obj.GetNearestGuid());
            WriteLine("{0}// ImportError: {1}", new string(' ', IndentSize), message);

            // Log this problem

            // Emit a comment
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to read an SSIS package and produce a meaningful C# program
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ssis_filename"></param>
        /// <param name="output_folder"></param>
        public static SsisObject ParseSsisPackage(string ssis_filename, SqlCompatibilityType SqlMode = SqlCompatibilityType.SQL2008, bool UseSqlSMO = true)
            XmlReaderSettings set = new XmlReaderSettings();

            set.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
            SsisObject o = new SsisObject();

            gSqlMode = SqlMode;

            // Set the appropriate flag for SMO usage
            ProjectWriter.UseSqlServerManagementObjects = UseSqlSMO;

            // Read in the file, one element at a time
            XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeReader xl = new XmlNodeReader(xd);
            DataSet       d  = new DataSet();

            d.ReadXml(xl, XmlReadMode.IgnoreSchema);

            ReadObject(xd.DocumentElement, o);

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Produce C# files that replicate the functionality of an SSIS package
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o"></param>
        private static void ProduceSsisDotNetPackage(string projectname, SsisObject o, string output_folder)
            ProjectWriter.AppFolder = output_folder;

            // First find all the connection strings and write them to an app.config file
            var connstrings = from SsisObject c in o.Children where c.DtsObjectType == "DTS:ConnectionManager" select c;

            ConnectionWriter.WriteAppConfig(connstrings, Path.Combine(output_folder, "app.config"));

            // Next, write all the executable functions to the main file
            var functions = from SsisObject c in o.Children where c.DtsObjectType == "DTS:Executable" select c;

            if (!functions.Any())
                var executables         = from SsisObject c in o.Children where c.DtsObjectType == "DTS:Executables" select c;
                List <SsisObject> flist = new List <SsisObject>();
                foreach (var exec in executables)
                    flist.AddRange(from e in exec.Children where e.DtsObjectType == "DTS:Executable" select e);
                if (flist.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("No functions ('DTS:Executable') objects found in the specified file.");
                functions = flist;
            var variables = from SsisObject c in o.Children where c.DtsObjectType == "DTS:Variable" select c;

            WriteProgram(variables, functions, Path.Combine(output_folder, "program.cs"), projectname);

            // Next write the resources and the project file
            ProjectWriter.WriteResourceAndProjectFile(output_folder, projectname);
Beispiel #6
 public override string ToString()
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Expression))
         return(String.Format(@"After **{0}** EXECUTE **{1}**", SsisObject.GetObjectByGuid(BeforeGuid).GetFunctionName(), SsisObject.GetObjectByGuid(AfterGuid).GetFunctionName()));
         return(String.Format(@"After **{0}**, IF ({2}), EXECUTE **{1}**", SsisObject.GetObjectByGuid(BeforeGuid).GetFunctionName(), SsisObject.GetObjectByGuid(AfterGuid).GetFunctionName(), Expression));
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the connection string name when given a GUID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn_guid_str"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetConnectionStringName(string conn_guid_str)
            SsisObject connobj = SsisObject.GetObjectByGuid(Guid.Parse(conn_guid_str));
            string     connstr = "";

            if (connobj != null)
                connstr = connobj.DtsObjectName;
 public override string ToString()
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Expression))
         return(String.Format(@"After ""{0}"" execute ""{1}""", SsisObject.GetObjectByGuid(BeforeGuid).GetFunctionName(), SsisObject.GetObjectByGuid(AfterGuid).GetFunctionName()));
         return(String.Format(@"After ""{0}"", if ({2}), ""{1}""", SsisObject.GetObjectByGuid(BeforeGuid).GetFunctionName(), SsisObject.GetObjectByGuid(AfterGuid).GetFunctionName(), Expression));
Beispiel #9
        public PrecedenceData(SsisObject o)
            // Retrieve the two guids
            SsisObject prior = o.GetChildByTypeAndAttr("DTS:Executable", "DTS:IsFrom", "-1");

            BeforeGuid = Guid.Parse(prior.Attributes["IDREF"]);
            SsisObject posterior = o.GetChildByTypeAndAttr("DTS:Executable", "DTS:IsFrom", "0");

            AfterGuid = Guid.Parse(posterior.Attributes["IDREF"]);

            // Retrieve the expression to evaluate
            o.Properties.TryGetValue("Expression", out Expression);
Beispiel #10
        public static void EmitScriptProject(SsisObject o, string indent)
            // Find the script object child
            var script = o.GetChildByType("DTS:ObjectData").GetChildByType("ScriptProject");

            // Create a folder for this script
            string project_folder = Path.Combine("C://SSIS//Scripts", o.GetFolderName());


            // Extract all the individual script files in this script
            foreach (SsisObject child in script.Children)
                string fn  = project_folder + child.Attributes["Name"];
                string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(fn);

                if (child.DtsObjectType == "BinaryItem")
                    byte[] contents = System.Convert.FromBase64String(child.ContentValue);
                    File.WriteAllBytes(fn, contents);
                else if (child.DtsObjectType == "ProjectItem")
                    File.WriteAllText(fn, child.ContentValue);

                // Handle DLL files specially - they are binary!  Oh yeah base64 encoded
                if (fn.EndsWith(".dll"))

                    // Note this as a potential problem
                    SourceWriter.Help(o, "The Visual Basic project " + child.Attributes["Name"] + " was embedded in the DTSX project.  Visual Basic code cannot be automatically converted.");

                    // Show the user that this is how the script should be executed, if they want to fix it
                    SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}//{1}.ScriptMain sm = new {1}.ScriptMain();", indent, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fn).Replace("scripttask", "ScriptTask"));
                    SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}//sm.Main();", indent);

                    // Is this a project file?
                else if (fn.EndsWith(".vbproj") || fn.EndsWith(".csproj"))
 public ColumnVariable(SsisObject o)
     int.TryParse(o.Attributes["id"], out ID);
     Name         = o.Attributes["name"];
     SsisTypeName = o.Attributes["dataType"];
     if (o.Attributes.ContainsKey("lineageId"))
         LineageID = o.Attributes["lineageId"];
     Precision = o.Attributes["precision"];
     Scale     = o.Attributes["scale"];
     CodePage  = o.Attributes["codePage"];
     Length    = o.Attributes["length"];
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive read function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xr"></param>
        /// <param name="o"></param>
        private static void ReadObject(XmlElement el, SsisObject o)
            // Read in the object name
            o.DtsObjectType = el.Name;

            // Read in attributes
            foreach (XmlAttribute xa in el.Attributes)
                o.Attributes.Add(xa.Name, xa.Value);

            // Iterate through all children of this element
            foreach (XmlNode child in el.ChildNodes)
                // For child elements
                if (child is XmlElement)
                    XmlElement child_el = child as XmlElement;

                    // Read in a DTS Property
                    if (child.Name == "DTS:Property" || child.Name == "DTS:PropertyExpression")
                        ReadDtsProperty(child_el, o);

                        // Everything else is a sub-object
                        SsisObject child_obj = new SsisObject();
                        ReadObject(child_el, child_obj);
                        child_obj.Parent = o;
                else if (child is XmlText)
                    o.ContentValue = child.InnerText;
                else if (child is XmlCDataSection)
                    o.ContentValue = child.InnerText;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Write a program file that has all the major executable instructions as functions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variables"></param>
        /// <param name="functions"></param>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        private static void WriteDocumentation(SsisObject o, IEnumerable <SsisObject> variables, IEnumerable <SsisObject> connstrings, IEnumerable <SsisObject> functions, string filename)
            //Get Package Creator Name
            var creatorName = "CreatorName - " + o.Properties["CreatorName"];

            //Get Version GUID
            string versionGuid = "VersionGUID - " + o.Properties["VersionGUID"];

            //Get Package Name
            var packageName = o.DtsObjectName + ".dtsx";

            //var packageName = "PackageName - " + o.DtsObjectName;

            using (SourceWriter.SourceFileStream = new StreamWriter(filename, false, Encoding.UTF8))


                //Write each executable out as a function

                SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"* #### Root Level Executables");
                foreach (SsisObject v in functions)
                    SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"   * {0}", v.DtsObjectName);
                    SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"       * {0}", v.Description);

                SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"* #### Executable Flows");
                foreach (SsisObject v in functions)
                    v.EmitFunctionsAsSequence("\t", new List <ProgramVariable>());

                SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"* #### Executables");
                foreach (SsisObject v in functions)
                    v.EmitFunction("\t", new List <ProgramVariable>());
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Read in a DTS property from the XML stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xr"></param>
        /// <param name="o"></param>
        private static void ReadDtsProperty(XmlElement el, SsisObject o)
            string prop_name = null;

            // Read all the attributes
            foreach (XmlAttribute xa in el.Attributes)
                if (String.Equals(xa.Name, "DTS:Name", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    prop_name = xa.Value;

            // Set the property
            o.SetProperty(prop_name, el.InnerText);
Beispiel #15
        public static void Main()
            string package = "";

            //package = "C:\\SSIS\\packages\\Load_CMOR_DELINQUENCY_GROUP.dtsx";
            //package = "C:\\SSIS\\packages\\Datafeed_Quandis_Main.dtsx";
            //package = "C:\\SSIS\\packages\\Load_CMOR_COMMUNICATION_REF_GROUP.dtsx";
            package = "C:\\SSIS\\packages\\Source_HHF.dtsx";

            SsisObject ssisobj = new SsisObject();

            ssisobj = ParseSsisPackage(package);

            string filename           = "C:\\SSIS\\";
            string htmlOutputFilename = "C:\\SSIS\\program.html";

            ProduceSsisDocumentation(ssisobj, filename, htmlOutputFilename);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the connection string name when given a GUID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn_guid_str"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetConnectionStringPrefix(string conn_guid_str)
            SsisObject connobj = SsisObject.GetObjectByGuid(Guid.Parse(conn_guid_str));

            if (connobj == null)
            string objecttype = connobj.Properties["CreationName"];

            if (objecttype.StartsWith("OLEDB"))
            else if (objecttype.StartsWith("ADO.NET:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection"))
                SourceWriter.Help(null, "I don't understand the database connection type " + objecttype);
        public ProgramVariable(SsisObject o, bool as_global)
            // Figure out what type of a variable we are
            DtsType      = o.GetChildByType("DTS:VariableValue").Attributes["DTS:DataType"];
            CSharpType   = null;
            DefaultValue = o.GetChildByType("DTS:VariableValue").ContentValue;
            Comment      = o.Description;
            Namespace    = o.Properties["Namespace"];
            IsGlobal     = as_global;
            VariableName = o.DtsObjectName;

            // Here are the DTS type codes I know
            if (DtsType == "3")
                CSharpType = "int";
            else if (DtsType == "8")
                CSharpType = "string";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DefaultValue))
                    DefaultValue = "\"" + DefaultValue.Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"";
            else if (DtsType == "13")
                CSharpType   = "DataTable";
                DefaultValue = "new DataTable()";
            else if (DtsType == "2")
                CSharpType = "short";
            else if (DtsType == "11")
                CSharpType = "bool";
                if (DefaultValue == "1")
                    DefaultValue = "true";
                    DefaultValue = "false";
            else if (DtsType == "20")
                CSharpType = "long";
            else if (DtsType == "7")
                CSharpType = "DateTime";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DefaultValue))
                    DefaultValue = "DateTime.Parse(\"" + DefaultValue + "\")";
                SourceWriter.Help(o, "I don't understand DTS type " + DtsType);